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  Messages 1-80 from 80 matching the search criteria.
The Role of Vitamins in Mental Health Darrell Miller 5/31/24
six top-notch supplements that can help you achieve your goals. Darrell Miller 12/6/23
Source Naturals' Ultra Mag: A Balanced Magnesium Blend for Optimal Health Darrell Miller 7/19/23
Hintonia Latiflora Combined With Key Nutrients for Blood Sugar Control Darrell Miller 8/31/20
Omega-3s found to help those suffering from PTSD Darrell Miller 5/6/19
Parsley: An Impressive Herb With Health Benefits Darrell Miller 5/3/19
Probiotics shown to protect against liver damage, study reveals Darrell Miller 4/30/19
How to fight the flu effectively with elderberry Darrell Miller 4/24/19
Take better care of your heart by eating more almonds Darrell Miller 4/2/19
HIV-1 people can boost their immune system with Korean red ginseng Darrell Miller 2/11/19
Supplement with magnesium if you have diabetes it helps reduceinflammation in your body Darrell Miller 1/30/19
A powerful antioxidant: Curcumin protects your heart from damagecaused by diabetes and smoking Darrell Miller 1/10/19
A powerful compound in rosemary protects your brain from damage VitaNet, LLC Staff 9/14/18
Regular consumption of nuts may improve male fertility Darrell Miller 7/5/18
A natural sugar molecule, D-ribose, found to improve heart function and blood flow Darrell Miller 7/4/18
Selenium, vitamin K2 and nicotinamide riboside ride new research toward roles beyond being ... Darrell Miller 5/26/18
Smoking marijuana found to have the same weakening effect on the blood vessels as cigarettes Darrell Miller 4/24/18
Herbal treatments help balance hormone fluctuations and mood swings in women Darrell Miller 4/7/18
You can't beat the beet for muscle recovery: Scientists reveal how the superfood heals muscle damage Darrell Miller 1/3/18
Is Apple Cider Vinegar Safe to Drink? Darrell Miller 10/18/17
These Natural Remedies Will Help You To Remove The Stones In The Kidneys!! Darrell Miller 9/11/17
Boy Who Suffered 100 Seizures A Day Has Zero in 300 Days After Being Prescribed Cannabis Oil Darrell Miller 9/11/17
Almonds may help boost cholesterol clean-up crew Darrell Miller 8/15/17
9 Causes of Leg Cramps–and How To Stop Them Darrell Miller 8/8/17
Can Cannabis Actually Kill Cancer Cells In The Brain? Darrell Miller 7/26/17
The Secret to Effective Weight Loss: Testosterone Darrell Miller 5/23/17
One of the Best Brain Boosters, yet Hardly Anyone Does It Darrell Miller 5/13/17
Are the MCT Oil Nutrition and Health Claims Backed Up? Darrell Miller 5/13/17
Here's How CBD Can Help Your Hyper Toddler Darrell Miller 5/12/17
The simple way to reduce stress and anxiety, according to new research Darrell Miller 3/24/17
Mexico City Study Shows CBD Oil Reduces Seizures For 84% Of Patients Darrell Miller 3/18/17
Medical News Today: Prebiotics could stop stress from harming sleep quality Darrell Miller 3/15/17
How being anti-social keeps you slim: Women are MOST likely to ditch their diets when dining out ... Darrell Miller 3/14/17
Medical News Today: Eight home remedies for treating a cold Darrell Miller 3/13/17
Testosterone Therapy May Have Benefits, But Risks Too Darrell Miller 2/26/17
Evidence points to fish oil to fight asthma Darrell Miller 2/11/17
'Red Yeast Rice' Statin Alternative Not Harmless Either, Study Says Darrell Miller 2/2/17
Best Vitamins and Minerals for Hair Growth Darrell Miller 12/9/16
Colgate toothpaste found to contain cancer-causing chemical Darrell Miller 11/28/16
You Can Repair the Adrenal Glands with the Right Diet Darrell Miller 11/9/16
Are These Factors Causing Inflammation In Your Body? Darrell Miller 11/8/16
Best Vitamins For Weight Loss Darrell Miller 10/31/16
Sooth Diverticulitis Marshmallow Root Darrell Miller 9/27/16
Cranberry Juice Can Help Prevent UTI's In Women Darrell Miller 9/26/16
Kava Roots Helps Those Suffering From Anxiety Darrell Miller 9/21/16
Inflammation Pain Got You Down? EPA Fish Oil Can Help Darrell Miller 10/12/15
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Should I Be Taking DHEA? Darrell Miller 8/31/15
Can Peppermint Tea Sooth An Upset Stomach? Darrell Miller 8/3/15
Boswellia - The Anti-Inflammatory Herb Darrell Miller 7/23/15
Does The Red Raspberry Have Healing Properties? Darrell Miller 3/26/14
Can Xylitol Help Prevent Tooth Decay As a Mouth Wash? Darrell Miller 3/11/14
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Health Benefits Of Liquid Vitamin C Darrell Miller 11/21/12
Health Benefits of Alpha Lipoic Acid Darrell Miller 7/2/12
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What Are The Health Benefits Of Flax Meal? Darrell Miller 2/21/12
How to manage high blood pressure with herbs and vitamins Darrell Miller 2/20/12
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You Can Combat Adrenal Fatigue! Darrell Miller 1/21/11
Fight Anxiety Disorders Naturally Darrell Miller 12/14/10
Stop inflammation in its tracks with Curamin Darrell Miller 8/20/10

The Role of Vitamins in Mental Health

Date: May 31, 2024 03:29 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Role of Vitamins in Mental Health

The Role of Vitamins in Mental Health

With growing awareness of mental health issues, research is increasingly highlighting the connection between vitamins and cognitive function. In recent years, studies have shown that vitamins like B12, D, and Omega-3 fatty acids play a critical role in mental well-being. This article delves into the latest findings and explores how these essential nutrients contribute to a healthier mind.

Vitamin B12: The Brain's Energy Booster

Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin, is crucial for maintaining the health of nerve cells and red blood cells. It is found naturally in animal products, such as meat, fish, and dairy. Deficiency in this vitamin can lead to symptoms such as fatigue, memory loss, and even depression.

Latest Research on B12 and Mental Health

Several studies have examined the link between B12 and mental health. A study published in the American Journal of Psychiatry found that individuals with lower levels of B12 had a higher risk of depression. Similarly, research from the Journal of Neuropsychiatry revealed that elderly patients with B12 deficiencies exhibited more cognitive decline than those with sufficient levels.

How B12 Supports Cognitive Function

B12 plays a vital role in producing neurotransmitters, the chemicals that transmit messages between nerve cells. It also helps in maintaining the myelin sheath, a protective layer around nerves that ensures the swift transmission of neural signals. By supporting these functions, B12 contributes to maintaining cognitive clarity and emotional balance.

Vitamin D: The Sunshine Vitamin

Often referred to as the "sunshine vitamin," Vitamin D is synthesized in the skin upon exposure to sunlight. It can also be obtained from food sources such as fatty fish, fortified dairy products, and eggs. Vitamin D is essential for bone health, but its role in mental health is equally significant.

Latest Research on Vitamin D and Mental Health

A growing body of research has linked Vitamin D deficiency to mental health issues. A meta-analysis published in the Journal of Affective Disorders concluded that individuals with low levels of Vitamin D had a higher incidence of depression. Another study from The Lancet Psychiatry suggested that Vitamin D supplementation improved mood in patients with depression.

How Vitamin D Supports Cognitive Function

Vitamin D receptors are present throughout the brain, indicating that it plays a role in brain function. It helps modulate the release of neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine, which are critical for mood regulation. Adequate levels of Vitamin D can therefore help in maintaining a balanced mood and reducing the risk of mental health disorders.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids: The Mind's Nourishment

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential fats predominantly found in fish such as salmon, mackerel, and sardines. These fats are crucial for brain health and have been the focus of numerous studies investigating their impact on mental well-being.

Latest Research on Omega-3 and Mental Health

Various studies have highlighted the benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids for mental health. A study in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry reported that Omega-3 supplementation significantly reduced symptoms of anxiety. Similarly, research from the American Journal of Psychiatry found that individuals with higher Omega-3 levels experienced fewer depressive symptoms.

How Omega-3 Supports Cognitive Function

Omega-3 fatty acids are integral components of cell membranes in the brain. They play a role in neuroplasticity, the brain's ability to form new neural connections. Additionally, Omega-3s help reduce inflammation, which has been linked to mental health disorders. By supporting these processes, Omega-3 fatty acids contribute to robust cognitive function and emotional stability.

Combining Vitamin Intake for Optimal Mental Health

While each vitamin individually supports cognitive function, combining them can enhance their benefits. For instance, a study in the Nutrition Journal found that a combination of Vitamin B12, Vitamin D, and Omega-3 supplementation improved cognitive performance in older adults more effectively than any single nutrient alone.

Practical Steps for Ensuring Adequate Vitamin Intake

  1. Dietary Choices: Incorporate a variety of nutrient-rich foods into your diet. Include sources of B12 like meat, fish, and dairy; sources of Vitamin D like fatty fish and fortified products; and sources of Omega-3s like fish and flaxseed.
  2. Supplements: Consider taking supplements if obtaining these vitamins through diet alone proves challenging. VitaNet LLC Carries Vitamin B12, Vitamin D3, and Omega-3 along with a large selection of other products.
  3. Sun Exposure: Ensure regular, safe exposure to sunlight to boost Vitamin D levels naturally. Aim for about 15-20 minutes of sunlight several times a week.

Knowledge is Power

Understanding the role of vitamins in mental health underscores the importance of a balanced diet and adequate nutrient intake. Vitamins B12, D, and Omega-3 fatty acids each offer unique benefits that collectively contribute to improved cognitive function and emotional well-being. As research continues to unfold, it becomes increasingly clear that focusing on these essential nutrients is a crucial step toward achieving optimal mental health.

In summary, while mental health is influenced by a myriad of factors, ensuring adequate intake of key vitamins can provide a foundation for better cognitive and emotional outcomes. By adopting healthy dietary habits and considering supplementation when necessary, individuals can take proactive steps to support their mental well-being.


six top-notch supplements that can help you achieve your goals.

Date: December 06, 2023 04:55 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: six top-notch supplements that can help you achieve your goals.

If you're looking to stay in the game longer and improve endurance while promoting rapid recovery, we've got you covered! six top-notch supplements that can help you achieve your goals.

For most of us, life can feel like quite the balancing act. In an ideal world, we would all have ample time throughout the day to dedicate to our health and well-being. However, reality paints a different picture, where 24 hours can seem like an insufficient amount of time to squeeze in work, school, family, and the countless responsibilities that life throws at us. In recent years, the use of supplements for recovery has gained popularity, becoming more common than ever before.

Our bodies face a barrage of daily stresses, including exposure to environmental toxins, electromagnetic pollution, and the strain of intense physical activity. These factors increase our body's demands for antioxidants and essential nutrients that aid in the process of recovery. While consuming antioxidant-rich foods can certainly make a difference, it can be challenging to meet these requirements solely through our diet. That's where a well-rounded supplement regimen can play a crucial role in promoting optimal health and aiding in recovery. Even with our best efforts to exercise regularly, eat nutritious meals, and get sufficient sleep, life in the 21st century can be incredibly demanding, depleting our bodies on a cellular level.

For athletes, consistent training is key to reaching desired performance levels. It's important to understand that the muscle recovery and building process primarily occurs between gym sessions. Developing a comprehensive recovery strategy during this crucial window, through the use of supplements, proper nutrition, and adequate rest, can help athletes perform at their best week in and week out. Failing to make the most of this recovery period may result in free radical damage and delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). To maximize the benefits, it's important to prioritize food as the primary source of vital nutrients, while also recognizing the significant role supplements can play in providing the necessary building blocks for muscle repair due to their rapid absorption rate. However, it's essential to ensure that any chosen supplements are clinically validated, demonstrating efficacy and supported by solid scientific evidence.

In today's fast-paced world, there is a growing demand for quick and convenient solutions to jumpstart the recovery process. Nevertheless, when it comes to choosing supplements, it's important to remember that one size does not fit all. The market offers an overwhelming array of options, often leaving individuals feeling bewildered about which products to select.

Before diving into my recommendations for the top six supplements to aid in recovery, I believe it's crucial to emphasize the significance of cellular renewal and its direct impact on the recovery process. This, in my opinion, serves as the key to achieving a quick and effective recovery.

Oxidation and Free Radical Damage

A fundamental key to staying young and maintaining optimal health is cellular renewal and minimizing the damage to cells over time. We all age, but studies have shown that some individuals age better than others. Have you ever wondered why? Well, recent research has linked oxidative stress to the aging process. So, what exactly is oxidative stress? Allow me to explain in simple terms – oxidation occurs when the body produces by-products commonly known as free radicals. It's almost like a machine rusting, but instead of rust forming on iron, our bodies experience the effects of aging and age-related diseases.

Now, our bodies naturally produce free radicals as part of our daily metabolism, and they can also be produced as a result of environmental pollutants from everyday things like air, water, and even sun exposure. As we age, our bodies become more vulnerable to the long-term effects of oxidative stress, which simply means we accumulate too many free radicals and experience increased inflammation at the cellular level.

As interesting as it may sound, the process of oxidation is actually abundant and can be beneficial for our bodies to function properly. But, and this is an important "but," this very process can also cause potential harm. You see, the oxidizing process creates these molecules called free radicals, which are electrically charged. These free radicals interact with our cells, and this interaction can lead to both positive and negative outcomes. For example, our immune system utilizes free radicals to help fight infection. However, when LDL cholesterol (often referred to as bad cholesterol) is oxidized, it can become a concern (cholesterol buildup).

Let's talk about oxidative stress. It occurs when the level of free radicals overwhelms the body's natural antioxidant defense system, resulting in cell damage. As I mentioned earlier, while free radicals serve useful functions in the body, they are highly unstable molecules. If they remain uncontrolled, they have the potential to wreak havoc by causing damage to cells, enzymes, and even our DNA, which ultimately accelerates the aging process. In addition, these free radicals can also contribute to the development of various age-related diseases, including arthritis, cancer, and heart disease

Now, inflammation is triggered by free radical damage, and it is this inflammation that leads to the negative effects of free radicals due to oxidation. The question then becomes, how can we address this in our daily nutritional regimen? The answer lies in the incorporation of antioxidants, which play a vital role in combating oxidative stress and minimizing the damage caused by free radicals in our bodies. You'll be glad to know that there are foods rich in antioxidant content that can help us on this journey. In fact, certain foods contain phytonutrients that, according to many health professionals, hold the potential to unlock the secrets of longevity and overall well-being.

So, my dear friend, let's take a proactive approach, nourish our bodies with antioxidant-rich foods, and strive to minimize the effects of oxidative stress caused by free radicals. It's never too late to make positive choices for our health and age gracefully.

Phytonutrients, also known as health boosters, are substances produced by plants to protect themselves from harmful bacteria and viruses. However, these compounds also offer significant benefits to the human body. Packed with essential nutrients, phytonutrients play an active role in promoting good health. They belong to the antioxidant family, responsible for eliminating harmful free radicals and thus slowing down the aging process. Incorporating a diet rich in high antioxidant foods like fresh fruits and vegetables is crucial as the first line of defense against aging.

While vitamins A, C, and E are commonly known antioxidants, there are other antioxidants available in both food and supplement form. These antioxidant supplements play a vital role in bridging the nutritional gap left by processed foods, lacking the necessary antioxidants and nutrients to combat free radicals effectively.

Let's take a closer look at my top six supplement recommendations, known for their efficacy in fighting oxidative stress and promoting optimal recovery:

Beta Alanine: As an amino acid derivative, Beta Alanine is proven to enhance intramuscular carnosine content, improving the body's ability to buffer hydrogen ions. During exercise, the body accumulates hydrogen ions, contributing to fatigue and lowering pH levels. Beta Alanine supplementation can reduce fatigue, enhance exercise performance, and increase training volume. Whether it's interval training or weightlifting to improve running economy, incorporating beta-alanine can have a positive impact on endurance performance and overall training results.

BCAAs: Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) have become a staple supplement for athletes due to their role in muscle and energy production during exercise. Consisting of three essential amino acids - leucine, isoleucine, and valine - BCAAs have been shown to significantly reduce muscle soreness and expedite the recovery process. Supplementing with BCAAs helps prevent muscle breakdown, as the body does not need to rely on its own muscle tissue for energy. Consequently, protein synthesis remains high, supporting muscle growth and repair.

Creatine, a natural molecule found in muscle cells. When engaging in high-intensity workouts like weightlifting, Creatine helps your body produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP), a vital energy source. This amazing compound improves strength, boosts lean muscle mass, and aids in faster muscle recovery.

Flavonoid Root, a breakthrough extract known for its cardiovascular benefits. This extract is packed with potent antioxidants and acts as a nitric oxide booster, promoting increased endurance during workouts. Studies have shown that it fights against free radical damage and increases the flow of oxygen-rich blood, ensuring optimal cardiovascular health. You can also boost nitric oxide with beet root, and l-citruline.

Speaking of studies, a published research paper in Food and Nutrition Research (April 2016) highlighted the effects of the unique flavonoid root extract on arterial health. The study revealed that after one year of consumption, participants experienced a decrease in artery wall thickness, total cholesterol, LDL levels, and blood pressure. This indicates that the extract may help reduce the risk of oxidation-related cerebral vascular issues and improve overall cardiovascular health

Glutamine. It's the most abundant amino acid in the human body and plays a vital role in muscle recovery and repair. Glutamine aids in preventing muscle soreness, optimizing post-workout recovery, and supporting muscle rebuilding. By facilitating nitrogen transport, regulating acid-base balance, and acting as an antioxidant, Glutamine ensures faster post-workout muscle recovery, giving you the freedom to train harder for better results.

Protein plays a crucial role in replenishing and repairing your muscles after a workout, making it a key nutrient to consume alongside carbohydrates. By opting for a protein shake as a post-workout option, you can efficiently supply amino acids to your muscles, stimulating muscle protein synthesis, enhancing recovery, and promoting growth. It's important, though, to choose a protein shake that contains high-quality ingredients, as prioritizing quality over quantity is key when it comes to protein.

Apart from protein, there are several other supplements that work through various mechanisms to provide natural, broad-spectrum antioxidant and nutrient support, ultimately contributing to optimal health and recovery. Taking preventative measures to protect the health of different body systems is much easier than trying to restore their function after damage has occurred. With this in mind, retailers should suggest a preventive program to their customers, aiming to limit free radical damage and promote recovery. As the adage goes, "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure," emphasizing the significance of protecting and preserving one's health.

In conclusion, the role of antioxidants, particularly phytonutrients, in maintaining overall health and combating oxidative stress cannot be overstated. These beneficial compounds not only slow down the aging process, but also enhance the body's ability to recover from physical exertion. Various supplements, including Beta Alanine, BCAAs, Creatine, Flavonoid Root, Glutamine, and Protein, each offer distinct benefits in supporting muscle growth, improving athletic performance, and promoting quicker recovery. The incorporation of these supplements into one's regimen can effectively bridge the nutritional gap left by processed foods. A preventive strategy, emphasizing a diet rich in antioxidants and high-quality supplements, holds the key to optimal health and longevity. As the saying goes, 'an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure'.


Source Naturals' Ultra Mag: A Balanced Magnesium Blend for Optimal Health

Date: July 19, 2023 10:57 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Source Naturals' Ultra Mag: A Balanced Magnesium Blend for Optimal Health

Have you ever experienced muscle cramps or fatigue? These are some of the common symptoms of magnesium deficiency. Magnesium is a vital mineral that plays a crucial role in various body functions. Of the many brands of magnesium supplements available, Source Naturals Ultra Mag stands out due to its balanced blend of different magnesium forms known to have high bioavailability and absorption.

What is Ultra Mag?

Ultra Mag is a magnesium supplement that contains a combination of different forms of magnesium, including magnesium taurinate, citrate, succinate, malate, and chelate(glycinate). This combination provides a balanced source of magnesium to the body with high bioavailability and absorption.

What are the benefits of taking magnesium?

Magnesium plays a crucial role in various body functions, including nerve and muscle function, bone health, and heart health. Ultra Mag helps in producing and storing energy (ATP), allowing muscles to relax, activating over 300 metabolic enzymes, controlling calcium levels in bones and teeth, and regulating electrical activity in nerve cells. Additionally, Ultra Mag supports healthy sleep patterns, helps alleviate stress and anxiety, and supports the immune system.

Is magnesium safe?

Yes, magnesium is safe when taken as recommended. However, as with any dietary supplement. To much magnesium may cause loose stool and it is essential to consult with a healthcare professional before taking it, especially if you have a medical condition or are taking other medications that prohibit magnesium consumption.

Why choose Source Naturals Ultra Mag?

Source Naturals is a well-known and respected brand that guarantees quality supplements. The company uses high-quality ingredients to ensure their products are safe, effective, and most importantly, beneficial to consumers. Additionally, Ultra Mag is free from gluten, soy, dairy, and artificial preservatives. It is manufactured in GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) facilities to maintain purity and quality.

If you're looking for a magnesium supplement to support your overall health and well-being, consider trying out Source Naturals Ultra Mag. Your body will thank you for it!


Hintonia Latiflora Combined With Key Nutrients for Blood Sugar Control

Date: August 31, 2020 12:36 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Hintonia Latiflora Combined With Key Nutrients for Blood Sugar Control

Type 2 diabetes is increasing at an alarming rate. With certain life style changes, exercise, along with Sucontral D, one can reduce blood sugar.

Hintonia latiflora combined with key nutrients for blood sugar control can:

  • Lower A1c levels by 10%
  • Improve fasting and postprandial blood sugar by 23% and 24% respectively.
  • Balance total cholesterol and reduce triglyceride levels
  • Prevent hypoglycemia - undesirable drops in blood sugar
  • Reduce or eliminate the need for medication in nearly half the patients

The CDC reports that 84 million Americans have pre diabetes which is higher than normal blood sugar levels but not yet considered type 2 diabetes. It is said there is an additional 30 million type 2 diabetes and roughly 24% do not know they have high blood sugar levels.

Hintonia has been clinically studied in Europe for decades, 60 years to be exact, clinically studied to help bot pre- and type 2 diabetes. By the end of these studies, participants in the studies experienced an average of 10.4% improvement in their A1C, and 23.3% improvement in their fasting glucose levels and 24.9% on their postprandial glucose levels. This is quite significant indeed.

In conclusion, the clinical studies proved Hintonia improved blood glucose levels. out of 114 patients 45 were able to reduce their medication and 10 were able to eliminate their medication all together.

Reference:Hintonia concentrate for the dietary treatment of increased blood sugar values: Results of a multicentric, prospective, non-interventional study with a defined dry concentrate of Hintonia latiflora. Schmidt M, Hladikova M Naturheilpraxis, Feb. 2014 (Translated).


Omega-3s found to help those suffering from PTSD

Date: May 06, 2019 03:18 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Omega-3s found to help those suffering from PTSD

New Japanese research suggests that omega-3 fatty acids may help mitigate one of the major psychophysiological symptoms of PTSD: a racing, pounding heart. The researchers divided over 80 survivors of major accidents into a control group and a group that received supplementary omega-3s. The omega-3 group had lower resting heart rates and also lower heart rates after being subjected to imagery related to their accidents. Omega-3s play an important role in brain health and neurological functions, and have already displayed potential utility in the treatment of depression.

Key Takeaways:

  • After a person has witnessed or experienced a traumatic event, he could get the condition called post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) which is a mental health condition.
  • People who have post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) often experience symptoms such as a pounding heart and doctors have discovered that omega-3 fatty acids could help them.
  • To determine if fatty acids could help traumatic event survivors, the researchers in Japan recruited 83 persons who have such events and gave them fatty acid supplements.

"supplementation of omega-3s might help prevent psychophysiological symptoms of PTSD"

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Parsley: An Impressive Herb With Health Benefits

Date: May 03, 2019 04:24 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Parsley: An Impressive Herb With Health Benefits

Parsley isn't just an herb that can be used for garnish on you evening dinner plates. New research is emerging that shows just how many health benefits this thin, leafy herb actually has. Parsley is very rich in vitamins A, K, and C. This means that not only does it boost your immune system and protect you against foreign intruders, but it also helps your eye and bone health as well. Regular consumption of parsley can even reduce acne outbreaks.

Key Takeaways:

  • Data shows that a mere 2 tablespoons of parsley imparts more than 10% of a day's suggested allowance of vitamin A.
  • Singularly important as a clotting factor, vitamin K is so richly abundant in parsley that a few teaspoons covers more than the total amount needed in a day.
  • One study, using rodent subjects, showed that the study participants given parsley experienced superior pancreatic function.

"Aside from its many culinary uses, parsley is highly nutritious and has been shown to have many powerful health benefits (1, 2)."

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Probiotics shown to protect against liver damage, study reveals

Date: April 30, 2019 02:17 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Probiotics shown to protect against liver damage, study reveals

Fatty Liver Disease is becoming a real issue and may impact up to 1/4th of the United States population. Thankfully there appear to be means of combating this disease. Probiotics have already contributed in reducing acetaminophen-caused liver disease particularly with lowering of the oxidative stress. Positive gut health and bacteria is also important in maintaining a healthy immune system and can contribute to further protecting the body against Fatty Liver Disease. Eating the right foods, including fermented varieties, helps promote good gut health.

Key Takeaways:

  • Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is affecting a lot of people in the US and the number is increasing. Experts put its number at 25 percent of the population.
  • When NAFLD is left untreated for a long time, it can develop into more serious problems such as liver inflammation, scarring, cirrhosis, liver failure, and then liver cancer.
  • Now it has been discovered that gut bacteria has a good effect on liver health and probiotics can be used to halt liver disease.

"The team found that the supplemented mice experienced significantly less liver damage than the control group."

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How to fight the flu effectively with elderberry

Date: April 24, 2019 02:24 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How to fight the flu effectively with elderberry

Elderberry syrup is a potent antiviral that offers excellent protection against influenza A and B, staph, salmonella poona, and herpes simplex. According to a double-blind Israeli study, people who took elderberry syrup at the first signs of flu symptoms experienced improvement within two days. Another study conducted by Norwegian researchers confirmed similar findings. Elderberry syrup is bad news to the vaccine industry because pharma strongly promotes the notion that the flu vaccine is the only protection available to us. Elderberry is also available as lozenges, tinctures, or dried berries. It is available at most health food stores and can be consumed alone or with honey and cinnamon.

Key Takeaways:

  • Elderberries contain anti viral properties that can help with various health issues.
  • Elderberry syrup can be made with 3 simple ingredients: Elderberries, water and honey.
  • Elderberry syrup can cause certain autoimmune conditions to flare up or became worse.

"Measure your liquid and mix in up to equal amounts of honey, then heat gently and stir to combine. I like to add a stick of cinnamon, a few whole cloves and a teaspoon of ginger root during the boiling process for synergetic effects and flavor."

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Take better care of your heart by eating more almonds

Date: April 02, 2019 02:00 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Take better care of your heart by eating more almonds

A recent study showed that nuts are good snacks that can improve triglyceride and cholesterol levels. This study was done with 837 people and showed that the people who benefited the most were those with overall elevated total cholesterol. The results support the idea that eating nuts will lower the risk of heart disease. Other heart healthy snacks recommended include carrots, cucumbers, celery sticks and hummus, along with fruits such as whole apples, pears, peaches or bunches of grapes, oatmeal, and soy protein were listed.

Key Takeaways:

  • Many persons consider almonds to be an ideal snack because they contain various nutrients and have low fat content. But it can also maintain healthy blood lipid levels.
  • Some Canadian researchers reviewed the effects of almonds and used 837 participants to find out whether eating almonds can improve cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
  • The results of the review revealed that indeed almond can reduce total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglyceride levels but it has no effect on HDL cholesterol levels.

"Among participants who consumed at least 45 grams (g) of almonds per day, a 0.212 mmol/L decrease in total cholesterol was seen. Furthermore, those who have high levels of total cholesterol and consumed at least 45 g of almonds every day experienced a 0.271 mmol/L in total cholesterol."

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HIV-1 people can boost their immune system with Korean red ginseng

Date: February 11, 2019 11:11 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: HIV-1 people can boost their immune system with Korean red ginseng

Korean red ginseng may have critically important for people infected by HIV. HIV, which weakens the immune system by targeting T helper cells, can be controlled by antiretrovirals, but these can grow less effective over time. Patients who consumed Korean red ginseng had slower annual loss of T helper cells, and these patients had a longer survival duration as a result. Dosage levels had no real impact, but taking Korean red ginseng for longer periods of time enhanced the benefits.

Key Takeaways:

  • Korean red ginseng, which is also called Panax ginseng, has a long history of use as a supplement for longevity.
  • HIV targets the the body's T cells, causing an ongoing drop in the supply, which ultimately weakens and destabilizes the immune system.
  • Research revealed that HIV-infected study subjects given Panax ginseng experienced a smaller loss of T helper cells.

"The herb displays anti-inflammatory activity and helps manage the immune system. It also contains saponins that exert adjuvant actions against inflammatory disease."

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Supplement with magnesium if you have diabetes it helps reduceinflammation in your body

Date: January 30, 2019 10:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Supplement with magnesium if you have diabetes it helps reduceinflammation in your body

According to a study published in the Journal of Dietary Supplements, diabetic mice who were administered magnesium showed improvements in markers for anemia and inflammation. Researchers at the University of Idaban in Nigeria used alloxan to induce diabetes in mice. They then treated some of the mice with magnesium every day for two weeks. The mice treated with insulin experienced improvements in their anemic state, as well as improvements in hematologic and metabolic inflammatory markers. Symptoms of magnesium deficiency include nausea, weakness, and loss of appetite.

Key Takeaways:

  • Some researchers in the University of Ibadan, using mice, administered oral magnesium to understand the effect on anemia and diabetic mice.
  • The discovery from the study was that treatment of anemic mice with magnesium improved their state and also it relieved them of inflammatory diabetes.
  • Because people with diabetes tend to eliminate a high amount of magnesium and sugar in urine, they tend to have low levels of magnesium.

"A study published in the Journal of Dietary Supplements found that supplementing with magnesium can prevent anemia and reduce inflammation in people with diabetes."

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A powerful antioxidant: Curcumin protects your heart from damagecaused by diabetes and smoking

Date: January 10, 2019 05:00 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: A powerful antioxidant: Curcumin protects your heart from damagecaused by diabetes and smoking

Both diabetes and routine engagement in tobacco smoking can raise the risk of cardiovascular damage due to a rise in oxidative stress. While curcumin isn't proven to completely diminish the amount of oxidative stress that is caused as a result of diabetic and tobacco consumption symptoms, it does greatly decrease the amount of oxidative stress that is experienced by each individual which naturally results in the heart being less vulnerable. It is also known to specifically reduce the amount of hyperglycemia-induced oxidative stress.

Key Takeaways:

  • It has been reported that taking curcumin supplements can protect a person from risk to cardiovascular diseases that is caused by diabetes and smoking.
  • This study was conducted at the Kind Saud University in Saudi Arabia. The researchers studied the oxidative stress caused by diabetes and smoking and curcumin’s effects on them.
  • The researchers found that administering nicotine to rats induced oxidative stress in the rats and also increased triglycerides and low-density lipoprotein.

"For the study, the researchers administered nicotine to diabetic rats to determine the effect of the combined oxidative stress of diabetes and nicotine."

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A powerful compound in rosemary protects your brain from damage

Date: September 14, 2018 09:52 AM
Author: VitaNet, LLC Staff (
Subject: A powerful compound in rosemary protects your brain from damage

A powerful compound in rosemary protects your brain from damage

Did you know that Rosemary is rich in antioxidant compounds? This is good news given since it is good for stress relief, and a huge amount of people, including children, are currently experiencing stress. People stress about everything from financial issues, employment issues, and the state of our economy. It's not good enough to simply ignore stress. Doing so might result in additional problems like chronic pain, irregular periods, type 2 diabetes, erectile disfunction and much more.

Key Takeaways:

  • Recent research in BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine suggests that rosemary contains a substance called carnosol that can help preserve brain health.
  • The American Psychological Association has found that Americans are subject to a lot of stress, and that this chronic stress can cause or exacerbate many health problems.
  • Carnosol can measurably help reduce the impact of oxidative stress on the brain.

"The noted survey indicated that almost a third of children had experienced physical stress-related symptoms, such as headaches, stomach troubles, and difficulty sleeping."

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Regular consumption of nuts may improve male fertility

Date: July 05, 2018 05:54 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Regular consumption of nuts may improve male fertility

Regular consumption of nuts may improve male fertility

A new study has discovered that men that incorporate nuts into their diet can boost their male fertility. The study, which followed nearly 120 young men, found that those in the study group that regularly ate nuts that included walnuts, almonds, and hazelnuts experienced enhanced mobility and vitality as well as higher sperm counts. At the same time, the nut consumers were found to have lower levels of sperm DNA fragmentation, which can lead to infertility. More studies will be needed to make a solid connection between nuts and male fertility.

Key Takeaways:

  • Infertility is often due to sperm DNA fragmentation which is shown to be significantly helped by the consumption of nuts.
  • During this particular study, the participants consisted of 119 healthy men who followed a generally Americanized diet.
  • Human nutrition specialist Dr. Albert Salas-Huetos is who conducted this study regarding nuts and their association to fertility levels.

"The study participants who consistently consumed nuts showed notable improvements in the vitality, mobility, morphology, and the number of their sperm – factors that are all associated with male fertility."

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A natural sugar molecule, D-ribose, found to improve heart function and blood flow

Date: July 04, 2018 09:54 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: A natural sugar molecule, D-ribose, found to improve heart function and blood flow

A natural sugar molecule, D-ribose, found to improve heart function and blood flow

D-Ribose is a simple sugar molecule that plays an important role in energy metabolism within your body by helping to produce cellular energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Oxidative stress can deplete ATP, which can then cause further stress, in a vicious cycle for your heart. However, D-Ribose supplements can restore levels of ATP, which can improve heart function and exercise endurance in cardiac patients. Infusion of D-Ribose after a cardiac event may even be able to prevent dangerous ischemia reperfusion injuries.

Key Takeaways:

  • D-Ribose is a sugar molecule that plays a key role in producing cellular energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP).
  • Supplementary D-Ribose can replenish depleted ATP in cardiac patients, improving heart function and exercise endurance.
  • Injections of D-Ribose can help to limit ischemic reperfusion injuries that can occur in the wake of a heart attack or stroke.

"With one occurring every 40 seconds in America, you likely know more than a few people who have experienced one."

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Selenium, vitamin K2 and nicotinamide riboside ride new research toward roles beyond being ...

Date: May 26, 2018 09:16 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Selenium, vitamin K2 and nicotinamide riboside ride new research toward roles beyond being ...

Selenium, vitamin K2 and nicotinamide riboside ride new research toward roles beyond being ...

When we're in need of a new multivitamin, we typically just run to the local drug store and take whatever we see on the shelf. Lately, researchers have been digging deeper into what these mainstream pharmaceutical companies are putting into these multivitamin supplements. A good example is a chemical called selenium. Studies by certain commercial corporations claim that it has cancer fighting abilities, but the research seems to be a bit vague and even watered down.

Key Takeaways:

  • Many of the controversial ingredients in vitamin K2 are found originally in fermented products.
  • Fortunately, one benefit of vitamin K2 is that it has been shown to improve the transportation of calcium which improves vascular health.
  • Niacin was discovered all the way back in the 1930's by Conrad Elvehjem, PhD. He was an experienced biochemist.

"New indications for ingredients that have been featured in many multivitamin products have helped to expand their reach into different formulations and even standalone products."

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Smoking marijuana found to have the same weakening effect on the blood vessels as cigarettes

Date: April 24, 2018 09:17 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Smoking marijuana found to have the same weakening effect on the blood vessels as cigarettes

Smoking marijuana found to have the same weakening effect on the blood vessels as cigarettes

The movement to legalize marijuana has been making significant progression in it’s path to success lately, but scientists are now finding that cannabis unfortunately has the same impact on the blood vessels as smoking cigarettes. Experts at the University of California in San Francisco found that when you take in marijuana, your blood vessels become impaired up to 50%, which is quite an alarming amount to say the least. The experiment was initially performed on lab rats in order to get accurate figures.

Key Takeaways:

  • University of California researchers suggest that hemp users would be well advised to use a liquid form and avoid smoking the substance.
  • Rats exposed to cigarette and marijuana second-hand smoke experienced a fifty percent impairment of their blood vessels.
  • The impairment to the rodent's blood vessels persisted for at least an hour and a half after the initial incident.

"According to a new study, marijuana smoke causes the same straining effect on blood vessels that smoke from cigarettes does."

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Herbal treatments help balance hormone fluctuations and mood swings in women

Date: April 07, 2018 05:17 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Herbal treatments help balance hormone fluctuations and mood swings in women

Herbal treatments help balance hormone fluctuations and mood swings in women

Menopause is an unsettling time of life; the chemical seratonin becomes unbalanced and causes uncomfortable or even painful changes in the body. Fortunately, there are some natural herbs and treatments that can help with the hormonal imbalances experienced. Those herbs have a long history of use and are as follows: St. John's Wort, Kava Kava, Black Cohash and Valerian. These different herbal treatments are traditionally used to treat depression, menopausal problems as well as promote relaxation and healthy rest.

Key Takeaways:

  • Know the symptoms of menopause, as some are linked to other issues.
  • before starting any sort of treatment, even homeopathic, consult your doctor, as some supplements can adversely effect medications
  • St. John's Wart is one of the most popular supplements as it helps to stabilize moods

"Menopause is a natural occurrence wherein menstruation stops in women."

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You can't beat the beet for muscle recovery: Scientists reveal how the superfood heals muscle damage

Date: January 03, 2018 11:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: You can't beat the beet for muscle recovery: Scientists reveal how the superfood heals muscle damage

British scientists have discovered thag drinking beetroot juice can help repair muscle damage. It is recommended to drink it right after strenuous physical activity. In this scientific study some people were given beetroot juice anf some people were given a placebo with the same amount of calories as beetroot juice. The people who drank the beetroot juice had a quicker recovery than those who drank the placebo. The ones who drank the placebo experienced more muscle soreness.

Key Takeaways:

  • A study suggested that beetroot juice may speed recovery after workouts.
  • In a study of team-sports athletes, those who took beetroot after a strenuous workout performed better than those who took a placebo in a follow up test.
  • Researcher did not uncover any immediate negative effects on heart rate or blood pressure after taking beetroot juice.

"The findings showed that the participants exhibited a 13 percent increase in power in muscles that extended to the knee at about two hours after drinking the beetroot juice with high nitrate levels."

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Is Apple Cider Vinegar Safe to Drink?

Date: October 18, 2017 10:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Is Apple Cider Vinegar Safe to Drink?

Apple Cider Vinegar a new health trend? The drinking of apple cider vinegar for dietary reasons has been a growing trend in the United States as of late. However, critics are beginning to question if the the health benefits out weigh the consequences. Individuals should consult a doctor if they have experienced stomach problems in the past before beginning this dietary trend. Further, moderation is key with this dietary supplement and it is highly recommend that the individual dilutes a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to achieve desired results.

Key Takeaways:

  • Drinking apple cider vinegar for weight loss, digestive health, and other positive health effects is a growing trend.
  • Drinking apple cider vinegar without dilution is unsafe: the vinegar is too acidic for the inner lining of the gut.
  • Some people, including those with ulcers and other digestive conditions, should avoid drinking apple cider vinegar entirely, even when diluted.

"Drink a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar diluted in an 8-ounce glass of water about 10 minutes before eating meals to help boost digestion and reap its health benefits. And, if you’re not sure if apple cider vinegar is safe for you based on any health conditions you may have, check with your doctor first."

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These Natural Remedies Will Help You To Remove The Stones In The Kidneys!!

Date: September 11, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: These Natural Remedies Will Help You To Remove The Stones In The Kidneys!!

There are some natural remedies that will assist you with removing kidney stones. Stones in the kidneys are a common disease. So many people have experienced kidney stones in their lifetime. One of the remedies is lemon and apple cider vinegar. That helps to dissolve the stones that form in your kidneys. The infusion of celery seeds is another thing that you will want to try. They help to stimulate kidney cleansing in the case of stones.

Key Takeaways:

  • Kidney stones are a consistent pain for people who may have them. They want a remedy that actually works to remove the stones.
  • There are natural remedies that will keep people healthy as well. Kidney stones can be treated and even removed with the right approach.
  • Get help from medical experts who understand these natural remedies too. They are an excellent source of information that needs to be considered.

"The diuretic properties of celery seeds are useful to stimulate kidney cleansing in case of stones."


Boy Who Suffered 100 Seizures A Day Has Zero in 300 Days After Being Prescribed Cannabis Oil

Date: September 11, 2017 09:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Boy Who Suffered 100 Seizures A Day Has Zero in 300 Days After Being Prescribed Cannabis Oil

Billy, an 11 year old living in Northern Ireland, will be the first person to receive a medical marijuana prescription in the United Kingdom. Billy suffers from severe epilepsy, which prevented more traditional medical treatments. His doctor agreed to prescribe it in the wake of overwhelming evidence of the success of Cannabidiol in treating his condition. Where previously Billy would experience up to 100 seizures a days - Billy has not experienced a seizure since starting his treatment 300 days ago in the United States. His mother also notes that it has helped with Billy's Autism - making better eye contact when he plays and communicates. To celebrate this largely important decision, the family is hosting an event, that already has 600 RSVP's, in support of Billy.

Key Takeaways:

  • Medical marijuana is increasingly being seen as a potential natural remedy to help combat different types of seizures.
  • CBD oil is helpful in that it's not psychoactive, meaning that it's ideal for treating seizures (in contrast to THC).
  • Billy is the first patient to have received a medical marijuana prescription specifically for seizures, and his condition has improved dramatically as a result.

"Before taking the CBD oil, Billy suffered from up to 100 seizures a day, which was severely damaging to his health, because one seizure could kill him."

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Almonds may help boost cholesterol clean-up crew

Date: August 15, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Almonds may help boost cholesterol clean-up crew

Many people in today's modern climate are looking for a new way to destroy and reverse the effects of their unhealthy eating habits. One major thing to look into is how to reverse cholesterol problems. HDL cholesterol is considered the "good" cholesterol, and therefore should be emphasized. One way of doing this that scientists have found, is to eat almonds. In a study, 48 adults had controlled for eating a small amount of almonds, and those that had them were found to return to healthy levels of HDL.

Key Takeaways:

  • A study compared high density lipoprotein values in two different groups of participants, one of which consumed almonds, while the others had a muffin.
  • Members on the almond regime experienced improved high density lipoprotein values and functionality.
  • While low density lipoproteins are detriment in the body, increasing the risk of heart attack, high density lipoproteins are the exact opposite.

"Eating almonds on a regular basis may help boost levels of HDL cholesterol while simultaneously improving the way it removes cholesterol from the body, according to researchers."

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9 Causes of Leg Cramps–and How To Stop Them

Date: August 08, 2017 04:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 9 Causes of Leg Cramps–and How To Stop Them

There are 9 causes of leg cramps. There are also ways to stop them and prevent a lot of pain. If you have not already experienced leg cramps, there is a high possibility that you will get them some time in your life. They can hit you at the worst possible moments. It can happen when you are in bed at night, or in the treadmill. If these leg cramps continue, then they can prevent you from going to sleep.

Key Takeaways:

  • An unusually serious underlying cause of this muscular issue would be peripheral artery disease.
  • One way to stop these from happening is simply to eat regular, nourishing meals and get sufficient sleep.
  • Dehydration, strain and mineral deficiencies can all be root causes of these types of spasms.

"A leg cramp is a sharp, sudden contraction or tightening of the muscle in the calf, which usually lasts a few seconds to a few minutes."

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Can Cannabis Actually Kill Cancer Cells In The Brain?

Date: July 26, 2017 04:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Can Cannabis Actually Kill Cancer Cells In The Brain?

Medical Marijuana use is no longer new. Many of us are aware of a loved one that has benefited from the pain-relieving qualities of the drug, even in advanced and serious conditions, like cancer. What may be less well known, or so far understood, is that it appears that Marijuana may be a potent adversary even against aggressive brain cancers.

Recent pharmaceutical research suggests research participants using the drug experienced a significantly prolonged rate of survival over non-users. This intriguing and hopeful research ties in handily with earlier research on rodents that shows the drug as having significant anti-tumor effects, such as inhibiting the growth of the malignancies, besides blocking the growth of new cells and ancillary blood vessels needed by the tumor. Also positive was the discovery that cannabis appears to make the use of chemotherapy more effective for brain cancer patients.

Key Takeaways:

  • Glioblastoma multiforme is an aggressive brain cancer that has an increased survival rate when treated with THC:CBD
  • The positive effects marijuana has in treating cancer has been known since 2006.
  • Sen. John McCain, recently diagnosed with brain cancer, is from Arizona, a state that allows medical marijuans and can receive treatments

"Earlier this year, in what was heralded as a breakthrough for cancer research, GW Pharmaceuticals announced positive results from a study using a combination of cannabidiol and tetrahydrocannabinol to treat an aggressive form of brain cancer."

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The Secret to Effective Weight Loss: Testosterone

Date: May 23, 2017 10:44 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Secret to Effective Weight Loss: Testosterone

Getting in shape is very part harder than the vast majority trust it to be. Your body is intended to store fat, so consuming fat conflicts with common plan. Be that as it may, imagine a scenario in which there was a basic approach to expand your fat consuming without losing muscle fat. The majority of the men had genuinely low levels of testosterone, and various them had different ailments 10% experienced heart issue, while 20% experienced diabetes.

Read more: The Secret to Effective Weight Loss: Testosterone


One of the Best Brain Boosters, yet Hardly Anyone Does It

Date: May 13, 2017 11:44 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: One of the Best Brain Boosters, yet Hardly Anyone Does It

Dave Asprey, founder of belives that he has devised a plan that can make the brain work faster and sharper in as little as two weeks. After working long hours in silicon valley, Dave realized he was gaining weight and experiencing brain fog. He believes he experienced mitochondrial dysfunction, mitochondria fuel the cell of your body so it was like having your batteries drained. He relates you can recharge these batteries in several ways. You can use sunlight and infrared exposure, you also need quality proteins and fat to fuel your cells. There is also some biofeedback techniques that work as well. Doing all these things can get your mind and body back on track.

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Key Takeaways:

  • When the mitochondria in your body are not functioning efficiently, neither will your body.
  • Toxic chemicals or mold can reduce the ability of mitochondria to function.
  • Infrared light produced by the sun can improve the function of mitochondria.

"After going on a low-fat diet, he started experiencing severe brain fog — so much so, he feared losing his career."


Are the MCT Oil Nutrition and Health Claims Backed Up?

Date: May 13, 2017 08:44 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Are the MCT Oil Nutrition and Health Claims Backed Up?

Coconut oil has experienced a huge increase in sales and taken the media bystorm in recent years. coconut oil can be found not only in specialty health food stores, but at most local grocers as well. Diets high in MCTs (65% of coconut oil's makeup) have been shown to improve glucose tolerance and reduce body fat accumulation when compared to diets high in LCTs. MCFAs have also been shown to preserve insulin action in, and insulin resistance in rat studies. When compared with other fats, coconut oil contains 2.6% fewer calories. Keep in mind however that all high-fat foods and oils are calorically dense and simply adding in more calorically dense food to a diet already ample in calories is not likely to result in weight loss.According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, virgin coconut oil has potential antioxidant properties due to certain plant nutrients it contains called phenolic compounds.

Key Takeaways:

  • The four types of MCTs are caproic acid, caprylic acid, capric acid and lauric acid.
  • Medium chain fatty acids are metabolized differently by the body than long chain or short chain fatty acids.
  • The calories in MCTs are quickly processed for instant energy in the liver.

"MCT oil is associated with a whole host of health claims including weight loss, decreased risk of metabolic syndrome, lowered abdominal fat, lowered inflammatory markers, decreased triglyceride levels, and the ability to raise HDL (good) cholesterol."

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Here's How CBD Can Help Your Hyper Toddler

Date: May 12, 2017 08:44 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Here's How CBD Can Help Your Hyper Toddler

An Israeli study of 74 pediatric patients who suffered with intractable epilepsy that did not respond to medications were given CBD oil and the results were promising. Almost 90 percent of the patients experienced a reduction in seizure activity. The use of traditional antipsychotic drugs come with several side effects, CBD oil can avoid these complications. There is also evidence that it can control ADHD and hyperactivity disorder in toddlers without causing drowsiness, the evidence continues to grow that this treatment should be studied.

Key Takeaways:

  • There are many anti seizure medications that are not effective towards epilepsy and is unfortunately common.
  • CBD oil is a great homeopathic remedy for treating epilepsy in children.
  • ADHD symptoms can be reduced with different strains and levels of cannabis.

"Although this is the case, it is important to look at the current evidence as well as alternative solutions for our children."

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The simple way to reduce stress and anxiety, according to new research

Date: March 24, 2017 08:44 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The simple way to reduce stress and anxiety, according to new research

Here's another reason for eating more fruits and vegetables- it may help reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression. This may be especially true in women. A new study examining the diets of Australians aged 45 and over found that eating 3-4 servings of fruits and vegetables a day resulted in decreased stress levels of 12 percent and those that ate 5-7 servings experienced a 14 percent decrease. Read on for more details into this study.

Key Takeaways:

  • If you ingest 10 servings of fruits/vegetables daily it can reduce your anxiety levels. Recommended serving per day is at least 5.
  • Interestingly enough, it is noted this is more effective for women instead of men.
  • This still needs further investigation to be conclusive. Consuming raw state is most effective. It is said the potassium, specifically in bananas, supports your nervous system and brain.

"New study that suggests eating more fruit and veggies may help ease depression, stress and anxiety."

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Mexico City Study Shows CBD Oil Reduces Seizures For 84% Of Patients

Date: March 18, 2017 02:44 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Mexico City Study Shows CBD Oil Reduces Seizures For 84% Of Patients

More and more evidence supports the benefits of CBD oil, including a new study conducted in Mexico City. This new study shows how the use of this oil reduced seizures in patients by a whopping 84%, and that is just the start of the exciting benefits. CBD oil is a life-changing oil, although it is still under a great deal of speculation from so many people. Is CBD oil really that beneficial? This study says everything that you should know.

Key Takeaways:

  • The effects of A THC, cannabis-derived oil on patients with seizures was the focus of a study in Mexico.
  • Of the 39 patients involved in the month long study, approximately 85 percent saw a significant reduction of seizure activity, with nearly 20 percent reporting an alleviation of all symptoms.
  • Also worth noting, none of those involved experienced adverse effects from the oil.

"While this specific disorder accounts for only 2 to 5% of epilepsy sufferers, it is well known among neurologists and pediatricians for its resistance to traditional medicine."

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Medical News Today: Prebiotics could stop stress from harming sleep quality

Date: March 15, 2017 02:44 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Medical News Today: Prebiotics could stop stress from harming sleep quality

Anyone who has ever gone through a stressful time in life knows that it is almost impossible to turn off the tension at the end of the night and get a good night’s sleep. There’s good news though. Researchers believe they have a new finding which will help you. In a study, some rats were given prebiotics, a non-digestible food component found in celery, artichokes, onions, and other vegetables. The rats fed the prebiotic diet experienced more rapid eye movement sleep than the group that ate the control diet. REM is associated with speedier recovery from stress.

Key Takeaways:

  • Adults should get between 7 and 9 hours sleep each night for good health.
  • Studies have shown that stress can alter gut bacteria and interfere with going to sleep and waking up.
  • A diet rich in prebiotics beginning in early life can help the sleeping patterns.

"Approximately 47 percent of adults in the United States report a lack of sleep due to stress, and 21 percent report that poor sleep further exacerbates their stress."

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How being anti-social keeps you slim: Women are MOST likely to ditch their diets when dining out ...

Date: March 14, 2017 04:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How being anti-social keeps you slim: Women are MOST likely to ditch their diets when dining out ...

I learned that eating out or around groups of people make it very hard to lose weight. This information presented was accurate to what I have experienced, and other friends of mine have. Social situations like eating out and at friends houses, bring the greatest risk of not sticking to your diet. According to the data collected from University of Philadelphia and my experience eating at home usually has the best chance at being successful. However, long turn maintenance is usually the hardest part.

Key Takeaways:

  • Women mostly make mistakes with their diet when they are out.
  • If people are conscious of the fact from take away one, it can make losing weight easier.
  • Intervening with diet and making the necessary changes can change people's lives for the better.

"Women on a diet face the greatest temptation to ditch healthy eating when dining with friends, experts have found."

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Medical News Today: Eight home remedies for treating a cold

Date: March 13, 2017 03:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Medical News Today: Eight home remedies for treating a cold

The common cold can really take its toll on an individual, but it is experienced by so many people when changes in weather take place. Now you can beat the cold fair and square by using one of the cold remedies listed here. Are you ready to try these awesome cold-fighting remedies that really work?

Key Takeaways:

  • At some point, almost everyone gets a cold, which unfortunately, cannot be treated by antibiotics.
  • Although a cold is usually not dangerous, it can leave a person feeling awful.
  • Though there is currently no cure for a cold but there are several home remedies that may reduce symptoms.

"There is currently no cure for a cold but there are several home remedies that may reduce symptoms."




Testosterone Therapy May Have Benefits, But Risks Too

Date: February 26, 2017 07:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Testosterone Therapy May Have Benefits, But Risks Too

Low testosterone can dim a man's sex drive, performance in bed, energy, and motivation. It can also have some harmful effects. When needed, testosterone replacement therapy can boost T levels back to normal and return him to the man he used to be. Still, there are also risks to TRT, and the long-term safety isn't clear. Here's what men need to know.

Key Takeaways:

  • Testosterone treatment can boost bone density and reduce anemia in older men.
  • It might also open the door to future heart risks, a new set of trials suggests.
  • the trials also found that men receiving testosterone treatment experienced a significantly greater increase in arterial plaque.

"All told, the Testosterone Trials seem to indicate that the best use of testosterone therapy is for treatment of decreased sexual function in men with so-called “low T” (low testosterone levels), said Dr. Thomas Gill."



Evidence points to fish oil to fight asthma

Date: February 11, 2017 02:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Evidence points to fish oil to fight asthma

Based on evidence, it turns out that fish oil can help fight asthma. The omega 3 fatty acids found in fish oil can help to fight asthma. This is what a lot of scientists at universities are saying. There was a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine in December of 2016 that showed pregnant women, who ate fish, or took fish oil supplements had a lower risk of having kids with asthma.

Key Takeaways:

  • Omega-3 fatty acids have myriad health benefits, and high quality supplements may be beneficial
  • Asthma patients who took omega-3 supplements experienced a reduction in the antibodies that cause asthma, but the supplements were not as effective in those on corticosteroids
  • Steroids may interfere with omega-3 fatty acids' effects on asthma symptoms, and over time may reduce the body's ability to combat asthma on its own

"Steroids are usually a very effective treatment for asthma."



'Red Yeast Rice' Statin Alternative Not Harmless Either, Study Says

Date: February 02, 2017 07:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 'Red Yeast Rice' Statin Alternative Not Harmless Either, Study Says

If you suffer from high cholesterol, you are probably being prescribed a statin. Along with the effectiveness of statins to treat cholesterol issues, there is also the risk of side effects such as muscle and liver damage. For a while, red yeast rice has been recommended as a natural alternativeto prescribed statins. However, it has recently been found that this alternative choice can also increase muscle and liver injury. This is believed to be due to the fact that the active ingredient in each is monacolin K.

Key Takeaways:

  • Red yeast rice could increase risk of muscle injury or liver damage, Italian researchers reported after reviewing 13 years of patient data.
  • the compounds in red yeast rice -- monacolin K -- has the same chemical structure as the statin drug lovastatin [...] and cannot be sold legally as dietary supplements.
  • Reports of muscle pain came from 19 patients, including some who experienced an increase in levels of creatine phosphokinase [...] The products are not as well-controlled and the dosages are variable

"Red yeast rice could increase risk of muscle injury or liver damage."




Best Vitamins and Minerals for Hair Growth

Date: December 09, 2016 08:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Best Vitamins and Minerals for Hair Growth

For healthy hair growth, be sure you are getting enough vitamin C, B vitamins such as Biotin (also known as Vitamin B7 or Vitamin H) and Niacin (Vitamin B3). Foods such as sweet red peppers, guavas and dark green leafy kale contain very high amounts of Vitamin C. Foods such as the dark leafy green Swiss chard, carrots, and nuts including almonds and walnuts, are all naturally high in Vitamin B7. Niacin (Vitamin B3) is found in fish such as tuna and salmon, poultry (chicken and turkey), roasted peanuts and mushrooms.

Key Takeaways:

  • Without enough vitamin B-12, your energy levels will suffer; bone health can be negatively affected if calcium levels are inadequate; your immune system can’t be strong without adequate selenium.
  • Adequate vitamin D is important for preventing hair loss, especially in women. In one study, females who experienced female pattern hair loss also had low levels of vitamin D.
  • Vitamin A deficiency accompanies a host of serious health consequences. Though rare, this deficiency also leads to dry hair, which is one of the first indications that you’re not getting enough vitamin A.

"Everything your body does is fueled by nutrition. Without enough vitamin B-12, your energy levels will suffer; bone health can be negatively affected if calcium levels are inadequate;"



Colgate toothpaste found to contain cancer-causing chemical

Date: November 28, 2016 04:19 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Colgate toothpaste found to contain cancer-causing chemical

Triclosan is an active ingredient in Colgate toothpaste. Some research says that it contributes to antibiotic resistance and hormone disruption, but the FDA is still allowing it to be included in toothpaste. It is, however, banned from being used in antibacterial soaps. The FDA sites the fact that the chemical is effective against gum inflammation and plaque, but is that worth the risk? Many mice that were exposed to triclosan developed cancerous tumors and those that already had them experienced rapid growth of the tumors. This definitely causes pause when selecting toothpastes.

Key Takeaways:

  • Because the evidence indicates it is indeed effective against gum inflammation and plaque, it will be allowed to remain in toothpaste.
  • Most recently, a joint research effort led by researchers from the University of California's San Diego and Davis campuses found that the chemical agent's effects on health may be more sinister than we're being led to believe.
  • While animal testing is not something to be condoned, the results of this study were nonetheless shocking.

"The researchers also exposed human muscle cells to an amount of the chemical equivalent to average exposure."




You Can Repair the Adrenal Glands with the Right Diet

Date: November 09, 2016 01:32 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: You Can Repair the Adrenal Glands with the Right Diet

Bored with trips to the doctor or naturopath and the costs involved as you attempt to restore the functionality of your adrenal glands? If yes, then embrace an adrenal-supportive diet plan. Apart from reducing the costs you incur to treat adrenal fatigue; you will enjoy several other benefits that come with eating right. Basically you will have to take nutritious whole foods, eat at the right time, and avoid foods that you have intolerances to. Apart from the above, you will have to reduce stressing your mind and body, eliminate toxins and embrace positive thinking at all times. The details below will give you a proper guide towards your recovery.

The Adrenal Fatigue Diet

Since the problem is already here, you have to start by removing toxins and hard-to-digest foods from your diet (embrace a Paleo or Primal diet). This means you have to eliminate legumes, grains, vegetable oils, caffeine, microwaved and processed foods, and refined sugar.

After that, take foods that help replenish the energy of your adrenal glands. They include avocado, olives, Cruciferous vegetables, coconut, Fatty fish, turkey and chicken, seeds (like flax, chia and pumpkin), seaweed and kelp, Himalayan or Celtic sea salt, nuts (like almonds and walnuts), and food fats. These foods have low sugar levels, they are nutrient-dense, and contain healthy fiber and fat.

Taking the Required Adrenal Fatigue Recovery Supplements

Remember that if these supplements are taken in their whole-food form, the symptoms of your adrenal insufficiency could greatly be improved. The supplements to take include Holy basil, Vitamin B5, fish oil (DHA/EPA), Ashwagandha, Magnesium, Vitamin C, Zinc, Vitamin D3 and Vitamin B12. Where your adrenal fatigue is severe, get an experienced doctor to prescribe the correct levels of Pregnenolone, DHEA, Progesterone, B6, Licorice Extract, and L-tyrosine

Once you follow the above and embrace good lifestyle changes to promote your recovery you will now have a solution to the full recovery of your adrenal glands. Good lifestyle in this case, means you sleep regularly or about 8-10 hours a night, exercise, rest whenever you feel tired, reduce relational and work stress, laugh and have time to relax. Also, always ensure that you are eating regularly. You can now live a happy and fulfilling life with your adrenal glands working perfectly.


Are These Factors Causing Inflammation In Your Body?

Date: November 08, 2016 03:04 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Are These Factors Causing Inflammation In Your Body?

Inflammation is caused by a number of factors. For instance, the hormonal changes experienced by women during menopause can cause chronic inflammation. The production of the hormone cortisol during stressful moments can also contribute to inflammation. Some foods are another possible contributor. For instance, polyunsaturated oils like peanut, soybean and corn lead to inflammation. Consuming a diet balanced in omega-3 and omega-6 fats can help balance this out. Inflammation can have negative long-term consequences on the body, so it’s best to consult a doctor and make healthy lifestyle choices.

Key Takeaways:

  • What causes inflammation? Here are a few causes that you may not even realize. If you often suffer from inflammation, the first thing you must check is your diet. Inflammation is also caused by stress and hormonal changes.
  • Polyunsaturated vegetable oils like corn, peanut, soybean and sunflower are some samples of oil which are high in linoleic acid, an omega-6 fatty acid. Unlike omega-3 fatty acids that alleviate inflammation.
  • Red meat has also shown to cause inflammation. Research shows that individuals consuming specific types of red meats suffer from inflammation. There are certain substances present in red meat that are known to cause inflammation.

"Along with other factors, there are certain foods that you consume which might end up causing inflammation. These are regular food items that we have without even realising that they are the cause of inflammation."



Best Vitamins For Weight Loss

Date: October 31, 2016 07:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Best Vitamins For Weight Loss

Many people, whether healthy, or living with illness, have undesired weight issues. Diet choices can help. Wholesome breads, nuts, lean meats, fruits and veggies, are good things to eat. They’re also good sources of Biotin, which assists the body in metabolic processes, dealing with fat production and storage, as well as with the maintenance of lipid levels in the blood. Biotin also has an effect on blood sugar, as does Chromium, which can affect weight. While not a nutrient, as such. Saffron is a supplement which also may assist those in pursuit of weight loss.

Key Takeaways:

  • I need your sudgestion what vitamins i can take to gain my appetite and ro gain my weight im 3O years old my weight is only 41kg and my appetite is loss and i skip meal because of that problem.
  • That also plays a role in how much you should weigh, according to the NIH.
  • As to the loss of appetite, I've experienced that myself and the best advice I can give you on that is to eat, anyway. You may not eat a large, full meal, but eat, anyway, even if it's just small portions.

"Is weight loss black pills, is it good or bad for your health ## hello there, i tried the pills esculturex and is a great capsule to lose weight i lost about 40pounds in 2 months with this medication."


Sooth Diverticulitis Marshmallow Root

Date: September 27, 2016 05:11 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Sooth Diverticulitis Marshmallow Root

Diverticulosis occurs when pouches form along the wall of the gastrointestinal wall, especially in the colon. Diverticulitis refers to the inflammation or infection of the pouches. The cause of diverticulosis is not yet clear, but medical experts suggest that it may result from the lack of sufficient fiber in the body. Due to insufficient fiber, the colon has to strain to push its contents forward, the pressure from the strain results in weak spots in the colon wall. The bacterial growth in the weak spots is thought to be the cause of the inflammation and infection.

Management of Diverticulitis with Marshmallow Root

Marshmallow root is obtained from Althaea Officinalis. It has both demulcent and emollient effects. The herbal remedy works by gelling and soothing the inflammation experienced in the colon wall.

Marshmallow root also has several other health benefits including:

  1. It is used in the management of respiratory conditions such as asthma and bronchitis.
  2. It is used for external topical applications due to its anti-inflammatory effects. Several skin conditions such as burns boils and other skin irritations can be managed using the herb.
  3. It is employed in the formulation of beauty products such as cosmetics. It is also included in shampoos due to its ability to detangle hair.






Cranberry Juice Can Help Prevent UTI's In Women

Date: September 26, 2016 05:35 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Cranberry Juice Can Help Prevent UTI's In Women

A new study done by the Ocean Spray Cranberries Inc. has found that drinking cranberry juice can help prevent Urinary Tract Infections (UTI's) in women. Women are generally more prone to UTI's than men, because bacteria is easier to spread in their urethra. It can be painful, with symptoms like a burning feeling and pressure in their urinary tract.

The study tested how healthy women react to drinking cranberry juice daily. They tested a group of 373 women, and some drank a glass of cranberry juice everyday for 6 weeks, and others were given a placebo.

These were the main findings of the study:

- The women that drank cranberry juice experienced fewer symptoms of urinary infections- Cranberry juice generally is high in sugar, and the juice used in this experiment had reduced sugar-

If you are prone to UTI's, consider taking a cranberry daily to reduce the risk of infection.  Also, taking a supplement will eliminate the carbohydrates and sugars found in juice. 

Read more about the study here://


Kava Roots Helps Those Suffering From Anxiety

Date: September 21, 2016 05:25 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Kava Roots Helps Those Suffering From Anxiety

Anxiety is a common mental disorder. Many treatment and preventive tips are available for these illnesses. For those who want to avoid prescription drugs, consider trying kava root as an alternative.

Kava is a shrub used in cooking and flavoring in many countries. It has a peppery taste and, in fact, has been considered to be a close relative of black peppers. In the Pacific region, kava root is extracted and widely used as a beverage. The psychoactive effects of the kava plant are imparted by its active component known as kavalactone.

 Kava Root has been used for:

  •  mental clarity
  •  better sociability
  • reduce anxiety.

Another common uses of kava root is for the improvement of sleep quality and pattern, and the relief of general body malaise, asthma attacks, insomnia and menopausal symptoms.

In many countries, kava is more popularly used  to ease symptoms of anxiety, stress, as well as depression. Many individuals reported that they have experienced a euphoric, calming effect after consuming kava root extract. It is also claimed to cause a feeling of wellness, focused mind and more relaxed muscles. Clinical experiments show that kava is highly effective in preventing anxiety attacks and exacerbation of depression.

Kava has been reported to be safe and not addictive to its users when used as directed.

Look for kava root in capsule, tablet, powder, or liquid forms at your local or internet vitamin store. Always choose name brands to ensure quality and purity of the product you purchase for consumption. Read the label and make sure it contains at least 30% kavalactone.



Inflammation Pain Got You Down? EPA Fish Oil Can Help

Date: October 12, 2015 12:55 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Inflammation Pain Got You Down? EPA Fish Oil Can Help

There's absolutely no doubt as to whether fish oil contains anti-inflammatory benefits. The main question is how one can tap into these benefits. How fish oil helps in inflammation pain is well understood. Basically, fish oil contains EPA and DHA which are Omega 3 fatty acids. Our body cannot make these essential fats on its own, and it's therefore important to have them in included in the diet just like other minerals and vitamins.

Effects of Inflammation Pain
There are many case studies that have been published to demonstrate the anti-inflammatory activity of EPA-rich fish oil. Inflammation is generally a response that our body uses to respond to any tissue injury or infections. These inflammatory processes have recently been understood as the underlying causes of many diseases of the modern world including obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, osteoarthritis, Alzheimer's disease, degenerative disc disease and many more.

Fish oil has shown to have potential benefits to all these diseases, but the main question is how one substance could help so many different conditions. However, fish oil contains essential omega 3 fats that benefit a wide variety of health conditions, either related or caused by inflammation.

How EPA helps inflammation

EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid) is an omega 3 fatty acid present in fish oil and is used by the body as a building block for manufacturing a group of chemicals with anti-inflammatory effects. This simply means that EPA acts as the fuel for the ability of our body to make its own anti-inflammatory chemicals. Scientists and nutritionists have shown that our modern diet is deficient in these omega 3 fatty acids. They also suggest that this may serve as an explanation of the current epidemic of inflammatory pain related illnesses that are being experienced in most western countries.

EPA fish oil dosage

In order to achieve significant anti-inflammatory effects, you must take a large daily dose of EPA-rich fish oils. One study has shown that patients suffering from disabling pain are able to achieve a significant pain relief that could not be helped by prescriptive pain medications, after taking high doses of fish oil for a prolonged period of time. In this study, all the patients had suffered severe disabling pain that could not be relieved through prescriptive pain medications. The pain was caused by something different in each of the cases.

One of the patients had second and third-degree burns over large parts of his body and was still experiencing pain despite taking morphine. Another patient had suffered a disc herniation in his neck. In all these cases, patients experienced significant relief after taking high doses of EPA fish oils and were able to return to their normal daily living. The fish oil daily dosage included 3200 mg to 7000 mg of EPA and DHA combined.

Assessing your need for omega 3

The expected results from taking fish oil largely depend on your current intake of omega 3 fats. If your body is currently depleted on omega 3 fats, it will certainly take much longer before it reaches the optimal levels of omega 3 and to achieve the full benefits of EPA. To determine your current omega 3 status, a simple blood test can measure your Omega-Index.






Can Argan Oil Help My Skin Look Younger?

Date: September 17, 2015 10:19 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Can Argan Oil Help My Skin Look Younger?

Argan oil has risen to become a very important component when it comes to skin care. The trick lies in its composition. Unlike other products in the same class, it has a very unique composition. This oil has sterols, polyphenols, carotenoids, natural antioxidants and not forgetting essential fatty acids.

Argan Oil

Below are some of the skin problems that can be cured by Argan oil:

  • Sunburn

Sunburn refers to dry scaly skin condition as a result of being exposed to intense sunshine. Argan oil is high in vitamin E content which plays a very big role in curing this condition. It helps prevent sunburns due to its moisturizing ability. However, in cases where the sunburn has already occurred it can be used to treat the condition. Due to this particular quality; vitamin E has been linked to preventing skin cancer.

  • Wrinkles and appearance of fine lines on the skin

As people age, the skin tends to lose its elasticity quality and as such wrinkles begin to appear. However, this oil helps to prevent and/or cure this problem. It does this by rehydrating the skin, hence restoring the skin’s natural elasticity properties.

  • Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a disease that affects the skin. Its main symptoms are appearance of red patches on the skin covered with scales. The compounds present in argan oil help alleviate the problem through nourishing it with essential nutrients. As a result it helps the skin retain moisture, effectively treating the condition.

  • Razor bumps and burns

Have you ever experienced rashes that arise due to after-shave? This condition is very common in men after shaving as well as women after shaving their legs and/or bikini lines. These bumps are very uncomfortable and unsightly. Argan oil has been proven to heal this condition.

Regular use of argan oil is not just for cosmetic purposes, but majorly for the general health of the skin. Its many unique natural compounds do not only preserve and soften the skin but also help in healing various skin conditions.


Should I Be Taking DHEA?

Date: August 31, 2015 10:23 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Should I Be Taking DHEA?

Formally known as the 5-Dehydroepiandrosterone, DHEA is actually a steroid hormone secreted by the human brain, gonads as well as the adrenal glands, the glands that sit just on top of any person's kidneys.  Besides, being secreted by the gonads and also the human brain, DHEA is also beneficial in the formation of crucial reproductive hormones, like testosterone along with estrogen.

Should I Be Taking DHEA?

DHEA was found in the mid 1930's yet really grew up in the 1950's when it had been found that maturing patients experienced decreased levels in their circulatory system. It had been thought before that DHEA supplement projects may help battle the maturing process.  There's a reasonable bit of level headed discussion on the point in the matter of regardless of whether DHEA is helpful. One point is sure on the other hand, DHEA is a denied substance in for all intents and purposes of all games associations. Associations from baseball to the Olympics have established that DHEA is unworthy for the members.

Fundamentally, DHEA supplements are thought to effectively lessen weight. They typically measure in putting away fats in the body and keep those extra calories away.  As a general rule, majority of "work out" supplements comprise of DHEA in their components. Apart from this, DHEA also advances the glucose to parts where it is required, thus bringing about a fitter and healthier body.

DHEA supplement is truly a sort of steroidal hormone, it's got a huge part in the body's safety.  Boosting the invulnerable framework is another prize that you can get from DHEA dietary supplements as these are known not the human body's capacity to shape significantly more antibodies that may battle off disease and tumor bringing about cells

The huge expansion of optional medications cannot be compared to the extraordinary properties of DHEA.  While it is genuinely made in the whole body.  The maturing process is inevitable to the human body, however, DHEA slows down the aging process.  This also helps in conditions in the heart, kidneys, and pancreas.

Given that DHEA is a steroidal hormone, it plays an important role in the body's susceptibility to antibodies.  This improves the body's energy to fight contamination and malignancy in cells.  Likewise, it has been watched how nutritional supplements containing a DHEA fixing could incredibly help people who may have high dangers of getting osteoporosis.  This truly is as a consequence of straightforward reality that DHEA supplement could support the calcium levels inside of the bones.


Can Peppermint Tea Sooth An Upset Stomach?

Date: August 03, 2015 08:02 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Can Peppermint Tea Sooth An Upset Stomach?

Almost everyone has experienced upset stomach at some point in life. There are various possible causes of upset stomach including food and drink, lifestyle factors, and medical issues.

Food and Drink

Upset stomach often results from the food or drinks that we take.  According to C. Health (2015), upset stomach might result from food poisoning.  For example, food contaminated with bacteria, viruses, or parasites can cause upset stomach or vomiting.  Overeating and drinking can also lead to upset stomach.  C. Health (2015) warns that if an individual drinks or eats too much, he/she can get upset stomach or indigestion.  Similarly, some types of foods such as fatty, greasy, or spicy food, can cause upset stomach.


Upset stomach can also result from a number of lifestyles including emotional stress, eating too fast, or smoking (C. Health, 2015).  The other possible lifestyle causes of upset stomach include too much alcohol or caffeine.

Medical Reasons

There are various medical problems associated with upset stomach. These include gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), or intestinal infections (C. Health, 2015). The other possible medical causes of upset stomach include lactose intolerance or ulcers.

There are various treatments for upset stomach. These include peppermint tea.

Peppermint Tea

Peppermint is a common flavoring for tea and toothpaste (UMMC, 2015). Peppermint tea helps to soothe upset stomach in various ways.

Peppermint Tea


Peppermint tea calms stomach muscles and improves the flow of bile that helps in digestion of fats (UMMC, 2015). As such, food passes through the stomach more quickly. However, it is not advisable to use peppermint if the indigestion symptoms result from GERD.


Peppermint tea relaxes stomach muscles thus allowing digestive gas to pass.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Peppermint tea treats irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) including, diarrhea, pain, bloating, and gas. UMMC (2015) found that patients who took peppermint flavored tea 3 to 4 times daily for one month rarely experienced upset stomach.

Overall, peppermint kills some types of viruses, bacteria, and fungi implying that it has antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties. UMMC (2015) asserts that the main ingredients of peppermint include menthol and methyl salicylate which have calming effects on the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, peppermint tea can soothe upset stomach.


C. Health. (2015). Digestive health. Retrieved from, //

University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC). (2015). Peppermint. Retrieved from, //


Boswellia - The Anti-Inflammatory Herb

Date: July 23, 2015 03:07 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Boswellia - The Anti-Inflammatory Herb

Boswellia is some times referred to as Indian frankincense or boswellin.  It comes from a tree known as boswellia serrata that is found to grow in the dry areas of India.  Boswellia is said to have 55% of Boswellic acid.  For centuries, many Indian healers have always taken the advantage of the anti-inflammation property of this tree.  The bark's gummy resin contains anti-inflammation content in higher percentages - its known as salai guggal.


In the modern world, preparations are done from a purified extract of the resin and normally packed in cream or pills which are then used mainly to reduce inflammation; rheumatoid or osteoarthritis arthritis.  Unlike nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, like ibuprofen, which is one of the accepted treatments for joint inflammation, - boswellia according to research does not show signs of stomach irritation.  It's also sometimes effective when it comes to back pains and other chronic related intestinal disorders.

Its health benefits, according to research by scientists, has been outlined that this herb has specific and very active anti-inflammation ingredients.  These ingredients are commonly known as boswellic acids.  In the field of animal studies, boswellic acids have been proven to reduce inflammation.  They improve rapidly the blood flow to the joints. They also do block those chemical reactions that always sets the stage for inflammation that cause chronic intestinal disorders.  Boswellia maybe taken internally or even applied topically to the affected joints to help relieve inflammation that is associated with joint disorders.  These always increase joint mobility and lessen the morning stiffness.

In a study that was conducted involving 175 patients suffering rheumatic disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, exactly 122 participants were found to experience reduced inflammation and stiffness after using boswellia for two to four weeks.  Boswellia's inflammatory component helps reduce stiffness and aching, especially when associated with the low back pains.  Though a lot of researches done shows that boswellia is effective when taken orally, creams also appear to be soothing all together.

Boswellia also seems to reduce the inflammation related with Crohn's and ulcerative colitis disease, of which both are painful intestinal disorders. It's said to be able to accomplish this without actually the risk of gut irritation which is mainly associated with lots of convectional pain relievers.

In the ?year 1997, a study was conducted involving ulcerative colitis victims, 82% those who took this boswellia extract like 3 times in a day, they experienced total and complete remission of this disease.

Read More


Does The Red Raspberry Have Healing Properties?

Date: March 26, 2014 11:54 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Does The Red Raspberry Have Healing Properties?

raspberry fruitRed raspberry fruit

Raspberry provides some of the very best results when it comes to the medicinal values especially in herbal medicine. The usefulness of the plant delivered from roots, bark, leaves and the fruit. Due to the wide range of minerals that found in red raspberry, which includes vitamins, potassium, calcium, sulphites and phosphate. The leaves contain important acids like citric, malic, tartaric and citrate, which are very good for the body. Red raspberry used in many cases to treat and prevent certain digestive system related diseases like diarrhea and dysentery.

Health benefits of raspberry

In many cases, raspberry in form of vinegar is used to cure sore throats and different cough related complications. The flowers of red raspberry used for the treatment of pimples in adolescents as well as poultice for eye inflammation. The juice made from red raspberry used as laxatives or as a remedy for children with fever, as well as the treatment of cystitis.

Raspberry products are used worldwide by women who are pregnant or have menstrual complications. The underlying factor in this case is that raspberry used to stop or reduce mucous discharge from genitals hence reducing the pain experienced during menstruation. For pregnant women red raspberry products used to prevent postpartum depression and hypertension while boosting breast milk production during lactation. In other cases, the leaves of red raspberry used to promote fertility in both men and women and prevent the causes of miscarriages.

Raspberries mixed with other products to produce medicines that can cure diseases like malaria, gonorrheal, leukemia and other dangerous diseases. This achieved through the ability of raspberry fruits having constituents that act like anti-septic, anti-gonorrhea, anti-malaria and anti-leucorrhea.


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Can Xylitol Help Prevent Tooth Decay As a Mouth Wash?

Date: March 11, 2014 05:25 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Can Xylitol Help Prevent Tooth Decay As a Mouth Wash?

Xylitol on tooth decay

tooth decayOne of the mouthwashes that has been proven to prevent tooth decay are those containing Xylitol. This is an ingredient that can be proven to promote dental hygiene and also prevent tooth decay. According to dental experts. Xylitol can help with the prevention of tooth decay. Tooth decay is caused by the sugars we eat, and in turn cause plaque and bacteria in the mouth.

Xylitol products

Xylitol is a natural sweetener that is found in the fibrous part of plants. Products containing this substance such as tooth pastes, mouthwashes and sprays have been found to substantially reduce the amount of decay that is experienced by many people. Those who are looking for dental products such as mouthwashes may wish to make sure that the product they buy contains this Xylitol.

The reason that this substance is so helpful is that it keeps sugars from breaking down in the mouth and sticking to the gums. Sugar is something which leads to bacteria and decay and needs to be prevented. This is the reason is still people that are going to find xylitol helpful in the prevention of cavities and decay.

Benefits of xylitol

The benefits of xylitol go beyond decay prevention however, the product can also help repair the enamel of the teeth. This is one of its other many uses. Those who choose to use this product in mouthwash will find that is has outstanding benefits for the individual and their overall dental health. Use products such as mouth wash that contain Xylitol and help stop tooth decay in its tracks. This is one premium product that can be used for oral hygiene. It is a great additive and one that can make a difference in oral health. Look for mouthwash containing Zylitol to help prevent tooth decay and preserve oral health for the long term.


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Melatonin CAn Help You Sleep Better in a natural way

Date: December 22, 2013 04:58 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Melatonin CAn Help You Sleep Better in a natural way


If you find that you are not able to sleep on any particular day, then you are not alone who experienced this problem because many other people are also there that face this problem on regular basis. In most of the cases this problem appears due to lack of melatonin hormone that plays an important role in regulation of sleep cycles.

Disturbed Sleep

In case you disturbed your natural sleep cycle because you traveled to some other time zone or you are in work that requires you to work in night, then it can reduce the natural production of melatonin in your body and you may find trouble in sleeping. However, melatonin supplements are available there that can help you sleep naturally. All you have to do is you need to consume it 30 minute before you go to bed.

The best thing about melatonin

Is that it works on almost every individual and within 30 minute of its consumption you start feeling drowsy and you find it impossible to stay awake. After that it take you in some deep sleep where you can see some vivid dream and when you wake up you find yourself completely fresh and energetic. Another great thing about melatonin is that it does not introduce any external chemical in your body to make you feel sleepy, but it does it in a natural way and that’s why you don’t even need a prescription for using it.

However, it is very important that if you have any particular health problem or if you are pregnant, then it is suggested that you should consult with doctor before consuming melatonin. Other than this, it is also very important that you should consume it with guidelines only because if you take it more than suggested quantity you may feel sleepy and tired for rest of your day as well.


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Health Benefits of Vitex

Date: December 20, 2013 09:04 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Health Benefits of Vitex

vitex flowerHealth Benefits of Vitex

Taken from a mediterrenian tree, vitex has numerous health benefits in human life especially to women. Taken as alternative medicine, the herb can affect human body in various ways leading to diverse health benefits.

These benefits include;

Menopause alleviation

Women who consume vitex have been found to have longer reproductive life due to delayed menopause. This results from prevention of the women from hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness and weight gain- identified as common signs of menopause. If properly administered, the herb has in addition been found to reduce the effects of hormonal imbalance such as excessive bleeding during menstruation.

Fertility enhancement

Vitex is used to enhance fertility. Studies have established that the herb helps women with irregular periods and consequent irregular ovulation. This has been attributed to the herb's ability to facilitate estrogen regulation in the body as required during the first half of ovulation cycle while enhancing improved levels of progesterone required in maintaining pregnancy.

Maintains pregnancy

Research has established that the use of vitex during the first trimester reduces the chances of miscarriage. This has been established to be effective because the herb contains chemical substances necessary for enhancing and regulating hormonal balance in the body during pregnancy.

Alleviates Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is a set of unpleasant signs and symptoms experienced during menstruation. They include severe stomach and backaches, cramps, fatigue among others. Consumption of vitex has been found to alleviate these hormonal based complications. During menstruation, women often suffer hormonal imbalances which lead to differences in their responses to issues as well as strained body and even pains at times. The use of vitex has been found to enhance hormonal stability leading to reduced effects of the disorders associated with hormonal imbalances.

Relieves breast pain

On consumption of vitex, it influences the pituitary glad to produce progesterone hormone leading to reduction in breast pains especially during breast feeding.


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Can Tribulus Herb Boost Testosterone?

Date: December 02, 2013 07:16 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Can Tribulus Herb Boost Testosterone?

Understanding Testosterone

Tribulus Herb

As you all know, testosterone is a male hormone produced by the testicles, which greatly influence sexual characteristics in men. Apart from that,hormo it is also essential for maintaining muscle bulk, for improving the bone growth, and for maintaining a general sense of well-being in men. Therefore, it goes without saying that any decrease in the natural levels of testosterone hormone can cause major problems in a man’s life. So, how can we tackle the natural decrease of this hormone which is often accompanied with aging? One method of doing this is by boosting the testosterone level by some of the natural methods like using the herb tribulus terrestris.

What is Tribulus Terrestris?

It can be thought of as a natural remedy to the low testosterone levels experienced by males. It has been around for thousands of years and was used for this very purpose by many ancient Asian traditional healing doctrines. The main advantage of using tribulus to boost testosterone hormone in males is that as it is a boosting process and not a hormone replacing process it does not get accompanied by unfortunate side effects usually found in hormone replacement therapies which can even include shrinkage of testicles itself. Also, hormone replacement therapies will require you to take these synthetic hormones for your entire life time whereas testosterone boosting supplements can be stopped at any time and allow the body to settle down to its own rhythm. Therefore testosterone boosting is a better method to tackle low levels of testosterone in men when compared to hormone replacement therapies.

How Tribulus Work?

Now, here is how tribulus work on males to boost the testosterone levels. The main thing to keep in mind regarding this herb is that it is not a hormone. Instead it acts by stimulating the testicles to produce another hormone called Lutenizing which in turn will prompt your body to produce more testosterone.


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Can ButterBur Extract Help Fight Migraine Headaches?

Date: November 25, 2013 06:21 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Can ButterBur Extract Help Fight Migraine Headaches?

What is Butterbur?

butterburButterbur is a plant found in the daisy asteraceae and is in genus petasites. They are also known as sweet coltsfoot. They are mainly found in the temperate zones of the northern hemisphere in areas such as riverbanks, ditches and marshes it’s also found in Europe, Asia and North America. The plant was mainly used by Native Americans as a remedy for inflammation, coughs, asthma allergies and headaches. For many years its leaves and roots have been used as an important medicinal herb. In recent research, researchers have found out that extracts of butterbur contains an active ingredient that can be used to prevent migraines and also act as an antispasmodic supporting chronic cough or asthma.

What are the Benefits of Butterbur?

The plant contains two very active chemicals namely petasin and isopetasin. This chemicals are believed to be beneficial in treating headaches, the highest concentration of this chemicals mainly occurs in roots. Root extracts of the plant have been discovered to be very effective in the reduction of frequency and severity of migraines. Migraines are caused by rapid change in the blood flow to the head, they are characterized by episodes of headaches, sensitivity to light and sound and nausea. Treatment includes pain relievers and other medication that affect the openness of the blood vessels. Medication can help ease the pain as a short term measure but in the long run the may cause more headaches as a result of a condition known as medication overuse headaches. These resultant headaches are more difficult to treat than migraines; these medicines may also lead to other problems for people with other chronic illness.

Butterbur root extracts presumably contains isopetasin and/or petasin that are effective in relieving and preventing migraine, since the compound prevents blood vessel inflammation, although it’s said to have gastrointestinal side effects. From research it was discovered that petasin contains anti-spasmodic properties which helps in reducing spasms in vascular walls and smooth muscles. It also contains a powerful anti-inflammatory agent that prevents the synthesis of leukotrienes that is the pro-inflammatory agent in the blood vessel walls. Isopetasin also contains an anti-inflammatory by modulating prostaglandin metabolism. The two together have an antispasmodic effect on vascular walls.


According to a survey carried out in Germany where two hundred and two people who had migraines attacks three months prior to the survey and those who had stopped medication three months before were randomly assigned to receive 75mg of butterbur extract twice a day, the other group was assigned 50 mg or placebo. The results were recorded and it was discovered that people using a higher dosage of butterbur experienced a greater reduction in the frequency in migraines.

Other Treatment of Butterbur

Other than being used in migraine treatment butterbur have several other uses and benefits such as allergy relief without antihistamine side effects, while antihistamines have advance side effects such as fuzzy head and fatigue, when butterbur was used no side effects were evident. Butterbur extracts are also used to treat asthma; this is as a result of anti-inflammatory properties combined with bronchodilating properties.


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Grapefruit Pectin And Soluble Fiber Health Benefits?

Date: January 26, 2013 11:28 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Grapefruit Pectin And Soluble Fiber Health Benefits?

Do you want to know, what are the benefits you're likely to reap from consuming grapefruit pectin?

If yes, then this write up is for you. Scroll down to know more on this.

Typically consumed as for break-fast, grapefruits usually are a favorite for the dieters who are tirelessly working on the various tactics that can assist them in the fat burning process. Grapefruits are well known for their minerals and vitamins, but they are also very great sources of fiber. Grapefruit pectin which is unique form of the soluble fiber has got a number of the health benefits that it carries along. Let us now have a look at some of these benefits that it carries.

Benefits of Grapefruit Pectin

The following are some of the benefits of grapefruit pectin. They include;

  • *Preventing Formation of Cholesterol Grapefruit pectin fiber normally binds to the cholesterol and thus prevents it from forming the deposits along the walls of the artery.
  • *Maintaining the Blood Sugar Levels Grapefruit pectin fiber also slows the carbohydrates from making their way to the blood stream. This thus reduces rate at which the sugars are absorbed. In the long run this assists in maintaining the levels of blood sugar.
  • *Antibacterial A very powerful antibacterial, the grapefruit pectin fiber normally fights the internal fungi, bacterial infections, and the other harmful parasites.
  • *Promoting the Health of the Colon Just the same as the other fibers, grapefruit pectin fiber also is as well beneficial when it comes to promoting the health of the colon. This fiber adds bulk to the individuals' stool and hence assists him or her to be able to pass the stool more easily via the intestinal tract. Grapefruit pectin fiber also can prevent hemorrhoids and diverticulitis, while easing symptoms of the irritable bowel syndrome as well as the other bowel complaints.
  • *Cancer Protection Grapefruit pectin also is believed to have the capability to inhibit growth and metastasis of some certain types of cancers, most particularly those of gastrointestinal tract. According to some researches which were conducted recently, a fragment that was released from pectin was believed to inhibit the galectin 3, a protein which plays a role in all the stages associated with cancer progression.
  • *Enhancing a Better Immunity: Enhancing better immunity is also another benefit which has been reportedly to come from the grapefruit pectin fiber. This fiber when imputed in any diet will prevent the infections that are normally caused by the microbes such as bacteria, parasites and fungi.
  • *Healthy Weight Management In addition to the fact that this fiber can easily clear your digestive tract, it can as well assist you in maintaining your weight. This fiber normally gives dieters the feeling that can lead to less consumption of calories. Grapefruit pectin fiber also can inhibit the absorption of some calories from the foods eaten, thus resulting to less weight gain.

Last but not the least; as you have seen, grapefruit pectin fiber has got very many benefits. However, before you include grapefruit to your diet, ensure that you consult an experienced dietitian or doctor to know whether it is ideal for your diet or not.


What Causes High Blood Pressure And What Can Reduce And Prevent It?

Date: December 28, 2012 11:24 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What Causes High Blood Pressure And What Can Reduce And Prevent It?

High blood pressure is one of the most common conditions people suffer from in first-world countries; throughout the last few decades civilized countries have becomes exponentially more reliant on technology, without forgetting the rise of the fast food industry. In conjunction with the sedentary lifestyles most people lead nowadays, this has led to an increase of people with cardiovascular health problems. According to the American Heart Association, around 33% of adults in the United States are suffering from hypertension.

The silent killer

The disease is not known as the silent killer for nothing, as a person can live with it for years and years without even experiencing any symptoms. However, as time goes by the disease starts to take its toll on the body, with symptoms including dizziness, headaches and nosebleeds. However, if gone unchecked for a long time the condition is going to worsen considerably, eventually leading to the development of serious cardiovascular problems, including coronary heart disease.

What precisely causes high blood pressure?

For starters, one's body fat percentage plays an important role; the more fat a person has, the more the walls of their arteries are clogged, the higher the blood pressure rises. A lack of physical activity has also been known to help the condition develop as it forces your heart to contract itself more often. Intake of products such as tobacco, alcohol, sodium and potassium can all lead to an increase in your blood pressure, as well as your risk of heart disease.

Stress is a factor which often gets overlooked, but the truth is that when you tense up, your heart starts pumping blood faster, which consequently increases the pressure in your arteries. Finally, there is the one factor which cannot be controlled: genetics. Indeed, if a person has a family history of hypertension, that person is likely to suffer from it as well.

While it is possible to treat high blood pressure with chemical over-the-counter pharmaceutical remedies, they often bring about a slew of side effects which can cause problems even worse than the ones experienced with the blood pressure.

Natural Remedies

Fortunately, there are a few natural remedies which can be used to fight the condition.

For starters, you can take magnesium supplements which are sold by numerous companies, generally in the form of capsules. Magnesium is the most common mineral needed by the body and it helps to regulate one's blood levels. If you don't feel like taking supplements, you could always eat foods rich in magnesium, which basically translates to consuming lots of green vegetables, nuts, seeds and unrefined grains. 

Hibiscus tea

Hibiscus tea is another apparent miracle of nature; drinking it on a regular basis will slowly decrease one's hypertension. A clinical study was actually conducted in order to determine the tea's effectiveness, and it was found that it can noticeably improve the condition of those suffering from mild or moderate hypertension.

Coenzyme Q10

Finally, you might want to look into the Coenzyme Q10, a natural supplement which has undergone clinical studies. More precisely, there was a twelve-week double-blind placebo-controlled study involving eighty-three subjects with hypertension. They were treated for the entire duration with 17.8 mm Hg of the Coenzyme Q10, and in the end their pressure was significantly reduced.

Needless to say, there are countless more natural remedies which can help deal with high blood pressure, with the best part being that most of them don't cost much and are readily available for purchase anywhere. In some cases, you can even do it at home by yourself. All in all, as long as there are natural methods to try it is highly recommended that you stay away from pharmaceutical treatments; not only will they burn a hole in your wallet, they may very well leave you worse for wear.


The Benefits of Forskolin

Date: December 24, 2012 07:58 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Benefits of Forskolin

Forskolin is the chemical substance extracted from the root of a plant called coleus forskolin also known as Indian coleus plant. This plant originated in India and its part of mint family. This herb is used to treat various health conditions.

One of the benefits of this herb is its great effectiveness in losing weight. For those people who love looking good, then this product can be of great help. This herb can greatly help wit the reduction of excess fat; this helps in speeding up the process of losing weight.

Forskolin can work in two days.

It works first through stimulating lipolysis and then breaking down the lipids containing fats. This is takes much less time compared to other traditional methods since it raises the cAMP production levels in patients. CAMP regulates glycogen, sugar and lipid. Scientists have proven that this herb can be very beneficial to obese patients. 

Stimulates Thyroid function

Secondly, Forskolin helps in losing weight through is ability to increase the production of thyroid hormone levels. When thyroid production is increased, our metabolism rate increases which leads to weight loss. Typical dosage is 25 to 60mg of forskolin herb per day. This is divided into 2 or 3 doses. Weight loss can be experienced within a few weeks of regular use of this herb. This herb also helps in lowering blood pressure, therefore preventing blood clots.

An improved blood flow helps maintain a healthy heart. This herb also helps in maintaining healthy lungs. Forskolin is also used in treatment of eczema and psoriasis. It's also beneficial to asthma patients by aiding in relaxing the airways, this helps in respiration process. This product has no known side effects, it can also be taken along with other caffeine's; this provides a boost in the stamina. However, make sure you see your doctor for proper guidance on how to use this product.


Benefits of wild yam to women

Date: December 21, 2012 11:17 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Benefits of wild yam to women

Wild yam which is also known as Dioscorea villosa has been used for a very long time to help women deal with various health issues especially those associated with menstrual cycles. There are various forms in which this herb can be taken for example capsules and creams. Wild yam is so popular among women due to the progesterone properties that it carries. This herb contains an ingredient diosgenin which is converted in the body to produce progesterone.

Progesterone plays a very crucial role in a woman's body. Some of the roles include;

This hormone is known to produce mucus which protects the vaginal area from infections. When there are higher levels of progesterone in the blood, women will experience a spike in their libido. Supplementing with progesterone is mostly beneficial after menopause when most women experience reduced intimate desires. Progesterone plays a major role during menstruation. It prepares the endothelium for fertilization. If fertilization does not happen, the levels of progesterone will fall down resulting in menstrual periods.

Wild yam can help easy PMS

Women who experience painful cramps after menstruation could really benefit from progesterone supplements. With its antispasmotic properties, the progesterone may help to relax the muscles hence reducing the amount of pain experienced. Progesterone may also help to ease labor pains.

Wild Yam Is A Natural Progesterone

Women who are undergoing menopause may also want to use wild yam. This herb helps to restore hormonal balance thus ensuring that a woman does not face the usual hot flashes and sweating at night. Having hormonal imbalances could really deny you the comfort in life. Hormones such as progesterone which are very crucial for a woman's body processes should always be checked. Progesterone supplements are most appropriate when you are experiencing progesterone deficit. Wild yam supplement comes in the form of capsules or creams. If it comes combined with other ingredients, ensure that all the ingredients are safe for your body.


All about curamin

Date: December 13, 2012 11:35 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: All about curamin

For those who never really hard about it, they should know that Curamin contains is up to ten times strong than the regular curcumin products. It's actually one of the best ways through which individuals will be able to balance their body's natural inflammation response and many recent and past studies support its ability. Through the removal of pro inflammatory compounds which are generally present in this plant, the impact of boswellia is very much enhanced.

DLPA was showed in many studies to actually be very helpful with maximizing the effects of enkephalins and endorphins, which are natural and very powerful pain relievers produced by the human body. Nattokinase is rounding up the formula and for those who don't have any idea what it is, they should know it's actually an enzyme. It directly affects muscle pain through its ability to have the fibrinogen levels in the body balanced and at the same time it will also ensure people have a healthy blood circulation in the body. Many people are already aware of the fact that if they take ibuprofen and also aspiring for long periods of time, they will experience serious stomach bleeding and at the same time, if they take Tylenol and ibuprofen, the toxicity in their kidneys and liver will increase very much. 

However, with the more safer and also more effective alternative of Curamin, who would ever want to consider the aforementioned medicines?

Curamin, this is a natural pain killer anyone can take. Its combination of dl-phenylalanine, boswellia, cuminoids and Curcumin make it a really effective pain reliever. The way it works is that it will help with stopping the triggers that switch on pain pathways and at the same time it will also reduce the inflammation. More than ninety percent of people who have taken Curamin said that in just forty five minutes, they experienced great pain relief. At the same time, they also said there were no side effects to deal with, meaning their kidneys, stomach and intestines didn't suffer any damage. Curamin actually works in conjunction with the body's natural ability to stop inflammations which is the reason why individuals feel pain.

The president and founder of Europharma in the United States said that it is really a great and effective product which everyone who is dealing with inflammations should use. Because he trusts this product so much, millions of Americans have actually turned their attention to it and regard it now as one of the most efficient pain relievers on the market. In 2009 Curamin was awarded the prize for having the best formula so far, a formula which doesn't let people experience any side effects and at the same time, it makes their inflammations and pain go away really quickly. It seems that as time passes, Curamin is also getting better and more and more effective formulas appear. With that being said, everyone who will take Curamin in order relieve his pain or inflammation will feel great in less than an hour!



Can Serrapeptase Help Sinus Problems?

Date: December 01, 2012 11:11 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Can Serrapeptase Help Sinus Problems?

Natural Anti-Inflammatory Enzyme

Serrapeptase is a natural enzyme derived from silkworm and it is used as treatment for various diseases. Actually, it is prepared from fermented enzymes gotten from worms. This enzyme known as Serrapeptase has many health benefits especially for treating inflammatory diseases like Sinusitis.

 Aids In Relieving Sinusitis

As you already know, Sinusitis is a medical condition that is caused by the inflammation of the sinuses due to bacteria, viral infection or fungal. However, Serrapeptase has proved to be one of the best treatments for sinus infections. It works by breaking down the mucus found in the nasal cavity which makes it thinner to be remove from the body. Various researches that were carried out in the past showed how effective Serrapeptase is. In fact, about 97.3 percent of sinusitis patients who took part in a clinical trial in Italy experienced positive changes and were relieved of severe pains.

Serrapeptase is an anti-inflammatory agent and it has the power to cure various inflammatory diseases like sinusitis, osteoporosis, viral pneumonia and rheumatoid arthritis.


Health Benefits Of Liquid Vitamin C

Date: November 21, 2012 04:15 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Health Benefits Of Liquid Vitamin C

Vitamin C is one of the most important body nutritional supplements that play an important role in the body. Vitamin C has a lot of benefits to the body and has many immediate effects when taken mostly in liquid form. They are also known as antioxidants that are mainly known to help in clearing off the harmful free radicals that are responsible for gradual cell damages.

Liquid vitamin C also assists in the immune system hence warding off possible infections. This also ensures that wounds and damaged tissues are speedily healed; vitamin C also ensures that collagen formation is taking place as well as fat metabolism and iron absorption. In most cases, vitamin C cannot be bodily generated and due to different body functions some people may need greater doses of these vitamins.

Liquid vitamin C is known to be efficient in delivering the vitamin into the body's system and is more absorbed when in liquid form. For people who require high doses of vitamin C, vitamin supplementation is however recommended for such people so as to ensure that their body systems are well supplied with vitamins and are strong enough to fight infections.

Vitamin C deficiency in adults is very common since many people fail to realize the importance of taking these vitamins and they lack enough vitamins in the body which leads to prone infections such as colds, gum damages and poor wound healing. There are no critical risks when it comes to liquid vitamin C overdose especially for those people who require vitamins at large volumes. Under normal circumstances, rare cases of headaches, fatigue, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting may be experienced when an individual overdoses. Using the products as directed will provide great health benefits.  Try it today and feel the difference.


Health Benefits of Alpha Lipoic Acid

Date: July 02, 2012 07:53 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Health Benefits of Alpha Lipoic Acid

Alpha Lipoic Acid

Alpha Lipoic Acid, popularly abbreviated as ALA, can also be referred to as thioctic acid. It is an antioxidant as well as a fatty acid occurring naturally in the body. Every single cell in your body has this compound, which can also be sourced from food staff such as broccoli, spinach, organ meats, peas, brussel sprouts and rice bran. The following is a comprehensive list of the health benefits of ALA.

Health benefits of ALA on the aging process

ALA is known to delay the aging process. It does this through its antioxidant properties that help reduce cell damage, a condition that contributes to early aging of cells. This function also helps protect you from chronic illnesses that are attributed to old age.

Health benefits of ALA on brain cells

ALA also protects your brain from the damage caused by free radicals, thus protecting you from dementia and memory related problems. Studies conducted on animals have shown that this acid helps boost memory. Free radicals are also associated with brain cancer, and so this antioxidant helps protect you from developing malignant tumors in your brain. It also protects you from diseases such as Alzheimer.

Health benefits of ALA on blood sugar

Lipoic acid has been found to help regulate blood sugar thus helping relieve the symptoms of diabetes. It helps relieve the numbness, tingling, pain and itchiness experienced by diabetes patients. This function makes ALA an effective remedy for diabetes-related conditions such as peripheral neuropathy, cardiac autonomic neuropathy and autonomic neuropathy.

Health benefits of ALA on the skin

ALA has been used to manufacture a wide range of beauty creams because of its ability to improve the skin texture. This acid also protects the skin against sun damage, thus reducing chances of developing sunburns. It reduces the size of your skin pores thus helping correct specific types of acne. Finally, ALA helps improve the radiance of your skin thus giving you a beautiful and glowing skin.

Other health benefits of ALA

ALA plays almost all the roles of antioxidants, since it also helps boost your immunity. This function helps protect you from diseases such as:

• Multiple sclerosis
• Stroke
• Burning mouth syndrome
• Cataracts
• Glaucoma
• Sun damaged skin
• Bone loss
• Migraine
• High blood pressure
• Overweight and obesity
• Retinal cell death

One of the advantages that ALA has over other antioxidants is that it is both water soluble and fat soluble, unlike the other antioxidants that are soluble in either water or fat only. Therefore, its health benefits can be felt all over your body. In addition, ALA is found in all cells within your body and so deficiencies are rare.

Even though ALA is synthesized naturally within your body cells, their production goes down as you age. This is why alpha lipoic acid supplements are available. They are often presented in the form of capsules. There is no recommended daily dose of this supplement, but you need the guidance of a health physician in order to determine the right dosage for you. These supplements may cause serious reactions with specific drugs, and so your doctor will determine whether they are appropriate for you. Children are not allowed to take alpha llipoic acid supplements because their bodies are still in a position to release enough for their needs.


Raspberry ketone for weight loss

Date: June 11, 2012 08:21 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Raspberry ketone for weight loss

Raspberry ketones

Raspberry ketones are natural compounds that are found in raspberry plants and that are able to regulate metabolism in the same manner as synephrine and capsaicin since they are chemically similar. Ketones are also responsible for the pleasant smell of raspberries and they are also used as a flavoring ingredient for processed food. Various studies have shown that these ketones are also extremely potent fat burners and this is the main reason why they are highly marketed as being an effective solution for weight loss.

It was scientifically proven that people who choose to live a healthy lifestyle and who also watch their weight can have a significant benefit from using raspberry ketone supplements. Most people can lose a considerable amount of weight by using these supplements and it works with any type of diet. It also works extremely well and burns fat even more effective when it is combined with a high protein diet that is low on fat. This is basically one of the main reasons why this supplement is so high in demand nowadays.

Weight Loss

Whenever raspberry ketone is used as a supplement the core temperature of the body is significantly raised. Therefore the metabolism rate will also be increased and it will cause the body to burn fat and calories much faster, making this compound very popular and effective when it comes to weight loss. In addition, these ketones will also make the overall fat that the body is absorbing from a regular diet to be reduced. In fact, a study conducted on rats in Japan reveals that this compound is extremely effective in fat loss after it prevented fat from accumulating in their tissues. This is a strong evidence that proves how effective for boosting metabolism and burning fat this supplement really is. Although no study was documented on humans, there are various positive feedbacks from users that prove to be effective and free of any side effects as well.

Due to the raspberry ketone effectiveness, most nutritionists and dietitians are also recommending to eat a few raspberries along with meals. People who went for a healthy diet and also consumed raspberries on a regular basis have experienced positive weight loss results. This fruit is also very delicious and is rich in fiber so it is a good addition to any meal. Raspberry ketones are also known for several other health benefits such as maintain the level of fat and cholesterol in the body. Also, by consuming this compound you can also maintain your blood pressure levels in normal range, therefore these ketones are also good for maintaining the overall health for the cardiovascular system.

So basically all these healthy and beneficial properties make raspberries a very healthy fruit. They also contain anti-oxidants which are most needed for combating the harmful free-radicals present in the body. Since it would take many pounds of actual raspberries in order to get any significant results, supplements based on this compound are the perfect choice in order to get the recommended dosage (usually around 100-300mg).


What Is Silymarin And What Are Its Health Benefits?

Date: April 11, 2012 07:29 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What Is Silymarin And What Are Its Health Benefits?

Silymarin a Component of Milk thistle

Silymarin refers to a dietary supplement that is derived from the seeds of the milk thistle plant, whose scientific name is Silybum marianum. Milk thistle is native to Southern Europe, Middle East and North Africa, but it has also been naturalized in North America. The name of the plant is derived from the white, milky sap from its leaves and stems once they have been broken. Silymarin is made up of three types of plant flavonoids, namely silibinin, silicristin and silidianin. These work together as Silymarin, providing several health benefits to people. The medicinal benefits of Silymarin are not a recent discovery, since extracts of the milk thistle have been used for centuries in the treatment of liver diseases. Currently however, the benefits of Silymarin are not restricted to the treatment of liver conditions. With time, it has emerged that Silymarin has other health benefits, which will be discussed in this article.


One of the best known health benefits of Silymarin is its protection of the liver against toxins. The liver is one of the most important organs in a person's body, aiding in food digestion in addition to cleaning toxic substances from the blood. This means that the diseases that affect a person's liver will also affect his or her overall health. One of the most serious diseases that affect the liver is hepatitis, a viral infection that causes liver inflammation. Research has shown that Silymarin inhibits the development of the hepatitis virus, since it has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It also stimulates the body's immune system, providing overall liver protection.


Silymarin also has anticancer benefits, owing to its antioxidant properties. Antioxidants normally prevent the damage of healthy body cells by free radicals. According to the American Cancer Society, the antioxidant properties in Silymarin offer protection against skin cancer. Further, Silymarin also helps to reduce the growth of prostrate, breast and cervical cancer cells. This means that when used together with other cancer treatments, it can actually help to prevent or reduce a patient's need for chemotherapy. It is also useful in the treatment of cancer, due to the fact that it protects the liver from the toxins in the chemotherapy drugs.


Other than chemotherapy drugs, Silymarin also protects the liver against any other drugs that may affect the liver, as well as harmful substances such as alcohol. In some parts of Europe, milk thistle is normally given to patients whose medications are known to cause liver complications. The other benefit of Silymarin is that is helpful on controlling the blood sugar levels. In a study involving patients with type II diabetes, it was found that taking Silymarin at least thrice a day significantly reduced their blood sugar levels. In addition, the patients also experienced a drop in the levels of bad cholesterol.


Silymarin has no toxic compounds, so it is safe to use without any serious side effects. The only side effects that have been reported are indigestion, diarrhea and allergic reactions. However, the prevalence of such occurrences is negligible, as they only apply to few people. Nevertheless, people with existing medical conditions should consult their doctors prior to taking Silymarin.


What Is A Good Bladder Support Supplement For Women?

Date: March 31, 2012 09:13 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What Is A Good Bladder Support Supplement For Women?

Bladder Support

The bladder is a muscle held and supported by the pelvic muscles. It's an organ shaped like a balloon. Its function is to act as a collection area for urine produced in the kidneys. It does this before excretion of the urine from the body, that is, urination.


Bladder infections are common to both women and men. A bladder infection results from the growth of bacteria along the urinary tract. The fact that it is a bacterial infection means that it is easy to cure and control. It is important however, for an individual to be aware of the symptoms of bladder infections. Common bladder infection symptoms are but not limited to: Nausea and vomiting, Painful urination and cloudy or bloody urine, Fever and chills, Lower back pain, Increased frequency of urination and an urge to urinate even when one has a small amount of urine or there is no urine at all.

Medication such as antibiotics are commonly used in treatment of bladder infections. However, herbal and natural supplements are readily available in treating bladder infections by relieving a patient of the symptoms experienced.

Taking bladder supplements helps in relieving symptoms and at the same time it helps in preventing re-occurrence of the bladder infections in the long term. These supplements may include Green Tea, Dandelion, Vitamin C & A, Cranberry and Colloidal Silver. Supplements are much more preferred rather than medication such as antibiotics because of the side effects experienced.Thus supplements are preferred to antibiotics in bladder support.

D-Mannose bladder supplement is water-soluble. When taken, rather than the bacteria binding itself on the wall of the bladder, it binds itself on the D-Mannose. It is the removed from the body during urination. Its action in the body does not involve killing the bacteria as most antibiotics treatment does. Antibiotic treatments result to yeast infections.

It is advantageous since its absorption and excretion is rapid from the kidneys. It is not limited to a specific age group or sex and it is safe to use during pregnancy. Research however has found out that it interferes with fertilization when taken while trying to conceive.

Cranberry bladder supplement is also a preferred supplement. It has the ability to prevent bacteria in the bladder from attaching itself to the bladder wall. The acidity in the berries also has the ability to create a non-conducive environment for bacteria growth. This leads to excretion of the bacteria together with the urine.

There are other ways of preventing bladder infections. For women, a recommendation is to wipe your genital from front to back in order to keep bacteria away from the urethra and the vagina. Prevention of bladder infection may involve the preference of showers rather than baths.

Before starting on any bladder support supplement, it is vital to consult a physician. This ensures one's moves as one method of treatment may not necessarily work for another. Bladder infections pose a threat to kidney infections when left untreated promptly and this can lead to more complications and problems earlier not anticipated.


Benefits Of Saw Palmetto To Prostate Health

Date: March 28, 2012 08:23 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Benefits Of Saw Palmetto To Prostate Health

Saw Palmetto And The Prostate

Some men experience a decline in prostate health because of aging and unhealthy lifestyle. For instance, they can suffer from prostatic hypertrophy or swollen prostate glands. This condition is characterized by several symptoms such as frequent urination, weakened urinary stream, and painful experience when urinating. The swelling can affect men's well-being and overall health, and it could eventually lead to prostate cancer. Doctors and researchers have been studying several, possible remedies for prostate disorders. These specialists have discovered the effectiveness of saw palmetto in treating the disease. The plant extract is used by several medical specialists in Italy, Austria, and Germany as treatment for prostate gland enlargement. Saw palmetto has also been noted for the excellent benefits in preventing the symptoms of cancers that are hormone-related.

Saw Palmetto and Prostate Health

Prostatic hypertrophy is a prevalent among aging men, particularly those in their eighties. Men experience symptoms linked with this medical condition when they reach forty, and the disorder can worsen if left untreated. They can develop severe infections in their lower urinary tract systems, which can affect the quality of their life.


Several studies were made regarding the benefits of saw palmetto to prostate health. Researchers have discovered that the plant releases certain enzymes that reduce the swelling of prostate glands. Aside from the production of essential enzymes, saw palmetto also offers anti-inflammatory effects that prevent prostate symptoms.

The controlled study on the effects of saw palmetto was done to men who suffered from moderate to severe prostate symptoms. The researchers recommended patients to have a daily intake of 160 mg of saw palmetto for two years. The dosage was taken two times a day, and these patients were monitored every six months. At each evaluation, researchers have observed a great improvement in urine flow among these patients. They have also discovered a reduction in symptoms linked with swollen prostate glands.

Saw Palmetto And PSA

Saw palmetto also helps reduce the levels of PSA or prostate specific antigens. When these enzymes are elevated, men are likely to suffer from infections and serious ailments such as prostate cancer. Because of the essential contents of saw palmetto, many doctors use the plant's extract in reducing PSA levels in cancer patients. Several patients have experienced complete recovery from the disease, particularly those who received treatment at the onset of their disorder.

Dosage and Several Considerations

The herb has been used by many doctors in treating patients with prostate infections. Typically, the recommended dosage ranges between 300 mg and 350 mg. Saw palmetto extract is available in liquid, dried berry or capsule form. The dosage depends on the patient's condition and concentration levels of the herb.

Some prostate cancer patients treated with saw palmetto have experienced a decrease in symptoms and improvement in their overall health. Moreover, the herb was found effective as recovery medication for those who have undergone radiation and surgery. Nevertheless, it is ideal for patients to consult their doctor before they consider taking saw palmetto extract. They should make sure that they take the right dosage depending on their condition.


What Makes Neptune Krill Oil So Good For Your Health?

Date: March 24, 2012 05:32 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What Makes Neptune Krill Oil So Good For Your Health?

Neptune Krill Oil

Neptune Krill Oil is a dietary supplement that is made from the a species of Krill, a small crustacean that is quite similar to a shrimp. Neptune krill oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. These krills are supposed to be the largest biomass in the world and are found in the Antartic and North Pacific Oceans. While these shrimp like creatures are small in size, there is an estimate of 500mn tons of krill in the ocean. Neptune Technology has the patent for krill oil extraction and hence the krill oil that is found as supplement comes from Neptune Technologies only. As Krill form important part of the food chain, especially in the Antartic region, there have been many krill farms being setup for harvesting of krill.

Health Benefits

Krill oil has many health benefits and is used as a dietary supplement as it contains important nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids similar to those found in fish oil, omega-3 fatty acids conjugated to phospholipids and astaxanthin. Lets us see what benefits of Neptune krill oil are:

Blood Sugar and Hyperlipidemia: Recent studies have shown the beneficial effects of krill oil in lowering blood sugar levels and totalcholesterol. Neptune Krill oil helps in lowering bad cholesterol (LDL), blood sugar, triglycerides and total cholesterol:HDL ratio. Hence it keeps your heart healthy and fit.

Premenstrual Syndrome: Neptune Krill oil is an effective and natural way to manage the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. It not just gives relief from the physical symptoms such as bloating, breast tenderness and fatigue, but also helps in controlling the emotional symptoms (irritability, stress and depression) experienced by many women during their menses.

Inflammation relief: Studies have indicated that daily intake of krill oil helps in improving the joint health and thus helps in reducing inflammation and pain of arthritis.

Reduces risk of Cancer: Omega-3 fatty acids have anti-carcinogenic properties. Consumption of Neptune krill oil could reduce the risk of cancer. Studies have even shown that krill oil helps slowing down the growth of cancerous tumors.

Fish oil versus Krill oil: Which one is better?

Fish oil vs Krill oil is the most common debate that is becoming popular among health enthusiasts. This is because both Fish oil and Krill oil are the daily nutritious supplements that are loaded with potential health benefits. In essence, both of these oils share same characteristics in terms of their composition and their properties but still the comparisons between these two healthy oils continue. Let us discuss the pros and cons of fish oil vs krill oil and compare different parameters to decide it by ourselves, which one is better?

1. Krill oil contains higher amounts of anti-oxidants (astaxanthin) that are quite beneficial for health while many manufacturers add anti-oxidants from outside in fish oil.

2. Both the oils are rich source of omega 3 fatty acids, but fish oil contains high concentration of harmful metals that can cause unwanted side-effects if consumed.

3. Fish oil is made commercially from farm raised fish, which lacks useful nutrients, whereas krill oil is made from the pristine waters of Antarctica.

Krill oil is nature's rich source of important nutrients. Neptune krill oil is a vital supplement that has many health benefits.


What Are The Health Benefits Of Flax Meal?

Date: February 21, 2012 08:01 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What Are The Health Benefits Of Flax Meal?

Flax meal

Flax meal is obtained after the flax seeds (brown or yellow/golden) areground into flour/powder which can be made into porridge or added into other foods/drinks so that those who consume it will be able to derive the health benefits that accompany the meal. In some cases flax seed meal can be used as a thickener in many food preparations hence imparting into the foods its components which can be enjoyed by many people across the population thus derive the health benefits that are associated with the flax seed meal.

Flax meal is considered very useful because of the following:-

It is rich in omega-3-fatty acids; this is one of the essential nutrients that the body can not synthesize hence it must be supplied from the diet for example from flax seed meal. The fatty acids play a very important role in fighting inflammation in the body and also breaking down the excess fats that may be present in the body. This is important as it will prevent many chronic diseases such as asthma, arthritis, cardiovascular heart diseases among others which pose danger to the lives of many more especially those who are overweight and obese. Most of the fatty acids that are found in flax meal are unsaturated which makes it very important in reducing body fat.

Fiber: Soluble And Insoluble

Fiber; flax meal is rich in both soluble and insoluble fiber which is essential when one wants to reduce the level of low density lipoproteins (bad cholesterol) in the body as the level of high density lipoproteins (good cholesterol) is increased. This is possible as the fiber is able to initiate fat breakdown in various areas of the body which will finally help in stabilizing sugar levels in the body, promote the overall functioning of the intestines and more especially the colon.

Flax meal is rich in phytochemicals, ligans and antioxidants which play various roles in the body. For example ligans are very good in balancing female hormones which in the long run will help in fighting hot flashes. It is worthy to note that this fiber is important in women because it helps in preventing some forms of cancer in women. Flax meal is also important as it helps in boosting the immune system hence puts the body in a good position to fight ailments which may want to take advantage.

Applications of flax meal

As a food additive; flax meal can be added into other foods such as yogurt, ice cream among other foods thus making these foods more nutritious.

In baking; flax meal is usually incorporated in mixes that are used in making cookies and other baked products as it is able to withstand very high temperatures that are experienced in the oven. It improves on the consistence of the baked products and at the same time improving their nutritional content.

Other uses of flax meal include; use in recipes of food preparations and it can be used to replace fats and eggs which will make the food more healthier and nutritious unlike using shortenings and margarines which are unhealthy.


How to manage high blood pressure with herbs and vitamins

Date: February 20, 2012 06:42 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How to manage high blood pressure with herbs and vitamins

What is high blood pressure?

High blood pressure, also called hypertension, is a very common health condition whereby one's blood is pumped through the arteries at a higher than normal pressure. High blood pressure may lead to serious health problems like heart disease and stroke.

The quantity of blood pumped by the heart and the level of resistance to the flow of blood in the arteries. The more one's heart pumps blood and the narrower their arteries, the higher will be their blood pressure.

Many people have hypertension without even knowing it for years. This is because the condition does not usually show any symptoms. Having uncontrolled hypertension increases a person's risk of developing serious medical conditions, for example heart disease or stroke.

Typically, high blood pressure develops over a long period of time, usually for years and can affect almost everybody eventually. Thankfully, the condition can easily be detected. And once somebody knows they have it, they can get medical advice on how to control it from a doctor.

Causes of high blood pressure

There are two well known types of hypertension-primary/essential high blood pressure and secondary hypertension.

The first type of high blood pressure occurs in most adults and has no identifiable cause. It tends to develop slowly over a number of years. On the other hand, secondary hypertension is a condition that seems to appear suddenly and is usually caused by an underlying health condition. This type of blood pressure is higher in intensity compared to primary hypertension. Some medications and conditions can lead to secondary hypertension and they include:

Kidney disorders

Congenital blood vessel defects

Adrenal gland tumors

Certain medications, for example cold remedies, birth control pills, decongestants, pain relief tablets bought over the counter as well as prescription medicines Illegal drugs like amphetamines and cocaine

What are the symptoms of high blood pressure?

Most people who have hypertension do not have any signs or symptoms, no matter the seriousness of the condition.

Even though a small fraction of people with early-stage hypertension may get dizzy spells, dull headaches, or even heavy nose bleeding from time to time, these signs as well as symptoms normally do not appear until the condition has reached a critical and even life-threatening stage.

How high blood pressure can be controlled with vitamins and herbs Vitamins

Certain vitamins are said to lower high blood pressure as well as support one's cardiovascular system. One of the vitamins that can help is vitamin C. it is an important vitamin that can help to manage hypertension as it is rich in antioxidants, which help in prevention of stroke and heart attack. Other vitamins that can help to prevent or control high blood pressure include vitamins A, E, D and B6.

Whole grains, green leafy vegetables, fresh fruits, nuts, chicken, corn, salmon, just to mention a few, are good sources of essential vitamins that help in controlling hypertension.


Herbs such as Hawthorn, Rauwolfia Serpentina/Indian snakeroot, and Ginkgo Biloba etc can also be used in lowering blood pressure. All these herbs can also strengthen your cardiovascular system to help in lowering the blood pressure and allow for better circulation. However, make sure you consult an experienced herbalist or healthcare specialist before you use any of the above herbs to control your hypertension.


History And Uses Of Xylitol

Date: February 07, 2012 07:50 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: History And Uses Of Xylitol

Xylitol is the 5-carbon sugar which is found within the birch tree sap and it's naturally found in the fibers of various vegetables and fruits. This is a sugar-alcohol sweetener commonly used as the sugar substitute.

History of xylitol

Although discovered in the 19th century during the Second World War, Xylitol has been recognized ever since the tardy 1800s. The researchers from Germany and France were the first individuals to try to produce this product approximately 100 years ago, but ended up creating syrup-like consistency mixture. This product became commercially available in the 1960s and the commercial process is still the same as it was during the 1960s.

Before 1943, the scientists' categorized this sugar with various sugary carbohydrates (polyols) and it lingered so till the beginning of the war-associated deficiency of sugar which initiated the call for an alternate sugar. This initiated further research in to the xylitols insulin-independent properties, this resulted in discovery of its other biological benefits. In 1962 this chemical was introduced in the infusion therapy demonstrating that it can be introduced to ill individuals.

The commercial production process involves extraction of Polysaccharides rich in Xylose from various agricultural by-products and hardwoods. These are hydrolyzed with various intense acidic treatments and then it is purified before hydrogenation is done. This process needs a lot of harsh chemicals and is quite expensive and inefficient.

It was until 1970 that the odontological benefit of xylitol was ascertained in Finland, Turku. The initial study of the effects of this sugar on the dental plaque began during the same year. This resulted in large scale production of xylitol, in 1974 by the Finnish sugar company. Sugar-free dental product was first launched in Finland which was a xylitol chewing-gum.

How xylitol works

This sugar can prevent cavity in various ways by actually blocking the tooth decaying process. The bacteria causing decay cannot ferment this sugar into acids as it does with other sugars including dextrose, fructose, glucose and sucrose. This results in production of less acidic by-product thus interfering with the dental plaque environment which favors decaying. This results in prevention of tooth demineralization.

The high pH condition caused by xylitol sugar is not favorable for the cariogenic bacteria which are responsible for decaying. This results in fewer bacteria in the plaques and long-term exposure has an effect on which type of bacteria will prevail within the plaque. This also inhibits the growth of specific xylitol-sensitive bacteria strain. Since they cannot breakdown this sugar, they end up not reproducing and growing in population. The lack of fermentable sugars results in creation of anti-cavity effect.

The starvation effect created by this sugar prevents accumulation of cariogenic bacteria in the plaques. Long term xylitol exposure results in change of predominant cariogenic bacteria to xylitol-resistant strains from xylitol-sensitive. This xylitol-sensitive strain of bacteria cannot colonize the plaque since they have less adhering capabilities.

The less acidic condition in the dental plaque interface created by this sugar can initiate demineralization. Demineralization occurs when the plaque interface is at a pH of 5.5 or below since fewer bacteria live in the plaques. Studies have showed that demineralized tooth samples immersed in a solution containing 20% xylitol experienced a great remineralization degree. This is noted in the deep and middle tooth layers.


The Benefits of Stevia for Diabetics

Date: February 05, 2012 08:38 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Benefits of Stevia for Diabetics

No herbal sweetener in the world packs the punch that stevia does. Derived from the plant Stevia rebaudiania, ground stevia leaves have ten to fifteen times the sweetness of sugar, and purified stevia extract has 200-300 times the sweetness of sugar.

Stevia is very popular in many countries, especially among diabetics. Diabetics love stevia for a variety of reasons: its safety, its lack of any effect on blood sugar, the fact that stevia has almost zero calories, the wide variety of products it is included in, and its unique ability to enhance citrus flavors and ice cream.

Unlike artificial sweeteners, stevia is perfectly safe. Stevia has been used in Japan for decades, and the Japanese have very strict standards governing the use of dietary supplements. They have conducted numerous studies on stevia, and no study to date has ever uncovered any harmful effects. Research conducted in the United States and other countries has also failed to find anything hazardous about stevia. In addition, stevia has been consumed for thousands of years in Brazil and Paraguay with no reported negative effects.

Stevia has zero effect on blood sugar. It does not effect insulin secretion in any way, and no diabetic has ever experienced difficulties with stevia. Contrast this with the effects of table sugar and it is clear that stevia is a clear winner.

Unlike table sugar--which is notorious for being calorie laden--stevia contains virtually no calories, which means that no one on a diet has to worry about consuming too much stevia.

There are a wide variety of products available for dieters interested in consuming stevia. Liquid stevia extract is quite popular and can be found in flavors like chocolate, vanilla, peppermint, and more. It is relatively inexpensive, because a little stevia goes a very, very long way.

If you are a diabetic worried about artificial sweeteners but not yet willing to give up diet soda, stevia is the solution to your problem. While usually only available at health food stores and a few supermarket chains, stevia soft drinks exist. If you can find them, you should give them a try, and if you like them, then you can easily subsitute them for the less healthy aspartame diet drinks.

For those interested in ice cream, stevia makes wonderful ice cream. Unlike granulated sugar, which adds a grainy texture to ice cream, stevia adds no irritating textures and leaves ice cream perfectly smooth. If you make your own stevia ice cream you are going to be in for quite a treat, and even more so if you decide to make citrus flavored stevia ice cream.

No one yet understands why stevia enhances citrus flavors, but it undoubtedly does. It is difficult to describe, but stevia has a way of intensifying flavors like lime and lemon in a way that makes those flavors more delicious. Of course, individual tastes vary, but it is generally agreed that stevia lemon sorbet is a treat par excellence.

Don't hesitate to give stevia a try. This ancient herb is the perfect modern solution for diabetics with a sweet tooth.  


How Can I Raise Blood Pressure Naturally?

Date: October 18, 2011 05:25 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How Can I Raise Blood Pressure Naturally?


One of the leading causes linked to most illnesses in some form or the other is an imbalanced blood pressure. Statistics have shown that 1 out of 3 adults in the US have imbalanced blood pressure. So much of our bodily functions rely on normal blood pressure to work well. Let us put it this way, if your blood pressure is higher than it is supposed to be that means it is giving your body more workload than it is supposed to have, so in turn what will happened is, your body’s degeneration will be amplified. A lot of your systems will be overworked, your heart will be overworked and eventually depending on the cause your arteries will take a beating causing other organ failures in more severe cases. Now on the other hand if blood pressure is too low, you may feel fatigued all the time, light headedness, dizziness, nausea, close to fainting or anxiety and these are all things that we want to avoid.

Blood Pressure

This is the process in which the blood is carried from the heart towards other parts of your body. This is done through blood vessels called arteries and ultimately blood pressure is defined as the force of the blood in which it pushes the arterial walls. How much pressure is experienced is also directly proportional to how much the heart beats per minute in other words blood pressure is also directly proportional to the rate of your heart beat. The faster it beats the higher your blood pressure is. The blood pressure form of measurement is based on systolic over diastolic rates. Simply put the systolic rate is when the heart pumps blood and the diastolic is when the heart is at rest in between pumps or beats and that is why the diastolic is usually lower than the systolic rate. With that said by now you probably are able to make the conclusion that blood pressure will be at its highest when you are active, nervous, or excited and on the other hand it is at its lowest when you’re a sleep.

Why would you want to increase your blood pressure?

Most of us will probably think that, that idea is ludicrous since most of us would like to avoid high blood pressure and a lot of us are taking medications to support that effort and do things like exercising and all the other stuff to help fight against high blood pressure. However there is also a problem when blood pressure is too low as stated above and that is why some people need to increase blood pressure. There are a couple of ways to do it. First and foremost is for you to make sure you are hydrated well. High liquid volume in the body will promote higher blood pressure. Second is to lie down and elevate your feet. This will increase the return of blood to the heart therefore increasing blood pressure. Eat smaller meals so that the body will not divert so much blood to your digestive tract for digestion. Some studies also have shown that small amounts of caffeine daily may help increase low blood pressure.

You can also try herbs like bitter melon and yohimbe to elevate the heart rate. An elevated heart rate will effectively raise blood pressure. If you have low blood pressure or high, make sure you get tested every other day and record the results. Maintaining a BP level of 80/120 is optimal for good health.


Is Sulfite Sensitivity And Vertigo Linked?

Date: October 17, 2011 03:40 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Is Sulfite Sensitivity And Vertigo Linked?

Sulfites are chemical compounds which occur naturally in several animal and plant products. These chemicals are sulfur - based which is commonly used as food enhancer or preservative. Sulfites can effectively prolong the shelf life of food and also prevent discoloration of food. Foods which may contain sulfite include baked products, canned goods, junk foods, vegetable juices, fruit juices, apple cider, some teas and other processed food items. Sulfite - containing ingredients may include sulfur dioxide, potassium bisulfite or potassium metabisulfite and sodium bisulfite, sodium metabisulfite, or sodium sulfite.

Allergic reaction to sulfite is not that rare. In fact, the Food and Drug Authority have established "1 out of 100 people" prevalence rate that is hypersensitive to sulfite and its products. Any person may develop allergic reaction to sulfites any time of his/her life. Studies revealed that the cause of such hypersensitivity is still unknown. More studies are still ongoing. Initial results have stated that the allergic effects can be mild or life – threatening. In late 1980's, the FDA released a memorandum on prohibiting the use of sulfite on fruits and vegetables that are commonly eaten fresh and raw such as lettuce, apples, guavas and the like. Regulations are also released for manufacturers to put labels on sulfite – containing processed food items. Sulfites also occur naturally among wines and beers.

One theory revealed that sulfite allergic reaction may be caused by a significant insufficient amount of the enzyme necessary for the breakdown and elimination of such compound known as sulfite oxidase. This enzyme works hand in hand with the element molybdenum which acts as a cofactor. Nonetheless, asthma, nasal and sinus congestion, rhinitis, postnasal drip, headache and bronchospasm may also be experienced by the individual as an effect of sulfite consumption. In addition, vertigo may also be a manifestation of sulfite hypersensitivity.

Studies have found that the allergic reaction brought about by the compound sulfite can significantly lower blood pressure thus resulting to decreased cardiac output which can eventually lead to insufficient tissue perfusion. Thus, dizziness is experienced or even loss of consciousness. Vertigo or dizziness is a kind of feeling in which your surroundings seem to be moving around even though there is no actual movement. In cases of severe vertigo, the person may experience nausea and vomiting. This will greatly affect your daily functioning since the person with vertigo may have difficulty walking or even standing on his/her own. This will significantly result to loss of balance and increase the risk of fall.

There is no direct treatment of sulfite sensitivity. However, the symptoms can be alleviated in a palliative manner. The one and only way to prevent the occurrence of allergic reaction is to avoid food products with sulfites or food items which are likely to have sulfite content. Therefore, if you have sulfite allergy, you must be vigilant on what you eat. Carefully check labels of processed and preserved foods and when eating out, politely as the waiter or chef if the food you like contains sulfite or ingredients which contain such chemical compound.

Foods to avoid:

Alcoholic beverages, Baked goods (pastries), Beverages fruit based, Condiments, Relishes, Confections, Frostings, Modified Dairy Products, Drugs, Fish, shell fish, fresh fruit and vegetables, gelatin, puddings, grains, jams, jellies, nuts, plant proteins, snack foods, soups and soup mixes, sweet sauce, and instant teas. To name a few. Look online to view a more details list of foods to avoid.

This practically eliminates most of our favored junk foods we love to eat. Avoiding these foods may be hard but it is a healthier choice.


How Does B-12 Help Boost Energy?

Date: August 24, 2011 01:11 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How Does B-12 Help Boost Energy?

How Can Vitamin B12 help you?

Vitamin B12 is water-soluble and is naturally present in most meaty foods. Also called cobalamin, Vitamin B12 exists in several forms and contains the mineral cobalt, so compounds with vitamin B12 activity are collectively called "cobalamins". It also has a key role in the normal functioning of the brain and nervous system, and for blood formation. Vitamin B12 normally plays part in the metabolism of every cell of the human body, especially affecting DNA synthesis and regulation, but also fatty acid synthesis and energy production. Vitamin B12, bound to protein in food, is released by the activity of hydrochloric acid and gastric protease in the stomach. It owes its discovery to pernicious anemia which is an anemic disease, when the cure was discovered it was along with B12.

Blood Levels

Our body depends on B12 for a lot of our bodily functions among them are: Helping to maintain normal energy levels, aiding in healthy neurological activity, better mental alertness, and support stronger cardiac function. When blood levels of vitamin B12 are low, these functions are interrupted and would result to changes in energy levels. Our body relies much on how efficient we convert carbohydrates to glucose to use as fuel, like a car needs to be able to use gas to run smoothly. Likewise, B12 also enables your body to convert fatty acids into energy as well. Overall, B12 is a Vitamin your body can’t do without for efficient, healthy metabolism of fats and carbohydrates in which I am left to conclude, that if our blood level has inadequate B12, symptoms related to low energy and overall fatigue will be experienced.

Avoiding Deficiency

The number one symptom from a Vitamin B12 deficiency is feeling tired and lethargic. Without all of the proper components like B-Complex Vitamins this system can breakdown and cause a these symptoms. If left untreated, B12 deficiency can lead to a serious medical condition and most common is Pernicious Anemia. The symptoms of B12 deficiency ranges from shortness of breath, rapid heart rate, loss of appetite, fatigue and diarrhea which can all cause lower energy levels. This condition is easily fixed by adding B12 rich foods to your diet or for most of us that are too busy to worry about making sure we eat the right food with the right amount of certain vitamins, supplementation should be one of our options.

Put together time constraints and changing diets and the days of highly processed foods, there has been somewhat of a proliferation of Vitamin B12 deficiency. I know for some it’s easy to get your hands on some red meat, eggs, dairy and fish, however with those sources comes other substances that most of us need to avoid like fat, cholesterol and toxins depending on where and how the meat is processed. Modern diets have simply led to a decline in nutritionally balanced diets. In terms of what adequate B12 will be able to do for your body and how it can boost energy, there should be more urgency in making sure we get the B12 dosage we need and supplementation is one of the keys.


How Does Boswellia Fight Inflammation?

Date: April 13, 2011 03:57 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How Does Boswellia Fight Inflammation?

Boswellia refers to the species of trees where the aromatic gum resin frankincense is obtained from. In herbal medicine, the term Boswellia often means Indian frankincense, which is noted for its potent anti-inflammatory properties. It has a centuries-old association with Ayurvedic medicine, and herbal preparations containing its extracts are formulated for arthritis. It now comes in supplements marketed as a viable treatment for inflammation-induced illnesses, such as arthritis, colitis, and asthma.


Indian frankincense, also known as dhoop in India, is entirely derived from Boswellia serrata, and the common frankincense from a completely different species. The earliest known study looking into its purported benefit as an anti-inflammatory medication was in 1998, and it investigated its effects on asthma. In a span of 6 weeks, the boswellia group took 300 mg of the preparation three times a day and 70 percent experienced a significant improvement in symptoms and a noticeable decrease in incidence of asthma attacks in comparison with the control group.


In Ayurvedic medicine, boswellia has been utilized for hundreds of years with an emphasis on its use in the amelioration of joint pains. It is generally considered safe, explaining its prevalence in the treatment of arthritis and related disorders. Boswellia was the subject of several studies devoted to better management of osteoarthritis, and these studies published results that attracted more research. Today it is also touted to be useful for rheumatoid arthritis, which is inflammatory in nature.


Recent studies yielded outcomes in favor of its anti-inflammatory claims. In 2007 one study pointed to its medicinal potential in the treatment of colitis, concluding that patients with chronic inflammation of the colon went into remission after regular intake of boswellia. In a similar study, individuals diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disease reported to have benefited from 6 weeks of supplementation while those who sought conventional treatments responded to their medications in a much longer time.


Boswellia remains under scrutiny. Anecdotal evidence has been very positive largely owing to the fact that it hasn’t been linked to any adverse effect at all. But how does it work? There are many chemical reactions which boswellia may be directly involved in. It has been observed that it reduces the synthesis of pro-inflammatory leukotrienes. These mediators of inflammation are produced in the presence of an enzyme called 5-lipoxygenase, which is thought to be counteracted by the high terpene content of boswellia.


Triterpenes in boswellic acid, the active ingredient unique to boswellia, are also believed to interfere with the adhesive interactions between leukocytes and endothelial cells present in the gastrointestinal tract. Leukocyte elastase is a serine protease, a special kind of enzyme, released by leukocytes or neutrophils during inflammation. It is postulated that boswellia down-regulates leukocytes and leukocyte elastase in addition to inhibiting the expression of endothelial cells adhesion molecules. Down-regulation of leukocytes will help reduce inflammation and improve health.

If you are fighting systemic or joint inflammation, give boswellia a try and feel the difference!


You Can Combat Adrenal Fatigue!

Date: January 21, 2011 02:08 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: You Can Combat Adrenal Fatigue!

Have you experienced having difficulty to get up or stay awake in the morning, requiring caffeinated products to keep you going during the day or just being unusually tired for no reason? If your answer is “Yes!” to any or all of these questions, you may be experiencing Adrenal Fatigue.

Physiologically, the adrenal glands, which perch atop the kidneys, produce a manifold of hormones that are vital to life. In instances where there is inadequate production of these hormones, an individual generally undergoes a group of signs and symptoms including fatigue, low blood pressure, lightheadedness, unexplained body aches, sleep disturbances and digestive problems, unusual weight loss and loss of body hair. This group of signs and symptoms is termed as Adrenal Fatigue.

Adrenal Fatigue is a term coined in 1998 by Dr. James Wilson that refers to a cluster of both subjective and objective manifestations which an individual may experience due to insufficient adrenal function. People who are at higher risk of acquiring this condition are those who are experiencing frequent, extreme and persistent psychological, emotional or physical stress. This condition can be diagnosed by blood tests and stimulation tests that can reveal inadequate levels of adrenal hormones. Many tests are highly suggestive but an elevated plasma ACTH level associated with a decreased plasma cortisol level is diagnostic test for adrenal fatigue.

Adrenal Fatigue can be prevented naturally through lifestyle modification. Lifestyle changes such as more laughter in a day, short breaks during extreme psychological or physical stress, regular exercise, adequate sleep and relaxation and regular meals. It is important not to skip meals and food must be chewed well. Another tip for healthy adrenal glands is taking a daily supplement of vitamin C, pantothenic acid, magnesium and vitamin E.

Adrenal Fatigue is not a life-threatening condition. However, it can significantly affect an individual’s optimum functioning on his or her everyday life. This condition is mild, lasting about a few days or weeks, with good prognosis and with full recovery. Though, there are a small number of individuals who will undergo recovery difficult. The diet suitable for individuals having adrenal fatigue includes one that is composed of unrefined carbohydrates such as whole grains, high protein, high fat and high fiber at most meals. In addition, caffeinated products, hydrogenated fats and junk foods must also be minimized. Avoiding carbohydrates from root crops such as potatoes, limiting sugary fruits such as melons and lessening instances of becoming over-tired are also promising in the full recovery from adrenal fatigue.

Like any deficiency, supplements are also available to help combat Adrenal Fatigue. There are many glandular extracts that includes adrenal and other glands of the human body. Hydrocortisone (Cortef), for instance, is sometimes initiated as a hormonal replacement when the hormone cortisol is not or inadequately produced by the adrenal glands. However, this kind of treatment is typically the last resort because hydrocortisone may treat adrenal fatigue but it can make the adrenal glands weaker rather than stronger. Treatment using this hormonal supplement usually takes 6 months to 2 years.

A good diet goes a long way in supporting the adrenal glands. If you are under a lot of stress and cannot change the amount of stress you experience due to work or marriage adding a b-complex can help restore adrenal function and combat stress.


Fight Anxiety Disorders Naturally

Date: December 14, 2010 04:27 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Fight Anxiety Disorders Naturally

Do you suffer from an Anxiety Disorder?

Before considering how to test for anxiety disorders and discussing natural supplements that can help we should first discuss what anxiety disorders are - what the term means and if there are degrees of anxiety disorders as there are of depression and stress. First, what is anxiety?

Anxiety is a natural reaction to stress and it is anxiety that makes you worry about the consequences of not studying for an exam - so you study. It focuses you on problems so that you will be more likely to solve them, and helps you to perform better whatever you are doing. However, it can get out of hand and these positive mental processes become negative anxiety disorders.

With some people, anxiety becomes a dread of situations that were once everyday occurrences and can make your life a misery. Here are some forms of anxiety disorder.

Typical Anxiety Disorders

General Anxiety Disorder
You worry frequently or always about normal situations, events and activities, and are finding it difficult to lead a normal life because of it. This is a common form of anxiety and can start anytime from childhood onwards. The cause is not known but is believed to be due to both biological and physiological factors and that a history of stressful situations could contribute. This form of anxiety is more common in women than in men.

Its symptoms include excessive sweating, worry, headaches, irritability, difficulty in sleeping, tiredness and tension in your muscles. It can lead to substance abuse and deep depression if left untreated.

Panic Attacks
Panic attacks are a form of anxiety disorder that occur for no apparent reason. One second you are fine and the next you get this shortness of breath, dizziness, accelerated pulse rate, numbness and a general feeling of dread and fear. In agoraphobia, you will have a fear of being anywhere that a panic attack can take place - so no open spaces!

Phobias are a fear of specific things or situations, none of which are really dangerous. Thus, a fear of flying, enclosed spaces or of heights are phobias while a fear of sharks when swimming is a rational fear. Although a loose definition it is not easy to separate phobias from rational and understandable fears.

These are three typical forms of anxiety, but how do you test for anxieties? Here are some tests that are used, beginning with the easiest - doing it yourself!

Testing for Anxiety Disorders

a) Self-Tests

Many that believe they may have an anxiety disorder either tend to panic or go into a depression. It is far better to carry out a self-test. This anxiety test is very simple: simply tick which of the symptoms below you have experienced in the past six months:

I can't relax

I am always worried about something.

I get headaches for no apparent reason

I frequently sweat a lot and get hot flashes

I have no time for anybody and am easily annoyed

I find it hard to sleep and I often wake up during the night

My attention keeps wandering and I can't focus on anything

I sometimes get so worried I want to be sick or have a lump in my throat

If you have ticked more than three then perhaps you should pay your doctor a visit, or try some of the recommendations below.

b) Doctors' Tests

If you feel you might be suffering some form of anxiety disorder you should consult your doctor, particularly if you have tried the self test above and it indicates that you might be. Your doctor might carry out various tests for your general health, and if it is felt necessary you may be asked about your family history: is there any history of mental problems in the family, particularly with your mother or father.

Other questions may appertain to your own physical and mental background, such as have you been stressed for any reason lately, have you suffered anxiety or panic attacks in the past and what is your normal use of prescription and non-prescription medications and drugs. Do you smoke, drink or take any social drugs.

It is important that you are totally honest: the doctor is not judging you, simply trying to find the cause of your problem. Under the terms of their oath they cannot divulge anything you tell them to anyone else, so be honest and let them help you. Among the tests you will be given will be to declare all your history of anxiety-related symptoms. To achieve that, you will be asked a series of questions while the doctor assesses your mental condition.

Finally, you may be referred to a psychiatrist who will be able to help you more than your doctor. Psychiatrists have a good record in resolving anxiety disorders, but once you are diagnosed positively, what then? Chemical drugs? Or perhaps you would prefer something more natural such as herbal remedies.

Herbal Remedies for Anxiety

There are a number of herbs that can be used to treat anxiety disorders. Here are the more commonly used of these:

Passion Flower

Passion flower contains the active substances maltol and ethylmaltol that your body's biochemistry uses to increase the concentration of GABA (gamma-butyric acid) in your brain. GABA is a neurotransmitter that calms you and helps you to relax and forget anything that is making you anxious. It relieves muscle tension, can lower your blood pressure and some equate its effect to that of Valium: although it is totally different chemically it is similar in its effect. It offers a sedative effect and helps you sleep.

Kava Kava root

Kava kava. Generally just referred to as kava, comes from the Pacific and the kavalactones it contains increase the concentration of neurotransmitters in your vascular system, particularly serotonin, the feel-good substance. Its sedative effects have been likened to that of alcohol, and it can certainly give you a lift and certainly helps you worry less as it reduces the negative symptoms of stress and depression.

St. John's Wort

St. John's wort is a well-known anti-depressant and it can also help reduce the symptom of anxiety. The hyperforin the plant contains helps to improve the brain's content of the neurotransmitters serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine that make you feel good, and St. John's wort certainly washes away your anxiety. Not only that, but the napththodianthrone in another of its important components, hypericin, promotes a reduction in depression through the inhibition of monoamine oxidase, a pro-depressive enzyme.

Valerian Root

An extract of valerian root can help you to relax and sleep well, and this can often be enough to prevent your anxiety attacks. A lot depends on their cause, but if the attacks are mild and don't require extensive medical or psychiatric intervention, then valerian can help, particularly in treating stress-related anxiety. Make sure you stick to the recommended dose because valerian can be dangerous if taken to excess.


The four herbal remedies above should between them be all you need to treat your anxiety. One major problem is that, just like any chemical drugs, they only treat the symptoms and not the underlying cause which is something you and your physician will have to work on yourselves.

However, until then, the above herbal remedies for anxiety disorders are generally safer to use than prescription drugs and each has a well proven effect, both on the symptoms of anxiety and on depression.


Stop inflammation in its tracks with Curamin

Date: August 20, 2010 11:15 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Stop inflammation in its tracks with Curamin

Curamin - Herbal Combination that fights Inflammation Pain

Are you suffering from severe inflammation and pain? Is this problem disturbing your daily regular and recreational activities, then not to worry. Curamin is the ultimate solution for all your problems. It is the best fast acting pain reliever and an effective anti inflammatory that is 10 times stronger than other natural products. It is a mix of finely developed traditional medical knowledge with modern technology. Its amazing action show results from the day one.

Curamin contains the best natural ingredient called BCM-95, which is formulated around a special, proprietary extract of curcumin. According to scientific studies, BCM-95 is 7-10 times absorbed than any other regular curumin. It is powerful and clinically proven to be very effective against pain and inflammation, since it has been formulated and manufactured after years of research and development, under the supervision of experienced and skilled doctors, whose mission it to provide the best viable and a natural solution for reducing pain and inflammation.

It is well known for its ability to enhance the body’s natural inflammatory response by maximizing the effects of endorphins and encephalin, which are our own body’s natural pain killers. Many users have commented with great satisfaction that it provides consistent and long lasting effects. Besides relieving from pain and inflammation, it also delivers significant benefits to heart, liver, brain and immune system.

Curamin is very cost effective and is available in all leading health food stores and pharmacies. Modern medicines have lots of side effects, which may cause kidney or liver damage. To cure one problem in our body they create ten more problems. By using potent natural plant based curamin, you can get rid of these side effects and also the problems you are suffering from very effectively.

Curamin Saftey

It is very safe to use. Many people use curamin regularly to get rid of pain and inflammation. Many believe in curamin as it has helped them overcome sufferings and still continue to. It has given great satisfaction to them for a very long time. Curamin doesn’t have to be taken every four or six hours like any other medicine. Depending on the level of pain and inflammation, a capsule three times a day in more than enough to get active results. Give curamin a try today.


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