UPC: 355724005665
# RG0039

Say Goodbye to Discomfort: RidgeCrest PhysiQOL to the Rescue!

RidgeCrest Herbals PhysiQOL was created to make people's lives better. It's a special blend of natural ingredients that help with daily discomfort so you can do more of what you love. The creators wanted something safe and effective, so they picked the best herbs and plants that have been used for centuries to help with pain and boost health. Now, RidgeCrest Herbals PhysiQOL is here to help you keep doing what you love, without those nagging aches or pains slowing you down.

What Does PhysiQOL Do?

First off, PhysiQOL helps you move easier every day. Whether you're going to work, playing in the park, or just doing jobs around the house, it works to make sure discomfort doesn't stop you. This is because the special ingredients in PhysiQOL help your muscles recover after you use them a lot. Also, it's designed to make you feel comfortable throughout the day, so nothing gets in the way of your fun or tasks.

Why You'll Love PhysiQOL

Now, for those of you looking to keep moving easily, whether it’s keeping up with your grandkids, enjoying walks, or just getting through your daily routine without discomfort, PhysiQOL could be your new best friend. It's made to support your body so you can enjoy every moment, feeling strong and capable.

Next, here are some more reasons why PhysiQOL is just awesome:

  • Maintains Quality of Life: Enjoy everyday activities without worry.
  • Supports Muscle Recovery: Feel ready and refreshed faster.
  • Promotes Daily Comfort: Spend your day focusing on what matters to you, not discomfort.
  • Enhanced with Turmeric: A powerful ingredient known for its health benefits.

Ingredients Breakdown

PhysiQol Herbal Blend (535mg/cap):

  • Boswellia Extract: Often used to support joint health and mobility due to its anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Chinese Skullcap: An antioxidant that may help reduce anxiety and improve mood stability.
  • Hops Flower Extract: Known for its sedative effects, it can also support the body’s response to inflammation.
  • Sichuan Teasel Root: Traditionally used in Chinese medicine to strengthen bones and muscles.
  • White Willow Bark: Contains salicin, which the body can convert into salicylic acid, providing natural pain relief.
  • Myrrh Gum: An aromatic resin with potential anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits.
  • Indian Tinospora: Revered for its immune-boosting and liver-protective effects.


  • Eucommia Bark Extract: Promotes joint health, flexibility, and supports the body's natural healing processes.
  • Ginger Root: Well-known for its digestive aid and anti-nausea properties; also has significant anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Lavender Herb: Popular for its calming effects and ability to relieve stress and support sleep.
  • Bromelain: An enzyme found in pineapple juice and in the pineapple stem, bromelain is used for reducing swelling (inflammation), especially of the nose and sinuses, after surgery or injury. It is also used for treating a bowel condition that involves swelling and ulcers, removing dead and damaged tissue after a burn (debridement), preventing the collection of water in the lung (pulmonary edema), relaxing muscles, stimulating muscle contractions, improving the absorption of antibiotics, preventing cancer, shortening labor, and helping the body get rid of fat.
  • Turmeric Root (Curcumin C3 Complex): Highly praised for its anti-inflammatory effects and antioxidant properties. Turmeric supports joint health, cardiovascular function, and the immune system's overall wellness.

Ready for Better Mobility?

Are you ready to take your first step towards easier days and comfortable nights? With RidgeCrest Herbals PhysiQOL, say hello to joyful moments and goodbye to daily discomfort. This all-natural blend is your partner in maintaining an active, happy life, no matter your age or lifestyle. Enhanced with turmeric and other life-changing ingredients, PhysiQOL is the daily support you’ve been wishing for.

Why wait any longer to feel your best? Every moment you spend hesitating is a moment you could have been enjoying life to its fullest with RidgeCrest Herbals PhysiQOL. Take action now and join the countless satisfied customers who've made PhysiQOL a non-negotiable part of their daily routine. Click that ‘Buy Now’ button and start your journey to a more comfortable, active life today!

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