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  Messages 1-80 from 80 matching the search criteria.
Culinary Uses of Stevia: Sweeten Your Dishes Without Compromising Flavor Darrell Miller 5/30/24
All You Need to Know About Kal brand Stevia: The Natural Sweetener that is Way Better than Sugar! Darrell Miller 8/9/23
Understanding Benfotiamine: The Fat-Soluble, Bioavailable and Physiologically Active Form of Thiamine Darrell Miller 7/27/23
Sweeten Your Life Without Risk with Kal Sure Stevia Liquid Extract Darrell Miller 5/19/23
Why Dextrose is Important for Athletes and Bodybuilders Darrell Miller 10/10/22
IGF-1: How to Improve Muscle Gain Darrell Miller 7/20/22
The Truth About Sugar: How It's Digested, Metabolized, and Why Too Much Can Be Dangerous Darrell Miller 6/25/22
New CV Science Plus CBD 10mg Gummies Darrell Miller 10/13/20
Omega-3s are a potent way to treat depression without resorting todangerous prescription medications Darrell Miller 5/17/19
Vitamin D And Its Effect On Brain Darrell Miller 4/30/19
Women with acute uncomplicated cystitis can benefit from green tea Darrell Miller 4/27/19
Why a little sun makes us feel so good Darrell Miller 4/23/19
Food GOLD: Turmeric is just as effective as 14 pharma drugs butsuffers from NONE of the side effects Darrell Miller 4/23/19
Plant proteins found to help prevent Type 2 diabetes Darrell Miller 4/22/19
How does poor gut health affect vitamin C and E in metabolicsyndrome? - Medical News Bulletin Darrell Miller 4/16/19
A powerful antioxidant: Curcumin protects your heart from damagecaused by diabetes and smoking Darrell Miller 1/10/19
The Arjun tree holds potential for lowering blood sugar andcholesterol levels Darrell Miller 1/8/19
Vegans can improve their omega-3 levels by taking non-animal formsof DHA Darrell Miller 12/8/18
The Cannabis Remedy: Simple Solution For Over 40 Million PeopleSuffering With Anxiety Darrell Miller 11/24/18
Nip it in the bud: Natural remedies that prevent colon cancer VitaNet, LLC Staff 10/10/18
Eating too much processed sugar increases your risk of Alzheimer's VitaNet, LLC Staff 9/26/18
Known as the "bliss molecule", anandamide is a natural way to stimulate a sense of happiness VitaNet, LLC Staff 8/10/18
The Best Vitamins for Men VitaNet, LLC Staff 8/5/18
Alkaline Water: Beneficial or All Hype? Darrell Miller 8/2/18
Worse than sugar, this alternative boosts your risk of obesity and diabetes Darrell Miller 7/26/18
5 Superfoods to get up with energy every morning that could replace even the coffee Darrell Miller 12/18/17
How can I protect my eyes from diabetes? Darrell Miller 11/16/17
7 Ways to Naturally Boost Your Metabolism Darrell Miller 11/2/17
Probiotics may help to prevent and treat colon cancer Darrell Miller 9/24/17
What Exactly Is Monk Fruit, and Why Is It Popping Up Everywhere These Days? Darrell Miller 9/7/17
Top 7 Foods That Boost Serotonin Darrell Miller 9/1/17
Insulin and disease Darrell Miller 8/21/17
Should You Give Up Sugar? Darrell Miller 8/20/17
Potency of superfood nutrients multiplied by certain strains of gut bacteria Darrell Miller 8/18/17
Mice fed tryptophan develop immune cells that foster a tolerant gut Darrell Miller 8/13/17
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Ask Well: Should We Be Buying Iodized Salt? Darrell Miller 7/25/17
Natural Ways to Combat Depression Darrell Miller 7/19/17
Green Coffee Bean: Do Benefits Outweigh Risks of This Weight Loss Supplement? Darrell Miller 7/14/17
Not all Vitamins are equal – D3 is better than D2, research finds Darrell Miller 7/11/17
Oolong Tea Benefits the Brain, Heart, Skin & More Darrell Miller 5/14/17
Are the MCT Oil Nutrition and Health Claims Backed Up? Darrell Miller 5/13/17
Eating This for Breakfast Every Morning HELP YOU LOSE WEIGHT FASTER THAN YOU EXPECT!! Darrell Miller 5/10/17
Could Diet Sodas Raise Risk of Dementia and Stroke? Darrell Miller 4/27/17
Cannabidiol Oil Producers Praise New Marijuana Definition Darrell Miller 4/24/17
Cancer Researcher Discovers Radical way that Mushrooms can Destroy Cancer Darrell Miller 3/29/17
These raised bed gardening tricks beat traditional gardening every time Darrell Miller 3/29/17
eat eggs before workout to gain muscle Darrell Miller 3/29/17
In praise of turmeric, the magic yellow spice. Darrell Miller 3/23/17
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Here's the beef on gluten, coconut oil and other burning nutrition questions Darrell Miller 3/15/17
How to keep an eye out for eating disorders in loved ones Darrell Miller 3/15/17
7 Awesome Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate Darrell Miller 2/26/17
Study shows the way stress may harm your heart Darrell Miller 1/22/17
Yogurts that ARE good for you and not packed full of sugar Darrell Miller 1/15/17
Study Improving The Mother's Immune System Darrell Miller 1/11/17
How Vitamins Help Keep Calcium in the Bones Darrell Miller 12/28/16
Here's Why Some Miss Out on the Asparagus Effect Darrell Miller 12/26/16
Sitting at your desk doesn’t have to be a pain in the neck Darrell Miller 12/25/16
Avoid these 6 cholesterol mistakes for heart health Darrell Miller 12/16/16
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Depression: does it originate in the immune system? Darrell Miller 12/4/16
Tips and Tricks To A Healthy Metabolism Darrell Miller 12/3/16
High-fiber diet keeps gut microbes from eating the colon's lining, protects against infection, animal study shows Darrell Miller 12/2/16
Calcium Supplements and the Heart: Clearing Up the Confusion Darrell Miller 11/26/16
WikiLeaks emails mention aspartame, acknowledging it puts holes in mice brains Darrell Miller 11/23/16
Does eating fat make you fat? This physician says no Darrell Miller 11/9/16
vitamin d influences longevity by working at genetic level Darrell Miller 11/7/16
Low vitamin D levels linked to Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease Darrell Miller 10/30/16
Chamomile: What You May Not Know! Darrell Miller 9/16/16
The European Shrub With Massive Health Benefits Darrell Miller 9/9/16
Benefits of Amla - Prevent Aging and Promote Longevity Darrell Miller 9/3/16
Hypertension & Blood Lipids Darrell Miller 7/27/16
Boost testosterone with free radical fighting fruits Darrell Miller 7/22/16
The Holiday Sugar Trap; All There is to Know Darrell Miller 10/4/15
What Causes Candida? Darrell Miller 9/18/15
Dental Benefits of Xylitol; Protect your teeth against decay. Darrell Miller 10/7/14

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Culinary Uses of Stevia: Sweeten Your Dishes Without Compromising Flavor

Date: May 30, 2024 12:46 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Culinary Uses of Stevia: Sweeten Your Dishes Without Compromising Flavor

Culinary Uses of Stevia: Sweeten Your Dishes Without Compromising Flavor

Stevia has garnered attention as a natural, calorie-free sweetener that can seamlessly replace sugar in various recipes. Derived from the leaves of the Stevia rebaudiana plant, this sweetener is known for its ability to provide a satisfying sweetness without the health drawbacks associated with traditional sugar. In this article, we'll explore creative recipes and practical tips for incorporating stevia into everyday cooking and baking, allowing you to enjoy your favorite dishes without compromising on taste.

Benefits of Using Stevia

Before diving into recipes, it's important to understand why stevia is a fantastic alternative to sugar. Here are some of the key benefits:

  1. Zero Calories: Unlike sugar, stevia gives you sweetness without adding calories, making it ideal for weight management.
  2. Low Glycemic Index: Stevia doesn't Raise blood sugar levels, making it a suitable option for people with diabetes or those watching their carb intake.
  3. Natural Origin: Derived from a plant, stevia offers a more natural sweetening option compared to artificial sweeteners.

Baking with Stevia

Stevia can effectively replace sugar in many baking recipes, but it's essential to remember that it is much sweeter than sugar. Typically, a teaspoon of stevia extract can replace a cup of sugar, but always refer to specific conversion charts provided by stevia product manufacturers.

Stevia-Sweetened Chocolate Chip Cookies


  • 1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 cup unsalted butter, softened
  • 1/2 to 1 teaspoon white stevia sweetener (or stevia-sweet chocolate chips) to desired taste.
  • 1 egg
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 cup stevia-sweet chocolate chips


  1. Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C).
  2. In a bowl, mix the flour, baking soda, and salt.
  3. In another bowl, cream the butter and brown stevia sweetener until smooth. Beat in the egg and vanilla extract.
  4. Gradually blend in the dry ingredients.
  5. Fold in the chocolate chips.
  6. Drop by spoonful onto a cookie sheet.
  7. Bake for 10-12 minutes or until edges are golden brown. Cool on wire racks.

Cooking with Stevia

Beyond baking, stevia can introduce a hint of sweetness to savory dishes as well. Here are some innovative ways to include stevia in your everyday cooking.

Stevia BBQ Sauce


  • 1 1/2 cups tomato sauce
  • 1/3 cup apple cider vinegar
  • 1/2 to 1 teaspoon stevia sweetener (Kal Sure Stevia Powder) add to desired sweetness
  • 2 tablespoons molasses
  • 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 tablespoon mustard
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1 teaspoon onion powder
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Combine all ingredients in a saucepan over medium heat.
  2. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat to simmer.
  3. Cook for 20-30 minutes, stirring occasionally until sauce thickens.
  4. Use immediately or store in an airtight container in the fridge for up to a week.

Drinks and Smoothies

Stevia is also great for sweetening beverages. Whether it’s a refreshing iced tea or a nutritious smoothie, stevia can add the perfect touch of sweetness.

Stevia Lemonade


  • 1 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 4 cups water
  • Stevia sweetener to taste
  • Ice cubes
  • Lemon slices for garnish


  1. In a pitcher, combine lemon juice, water, and stevia sweetener.
  2. Stir well until the stevia dissolves.
  3. Add ice cubes and lemon slices as desired.
  4. Serve chilled.

Tips for Cooking with Stevia

  • Understand Stevia Varieties: Stevia comes in various forms—liquid, granulated, and powdered. Liquid stevia is excellent for beverages, while granulated and powdered forms are better suited for baking.
  • Adjust Recipes Accordingly: Because stevia is so much sweeter than sugar, you may find that you also need to adjust other elements in recipes such as liquids and flour.
  • Watch for Aftertaste: Some people notice a slight aftertaste with stevia. Combining it with other natural sweeteners like honey or maple syrup can help balance this out.
  • Experiment and Taste Test: Always taste test when trying out a new stevia-based recipe. This will allow you to fine-tune the sweetness to your preference.

Stevia opens up a world of culinary possibilities, letting you enjoy the sweetness of your favorite recipes without the drawbacks of sugar. From delectable desserts like chocolate chip cookies to savory innovations like homemade BBQ sauce, the versatility of stevia can enhance all your culinary creations. Remember, the key is to experiment and adapt recipes to suit your taste, making stevia a valuable and enjoyable part of your cooking repertoire.


All You Need to Know About Kal brand Stevia: The Natural Sweetener that is Way Better than Sugar!

Date: August 09, 2023 02:11 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: All You Need to Know About Kal brand Stevia: The Natural Sweetener that is Way Better than Sugar!

For anyone looking to reduce their sugar intake, there are numerous natural sweeteners available in the market. However, there's one that continues in popularity for its potential to offer the sweet taste of sugar, without the added calories, Kal stevia. Stevia is a natural sweetener extracted from the leaves of the South American plant, Stevia rebaudiana. Kal brand stevia, in particular, has been celebrated for its high-quality taste and reasonable pricing.

What is Stevia?

stevia is an all-natural, non-GMO, and calorie-free sweetener made from the leaves of the Stevia rebaudiana plant. It's a safe alternative to sugar that doesn't Raise your blood sugar levels and has a 0 glycemic index. Its sweet taste comes from steviol glycosides, which are extracted from the leaves and purified. Stevia is commonly used to sweeten drinks, baked goods, and even savory dishes.

How is Stevia Different from Other Sweeteners?

Unlike artificial sweeteners such as aspartame and saccharin, stevia is a natural sweetener that doesn't have any of the negative health effects that come with consuming artificial additives. It's a safer option to sugar that doesn't affect insulin levels, making it beneficial for diabetics or those who are watching their sugar intake. Additionally, stevia has a much sweeter taste compared to traditional sugar, so only a small amount is needed to achieve the desired sweetness.

How to Use Stevia?

Stevia can be used in the same way as sugar when baking or cooking, but with way less quantity. For example, if a recipe calls for 1 cup of sugar, just 1/2 teaspoon of Kal stevia will give the equivalent sweetness. However, it's important to keep in mind that stevia can taste slightly different from sugar and may not always be an exact substitute. Start with smaller amounts and increase as needed and you'll get the hang of it.

Are There Any Side Effects of Stevia?

Stevia has been used worldwide and is found to be one of the safest all natural sweetener on the market. There have been no known negative side effects associated with the use of stevia other than the potential for mild gastrointestinal symptoms if consumed in large amounts. Generally, most don't consume enough to cause any issues.

Stevia comes in powder and liquid forms. Liquid tends to mix instantly and is preferred by most people.

If you're looking to reduce your sugar intake while still satisfying your sweet tooth, Kal brand stevia may be an excellent alternative for you. With its natural origins, numerous health benefits, and delicious taste, it's not hard to see why so many people are switching over to this sweetener over the traditional chemical-laden sugars of the past. Try Kal brand stevia in your next recipe or tea and let your taste buds be the judge!

If your interested, just add to cart for best price!


Understanding Benfotiamine: The Fat-Soluble, Bioavailable and Physiologically Active Form of Thiamine

Date: July 27, 2023 12:12 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Understanding Benfotiamine: The Fat-Soluble, Bioavailable and Physiologically Active Form of Thiamine

What if there existed a form of thiamine that was more bioavailable and physiologically active than the conventional form we all know about? Well, that form does exist, and it is called Benfotiamine. Benfotiamine has been gaining popularity lately, especially among people dealing with diabetes and other metabolic disorders. But what exactly is Benfotiamine, and what makes it different? Lets explore Benfotiamine, its bioavailability, and its physiological effects.

Thiamine, also known as Vitamin B1, is a nutrient that plays a crucial role in energy production, nerve function, and metabolism. It is a water-soluble vitamin, which means it dissolves in water and is not stored by the body. However, conventional forms of thiamine have a limited ability to cross cell membranes and are easily excreted out of the body, rendering it ineffective for some individuals. This is where Benfotiamine comes in; it is a modified form of Vitamin B1 that is fat-soluble, highly bioavailable, and because cells are wrapped in lipid fat this form of B1 is capable of crossing cell membranes with ease.

Since our cell membranes are composed of lipids, fat-soluble nutrients can easily penetrate the cell barrier and get into living cells where the vitamin is needed. Upon entering the bloodstream, benfotiamine is converted to thiamin pyrophosphate (TPP), the biologically active co-enzyme of thiamin, which is responsible for energy metabolism. By raising the blood levels of TPP, benfotiamine has been shown to support glucose metabolism, reduce oxidative stress and inflammation, and protect against the damage caused by high levels of advanced glycation end products (AGEs).

In addition to its bioavailability, benfotiamine has been shown to have several physiological effect on the body. One of the key enzymes that benfotiamine influences is transketolase, which is involved in the pentose phosphate pathway, a metabolic pathway that generates NADPH, a vital molecule that protects cells against oxidative stress. By stimulating transketolase, benfotiamine supports the diversion of excess glucose to the pentose phosphate pathway, thereby reducing the production of reactive oxygen species and increasing the production of NADPH.

Another significant benefit of benfotiamine is that it helps protect the nervous system. Chronic high blood glucose levels are known to cause oxidative stress and to damage the peripheral and central nervous systems. However, benfotiamine has been shown to help lower oxidative stress markers and reduce the risk of nerve damage. This can in turn help reduce pain, numbness, and tingling sensations associated with nerve damage, making it a promising adjunct therapy for people with diabetic neuropathy.

In Summary: benfotiamine is a modified and bioavailable form of thiamine that offers unique benefits compared to conventional forms of Vitamin B1. Its fat-solubility enables it to cross cell membranes, Raise levels of thiamin pyrophosphate, stimulate the transketolase enzyme, and support proper glucose metabolism. Its notable effects on the nervous system make it an attractive therapeutic agent for people with diabetic neuropathy. If you're seeking an alternative and highly effective form of thiamine, benfotiamine is definitely worth considering. Give it a try today!


Sweeten Your Life Without Risk with Kal Sure Stevia Liquid Extract

Date: May 19, 2023 03:11 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Sweeten Your Life Without Risk with Kal Sure Stevia Liquid Extract

Stevia is a natural sweetener extracted from the leaves of the Stevia rebaudiana plant. It is a healthier alternative to processed sugar and artificial sweeteners, making it a popular choice for many health-conscious people. However, not all stevia products are created equal. Some stevia sweeteners contain additives or fillers that can be harmful to your health. That's why it's important to choose a high-quality stevia product, like the Kal Sure Stevia Liquid Extract.

Kal Sure Stevia Liquid Extract is a zero-calorie natural sweetener with a low glycemic index. This means that it won't cause sudden spikes in blood sugar levels, making it an ideal option for people with diabetes and those who want to maintain a healthy weight. It's also perfect for those who are looking for ways to cut calories from their diet without sacrificing taste.

Unlike other stevia products, Kal Sure Stevia Liquid Extract is made from pure stevia extract without any additives or fillers. This means that you're getting the full benefits of stevia without any harmful or unnecessary ingredients.

Kal Sure Stevia Liquid Extract is highly versatile and can be used in a wide variety of dishes and beverages. You can use it to sweeten your morning cup of coffee or tea, your smoothie, or even your baked goods. Its natural and clean taste makes it an ideal alternative to sugar in recipes.

Kal Sure Stevia Liquid Extract is produced using high-quality standards that are certified by independent labs. The stevia plants are grown without pesticides and undergo a rigorous extraction process to ensure a pure and natural product. This attention to quality ensures that you are getting the best possible product for your health.

Many customers have reported positive experiences with Kal Sure Stevia Liquid Extract. They have pRaised its natural and clean taste, versatility, and health benefits. Many also appreciate the fact that it's an affordable and sustainable option for sweetening their lives.

Choosing a high-quality stevia product like Kal Sure Stevia Liquid Extract is an excellent way to sweeten your life without risking your health. With zero calories, a low glycemic index, and no additives or fillers, it's the ideal option for those who are looking for a healthier alternative to sugar and artificial sweeteners. Its versatility in sweetening and high-quality standards make it a top choice for many health-conscious consumers. If you haven't tried Kal Sure Stevia Liquid Extract yet, we highly recommend you giving it a try today!


Why Dextrose is Important for Athletes and Bodybuilders

Date: October 10, 2022 02:17 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Why Dextrose is Important for Athletes and Bodybuilders

Dextrose, also known as glucose, is a simple sugar (monosaccharide) that is the primary source of energy for the body. It is important for athletes because it stimulates the body to drive, not only glucose, but amino acids and other nutrients into cells. This makes energy readily available to working muscles and helps to maintain glycogen stores. In addition, dextrose also helps to make important nutrients, such as creatine and branched-chain aminos, available for use by muscle tissue. From an athletic performance perspective therefore, it can help fuel intense activity, maintain exercise endurance, and support recovery from exercise.

How Dextrose Works

Dextrose enters the bloodstream rapidly after being consumed and Raises blood sugar levels quickly.* Insulin is then released by the pancreas in order to shuttle glucose into cells for use or storage.* Glucose is stored in the liver and muscles in the form of glycogen; when these stores become depleted during exercise, blood sugar levels fall and fatigue sets in.* Dextrose can help delay this fatigue by replenishing glycogen stores and keeping blood sugar levels elevated.*

Dextrose And Creatine oppose each other hormonally; when insulin levels are elevated via carbohydrate consumption, creatine uptake into muscle cells is inhibited.* Conversely, when blood sugar levels are low (and insulin levels along with them), creatine uptake is enhanced.*Deoxyglucose acts as a transport vehicle for creatine, driving more of it into muscle cells where it can be used for energy production and protein synthesis – two key processes for supporting muscle growth.* Therefore, when combined with creatine, dextrose can further enhance its efficacy.

*BCAAs are essential amino acids that must be obtained through diet since they cannot be produced by the body; of the three BCAAs (leucine, isoleucine, and valine), leucine is the most anabolic.*Leucine seems to work best when consumed with carbohydrates; when carbs and leucine are consumed together they stimulate insulin release – an anabolic hormone that promotes protein synthesis as well as drives amino acids and other nutrients into cells where they can be used or stored for future use..* Therefore, dextrose can help enhance the anabolic effects of leucine consumption.

In Summary:

Dextrose is a simple sugar that has many benefits for athletes. It helps to fuel intense activity, maintain exercise endurance, support recovery from exercise, and delay fatigue. It also helps to make important nutrients like creatine and branched-chain aminos more available for use by muscle tissue. If you are an athlete who wants to perform at your best, make sure you include dextrose in your diet.


IGF-1: How to Improve Muscle Gain

Date: July 20, 2022 03:38 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: IGF-1: How to Improve Muscle Gain

If you're looking to improve muscle gain, IGF-1 is a hormone you'll want to know about. This hormone is responsible for increasing muscle mass and strength, and has been shown to be incredibly effective in doing so. We'll discuss what IGF-1 is, how it works, and the best ways to increase its levels in your body for improved muscle growth. IGF-1 is from Deer Antler Velvet.

What is IGF-1 and what does it do?

IGF-1, or insulin-like growth factor 1, is a hormone that plays an important role in the growth and development of the human body. While it is most commonly associated with childhood growth, IGF-1 continues to be produced throughout adulthood and is involved in a variety of physiological processes. In addition to promoting cell proliferation and differentiation, IGF-1 has been shown to stimulate collagen production, increase bone density, improve muscle growth, and improve glucose tolerance. Despite its many beneficial effects, excessive levels of IGF-1 can lead to a number of health problems, including cancer. For this reason, it is important to maintain healthy levels of IGF-1 throughout life.

How does IGF-1 work?

IGF-1, or insulin-like growth factor 1, is a hormone that plays an important role in childhood growth and development. In the body, IGF-1 is produced in response to growth hormone (GH) stimulation. Once released, it travels through the bloodstream and binds to IGF-1 receptors on cells, provoking a range of different cellular effects. These include cell proliferation, differentiation, and survival. In addition, IGF-1 has been shown to promote angiogenesis (the formation of new blood vessels) and to inhibit apoptosis (programmed cell death). Together, these effects make IGF-1 an important regulator of tissue growth and repair. Consequently, serum levels of IGF-1 are closely monitored in children with GH deficiencies, as well as in those who are at risk for cancer or other diseases involving abnormal cell growth.

IGF-1 an important regulator of tissue growth and repair, lifting weights tears down muscle fibers and the body can rebuild faster.

IGF-1 is a protein that plays an important role in the growth and repair of tissues throughout the body. It is particularly well-known for its ability to help the body rebuild muscle tissue after exercise. When we lift weights, we cause tiny tears in our muscle fibers. In response, the body releases IGF-1 to help repair the damage. This results in an increase in muscle size and strength. Additionally, IGF-1 has been shown to promote healing after injuries and to protect against cell damage caused by stress and inflammation. Therefore, it is not surprising that IGF-1 is often referred to as the "body's repairman." While more research is needed to fully understand the role of IGF-1 in health and disease, there is no doubt that this protein plays a vital role in maintaining our bodies' peak performance.

The benefits of increased IGF-1 levels?

However, IGF-1 levels decline with age, which may contribute to the age-related decline in muscle mass and strength. Therefore, maintaining high levels of IGF-1 throughout life may be important for preserving muscle mass and function.

How to increase your IGF-1 levels for improved muscle growth?

As we already know, levels of IGF-1 decline with age, which may explain why older adults tend to have less muscle mass than young people. However, there are several ways to increase IGF-1 levels and improve muscle growth. One of the most effective methods is to take deer antler velvet, which is the highest natural source of IGF-1. Deer antler velvet can be taken in pill form or made into a liposomal supplement, which helps the body absorb the IGF-1 more effectively. Additionally, regular exercise and proper nutrition are important for supporting muscle growth and keeping IGF-1 levels high.

Fortunately, Now Foods makes a liposomal IGF-1 supplement.

Low levels of IGF-1 have been linked to a variety of health problems, including muscle wasting, osteoporosis, and heart disease. Fortunately, Now Foods makes a liposomal IGF-1 supplement that can help to Raise IGF-1 levels and improve overall health. Liposomal delivery is the most efficient way to increase blood levels of IGF-1, and the fact that this supplement is also affordably priced makes it an attractive option for many people. If you are looking for a way to improve your health, consider giving Now Foods liposomal IGF-1 a try.


The Truth About Sugar: How It's Digested, Metabolized, and Why Too Much Can Be Dangerous

Date: June 25, 2022 10:13 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Truth About Sugar: How It's Digested, Metabolized, and Why Too Much Can Be Dangerous

We've all heard the saying "sugar is sweet, but it's not so sweet when it's in your blood." This is a very accurate statement. Sugar is digested into glucose and fructose. Glucose Raises blood sugar levels, while fructose is metabolized by the liver into fat. If too much fructose is consumed, it can result in the development of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. We will discuss how sugar is digested, metabolized, and why too much can be dangerous!

What is glycation and what does it do to the body?

Glycation is a process that occurs when glucose binds to proteins, lipids, or nucleic acids. This can damage tissues and lead to the formation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs). AGEs are toxic compounds that contribute to the development of chronic diseases, such as diabetes, atherosclerosis, and Alzheimer’s disease. The body has mechanisms to prevent glycation, but these become less effective with age. Additionally, certain lifestyle choices, such as smoking and a high-sugar diet, can increase the risk of glycation. Therefore, it is important to be aware of the risks and take steps to protect the body from this damaging process.

How does sugar cause glycation?

Sugar causes glycation in several ways. First, when sugar is present in the bloodstream, it can attach to proteins and lipids, forming new molecules called advanced glycation end products (AGEs). Once formed, AGEs can accumulate in tissues and cause damage. Second, sugar can also indirectly cause glycation by promoting inflammation. Inflammation triggers a release of immune system chemicals that can damage tissues. Third, sugar can also impair the body's ability to regenerate tissues. This is because glycation damages DNA, making it difficult for cells to divide and multiply properly. over time, this leads to a decrease in the body's ability to heal wounds and repair damaged tissues. As a result, sugar plays a significant role in the development of conditions such as diabetes and Alzheimer's disease.

How can you prevent glycation from happening?

There are several ways to help prevent glycation from occurring. First, it is important to control blood sugar levels by eating a healthy diet and maintaining a healthy weight. Exercise can also help to regulate blood sugar levels and prevent glycation. In addition, antioxidants may help to protect against glycation by scavenging sugar molecules before they can attach to other molecules. By taking these steps, you can help to prevent glycation and the age-related conditions that are associated with it.

Should we be worried about sugar intake?

Sugar is a complex topic, and there is still a lot of scientific research to be done in order to understand all of its implications. However, based on the current evidence, it seems that we should be at least somewhat concerned about our sugar intake. Numerous studies have linked sugar consumption to an increased risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and certain types of cancer. And while sugar itself is not necessarily bad for you, the truth is that most of us consume far more sugar than we need. The average American consumes over 150 pounds of sugar every year, which is well above the recommended limit. So, while you don't need to eliminating sugar entirely from your diet, it is important to be aware of how much sugar you're consuming and to make sure that you're not overdoing it.

What are some healthy alternatives to sugar?

Sugar is a common ingredient in many processed foods, and it can be difficult to avoid. However, consuming too much sugar can lead to weight gain, cavities, and other health problems. Thankfully, there are a few healthy alternatives that can be used in place of sugar. Stevia is a popular choice, as it is derived from a plant, has no calories, and does not elevate blood sugar levels. Xylitol and erythritol are both sugar alcohols that have a lower calorie content than sugar and do not cause cavities. These substitutes can be found in most supermarkets, and they can help to make healthier choices when it comes to sweetening food and drink.

So, while you don't need to eliminating sugar entirely from your diet, it is important to be aware of how much sugar you're consuming and to make sure that you're not overdoing it. There are a few healthy alternatives that can be used in place of sugar. Stevia is a popular choice, as it is derived from a plant, has no calories, and does not elevate blood sugar levels. Xylitol and erythritol are both sugar alcohols that have a lower calorie content than sugar and do not cause cavities. Try a sugar alternative in your next recipe and see how it tastes! You might be surprised at how good it can be.


New CV Science Plus CBD 10mg Gummies

Date: October 13, 2020 04:21 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: New CV Science Plus CBD 10mg Gummies

CV Science just came out with new 10mg CBD gummies that taste great. These gummies contain True hemp with not only CBD but the minor cannabinoids and terpenes giving a full spectrum of benefits from the hemp plant. Each gummie is pre measured to contain 10 mgs of CBD. great tasting flavors, Mango and Citrus, these pack a punch in an easy to consume square cube.

You will always find quality in CV Science CBD products:

  • no artificial sweeteners
  • gluten-free
  • non-GMO plants Raised from EU-certified hemp seeds
  • always third-party tested

try these great flavors and affordable sizes today:


Omega-3s are a potent way to treat depression without resorting todangerous prescription medications

Date: May 17, 2019 04:01 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Omega-3s are a potent way to treat depression without resorting todangerous prescription medications

One can treat poor mood and depression without using pharmaceutical drugs. One of these approaches involves using omega-3 fatty acid. Foods rich in this fatty acid can help. It has been shown by many scientific studies that the risk of having depression is reduced when one takes foods rich in omega-3 fatty acid. Some of the means that have been identified as the pathways in which omega-3 fatty acids work is that they can make the CNS to release more serotonin, they can reduce the risk of an inflammation and also its severity, and they can stop phosphatidyl-inositol from releasing hormones that make a person to have depressive moods. The way omega-3 fatty acids do this has been found to be similar to the way anti-depressant drugs work. Omega-3 fatty acids have been found to counter the release of serotonin in the brain that trigger depressive moods and they also have effect on the release of cytokines in the heart that relates to lowering the risk of one having coronary heart disease. And fortunately, heart disease is linked to major depressive moods. So, omega-3 fatty acid is a powerful compound that can be used to treat both problems. But what researchers have not agreed upon though is the required dosage of omega-3 fatty acid that a person should take each day to reap these benefits.

Key Takeaways:

  • Many ways in which one can remedy the occurrence of poor moods and depression without the use of pharmaceutical drugs have now been discovered.
  • The risk of having depression have been found to be influenced by eating omega-3 fatty acids and those who take it in large amounts have low risk of depression.
  • Similar to how pharmaceutical drugs help a person with depression, omega-3 fatty acids stop immune cells from releasing cytokines that are pro-inflammatory in the brain.

"The fatty acids achieve their natural antidepressant effects through several means. Omega-3s can raise the activity of CNS seratonin, reduce the risk and severity of inflammation, and stop phosphatidyl-inositol from sending signals that bring about depressive moods."

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Vitamin D And Its Effect On Brain

Date: April 30, 2019 09:28 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Vitamin D And Its Effect On Brain

Vitamin D has a wide range of vital health benefits for your bones, teeth, heart and endocrine system. Recent research suggests it also has a critical job in brain health and mental health as as well. Vitamin D deficiency — already associated with damage to the immune system and hypertension — may also put you at a higher risk of schizophrenia or cognitive impairment. This is a serious problem, given that there may be a billion vitamin D-deficient people in the world today.

Key Takeaways:

  • Vitamin D, which is sometimes referred to as the “sunshine vitamin,” is important for keeping the bones healthy, for boosting the immune system, and good cardiovascular health.
  • According to findings from research, when one lacks Vitamin D the immune system will be compromised and it can also raise the danger of hypertension.
  • It is well reported that there is a relationship between vitamin D and mental health. A study on rodents showed that vitamin D deficiency resulted in brain damage.

"New research finds that vitamin D deficiency influences a kind of brain “scaffolding” that supports the neurons."

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Women with acute uncomplicated cystitis can benefit from green tea

Date: April 27, 2019 10:12 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Women with acute uncomplicated cystitis can benefit from green tea

The health benefits of green tea have long been praised by scientists and health practitioners, and new research actually adds to the current body of knowledge regarding green tea. Recently, it has been found that green tea can aid in the symptoms of acute cystitis. Acute cystitis is categorized as inflammation in the bladder that is prompted by bacterial infection. Green tea has antimicrobial effects, which can help reduce symptoms of acute cystitis with the exception of blood in the urine. Other health benefits of green tea include weight loss, the prevention of cancer, lowering of stroke risk, and improved memory function.

Key Takeaways:

  • Acute cystitis, which affects many women, is a fast onset inflammation of the bladder, usually the result of a bacterial infection.
  • Recently, the publication, Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice printed data linking cystitis with the use of green tea.
  • Green tea's efficacy against cystitis makes sense, because green tea has catechins that have antimicrobial effect against the E-coli bacteria.

"For this study, researchers from Kerman University of Medical Sciences in Iran carried out a blinded randomized trial to assess the efficacy of green tea as adjunctive therapy to standard antimicrobial treatment in women with acute uncomplicated cystitis."

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Why a little sun makes us feel so good

Date: April 23, 2019 02:39 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Why a little sun makes us feel so good

Who doesn't like basking in the rays of sunshine on a nice summer day? Since sunlight has the natural ability to raise serotonin levels, it naturally has the ability to regulate and improve your mood. Not getting enough exposure to sunlight on a regular basis can actually lead to the same harmful side effects that are associated with obesity and smoking. UV exposure is especially important for those who are impacted by seasonal affective disorder (SAD), even if it is received in an artificial setting.

Key Takeaways:

  • UVB radiation from sunlight is what causes the human body to synthesize critical vitamin D.
  • Vitamin D propels genes in the human body that aid in regulating the immune system and in releasing neurotransmitters in the brain.
  • One of the neurotransmitters directly impacted by vitamin D is serotonin, the lack of which is highly implicated in an array of mood disorders.

"A recent study, found that underexposure to sun carried significant risks, similar to smoking, obesity, and being sedentary."

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Food GOLD: Turmeric is just as effective as 14 pharma drugs butsuffers from NONE of the side effects

Date: April 23, 2019 01:53 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Food GOLD: Turmeric is just as effective as 14 pharma drugs butsuffers from NONE of the side effects

According to over 12,000 peer-reviewed studies, the herb curcumin has over 800 preventive and therapeutic uses. It is estimated that the health-enhancing properties of this powerful herb can replace 14 pharmaceutical drugs with no negative side effects. Research published in the journal Biochemistry and Biophysical Research Community shows that curcumin is up to 100,000 times more effective than the diabetes drug Metformin in activating AMPK, which is used to increase glucose uptake. In addition, a 2008 study revealed that curcumin is just as effective as Lipitor in decreasing oxidative stress and inflammation. Research also shows that curcumin compares favorably to Prozac in treating depression without any of the side effects, such as suicidal ideation, tremors, and headaches.

Key Takeaways:

  • This herb is so powerful that it has been at the heart of more than 12,000 peer-reviewed biomedical studies.
  • Researchers believe it works on depression by inhibiting monoamine oxidase, the enzyme that has been linked to depression when it’s present in high amounts in the brain.
  • Curcumin is so effective at addressing such a vast array of conditions that it’s hard to discuss it without sounding like you’re exaggerating.

"Researchers believe it works on depression by inhibiting monoamine oxidase, the enzyme that has been linked to depression when it’s present in high amounts in the brain. It also raises levels of calmness-inducing serotonin and dopamine."

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Plant proteins found to help prevent Type 2 diabetes

Date: April 22, 2019 04:18 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Plant proteins found to help prevent Type 2 diabetes

A recent study published in the British Journal of Nutrition analyzed the diets of more than 2,000 men. It specifically sought to find a correlation between protein sources and diabetes. It found that, in general, men with a higher intake of protein from plants were less likely to develop Type 2 diabetes. Conversely, men who got most of their protein from processed or unprocessed meats were more likely to develop Type 2 diabetes. Several other studies from Harvard have reached parallel conclusions.

Key Takeaways:

  • Researchers from the University of Eastern Finland looked at the dietary habits of 2000 men to try to learn the impact of protein sources on heart health.
  • Plant-based diets are associated with significant drops in the risk of Type 2 diabetes, even when subjects also are less healthy foods as well.
  • One serving of red meat per day is enough to substantially raise the risk of type 2 diabetes relative to non-meat eaters.

"According to the study, men who had the highest intake of plant proteins were 35 percent less likely to develop Type 2 diabetes compared with those who had the lowest consumption."

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How does poor gut health affect vitamin C and E in metabolicsyndrome? - Medical News Bulletin

Date: April 16, 2019 10:53 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How does poor gut health affect vitamin C and E in metabolicsyndrome? - Medical News Bulletin

Metabolic syndrome involves a combination of at least three out of five conditions — hypertension, abdominal obesity, low “good cholesterol,” and excessively high fasting blood glucose and serum triglyceride scores. Metabolic syndrome is a major public health concern, given that more than a third of American adults have it. Recent studies suggest that eating too much saturated fat can imbalance the bacteria in the gut. This results over time in oxidative stress and inflammation that can deplete the body’s stockpiles of vitamins C and E, and also make it harder to absorb more vitamin C from food to replace what has been used up. Vitamins C and E play an important role in protecting against oxidative stress.

Key Takeaways:

  • Metabolic syndrome can lead to heart disease, type 2 diabetes and other serious conditions.
  • The American Heart association defines metabolic syndrome as abdominal obesity, raised serum triglycerides, low HDL, high blood pressure or raised fasting blood glucose.
  • Vitamin C and E are vital to the body's immune system and work to prevent metabolic syndrome through regular consumption of fruits and vegetables.

"Around 35% of the American adult population has metabolic syndrome, with a higher prevalence in older age groups."

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A powerful antioxidant: Curcumin protects your heart from damagecaused by diabetes and smoking

Date: January 10, 2019 05:00 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: A powerful antioxidant: Curcumin protects your heart from damagecaused by diabetes and smoking

Both diabetes and routine engagement in tobacco smoking can raise the risk of cardiovascular damage due to a rise in oxidative stress. While curcumin isn't proven to completely diminish the amount of oxidative stress that is caused as a result of diabetic and tobacco consumption symptoms, it does greatly decrease the amount of oxidative stress that is experienced by each individual which naturally results in the heart being less vulnerable. It is also known to specifically reduce the amount of hyperglycemia-induced oxidative stress.

Key Takeaways:

  • It has been reported that taking curcumin supplements can protect a person from risk to cardiovascular diseases that is caused by diabetes and smoking.
  • This study was conducted at the Kind Saud University in Saudi Arabia. The researchers studied the oxidative stress caused by diabetes and smoking and curcumin’s effects on them.
  • The researchers found that administering nicotine to rats induced oxidative stress in the rats and also increased triglycerides and low-density lipoprotein.

"For the study, the researchers administered nicotine to diabetic rats to determine the effect of the combined oxidative stress of diabetes and nicotine."

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The Arjun tree holds potential for lowering blood sugar andcholesterol levels

Date: January 08, 2019 09:58 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Arjun tree holds potential for lowering blood sugar andcholesterol levels

According to the Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine, Arjun Tree extract may have benefits for moderating your blood sugar and also your cholesterol levels. Diabetics are at dramatically higher risk of dying from heart conditions, perhaps because hyperglycemia tends to raise blood pressure and damage the circulatory system. The study in question focused on Wistar rats that received a high-fat diet, and found that Arjun Tree extract improved insulin sensitivity and liver triglycerides, and exhibited a pronounced anti inflammatory effect.

Key Takeaways:

  • Of the different plant-derived extracts used in traditional Indian medicine, Arjunarishta is a medicine that is produced from the Arjun tree is used for treating cardiovascular disorders and diabetes.
  • Type 2 diabetes has been identified as a major risk factor for cardiovascular diseases because people with it have a higher percentage of getting cardiovascular diseases.
  • Looking for and finding natural products that could be used against diabetes is very important because apart from causing cardiovascular diseases, it can damage blood vessels in the heart.

"In this study, which was published in the Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine, the researchers were able to determine that Arjun tree extracts exhibit anti-hyperglycemic and anti-hyperlipidemic activity."

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Vegans can improve their omega-3 levels by taking non-animal formsof DHA

Date: December 08, 2018 11:16 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Vegans can improve their omega-3 levels by taking non-animal formsof DHA

People who identify as vegans obviously follow a much different diet than other individuals in the world. For some, there are massive benefits to undertaking a vegan diet because of what it means for the environment. However, there are some drawbacks. For example, for someone who is on a vegan diet to be able to improve their omega-3 levels, they must look for substances outside of food. Non-animal forms of DHA are proving to be very helpful.

Key Takeaways:

  • Some necessary fatty acids are hard to obtain when living on a vegan diet.
  • DHA is one polyunsaturated fatty acid, that belongs with the class of omega-3 fatty acids.
  • DHA levels in human beings are especially high in the retina, the brain and in sperm cells.

"In the review, author J.C. Craddock of the University of Wollongong in Australia said that supplementing with algae can raise DHA levels in vegetarians and vegans after combing through various studies that discussed the relationship between the two."

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The Cannabis Remedy: Simple Solution For Over 40 Million PeopleSuffering With Anxiety

Date: November 24, 2018 11:13 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Cannabis Remedy: Simple Solution For Over 40 Million PeopleSuffering With Anxiety

Anxiety is a very prevalent condition, both in the U.S. and worldwide. In fact the National Institutes of Health concur that as much as 33% of the world's population has suffered, or well suffer from some type of anxiety. Besides mentally specific symptoms, such as worry, fretting, inability to focus, nervousness and fearfulness, the condition can create physical symptoms as well, such as clenching, sweating, dizziness, accelerated breathing, pulse and raised blood pressure. At it's worst, anxiety can induce a full-blown panic attack, depersonalization and even a certainty that one is dying. Obviously anxiety is a potentially critical condition, with the ability to disrupt life, even in small ways. As it worsens, anxiety can make it difficult to impossible for sufferers to work or socialize effectively. Though triggers vary, most people are visited by anxiety due to one of three big concerns, namely fears that center around finances, safety, or health. One poll conducted by the American Psychiatric Association concluded that keeping the family safe and bill-paying were huge anxiety triggers that resonated with more than 60% of respondents. The positive news is that many people can experience mitigation, if not complete surcease of these symptoms by using cannabis, which is expected to keep growing as an industry. THC which is the psychoactive component in cannabis, that which makes it illegal if it gets past .3%, is minimal to almost nil in hemp, which is related to, but not the same as marijuana. The THC amount will vary in cannabis products. There is hemp oil, hemp seed oil and CBD oil, which is made from the entire plant, flowers and all, so it may have a bit more THC. Oil products can be taken topically, or sublingually, even smoked. By acting on receptors in the central nervous symptom, the constituents of the oil act to mitigate the symptoms of anxiety. Even beyond pain relief these products have been shown to have efficacy for symptoms of epilepsy, pain and impaired cognition.

Key Takeaways:

  • The National Institute of Health estimates as much as a third of the world suffers from anxiety.
  • Anxiety has the ability to disrupt life, even making it impossible for people to function at work, home or in social capacities.
  • Although anxiety takes many forms, the big three trigger issues for most people revolve around, health, finances and safety.

"The good news is, there are ways to cope, even ways to alleviate anxiety and its symptoms using natural and drug-free solutions."

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Nip it in the bud: Natural remedies that prevent colon cancer

Date: October 10, 2018 03:26 PM
Author: VitaNet, LLC Staff (
Subject: Nip it in the bud: Natural remedies that prevent colon cancer

Nip it in the bud: Natural remedies that prevent colon cancer

Having natural remedies is something that we have all heard about. The older people in our life all praise the remedies that come from the old timers. It is something that is ingrained in them as it has worked for many years. A lot of remedies are something that resides in the mental capacity of someones brain. People need to believe that something is working. If they believe this, then they will feel much better no matter the circumstance.

Key Takeaways:

  • Colon cancer death in the U.S is increasing but many persons do not know that it can be prevented through healthy diet changes.
  • Some ways to prevent colon cancer is to eat more fiber and fresh vegetables, detox and to also eat fiber-rich foods at the right time.
  • Eating of green leafy vegetables like cabbage can do a lot of good to the gut. It keeps the gut healthy and reduces risk of colon cancer.

"One of the ways to prevent the development of colon cancer is to cleanse your colon at least once a year. This can be done by undergoing liquid fast for three days. Within these three days, you can only drink fresh juices or other liquids to stimulate the decomposition of damaged tissues and deposits in the colon."

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Eating too much processed sugar increases your risk of Alzheimer's

Date: September 26, 2018 09:52 AM
Author: VitaNet, LLC Staff (
Subject: Eating too much processed sugar increases your risk of Alzheimer's

Eating too much processed sugar increases your risk of Alzheimer's

According to recent research, people that consume a lot of processed sugars run a greater risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. What happens is the high sugar levels damage a major enzyme called macrophage migration inhibitory factor. Previous research has already shown that people with diabetes are more likely to develop this disease. However, the most recent research looked at brain samples of people with and without this disease and the process of glycation. It showed that glycation damages the essential enzyme which regulates insulin and the immune response.

Key Takeaways:

  • High sugar levels damage a major enzyme called macrophage migration inhibitory factor or MIF which regulates insulin and the immune system.
  • Recent research shows two brain samples with and with out Alzheimer's disease and the process of glycation with in the body.
  • The processed sugars showed to damage the enzyme MIF which therefore resulted in greater risk of having Alzheimer's disease.

"Research has found that a high intake of processed sugar can raise the risk of Alzheimer’s disease."

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Known as the "bliss molecule", anandamide is a natural way to stimulate a sense of happiness

Date: August 10, 2018 05:53 PM
Author: VitaNet, LLC Staff (
Subject: Known as the "bliss molecule", anandamide is a natural way to stimulate a sense of happiness

Known as the "bliss molecule", anandamide is a natural way to stimulate a sense of happiness

Anandamide is a natural endocannabinoid produced in your body and found in certain foods that stimulates the same pleasure receptors as psychoactive THC. Anandamide and other endocannabinoids can help protect the brain from stress and damage, and encourage balanced moods and better consolidation of memories. The only two foods with large amounts of anandamide are (famously expensive) black truffles and chocolate, especially cacao powder and nibs, which are less processed. Several other foods, including black pepper, olive oil, grapes, broccoli, spinach and others can also raise your anandamide levels.

Key Takeaways:

  • Anandamide stimulates the same pleasure receptors that the main cannabinoid in marijuana does.
  • Endocannabinoids can shield the mind against major depression and PTSD.
  • A lack of sufficient endocannabinoids may play a significant role in diseases like Parkinson's and multiple sclerosis.

"The “bliss molecule” is a natural neurotransmitter and endocannabinoid that creates a sense of happiness, an article on Be Brain Fit stated."

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The Best Vitamins for Men

Date: August 05, 2018 05:53 PM
Author: VitaNet, LLC Staff (
Subject: The Best Vitamins for Men

The Best Vitamins for Men

Many Western men suffer from at least one dietary deficiency, with significant consequences for their health. Vitamin deficiencies can negatively impact almost every system in your body, from your brain to your muscles to your sex drive. Vitamin D3 deficiency increases the risk of heart attack or stroke, and is especially common in indoorsy men or those from cold areas. Even though on paper most men get enough B12, several common medications can interfere its absorption and cause B12 deficiency symptoms like fatigue.

Key Takeaways:

  • Vitamin D3 deficiency is especially common in men who spend a lot of time indoors or live in Northern climes, and can cause a variety of symptoms, including raised risk of stroke and heart attacks.
  • While many men get enough B12 in their diet, a variety of medications, including common heartburn medications, can prevent it from being absorbed properly.
  • Vitamins A, C, and E are water-soluble, antioxidants vitamins that fulfill a variety of critical purposes in the body and are found in foods like spinach and kale.

"Many people assume vitamin or mineral deficiencies are mostly a third-world problem in the 21st century, but in fact research tells us that even in developed nations, the best vitamins for men aren’t consumed enough."

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Alkaline Water: Beneficial or All Hype?

Date: August 02, 2018 09:53 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Alkaline Water: Beneficial or All Hype?

Alkaline Water: Beneficial or All Hype?

More and more celebrities such as Lebron James are endorsing alkaline water in order to raise awareness as to how important it is to have a buffer to various acids within your system. Highly processed foods and other risky products can cause our pH to be out of balance, making it hard for our bodies to process important things such as potassium and calcium. Having alkaline water in your system will serve as the much-needed buffer in order to keep your vitamins and minerals in check.

Key Takeaways:

  • When there is too much hydrogen ion content in water, it dilutes its abilities to be used as an acidic buffer.
  • Alkaline water is simply a water that is higher in pH balance so it can help balance the vitamins and minerals in your body.
  • Some other benefits of alkaline water are the reduction of bone loss, as well as a boost in metabolism.

"Alkaline water has gained rapid popularity in recent years among everyone from health enthusiasts to professional athletes, whether they’re following an alkaline diet or just trying to get more out of their hydration."

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Worse than sugar, this alternative boosts your risk of obesity and diabetes

Date: July 26, 2018 09:03 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Worse than sugar, this alternative boosts your risk of obesity and diabetes

Worse than sugar, this alternative boosts your risk of obesity and diabetes

Nearly 40 percent of American adults are obese, and although the food industry often presents artificial sweeteners as a solution, they are even worse for your health than the real thing. Artificial sweeteners may raise your risk of obesity and diabetes even more than real sugar, and may cause worse damage to the lining of the blood vessels. Over the long term, artificial sweeteners can change or wear down the cellular “machinery” your body uses to make energy, or even trick your body into breaking down muscle.

Key Takeaways:

  • Artificial sweeteners are not a solution to the out-of-control rates of obesity in America, and may make the problem even worse.
  • Artificial sweeteners can change your body’s processes for making energy and trick your body into burning muscle for energy.
  • Artificial sweeteners can stimulate the appetite, and previous research has strongly associated it with greater weight gain.

"If you’re still holding out hope that science will eventually prove artificial sweeteners to be beneficial, or at the very least harmless, you’re likely to be disappointed."

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5 Superfoods to get up with energy every morning that could replace even the coffee

Date: December 18, 2017 10:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 5 Superfoods to get up with energy every morning that could replace even the coffee

5 foods are introduced as super foods, packed full with enough energy to replace coffee. Avocado is the first introduced super food, with very high potassium, though a very high calorie count. After avocado, coconut water is recommended due to its high potassium content and the importance of hydration. The third super food is spinach, another food recommended due to its high potassium content. Potato is then pRaised as being also high in potassium, while the roots of sweet potatoes contain important proteins. Lastly, fat free yogurt is recommended as it is high in potassium and will assist in muscle growth.


How can I protect my eyes from diabetes?

Date: November 16, 2017 03:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How can I protect my eyes from diabetes?

With the rising in numbers of the disease diabetes, there are more people at risk for becoming blind. Diabetes causes a high risk for blindness, but there are preventative ways in which people can protect themselves from this risk. They need to maintain blood sugar levels, talk to their doctor about overall well-being such as diets, physical activity, and medications. They should not miss appointments with the doctor! A missed appointment could mean missed information. They should refrain from using any kinds of drugs, alcohol, or tobacco, as the chemicals can increase risk for damage to the eye. As long as the diabetic person lives a healthy lifestyle and maintains it, they can help prevent or reduce the risk of becoming blind in the future.

Key Takeaways:

  • High blood-glucose levels are responsible for all forms of diabetic eye disease. See your doctor regularly for help with medications, proper eating habits, etc.
  • There are currently 51 million people living with diabetes. India leads the world in prevailance of diabetes, and is expected to worsen by 2030.
  • Astain from alcohol and stop smoking. The harmeful chemicals raise the risk of eye damage which leads to diabetic retinopathy.

"When a person is diagnosed with diabetes, it becomes imperative that one has annual vision tests and eye fundus examination."

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7 Ways to Naturally Boost Your Metabolism

Date: November 02, 2017 08:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 7 Ways to Naturally Boost Your Metabolism

Metabolism is loosely translated as the way your body uses food for energy. Fast and slow metabolisms are blamed for weight loss and gain. There are ways to boost your metabolism naturally from caffeine consumption to sleeping in a colder room. Believe it or not, stress does not burn calories; instead it can raise cortisol which eventually can lead to fat gains. These additions to your diet and lifestyle can help speed up fat burning but exercise and a healthy lifestyle should go hand in hand with them for best results.

Key Takeaways:

  • According to a recent study, lowering the temperature in your home, even slightly, can help you to burn more calories.
  • A number of studies have shown that drinking coffee can help to increase your metabolism.
  • If you body does not get enough rest and sleep it can have a negative impact your metabolism.

"Someone with a super-fast burn can’t stay slim eating junk food and not exercising, while people with slower metabolisms aren’t automatically doomed to an overweight fate."

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Probiotics may help to prevent and treat colon cancer

Date: September 24, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Probiotics may help to prevent and treat colon cancer

Colon cancer is like other cancers because if you catch it early eough you can treat it in many cases. Probiotics are a great thing to add to your diet because they could help. These can be found in yogurts and other foods. They are healthy bacteria. They aid digestion as well so cancer treatment is not the only reason to eat them. You can also get probiotic supplements instead of eating the foods which contain them.

Key Takeaways:

  • Inactive strains of L. reuteri, which were HDC-deficient, did not exhibit any protective effects.
  • The researchers also noted that the probiotic (its active strain) was effective in reducing the inflammation stimulated by the chemicals
  • the team hopes that probiotics that help to convert L-histidine into histamine could eventually be used to aid colorectal cancer treatment

"The researchers found that L. reuteri stimulated the production of HDC and raised the levels of histamine in the colon."

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What Exactly Is Monk Fruit, and Why Is It Popping Up Everywhere These Days?

Date: September 07, 2017 11:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What Exactly Is Monk Fruit, and Why Is It Popping Up Everywhere These Days?

A fruit from Southeast Asia called monk fruit has been popping up in all types of common foods, such as yogurt, as a natural sweetener. Monk fruit can be up to 200 times sweeter than sugar, but it contains zero calories. Since it does not raise sugar levels in the body it is popular among diabetics. While monk fruit is a good sugary substitute, it can lead to craving sugary foods, the same as using any sweetener. It is wise to limit monk fruit intake for this reason. It is a good alternative but can lead to higher sugar consumption if overused.

Read more: What Exactly Is Monk Fruit, and Why Is It Popping Up Everywhere These Days?


Top 7 Foods That Boost Serotonin

Date: September 01, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Top 7 Foods That Boost Serotonin

Serotonin helps regulate body temperature, mood, sleeping patterns and aids in digestion, among other benefits. It's common for those that have low levels of serotonin to experience depression and many antidepressant medications raise serotonin levels to combat depression. If you want to raise your serotonin levels naturally(or tryptophan a serotonin precursor), without the side effects involved with prescription medications, you may want to try adding these foods to your diet. They include frits, vegetable, eggs, meats and even chocolate

Key Takeaways:

  • Serotonin, also known as 5-HT, is a neurotransmitter released by the pineal gland of the brain.
  • Foods that boost serotonin include: kiwi, dark chocolate, seeds, nuts and vitamin D-rich foods
  • Some foods contain tryptophan, which is a precursor to serotonin, but these are only effective when consumed with a high-carb, low-protein diet

"Serotonin plays an important role in controlling our circadian rhythms - our body’s internal clock."

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Insulin and disease

Date: August 21, 2017 09:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Insulin and disease

Many health problems, and especially cancer and heart disease are caused by an imbalance of insulin, due to poor diet. We eat far too much sugar and too many carbohydrates. This leads to insulin resistance, which, in turn, leads to heart disease, high triglycerides, high cholesterol, osteoporosis, and diabetes. It also raises blood pressure because when we are insulin resistant our bodies cannot store magnesium, which is needed to relax the walls of the blood vessels. Dr. Michael Cutler has written a book, "The Insulin Factor" which explains how to get your insulin back in balance, through diet. This will help us to live longer, healthier lives.

Key Takeaways:

  • Excessive eating disrupts the body’s metabolic system and produces conditions which can lead to cancer and cardiovascular disease
  • Insulin problems lay at the root of most serious health conditions, including cancer, diabetes, hypertension, and more.
  • Insulin problems are directly related to the problems associated with aging, and determine how our bodies age over time

"Centenarian studies show no health consistency at all except that all the centenarians have relatively low insulin (sugar) for their age and they all have low triglycerides for their age."

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Should You Give Up Sugar?

Date: August 20, 2017 09:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Should You Give Up Sugar?

Obesity and type 2 diabetes is on the rise, because of this people are trying to quit sugar. Sugar can be as addictive or rewarding neurologically as drugs are, so it's not an easy task. Average consumption of sugars comes to 75 lbs. a year, this begs the question "what is the right does of sugar?". Since this is a recent development, we are only beginning to see the effects of this type of diet. This isn't the only factor however, as we have seen a change in diet toward sugars, we shifted away from fats and cholesterol. In reality while this was a shift intended to reduce the negative effects of those things, we ended up with a trade that wasn't much better. We should all try to find a balance in diet, and avoid unneeded sugars as much as possible. Stopping soda or reducing sugary drinks is a great way to start.

Key Takeaways:

  • Sugar can have the same rewards and affects on your brain as drugs can
  • Diets often tend towards one extreme, but a balance is needed in the food eaten.
  • Sodas and sugary drinks are an easy thing to eliminate from your diet to reduce your sugar intake.

"Mainly, it’s a source of quick energy that rapidly raises blood sugar"

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Potency of superfood nutrients multiplied by certain strains of gut bacteria

Date: August 18, 2017 11:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Potency of superfood nutrients multiplied by certain strains of gut bacteria

Do you enjoy red wine a chocolate? Did you know these products have been praised for having flavonoid content? Read this blog to learn more about what that means. But if you enjoy the taste of a deep red wine and dark chocolate you should really read this blog. This blog discusses some of the potential healthy side effects of those things and more. The blog discuss a recent study that shows the red wine and dark chocolate actually may influence how your body fights the flu.

Read more: Potency of superfood nutrients multiplied by certain strains of gut bacteria


Mice fed tryptophan develop immune cells that foster a tolerant gut

Date: August 13, 2017 09:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Mice fed tryptophan develop immune cells that foster a tolerant gut

Tryptophan is a fundamental building block of protein. A study was conducted on genetically identical mice that were separated and raised in different environments, which led to the finding that environmental factors were a high contributor in regards to developing an immunity to irritable bowel disease. Bacteria highly affects the immune system because the mice that were raised in sterile conditions grew the immune cells. Doctor Luisa Cervantes-Barragan conducted the study. Tryptophan is common in both mouse and the human balanced food diet.

Key Takeaways:

  • Tryptophan ingestion in mice leads to formation of micros that fight IBS
  • Humans suffering from IBS can benefit diets high in tryptophan
  • Foods high in protein such as eggs , chocolate, and cheese have these compounds.

"People have the same tolerance-promoting cells as mice, and most of us shelter L. reuteri in our gastrointestinal tracts."

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Foundations in Health

Date: August 04, 2017 09:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Foundations in Health

The key to a house that will last for a long time is a strong foundation. The same goes for your health. In nutritional therapy, there are five pillars of foundational health. When these pillars are very weak, opportunities for many different degenerative conditions are introduced. Through this lens, taking charge of your overall health becomes a lot more accessible. If you ignore the foundation, that will lead to relying on pharmaceuticals or other conventional therapies.

Key Takeaways:

  • The best and most nutrient-dense diet is of no consequence if your ability to digest it is impaired.
  • While evolution has favored humans with many innate ways to raise low blood sugar, the need to lower it is a modern concern for which our bodies are unprepared.
  • Problems with the liver and gallbladder can lead to incomplete break-down of food, which sits in the intestines, causing inflammation.

"The five pillars of foundational health are digestion, blood sugar balance, mineral balance, fatty acid balance and hydration. Holding these essential components together is a whole foods diet."

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Ask Well: Should We Be Buying Iodized Salt?

Date: July 25, 2017 04:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Ask Well: Should We Be Buying Iodized Salt?

The question has been raised and it asks if we should be buying iodized salt. There have been tests done that have come to the conclusion that were are sufficient in the United States, when it comes to our iodine consumption. Most people from America get enough iodine, even if they do not use any iodized salt in their meals. They have a very small risk for having an iodine deficiency, which can lead to them getting goiters.

Key Takeaways:

  • While statistics indicate that most US citizens are iron sufficient, some pregnant women are at risk and could need supplementation.
  • Though iodine is used in some cow feeds and as a wash for cow udders, the concentration is considered mild and harmless.
  • An unlikely source of iodine, dairy, exists, because iodine is present in soil, which yields grass, in turn consumed by cows and therefore present in milk.

"Most Americans who eat a varied diet get enough iodine even if they don’t use iodized salt. They are at little risk of iodine deficiency, which can lead to goiters (swollen thyroid glands in the neck) and dwarfism and is a leading cause of mental impairment worldwide."

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Natural Ways to Combat Depression

Date: July 19, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Natural Ways to Combat Depression

19 million Americans suffer from depression, most of these people are women. Serotonin is the main chemical when it comes to how happy or depressed a person is. Exercise increases your level of serotonin, this is one way to raise the level. Changing your diet and watching how many carbs you eat may also help, as carbs raise insulin levels, which can cause weight gain. Sometimes people need SSRI's / medications like Prozac because diet and exercise are not enough.

Key Takeaways:

  • Olive oil improves your bone health especially with menopausal women. As well as helpful for the skin.
  • Olive oil improves overall heart health because of the Omega Fatty Acids and LDL and HDL Levels in check.
  • Olive oil antioxidants can less your chances of getting cancer.

"Find something, anything, that you enjoy, that will elevate your heart rate, and make it a weekly habit. This will benefit both your body and your brain."

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Green Coffee Bean: Do Benefits Outweigh Risks of This Weight Loss Supplement?

Date: July 14, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Green Coffee Bean: Do Benefits Outweigh Risks of This Weight Loss Supplement?

Anything for weight loss should be used carefully. Losing too much too fast is bad for you, and these supplements often raise the heart rate as well. Green coffee bean has risks like any other supplement. This discusses whether the benefits are greater than these. It will help you decide whether or not you want to use it. If you do you should do so responsibly. Do your own research before using any diet supplement.

Key Takeaways:

  • Study after study has shown that coffee drinkers may be at a lower risk for several serious problems.
  • The green coffee bean has recently appeared as a popular supplement for weight loss.
  • Green coffee beans can have several positive side-effects in addition to weight loss, including blood sugar moderation and anti-aging.

"This study shows that the major CGA compounds present in green coffee are highly absorbed and metabolized in humans."

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Not all Vitamins are equal – D3 is better than D2, research finds

Date: July 11, 2017 09:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Not all Vitamins are equal – D3 is better than D2, research finds

Not every single vitamin is created equal. The vitamin known as D3 turns out to be better than D2 and research can back this up. Researchers took a look at the health benefits of of veggie containing Vitamin D2 and D3, that is provided by animals. Research done from the University of Surrey found that D3 is 2 times better for you than D2. Vitamin D is very important for our bodies and not to be underestimated.

Key Takeaways:

  • Health authorities are being urged to change their advance on vitamin D after new research found animal sources such as eggs and oily fish are much better for you than vegetable sources
  • Those who consume D3 through fish, eggs or vitamin D3 containing supplements are twice as more likely to raise their vitamin D status
  • Researchers examined the vitamin D levels of 335 South Asian and white European women over two consecutive winter periods, a time when the nutrient is known to be lacking in the body

"Research from the University of Surrey found that D3 is twice as good for you as D2."

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Oolong Tea Benefits the Brain, Heart, Skin & More

Date: May 14, 2017 11:44 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Oolong Tea Benefits the Brain, Heart, Skin & More

In the article “Oolong Tea Benefits the Brain, Heart, Skin & More” It shows that there are many benefits for using Oolong Tea, which is made in China. Some benefits are that can prevent cancer, it can decrease causes for heart diseases. They can also reduce your chances of being obese, of getting diabetes, and in both inflammation and oxidative stress. You will also have a raise in cognitive function, and healthy organs like healthy skin, and healthy bones.

Key Takeaways:

  • Oolong tea helps promote healthy weight loose. It is a great drink for those trying to loose weight.
  • Oolong tea can be used to help prevent type 2 diabetes.
  • Oolong tea has a wide range of health benefits ranging from increased brain function to liver support.

"On a large scale, the consumption of oolong tea is associated with a decreased risk of death from heart disease"

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Are the MCT Oil Nutrition and Health Claims Backed Up?

Date: May 13, 2017 08:44 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Are the MCT Oil Nutrition and Health Claims Backed Up?

Coconut oil has experienced a huge increase in sales and taken the media bystorm in recent years. coconut oil can be found not only in specialty health food stores, but at most local grocers as well. Diets high in MCTs (65% of coconut oil's makeup) have been shown to improve glucose tolerance and reduce body fat accumulation when compared to diets high in LCTs. MCFAs have also been shown to preserve insulin action in, and insulin resistance in rat studies. When compared with other fats, coconut oil contains 2.6% fewer calories. Keep in mind however that all high-fat foods and oils are calorically dense and simply adding in more calorically dense food to a diet already ample in calories is not likely to result in weight loss.According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, virgin coconut oil has potential antioxidant properties due to certain plant nutrients it contains called phenolic compounds.

Key Takeaways:

  • The four types of MCTs are caproic acid, caprylic acid, capric acid and lauric acid.
  • Medium chain fatty acids are metabolized differently by the body than long chain or short chain fatty acids.
  • The calories in MCTs are quickly processed for instant energy in the liver.

"MCT oil is associated with a whole host of health claims including weight loss, decreased risk of metabolic syndrome, lowered abdominal fat, lowered inflammatory markers, decreased triglyceride levels, and the ability to raise HDL (good) cholesterol."

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Date: May 13, 2017 04:44 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (

I have heard something similar to this article before. All lot of the drinks we consume in our bodies do contain a lot of sugar. Being a diabetic I know that is not good for me and most people. Also what it does to the liver is also very disturbing. I did not know about the blood pressure element. I think from now on when I drink or eat something that is not healthy, I also need to consider the damage that is being done to my internal organs.

Key Takeaways:

  • Drinking soda is dangerous to your health in more ways that you ever thought.
  • Just drinking a can of soda can Raise your blood pressure, and your blood sugar to almost diabetic level.
  • Instead of drinking soda, you should stick to organic fruit juice.

"Our diet is based on many processed products that contain artificial dyes, preservatives and chemicals that can really take a toll on our health."


Eating This for Breakfast Every Morning HELP YOU LOSE WEIGHT FASTER THAN YOU EXPECT!!

Date: May 10, 2017 11:44 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Eating This for Breakfast Every Morning HELP YOU LOSE WEIGHT FASTER THAN YOU EXPECT!!

Eating breakfast every day gives you energy and accelerates you metabolism for the day to come. A study done on men and women was done with some eating oatmeal, while others ate cornflakes or just drank water. Findings showed that eating oatmeal for breakfast have long lasting effects on cravings for more food and maintaining healthy, steady glucose levels resulting in taking in fewer calories during the day. Oats provide fiber which can keep you full, help digestion and lower your cholesterol. Oatmeal also fight heart diseases and various cancers, it's the best breakfast food you can eat.

Key Takeaways:

  • If you are trying to lose extra weight, you should never skip the breakfast, as that will simply boost the unhealthy cravings during the rest of the day.
  • Oatmeal stays longer in the stomach, while cornflakes Raise blood glucose levels, and then the individual experiences a sudden drop in sugar.
  • Numerous studies have confirmed the same findings, and it has been found that oatmeal for breakfast helps weight loss and reduces the calorie intake by 31-50%, and its effects are long- lasting.

"The most important meal of the day is undoubtedly the breakfast, so you should always make sure it is healthy and nutritious. This meal provides the needed energy for the day and accelerates the metabolism."


Could Diet Sodas Raise Risk of Dementia and Stroke?

Date: April 27, 2017 10:44 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Could Diet Sodas Raise Risk of Dementia and Stroke?

Diet sodas are not a healthy choice for those dieting. New studies have shown that people who drink them are not experiencing health benefits and are at a three times higher risk of experiencing dementia and stroke. The study did not discern which artificial sweeteners were consumed. People that drink sugary beverages did not have the same risk factors but those who drank sugary risks had a higher risk of memory loss and accelerated brain aging. Experts agree drinking water and coffee are healthier alternatives.

Read more: Could Diet Sodas Raise Risk of Dementia and Stroke?


Cannabidiol Oil Producers Praise New Marijuana Definition

Date: April 24, 2017 03:44 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Cannabidiol Oil Producers PRaise New Marijuana Definition

The State of Oklahoma has a new definition for marijuana and it now includes cannabidiol. The new classification made by the Governor is a move greatly supported by the medical companies producing cannabidiol or medical marijuana oil. One of the companies in Oklahoma City has been producing cannabidiol with no THC, the ingredient that leads to a high. Company official believe their product could become used nationwide. Lawmakers made the change in the classification after seeing the important medical benefits in a young patient.

Key Takeaways:

  • While Marijuana itself remains illegal in Oklahoma, CBD oil is now legal.
  • State lawmakers made this possible after taking up "Katie's law", named after little Katie Dobson who found seizure relief using CBD oils.
  • CBD oil producer Can-Tek lab believes this decision will make Oklahoma a valuable market for pharmaceutical-grade cannabis products.

"I think it puts Oklahoma on a map for a viable source for pharmaceutical-grade cannabis products"

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Cancer Researcher Discovers Radical way that Mushrooms can Destroy Cancer

Date: March 29, 2017 12:29 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Cancer Researcher Discovers Radical way that Mushrooms can Destroy Cancer

Dr Ranahan has worked in cancer research for quite sometime. He had a moment where he thought of mushrooms break down whatever they grow up, is there a way for them to attach to cancer cells so that the cancer cells would be broken down. After finding out no study had been completed like this one, he raised the money needed to do the study. The study was successful, however research is still going on.

Key Takeaways:

  • Dr. William Ranahan did a study on how mushrooms reacted to cancer cells.
  • The mushroom used a compound or a mix of compounds to break down the cancer cells.
  • The next step will be to identify the compound or mix of compounds.

"We’ve taken mushrooms and trained them to destroy, eat, live off of cancer cells."

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These raised bed gardening tricks beat traditional gardening every time

Date: March 29, 2017 11:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: These Raised bed gardening tricks beat traditional gardening every time

Raised bed gardening methods involves preparing crops in a variety of ways using elevated garden beds. Benefits of raised garden beds include better drainage as well as better retention of moist soil. This makes raised beds particularly effective in rainy environments. In addition to better drainage, raised beds also provide better aeration. Raised beds allow effective use of the loose soil such as air circulation and nitrogen being converted to useful minerals. Other benefits include better weed control, pest control, and improved mobility.

Read more: These raised bed gardening tricks beat traditional gardening every time


eat eggs before workout to gain muscle

Date: March 29, 2017 10:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: eat eggs before workout to gain muscle

For those who are trying to build more muscle mass, this video is for you. Hitting the gym and working out are not the only things you should be doing to increase muscle. Diet is important too and eggs are a food that should not be overlooked before your workout. Eggs contain high-quality protein that is absolutely vital to a muscular physique. Watch this video for an in-depth look into eggs and how they will compliment your morning workout.

Key Takeaways:

  • Protein is extremely important in muscle function , development, and the deposition of new muscle mass, particularly important for body-builders.
  • Eggs contain a significant amount of protein, vitamins, and essential amino acids, all essential for building muscle mass and function.
  • In addition to protein, minerals, and nutrients, eggs also contain fat, although only a small amount of bad fat, saturated fat (in the yolk) and do not Raise cholesterol.

"It has a valuable role in providing a healthy diet for all and especially bodybuilders."


In praise of turmeric, the magic yellow spice.

Date: March 23, 2017 02:44 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: In pRaise of turmeric, the magic yellow spice.

For those who pursue optimum health, Turmeric is a spice that should not be overlooked. Turmeric boasts a myriad of wonderful health benefits including it's anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. Turmeric can be added to a great many meals and can also easily be added to smoothies if you want to find ways to incorporate it into your diet. Read on to find out more creative uses of turmeric, and how to make it more easily absorbed in the body.

Key Takeaways:

  • A study attributed Japan's residents life span has increased due to the ingestion of tumeric 3 times a day
  • Curcumin is the key compound of tumeric and this is where it's healing powers are derived from
  • The preferred way, is to use in a smoothie or brew w/ tea. Also, black pepper will mask the odd 'taste'. Studies show it helps with headaches, IBS & prevention /treatment of cancer.

"The magic is in the Curcumin which is the potent compound within turmeric."

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Will medical marijuana be covered by insurance companies?

Date: March 22, 2017 02:44 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Will medical marijuana be covered by insurance companies?

Medically prescribed cannabis is being proven to be a good substitute for the standard opiods that are often prescribed to people in pain. Opiods are known to cause dependency whereas medical marijuana does not have that effect on it's users. Studies even find that there are a lot of opiod-related deaths, but this wouldn't be an issue if doctors were more likely to prescribe medical marijuana in these instances. The hope of many medical marijuana users is that it will be removed from the list of banned substances, so that the costs of medical marijuana will soon be covered by health insurance providers. With the new presidency, they hope this will soon be the case.

Key Takeaways:

  • Acknowledgement of medical marijuana's effectiveness in treating certain ailments has found more and more support, even in courts.
  • Medical marijuana is more effective and much safer than prescription opioids.
  • As states start to decriminalize the use of medical marijuana the notion that health insurance should pay for medical marijuana has been raised.

"While recreational consumption remains against federal law, some hope the Trump administration will remove marijuana from the Schedule I list of banned substances."

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Having Children Increases Longevity

Date: March 21, 2017 06:44 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Having Children Increases Longevity

A study of over one million Swedish men and women found that those who raised children could expect to have a longer lifespan than their childless counterparts. Researchers posited that the increased longevity may be caused by a number of factors including the consumption of healthier foods and engagement in pro-social activities as compared to their childless counterparts. In addition, as individuals aged, those with children also tended to have a greater network of socialization and physical / logistical support than those without. This additional support slowed the physical decline of adults in their senior years, especially amongst men.

Read more: Having Children Increases Longevity


Here's the beef on gluten, coconut oil and other burning nutrition questions

Date: March 15, 2017 01:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Here's the beef on gluten, coconut oil and other burning nutrition questions

It has been 10 years of the free nutrition Expo at Dallas's Cooper Fitness Center, which starts Monday, March 6 from 8 AM to 3 PM. The Expo Brims wide ranges of interesting events including the opportunity to learn all sorts of things about nutrition. Here the author wrote some nutrition related topics with the advice of Meridan Zerner, the registered dietitian who got the Expo started. Regard to gluten, for most of us some food with gluten have valuable nutrients. Coconut oil contains high saturated fat although it has HDL-boosting effect. Ms. Zerner recommends other oils with higher qualities. We need minimum amount of protein each day and should choose it wisely. Regarding weighing daily, better do body fat measurement. Ms. Zerner said the best eating plans are tailored to your life style and try some tasty new foods, such as sorghum, seaweed or various greens.

Key Takeaways:

  • About 1 percent of the population has to avoid gluten because they have celiac disease, which is a serious auto-immune disorder
  • By completely eliminating gluten, you can cut out foods that have valuable nutrients and might end up adding more calories and more fat to your diet
  • Coconut oil is 90 percent saturated fat, which is higher than butter (64 percent), beef fat (40 percent) and even lard (40 percent). Too much saturated fat raises the LDL (a.k.a. "bad") cholesterol le

"About 1 percent of the population has to avoid gluten because they have celiac disease, which is a serious auto-immune disorder."

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How to keep an eye out for eating disorders in loved ones

Date: March 15, 2017 04:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How to keep an eye out for eating disorders in loved ones

It can be very hard to determine if someone you know has an eating disorder. It may not be able to be noticeable with obvious signs, sometimes its the things you least expect. As much as you want to look out for your loved ones when it comes to an eating disorder, they are going to be as discrete as they can be. This s why this article presents a list of things one should to watch out for eating disorders, that way if you see certain signs you will know what to do.

Key Takeaways:

  • If you notice signs of an eating disorder, raise your concerns with that person when you have enough time and space to have a good conversation
  • Individuals who struggle with eating disorders feel a lot of shame about their illness
  • You don't want to ignore it, but if you try to push too much, it can lead to more control issues

"Hundreds of South Africans have eating disorders, but it can be difficult for family and friends to detect these problems in loved ones, a doctor warns."

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7 Awesome Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate

Date: February 26, 2017 10:19 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 7 Awesome Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate

This video reviews the health benefits of dark chocolate. Dark chocolate has the following health benefits: Lower Body Mass Index, boosts brain power,improves eyesight, reduces inflamation, it can protect your skin, it lowers blood pressure, Raises good cholesterol. Overall, dark chocolate can provide many health benefits that can lead to a healthier well-being.

Key Takeaways:

  • Dark chocolate can lower body mass index.
  • Dark chocolate boosts brain power.
  • Dark chocolate improves eyesight.

"Eating dark chocolate can give your brain a short-term boost by increasing your alertness."


Study shows the way stress may harm your heart

Date: January 22, 2017 10:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Study shows the way stress may harm your heart

Psychological stress has been proven to have a huge impact on the health of your heart, as well as your blood pressure levels. During the trial period, they found that several testers who had PTSD suffered heart problems and even stroke during the follow-up period. Amygdala has been discovered to increase cardiac problems and Raise chances of having a cardiac episode. Doctors will continue to research this and decide what measures to take in the future to help keep heart conditions and stress levels under control

Key Takeaways:

  • Scientists may have uncovered a biological explanation for the long suspected link between stress and heart disease: the amygdala in the brain.
  • Those who reported the highest stress levels had the highest levels of amygdala activity along with more signs of inflammation in their blood and the walls of their arteries.
  • With increasing numbers of people suffering from job or social stress, doctors may have to include it when they assess an individual's risk for cardiovascular disease.

"Given the increasing number of people suffering from job or social stress, doctors may have to include it when they assess an individual's risk for cardiovascular disease, she said."



Yogurts that ARE good for you and not packed full of sugar

Date: January 15, 2017 07:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Yogurts that ARE good for you and not packed full of sugar

Are you one of many that are trying to watch their weight? Eating your favorite low calorie yogurt? Well watch out because some of your favorite yogurts could contain a high amount of sugar! The public health of England was drawing concerns about some yogurt brands containing high amounts of sugar.

Key Takeaways:

  • Public Health England recently Raised concerns about the huge amounts of sugar in some of our favourite flavoured yoghurt brands.
  • Whole-milk yoghurts (made with goat or cow's milk) tend to be more nutritious than those made with skimmed and semi-skimmed milk.
  • Natural yoghurt without any sweetening and served with fresh fruit is the healthiest option.

"Public Health England recently Raised concerns about the huge amounts of sugar in some of our favourite flavoured yoghurt brands."



Study Improving The Mother's Immune System

Date: January 11, 2017 12:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Study Improving The Mother's Immune System

Recently a new research study has found an essential function of a particular kind of immune cells found in mothers uterine line. These particular cells were B lymphocytes which were found to aid in the resistance of preterm births that are caused from inflammation. The researchers found that the cells create antibodies which aid in the defense against infection.

Key Takeaways:

  • It is the top leading cause of infant death and also in developing long-term illnesses. It creates a number of financial and social burdens for both the parents and specialized personnel who treat the child.
  • The team of scientists found that B lymphocytes create antibodies which help in the defense against infection in the mother’s body.
  • The accomplishment was even more pRaised by his team, as the researchers reportedly encountered a series of problems throughout the project, which may have ultimately led to the failure of the project, should the Chen have been less capable.

"While preterm birth — defined as a birth taking place before the 37th week of pregnancy — is a complex condition, there are two causes which the specialists identified to be responsible for it: infection of the mother and ensuing inflammation."



How Vitamins Help Keep Calcium in the Bones

Date: December 28, 2016 10:16 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: How Vitamins Help Keep Calcium in the Bones

Your arteries and heart work full time. They require nutrients that would assist and maintain blood vessels firm and flexible. If you are worried about stroke or blood pressure, you want to read about the important vitamins which can create a great difference. Vitamins A, D3, and K2 are the most important vitamins for the cardiovascular system. These fat soluble vitamins make sure the heart and the sixty thousand miles of blood vessels perform at the optimum. Still most of the people do not understand how essential it is to obtain sufficient of these three. These three vitamins function as partners to avoid dangerous blood clots, high blood pressure and heart attacks, maintain calcium in the bones, assist keep arteries strong and flexible and decrease inflammatory triggers in the bloodstream.

Vitamin A

Calcium has some negative sides also. If not effectively used in the tissues and blood, it can accumulate in the body when we age, a method known as calcification. Few calcifications are not dangerous. Half of the female over 50 will reveal certain benign calcification in breast tissue at the time of mammogram. But this build up may be a sign of calcium accumulation in other parts of the body such as the heart and arteries. This makes arteries inflexible and stiff, resulting to higher risk of strokes, blood clots and heart attacks. The necessary thing to keep in mind is that the body does not avail nutrients such as calcium, separately. To ensure the body is availing calcium properly, you want to ensure you are also obtaining sufficiently of the vitamins which regulate calcium.

Vitamin K

Vitamin K is available in two types, Vitamin K1 is responsible for making clots and avoiding extra bleeding if there is any wound. Vitamin K2 boosts proteins which assist transport calcium to the place where it is required. The lower you consume vitamin K2, the higher the danger of heart attack and heart disease. The sunshine vitamin is necessary to heart and bone health. But most of the people still do not receive sufficiently of it. Vitamin D is also utilized by several cells in the cardiovascular system like cells which line the blood vessels and heart muscle cells. Lower levels of this vitamin have been connected to a higher danger of dying from stroke or heart disease.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D assist avoid calcium accumulation in the blood vessels. It Raises the expression of the vitamin K based proteins that adjust calcium. Without these, calcium cannot be received by the bones, rather stores up in the artery walls and blood vessels. The right amount of vitamin D is needed to boost proteins. Researchers have proven that vitamin K and D function better when they are at good levels. Most of the people aware that vitamin A is vital for eyes. It also influences a variety of body processes like controlling different proteins that adjust the kinds of cells the body creates. This involves the cells which line blood vessels. This vitamin falls down when inflammation is seen, identifying its important part in fighting injury and disease.

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Here's Why Some Miss Out on the Asparagus Effect

Date: December 26, 2016 02:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Here's Why Some Miss Out on the Asparagus Effect

If you have ever eaten a hearty helping of asparagus, you may or may not have noticed that your urine smelled pungent afterwards. A study in the British Medical Journal states that only 40% of people can smell this. This study showed that all the people who could not smell asparagus in urine had the same gene anomaly. Scientists are also hoping to Raise awareness of how healthy the vegetable is. This stalky plant is rich in fiber, zinc, iron, folate, and vitamins A, C, and E.

Key Takeaways:

  • The groundbreaking study may pave the way to genetic engineering that would allow more people to detect the distinctive odor, the team at the Harvard School of Public Health said.
  • The firmly tongue-in-cheek study is published in the mostly humorous end-of-year holiday issue of the British Medical Journal.
  • The team used two big studies of 6,900 men and women to find out why some people can smell the asparagus effect and others cannot.

""Outstanding questions on this topic remain; first and foremost perhaps is why a delicacy such as asparagus results in such a strong odor?""




Sitting at your desk doesn’t have to be a pain in the neck

Date: December 25, 2016 02:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Sitting at your desk doesn’t have to be a pain in the neck

Sitting all day at the desk may be what is necessary for your job, but it may cause pain. This does not have to be how it is, there can be a healthy way to sit at the desk and not feel the constant ache and pain. Read on to see the tips.

Key Takeaways:

  • Working at a desk is a common cause of back and neck pain, often because you accommodate to your workstation rather than the other way around.
  • Raise or lower the monitor or your chair so your eyes are level with the top of the screen. If you wear bifocals, you may need to lower the monitor another 1 to 2 inches.
  • Lower your desk height or Raise your chair so that your forearms are parallel to the floor or pointed slightly downward and your wrists are not pointing either upward or downward.

"In addition to straining joints and muscles in your neck and shoulders, the pressure affects your breathing and mood."




Avoid these 6 cholesterol mistakes for heart health

Date: December 16, 2016 08:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Avoid these 6 cholesterol mistakes for heart health

Having high cholesterol can lead to major problems. It is important to watch cholesterol levels and there are a few things you can do to limit the damage cholesterol can do. Exercising regularly and making sure you limit your alcohol intake are important steps to take to protect yourself from a heart attack or even a stroke.

Key Takeaways:

  • Our bodies need cholesterol, but too much can clog arteries and cause heart disease.
  • A healthy diet and regular exercise regimen can reduce cholesterol levels, but you have to pay attention to your fat, sugar and alcohol intake, too.
  • Controlling risk factors is an important way of preventing and managing heart disease, like high cholesterol.

""Alcohol should be consumed in moderation. Occasional drinks at a bar or cocktail party may not Raise your LDL levels, but if these outings happen too frequently, it could spell trouble. Did you know that consuming large amounts of alcohol can lead to a stroke, heart failure and high blood pressure?""



Essential Vitamins for Flawless Skin

Date: December 05, 2016 08:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Essential Vitamins for Flawless Skin

The secret to the fountain of youth has sent many men to their deaths. Also, women have strived to keep their skin looking youthful and exuberant. Living in an age where our overall health has been scientifically broken down, we realize that eating healthy and taking in the proper vitamins and minerals can make us live longer and look healthy. The fountain of youth can now easily be consumed with water, fruits and vegetables. Bon Appetit!!

Key Takeaways:

  • Your skin is the largest organ in your body, and like all organs, it needs optimum nutrition – the right vitamins and minerals – for good health.
  • Vitamin A is also known as retinol, which promotes cell turnover in the skin and helps control acne outbreaks and has been found effective for treating hyperkeratosis pillars, a condition that affects about 40 percent of adults and is characterized by rough, dry skin and Raised bumps, typically on the backs of the arms.
  • Vitamin C is also critical for the synthesis of collagen, which helps maintain the skin’s plump, healthy appearance.

"Vitamin A is also known as retinol, which promotes cell turnover in the skin and helps control acne outbreaks and has been found effective for treating hyperkeratosis pillars"



Depression: does it originate in the immune system?

Date: December 04, 2016 12:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Depression: does it originate in the immune system?

While it is true that 1 out of 10 people are affected by depression, the cause of it is controversial. For years we have believed that low serotonin levels were the cause of mood disorders. New research now suggests that mood disorders could be caused by the body's immune system. Those antidepressants that some have been taking, may not have worked if serotonin levels weren't to blame.

Key Takeaways:

  • One in 10 of us will experience depression at some point. Just what causes this highly debilitating disease, and the best way to treat it, remain controversial: last month, Danish researchers reported that antidepressants Raise the risk of suicide when taken by healthy people.
  • The most widely prescribed antidepressants, such as Prozac, are known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), and work on the basis that depression is caused by low levels of the brain chemical serotonin and that it can be treated by correcting this imbalance.
  • For decades, we've been told that serotonin is the key culprit for mood disorders, but now a growing number of doctors are subscribing to a radical new theory of depression - that the problem, at least for some people, is in fact the result of inflammation in the body, caused by the body's immune system reacting to an infection or stress.

"For decades, we've been told that serotonin is the key culprit for mood disorders, but now a growing number of doctors are subscribing to a radical new theory of depression - that the problem, at least for some people, is in fact the result of inflammation in the body, caused by the body's immune system reacting to an infection or stress."



Tips and Tricks To A Healthy Metabolism

Date: December 03, 2016 12:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Tips and Tricks To A Healthy Metabolism

There is no quick fix when it comes to getting our bodies in shape. There are, however, ways to help your body increase its metabolism in order to make the job easier. The best things we can do for our bodies is to drink copious amounts of water, eat blueberries, eat green leafy vegetables, eat almonds, and drink tea daily. All of these things stimulate our metabolism to burn off calories and slim our figure.

Key Takeaways:

  • The simplest and most effective way to Raise your metabolic rate is simply by drinking water and staying hydrated as water speeds up the flush and flow of your body.
  • Almonds are a filling snack that will keep you satisfied for longer, therefore helping to sustain your energy and metabolic rate.
  • Drink green tea in the morning or during the day to help speed up your metabolism.

"The simplest and most effective way to Raise your metabolic rate is simply by drinking water and staying hydrated as water speeds up the flush and flow of your body."



High-fiber diet keeps gut microbes from eating the colon's lining, protects against infection, animal study shows

Date: December 02, 2016 04:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: High-fiber diet keeps gut microbes from eating the colon's lining, protects against infection, animal study shows

A high-fiber diet rich in vitamin A may alter gut bacteria in a way that could prevent or reverse food allergies. In their study, the team found that increased levels of these fatty acids work with the body's immune system, preventing dendritic cells - which regulate food allergies - from triggering an allergic response. Vitamin A is also important for dendritic cell regulation.

Key Takeaways:

  • When mice were Raised germ-free, then given a transplant of human gut microbes, the impact of fiber on their colons could be seen.
  • In a new paper in Cell, an international team of researchers show the impact of fiber deprivation on the guts of specially Raised mice.
  • The findings have implications for understanding not only the role of fiber in a normal diet, but also the potential of using fiber to counter the effects of digestive tract disorders.

"When mice were Raised germ-free, then given a transplant of human gut microbes, the impact of fiber on their colons could be seen."



Calcium Supplements and the Heart: Clearing Up the Confusion

Date: November 26, 2016 12:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Calcium Supplements and the Heart: Clearing Up the Confusion

The Institute of Medicine has recommended 1000-1200 mg of calcium daily for most adults, and the tolerable upper intake level has been set at 2000-2500 mg of calcium daily. Even a recent observational study from the MESA cohort suggested an association between calcium supplements and coronary artery calcium, but it is important to note that in observational studies, the association does not prove causation. In the large-scale Women's Health Initiative calcium and vitamin D trial, we found no association between calcium and vitamin D supplementation and coronary artery calcium measured at the end of the 7-year trial.

Key Takeaways:

  • We know that both calcium and vitamin D are essential for bone health, but concerns have been Raised from selected reports in recent years about heart risk.
  • There are other reasons that there could be an association, such as overlapping risk factors for osteoporosis and heart disease, including smoking and lack of exercise.
  • There are many dietary sources of calcium, including dairy products (milk, yogurt, cheese), fatty fish with bones (such as sardines), fortified beverages, and leafy greens.

"We know that both calcium and vitamin D are essential for bone health, but concerns have been Raised from selected reports in recent years about heart risk."



WikiLeaks emails mention aspartame, acknowledging it puts holes in mice brains

Date: November 23, 2016 10:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: WikiLeaks emails mention aspartame, acknowledging it puts holes in mice brains

Aspartame is bad for us and has been for some time. There are many negative effects of aspartame recorded over the last 20 plus years. People still have done nothing to get rid of this horrible thing because it makes things appear to be better for you. People are just ignoring scientific evidience.

Key Takeaways:

  • Aspartame is a substance that has been relentlessly scrutinized by the natural health community, and yet also receives an astonishing amount of pRaise from many mainstream medical practitioners. It's heralded as a safe alternative to sugar.
  • Unfortunately, the history of how aspartame came to be a societal mainstay is not a sweet one. Before becoming legal, aspartame was banned twice by the FDA. According to The Daily Health Post, in 1977, aspartame triggered the first criminal investigation of a manufacturer to ever be launched by the agency.
  • Emails belonging to John Podesta that were released by WikiLeaks, didn't just provide a broader view of establishment corruption; they also uncovered concerns about NutraSweet, which is primarily comprised of aspartame.

"Unfortunately, the history of how aspartame came to be a societal mainstay is not a sweet one."




Does eating fat make you fat? This physician says no

Date: November 09, 2016 04:54 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Does eating fat make you fat? This physician says no

One big myth surrounding weight loss is that in order to lose weight, you must not eat any fat. However, that is not the case. Mark Hyman says that dietary fat, like those found in avocadoes, actually helps cut fat, and even goes to say that all calories are not the same. Healthy fats can also speed up metabolism and cut cravings. Hyman suggests consuming foods such as spinach, mushrooms, tomatoes, and peppers along with up to six ounces of protein.

Key Takeaways:

  • "The misinformation that has been pushed on our population by the food industry and our government, which is that all calories are the same - that's true in a laboratory, when you burn them," Hyman said. "It's not true when you eat them."
  • In a blog post on his website last year, Hyman compared the effects of consuming 750 calories of soda vs. 750 calories of broccoli, pointing out the many adverse effects of the former, including an insulin spike, which increases the storage of belly fat. In our conversation, he noted, "Fat, on the other hand, does not Raise insulin."
  • What healthy fats can do, Hyman wrote in his forthcoming book, "The Eat Fat, Get Thin Cookbook," is "shut down cravings, speed up metabolism" and "help prevent and reverse heart disease, not cause it."

""The misinformation that has been pushed on our population by the food industry and our government, which is that all calories are the same - that's true in a laboratory, when you burn them," Hyman said. "It's not true when you eat them.""



vitamin d influences longevity by working at genetic level

Date: November 07, 2016 09:54 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: vitamin d influences longevity by working at genetic level

We know that constant badgering from our doctors saying that Vitamin D or any of the recommended vitamins are important to take but did you know that taking Vitamin D may help produce longevity in your life by working at the genetic level? A new study in worms shows that Vitamin D suppressed protein insolubility and prevented the toxicity.

Key Takeaways:

  • In the normal aging process, protein homeostasis is disturbed resulting in the accumulation of toxic insoluble protein aggregates.
  • A new study in nematode worms, shows that vitamin D suppressed protein insolubility in the worm and prevented the toxicity.
  • Vitamin D works through genes that are known to influence longevity and impacts processes associated with many human age-related diseases.

"Excess vitamin D can Raise blood levels of calcium which leads to vascular and tissue calcification, with subsequent damage to the heart, blood vessels and kidneys."




Low vitamin D levels linked to Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease

Date: October 30, 2016 04:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Low vitamin D levels linked to Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease

Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease, & multiple sclerosis have become more prevalent over the years. Recent neurological studies are showing that these conditions can be prevented by supplementing more vitamin D in the diet. Many people just don’t get enough sunlight to provide the needed amount of vitamin D each day. It has been recommended to get at least 600 to 800 IU of the vitamin per day, but some are suggesting that we may need up to 8,000 IU per day in order to prevent disease, depending on our current health.

Key Takeaways:

  • Getting enough vitamin D is crucial to numerous health functions, while low vitamin D stresses the immune system and Raises the risk of illness.
  • Research has shown that vitamin D supplementation brings a range of vitamin D benefits including disease prevention.
  • Studies have confirmed that major illnesses like Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease and multiple sclerosis can be prevented by raising vitamin D levels

"Adequate vitamin D blood levels help to ensure protection and support of these crucial systems to prevent the onset and progression of these diseases."


Chamomile: What You May Not Know!

Date: September 16, 2016 09:52 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Chamomile: What You May Not Know!

Chamomile is a plant resembling the daisy that has been used for centuries to calm and east stress. It is available in tea infusions, tinctures, capsules and in a variety of oils and creams. Drinking chamomile tea comes with these great benefits:

  1. Sleep aid:  it calms the nervous system and slides you into a deep slumber, making it a good treatment for insomnia.
  2. The anti-inflammatory compounds contained in chamomile can ease joint, muscle and head pain.
  3. It provides relief from menstrual cramps by reducing muscle spasms. Drinking chamomile tea Raises the levels of glycine in the bloodstream, a compound used by the body to control muscle spasms.
  4.  Managing stress and anxiety:  It has a soothing effect on the nerves, providing a natural solution for mental discomfort, stress and anxiety.
  5. Immune boost:  chamomile has antioxidants properties, antioxidants can  boosts your immune system and helps the body recover from damage.

Chamomile is an excellent tea that everybody should have at their disposal when you need to relax and calm down from a busy stressful work day.  The Tea is great tasting and easy to make.






The European Shrub With Massive Health Benefits

Date: September 09, 2016 03:41 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: The European Shrub With Massive Health Benefits

Once very popular in the making of brooms, Butcher's broom is now pRaised for its circulatory health benefits. Butcher's broom is an evergreen-like shrub native to the Mediterranean. Science has proven its ability to treat many circulatory and inflammatory conditions.

Butcher's broom improve blood flow and increase blood circulation.  It is often used to treat symptoms associated with poor blood circulation as well. In particular, the herb is used to treat varicose veins and patients suffering from chronic venous insufficiency by strengthening blood vessels and reducing capillary fragility.

Butcher's broom possess anti-inflammatory properties and can help alleviate pain caused by swelling..  This makes it effective in treating inflammatory conditions such as lymphedema and carpal tunnel syndrome.

Topical ointments containing the herb are also incredibly effective in treating hemorrhoids. Components found in the herb tighten dilated blood vessels that form hemorrhoids. As a result, sufferers get relief from the burning and itching symptoms of the condition.

If you are experiencing cardiovascular issues, consider trying butcher's broom extract.



Benefits of Amla - Prevent Aging and Promote Longevity

Date: September 03, 2016 11:19 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Benefits of Amla - Prevent Aging and Promote Longevity

Amla herb benefits the body in the following ways:

· Promotes absorption of food - Amalaki is helpful in promoting the absorption of food in the body.

· Balances gastric juices - Amalaki is helpful in maintaining the proper secretion of gastric juices especially the hydrochloric acid (HCl) that is being secreted in the stomach. This hydrochloric acid is helpful in proper digestion of food but if it is secreted in larger amount it causes the very widely known disorder, acidity.

· Improves liver condition - amla is among the best liver stimulants. It helps in proper secretion of bile juices and also helps in proper metabolism of fats. It also helps in improving the immunity of the body and protects us with various ailments like jaundice and malaria.

· Improves mental stamina - Amalaki is a good brain tonic. It helps in improving the brain functioning and improve the mental concentration. It Raises the grabbing power of the brain and also increases the retaining power.

· Regulates elimination - amla, as said earlier also helps in increasing the peristaltic movements and hence promotes proper elimination of toxins from the body. It tones up our gastrointestinal tract and gives proper nourishment to them.

· Tones urinary system - it tones up the urinary tract and also helps in fading away any kind of infection that happens in the body. More over it also reduces the chances of calculus (stones) formation in the kidneys

· Improves skin texture - Amalaki is wonderful for our skin and promotes glow in the skin. It is very helpful in nourishing the skin to the highest level. It does not let any kind of infection to occur in the body that might creep through the skin and causes skin ailments especially acne. It also improves blood circulation to the skin and purifies blood to decrease any chance of blood infection that is the major cause of skin ailments.

· Antioxidant - it is the most powerful herbal antioxidant. It helps in eliminating the free radical formation in the body and also helps in elimination of toxin in the body. It keeps the skin glowing and also avoids wrinkles formation in the body.

· Enhances immunity - it is very helpful in improving the immunity in the body. It promotes the formation of antibodies in case of any external invasion of the antigens that has the capability of causing any diseases in the body.

· Good for eyes - it is excellent for improving vision. It is also helpful in strengthening the eye muscle and has the great potential to remove the spectacles. It also is helpful in cooling the eyes and also helps in preventing eyes related problems like redness, watering and itching of eyes.

Amla is a bitter herb when consumed in bulk, keep in mind that it can sore the mouth, but feels sweet in the stomach.  If you are looking for an herb that sustains overall body wellness, look no further, Amla is your herb!


Hypertension & Blood Lipids

Date: July 27, 2016 03:37 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Hypertension & Blood Lipids

Recent studies suggest that Consuming hibiscus regularly lowers hypertension (Blood pressure) by as much as 11% systolic blood pressure and 10% decrease in diastolic pressure. 

Also, hibiscus extract has demonstrated an ability to lower triglycerides and Raise HDL-C. 

There is an alternative to dangerous prescription drugs, it is called hibiscus.  Hibiscus tea and extract is a safe and effective herb to manage blood pressure and cholesterol.


Boost testosterone with free radical fighting fruits

Date: July 22, 2016 04:06 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Boost testosterone with free radical fighting fruits

As we age, hormone levels tend to decline,  more so in women than men.  The decline in testosterone in men is call andropause.  This decline in testosterone is generally slower and can go un-noticed by most men.  With the decline in testosterone, comes less energy and loss of sex drive.  

Testes in men produce testosterone and can come under attach by free radicals, called oxidative stress.  Excessive free radical activity threatens the testes' ability to make testosterone.  It is vital to get plenty of fruits and veggies loaded with polyphenols which fight free radical damage.  

Apples and grapes have been pRaised in traditional lore as wellsprings of health.  Modern research has found that these fruits contain polyphenols which are strong antioxidants.  Getting plenty of fruits can help lower blood pressure, reduce arterial plaque and fight free radical damage.  

Like your mom always said, eat your fruits and veggies,  she knew best.  Sometimes it is hard to get adequate amounts of fruits and veggies in both adults and children.  I suggest that everybody take a fruit and veggie supplement daily to offset poor diets.  


The Holiday Sugar Trap; All There is to Know

Date: October 04, 2015 10:02 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: The Holiday Sugar Trap; All There is to Know

The festive season can be a tempting affair to any healthy eater. Hopping from one party and family gathering to another might easily see you indulging in unhealthy dishes and drinks. It is quite difficult to hold back on the wide varieties of delicious treats unless your will is exceptional. Counting the calories in the food you eat when in the middle of a conversation with a long lost friend or family members isn't easy. What you regard as 'just a once off affair' might ruin the rest of the year for you. There is a lot of hidden sugar in holiday treats such as; syrup, cakes, flavored pop corn, cookies, soda, juices, lemonades and ice cream.

Holiday Feast

Reasons to Avoid Sugar During the Festive Season
Added sugar has been proven to have harmful effects on your health. There are some known risks that you might be exposing yourself to just by having an extra cupcake.

  • Tooth decay

Sugar plays a harmful role in tooth decay. Plaque, a harmful bacteria responsible for tooth decay, uses sugar as a form of energy. This way, the plaque multiplies and becomes thick hence making it difficult for it to be washed away by saliva. Sugar is also used as a form of glue for the bacteria to firmly stick to the teeth.

  • Weight gain

Added sugar for instance fructose corn syrup contains a lot of empty calories with zero nutrients.These calories do not contain any protein, minerals, vitamins nor any essential fats. It is purely energy which is converted into fats in the body hence weight gain.

  • Sweet tooth/ Addiction

Did you know that indulging in all that sweetness at the Christmas table might be the beginning of your sugar addiction? Sugar shuttles tryptophan in the brain which further converts to serotonin hence having a physiological addictive effect.

  • Increased Blood Pressure

When the refined sugar intake is high, the body might be forced to produce more leptin and insulin. This is due to the high carbohydrate and processed food diet. When these two rise, blood pressure might go up leading to leptin and insulin resistance. Insulin is responsible for the storage of magnesium meant for the relaxation of muscles in the body. When the insulin is interfered with, the lack of magnesium in the cells may lead to the inability of your your hearts' vessels to fully relax hence narrowing them. This overworks your heart hence increased blood pressure.

  • Cholesterol

Refined sugar has been proven to cause diabetes, obesity as well as other conditions that put your heart at risk. New studies have linked sugar with unhealthy cholesterol and increased triglyceride levels. When you consume a lot of refined sugar, the excess is stored in the liver as tryglecirides (a form of fat that sticks to your arteries). This fat travels through the blood stream and may clog it up.

That extra can of soda might leave you struggling with life altering health conditions. It is important to consider healthy alternatives to refined sugars. A perfect example in this case would be unsweetened or stevia calorie free sweetners. Sweet leaf and Truvia are made of stevia which is a natural herbs that are commonly found in South and Central America. Stevia is 40 times sweeter than sugar yet contains no empty calories which makes it a suitable alternative. These sweeteners are easily available in local stores and can be used in almost anything; tea, coffee, cereal, yogurt and even fruit.




What Causes Candida?

Date: September 18, 2015 03:32 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: What Causes Candida?

A yeast infection is brought about due to yeast overgrowth. Candidiasis is the most common kind of yeast infection. Usually, there are more than twenty species of candida with the most common or popular being Candida albicans. Under suitable conditions, particularly in moist and warm areas these fungi become numerous and cause infections. Some of these infections like vaginal yeast infections.

What causes candida?


Unhealthy feeding habits leads to candida overgrowth. Consumption of foods high in sugar contents Raises the risk of developing candida. Some of these common foods include juice, honey, ice cream, maple syrup, soda and chocolates among others.


These class of drugs upsets the inner bowel ecology and affects body immune system since they are unnatural, artificial and man-made. Usually, antibiotics are designed for short time use. Using antibiotics for longer periods leads to accumulation of their negative side effects that bring about life threatening diseases including candida.

Excessive stress.

Stress affects the bowel movement and body immune system resulting in candida overgrowth. Mental stress and emotional nervousness cause nausea, chronic fatigue, diarrhea, ulcers, high blood pressure and many related health problems.


Excessive alcohol consumption kills off friendly bacteria which increases liver toxicity and promotes candida overgrowth dysbiosis. Usually, alcohol is a by-product of yeast escalating the possible hazard.

Toxic metals.

For instance, mercury weakens body immune system causing candida among other health problems. Silver amalgam fillings comprises more than 50% mercury which is continuously released in vapor and particle form during grinding, chewing and brushing teeth.


Diabetes, especially among women, causes a yeast infection. An increased blood sugar level nourishes the candida yeast, boosting its growth and dominance of the other microorganisms in the gut.

Immune deficiency.

Conditions that weaken the body immune system like cancer, aids, hepatitis, herpes and others causes fungal infections. According to scientific research, most individuals suffering from serious illness are victims of Candida Albicans/ yeast infections.





Date: July 22, 2015 01:25 AM
Author: Darrell Miller

Cordyceps is simply a fungus. Not typically kitchen friendly, but if health is your number one target, then it will make the best supplement in your system. Before we go deeper into its benefits let us first have a clear understanding of what this unpopular yet effective medicinal fungi is.

What is Cordyceps?

It is simply an ascomycete fungi genus with approximately four hundred species that are mainly parasitic. They weren't considered beneficial to health until a recent discovery of Cordyceps Sinensis popularly known as a caterpillar fungi (It attaches itself on the caterpillar). Despite limited research on its health benefits, Cordyceps seems to be the best remedy for most of the health complications related to poor diet, lack of exercise and more.


Let us take a look at some of its benefits.

1. A remedy for kidney disease - Cordyceps prevent rat's renal fibrosis. This condition (renal fibrosis) is evident in later stages of the organ. However, there is still need for more research on this fact.

2. Slows down Tumor Growth - There is some proof that Cordyceps trigger the immune system to combat cancer. Ability to improve the immune system was due to a result of research where there were some indications that Cordyceps slowed down tumor growth in many animals.

3. Increase libido - Lots of studies shows that Cordyceps Raise the level of testosterone in rats. There are some claims that it also enhances sexual performance that is also yet to be proven.

Apart from slowing down tumor growth, kidney disease and increasing sexual performance that are yet to be confirmed, Cordyceps have other numerous health benefits according to researchers that are,

* Increase body oxygen uptake - Needed for maximum athletic performance.

* Reduce the aging effects - Slows down aging that has remained a bother for centuries.

* Strengthen muscles - For weight lifters and athletes looking to gain strong muscles with a little workout.

* Improves lung function - Improves breathing needed for athletic performance

* Good for the liver - Slows down liver complications that are known to lead to a liver transplant.

There are also some claims that Cordyceps may replace the steroids when it comes to improving athletic performance and muscle building. Among these claims is that Cordyceps can enhance stamina needed mostly by sportsmen and women. Other researchers claim that it can tone muscles, increase energy and even reduce fatigue after a long time of work.

In summary, the caterpillar fungi (Cordyceps) has a lot in store when it comes to solving health complications. However, these claims are yet to be confirmed. If the facts are as real as the researchers claim them to be, then Cordyceps will be at the top of the top list of best natural supplements ever discovered.





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Dental Benefits of Xylitol; Protect your teeth against decay.

Date: October 07, 2014 08:34 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Dental Benefits of Xylitol; Protect your teeth against decay.

tooth decayDental Cavity

Tooth decay, mostly affects children and elders, but can affect people of any age. Elders are especially more susceptible to tooth decay because as you grow older, the root surface of the teeth becomes more susceptible to decay. Tooth decay is among the major causes of tooth loss among younger people. Although improper diet and poor oral hygiene are the major causes of the teeth decay, teeth decay is also a degenerative condition that is caused by the breakdown of the enamel. Tooth decay causes destruction of tooth structure that causes development of cavities (development of a hole in the teeth).

Causes of tooth decay

As mentioned earlier, tooth decay is mainly caused by poor dietary choices as well as poor oral hygiene practices. Most foods are rich in starches and sugars. When these foods are left on the teeth, it forms a plaque, which in turn combines with bacteria in the mouth. Plaque Bacteria produces acids that damage the enamel causing tooth decay. Low fluoride and Xerostomia (dry mouth- a condition the body does not produce enough saliva) can also cause tooth decay.

Can Xylitol Really Help Fight Tooth Decay?

Xylitol is a sweet, whitish substance that tastes and looks like sugar, but it contains lower calories than sucrose making it diabetic friendly. It is wholly natural substance found in vegetables and fruit fibers. Xylitol is produced in small amounts by the human body. This product is effective in protecting teeth against decay.

What does it Xylitol do?

Xylitol prevents accumulation of plaque bacteria that causes tooth decay, and promotes growth of tooth protective, non-acidic bacteria. Plaque bacteria mostly use carbohydrates and sucrose from our diet to grow and multiply. The bacteria create a sticky thread that allows it to attach to the surface of the tooth to form thick layer and acidic solution that damages teeth.

When these bacteria absorb Xylitol, they cannot stick to the tooth surface, cannot multiply or produce acid that causes tooth decay.

Eating products like Zellies Xylitol mint and Mints Zellies Gum means less plaque will form on your teeth, and in time plaque, bacteria will be eliminated in your mouth. Xylitol also encourages mineral rich saliva to flow into your mouth, and Raises the mouth pH, which discourages the multiplication of plaque bacteria. This can protect and re-mineralize your teeth by repairing the deep layers of the enamel.

Xylitol better for teeth than other sweeteners.

Apart from being diabetic friendly, Xylitol is also better for teeth than other sugarless sweeteners on the market. Xylitol is a 5-carbon alcohol that is very different from other similar sounding sweeteners found in commercial products. Although other sugarless sweeteners may not penetrate the protoplasm of plaque bacteria cells, they cannot kill bacteria like Xylitol.

Can I use to treat tooth decay?

No, but it can be confidently used to maintain healthy and protect teeth from decaying. Continuous use of Xylitol will create healthy environments for mouth bacteria and eliminate plaque bacteria. Take 6 grams of Xylitol daily for at least 5 weeks, and the sticky plaque bacteria will be eliminated from your teeth. Go for a test, the plaque bacteria will not be detected in your saliva, on tongue and teeth. In addition, your breath will be fresh.


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