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  Messages 1-80 from 80 matching the search criteria.
Fitness and Its Role in Beauty: Unlocking the Secrets to Glowing Skin and Well-being Darrell Miller 6/1/24
The History of Stevia: From Ancient Sweet Leaf to Global Sweetener Darrell Miller 5/31/24
Culinary Uses of Stevia: Sweeten Your Dishes Without Compromising Flavor Darrell Miller 5/30/24
Curamin with VectOmega: The Ultimate Combination for Pain Relief Darrell Miller 11/23/22
The Many Uses of Gelatin Powder Darrell Miller 9/12/22
Are We Headed Towards a Food Shortage in America? : Essential Vitamins, Minerals, and Protein Powders to Maintain Good Health Darrell Miller 5/7/22
New findings show mushrooms protect brain health Darrell Miller 5/10/19
Alpha lipoic acid (ALA) treats back pain naturally: Research Darrell Miller 4/13/19
Caraway Uses – What To Do With Caraway Plants Darrell Miller 3/21/19
The Cannabis Remedy: Simple Solution For Over 40 Million PeopleSuffering With Anxiety Darrell Miller 11/24/18
Rosemary can be used to enhance memory in university students VitaNet, LLC Staff 11/1/18
Researchers look at the potential of rice bran in treatingcardiovascular disease VitaNet, LLC Staff 8/31/18
The facts about candida overgrowth and how to overcome it VitaNet, LLC Staff 8/21/18
7 Surprising Uses For CBD Oil That You Never Would Have Guessed Darrell Miller 7/13/18
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Selenium, vitamin K2 and nicotinamide riboside ride new research toward roles beyond being ... Darrell Miller 5/26/18
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Fluoride exposure in utero linked to lower IQ in kids, study says Darrell Miller 1/2/18
Experts say healthy lifestyle combats chronic disease better than meds Darrell Miller 6/16/17
When It Come to Bone Health, Look Beyond Calcium Darrell Miller 6/13/17
Probiotics: Research Beyond the Belly...and to the Brain and Heart) Darrell Miller 6/13/17
9 Benefits Of Patchouli Darrell Miller 6/7/17
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4 Reasons to Make a CBD Hemp Oil Supplement Part of Your Day Darrell Miller 3/25/17
Here's how to recognise food rich in cancer-fighting antioxidants Darrell Miller 3/19/17
The Best Foods For Your Age, According To Science Darrell Miller 2/14/17
Herbal medicine: It goes far beyond just replacing drugs Darrell Miller 2/4/17
A Gut Makeover for the New Year Darrell Miller 1/12/17
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5 ways to avoid food poisoning Darrell Miller 12/8/16
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Fitness and Its Role in Beauty: Unlocking the Secrets to Glowing Skin and Well-being

Date: June 01, 2024 10:58 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Fitness and Its Role in Beauty: Unlocking the Secrets to Glowing Skin and Well-being

Fitness and Its Role in Beauty: Unlocking the Secrets to Glowing Skin and Well-being

In the quest for beauty, many often look to skincare products and treatments, yet one of the most effective pathways to radiant skin and overall health is through regular physical activity. Exercise offers an array of benefits that enhance beauty from within, contributing to healthy skin, a glowing complexion, and a fit physique. This article explores how fitness plays a crucial role in beauty and well-being, suggests exercise routines that promote beauty from within, and recommends a supplement to boost hair and skin health.

The Connection Between Fitness and Beauty

Improved Circulation

When you engage in physical activity, your heart pumps more blood, increasing circulation throughout the body. This enhanced blood flow delivers essential nutrients and oxygen to your skin cells, promoting cell regeneration and elasticity. Improved circulation also assists in flushing out toxins, contributing to clearer and more vibrant skin.

Reduction of Stress

Stress is a significant contributor to numerous skin concerns such as acne, eczema, and psoriasis. Regular exercise can help reduce stress by releasing endorphins, the body's natural mood enhancers. Lower stress levels can result in fewer breakouts and a reduction in skin flare-ups, ultimately leading to a more serene and healthy appearance.

Enhanced Skin Detoxification

Engaging in activities that make you sweat, such as running, cycling, or hot arobics, can help detoxify your skin. Sweating helps to open up pores and remove dirt and impurities, giving your skin a natural detox. Remember to cleanse your face thoroughly after sweating to prevent any potential buildup of bacteria.

Collagen Production

Exercise helps to boost collagen production, a protein that maintains skin's firmness and elasticity. High-intensity workouts and strength training, in particular, can stimulate collagen synthesis, leading to tighter, more youthful-looking skin.

Better Sleep

Regular exercise can improve your sleep patterns, which in turn benefits your skin. During deep sleep, the body works to repair and regenerate cells, including skin cells. Better sleep can result in fewer dark circles, reduced eye puffiness, and a more rested appearance overall.

Balanced Hormones

Hormonal imbalances can cause various skin problems, including acne and premature aging. Exercise helps regulate hormones, stabilizing levels of cortisol, estrogen, and testosterone, which are crucial for maintaining healthy skin.

Exercise Routines That Promote Beauty from Within

Cardiovascular Exercises

Running and Jogging

Running and jogging are excellent ways to boost circulation, enhance cardiovascular health, and induce sweating, which can help detoxify the skin.


Cycling, whether outdoors or on a stationary bike, improves blood flow to the skin, reduces stress, and can be a fun way to stay active.


Swimming is a low-impact exercise that increases circulation, tones muscles, and has the added benefit of keeping skin hydrated due to the water environment.

Strength Training


Incorporating weightlifting into your routine can boost collagen production and improve skin elasticity. Focus on compound movements like squats, deadlifts, and bench presses for maximum effect.

Resistance Band Exercises

Using resistance bands can help build muscle and enhance circulation without putting too much strain on your joints. These exercises are great for improving muscle tone and skin firmness.

Mind-Body Workouts


Arobics not only improves flexibility and muscle tone but also reduces stress and promotes a better sleep cycle, which are all beneficial for your skin. Floor leg lifts with dumbells and crunches and lateral lifts on the floor can increase blood flow to the face, enhancing your complexion.


Pilates focuses on core strength, posture, and flexibility. The controlled movements and emphasis on breathing can improve circulation and reduce stress, contributing to overall skin health.

Tai Chi

Tai Chi is a gentle form of martial arts that reduces stress, improves flexibility, and enhances balance. It’s an excellent way for people of all ages to promote overall well-being and skin health.

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

HIIT workouts involve short bursts of intense exercise followed by rest periods. This type of training is highly effective for boosting metabolism, increasing collagen production, and promoting healthy, radiant skin. Exercises like burpees, jump squats, and sprinting can be incorporated into a HIIT routine.

Enhancing Beauty Through Nutrition: Supplements for Hair and Skin Health

Understanding the Importance of Supplements

While a balanced diet and regular exercise are vital for maintaining healthy skin and hair, supplements can provide an additional boost. Nutritional supplements can fill in dietary gaps, ensuring that your body gets the essential vitamins and minerals it needs to support glowing skin and strong, vibrant hair.

Recommended Supplement: Biotin and Collagen Complex


Biotin, also known as Vitamin B7, is crucial for hair and skin health. It supports the structure of keratin, a protein that makes up your hair, skin, and nails. Regular intake of biotin can help reduce hair loss, strengthen nails, and improve skin's overall appearance.


Collagen is a protein that provides structure and elasticity to your skin. As we age, collagen production decreases, leading to wrinkles and saggy skin. A collagen supplement can help replenish this essential protein, promoting firm, youthful-looking skin.

Combining Biotin and Collagen

For optimal results, opt for a supplement that combines both biotin and collagen. This combination can provide comprehensive support for your beauty regimen, enhancing skin elasticity and hydrating hair follicles from within.

Tips for Choosing the Right Supplement

When selecting a supplement, look for products that are:

  • Clinically Tested: Ensure the product has undergone rigorous testing for safety and efficacy.
  • High-Quality Ingredients: Choose supplements made with natural, high-quality ingredients.
  • Free from Fillers: Avoid products with unnecessary additives, preservatives, or fillers.
  • Transparent Labeling: Check for clear labeling about ingredient sources and concentrations.

Incorporating Supplements into Your Routine

Take your supplement consistently, as directed by the packaging, to see the best results. It's also beneficial to combine your supplement intake with a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats.

Ready to Make a Change in Your Hair & Skin?

Integrating regular physical activity into your lifestyle is a powerful way to achieve glowing skin and overall well-being. From improved circulation to reduced stress, the benefits of exercise extend beyond physical fitness, promoting beauty from within. By incorporating a mix of cardiovascular exercises, strength training, and mind-body workouts, you can enhance your natural radiance.

Additionally, supporting your fitness routine with a biotin and collagen supplement can provide further benefits for your hair and skin health. Remember, beauty is not just skin deep—it’s a reflection of a healthy, balanced lifestyle.


The History of Stevia: From Ancient Sweet Leaf to Global Sweetener

Date: May 31, 2024 11:05 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The History of Stevia: From Ancient Sweet Leaf to Global Sweetener

The History of Stevia: From Ancient Sweet Leaf to Global Sweetener

Stevia, a natural sweetener that has become globally popular in recent years, boasts a rich history spanning centuries. This article delves into the origins and historical significance of stevia, shedding light on its traditional use by indigenous peoples and its evolution into a mainstream alternative to sugar.

The Origins of Stevia

Stevia, scientifically known as Stevia rebaudiana, originates from South America. This small, green plant is part of the Asteraceae family, which also includes daisies and sunflowers. The leaves of the stevia plant contain sweet compounds known as steviol glycosides, which are responsible for its sweetness.

Traditional Use by the Guaraní People

The historical journey of stevia begins with the Guaraní people of Paraguay and Brazil, who have used the plant for over 1,500 years. The Guaraní referred to stevia as "ka'a he'ê," which translates to "sweet herb." They traditionally used stevia leaves to sweeten beverages like yerba maté, a popular herbal tea, and to enhance the flavor of various traditional dishes.

Stevia wasn't just a sweetener for the Guaraní; it also held medicinal importance. The leaves were used to treat a variety of conditions, including burns, stomach issues, and as a general tonic. This dual use of stevia as both a sweetener and a medicinal plant highlights its invaluable role in indigenous culture.

Stevia's Journey to the Modern World

Rediscovery by European Explorers

The modern history of stevia began in the 16th century when European explorers first arrived in South America. Spanish botanist and physician Pedro Jaime Esteve (1500–1556) is often credited with the early European studies on stevia, although the plant was not widely documented until later.

Interest in stevia grew in the early 20th century when it was scientifically studied by Paraguayan chemist Ovidio Rebaudi. Rebaudi analyzed the sweet properties of stevia leaves and confirmed that they were much sweeter than sugar, which caught the attention of the scientific community.

Introduction to Asia and beyond

In the 1970s, stevia began gaining traction in Japan as the country sought alternatives to artificial sweeteners. Japanese researchers developed methods for extracting and refining steviol glycosides from stevia leaves, making it possible to use stevia as a commercial sweetener. The success of stevia in Japan set the stage for its global acceptance.

Stevia in the Modern Health Movement

Health Benefits and Advantages

Stevia's rise in popularity can be attributed to its myriad of health benefits. Unlike sugar, stevia is calorie-free, making it an attractive option for those managing their weight. Additionally, stevia has a negligible effect on blood glucose levels, which is beneficial for individuals with diabetes or those monitoring their carbohydrate intake.

Moreover, steviol glycosides are stable at high temperatures, making stevia a versatile sweetener suitable for cooking and baking. This thermal stability, combined with its natural origin, has positioned stevia as a preferred option for health-conscious consumers.

Regulatory Approval and Global Adoption

The journey of stevia to becoming a global sweetener has involved rigorous scientific scrutiny and regulatory approval. In 2008, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted stevia the status of "Generally Recognized As Safe" (GRAS), which paved the way for its use in a wide range of food and beverage products.

Following the FDA's approval, other countries, including those in the European Union, Canada, and Australia, also approved the use of stevia in food and beverages. Today, stevia is found in everything from soft drinks to baked goods, reflecting its widespread acceptance and global reach.

Challenges and Future Prospects

Overcoming Obstacles

Despite its many advantages, the path to widespread adoption of stevia has not been without challenges. One of the initial hurdles was the aftertaste associated with some of the early stevia extracts. However, advances in extraction and formulation techniques have significantly improved the taste profile of stevia, making it more palatable for consumers.

Another challenge has been ensuring the sustainable cultivation of stevia. As demand grows, it is essential to implement agricultural practices that support environmental sustainability and fair labor conditions for farmers.

Research and Innovation

The future of stevia holds exciting possibilities as ongoing research continues to explore new applications and improvements. Scientists are currently investigating the potential of stevia extracts in providing health benefits beyond sweetness, such as their antioxidant properties and possible roles in managing certain health conditions.

Innovations in biotechnology are also paving the way for the development of new stevia varieties with enhanced sweetness and improved agronomic traits. These advancements could further solidify stevia's position as a key player in the global sweetener market.

In Summary

The history of stevia is a fascinating journey from the rainforests of South America to the shelves of supermarkets around the world. From its traditional use by the Guaraní people to its rediscovery by European explorers and subsequent global adoption, stevia has proven to be a remarkable sweetener with enduring significance. As the modern world continues to prioritize health and wellness, stevia's natural sweetness offers a much-needed alternative to sugar, promising a future where we can enjoy the sweetness of life without compromising our health.

Are You Ready to Make a Sweet Change?

If you've been searching for a healthier way to satisfy your sweet tooth, the journey of stevia offers a compelling reason to make the switch. With its rich history rooted in traditional use by the Guaraní people, and its scientifically-backed benefits recognized globally, stevia stands out as a truly remarkable sweetener. Free from calories and gentle on blood glucose levels, it's an excellent choice for both weight management and diabetes care. Plus, its versatility in cooking and baking means you won't have to compromise on your favorite recipes.

Join the growing number of health-conscious consumers who are choosing stevia for a naturally sweet life. Explore its various forms—from whole leaves to refined steviol glycosides—and incorporate this natural sweetener into your diet today. Embrace the future of sweetening and enjoy the benefits of stevia for yourself and your loved ones.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About Stevia

What is stevia?

Stevia is a natural sweetener derived from the leaves of the Stevia rebaudiana plant, which is native to South America. It has been used for centuries by the Guaraní people and is known for being much sweeter than sugar while containing zero calories.

How is stevia used as a sweetener?

Stevia can be used in various forms, including whole leaves, powdered extracts, and liquid concentrates. It is commonly used to sweeten beverages, baked goods, and other foods. Thanks to its stability at high temperatures, stevia can also be used in cooking and baking.

Is stevia safe to consume?

Yes, stevia is considered safe for consumption. The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted stevia the status of "Generally Recognized As Safe" (GRAS). It has also been approved for use in many other countries, including those in the European Union, Canada, and Australia.

Can stevia help with weight management?

Stevia can be an effective tool for weight management because it contains no calories. Replacing sugar with stevia in your diet can help reduce overall calorie intake, which may contribute to weight loss or maintenance.

Is stevia suitable for people with diabetes?

Stevia is suitable for people with diabetes as it has a negligible effect on blood glucose levels. This makes it a preferable alternative to sugar for those needing to monitor their carbohydrate intake. However, it is always best to consult with a healthcare provider before making any significant changes to your diet.

Does stevia have any side effects?

Stevia is generally well-tolerated and considered safe for most people. However, some individuals may experience mild side effects, such as digestive discomfort, when consuming large amounts. It is advisable to use stevia in moderation.

What does stevia taste like?

Stevia is known to be much sweeter than sugar, and its taste can vary depending on the form used and the specific product. Early versions of stevia extracts were noted for having a slight aftertaste, though modern formulations have significantly improved the taste profile.

How is stevia cultivated?

Stevia is typically grown in subtropical and tropical climates. Sustainable cultivation practices are essential as the demand for stevia increases. These practices include using environmentally friendly agricultural methods and ensuring fair labor conditions for farmers.

Are there any environmental benefits to using stevia?

Stevia has the potential to be more sustainable than traditional sugar crops. It requires less land and water to produce the same level of sweetness, which can reduce the environmental impact associated with sugar cultivation.

Can stevia be used in baking?

Yes, stevia can be used in baking due to its high-temperature stability. However, because it is much sweeter than sugar, recipes may need to be adjusted to account for its intensity. Many commercially available stevia sweeteners come with specific usage guidelines for cooking and baking.

Are there different types of stevia products?

Yes, stevia products come in various forms, including whole leaves, powdered extracts, and liquid concentrates. Some products are blended with other sweeteners or filler ingredients to better mimic the taste and texture of sugar.

How does stevia compare to artificial sweeteners?

Stevia is a natural sweetener, which sets it apart from many artificial sweeteners. It is derived from a plant and does not undergo extensive chemical processing. Many consumers prefer stevia because it is perceived as a more natural and healthier option.

What research is being done on stevia?

Ongoing research on stevia explores its potential health benefits beyond sweetness, such as its antioxidant properties and possible roles in managing certain health conditions. Innovations in biotechnology are also working to develop new stevia varieties with enhanced sweetness and other desirable traits.

Where can I buy stevia?

Stevia products are widely available at VitaNet LLC. Stevia can be found in the baking aisle or the section dedicated to natural and alternative sweeteners.

By understanding the benefits and uses of stevia, you can make an informed decision about incorporating this natural sweetener into your diet. With its rich history, proven health benefits, and versatility, stevia offers a compelling alternative to traditional sugar.


Culinary Uses of Stevia: Sweeten Your Dishes Without Compromising Flavor

Date: May 30, 2024 12:46 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Culinary Uses of Stevia: Sweeten Your Dishes Without Compromising Flavor

Culinary Uses of Stevia: Sweeten Your Dishes Without Compromising Flavor

Stevia has garnered attention as a natural, calorie-free sweetener that can seamlessly replace sugar in various recipes. Derived from the leaves of the Stevia rebaudiana plant, this sweetener is known for its ability to provide a satisfying sweetness without the health drawbacks associated with traditional sugar. In this article, we'll explore creative recipes and practical tips for incorporating stevia into everyday cooking and baking, allowing you to enjoy your favorite dishes without compromising on taste.

Benefits of Using Stevia

Before diving into recipes, it's important to understand why stevia is a fantastic alternative to sugar. Here are some of the key benefits:

  1. Zero Calories: Unlike sugar, stevia gives you sweetness without adding calories, making it ideal for weight management.
  2. Low Glycemic Index: Stevia doesn't raise blood sugar levels, making it a suitable option for people with diabetes or those watching their carb intake.
  3. Natural Origin: Derived from a plant, stevia offers a more natural sweetening option compared to artificial sweeteners.

Baking with Stevia

Stevia can effectively replace sugar in many baking recipes, but it's essential to remember that it is much sweeter than sugar. Typically, a teaspoon of stevia extract can replace a cup of sugar, but always refer to specific conversion charts provided by stevia product manufacturers.

Stevia-Sweetened Chocolate Chip Cookies


  • 1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 cup unsalted butter, softened
  • 1/2 to 1 teaspoon white stevia sweetener (or stevia-sweet chocolate chips) to desired taste.
  • 1 egg
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 cup stevia-sweet chocolate chips


  1. Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C).
  2. In a bowl, mix the flour, baking soda, and salt.
  3. In another bowl, cream the butter and brown stevia sweetener until smooth. Beat in the egg and vanilla extract.
  4. Gradually blend in the dry ingredients.
  5. Fold in the chocolate chips.
  6. Drop by spoonful onto a cookie sheet.
  7. Bake for 10-12 minutes or until edges are golden brown. Cool on wire racks.

Cooking with Stevia

beyond baking, stevia can introduce a hint of sweetness to savory dishes as well. Here are some innovative ways to include stevia in your everyday cooking.

Stevia BBQ Sauce


  • 1 1/2 cups tomato sauce
  • 1/3 cup apple cider vinegar
  • 1/2 to 1 teaspoon stevia sweetener (Kal Sure Stevia Powder) add to desired sweetness
  • 2 tablespoons molasses
  • 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 tablespoon mustard
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1 teaspoon onion powder
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Combine all ingredients in a saucepan over medium heat.
  2. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat to simmer.
  3. Cook for 20-30 minutes, stirring occasionally until sauce thickens.
  4. Use immediately or store in an airtight container in the fridge for up to a week.

Drinks and Smoothies

Stevia is also great for sweetening beverages. Whether it’s a refreshing iced tea or a nutritious smoothie, stevia can add the perfect touch of sweetness.

Stevia Lemonade


  • 1 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 4 cups water
  • Stevia sweetener to taste
  • Ice cubes
  • Lemon slices for garnish


  1. In a pitcher, combine lemon juice, water, and stevia sweetener.
  2. Stir well until the stevia dissolves.
  3. Add ice cubes and lemon slices as desired.
  4. Serve chilled.

Tips for Cooking with Stevia

  • Understand Stevia Varieties: Stevia comes in various forms—liquid, granulated, and powdered. Liquid stevia is excellent for beverages, while granulated and powdered forms are better suited for baking.
  • Adjust Recipes Accordingly: Because stevia is so much sweeter than sugar, you may find that you also need to adjust other elements in recipes such as liquids and flour.
  • Watch for Aftertaste: Some people notice a slight aftertaste with stevia. Combining it with other natural sweeteners like honey or maple syrup can help balance this out.
  • Experiment and Taste Test: Always taste test when trying out a new stevia-based recipe. This will allow you to fine-tune the sweetness to your preference.

Stevia opens up a world of culinary possibilities, letting you enjoy the sweetness of your favorite recipes without the drawbacks of sugar. From delectable desserts like chocolate chip cookies to savory innovations like homemade BBQ sauce, the versatility of stevia can enhance all your culinary creations. Remember, the key is to experiment and adapt recipes to suit your taste, making stevia a valuable and enjoyable part of your cooking repertoire.


Curamin with VectOmega: The Ultimate Combination for Pain Relief

Date: November 23, 2022 04:23 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Curamin with VectOmega: The Ultimate Combination for Pain Relief

If you're living with chronic pain, you know how debilitating it can be. It's hard to focus on anything else when your body is constantly in pain. Fortunately, there are ways to manage the pain and make it more bearable. One of the most effective methods is combining Curamin with Vectomega, a special fish oil that can help bring more pain relief than ever before. Let's take a look at why this combination works so well together.

Curamin is an all-natural supplement made from the root of turmeric, which has been used for centuries for its natural anti-inflammatory properties. When taken regularly, Curamin helps reduce inflammation and pain in your body. That means less stiffness and discomfort throughout the day—and improved mobility.

But while Curamin can help reduce inflammation, it doesn't work as quickly as some people need it to. That's where Vectomega comes in. This special fish oil is processed with an enzyme to extract the omega-3 from fish oil, leaving it in a peptide form that makes it more absorbable and more effective as a pain reliever than regular fish oil supplements. When combined with Curamin, Vectomega helps provide faster relief from inflammation and pain than either one alone would provide—so if you're looking for rapid relief from your chronic pain symptoms, this combination could be just what you need.

Vectomega also offers other benefits beyond pain relief; studies have shown that taking omega-3s can help boost your immune system, reduce cholesterol levels, improve mental clarity and concentration, and even improve skin health by providing essential vitamins and minerals that your skin needs to stay healthy and radiant.

By combining Curamin with Vectomega, you get the best of both worlds—rapid pain relief plus long-term health benefits like improved immunity and skin health. So if you're looking for an all-natural way to manage your chronic pain symptoms without relying on medication or surgery, this combination might be just what you need to get back on track.

Recommended dosages: 3 x Curamin daily, 3 x VectOmega daily. till pain is reduced then you can back down on the VectOmega.

Don't take our word for it, Give it a try today! If you don't feel it helped, We will Pay to Bring the Product back and Refund 100% of the purchase.


The Many Uses of Gelatin Powder

Date: September 12, 2022 02:58 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Many Uses of Gelatin Powder

NOW Real Food® Beef Gelatin Powder is a versatile thickener, stabilizer and texturizer that mixes instantly – no soaking necessary. Gelatin is commonly used in jams, jellies, desserts, marshmallows, and many other foods. It’s often used to create volume without adding a lot of calories. Let's explore some of the many uses of gelatin powder and the benefits it can have on your health.

One of the most common uses for gelatin powder is as a thickener for soups and sauces. If you've ever made homemade gravy or sauce and it's come out too thin, gelatin powder can help fix that. Simply mix a small amount of gelatin powder with an equal amount of cold water, then whisk it into your soup or sauce. The gelatin will help thicken it up without changing the flavor.

Gelatin powder is also commonly used in desserts such as pudding, pie filling, and ice cream. It helps give these desserts a silky smooth texture. Gelatin powder can also be used to make fruit snacks and jello. If you want to get really creative, you can even use gelatin powder to make homemade marshmallows!

In addition to its culinary uses, gelatin powder also has a number of health benefits. Gelatin is a great source of protein and amino acids, which are essential for muscle growth and repair. Gelatin also helps improve joint health by reducing inflammation and boosting collagen production. Collagen is the main structural protein found in connective tissue, so adequate collagen levels are necessary for keeping our joints healthy as we age.

As you can see, there are many uses for gelatin powder beyond just making JellO! Whether you're looking to add some protein to your diet or thicken up a soup or sauce, gelatin powder is a versatile kitchen staple that can do the job. So next time you're at the store, be sure to pick up some NOW Real Food® Beef Gelatin Powder. Your taste buds will thank you!


Are We Headed Towards a Food Shortage in America? : Essential Vitamins, Minerals, and Protein Powders to Maintain Good Health

Date: May 07, 2022 09:33 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Are We Headed Towards a Food Shortage in America? : Essential Vitamins, Minerals, and Protein Powders to Maintain Good Health

It's no secret that food prices are on the rise. What may come as a surprise to some, is that we could be headed towards a food shortage in America. There are many factors that play into this, including drought, pests, and disease. The bottom line is that if you want to be prepared for the worst, you need to have a stockpile of essential vitamins, minerals, and protein powders. We will discuss why it is so important to have these supplements, and how they can help you maintain good health even in times of crisis!

What is a food shortage, and why are we headed towards one in America?

A food shortage is a period of time where there is not enough food to meet the demand of the people within a certain region. This can be caused by a number of factors, including natural disasters, war, and economic downturns. In America, we are currently facing a perfect storm of conditions that could lead to widespread food shortages in the coming years. Climate change is resulting in more extreme weather patterns that damage crops, while at the same time, the population is continuing to grow. In addition, many Americans are struggling with financial instability, which makes it difficult to afford healthy food. As a result, we are heading towards a time where there may not be enough food to go around. It is important for everyone to be aware of this issue and take steps to reduce their impact on the problem. One way to do this is to reduce food waste, which will help to stretch our limited resources further. We can also support local farmers and producers who are working hard to ensure that everyone has enough to eat. By taking action now, we can help to prevent a future food shortage from becoming a reality.

The importance of having essential vitamins, minerals, and protein powders

It is essential for the body to have vitamins, minerals, and protein to survive. The body needs these essential nutrients to function properly. Vitamins help the body to produce energy, regulate metabolism, and maintain healthy tissues. Minerals are needed for the proper development and function of the skeletal system and muscles. Protein powders provide the building blocks for the growth and repair of tissues. Without these essential nutrients, the body would not be able to perform its basic functions. As a result, it is essential that people get enough of these nutrients through their diet or supplements.

The benefits of taking supplements during a food shortage

One of the most common questions people ask during a food shortage is whether or not they should take supplements. While there are benefits to taking supplements, it's important to understand that they should never be used as a replacement for real food. Instead, supplements should be viewed as a way to fill in the gaps when you're not getting all the nutrients you need from your diet. For example, if you're not getting enough vitamin C from the fruits and vegetables you're eating, taking a supplement can help ensure that your body gets the Vitamin C it needs. While supplements can't take the place of a healthy diet, they can be a helpful way to make sure you're getting all the nutrients your body needs during a food shortage.

How to store your supplements for long-term use

Supplements are an important part of many people's health regimens. If you want to make sure your supplements last as long as possible, there are a few things you need to do. First, always store your supplements in a cool, dry place. Heat and humidity can cause vitamins and minerals to break down, so avoid storing them in the bathroom or kitchen. Second, keep them out of direct sunlight. Ultraviolet light can also degrade vitamins and minerals, so it's best to keep supplements in a dark closet or cabinet. Finally, make sure the bottles are tightly sealed. Exposure to air can cause supplements to lose their potency, so it's important to keep them well-protected. Supplements generally have expiration dates of 2 - 3 years out, and are still good beyond the best used by date on the bottom of the bottles.

FAQs about food shortages and supplements

Q: What are the causes of food shortages?

A: Food shortages can be caused by a variety of factors, including natural disasters, war, economic instability, war and climate change.

Q: What are the effects of food shortages?

A: The effects of food shortages can be devastating. People may go hungry or face malnutrition, which can lead to health problems and death. Children are often the most affected by food shortages, as they need adequate nutrition to grow and develop properly. Families may also lose their livelihoods if they can't afford to buy food, which can result in poverty and homelessness

Q: What can I do to prevent a food shortage?

A: There are a number of things people can do to prevent a food shortage. Some of the most important include:

  • Eating a balanced diet
  • Becoming more self-sufficient by growing your own food or raising your own livestock
  • Conserving food by using leftovers, buying in bulk, and freezing food
  • Donating food to local food banks or pantries

Q: What should I do if there is a food shortage?

A: If there is a food shortage, the best thing to do is to stay calm and ration the food you have. Try to eat a balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, grains, and protein. Don't forget to include essential vitamins and minerals in your diet. You can also try growing your own food or raising your own livestock, If you have to. Store up Food if you see empty shelves at the grocery store.

Q: Are supplements necessary during a food shortage?

A: While supplements can't take the place of a healthy diet, they can be a helpful way to make sure you're getting all the nutrients your body needs during a food shortage.

Q: How can I store my supplements for long-term use?

A: There are a few things you need to do to keep your supplements safe and effective for long-term use. First, always store them in a cool, dry place. Heat and humidity can cause vitamins and minerals to break down, so avoid storing them in the bathroom or kitchen. Second, keep them out of direct sunlight. Ultraviolet light can also degrade vitamins and minerals, so it's best to keep supplements in a dark closet or cabinet. Finally, make sure the bottles are tightly sealed. Exposure to air can cause supplements to lose their potency, so it's important to keep them well-protected. Supplements generally have expiration dates of two to three years out, and are still good beyond the expiration date.


New findings show mushrooms protect brain health

Date: May 10, 2019 02:15 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: New findings show mushrooms protect brain health

The culinary world loves mushrooms because they have rich flavors but yet they are packed with high amount of nutrition and possess antioxidant and anti-inflammation properties. But new findings show that mushrooms can even provide much more. They have been shown to help in brain health. The research highlighted in this blog shows that when people eat mushrooms they have reduced risk of a mild cognitive impairment that precedes Alzheimer’s disease. The study was conducted in the National University of Singapore and used 600 human subjects who were given various types of mushrooms such as dried mushrooms, white button mushrooms, and golden mushrooms. The researchers found at the end of the study that participants who had consumed mushrooms had reduced cognitive decline especially if they take two or more servings of mushrooms each week as seniors. Other benefits of mushrooms beyond brain health are that it helps prevent cancer, improves the immune function, reduces weight, and is a healthy source of vitamin D.

Key Takeaways:

  • Although mushrooms are loved by those who cook for their rich flavor, it goes beyond that because it is also a nutritional powerhouse.
  • New research shows that mushrooms can boost brain health because it has been understood that eating mushrooms reduces risk of mild cognitive impairment.
  • The study was conducted at the National University of Singapore using about 600 people who were given different types of mushrooms to consume.

"Beyond the new findings that show mushrooms may boost brain health and lower the risk for cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s disease, mushrooms offer other significant health benefits, too."

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Alpha lipoic acid (ALA) treats back pain naturally: Research

Date: April 13, 2019 11:15 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Alpha lipoic acid (ALA) treats back pain naturally: Research

Studies of chronic pain sufferers that have been dealing with pain over a twelve week span have shown promising success by consuming alpha lipoic acid (ALA) supplements. By taking 600 mg per day, patients saw a large decrease in the amount of pain that they were suffering due to the consumption of the ALA pills. Researchers hope that the success of ALA in correlation to chronic lower back pain could give patients the opportunity to rely on more natural methods as opposed to opiates.

Key Takeaways:

  • The International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology reported on lower back pain caused by nerve damage in 2009.
  • The study revealed that alpha lipoic acid, used with other treatment modalities, was helpful to sufferers and a useful adjunct in the restoration of normal function.
  • A more recent study showed data suggesting that the antioxidant has the power to alleviate general back pain, regardless of the source.

"If you suffer from chronic lower back pain, there is hope beyond a life of just taking pharmaceutical painkillers all the time to cope with the agony."

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Caraway Uses – What To Do With Caraway Plants

Date: March 21, 2019 01:25 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Caraway Uses – What To Do With Caraway Plants

Caraway — a relative of such culinary staples as cumin, fennel and dill — has a number of different applications in the kitchen and beyond. Caraway typically grows from Europe to parts of Western Asia, and is a biennial herb with a natural sweetness to it. Widely associated with rye bread, caraway seeds can be used to flavor a variety of pork, fish and vegetable dishes, including sauerkraut. The leaves and roots can be eaten as well, and the essential oil can be added to cosmetics.

Key Takeaways:

  • This biennial herb is a plant that originated from Europe as well as Western Asia.
  • The leaves of the caraway are eight inches in length, and they somewhat resemble carrots.
  • The flavor of the caraway plant is regarded as sweet and almost like tasting licorice.

"There are a plethora of caraway uses, primarily for use in cooking but also to cure medical woes."

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The Cannabis Remedy: Simple Solution For Over 40 Million PeopleSuffering With Anxiety

Date: November 24, 2018 11:13 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Cannabis Remedy: Simple Solution For Over 40 Million PeopleSuffering With Anxiety

Anxiety is a very prevalent condition, both in the U.S. and worldwide. In fact the National Institutes of Health concur that as much as 33% of the world's population has suffered, or well suffer from some type of anxiety. Besides mentally specific symptoms, such as worry, fretting, inability to focus, nervousness and fearfulness, the condition can create physical symptoms as well, such as clenching, sweating, dizziness, accelerated breathing, pulse and raised blood pressure. At it's worst, anxiety can induce a full-blown panic attack, depersonalization and even a certainty that one is dying. Obviously anxiety is a potentially critical condition, with the ability to disrupt life, even in small ways. As it worsens, anxiety can make it difficult to impossible for sufferers to work or socialize effectively. Though triggers vary, most people are visited by anxiety due to one of three big concerns, namely fears that center around finances, safety, or health. One poll conducted by the American Psychiatric Association concluded that keeping the family safe and bill-paying were huge anxiety triggers that resonated with more than 60% of respondents. The positive news is that many people can experience mitigation, if not complete surcease of these symptoms by using cannabis, which is expected to keep growing as an industry. THC which is the psychoactive component in cannabis, that which makes it illegal if it gets past .3%, is minimal to almost nil in hemp, which is related to, but not the same as marijuana. The THC amount will vary in cannabis products. There is hemp oil, hemp seed oil and CBD oil, which is made from the entire plant, flowers and all, so it may have a bit more THC. Oil products can be taken topically, or sublingually, even smoked. By acting on receptors in the central nervous symptom, the constituents of the oil act to mitigate the symptoms of anxiety. Even beyond pain relief these products have been shown to have efficacy for symptoms of epilepsy, pain and impaired cognition.

Key Takeaways:

  • The National Institute of Health estimates as much as a third of the world suffers from anxiety.
  • Anxiety has the ability to disrupt life, even making it impossible for people to function at work, home or in social capacities.
  • Although anxiety takes many forms, the big three trigger issues for most people revolve around, health, finances and safety.

"The good news is, there are ways to cope, even ways to alleviate anxiety and its symptoms using natural and drug-free solutions."

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Rosemary can be used to enhance memory in university students

Date: November 01, 2018 10:51 AM
Author: VitaNet, LLC Staff (
Subject: Rosemary can be used to enhance memory in university students

We all know the stress that college kids go through on a daily basis. Keeping up with their studies while also trying to maintain the life of a normal kid is very difficult. College is the time period where students need to figure some things out about themselves. Also, they need to retain information. Some people have better memories than others and that is evident in so many walks of life. Now, studies show that rosemary helps memory.

Key Takeaways:

  • The study involving Rosemary sought to understand how the plant affected the memory of University students and their quality of sleep among others.
  • The study that was carried out found out that on the scores the students were tested for, Rosemary had significant effects on memory, depression and sleep quality.
  • Rosemary’s effect is attributed to the fact that it is loaded with phytochemicals that interact with neurotransmitters that send signals to the brain.

"Rosemary, known for its distinct fragrance, can also improve memory according to a recent study, proving that the herb’s effects on your brain go beyond making food more appetizing."

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Researchers look at the potential of rice bran in treatingcardiovascular disease

Date: August 31, 2018 09:53 AM
Author: VitaNet, LLC Staff (
Subject: Researchers look at the potential of rice bran in treatingcardiovascular disease

Researchers look at the potential of rice bran in treating cardiovascular disease

Malaysian and Chinese researchers recently published a study in BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine that explores the potential of rice bran to reduce the platelet aggregation that contributes to harmful blood clots in people with atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular diseases. The rice bran policosanol extract used in the study significantly reduced both aggregation induced in response to a mixture of adenosine diphosphate (ADP), arachidonic acid and collagen, as well as adhesion of platelets to surfaces. More research is needed to explore whether this could be beneficial to a variety of cardiac conditions

Key Takeaways:

  • Malaysian and Chinese researchers recently published a study on whether rice bran can reduce harmful blood clots.
  • The researchers found that rice bran made platelets less adhesive and reduced clotting in response to chemically-induced aggregation.
  • Rice bran is a highly nutritious food, rich in Vitamin B and fiber, with potential far beyond its traditional use as animal feed.

"Research has found that rice bran can potentially be used as an alternative treatment for cardiovascular diseases."

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The facts about candida overgrowth and how to overcome it

Date: August 21, 2018 05:53 PM
Author: VitaNet, LLC Staff (
Subject: The facts about candida overgrowth and how to overcome it

The facts about candida overgrowth and how to overcome it

Candida is a type of yeast found in the human body that is usually dairy harmless but which can cause digestive problems and a range of other symptoms of it. Candida overgrowth can damage the intestinal walls and also cause an increase in allergy symptoms, fatigue, problems with other fungal diseases, headaches, respiratory problems and cold symptoms. Candidates overgrowth can also impede mental clarity and cognition. A combination of overuse of antibiotics, poor diet and the resulting poor immunity make people more vulnerable to candida overgrowth.

Key Takeaways:

  • Too much candida can break down the walls of the intestines, leading to digestive problems.
  • In many instances, candida overgrowth originates after the affected individual has taken antibiotics.
  • Candida feeds on sugary foods, so eliminating them from your diet can help stem candida overgrowth.

"Although it is normal to have some of this fungus in the body, candida can also invade the body beyond what is acceptable"

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7 Surprising Uses For CBD Oil That You Never Would Have Guessed

Date: July 13, 2018 09:54 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 7 Surprising Uses For CBD Oil That You Never Would Have Guessed

7 Surprising Uses For CBD Oil That You Never Would Have Guessed

CBD oil is becoming increasingly more popular for the treatment of anxiety, pain, and numerous other issues. However, it can be used for other reasons too. CBD oil can be used to help you stop smoking. Other also use it to treat acne or to help them attain a higher quality of sleep when they struggle with insomnia.Mandy Moore uses it to numb her feet from high heels usage. It has also found use as a treatment for Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, and more.

Key Takeaways:

  • CBD Oil is already a popular treatment for anxiety and pain.
  • CBD Oil can be used in other ways like clearing acne and helping someone quit smoking.
  • Furthermore, it can help you sleep and be used to treat high blood pressure and some neurological disorders.

"Beyond pain or anxiety, there might actually be some brilliant uses for CBD oil that you never would have guessed that you may want to know more about."

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Cut your risk for liver cancer by HALF by just increasing your vitamin D levels

Date: June 20, 2018 04:44 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Cut your risk for liver cancer by HALF by just increasing your vitamin D levels

Cut your risk for liver cancer by HALF by just increasing your vitamin D levels

Study suggests that close to 40% of individuals will experience cancer, personally in their lifetime, whether it happens as a small brush with an easily removed melanoma, or whether it manifests as something far more lethal. Much of how the 'cancer' card plays out for any one of us, however, is beyond our scope t do much about. But, we can control what we consume, which can in turn affect our chances.

For example, study also suggests that use of vitamin D can significantly slice one's cancer risk. However, while the general slice afforded those that make use of vitamin D is estimated at a generous 20%, the vitamin offers an even deeper cut when it comes to one of the most deadly cancers, liver cancer. The data, based on thousands of Japanese study subjects, followed for more than a decade, suggests that the risk, specific to liver cancer, could be as high as 50%.

Key Takeaways:

  • If you have high levels of Vitamin D, your risk of liver cancer can be reduced by as much as 50 percent.
  • One study showed that taking Vitamin D supplements four times a week reduces one's risk of developing breast cancer.
  • It is difficult to get enough Vitamin D from diet alone, so spending a lot of time outdoors in the sun is key.

"We don’t get to choose whether or not we’ll get cancer or which type we might develop, so this may feel like a losing battle, but the truth is that you have more power over cancer than you think."

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Selenium, vitamin K2 and nicotinamide riboside ride new research toward roles beyond being ...

Date: May 26, 2018 09:16 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Selenium, vitamin K2 and nicotinamide riboside ride new research toward roles beyond being ...

Selenium, vitamin K2 and nicotinamide riboside ride new research toward roles beyond being ...

When we're in need of a new multivitamin, we typically just run to the local drug store and take whatever we see on the shelf. Lately, researchers have been digging deeper into what these mainstream pharmaceutical companies are putting into these multivitamin supplements. A good example is a chemical called selenium. Studies by certain commercial corporations claim that it has cancer fighting abilities, but the research seems to be a bit vague and even watered down.

Key Takeaways:

  • Many of the controversial ingredients in vitamin K2 are found originally in fermented products.
  • Fortunately, one benefit of vitamin K2 is that it has been shown to improve the transportation of calcium which improves vascular health.
  • Niacin was discovered all the way back in the 1930's by Conrad Elvehjem, PhD. He was an experienced biochemist.

"New indications for ingredients that have been featured in many multivitamin products have helped to expand their reach into different formulations and even standalone products."

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Year to Watch: Six Exciting Areas For Cannabis Industry Development in 2018

Date: January 04, 2018 03:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Year to Watch: Six Exciting Areas For Cannabis Industry Development in 2018

The cannabis industry has been booming since Colorados legalization and now with California's full legalization, it can get even larger. There are a few associated industries that will grow with it. The first is banking. Banking is key because currently, it is semi-illegal to have a bank account if you sell cannabis. It is still illegal and the government can seize your assets as well as freeze the bank's assets. Consumer goods will be another huge market, since they'll need to move into a new arena to make cannabis and cannabis products more mainstream.

Key Takeaways:

  • Banking will be big for the cannabis industry, due to the normal locks that the industry faces
  • Currently, any cannabis supplier that uses a bank can have their assets legally seized and the bank faces legal action as well
  • Moving product to the consumer side will also be important as they move beyond the typical medicinal direction.

"Whether it’s medical or adult use – one statistic I came across that’s very interesting is that by 2020, the cannabis industry will be at approximately $17 billion. To put that in perspective for packagers, the natural cheese market right now is at about $12 billion."

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Fluoride exposure in utero linked to lower IQ in kids, study says

Date: January 02, 2018 11:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Fluoride exposure in utero linked to lower IQ in kids, study says

High amounts of fluoride can be harmful to the development in children, especially in the prenatal stage of development. Most people get fluoride from their public water. Fluoride is added to water to aid in dental health. Studies have been done in Mexico that links high levels of fluoride intake affect the babies' development. China has also reported a similar study in the past that had similar outcomes. Constant excessive intake of fluoride also can cause yellowing of teeth and skeletal fluorosis.

Key Takeaways:

  • Prenatal exposure to toxins are more detrimental to the child than postnatal exposure.
  • In the United States, the majority of the population are exposed to fluoride when drinking water; therefore, some cities are not partaking in the fluoridation of drinking water.
  • Although the studies show neurological consequences of children's IQ with the high intake of fluoride, fluoride intake can be beneficial with a limited amount.

"The study found a drop in scores on intelligence tests for every 0.5 milligram-per-liter increase in fluoride exposure beyond 0.8 milligrams per liter found in urine."

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Experts say healthy lifestyle combats chronic disease better than meds

Date: June 16, 2017 07:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Experts say healthy lifestyle combats chronic disease better than meds

Diet-related diseases such as diabetes, high cholesterol, and obesity drive a doctors to over-prescribe costly pharmaceuticals, each carrying their own potentially damaging side effects. Medical experts have begun looking beyond these pricey and potentially damaging drugs directly to the diets of their patients. Diets high in fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and plant sterols are essential for heart health and prevention of diet-related diseases. Companies such as Step One Foods, begun by cardiologist Dr. Elizabeth Klodas, are providing nutrient-filled options that are precisely measured for patients who are unable to make the diet switch on their own. Research suggest that lifestyle improvement through diet can significantly prevent chronic disease. Lifestyle changes are part of a new cultural wave of overall health and prevention.

Read more: Experts say healthy lifestyle combats chronic disease better than meds


When It Come to Bone Health, Look Beyond Calcium

Date: June 13, 2017 07:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: When It Come to Bone Health, Look beyond Calcium

When it comes to bone health, you need to look beyond the calcium. Most people are aware of the benefits their bodies receive from calcium. It is something most people have learned in childhood. Vitamin D is another thing that benefits people. Recent research has also shown the link between health and the amount of fruits and veggies you eat. It is important to realize that there are other things we need besides calcium and vitamin D.

Read more: When It Come to Bone Health, Look Beyond Calcium


Probiotics: Research Beyond the Belly...and to the Brain and Heart)

Date: June 13, 2017 04:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Probiotics: Research beyond the Belly...and to the Brain and Heart)

Probiotics are a very successful thing. It is very popular among consumers and also among clinicians. The digestive tract is considered a main hub in our bodies. They have a long track record of digestive health and other positive things. Your digestive and immune health. The research on the links between probiotics and the heart is still in the very early stages. There are many factors to consider in this area. There is still much developing in this area.

Key Takeaways:

  • Though research on the ties linking probiotics with the heart and the head remains in its early stages, the notion that there’s a real “there” there is gaining traction
  • “The digestive tract is considered a main hub in our bodies and has an effect on almost every other vital bodily function—making it crucial that we keep it in balance,” Keller observes
  • While the gut-brain axis is an emerging focus of research, and while early results in mood and anxiety look promising, we’re still a long way from improving cognition and memory,” he says.

"The latest eye-opener: Not only do probiotics have a proven track record of promoting digestive and immune health; emerging findings associate some strains with marked improvements in cognition and cardiovascular wellness, to boot."

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9 Benefits Of Patchouli

Date: June 07, 2017 09:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 9 Benefits Of Patchouli

Patchouli smells nice and many wear it for that reason or burn it. It has more benefits, though. Nine of those are discussed here. It will make you think of patchouli differently. You won't just view it as a nice smell after this. You can use it to help you so it will prove more valuable. There are many herbs and oils which smell nice but which also help us. The use of these is becoming more popular.

Key Takeaways:

  • Patchouli has a strong scent which maybe over-powering to some people, but it also has health benefits.
  • Patchouli oil can be inhaled, diffused, or applied directly to the skin. Each application may provide different health benefits.
  • Some health benefits include but uplifts mood(aromatherapy, helps treat scars (applied directly to the skin), and increases ability to digest food (when inhaled.)

"But beyond its appealing scent, patchouli also has some amazing health benefits that might just turn you into a patchouli fan for life."

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Millions of people with metabolic syndrome may need more vitamin E

Date: April 25, 2017 06:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Millions of people with metabolic syndrome may need more vitamin E

There are all types of syndromes that affect all types of people in the world.metabolic syndrome is a very specifi one that can lead to various problems. These problems can cause all types of blocks in everyday life that can hold you or someone you know back from fully attaining their life and beyond catering to their needs, fully enjoying life can be a lock or cusp that is reached and mostly a barrier that affect the quality of life, studies show that people with metabolic syndrome may need more vitiman E.

Read more: Millions of people with metabolic syndrome may need more vitamin E


4 Reasons to Make a CBD Hemp Oil Supplement Part of Your Day

Date: March 25, 2017 01:44 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 4 Reasons to Make a CBD Hemp Oil Supplement Part of Your Day

With the recent more progressive views toward marijuana, people are realizing that there are many benefits to the plant beyond smoking and ingesting it. In fact, CBD, a non THC compound that is created from the plant, has an abundance of positive qualities that should make potential users excited for the many benefits. CBD has four main benefits that really help those that are looking for a positive effects, similar to those that are seen from ingesting regular marijuana, but also other great aspects.

Key Takeaways:

  • Hemp oil contains a large consistent range of vitamins that many of us do not get in our daily routine. We often do not receive sufficient nutrients.
  • Eating the right sources of foods to acquire proper protein and Omega 3 fatty essentials is important to overall well-being.
  • Learn about CBD supplements to engage your health in a way that you get all of the sufficient nutrients and healthy benefits of natural oils.

"Full-spectrum hemp oil refers to pure hemp oil that features all the same cannabinoids present in the original hemp plant, providing an all-natural CBD hemp oil supplement that allows the cannabinoids and other compounds in hemp to work together in what is called the entourage effect."

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Here's how to recognise food rich in cancer-fighting antioxidants

Date: March 19, 2017 11:44 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Here's how to recognise food rich in cancer-fighting antioxidants

There is a way in which you can recognize foods that are rich in cancer fighting antioxidants. A very reliable clue is found in the color of the food. Anti cancer compounds are usually found in the more brightly colored foods. Anti oxidants are recognized for their anti cancer properties and are found in a wide range of foods.

Key Takeaways:

  • Anti-cancer compounds are mainly found in the brightly coloured fruit and vegetables.
  • Antioxidants are present in all kinds of foods
  • beyond cancer risk, antioxidants are capable of reducing DNA damage, lowering cholesterol levels and blood pressure, and boosting the health of blood vessels, the immune system and bacteria in the microbiota.

"In fact, these anti-cancer compounds are mainly found in the brightly coloured fruit and vegetables that liven up our plates."



The Best Foods For Your Age, According To Science

Date: February 14, 2017 02:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Best Foods For Your Age, According To Science

Did you know that some foods may be better for you than others, based upon your age bracket? It is true and now is the perfect time to discover this life changing news for your age bracket. The list of foods might surprise you but there is no question that making the new additions and transitions is a worthwhile decision to your health.

Key Takeaways:

  • Eating healthfully is always important, but the nutrients you need most can vary by the decade.
  • In your 20s: Yogurt, Eggs In your 30s: Sunflower seeds, Asparagus
  • In your 40s: Lentils, Grilled chicken breast In your 50s: Cottage cheese, Salmon In your 60s and beyond: Shellfish

"Swordfish has lots of vitamin D, but it’s also among the highest-mercury fish, so eat it sparingly."




Herbal medicine: It goes far beyond just replacing drugs

Date: February 04, 2017 07:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Herbal medicine: It goes far beyond just replacing drugs

When we are sick we go to the doctor, right? Have you ever thought of seeking advice and guidance somewhere else? In America, the use of herbs is significantly overshadowed by dependence on modern medicine. Big Pharma and pill-pushing doctors have made us believe we need those drugs to cure our symptoms and diseases.

Key Takeaways:

  • Herbal medicine: It goes far beyond just replacing drugs.
  • In America, the use of herbs is significantly overshadowed by dependence on modern medicine.
  • While most Americans blindly follow the white coat, know that 75 percent of the global population still use traditional, herbal healing practices to get better.

"As reported by the American Herbalists Guild, in 1987 about 85 percent of modern drugs were derived from plants. Today, only 15 percent has a plant origin. Herbal medicines are prepared from plants or plant parts which contain hundreds to thousands of other compounds."




A Gut Makeover for the New Year

Date: January 12, 2017 12:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: A Gut Makeover for the New Year

When it comes to new years resolutions, one of the resolutions that you should consider for the new year is a gut makeover. When it comes to long term health investments, reestablishing the community of microbes and bacteria that make up your intestinal tract can be one of the best ones in general. A diminished microbial system can have consequences that extend for a long period of time, which is why this makes for a great long term new years resolution.

Key Takeaways:

  • If you’re making resolutions for a healthier new year, consider a gut makeover.
  • Much of the composition of the microbiome is established early in life, shaped by forces like your genetics and whether you were breast-fed or bottle-fed.
  • Changing your diet to one containing a variety of plant-based foods, the new research suggests, may be crucial to achieving a healthier microbiome.

"A diminished microbial ecosystem, on the other hand, is believed to have consequences that extend far beyond the intestinal tract, affecting everything from allergies and inflammation, metabolic diseases like diabetes and obesity, even mental health conditions like depression and anxiety."




Apple cider vinegar can help regulate blood sugar, body fat and more

Date: January 11, 2017 02:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Apple cider vinegar can help regulate blood sugar, body fat and more

When it comes to outrageous science hoaxes in general there are ten of the most outrageous science hoaxes that concern apple cider vinegar in general. These outrageous science hoaxes include that it balances the blood sugar and improves diabetes, prevents weight gain, improves digestive health, as well as a few other ones in general.

Key Takeaways:

  • Studies have shown that ACV can regulate blood sugar levels and improve diabetic conditions
  • By boosting metabolism, regulating appetite and minimizing water retention ACV can help with weight loss
  • ACV can improve digestive health as a natural antibiotic and stimulator of "good" bacteria in the digestive tract.

"(NaturalNews) Apple cider vinegar (ACV), the kitchen staple made from fermented apples, has a long history as a folk remedy for numerous conditions ranging from curing hiccups and alleviating cold symptoms to making your hair shine, whitening your teeth, and freshening your breath."




What is CBD? The Everyday Guide to Cannabidiol

Date: January 01, 2017 11:19 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What is CBD? The Everyday Guide to Cannabidiol

CBD, which is rapidly gaining popularity, is known for its immense healing properties that are just being discovered as scientific research into the cannabis plant expands. "CBD is quickly expanding beyond the medical marijuana community and into totally new demographics. This rapid growth is certain to continue as more and more individuals discover how CBD can play a positive role in their own healthcare outcomes," said Patrick O'Malley, President of Good Life Colorado. Dr. Noel Palmer, Ph.D., The Chief Scientist at Mary's Medicinals, is equally enthusiastic the excitement around CBD, "CBD has amazing therapeutic efficacy for a large variety of conditions, but it doesn't get you stoned. For those who want a plant-derived medicine, CBD is an great option with very few negative side effects."

Key Takeaways:

  • "CBD is quickly expanding beyond the medical marijuana community and into totally new demographics (senior citizens and athletes, to name just two).
  • For those who want a plant-derived medicine, CBD is an great option with very few negative side effects."
  • Hemp products are distributed nationally and are regulated by the Department of Agriculture. You can purchase CBD online and have it shipped to your home within the United States.

"As America's fastest growing industry, the legal cannabis industry is navigating unchartered territory by producing and selling products made from a versatile plant that has been in the shadows for the last 80 years."



5 ways to avoid food poisoning

Date: December 08, 2016 06:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 5 ways to avoid food poisoning

Approximately 48 million Americans are the victims of food poisoning every year, according to the CDC. They caution people to be aware of their food and cooking habits in order to avoid this illness. Perhaps the most important rules to follow are to make sure chicken is cooked appropriately and avoid minced meat where possible. This is due to the fact that most chickens carry campylobacter and minced meats hold bacteria inside instead of just on the surface where it is easily killed. Also, they urge people to not keep food at room temperature too long and reheat adequately.

Key Takeaways:

  • The spores and toxins released by bacteria commonly found on food can flourish at this temperature.
  • Poultry expands beyond chicken, with infection also common in other commonly consumed birds with which people may be less vigilant in terms of hygiene.
  • Luckily, infection is usually self-controlling, meaning people don't get severely ill but instead recover over time.

"We've put together six common sense ways to avoid food poisoning and the key bacteria behind it -- a crib sheet to keep to hand in the kitchen."




Is your relationship with food on the rocks?

Date: November 24, 2016 04:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Is your relationship with food on the rocks?

Not everyone can manage to have a healthy relationship with food -- or, at least, that's the way it seems. Others seem like they're able to just eat whatever they want and stay alright, while others feel like they're addicted. Still, others bounce from diet to diet. Which are you? "Is your relationship with food on the rocks?" helps determine if your relationship with food is healthy, and what you can do about it if it's not.

Key Takeaways:

  • What, when and why we eat is so wrapped up in social and emotional factors that it goes way beyond simply fueling the body. With millions of Americans on diets every day, it’s challenging to tease out the truly disordered tidbits from what is considered “normal” eating.
  • People with eating disorders often become obsessed with pinning recipes, watching the Food Network and preparing elaborate meals and desserts that they themselves are unable to eat. This high level of preoccupation makes people feel like food is all they can think about.
  • The weight loss industry is a multi-billion dollar entity, and it is so seductive! Miracle meal plans, magic shakes, fat-incinerating supplements, you get the idea. Catchy claims draw people in, then drop them. Hard. Rapid weight loss can happen, but it doesn’t last.

"Eat healthy, but treat yourself. What, when and why we eat is so wrapped up in social and emotional factors that it goes way beyond simply fueling the body."



Feast on natural food for healthy eyes

Date: November 15, 2016 05:04 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Feast on natural food for healthy eyes

There are lots of natural foods that may help keep your eyesight in tip top condition. Eggs, green leafy vegetables, some fruits, nuts and beans all contain antioxidants and components that fight disease and protect the eyes from damage as we age. Some meats, like pork. Oysters and some fish may also help with eye health.

Key Takeaways:

  • After 27 hours of surgery, twin boys Anias and Jadon McDonald began a new life apart on Friday
  • The round-the-clock operation at the Children's Hospital at Montefiore Medical Center in the Bronx began Thursday morning and ended Friday
  • He was taken on an elevator to the pediatric intensive care unit on the 10th floor, where he was reunited with his parents

"So, there is more to eye nutrition beyond carrots."



Suffering from anxiety? These foods can calm it

Date: October 30, 2016 11:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Suffering from anxiety? These foods can calm it

If you are one of the millions of people that suffer from anxiety, a start to the solution can be as simple as changing your diet. The best foods to eat for anxiety include those brimming with folate, protein, & magnesium. These help regulate blood pressure and cortisol levels, leaving you with an overall calm feeling. Tryptophan in turkey can also contribute to the calming effect. The worst foods you can eat if you suffer from anxiety are large doses of alcohol, caffeine, & sugar. By following this basic information, you can be on your way to a calmer you.

Key Takeaways:

  • According to beyondblue, around 45 per cent of people will experience a mental health condition in their lifetime
  • Depression and anxiety have been linked to deficiencies in your folic acid levels
  • unsweetened Greek yoghurt is fat free and contains about 22g of protein per 170g serving

"According to beyondblue, around 45 per cent of people will experience a mental health condition in their lifetime and more than 2 million Australian adults are grappling with anxiety"


Boost Immunity With Source Naturals Wellness Formula

Date: October 06, 2016 05:30 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Boost Immunity With Source Naturals Wellness Formula

Trust the number one formula: Source Naturals Wellness Formula

Combining over 30 vitamins and time-tested herbs, this powerhouse formula goes beyond single-action products to provide comprehensive support to the multiple systems important to immune health.

Wellness Formula gives your body antioxidant defense, respiratory, and immune system support.  That's why Wellness Formula continues to win awards year after year.  Millions of people trust Source Naturals Wellness Formula. 

You Should Too!


Can L-Leucine Help Glucose Metabolism And Insulin Function?

Date: June 02, 2014 08:54 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Can L-Leucine Help Glucose Metabolism And Insulin Function?

What is a leucine

leucineLeucine is one of 3 amino acids that increases muscle mass and will also help you to recover after exercise. Leucine supplies the body with energy and regulate blood sugar. Being an essential amino acids, it cannot be synthesized by the body and thus you need to get it from food or supplements. But Can L-Leucine help glucose metabolism and insulin function?

What does leucine do

L-leucine has direct bearing on the amount of insulin produced. L-leucine will stimulate the amount of insulin produced by the pancreas. One of the ways in which it influences the amount of insulin produced is by enhancing glutaminolysis by allosterically activating GDH (glutamate dehydrogenase).

Benefits of leucine

Increased insulin levels have a major implications on glucose metabolism. Increased insulin level will directly result into faster glucose absorption into the blood stream. Increased glucose metabolism prevents the body from using lean muscles to supply energy during workouts. Unlike isoleucine and valine, L-leucine are converted to glucose slowly and thus you can have sustained energy for long.

It is also very effective in muscle building. By stimulating insulin release and glucose metabolism, it enables key nutrients such as amino acids, Creatine and glucose to enter muscle cells. Since insulin will stimulate rapid muscle synthesis while inhibiting protein breakdown, L-leucine will build lean muscle mass with a short period.

L-leucine is alternative to steroids, it is safer and its effects are lasting. During workouts, it supports oxidative metabolism in muscles and decrease protein degradation.

If you are looking for the best way you can build muscle mass and strength without adverse effects, L-leucine is premier supplement. Apart from building muscle, l-leucine will also improve brain functions. You can take more workouts. L-leusine supplement has been used by many body builders and has been proved beyond doubt to be effective supplement. If you have been wondering if l-leucine help glucose metabolism and insulin function, no doubt it is can.

You can also red more by visiting




Can Xylitol Help Prevent Tooth Decay As a Mouth Wash?

Date: March 11, 2014 05:25 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Can Xylitol Help Prevent Tooth Decay As a Mouth Wash?

Xylitol on tooth decay

tooth decayOne of the mouthwashes that has been proven to prevent tooth decay are those containing Xylitol. This is an ingredient that can be proven to promote dental hygiene and also prevent tooth decay. According to dental experts. Xylitol can help with the prevention of tooth decay. Tooth decay is caused by the sugars we eat, and in turn cause plaque and bacteria in the mouth.

Xylitol products

Xylitol is a natural sweetener that is found in the fibrous part of plants. Products containing this substance such as tooth pastes, mouthwashes and sprays have been found to substantially reduce the amount of decay that is experienced by many people. Those who are looking for dental products such as mouthwashes may wish to make sure that the product they buy contains this Xylitol.

The reason that this substance is so helpful is that it keeps sugars from breaking down in the mouth and sticking to the gums. Sugar is something which leads to bacteria and decay and needs to be prevented. This is the reason is still people that are going to find xylitol helpful in the prevention of cavities and decay.

Benefits of xylitol

The benefits of xylitol go beyond decay prevention however, the product can also help repair the enamel of the teeth. This is one of its other many uses. Those who choose to use this product in mouthwash will find that is has outstanding benefits for the individual and their overall dental health. Use products such as mouth wash that contain Xylitol and help stop tooth decay in its tracks. This is one premium product that can be used for oral hygiene. It is a great additive and one that can make a difference in oral health. Look for mouthwash containing Zylitol to help prevent tooth decay and preserve oral health for the long term.


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Date: January 28, 2014 08:46 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (

almond nutsBenefits of Almond

Almond is considered one of the earliest domesticated tree, the tree produce the drupe consisting of a hard shell and with a seed inside. The seed is grind to make the almond flour, which is used to make different kind of recipes, almond flour, is nutritious and also high in protein, low sugar and carbohydrates. Unlike other domestically used flour, almond flour is delicious in terms of taste.

Regular and daily use of Almond flour is good for the health; here are health benefits of almond flour;

Protects Arteries

When using Almond flour, reduces the chances and reduces the risk of heart disease, the flavonoids in the almond skin works with vitamin E which act as antioxidant, where it protect the arty walls from damages.

Weight Loss

Almonds is low in sugars and carbohydrates which are responsible to generate body fat, the almond provide healthy fats, just enough that is required by the body. Using the almond flour at least 2 times per week will help in balancing the body fat thus aid in weight loss.

Energy Nutrients

Almond is naturally low on cholesterol, but contain a limited amount of carbohydrates, which is a good source of fiber, certain amount of almond contain enough calories, protein, that are capable to give you energy to go all day long.

Brain and nervous system function

Almond flour contain L-carnitine and riboflavin nutrient, this nutrients help boost brain activities and stimulate the nervous system, they are also responsible in reducing the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. If used often the almond increase longevity and intellectual levels.

Rich in vitamin

The Almond flour is the best source of Vitamins; it contains vitamin E and vitamin B, and niacin, this vitamins support immune system and serves to protect cells against damage.

Alkalize the body

The almond flour has few protein that are able to form alkaline, this is a good course meal when you are low in alkaline, with low alkaline the body may be at risk of Osteoporosis, unhealthy weight gain and poor immune system. Almond reduce the rise in blood sugar and insulin after almond meal, the healthy benefit a lot beyond measure, if feed to the young ones, it help build strong teeth and bones.


How calcium can Help Prevent Bone Loss

Date: November 08, 2013 09:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How calcium can Help Prevent Bone Loss

calciumWhat is bone loss?

Bones are always in a flux. Since it's living tissue, old bone is absorbed, and new bone is built up. This process is referred to as remodeling. Bone loss occurs when there is absorption of more bone than is being built up.

What causes it?

Bone loss is a natural process that comes with age. There are factors that are beyond human control like genetics, sex, and ethnicity, that contribute to loss of bone. However, some lifestyle factors that can be controlled for instance, being physically inactive, low hormone levels, that is, estrogen in females, and testosterone in males, habits like smoking and drinking alcohol do contribute to faster loss of bone.

When you are intoxicated, you risk falling and breaking a bone. Alcohol cases loss of magnesium via urine. Smokers generally have weaker bones. Female smokers are even at a higher risk of bone fractures after menopause. They also begin their menopause early due to reduced estrogen levels. Both male and female smokers are thinner, thus tend to have less bone mass and take longer to heal in case of fractures.

How to salvage the situation

The best way to prevent bone loss is by ensuring that you develop very strong bones during the first 30 years of your life and then minimize their loss in adulthood. This is how to go about it:

Ensure that you intake vitamin D in your diet, expose yourself to early morning or evening sunlight, and take supplements if need be. Vitamin D is very helpful when calcium levels are low in the body. It is converted to its active form reducing loss of calcium via urine in the kidney, and increasing its absorption in the small intestine.

Intake a lot of calcium too, as there are two sources of calcium in your body: via your diet and from your bones. It is the latter that is dangerous. Your body will absorb calcium from the bones if there isn't enough in the body. This calcium is really difficult to replace.

Intake a diet with magnesium too. It helps in absorption of calcium. If there is excess calcium in the body, one could suffer from arthritis as it will collect in the soft tissues.

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What Is Candida And How Do You Fight It?

Date: December 27, 2012 03:29 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What Is Candida And How Do You Fight It?

Candida - or even more correctly known as Candida albicans - is now generally acknowledged as the specific kind of microscopic yeast which causes yeast infection or even thrush in humans -- known as Candidiasis.

Candida is a single cell living organism that grows into hives of many cells and can be observed physically at this stage when it infects body areas as white patches or clusters. This is how you might see it in the vagina, the throat or in the intestinal tract when a micro-camera is sent inside to investigate! Normally Candida's growth is stalled by other small micro-organisms known as good bacteria.

The Good Bacteria

The good bacteria do not have a tendency to cause any adverse symptoms in the body, and their actions really provide the body with many benefits. Acidophilus and bifidus are considered good bacteria. Normally, lower levels of Candida are good for the body and is not particularly a difficulty; in some respects it even provides some specific benefits to the body. Candida acts as a type of natural waste digester and ferments waste sugar in the body. But the problem actually starts when its growth goes beyond control.

What causes candida? - Answer: Anti-biotics

Antibiotics are one of the commonest causes that lead to candida condition. Antibiotics, while they might help cure infection in the body, disturb the balance of bacteria in the body by killing both good and the bad bacteria.

Weakened Immunological systems

Candida is generally kept under control naturally by your immunological system and good bacteria. Nonetheless when you are sick, it can grow out of control and induce infection and other problems.

Unhealthy Diet

Candida feeds on sugar. If you have got a diet loaded within junk food and sugary treats you are providing it with a feeding ground. An unhealthy diet also weakens your immune system.

Combating The issue

A good diet is the easiest way to prevent this problem. Steer clear of foods high in sugar as well as foods that have starchy carbs. After you shower, sweat or swim, ensure that you dry out any susceptible areas. Regular diaper changes also help stop Candida infections in babies. If you think that you may be suffering with candidiasis, visit your doctor first for the kind of diagnosis that is required. They'll likely prescribe a good anti-fungal medication. This treatment typically works well for an occasional yeast-related infection.

However, if you suffer from protracted infections then consider treating the core issue instead of the signs and symptoms of the disease. Frequent Candida infections are likely to occur due to an imbalance associated with bacteria, too much sugar in your body or a weakened immunity system. If you can prevent Candida overgrowth in your body you'll be able to avoid the infections associated with it. Some of the finest natural remedies for candida Shark liver It's a well known fact that shark liver oil can do wonders for the body with regards to improving the condition of the defense mechanisms.

This is important for sufferers of Candida since the best weapon everybody has against Candida running crazy in our bodies is our own immune system. Grape seed extract Another popular natural cure for Candida is grape fruit seed extract. Grapefruit extract can work as an anti-fungal solution that can help raise the body's pH to a degree where it is too acidic for the Candida to reside. Helping to restore the body's pH level back to healthy levels is a useful way of treating Candida.

Garlic pills Garlic pills are another common, all-natural way to deal with Candida. It's assumed that garlic can restrain the growth associated with Candida in the body since it does have some anti-microbial properties. Tea tree oils Studies have showed that tea tree oil is capable of destabilizing the cell walls of the yeast, making them easier for the body's immune response to kill them off. Because Candida is a comparatively new condition and is still so arguable, there's actually is no medical opinion accept antibiotics which cause the condition our best option is to treat it herbally. The best choice for any person looking to treat their Candida is to consult with a doctor, or at the least a qualified dietitian about the treatment they should follow.

You can also try the following natural remedies:


Bitter Orange Extract

Date: November 22, 2012 10:46 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Bitter Orange Extract


Indigenous to the Meditteranean region today, but brought to their shores by Arab tradesmen in 1200 , bitter orange or citrus aurantium was highly popular among herbalists all over the southern parts of Europe is mainly France, Greece, Spain and Italy. A botanical species commonly termed as seville orange and bigarade orange, this bitter citrus fruit is known for its oil extract, flavoring and use in the perfume industry.

However , the ancient Chinese used it for treating dyspepsia , abdominal distention and diarrhea. These uses also drew from its roots in ancient Greek experiments in aromatherapy, phyto-therapy and cosmetology. Its arrival in America can be credited to the Spaniards and the Portuguese who for very long had been using the fruit for its medical component. Bitter orange trees grew in abundance in the states of Florida, Louisiana and California way back in the middle of the nineteenth century.There have been numerous pharmacological indicators in the study of C aurantium actions and it has been termed as an anti spasmodic, anti fungal , anti bacterial, anti-inflammatory, sedative, tranquilizer and also a vascular stimulant.

Studies, Benefits

Recent studies about its effect on cancer cells is underway. A Closer Look At Its Health Benefits Bitter orange peel, flower and seed are known to have varying effects on the human body and its studies date back centuries. Quite simply it has the ability to squeeze blood vessels, affect the heart rate and also change the level of metabolism. A closer look at its components would help focus on their particular impact on health.

  • * A Source Of Flavonoids: Useful in indications such as inflammations and bacterial or fungal infections.
  • * Intense source of Vitamin C which is an immunity booster. Drinking its juice, which is rather bitter, does help in aiding digestive health, ridding the body of waste and in cases of gastrointestinal constrictions.
  • * Regulation of fat cells in the blood and lowering of sugar levels in diabetics.
  • *Blood purification by aiding the function of liver, kidney, bladder and the gall bladder; its use as a detoxifying agent has been proved beyond doubt.
  • *Bitter orange peel powder is known to improve appetite by toning the intestines while on the other hand it is known to act as an appetite suppressant.
  • * Treating of shock and Insomnia-the tincture made with its peel is useful in thee symptoms as well as to cure chronic headache and bodyache.
  • *Presence of synephrine which is an active compound in bitter orange is a stimulant in body activities.

It results in faster metabolism, increase in heart rate by affecting the adrenaline system, and in turn aid in weight loss. What needs to be seen is whether this metabolism booster is in any way a retardant with any other medication that you may be taking.

Many have reverted to bitter orange extracts to tackle their weight problem after the ban on ephedra by the US drug administration . what is needed is prudence as most consider bitter orange as a health supplement forgetting its rather potent effect on the body .


Benefits of magnesium chelate

Date: June 23, 2012 02:31 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Benefits of magnesium chelate

According to various authority websites on the internet magnesium chelate usage can result in positive effects for the human body. The fact is that people will need to balance its use and not take too much, because otherwise, like with any overdose, they will be in for some side effects.

The way it works

There are basically two types of magnesium out there and they number the insoluble and the soluble version. The latter gets absorbed by the human body very well, but when it comes to the former, it will take some time until the body manages to dissolve and absorb it. One of the benefits of using the soluble version is that the body can absorb it very easily and after that supplement the entire system, maintain a healthy level of magnesium and improve the immune system. For adults it's recommended they would take four hundred milligrams of magnesium on a daily basis, depending on their size and gender.

Positive Effects

The truth is that magnesium chelate is an amino acid that occurs naturally in the human body. Some of its positive side effects number improving the normal functioning of the heart, of the muscles, of the bones and also an improvement in the bloodstream of magnesium deficient individuals. There are also many people who choose to take magnesium in order to improve the quality of their sleep by calming down their entire nervous system.

On top of that, magnesium also showed positive effects in helping the body absorb potassium, calcium, decrease the risk of heart attacks, maintaining a low blood pressure and reducing high blood pressure.

Diabetes is a lifelong disease, but studies and experiments have shown that taking magnesium people will be able to defer it. Those who have a deficiency in this element will oftentimes feel weak, deal with nauseas and experience fatigue. In some cases it can lead to an impaired cardiovascular function and even seizures.

For a healthy cardiovascular function and strong bones, calcium is a must for everyone. More to that, if an individual has a low magnesium level this can be mainly because of a low blood calcium.

Guidelines for taking magnesium chelate

Many health institutes recommend that adults (women) who are between nineteen to thirty years old will take three hundred and ten milligrams of magnesium on a daily basis. After the age of 30, they should take three hundred and twenty mg per day. In regards to men between 19 and 30 years old and even beyond that, they should take four hundred mg per day and four hundred and twenty mg respectively. In case of an overdose (even though it's very rare) people will experience gastrointestinal distress and to avoid it, they should strictly follow the recommended dosage.

As people can see, taking magnesium can be quite beneficial for the overall healthy functioning of their body, yet as with any type of drug out there, taking too much of it can have a few undesired side effects.


The Benefits of the Amazing Duo of CoQ10 and Red Yeast Rice

Date: March 11, 2012 03:08 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Benefits of the Amazing Duo of CoQ10 and Red Yeast Rice

What Is Cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a substance produced by the liver that provides a number of benefits to the body. A problem occurs when the level of blood LDL or bad cholesterol goes beyond a normal level. High level of bad cholesterol in the body can inflict damage to the arteries during the process of oxidation which can lead to the heavy accumulation of stiffened fats and deposits in the walls of the arteries. This can constrict the arteries that eventually lead to a minimal flow of oxygen-rich blood to the heart and brain. Inadequate supply of blood to the heart and brain can trigger heart attack and stroke. When the kidney perceives an inadequacy in the supply of blood to the brain and heart, it produces substances that help in increasing the supply of blood to these organs. However, in effect, it also increases blood pressure.

Many serious health complications emanate from abnormally high levels of bad cholesterol or low density lipoprotein (LDL) in the body. As people get older, their awareness about maintaining an optimum level of cholesterol should increase significantly. Undeniably, cardiovascular diseases that are triggered by high levels of cholesterol in the body have been one of the major causes of death worldwide.

Red Yeast Rice

Intake of red yeast rice is considered to be one of the most effective alternative ways to lower the level of cholesterol in the body. It is produced by fermenting a certain type of red yeast that is poured over the rice. Researchers believed that red yeast rice contains high levels of substance lovastatin that inhibits the production of enzyme HMG-CoA reductase which is responsible in regulating the production of cholesterol in the body. Red yeast rice actually contains sufficient amount of monacolin K and 8 more monacolin substances that are work like statin drugs in reducing the level of cholesterol. Basically, the substances prevent the liver from producing alarming level of bad cholesterol.

Lowering Effects of LDL

Red yeast rice is a great alternative choice for patients who are searching for non-prescription ways of lowering their cholesterol. A clinical study shows that red yeast rice can significantly lower the level of cholesterol in the body by as much as 20% without exposing the victim to the risk of suffering from muscle pain. Another study reveals that after taking 1800mg of RYR daily for 12 weeks, the users' bad cholesterol level have significantly drop by 27%.

Red yeast rice is actually an FDA-recognized dietary supplement. It is renowned for its capacity to work similar to a statin drug that effectively drives the body to achieve an optimum level of cholesterol. A number of scientific studies revealed that intake of red yeast rice can significantly lower the levels of bad cholesterol and triglycerides in the body. Furthermore, studies show that continuous intake of red yeast rice can contribute a lot in improving the amount of total cholesterol.

Together with red yeast rice, CoQ10 make an amazing duo in lowering the level of bad cholesterol in the body and promote overall cardiovascular health. Intake of CoQ10 is highly recommended to people who take red yeast rice because CoQ10 provides energy and strength to the heart when pumping blood to other organs. When used together, CoQ10 and red yeast rice can increase the transfer of oxygen and energy between the cells and the blood which leads to a significant reduction in the level of cholesterol produced.



Date: February 15, 2012 06:58 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Ashwagandha


Ashwagandha is a popularly known dietary supplement that is commonly grown in India and North America. Also known by the name Indian Winter Cherry, ashwagandha is a product of the brown roots of a shrub that goes by the same name and which is believed to have a wide range of benefits for many ailments. Ashwagandha has always been considered as a very important herb in ayurvedic medicinal systems. This is particularly because of its wide application in curing a wide range of ailments, which has earned it a lot of respect in the eyes of traditional herbal healers. In fact, even modern science has started grasping the herb's potent abilities. Research has already confirmed that ashwagandha possess antioxidant, anti-inflammatory as well as anti-stress properties. This article will hence discuss some of the benefits of ashwagandha to our bodies.

Ashwagandha effects

Ashwagandha is particularly recognized for it calming effect on the body. Some researchers have even indicated that it has the ability to induce sleep. Research has demonstrated that it calming and sleep-inducing effects or properties are much similar to that of the popular amino acid known as GABA.

Ashwagandha is also popularly recognized for its ability to ease restlessness or anxiety in addition to reduction of drug withdrawal symptoms. It has the ability to stabilize one's moods in addition to encouraging adrenal recovery which has made it very valuable among herbalists.

The benefits of ashwagandha extend far beyond mood stabilization as it also finds applicable use in helping elderly people to have a better cognitive ability, mental agility as well as enhance their memory and retention. Other than the above, ashwagandha is also known as a very effective remedy for fighting the symptoms of colds as well as coughs.

An Antioxidant

Recent research has also provided reliable prove that ashwagandha bears a lot of potential ability towards decreasing or inhibiting the growth of cancer cells without having any side effects on other healthy cells.

Ashwagandha is also an antioxidant that contains anti-aging properties and is traditionally recognized for its ability in the nourishment of muscles and the brain as well as strengthening the immune system. Studies have also indicated that the orange berries of the ashwagandha shrub can be tropically used in the treatment of skin ulcers, tumors and carbuncles. Ashwagandha also has anti-inflammatory properties that provide relief to swellings as well as restores blood supply.

Pain Relief

It also works as a suppressant to any form of pain. This is due to its “ushan virya” potency properties that help in the eradication of pain in the body. It is also known as an effective remedy for diseases such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, as well as sciatica. It use also has effective application as a remedy for goiter, lymphadenopathy, as well as healing any wounds or injuries.

As a powerful aphrodisiac, ashwagandha helps in the enhancement of sexual energy in addition to long lasting endurance in both men and women. In men, it improves sperm count as well as sperm quality.

Further research has indicated that ashwagandha is an effective treatment for diabetes, constipation, nerve problems, memory loss, impotency, bipolar disorder among a list of other endless physical ailments.

Ashwagandha, taken with a healthy diet as well as accompanied by healthy lifestyle choices is a great way of guaranteeing one's protection from minor ailments as well as promotion of physical strength.


Is Wasabi Healthy For The Body?

Date: September 22, 2011 04:02 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Is Wasabi Healthy For The Body?


In the modern world we are familiar with different kinds of cuisine and we even focus on it sometimes. How many newly opened restaurants have you seen in your local area draw a crowd or how many food festivals do you go to a year? We as a society love food and most of the time comfort food. With this enthusiasm towards food it’s hard to find a person that is not familiar with wasabi.

Many consider this in a way as a comfort food in Japanese society and this is a food staple in most Japanese kitchens if not all of them. This is the common condiment to accompany any Japanese cuisine and it’s almost unfathomable to find a Japanese restaurant that does not have wasabi in their condiment menu. beyond its greatness as a symbol of Japanese cuisine it would also seem that it has other benefits, health benefits in fact, so let’s try to find out what those are. First though, let’s find out more about this well known food condiment and see it in another light.

What is Wasabi?

Wasabi in its most natural form pretty much looks like any other herb plant, green and leafy. Many times in the past it has been compared to be most like mustard and horseradish. The main thing that sets it apart is its unique smell. As one would expect the wasabi plant is native to Japan and grows in its cool regions which are its mountain regions. In recent times though especially with the exceptional health of most Japanese compared to other cultures in the world the interest in wasabi for health benefits has been more looked in to.

Wasabi Health Benefits

Wasabi has many positive effects to our body but number one on my list would be cancer protection. Many studies have shown that wasabi is isothiocyanates rich which is a potent anti cancer chemical also found in broccoli and cabbage. This chemical is what gives wasabi its cancer fighting properties because it is believed to activate liver detoxifying substances that aids in clearing the liver of substances that damages cells and ultimately cause cancer. In addition it also is able to do this without causing any side effects on cells and cause damage to it. It also has been proven over time and nowadays modern research that it has anti inflammatory effects.

The same chemical once again that makes wasabi a cancer fighter is also what makes it an effective anti inflammatory. It also has the ability in certain studies to protect from platelet aggregation which in turn give wasabi the ability to aid in heart health and help in the prevention of stroke. You also may have seen in the market today some antibacterial products, mainly soaps and hand washes that are wasabi based. This should attest to the fact that wasabi also has antibacterial properties and it seemed to have the right characteristics to stop certain strains of bacteria from growing and proliferating.

Grab some wasabi today and reap the health benefits for your self.


Can Tea Tree Oil Reduce Scarring?

Date: September 16, 2011 03:50 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Can Tea Tree Oil Reduce Scarring?


Scarring can be traumatic for any person and yet it may be a source of pride for others, in fact many native cultures in the world that is still left untouched by the modern world still has scarring as part of decorating their bodies. However we also need to look at it in a different view, it is a fact of life that we do not live in a native world, we need to adhere to common beliefs in terms of what beauty is and let’s face it, being full of scars is not something that many people look for and deem as beautiful.

How does it happen?

The formation of scars is a natural process. It simply is our body healing itself after injury. The main difference though is that when the skin is the part of the body that is injured it leaves a mark that we can see and I say that because like all healing processes in the body their always is a small mark left and the problem never really gets completely repaired unless the injury happens while you are very young or if you have amazing regenerative gifts. There are a lot of factors that could influence scars and of course depth and size of the injury are the ones that play a major role in shaping the scars characteristics.

Types of Scars

First and most common are Keloid scars. This is a result of a very aggressive healing process by the body and in some cases it even can affect mobility as it extends beyond the normal wound or injury. Second would be Hypertrophic scars. These types of scars are a little similar to keloid but the main difference is that it does not extend out of the injury zone but in terms of look and texture it is very similar to keloid. The third are contracture scars. This is commonly caused by the burning of the skin. It also has the ability to impair your mobility as this has a characteristic of going deeper into your muscles and nerves to impede its functionality. Lastly you have the scars that result from acne and which is appropriately named as acne scars.

Tea Tree Oil and Scars

This oil has been known to have wondrous effects to the health with even just one drop. Studies have shown that the use of Tea Tree Oil or also known as meleleuca alternifolia on scars is one of the most effective ways to aid in the treatment of scars. Its strong cell regenerative properties are what makes tea tree oil important and potent in healing scars. It also could help in preventing other skin problems and acne.

Another reason why it is so effective is it has a natural antiseptic effect for skin infections and problems and it is able to penetrate the epidermis to do its healing from within which adds to its potency. Plus, the best thing about it is that, it is mild on the skin, it does all this without any side effects that other skin treatments has like drying the skin or causing minor irritations.


Looking for weight management Results. Frustrated with yo-yo dieting.

Date: May 06, 2011 01:34 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Looking for weight management Results. Frustrated with yo-yo dieting.

1. Decrease caloric consumption 2. Increase exercise 3. Take inflama-Trim

Frustrated with yo-yo dieting

SOURCE NATURALS - Inflama Trim 90 TabletsYou may not know that inflammation is a factor in weight retention. Inflama-trim is a completely new approach to healthy weight management. It uses a powerful array of nutrients to break the cycle of metabolic inflammation, a biochemical process that may influence inappropriate storage of glucose and fats. Other products deal with thermogenesis and increasing metabolism. Inflama-Trim goes beyond thermogenesis and metabolism to take on inflammation as a significant factor in healthy weight management.

Inflammation – Inflama-trim addresses metabolic inflammation by inhibiting inflammatory chemical messengers. Help “cool down” metabolic inflammation, which can alter body chemistry and is a factor in weight retention.

Metabolism – Revving up metabolism with carefully formulated ingredients can help support cellular metabolism and thermogenesis. Light the fire and “heat up” your body’s ability to burn calories and stored fat.

Stress support – Stress does more than wear you out. Cortisol, a hormone that increases in the body in response to stress, helps regulate metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Nutrients and herbs in Inflama-Trim help support relaxation and help balance the body’s stress response.

Energy – Increased metabolism combined with feeling calmer and more balanced can result in higher energy levels without the jitters that come with just taking pure stimulants.

**Because inflama-trim addresses the fundamental, biochemical sources of weight retention, when combined with the maximum metabolism diet and exercise plan included in every bottle, it is an effective tool to achieve results. Change your chemistry and change your life with inflama-trim!


Vitamin D And Calcium - Phosphorus Absorption

Date: January 14, 2011 12:21 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Vitamin D And Calcium - Phosphorus Absorption

The human body is indeed a very complex system that needs various vitamins and minerals to sustain its vigor and life. One of the essential vitamins that is a must for our body to have is Vitamin D. The function of the said vitamin would sound very simple but if you ponder it deeper you will realize that beyond the simplicity lies its true essence and use.

The most vital function of vitamin D is for calcium and phosphorous absorption for bone and teeth growth. Not only that, it also aids in regulating the use and consumption of both minerals. To simply elaborate the vitamin’s mechanism of action, here goes the explanation. Adequate intake of Vitamin D could help your body decipher whether phosphorous and calcium will be deposited into your bones or would be discarded out of your system. Hence, for individuals who do not have sufficient intake of vitamin D, they would find it difficult to maintain homeostasis of the two essential minerals- calcium and phosphorous.

As early as now, we have to do our best and engage in different ways and means on how we can ensure that our body is getting enough vitamin D. It has been stated in several medical literatures that with adequate exposure to morning sunlight for approximately twenty to thirty minutes or an hour depending on the person’s skin tone, the body could generate its own vitamin D. the explanation for the difference in the required exposure is based on the fact that individuals who have dark colored skin has undeniably more skin pigments that could filter ultraviolet rays.

Because vitamin D is responsible in maintaining the health of your bones and teeth, a deficiency with the said vitamin would lead to a condition known as rickets. Rickets is characterized by bone fragility caused by depletion of calcium and protein deposits in your bones. However, as the golden rule dictates, too much of everything is bad. So if you consume too much of vitamin D, there would be a high probability that it will cause you a problem in your kidneys, heart and other vital organs brought about by calcium deposits.

Vitamin D can be found on the array of foods that we eat. Some food groups that contain high and liberal amounts of vitamin D includes: butter, milk, cod liver oil, cream, yogurt, tuna and egg yolks. However, despite of their high content of vitamin D, extra caution must be employed in eating such foods for it contains high level of bad cholesterol that is very detrimental to one’s body which in the long run would bring you to an undesirable state of health. Another wonder that vitamin D brings is the capacity of slowing down the growing number of cancer cells and in preventing grave illness such as multiple sclerosis, psoriasis diabetes mellitus and arthritis.

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Myth: Hydrolysis is bad for you.

Date: April 08, 2010 04:05 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Myth: Hydrolysis is bad for you.


Agave contains Fructans or Inulin, not starch. Fructans are a naturally occurring polysaccharide or complex sugar consisting of Fructose and Glucose. Certain plants produce Fructans which is a form of energy storage. Most plants that synthesize/store Fructans do not store other material such as starch.

Enzymatic hydrolysis (one of two processes of deriving agave nectar) uses a Non-GMO enzyme to separate the complex sugars found in Fructans. No refinement beyond the evaporation of water is involved.

Hydrolysis in its simplest form is the separation of molecules. Everyday our body naturally performs simple hydrolysis in the conversion of energy for our daily tasks. In the process of Agave Nectar we are taking a complex molecule such as Fructan and separating it into natural molecules your body can absorb called Fructose and Glucose. This is the same exact process of how bees make honey. The nectar is hydrolyzed by an enzyme in the bee’s stomach and then they fan their wings to evaporate the natural water before capping the comb.


Myth: Agave Nectar uses Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) enzymes much the same as High

Date: April 08, 2010 04:05 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Myth: Agave Nectar uses Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) enzymes much the same as High


Enzymatic hydrolysis (one of two processes of deriving agave nectar) uses a Non-GMO enzyme to separate the complex sugars found in Fructans. No refinement beyond the evaporation of water is involved.


Clantro (Coriander Plant) to remove heavy metals

Date: November 05, 2009 01:51 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Clantro (Coriander Plant) to remove heavy metals

Cilantro Heavy Metal Detox With Chlorella

Cantro - Coriander plantPlanetary Herbals is pleased to introduce Cilantro heavy metal detox, a unique herbal cleansing formula for defense against today’s environmental toxins. The herbs in Cilantro heavy metal detox are known to bind to heavy metals, helping to clear them from the body. Chlorella is added to increase the chelating and cleansing actions of cilantro. This combination also provides effective antioxidant support for overall cell health.

Planetary Herbals Cilantro heavy metal detox contains organic cilantro leaf and organic chlorella, for the purest product possible.

Herbs: Nature’s Answer to a Toxic World

Cilantro (one of the names used for the leaves of the coriander plant, Coriandrum sativum) is an ancient herb that has been used for millennia for health and for its robust, savory taste. beyond its culinary value, modern research has confirmed the benefits of cilantro as a natural means of internal cleansing.

Recent studies show the cilantro attaches to heavy metals in the bloodstream. This process, known as “Chelation,” helps our bodies eliminate metals from our systems, and helps cleanse and purify our tissues, organs and blood. This process is supported with the addition of chlorella, single celled algae that work synergistically to enhance cilantro’s chelating and cleansing ability. Chlorella - single celled algae

Binding heavy metals

Thousands of noxious chemical compounds, many of which didn’t exist on the planet 100 years ago, now pervade our food, water, and air. Heavy metals like lead, mercury, arsenic, aluminum, and cadmium enter our bodies through food, air, cooking utensils, deodorant, and even the fillings in our teeth.

Cilantro’s properties that enable binding with these toxins are thought to come from unique constituents, including citric acid, phytic acid, and electrolytes that attach to metals. The sequestration of metal ions by chlorella is assumed to be accomplished by surface ligands in the cell walls. Simply stated, both cilantro and chlorella contain properties that bind with metals, and chlorella additionally helps purge the bound metals from the organs.

Planetary Herbals: the PhytoDynamic Difference

Cilantro heavy metal detox is the latest in a herbal product line based on the principles of PhytoDynamics. PhytoDynamics unites a profound understanding of the interaction between plants and people, a commitment to holistic integrity of herbs for optimal efficacy, a strong grounding in scientific research, a world class quality control team, and a level of clinical expertise unmatched in the industry.


Probiotic, Health, and Capsules

Date: August 04, 2009 02:16 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Probiotic, Health, and Capsules

More than 50 million people have from slight to continuing digestive episodes. It has now become accepted and even proven helpful to talk about bloating, gas, diarrhea, constipation, acid reflux, and other uncomfortable sensations.

Digestive health is an everyday consideration, especially as we grow older. The good news is it’s a wellness issue in most cases. Over 400 distinct species of microorganisms inhabit the various regions of the human digestive tract, making up nearly four pounds of every individual’s total body weight. This vast population of microorganisms far exceeds the number of tissue cells that make up the human body.

What is beginning to be understood is that the gut has the power to influence out health, well-being and resistance to disease far beyond our previous convictions. How do probiotics fit into the gut health picture? Many consumers are starting to understand that prevention is one of the keys.

The wellness issue is an understanding that we may be bombarded with unwanted bacteria every hour of our day. These bacteria co-exist and in some cases balance each other in out vast internal ecosystem. It is with this balance that probiotics have protected your but for many years.

By consuming probiotics on a daily basis, one can successfully reduce or prevent colon disease. Are you taking a good probiotic on a daily basis? Taking a daily probiotic capsule can help boost your health and help you liver longer and happier.


NOW Foods is the Leading Brand for Amino Acids in Health Food Stores

Date: April 29, 2009 04:16 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: NOW Foods is the Leading Brand for Amino Acids in Health Food Stores

-Michael Lelah, Ph.D. / Technical Director

It was recently announced that NOW Foods is now the leading brand for the amino acid segment in Health Food Stores. We sell over 100 different formulas of single and multiple amino acids in powder, capsule, tablet, and liquid forms. We cover the alphabet from L-Arginine to L-Tyrosine, with high potency products such as Acetyl L-Carnitine 750 mg, 1,000 mg L-Carnitine Tartrate, and our new 1000 mg L-Tryptophan Tabs coming in June. Most amino acids come in two optical forms – the L-form and the D-form. The L-form is the only true natural form, while the more common D- and DL-forms are synthetic. At NOW Foods, we only carry the natural L-form. This is the safest form, naturally found in foods and in the human body. Taurine and Glycine have no optical rotation, and therefore occur in only one natural form with no L- or D- designation.

Our L-amino acids are of the highest quality available, and our ingredient powders conform to USP standards. The USP standards cover identity, purity and potency testing. This means that each lot of amino acid ingredient is tested to ensure that (a) it really is the amino acid we say it is, and not something else, (b) it’s pure to the highest USP standards, and (c) it has the full potency that you require. At NOW Foods, we take our amino acids seriously, and we even go beyond the USP level of testing when we believe it is necessary. For example, every lot of our L-Tryptophan is tested to ensure that it is free of Peak E. This is the impurity which is believed to have been responsible for serious adverse events twenty years ago. We rigorously enforce this standard, and this goes beyond USP requirements. We have rejected a number of lots of L-Tryptophan because of the presence of Peak E. We will not sell you these rejected materials, and we hope that others do not as well. We can’t control what others do, but we can control what we do and we assure you of L-Tryptophan tested to be free of Peak E.

Our state-of-the-art analytical labs allow us to perform our own testing on our amino acids to doubly ensure their quality. We have 9 HPLCs that we use every day to test and retest our aminos to confirm their potency, purity and identity. We have very strong analytical, professional, and technical staff members who have many years of experience in testing amino acids. So much so that we are involved in developing industry validated methods for L-Carnitine and L-Arginine. NOW scientists are setting the standards for amino acid testing.

Most amino acids are quite stable and they can be packaged in standard containers. These amino acids will maintain their shelf life through their Best By date, and we test to make sure they do. SAMe however, is a uniquely unstable amino acid compound. Because of this, we provide triple protection – glass bottles, moisture control and oxygen control. SAMe is distinctly susceptible to oxygen degradation. We are the only major brand to offer our SAMe packaged with Ageless® oxygen absorbing packets, which remove integrity-challenging oxygen from every bottle to reduce degradation. We go that one step further to protect our products! Finally, we’re the leading amino acid brand because our products work. As an example, in a published study2, our SAMe was directly compared against the leading drug – Celebrex®.

NOW Foods brand SAMe performance was the same as the drug supporting joint health, but without the pharmaceutical side effects. All in all, we are not the leading brand in this category just because of our great prices. We have significant science and quality behind all of our products, not just amino acids, and we hope that you consider our rigorous efforts in quality assurance, safety and efficacy when making a purchase.

1. SPINScan Natural Channel, 52 weeks ending 02.21.09. 2. Najim, W.I., et al, SAMe versus celecoxib…, BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2004, 5:6.



Date: March 27, 2009 01:56 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Phytoestrogen

Menopause is the time at which a woman stops ovulating and menstruation ceases, which indicates the end of fertility. Menopause is not a disease, but rather a natural progression in life, similar to puberty. Many years before a woman stops ovulating, her ovaries will begin to slow their production of the hormones estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. Estrogen and progesterone are often thought of as the reproductive hormones.

Although estrogen is essential in reproduction, it is also extremely important in other non-reproductive organs and systems in the body. Cells in the uterus, bladder, breasts, skin, bones, arteries, heart, liver, and brain all contain estrogen receptors. These organs need this hormone in order to stimulate these receptors for normal cell function. Estrogen is needed to keep the skin smooth and moist and the body’s internal thermostat working properly. Estrogen is also essential for proper bone formation. Even though estrogen levels drop sharply after menopause, they do not disappear entirely. Other organs take over for the ovaries, continuing to produce a less potent form of estrogen. These organs, known as endocrine glands, secrete some hormones from fatty tissue in order to maintain bodily functions.

Progesterone works along with estrogen, stimulating changes in the lining of the uterus to complete the preparation for a fertilized egg during the second half of the menstrual cycle. If no egg is fertilized, the uterine lining is broken down and expelled, allowing the cycle to being again. Progesterone also has effects beyond the reproductive system, as it calms the brain and also affects other aspects of nervous system function. Testosterone is most important for both men and women, with women producing about 80 percent less than men do. However, it is the driving force for maintaining a healthy life and proper functioning organs.

The period when a woman’s body is preparing for menopause is known as perimenopause. For the majority of women, hormone production beings to slow down then they reach their thirties, continuing to diminish with age. Many women will experience few if any symptoms at this time, but others may suffer from anxiety, dry skin, fatigue, feelings of bloating, headaches, heart palpitations, hot flashes, insomnia, irritability, decreased interest in their significant other, loss of concentration, mood swings, night sweats, reduced stamina, urinary incontinence, uterine dryness and itching, weight gain, cold hands and feet, joint pain, hair loss, and/or skin changes.

Menopause occurs when a woman stops menstruating altogether. At this point, most of the acute problems a woman may have experienced are actually over and a new balance between all hormones should be established. However, women become increasingly vulnerable to other, potentially serious health problems at this time. Over the long term, the diminished supply of estrogen increased the likelihood of cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, and uterine atrophy. Osteoporosis especially is a major problem for women after menopause, with an estimated 80 percent of the hip fractures that occur in the United States every year being due to osteoporosis.

A proper diet, nutritional supplements, and exercise can help to minimize or eliminate most of the unpleasant side effects of menopause. The following nutrients are recommended for dealing with this stage of life: beta-1, cerasomal, coenzyme Q10, DHEA, essential fatty acids, lecithin granules, a multi-enzyme complex, soy protein, vitamin B complex, vitamin D3, vitamin E, boron, calcium, magnesium, quercetin, silica, zinc, l-arginine, multiglandular complex, a multivitamin and mineral complex, vitamin C, aloe vera gel, slippery elm, damiana, amaranth, chickweed, dandelion greens, nettle, seaweed, watercress, anise, black cohosh, fennel, licorice, raspberry, sage, unicorn root, wild yam root, hops, valerian root, gotu kola, red clover, dong quai, St. John’s wort, and Siberian ginseng.

All these above listed vitamins and herbs are available in capsule, tablet, or powder forms. When looking for natural alternatives to help replace estrogen naturally, look to your local or internet health food store for name brand products that can help restore an imbalance over time.

Vitanet ®, LLC


Boost Memory

Date: March 23, 2009 01:56 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Boost Memory

Our memory is as natural to us as breathing. An ability we all have, but don’t often think of, it doesn’t seem to cross our mind until we perceive that we are losing the ability. Memory lapses are an annoyance in themselves, but the anxiety that often comes along with them seems to be even worse. We often wonder if our memory problems are a symptom of some other problem like midlife depression, arteriosclerosis, or even Alzheimer’s disease. Although Alzheimer’s disease is a fairly common disorder among older people, one must realize that most memory lapses have nothing to do with Alzheimer’s disease.

Generally, it is believed that increasing age brings about an increased likelihood of developing memory loss. The mildest form of this illness is called age-associated memory impairment. This is characterized by one’s perception of his or her own memory loss and it is estimated that it is experienced by 40 percent of Americans over the age of sixty-five. Not all memory loss is attributable to aging, as occasional memory lapses are a natural normal part of life at almost any age, and are not likely to precede serious memory loss. With a proper diet, nutrition, and memory use, the memory should remain sharp and active well into one’s nineties or beyond.

One big reason why people suffer from memory loss is an insufficient supply of necessary nutrients to the brain. The life of the body is in the blood, as it literally feeds and nourishes every cell within our bodies. Only certain substances are allowed to pass from the bloodstream into the brain, thanks to the protective envelope that is known as the blood-brain barrier. If the blood is thick with cholesterol and triglycerides, the amount of nutrient-rich blood that can pass through the blood-brain barrier decreases. This can result in the brain becoming malnourished over time.

The functioning of the brain also depends upon substances that are referred to as neurotransmitters, which are brain chemicals that act as electrical switches in the brain and are responsible for all the functions of the body. If the brain does not have an adequate supply of neurotransmitters, or the nutrients to make them, it starts to develop something similar to a power failure or a short circuit. If you are trying to recall as specific fact or piece of information and your mind goes blank, it is likely that the above “short circuit” has occurred.

There are many other factors that are involved in the deterioration of the memory. One of the most important is exposure to free radicals, which can cause huge amounts of damage if the memory is unchecked. Alcoholics and drug addicts often suffer a great deal of memory loss, with alcoholics being notorious for huge memory gaps that occur even though they are conscious. Allergies, candidiasis, stress, thyroid disorders, and poor circulation to the brain can also contribute to memory loss, while hypoglycemia can play a role in memory loss as well, as the brain requires that the level of glucose in the blood fall within a specific narrow range. Wide swings in blood sugar levels affect brain function and memory.

The following nutrients are beneficial in dealing with and preventing memory loss: acetylcholine, boron, DMAE, garlic, huperzine A, lecithin granules, manganese, multivitamin and mineral complex, omega-3 fatty acid complex, phosphatidyl choline, phosphatidyl serine, SOD, vitamin A, vitamin B complex, vitamin B3, vitamin C, vitamin E, zinc, acetyl-l-carnitine, l-glutamine, l-tyrosine, coenzyme Q10, DHEA, DMG, melatonin, NADH, pregnenolone, RNA and DNA, Brahmi, ginkgo biloba, anise, blue cohosh, ginseng, gotu kola, and rosemary.

All of the above mentioned as well as formulas tailored to help improve memory can be found in capsule, table, or power forms. Remember, only look to name brands such as Solaray, Source Naturals and Natures Plus for quality products. Memory vitamins and herbs can be found at your local or internet health food store.

*Statements contained herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Vitamins and herbs are not intended to diagnose, treat and cure or prevent disease. Always consult with your professional health care provider before changing any medication or adding Vitamins to medications.

Vitanet ®. LLC


Long-Sought Food Labeling Law Underway

Date: March 19, 2009 04:55 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Long-Sought Food Labeling Law Underway

Shoppers will have more information about where their food comes from under a new policy, which started this week. Labels on most fresh meats, along with some fruits, vegetables and other foods, will now list where the food originated. In the case of meats, some labels will list where the animal was born, raised and slaughtered.

This is good news to most American that fear they eat foods imported form countries who do not have dumping regulations. Meaning some foods could be grown right next to a land fill that has all kinds of toxins brewing in it. Unhealthy to any who consume these foods.

Commodities covered under COOL must be labeled at retail to indicate its country of origin. For fish and shellfish, the method of production, wild or farm-raised, must be specified. Commodities are excluded from mandatory COOL if the commodity is an ingredient in a processed food item.

Hopefully more manufactures will comply with the new ruling and go beyond the standards to help Americans make a sound choice at the grocery store.

Vitanet ®, LLC


Hyaluronic Acid can help Restore Joint Function

Date: December 01, 2008 10:03 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Hyaluronic Acid can help Restore Joint Function

Hyaluronic acid, also known as hyaluronan, is one of the main components of the extracellular matrix of connective tissue and joints, and is one of the main chemicals contained in the synovial fluid that lubricates your joints. Before we discuss how it can be used to help restore the function of damaged joints, let's have a look at what causes joint pain, and why joints can break down long before their time.

You might have heard that arthritis is an inflammatory condition, or that it is due to the immune system. This is true to an extent, and rheumatoid arthritis is an immune system problem, although osteoarthritis is a different problem altogether. Arthritis is not the only cause of joint pain of course, but is by far the most common cause. As already inferred, there are two forms of arthritis, each with a different basic cause.

Osteoarthritis is the most common form of joint disease, and is largely due to wear and tear, injury or can be hereditary. However it is usually initiated by damage, the joint surface becomes roughened and the bone around the damaged area gets thicker to compensate. A joint is where two bones meet, and not all joints move. You have the fixed joints in your skull, for example, and those between the ribs and the spine. However, arthritis generally affects the joints associated with movement, mainly the knees, hips, fingers, toes and elbows.

The ends of the bones are covered with a thin layer of cartilage, which can absorb shocks and both cushion the joint and allow the ends of the bones to move smoothly over each other. Round each joint is a membrane known as the synovium that is filled with the thick synovial fluid, which lubricates the cartilage. The bone ligaments hold them close to the joint, and prevent them moving too much and dislocating. Finally, the joint is completed by the tendons that attach the muscles to the bones they control.

Osteoarthritis causes a joint to deteriorate: the cartilage becomes rougher and wears, and the bone beneath the cartilage gets thicker. At the edge of the joint the bone tends to grow outwards, forming spurs and the synovium swells producing extra synovial fluid. This causes swelling and pain, and ultimately the joint can be damaged beyond repair. This process takes a number of years to reach a stage whereby pain and discomfort are felt.

Before that situation occurs, however, the joint tries to repair itself, and hyaluronic acid can take part in this process. It is mainly involved in the reparation of connective tissues such as cartilage, although there are other connective tissues which hyaluronan has been found to repair. These include skin, eyes and heart valves and hyaluronic acid can arguably be used to help repair all of them.

However, it is joint tissue with which we are concerned here, and hyaluronan is an important component of articular cartilage: the type of cartilage involved in movement (knees, hips, etc), as opposed the type that forms your nose or the external part of your ears. It is believed that injections of hyaluronic acid can help to repair damaged articular cartilage. However, osteoarthritis is only one of the two forms of arthritis. The other is rheumatoid arthritis, and this is much more sinister.

Rheumatoid arthritis is caused by the attack of your joints by your own immune system, although why this happens is unknown. The most likely theory is that certain infections trigger the immune system, and it then proceeds to attack the synovial joints. Cytokines are responsible for inflammation of the synovial fluid, which can also cause fever, loss of weight and appetite, and inflammation of the blood vessels.

The body tries to generate more synovial fluid which causes swelling round the whole joint, putting pressure on the damaged areas, and generating even more pain. The inflammatory response commences and the whole area becomes seriously painful.

The smaller joints are most commonly affected, such as the fingers and toes, but it can progress to the elbows, hips and the knees. The joints become red, swollen and finally too stiff to be used. The sinusitis eventually leads erosion of the joint and deformation.

Because hyaluronic acid behaves like the synovial fluid, it is believed that it can be used to treat both forms of arthritis. It is a glycosaminoglycan, an unbranched polysaccharide of the same type as chondroitin sulfate that is commonly used to treat arthritis. It can be used to increase the viscosity of the synovial fluid, and render a more effective lubricant.

However, it is in treatment of osteoarthritis that hyaluronan is most likely to find success. It is used to improve the viscosity of the synovial fluid, so providing increased lubrication to the joint and helping reduce the pain. In fact it not escaped notice that those who eat a diet rich in hyaluronic acid tend to live longer and look younger than those that do not do so.

Commercial preparations are currently in use or under evaluation for disorders such as glaucoma, fractures, and detached retinas, damage to cartilage, healing ligaments and osteoarthritis. These last three are particularly of interest to arthritis sufferers, and signs are that they are effective with many cases.

However, it has also been established that smoking cigarettes can negate the effect of hyaluronic acid, and excessive levels of Vitamin C can also degrade it. Estrogen treatment, however, can enhance its effect in repairing connective tissue. Zinc deficiencies have also been found to have negative results, so make sure that these factors are addressed if you are using hyaluronic acid to treat arthritis.

Something to keep in mind if you are taking hyaluronic acid orally is the size of the molecule. It is a very large molecule, and suffers from the same absorption problems as chondroitin sulfate. There are smaller hyaluronan molecule versions available if you can find them, that improve the absorption through the intestine, but if not then the dose will generally be greater than expected due to the low absorption levels due to the molecule being too large to be easily absorbed through the tissues into the bloodstream.



Date: August 09, 2008 11:37 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Magnesium

Recent studies have found the importance of magnesium as a nutrient and its impact on general and heart health. Nutritional magnesium is deeply involved in the production of energy, the uptake of oxygen, the function of the central nervous system, the balance of electrolytes, the metabolism of glucose, and the activity of muscles, including the heart. When magnesium’s importance in the heart muscle is closely examine, the microscope is necessary, as it gets right down to the cellular and molecular levels.

Magnesium has an essential role in many of the functions of energy production and is an integral part of the energy and protein molecules, without which the heart would not have the proper energy to contract and relax. Magnesium is also essential in the construction of the cell membrane, as the heart is composed of cells and the magnesium plays a role in the strength of the heart muscle itself.

When magnesium levels begin to get too low the body will try to adapt, but the basic functions of energy production and cell structure are affected. Without enough magnesium, the cell is unable to keep the proper number of high-energy molecules that is needed to function properly. It doesn’t just end there though, as just about everything starts to go once magnesium falls below a certain level, and then cellular damage can result. Sodium balance and electrolyte balance also start to change, while the cell is unable to have a fully integrated membrane system due to magnesium deficiency, calcium and sodium start to rush into abnormal areas for the muscle cells which can cause cellular damage.

If a person is not getting adequate magnesium, they may go into a marginal state, which can be taken to a depleted state with a certain trauma or excessive physical, emotional, or mental stress. This depleted state can manifest as hypertension, high cholesterol, heart disease, and possibly even a heart attack. Magnesium requirements increase during times of stress which include exercise, mental and emotional issues, high noise, chemical toxins, and others. Requirements for magnesium also rise during healing from a bodily trauma such as an injury or operation. A low magnesium condition can be worsened by a high intake of calcium, as calcium can not be optimally utilized without the proper balance of magnesium, and a high calcium intake without magnesium will cause further drainage of any magnesium reserves. Although calcium is necessary at the cellular level for muscles to contract, nerves to fire, and hormones to be produced and released, too much calcium and too little magnesium is a disaster. Another problem related to heart health is cholesterol, a fatty substance found in many areas of the body. Since cholesterol has gotten such a bad name, many people do not know that it is actually produced in all cells naturally and is important for proper bodily functions.

Finally, one of the reactions that are involved in cholesterol production is called rate-limiting reaction, as it keeps control of the amount of cholesterol manufactured. The rate-limiting reaction requires magnesium, which can cause cholesterol to continue to be manufactured beyond the cells control if magnesium is unavailable, resulting in cholesterol buildup. As you can see, magnesium is vital to the body and if not obtained from your diet, should be supplemented through a vitamin supplement from a health food store. For more information on magnesium and its healthful effects on the body, feel free to contact your local health food store.

Buy Magnesium at Vitanet ®, LLC



Date: May 19, 2008 03:37 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Codonopsis

Codonopsis, "the poor man's ginseng," is the dried or fresh root cultivated from the plant Codonopsis pilosula. It is a perennial native to Asia and is found most abundantly in parts of China. It thrives in moist soil and at the edges of thick, wooded areas and grows to approximately five feet tall.

It is now cultivated in many other areas of the world including the United States. Its bell-shaped greenish-purple flowers have helped it gain its two other names in the English language: bastard ginseng and bonnet bellflower.

Codonopsis is best known in Chinese herbalism where it is referred to as tang shen. It has been used there for more than 2,000 years and is one of the most widely used herbs in Chinese alternative medicine.

In Chinese health, the yin and yang aspects of nature must remain balanced in order to maintain overall health of mind and body. Here are the properties of each.

* Yin: cold, dark, moisture, passivity * Yang: heat, light, dryness, activity

When the body suffers from inner disharmony, the elements and energies must be rebalanced. Herbs and treatments are taken to restore harmonious balance, and therefore bring yin and yang back to equal counterparts of each other.

Codonopsis has a sweet taste and a neutral nature. According to traditional Chinese medicine, it is taken as a tonic to nourish and strengthen the blood and to balance metabolic function. It also helps to keep the lungs and spleen healthy.

Codonopsis is an adaptogen. This means that it helps to regulate the body and enhance its ability to tolerate stress. It helps to increase the overall performance of the body to aid it in combating disease and maintaining a healthy immune system.

This herb stimulates the body's nervous system. It also increases resistance to colds, flu and other infections. It has been shown that Codonopsis increases the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin content.

Codonopsis benefits the entire body by:

* Increasing stamina * Building strength * Increasing mental alertness * Rejuvenating the system * Strengthening the immune system * Speeding recovery from illness * Stimulating the appetite * Reducing stress * Improving digestive functions

Other Uses

Taken in the form of a tonic, Codonopsis is a nourishing herb. It is used to promote digestion, absorption and metabolism. It is also said to strengthen and tone the stomach and spleen.

It has been found to reduce blood pressure, as well, by inhibiting adrenal cortex activity and dilating peripheral blood vessels. For the lungs, it helps to treat shortness of breath and chronic coughing.

Codonopsis can also be taken to address specific conditions beyond whole body health. Some of these are anemia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, asthma, hemorrhoids, headaches, tension and prolapsed uterus. Nursing mothers can take Codonopsis in order to increase their supply of breast milk.

Codonopsis has even been discovered to aid in fighting cancer when used in conjunction with other conventional medical therapy. It has been found to have properties that assist in helping to protect patients from the harmful side effects of radiation therapy. This seems to happen without diminishing the effectiveness of the therapy.

Overall, Codonopsis has many uses and benefits to the body. It is an immune system booster and all around promoter of bodily health. It works to stabilize and strengthen many different areas of the body together, as well as separately.

Codonopsis seems to be one of the best herbs of its kind for use in maintaining a healthy and balanced body. As more studies are performed on this beneficial herb, new discoveries will be made as to its other healing properties and benefits to the human body.

Vitanet ®, LLC


Advocacy Update

Date: May 17, 2008 10:17 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Advocacy Update

Recently, the Natural Products Association has experienced a flurry of activity on the legislative front. One month ago, Natural Products Association members went to Washington, D.C. to meet with their representatives and discuss legislation important to the association and the industry. Many who could not visit Washington in person were part of our "virtual march" on Washington that delivered e-mails, petitions, and videos to Congress on the importance of natural products. Natural Products Day was a great success, boasting higher than ever attendance at our evening Congressional reception, and resulting in additional co-sponsors for S. 771, the Child Nutrition Promotion and School Lunch Protection Act sponsored by Tom Harkin (D-Iowa). The bill now boasts co-sponsorship of more than a quarter of the Senate. Its companion bill in the House of Representatives, H.R. 1363, sponsored by Lynn Woolsey (D-Calif.), has gained an additional five co-sponsors as the result of Natural Products Day meetings and now has 140 co-sponsors. These bills continue to build momentum, thanks to your support.

More recently, the Natural Products Association urged supporters to contact their legislators to include an amendment to the "Farm Bill" allowing food stamp recipients to purchase dietary supplements. This provision was similar to free-standing bills that have been introduced in the current and previous Congresses by Sens. Harkin and Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) and have earned the association's support. Although the amendment advanced further than other versions in previous sessions, it did not make the final Farm Bill, which was reported out of conference today. The good news is that the Farm Bill did contain significant increases in nutrition programs and increased funding for organic farming, another supported goal of the Natural Products Association. Because of the strong effort of our supporters on the amendment's behalf, the bill was placed on Congress's radar screens and has greatly improved the chances as stand-alone legislation, S. 770, the Food Stamp Vitamin and Mineral Improvement Act, of seeing passage. We will continue to ask for support on this important bill as this legislative session progresses.

In addition, the Natural Products Association has been leading the fight to protect Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), and to keep this important, safe, and effective supplement available to elderly consumers. The same players behind S. 762, which would wrongly classify DHEA as an anabolic steroid, proposed S. 2470 in late 2007 as a misplaced reaction the release of the Mitchell Report, which chronicled the abuse of steroids by professional baseball players. Although DHEA has no performance enhancing attributes, this bill was proposed to limit the access of minors to DHEA. The Natural Products Association and its supporters have worked hard to inform Congress of the benefits of DHEA, and that it is not an anabolic steroid and should not be classified as one. We have been able so far to prevent any movement on the bill, but the association continues to monitor its progress and make sure that this supplement remains accessible to the seniors who need it most.

Thanks to your help, the Natural Products Association continues to have an active presence on Capitol Hill that is felt by legislators. We could not do it without the help of you, our supporters, who know how important it is to stand up for natural products. The impact of your messages to legislators continues to help the Natural Products Association to ensure all natural products - from natural and organic foods to dietary supplements and health and beauty aids - are accessible to Americans. With your continued support we will continue to be known as a vocal group with a wide base of support through the rest of this legislative session and beyond.

To get involved, please visit our action center at

Vitanet ®, LLC


Una de Gato (Cat’s Claw)

Date: April 26, 2008 09:36 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Una de Gato (Cat’s Claw)

Una de Gato, otherwise known as cat’s claw, is properly Unicaria tomentosa. It has been used as an herbal medicine for at least two thousand years by the people of Central and South America who gave it the name vilcacora.

It grows in jungle areas and rainforest in South America and Asia, and gets its name from the small claw-like thorns at the base of the leaves. One of the environmental benefits of the Una de Gato is that when it is harvested at three feet above the ground, it grows back to its full size of up to 100 feet within a few years when it can be harvested again to three feet. Cat’s claw has been given dietary supplement status by the FDA.

The Peruvian Asháninka tribe has used the plant as a contraceptive and for the treatment of rheumatic conditions, diabetes, acne, diarrhea, cancer, urinary tract diseases and as an anti-inflammatory, and many of the studies of cat’s claw have centered on this tribe. The studies quickly showed the active ingredients to be alkaloids, both tertracyclic oxindole alkaloids and pentacyclic alkaloids that have been found both in the bark and in the root.

The extract is obtained by boiling both the inner part of the bark and the root, each of which differs in concentration of the various alkaloids. The root is believed to better for its anti-inflammatory powers due to the quinovic acid glycoside it contains, although the relative concentrations of the various alkaloids can vary according to the time of year and to the chemotype of the plant.

Cat’s Claw comes in two chemotypes, each of which differs in the relative concentrations of the two different alkaloid types. One predominates in the pentacyclic alkaloids that strengthen the immune system, and the other chemotype in the tetracyclic alkaloids that counter that effect and reduce the speed and strength of the contractions of the heart. It is not possible to tell which chemotype a particular plant is until it has been chemically tested. They look exactly the same and it is possible for both to grow sided by side. However, the root is generally richer in alkaloids, and sells at about twice the price of the bark. Alkaloids are not the only active ingredients in Una de Gato, and it also contains tannins and phytochemicals that have an antioxidant effect and are useful free radical scavengers. They have been studied for their effects in the treatment of HIV and cancer, though mainly due to the glycoside content that will be discussed shortly. The National cancer Institute has confirmed some anti-cancer properties of quinovic glycosides derived from cat’s claw.

The four pentacyclic alkaloids have been found to have a boosting effect on the human immune system, which it does by enhancing the ability of the white blood cells and macrophages to digest and kill off foreign organisms and debris in tissue and the bloodstream. The inference is that the herb is able to be used to treat a wide variety of infectious diseases, including many immune and autoimmune conditions including AIDS. The results with AIDs are inconclusive, although one particular study showed that cat’s claw produced accelerated healing of cold sores and genital herpes (herpes simplex virus) and shingles (caused by herpes zoster virus). Although the evidence is slight, there are indications of its possible use in treating viral conditions.

It is used in homeopathy for the treatment of a number of digestive ailments, such as Crohn’s disease, leaky bowel syndrome, colitis, gastritis and gastric ulcers among others. It is also used in the treatment of inflammatory conditions such as arthritis, rheumatism and some conditions of the prostate gland.

The tertracyclic indole alkaloids that appear to counter the immune-boosting properties of their pentacyclic cousins include rhynchophylline, hirsutine, and mitraphylline. Rhynchophylline prevents blood clots in the veins and arteries by reducing the formation of platelets, and can dilate the peripheral blood vessels of the hands and feet. It can also lower blood cholesterol levels and reduce the heart rate. Due to this effect on blood vessels, it is though to be able to improve the circulation in the brain and be a useful treatment for Alzheimer’s sufferers. Hirsutine inhibits contractions of the smooth muscle of the bladder, and so finds uses in the treatment of urinary incontinence.

The pentacyclic alkaloids pteropodine and isopteropodine are believed to have important properties beyond their phagocytosis effect on the immune system. It has been reported that they have an effect on the 5-HT(2) receptors in the brain. These neurotransmitters are used as targets for many drugs used to treat a variety of conditions such as depression, eating disorders and anxiety, and such alkaloids have a positive modulating effect on them.

The anti-inflammatory properties of cat’s claw are largely due to the very potent quinovic acid glycosides previously referred to. These have been known about only recently, and they are thought to work synergistically to reduce the tissue swelling (edema) associated with the immune system’s inflammatory reaction. Although this is believed to be largely due to the glycosides, three of the alkaloids also possess anti-inflammatory properties. This property provides the scientific background for the traditional use of Una de Gato for rheumatism and arthritis, both inflammatory conditions. Many of the digestive conditions for which the plant has traditionally used are also inflammatory in nature.

A threat to cat’s claw is the destruction of the Peruvian rainforest, although not as much as a threat as the destruction of the plant itself. Cat’s claw has reached levels of popularity so high that it is in danger of extinction due to improper harvesting. New laws being enacted by the Peruvian government should help to protect the plant, and to promote its harvesting over cocoa.

When buying cat’s claw, make sure that it is the Uncaria tomentosa form you are purchasing since there is another type, Uncaria Guianensis that contains different alkaloids and is not as potent as the real Una de Gato. Also beware of a shrub known as cat’s claw acacia, grown in Mexico and the southwest USA, since it contains cyanide derivatives and could be very dangerous if taken by mouth.


Fight Osteoporosis With Minerals To Build Bones And Improve Quality Of Life

Date: April 02, 2008 11:06 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Fight Osteoporosis With Minerals To Build Bones And Improve Quality Of Life

Bone consists predominantly of collagen and calcium phosphate. The collagen provides the connective framework for bone that is hardened by the calcium phosphate, and without healthy bones, your quality of life would be significantly reduced due to bone breakage. That is why it is essential to supplement this framework with the vitamins and minerals needed to maintain a good bone density at those periods in your life when bone density is liable to deteriorate.

This begins to happen between the ages of 30 and 35 and in women and accelerates during the menopause, when your ovaries stop producing the hormone estrogen that is necessary for the maintenance of healthy bones. Through time, your bone mass drops creating first a condition known as osteopenia, or reduced bone mass, and then osteoporosis, when your bones become brittle, porous and very prone to fractures.

Before we look at what can be done to reduce your chances of developing osteoporosis, lets have a close look at how bone develop so that it will be easier to understand the remedial action that can be taken.

Calcium is the most common mineral in the body, and the vast majority is in the bones and teeth. Phosphorus is also essential for healthy bones because as stated earlier, the bone consists of collagen that is hardened by calcium phosphate. The two main uses of phosphorus are in bone structure and animal metabolism, since phosphates are also essential for the vast majority of the energy-production chemical reactions within your body.

Calcium has other functions within the body other than bone, however, including exchange of fluids within and between cells, the maintenance of your heartbeat and in blood clotting. Vitamin D is necessary to help calcium be absorbed from your diet, through the membranes of the duodenum. More calcium is absorbed there than in the small intestine, and the calcium is also most available to the body when it is in a water-soluble form.

In fact, the reason that stones form in your kidney for example, is that the calcium is rendered insoluble through the formation of calcium oxalate from the oxalic acid in foods such as rhubarb and soy. High fat diets can also slow down the absorption of calcium.

Estrogen plays a significant part in bone physiology, and is an important factor in the maintenance of bone density in women. Bone is living tissue, and is constantly being absorbed and remodeled throughout life. The part played by estrogen is to maintain a proper balance between the osteoclasts, the cells that reabsorb bone tissue, and osteoblasts, the cells that form new bone tissue.

When estrogen is deficient, this balance is lost and rather than bone formation and resorption occurring constantly, they take place in spurts so that first an area of new bone will be formed, then resorption will occur some weeks later, resulting in a structure where there are cavities between areas of bone. With time, these cavities will increase and weaken the integrity of the bone structure.

However, that is not the whole story. The effect of estrogen is to limit the active period of osteoclasts so that the areas of bone resorbed into the body are relatively small so that the removed bone cavity can easily fill up with new bone by the osteoblasts, which are invigorated by estrogen. When estrogen is deficient, not only is the activity of the bone-forming osteoblasts reduced, but the bone-absorbing osteoclasts activity is not regulated, and they form deeper holes in the bone structure than the osteoblasts are able to fill.

The net result is bone loss, with more bone being reabsorbed than is being formed. The end result of all this is spongy bone tissue with many tiny hole and also with larger areas of missing bone. Eventually this passes a critical point and the bone fractures during normal use. A simple jump from one step to another can fracture a bone at its weakest point, such as at the hip joint where the neck of bone is thinner.

Not everybody is at the same risk, and there are certain risk factors that you should be aware of, each of which could increase the chances of you developing weak bones. The condition particular affects white or Asian women, and those who have a small frame. If you smoke and drink an excessive amount of alcohol, you will also be more prone to osteoporosis, although exercise can help you to avoid it. An inadequate intake of calcium and vitamin D will also contribute, and magnesium is an essential part of strong bone development.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture has carried out surveys that indicate American women to be taking only 50% of the calcium recommended to maintain a healthy bone density. However, it is not only dietary calcium that is needed for the formation of bone, but also magnesium and boron, and vitamin D also helps with the absorption of calcium in the gut.

If you are on steroids then they can render you more prone to brittle bone disease. Unfortunately the symptoms of osteoporosis do not become evident until there has been a significant amount of bone loss, which is why post menopausal women, and those over 65, should have a bone density scan (DXA test). It is important to understand that osteoporosis is not a disease as such: you cannot ‘catch’ it, but it develops as the result of a gradual reduction in the minerals that maintain the density of your bone structure.

Your diet is important in helping you prevent bone loss and osteoporosis later in life, and your lifestyle is also important. Reducing your daily alcohol intake will certainly help, and cigarette smoking further retards the activity of the bone-creating cells. Calcium and vitamin D supplements will help, but do not restrict yourself only to these.

If you want to maintain proper bone density through and beyond the menopause stage of life, you should take a balanced supplement that contains a combination of vitamins and minerals needed to maintain a healthy balance between natural bone loss and regeneration. There is more to it that only calcium and vitamin D, and a balanced supplement takes this out of your hands. You can rest in the knowledge that you are doing the best for your body and its bone density.

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Alfalfa Is One of Nature’s Most Nutrient-Rich Foods

Date: February 14, 2008 12:29 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Alfalfa Is One of Nature’s Most Nutrient-Rich Foods

Most people have likely heard of alfalfa in relation to its use as an important animal feedstuff without understanding that it is one of nature’s most nutrient-rich foods. It appears to be a trait with most people, that what is used for animal feed cannot possibly be healthy to humans.

This completely ignores the fact that humans are themselves mammals, and what is good for the biochemistry of one mammal is likely (though not necessarily) good for most. A look at alfalfa and why it has been used to feed livestock is a good place to start a discussion on its merits as a nutritional supplement for human beings.

Alfalfa is a legume, or member of the pea and bean family, that has long been used as animal food and has been given the nickname “Queen of Forages”. It is behind only corn, wheat and soybeans as the fourth largest crop grown in the USA, and the vast majority is for animal forage. In fact there is twice as much alfalfa grown in the USA as cotton. Its nutritional value is not only from its high protein content of around 20%, but also from its exceptional vitamin and mineral content.

Although grown predominantly for animals, humans also eat alfalfa sprouts, although by far its greatest nutritional use is in supplement form. Before discussing specific claimed benefits such as its use in lowering blood glucose and cholesterol, alleviating the symptoms of arthritis and helping with digestive problems among only dozens of other traditional uses, it would be useful to review the nutritional content of the legume in terms of vitamins, minerals and any other biochemical content that could provide more general health benefits.

The vitamin and mineral content is not disputed, being determined by chemical analysis. It is not so much what is present in terms of variety that is impressive, but how much of each that alfalfa contains. Natural protein that is easily assimilated by the body has already been touched on, ranging from around 15% to over 20%. Many people also stress the rich chlorophyll content, but apart from the magnesium, chlorophyll has no nutritional benefit to humans. However, now for the impressive facts:

Alfalfa contains a high concentration of Vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C, D, E and K and also Niacin, Biotin, Pantothenic Acid, Biotin and Folic Acid. It is also rich in the following minerals: Boron, Calcium, Chlorine, Cobalt, Copper, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Molybdenum, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sulfur and also some trace minerals. When you purchase alfalfa supplements you also get eight essential amino acids, necessary for the biosynthesis of proteins, enzymes and DNA.

Little wonder then that alfalfa has a long history of medicinal uses, and is also used as a feed for animals, providing practically all of their protein, vitamin and mineral dietary needs. The same could also be said of humans, and alfalfa is not classed as a ‘superfood’ without good reason.

However, it is easy to determine the fact that this plant is of high nutritional value, but when or why should you take alfalfa supplements, especially if you have a good dietary regime? In fact several facts are known through studies of the plant and also by traditional and established usage for certain ailments. Although not all claims can be scientifically verified beyond all doubt, it has been generally agreed that alfalfa is instrumental in reducing the uric acid content of your system, and is hence useful in the treatment of certain types of arthritis, and also perhaps gout.

Although the latter has not been unconditionally proven it has been traditionally used to treat gout that is caused by deposition of uric acid crystals in the joints, and further, alfalfa also contains many of the minerals recommended for its treatment. It is not, therefore, an unreasonable assumption that it should be an effective treatment. There are a few medical applications of alfalfa that have been carried out under controlled conditions, and while the official line is that more testing is required to firmly establish any benefits gained by taking the supplement, many people claim that it has been effective in the treatment of their own medical conditions.

Atherosclerosis, which is caused by excessive deposition of cholesterol in the arteries, has been reported to be reduced in animal studies, and while many people also claim that their condition has improved, more evidence is necessary before their claims can be scientifically supported. This, however, could be connected with the greater body of evidence suggesting that alfalfa supplements can help to reduce your LDL cholesterol levels.

It is free radical oxidation of low density lipoproteins that render the cholesterol attached to them more liable to be deposited excessively in your arteries, thereby causing the aforementioned atherosclerosis. The evidence of the effect of alfalfa in reducing LDL cholesterol is very promising, and if substantiated could well provide the proof needed that the supplement does indeed reduce the incidences of cholesterol plaques inside your arteries.

The same is true with regard to the reduction in blood glucose claimed to occur after taking an alfalfa supplement. Recorded human data is scarce, although once again some people claim that the supplement has improved their condition. However, in this case it is clear that more evidence is required before any claims can be made with any degree of confidence.

It is probably wise not to regard alfalfa as being a panacea for any of the above conditions, but it is also fair to regard it as being very rich in vitamins, minerals and proteins. Perhaps this is why it is believed to help with some common digestive complaints, and also help to control high blood pressure and improve your mental function. Whatever your belief in the health benefits of alfalfa supplements, you should consult a physician before relying on it as a definitive treatment for any condition. This is particularly true if you are also being treated for another condition.

Alfalfa might not specifically interact with any other drug, but you should always check up with your doctor when using any natural remedy in association with a prescription medicine. It contains a number of other vitamins which might interact with specific medications. Vitamin K, for example, can interfere with the action of blood-thinning drugs such as warfarin. This is not specific to alfalfa, and any foodstuff rich in a specific nutrient could equally interact with prescription medicines.

However, widespread homeopathic use over a long period of time has indicated that alfalfa has few if any side effects. It is effectively used in traditional Chinese medicine for the treatment of kidney problems and its name is derived from the Arabic for ‘father of all foods’. With over 300 nutrients and phytochemicals, alfalfa is one of nature’s most nutrient-rich foods, and its saponin and isoflavone content alone is sufficient to warrant many of the health claims made for it.

Buy Alfalfa at Vitanet ®, LLC


B Complex to Restore the Adrenal Glands from Stress

Date: February 07, 2008 05:18 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: B Complex to Restore the Adrenal Glands from Stress

The B vitamins comprise a range of water soluble vitamins that frequently work together to impart a number of general benefits to your body’s health. In general they support and maintain the metabolic rate, maintain the function of the nervous system, support the immune system, maintain healthy skin and muscles and help to promote cell growth and division. They work together to suppress the causes and symptoms of cardiovascular disease and stress and they are dispersed throughout the whole of the body by means of the circulation system of the blood.

In very general terms they collectively ensure that the body is provided with energy from the metabolism of carbohydrates and glucose. They are also needed for the metabolism of fats and proteins, and also the maintenance and health of the nervous system in general.

There are many natural sources, including lentils, potatoes, liver, turkey, brewer’s yeast, and also, of course, dietary supplements.

Vitamin B Complex can help to restore the adrenal glands from stress, but to understand how it does so, it is first necessary to understand what these glands are, and the part that they can play in stress.

The adrenal glands are situated just above each kidney, and take the form of two small pieces of tissue in the shape of a pyramid that generate specific hormones and chemical messengers. You have likely heard of adrenaline, the hormone that make you respond to certain types of stress either through flight or by fighting: what is known as the fight or flight reaction. Well, in fact there are two of them, noredrenaline being the other. They are also known as epinephrine and norepinephrine respectively.

Both the adrenal glands are controlled by what is known as the HPA axis, short for the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis which is the stress center of the body. The adrenals are the main steroid-producing plants in the body, responsible not only for the adrenaline hormones, but also for cortisone and hydrocortisone, testosterone, estrogen, cholesterol, progesterone and a number of others. These are produced in the outer cortex of the adrenal glands, whereas adrenaline and noradrenaline are produced and secreted by the medulla.

Adrenaline and cortisol are responsible along with others for the balance of your body fluids, blood sugar and blood pressure and many of the other main metabolic functions of the body, and if the adrenaline is not working properly, it can disrupt the metabolism of your blood glucose into energy, giving you a weak run-down and listless feeling. This is not surprising since your energy is failing at the cellular level.

The main reason for adrenal fatigue is stress. Either emotional or physical stress or even poor nutrition can be responsible for reducing the functioning of the glands to such an extent that they no longer provide the steroid hormones in the proper balanced quantities needed to maintain the proper functioning of your metabolic processes. Unlike Addison’s disease, which a complete stoppage of the functioning of the adrenal glands, in Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome the glands still function, but at a reduced capacity and the various products they are responsible for generating are secreted in reduced and imbalanced quantities.

However, fatigue is not normally the first reaction of the body to stress. As normal stress levels increase the bodies response is generally to secrete higher levels of adrenaline, and the cortex produces extra cortisol and other hormones. As stress continues beyond the intermittent stage and becomes more constant, the adrenals produce a more sustained high level of hormones, that generally raise blood pressure and also increase the level of sugar in the blood in order allow a sustained increase in energy levels. Corticosteroids are produced to maintain this higher level reaction to stress.

Finally, when the adrenals can sustain this high level of activity no longer, adrenal fatigue sets in which is when the worst symptoms of the stress are evident: exhaustion, both physically and mentally, excessive fear, guilt and worry, and under-activity of the HPA axis leads to depression, hopelessness and severe illness, often due to a weakened immune system.

So where does the B vitamin complex come into this? Vitamin B complex includes niacin, thiamine, pantothenic acid, riboflavin, and vitamins B6 and B12. As already stated, the complex is useful in supporting many of the critical functions of the body from healthy bones to healthy blood cells, and nervous systems. It also helps to maintain your reproductive system and can be used in cases of nerve-related conditions such as sciatica and neurological conditions.

Pantothenic acid, vitamin B5, is particularly useful in dealing with stress in that it enhances the activity of the adrenal glands. It also increases your energy levels due to its effect on the Krebs Cycle through its action as a precursor of acetyl Coenzyme A and acetylcholine which is a primary neurotransmitter. This helps to reduce fatigue and the pain of headaches caused by excessive stress and consequent reduction in adrenal output. Pantothenic acid is also essential during the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and is important in the maintenance of healthy nerves, skin and glands.

In fact the whole of the vitamin B family work together to make sure that your whole nervous system and metabolism remain healthy. People with high stress jobs often take the vitamin B complex to help reduce that stress and also anger. Excessive stress and anger can lead to anxiety and overwork the adrenal glands, and B complex can help to restore these to their normal function.

If you are concerned about your adrenal health, you can have a simple test carried out on your saliva, blood or urine by a trained medical practitioner. Many doctors do not know to carry out this test since it is not a normal test as would be used to detect Addison’s Disease, or complete adrenal failure, but only adrenal fatigue, so ask specifically for an adrenal fatigue check.

A quick self-test is to shine a light into an eye using a flashlight while looking in a mirror. They pupil should contract and return to normal after about 30 seconds. If it fails to do so, or even dilates, then that is a sign of adrenal fatigue. However, you must have it confirmed by a proper test.

All in all, a B complex supplement is a good way to restore adrenal glands from stress, and it also helps your nervous system in general, in addition to aiding the metabolic processes of your body. However, make sure that your symptoms are what you think they are by seeking professional medical advice.

Vitanet ®


Age Gracefully With Anti Aging Nutrition

Date: January 19, 2008 01:57 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Age Gracefully With Anti Aging Nutrition

With today’s society constantly frowning upon aging and advertisements constantly urging consumers to buy products to tighten, firm, and rejuvenate their skin, our society has placed a very high value on youthful appearances. No one wants to look old, so a natural product to help this is very important. However, just because consumers want to use natural products doesn’t necessarily mean they will, as many wonder if natural products will actually work. Despite some reservation from the consumer, the popularity of all natural anti-aging products is on the rise. Although many products can help minimize signs of aging, companies are starting to recommend the start of preventative skin care regimens in a woman’s late teens.

The key to preventing aging is keeping skin clear, pores unclogged, and you skin moisturized in your twenties so that by the time you reach your thirties, aging is not quite as evident. By age thirty, collagen levels start to reduce, and skin starts to lose its elasticity. It is important to continue a skin care routine and work in some anti-aging products. By age forty and beyond, it’s extremely important to continue the regimen you have build in your thirties while adding an anti-aging serum.

On top of a regular skin care routine, it’s essential for women to use products that contain some level of SPF, which is very important for preventing fine lines, wrinkles, and age spots. Along with SPF, antioxidants are critical in anti aging products, preventing free radical damage and also minimizing facial redness by constricting protecting fine capillaries. Good antioxidant and anti-aging ingredients include blueberries, green tea, ginkgo biloba, cucumber, aloe, lavender, cranberry seed oil, and pomegranate.

Moisturizing the skin is also an anti-aging essential, helping the derma layer provide nourishment and adding cushion to support the skin. A good moisturizer will also help to fight dry skin and wrinkles. Some moisturizing formulas used in Japan have an ability to provide omega essential fatty acids and help to slow the formation of wrinkles. Jojoba, aloe, and avocado oils are also extremely hydrating and effective in the reduction and appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Since aging can cause the skin to be discolored, there are many products that can help to minimize the appearance of age spots and help to brighten and even out skin tone. A skin tone balancer, using natural skin lighteners such as kojic acid, lemon extract, and bilberry extract, can stop the process of melanin production and also reduce existing age spots. Sugar cane extract and sugar maple extract act as natural exfoliates, which help to brighten the skin by getting rid of dead skin cells. Night creams containing macadamia nut oil, mulberry bark, and licorice extracts help to firm and brighten the skin and also lighten age spots.

Although natural products are definitely better for consumers’ skin, they often have short shelf lives. In order to fight this, many companies create smaller batches with shorter shelf lives, to make sure that customers will use the entire product before it expires. For retailers to sell anti-aging products and compete with mainstream lines, marketers stress that education is needed to make consumers aware of how great natural skin care is.


Exotic Herbs From The Amazon Basin

Date: June 22, 2007 05:07 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Exotic Herbs From The Amazon Basin

Although many traditional herbal medicines have yet to find complete scientific corroboration in the West, it follows logically that people wouldn't use an herbal product for centuries if it didn't work.

Many of the popular herbs we all recognize as having great health benefits were only recently considered pretty exotic. Even green tea - a staple in China for centuries -has only lately gone main stream.

So it will likely be with herbs from the Amazon basin and its environs. The Amazon basin is one of the most bountiful environments on the planet. Explorers and botanists from the West have looked to this region for generations for the "next big thing." Of course, in many cases, the "next big thing" has already been in use for centuries.

In this issue of Ask the Medicine Hunter, we're going to look at some energizing and life- stimulating herbs that also happen to have great antioxidant properties, too. Best yet, many of them are available to us here from companies that practice fair trade policies.

Let's take a look at some of the herbal powerhouses coming out of the Amazon (and its nearby neighborhoods):

Maca (Lepidium meyenii) has been cultivated for a long time at least 2000 years. Related to brassica family plants like radishes, mustard and cabbage, its foliage does actually look somewhat radish-like, but grows close to the ground.

Maca is cultivated by the Andean people in Peru's central highlands, and contains a plethora of beneficial compounds that enhance overall health and vitality. The tradition of cultivating maca is an old one some strains have been found in Incan sites that date from 1600 B.C. During early European colonization, maca was used by the local native culture as a form of currency, much of the way cocoa was used by the Aztecs, further north in pre-Columbian Mexico.

Maca thrives in high altitudes - between 10,000 and 16,000 feet. The harsher the conditions, the better it grows, or so it seems. In fact, efforts to grow the plant in Central Europe haven't been as successful - maca seems to enjoy its home turf the best. In Peru, maca is a popular and beloved nutrient-packed superfood, and is commonly powdered and mixed into drinks at roadside stands throughout the Andes.

Q. I've heard of maca being used for healthy libido - are there any other benefits?

A. Maca is a natural energizer, and although it is recognized for it's libido enhancing abilities, it has other uses, too, acting as an adaptogen - similar to rhodiola or ginseng. In fact, in South America, maca is known as "Peruvian Ginseng." Though maca is not ginseng at all, some of the benefits of both plants are similar.

In any event, maca is recommended for boosting the immune system, menopause support, and hormonal balance in general. For daily use, maca is most recognized as a great source of energy and all-day endurance. Alkaloids from maca root may be partially responsible for both maca's energizing and libido boost. Research shows that maca affects the hypothalamic-pituitary (HPA) axis - boosting energy and overall aphrodisiac prowess in men and women. Maca contains novel compounds called macamides and macaenes, which have been proven in animal studies to significantly enhance energy, stamina and sexual function reasons people have been so consuming maca for 2000 years.

There are other serious reasons why maca is such an excellent plant. One group of compounds in maca is the isothiocyanates-aromatics constituents that are responsible for the "hotness" of mustards and radishes - fellow members of the brassica family. Isothiocyanates from other members of the brassica family may reduce the risk of breast and stomach cancer. Although the same constituents specifically from maca haven't beentested, it's plausible that they could have the same effects.

Q. I've heard a little about guarana extracts - is it just caffeine?

A. Guarana is widely loved for its mild stimulating effect, which is due to caffeine. But this is by no means this Amazonian herb's sole beneficial compound. Guarana (Paullinia cupana) is so logically ingrained in the culture of Brazil that it's practically a rival (actually out-sells) Coca-Cola in its soft-drink form. Like many other indigenous herbs, guarana was in use locally well before European settlement. Its Latin name comes fromthe German botanist C.F. Paullini, who first encountered the herb in the 1700s. This evergreen vine typically climbs fairly far up the Brazilian forest trees. The seed is the part that gets used. In one clinical study, guarana boosted the memory alertness of participants, even when the caffeine level per dose was a low 9 mg., as compared with approximately 100 mg for a cup of coffee. This effect suggests that other agents than caffeine contribute to a feeling of well being.

Guarana also contains powerful antioxidants including catechin, epicatechin and proanthocyanidins, which protect cells against destruction from free radicals, and impart benefits to the body's tissues and blood. The small seed of this plant is powerful in its health benefits.

Catuaba Bark:

Catuaba (Erythroxylum catuaba) is a common tree found in South America from Brazil to Peru, in the same genus as the coca plant. Catuaba contains components known as alkaloids. These alkaloids (called catuabine A, B, and C) are probably responsible for themental boost most people get when they take catuabe-based supplements or mixes.

There may be little confusion regarding catuaba, because various species and genus typesuse the common name. As a result, "catuaba" gets bandied around a lot, and one person'scatuaba may not be the next. Read labels carefully. The catuaba I've had the best luck with is Erythroxylum catuaba.

Coffee Fruit:

One of my favorite drinks in the world is coffee, and I'm sure at many people reading thisconsider it the essential part of their morning, too.

The part of coffee that we use the most is the seed of the coffee fruit - which appears as a bright, red berry. Most of the time, this fruit is sloughed off and left behind in the process of making coffee - it's really too delicate to last long in hot conditions.

But advances in technology have tapped a previously discarded resource. Though the fruit of coffee is available in any coffee-growing economy, a high antioxidant commercial extract of "coffee cherry" is now available from the fruits of coffee plants in Mexico.

Coffee fruit has many of the attributes of other dark-colored, anthcyanin-rich fruits. Coffee fruit (also referred to as "coffee cherry") appears not to be just another antioxidant, however. Current research on this once-forgotten, former castoff shows impressive abilities to decrease tumor size, and possibly even prevent their formation in the first place. It seems that the elements in coffee berry activate T-lymphocytes in such a way that mammary tumors are shrunk or simply put on hold. It will be fascinating to see how this science plays out.

Muira Puama Bark:

Muira puama (Ptychopetalum olacoides) grows between 15 to 45 feet high. Native to theAmazon basin of Brazil, the dried bark has been used for centuries as a traditional energysupport. Components include beta-sitosterol, campesterol and lupeol.

Muira puama, like other central nervous stimulants has been researched lately for its ability to boost memory retrieval and protect neural (brain) tissue. Who knows? Maybe this traditional ingredient could someday be on the cutting edge of natural medicines fighting Alzheimer's, much the way green tea and turmeric are currently. In one unpublished French study of 262 men with low libido and poor erectile function, 62% experienced significant improvement after taking an extract of Muira puama for two weeks.

Acai Berry:

Acai (Euterpe acai) berry is a traditional favorite (and readily available) food source for people in the Amazon. The tree is a tall-growing palm with berries that provide - a rich source of anthocyanins, potent purple pigments with extraordinary high antioxidant activity.

Once harvested, acai fruits decay rapidly. As with coffee fruits, special processing is the surest way to make certain the nutrients of acai berry make it to those of us outside the Amazon basin.

However, these wonderful fruits not only fight against free radical damage, but help our natural digestive enzymes and boost natural immune defenses, too. In fact, current research is investigating whether compounds in acai may have a fighting effect on leukemia, too. So far, the results have been very positive.

Look for supplements made using organically-grown, fair trade acai berry. The best companies ensure that the local people harvesting acai and the communities where they live gather more than just short-term benefits. The best companies work not just to provide jobs, but better lives for generations to come.

Q. What is sustainability and fair trade, anyway?

A. Sustainability refers to a set of naturally occurring circumstances, or intentionally designed practices and principles, which ensure that all parts or members of a situation are adequately nourished to promote their healthy continuance. In current parlance, sustainability often refers to practices and programs designed and implemented to keep natural systems healthy and flourishing. Many such programs focus on environmental protection and preservation of traditional cultures. In the world of medicinal plants, sustainable practices include organic agriculture, species management, fair trade, and benefit-sharing programs.

In other words, sustainability pays people fair wages, puts resources back into their communities, and ensures that the resources that benefit us all are going to be around for a long time. It is an earth-friendly, people-friendly concept of commerce that happily, is taking root around the world.


The traditional cultures that use - and have used - these ingredients for generations wouldn't have done so if they hadn't been effective. Fortunately we live in an era when formerly locally-used herbs are now available far beyond their previous range. We are also fortunate to have companies and individuals working hard to make sure that the people who tend and care for these precious resources are paid fairly for their efforts, andthat their families and communities benefit from this commerce as well.

The great thing about using traditional herbs and ingredients that have been gathered in this manner is that you know they'll be around for a long time.

Exotic Herbs at Vitanet


Papaya- May Be A Fountain of Youth

Date: May 31, 2007 02:09 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Papaya- May Be A Fountain of Youth

Papaya- May Be A Fountain of Youth


Seventy years ago, when the Social Security Administration was developed during the Great Depression, age 62 was recognized as average life expectancy. These days, getting older is a whole different ball game. Not only are people living well into their 80s and 90s, they’re living better, too. People well into retirement are mountain biking, kayaking, jogging and hiking, as well as gardening, golfing and attending concerts – sometimes for their first time. Everybody, it seems, is on the go, from ages of 22 to 92.


Of course, you don’t have to wait until retirement to start planning for a longer more vibrant life. The best way to ensure happier and longer years ahead is to start young.

Nobody wants to spend retirement in the doctor’s waiting room or have their golden years intruded upon with illnesses or infirmities. And, most importantly, we don’t want to feel 80 years old even though our driver’s license says we are.

These desires and demands are not just wishful thinking. Huge advances in the understanding of how men and women age are being made almost daily. These findings are helping to improve our chances of living long, healthy lives. And, some of the most impressive findings have shown that using nutritional supplements can help – in particular, a specially formulated papaya preparation is able to fight two of the primary reasons we get old – oxidative stress and immune system decline.

This issue of Ask the Doctor is going to share the anti-aging secrets hidden in the papaya and how this tropical fruit may hold the key to a long, vibrant life.


Q. Why papaya? What does papaya have that other fruits and vegetables don’t?

A. Not many American moms put a papaya in their kids’ lunch boxes and papaya pie has yet to gain a following. But this tangy tasting fruit is now appearing fairly frequently in the produce departments of most grocery stores and its popularity seems to steadily increase each year.

The papaya’s bright orange flesh is fairly fibrous and very slippery – slicing a peeled papaya is a little like slicing a bar of wet soap. The core is filled with little black seeds that look a lot like caviar. And while eating a papaya will give you a day’s worth of vitamins A and C as well as potassium taking Fermented Papaya Preparation (or FPP) might just give you an additional 30 years of healthy vibrant life.


Q. What exactly is Fermented Papaya Preparation (FPP)?

A. It’s a specialized nutritional supplement. Backed by more than 30 studies to date, FPP has been used in Japan for decades. It’s also an extremely popular supplement in France and other parts of Europe. FPP begins with fresh, ripe papayas that are slowly fermented by a natural process that takes several months to complete. The fermented papaya is then dried and ground into a fine powder. This phytonutrient-rich powder can then be sprinkled in the mouth, dissolved, and swallowed.


Q. How was FPP developed?

A. Japanese scientists noticed that individuals with higher amounts of papaya in their diets experienced certain health benefits.

Researchers who study aging decided to look at the papaya’s chemistry to see if it might have properties that could contribute to longevity. Several plant chemicals in the papaya showed promise. And when they combined papaya with specific yeasts and traditional Japanese fermentation techniques, FPP was born. This unique substance was then subjected to scientific studies to see its health impact; they determined that FPP is a superior antioxidant, a powerful immune-booster, and one of Japan’s secrets to a long healthy life.


Q. How does FPP help people live longer and healthier?

A. While getting older is an indisputable fact of life, aging, per se, is not. We can’t do much about our annual birthdays and we really shouldn’t even if we could. Every age is a cause for celebration and every life experience, both the difficult and the sublime, should be treasured.

However, we don’t have to accept the consequences of aging that can make a mockery of the “Golden Years” - heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, osteoporosis, arthritis, and cancer. Our parents and grandparents and the generations that preceded them might have had little say in how they aged. But we can. We can slow down the harmful effects of aging and FPP can help by reducing oxidative stress and immune system decline.

Additionally, fighting oxidative stress helps people retain their youthful appearance longer. Oxidative damage is the number one factor in facial aging.


Q. What exactly does oxidative stress mean and what does it have to do with aging?

A. One theory of aging is that harmful molecules called free radicals wreak havoc in our cells. Many of our body’s normal metabolic processes produce free radicals. For example, free radicals are a normal by-product in the production of ATP (the energy molecule) from glucose. Certain types of white blood cells destroy invading microbes by the production of free radicals. Free radicals are also formed by the many normal enzymatic actions that take place every minute every day.

However, outside sources can also cause free radical formation, as well. If we are exposed to pollutants in the environment, chemicals, additives and preservatives in the food we eat, or even direct sunlight, excess production of free radicals can occur, causing profound damage. This free radical frenzy is called oxidative stress, and is linked to almost every disease of aging including arthritis, heart disease, cataracts, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and cancer. In fact, the reason why these are called diseases of aging is because the longer we are alive, the longer we are subjected to these free radical assaults.


Q. How does FPP affect the decline of our immune systems as we age?

A. Our immune systems consist of specialized tissues, organs, and cells, including several different kinds of white blood cells. Each type of white blood cell works in specific ways to keep us healthy and free of disease. They not only stand guard – on the alert for invaders – they can fight and eradicate microbes, too.

However, as we age, our white blood cells become less efficient in keeping viruses and bacteria from infecting us. They often mistake invaders for good guys, like nutrients. As they age, white blood cells may recognize foreign invaders, but be too tired to fight and let them in. This age-associated immune decline also results in single cancer cells being able to “take hold” and grow into tumors. By the time the white blood cells realize their mistake, the cancer is a widespread disease.

That’s why older members of society have more urinary tract infections, more pneumonia, more cases of bacterial meningitis, tuberculosis, herpes zoster, and much more cancer than younger adults do. Moreover, mortality rates for these diseases are often 2-3 times higher among adults than younger people with the same disease.

FPP steps in and takes charge. One kind of white blood cells, the macrophage “eats” and digests bacteria, viral particles, and free radical fragments. Research has shown that FPP helps macrophages work faster and ingest more disease-causing microbes. Scientists have also discovered that FPP increases the production of a chemical protein called interleukin that’s secreted by macrophages. Interleukin plays an important part in wound healing and keeping minor infections from becoming major infections.

Another important immune system cell is the natural killer (NK) cell, a white blood cell that is continually on the prowl for cancer cells. As the immune system ages, NK cells have trouble “seeing” cancer cells. Researchers have discovered that FPP boosts the activity of NK cells. Increased NK cell activity can result in the increased killing of cancer cells as well as cells infected by viruses.


Q. How does FPP help protect us from free radical damage?

A. FPP contains unique and powerful antioxidants. Antioxidants are molecules that neutralize free radical damage. Antioxidants do this by donating an extra electron to the free radical without becoming frenzied or worked up into a free radical themselves. Although the antioxidant has donated an electron, it has a more stable “personality” and is less reactive. This action stops the domino effect and ongoing free-radical damage.

If you consider your body a temple, think of free radicals as stealing bricks from your temple’s foundation. FPP acts not only as policeman, but as a builder as well. It doesn’t just stop the theft of bricks; it helps create new ones, keeping the foundation strong and young.

FPP does this by affecting super oxide dimutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GPX), the very genetic pathways that eliminate free radicals from the system. FPP is more than an antioxidant – it doesn’t turn into a pro-oxidant if you happen to take a large dose the way standard antioxidants can. Consider it an “antioxidant plus.”

Since aging is largely determined by how well our bodies can fight oxidative damage, using FPP can slow down the clock as it bolsters natural abilities with its own potent neutralizing activities.


Q. What else does science say about FPP?

A. As the subject of over 30 clinical studies, FPP has been shown to inhibit dangerous hydroxyl free radicals. In addition, it is also being considered for its immuno-protective effects.

Researchers and medical professionals have been studying FPP for years, tracking its effect on the immune system and aging. In fact, no less a personage then Dr. Luc Montagnier, co-discover of HIV 1 & 2 virus, has been conducting research on this natural immune booster.

Dr. Montagnier recommends using FPP as part of a tri-therapy (including antibiotics) that reduces the proliferation of the virus and stimulates the immune system. Since FPP has antioxidant and immuno-stimulative properties, it seems like an obvious choice for a combined approach to combating AIDS. Because of the higher free radical production in stage II of HIV infection, Montagnier believes that reducing this oxidative stress at the earliest stage of HIV infection may be a key factor.

In HIV-infected patients, the glutathione system is depressed even at the early stages. As part of a combination treatment, FPP increased the numbers of CF4 lymphocytes helped with weight gain and increased hemoglobin levels.

One scientific study showed the ability of FPP to inhibit dangerous hydroxyl and hydroxyl-like free radicals, while enhancing the production of protective super oxide. Other research by Dr. Lester Packer, a professor of Molecular Pharmacology and Toxicology at the University Of Southern California School Of Pharmacy, shows FPP to have natural iron chelating effects and prevents lipid peroxidation.

And, in one randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial, patients with cirrhosis of the liver were given FPP or a placebo. The results showed that 81.2% of the patients survived in the FPP group compared to 38.5% of participants in the placebo group.

These studies and many others like it, show that FPP can neutralize the effects of oxidative stress on disease states as well as slowing the normal aging process.


Q. So if we can prevent oxidative damage to our cells AND prevent decline in our immune systems, how much longer can we expect to live?

A. Most theories of aging and almost all researchers who study aging claim there IS a limit to how long the human body can remain viable. However, the oldest age achieved so far was 128 by a woman named Ma Pampo who lived in the Dominican Republic. Other notable oldsters include Jeanne Louise Calment of France, who lived to be 121; Elena Slough, of Trenton New Jersey who lived for 114 years and 112-year old Mary Dorothy Christian who lived and died in San Pablo, California.

Right now, Japanese women have the longest life span of any country in the world, with an average life expectancy of 85.93 years. Japanese men live an average 78.87 years. Japan also has more centenarians – people living to age 100 and beyond – than any other country as well. There is no reason why the rest of the world, the USA included, can’t achieve these average life expectancies and, hopefully, even surpass them.


Q. Is FPP safe?

A. Yes, it is. Many health-conscious people in Japan and Europe have used FPP for many years as an anti-aging product without any side effects.


Q. What is the recommended dosage level of FPP?

A. Dosages of FPP vary depending on individual needs and usage. For basic anti-aging support, 3 grams per day is fine. For additional support, up to 9 grams per day is recommended. To add a boost to your immune system when you need it, start out with 6-9 grams a day for the first 2-3 days (at the beginning of a cold, for example) and then move back down to 3 grams per day.

For individuals looking for optimum immune support, Dr. Montagnier advises morning and evening doses, preferably on an empty stomach.



As America’s Baby Boomers turn 65, they are living proof that the milestone is no longer the herald of old age. It’s just one more stepping stone from where we’ve been – to where we are – and on to where we want to go. Using Fermented Papaya Preparation, we can feel younger, look younger and live younger – to a very old age.

Buy Papaya at Vitanet LLC


Learn about Bone Health!

Date: April 20, 2007 12:43 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Learn about Bone Health!

Bone Health

Approximately 44 million American women and men aged 50 and older have osteoporosis (severe bone loss) or osteopenia (mild bone loss), with women being affected about twice as often as men. At least 1.5 million fractures of the hip, vertebra (back or neck), or wrist occur each year in the United States as a result of osteoporosis, and the annual cost of treating this disorder is nearly $14 billion and rising. Unfortunately, the toll in human suffering and loss of independence is even greater.

In this issue of Ask the Doctor, we will discuss the risk factors for osteoporosis and some key nutrients you can add to your diet that can minimize bone loss and reduce your chances of developing this disease.

Q. What are the risk factors for osteoporosis?

A. Small body frame, underweight, Caucasian or Asian race, a sedentary lifestyle, cigarette smoking, excessive alcohol or caffeine intake, high intake of carbonated beverages (especially colas), and having other family members with osteoporosis all increase personal risk of developing the disease. Certain medical conditions, including diabetes, celiac disease, hyperthyroidism, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic obstructive lung disease, hyperadrenalism, and hyperparathyroidism, are all associated with an increased risk of osteoporosis. Some medications increase the rate at which bone is lost; these include drugs prescribed for the treatment of seizures, drugs used for blood thinning, steroids such as prednisone, aluminum-containing antacids, and loop diuretics (furosemide {Lasix}).

Q. Isn’t bone loss just a normal consequence of aging?

A. Although bone mass normally declines after the age of 35, bone loss severe enough to cause fractures after just minor trauma (such as bump or fall) seems to be a relatively new phenomenon. Osteoporosis was rare in the late 19th century, and it was not until around 1920 that the condition began to attract attention among doctors. Since that time, the percentage of people who develop osteoporosis has continued to increase. For example, the age-adjusted prevalence of osteoporosis in England and Sweden double between 1950 and 1980. In addition, the percentage of elderly people with osteoporosis in some developing countries is lower than that of elderly Americans, despite lower calcium intakes in the developing countries, further suggesting that osteoporosis is a disease of modern civilization.

Q. Can osteoporosis be prevented?

A. Engaging in regular weight bearing exercise, avoiding excessive consumption of alcohol and caffeine, and quitting smoking will slow the rate of bone loss. Eating adequate, but not excessive, amounts of protein also enhances bone health. In addition, a growing body of research has shown that supplementing with various vitamins and minerals may not only help prevent, but in some cases actually reverse, bone loss. At least 15 different nutrients have been found to play a role in bone health.

Q. What type of calcium is best?

A. For most people, calcium salts are absorbed about the same, between 30% and 40% of the administered dose. People who low stomach acid (hypochlorhydria) should not use calcium carbonate, because that form of calcium is absorbed poorly in the absence of stomach acid. Calcium phosphate may be preferable for many older people, because phosphorus is necessary for normal bone formation, the phosphorus intake of older people is often low, and calcium supplements inhibit the absorption of phosphorus.

Also, calcium bound to phosphorus is the form in which calcium in the bone is stored, and it has a much greater bone activity than other forms.

Q. How much vitamin D is needed to promote strong bones?

A. Because vitamin D is produced when the ultraviolet rays from the sun hit skin, people who stay out of the sun, wear sunscreen, or live in a northern latitude (such as Boston or Seattle) where less ultraviolet light reaches the skin, are at increased risk of vitamin D deficiency. In addition, aging decreases a person’s ability to synthesize vitamin D in the skin. Results from five research trials on vitamin D found that supplementation with 700-800 IU of vitamin D per day decreased the number of hip fractures by 26%, but 400 IU per day was ineffective. In addition to enhancing bone health, vitamin D improves nerve and muscle function in older people, thereby reducing their chances of falling down. Supplementation of elderly women with 800 IU of vitamin D per day has been shown to decrease the number of falls by about 50%.

Q. Is that much vitamin D safe?

A. The Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine established a “safe upper limit” of 2,000 IU per day in 1997. More recent research suggests that up to 4,000 IU of vitamin D per day is safe for the average person. However, you likely don’t need nearly this much to address most bone issues.

Q. Why would nutrients besides calcium and vitamin D is important?

A. Bone is living tissue, constantly remodeling itself and engaging in numerous biological functions. Like other tissues in the body, bone has a wide range of nutritional needs. The typical refined and processed American diet has been depleted of many different vitamins and minerals, some of which play a key role in promoting bone health. Not getting enough of one or more of these micronutrients may be and important contributing factor to the modern epidemic of osteoporosis. In addition, supplementing with calcium may cause a loss of magnesium, zinc, silicon, manganese, and phosphorus, unless these nutrients are also provided.

Q. What nutrients besides calcium and vitamin D promote healthy bones?

A. Magnesium, zinc, copper, manganese, vitamin K, boron, strontium, silicon, folic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, phosphorus, and vitamin C have all been shown to play a role in bone health. Following is a brief description of the role that each of these 15 nutrients play in building healthy bones.

Calcium: A component of the mineral crystals that make up bone.

Vitamin D: Enhances calcium absorption, prevents falls by improving nerve and muscle function.

Magnesium: Important for bone mineralization (accumulation of minerals which form bones). Magnesium deficiency is associated with abnormal bone mineral crystals in humans. In an open clinical trial, magnesium supplementation increased bone mineral density by an average 5% after 1-2 years in postmenopausal women.

Copper: Laboratory research has found that copper promotes bone mineralization and decreases bone loss, and that osteoporosis can develop if the diet is deficient in copper. Western diets often contain less copper than the amount recommended by the National Academy of Sciences. In a 2-year double-blind trail, copper supplementation reduced bone loss by 90% in middle-aged women, compared with a placebo.

Zinc: Like magnesium, zinc is important for bone mineralization, and also has been shown to decrease bone loss. Low dietary zinc intake was associated with increased fracture risk in a study of middle-aged and elderly men. The zinc content of the diet is frequently low; a study of elderly low-income people found they were consuming only half the Recommended Dietary Allowance for this mineral.

Manganese: Plays a role in the creation of the connective-tissue components of bone. Manganese deficiency in laboratory tests resulted in low bone mineral density and weak bones. Manganese deficiency may be associated with the development of osteoporosis.

Boron: Supports creation of bone-protecting hormones such as estrogen, testosterone, and DHEA. Boron supplementation prevented bone loss in experimental studies. In human volunteers consuming a low-boron diet, boron supplementation decreased urinary calcium excretion by 25-33%, a change that may indicate reduced bone loss.

Silicon: Plays a role in the synthesis of the connective-tissue components of bone. Silicon deficiency has been associated with bone abnormalities. In an observational study, higher dietary silicon intake correlated with higher bone mineral density. In a clinical trial, administration of an organic silicon compound increased bone mineral density of the femur (or thigh bone) in postmenopausal women.

B vitamins (folic acid, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12): These three B vitamins have been shown to lower blood levels of homocysteine, a breakdown product of the amino acid methionine. An elevated homocysteine concentration is a strong and independent risk factor for fractures in older men and women. Homocysteine levels increase around the time of menopause, which may explain in part why bone loss accelerates at that time. In a 2-year double-blind trial, supplementation of elderly stroke patients with folic acid and vitamin B12 reduced the number of hip fractures by 78%, compared with a placebo.

Strontium: This trace mineral is incorporated into bone and appears to increase bone strength. It also stimulates bone formation and inhibits bone breakdown. Controlled trials have demonstrated that strontium supplementation of postmenopausal women increases bone mineral density and decreases fracture risk.

Vitamin K: Best known for its effect on blood clotting, vitamin K is also required for the creation of osteocalcin, a unique protein found in bone that participates in the mineralization process. The amount of vitamin K needed for optimal bone health appears to be greater than the amount needed to prevent bleeding. Vitamin K levels tend to be low in people with osteoporosis. In randomized clinical trials, supplementation of postmenopausal women with vitamin K prevented bone loss and reduced the incidence of fractures.

Q. Which form of vitamin K is best?

A. Two forms of vitamin K compounds are present in food: vitamin K1 and vitamin K2. Vitamin K1 (also called phylloquinone) is present in leafy green vegetables and some vegetable oils, and vitamin K2 is found in much smaller amounts in meat, cheese, eggs, and natto (fermented soybeans).

To make things a little more complicated, Vitamin K2 itself can occur in more than one form. The two most important to this discussion are menaquinine-4 (MK-4, also called menatetrenone), which is licensed as a prescription drug in Japan, and menaquinone-7 (MK-7), which is extracted from natto.

Research suggests that MK-7 from natto may be an ideal form of vitamin K. The biological activity of MK-7 in laboratory studies was 17 times higher than that of vitamin K1 and 130 times higher than that of MK-4. After oral administration, MK-7 was better absorbed and persisted in the body longer, compared with MK-4 and vitamin K1. Although both have shown ability to prevent osteoporosis in laboratory research, a much lower dosage (600 times lower) of MK-7 is required, compared to MK-4, to obtain beneficial effects.

Thus, MK-7 has greater biological activity, greater bioavailability, and possibly more potent effects on bone, compared with other forms of vitamin K. The potential value of MK-7 for bone health is supported by an observational study from Japan, in which increasing natto consumption was associated with a lower risk of hip fracture. While additional research needs to be done, the available evidence suggests that the best forms of vitamin K for long-term use at physiological doses are MK-7 and vitamin K1.

Q. Why is strontium so important in building strong bones?

A. Strontium is of great interest to bone health researchers and has been studied in very high doses. Surprisingly, lower doses are not only safer for long-term supplementation, but may in fact have a greater impact on bone health than very high doses. Too little, and bone density is impaired; too much and health may be impaired. This is a case where dosing needs to be just right for optimal impact. Therefore, until more is known, it is wise to keep supplemental strontium at less than 6 mg per day.

Q. Can people taking osteoporosis medications also take bone-building nutrients?

A. Because nutrients work by a different mechanism than osteoporosis drugs, nutritional supplements are likely to enhance the beneficial effect of these medications. Calcium or other minerals may interfere with the absorption of biphophonates such as alendronate (Fosamax) or etidronate (Didronel). For that reason, calcium and other minerals should be taken at least two hours before or two hours after these medications. Also, it is always best to discuss the supplements you are using with your healthcare practitioner to create an integrated health plan.

Final thoughts…

Bone health ramifications extend beyond osteoporosis and fractures. Bone health is essential for freedom of movement, safety, comfort, independence and longevity. Weak bones do not heal well – sometimes they never heal at all. Osteoporosis-related fractures rob us of our mobility and consign thousands of Americans to walkers and wheelchairs every year. In fact, 40% of people are unable to walk independently after a hip fracture, and 60% still require assistance a year later. The most terrible consequence of fractures related to osteoporosis is mortality. The impairment of the ability to move around freely can cause pneumonia and skin damage leading to serious infections. It is estimated that suffering a hip fracture increases the risk of dying almost 25%. Making bone health a priority now will allow you to reap health dividends for many years to come.

Build Strong Bones with Vitamins from Vitanet


Complete Liver Cleanse

Date: April 19, 2007 04:17 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Complete Liver Cleanse

Complete Liver Cleanse

Technical Data Sheet



The liver performs over 500 functions, including metabolizing carbohydrates and proteins, synthesizing and storing vitamins, and regulating hormones – naming just a few. To do this job, the liver is also required to be exposed to potentially harmful toxins and chemicals, every day.

One way to support the liver is through periodic supplementation with the proper balance of herbal ingredients, phytosterols, and fiber. Complete Liver Cleanse is a convenient, multi-ingredient formula that supports overall liver health and detoxification.

Complete Liver Cleanse:

Includes ingredients for various aspects of liver and gallbladder support:

-Herbal ingredients that support liver and gallbladder health

-Detoxifying ingredients that keep bound toxins from being reabsorbed

-Phytosterols to block cholesterol absorption in the intestines

-Fiber that moves cholesterol and toxins out of the body

-Oat beta-glucan fiber with up to 4 times higher viscosity than other beta-glucan


-Simple, two week liver cleanse program


Each 3 capsules contain:

Calcium (as calcium D-glucarate) 13 mg

Proprietary PuraFiber Blend: 1 mg

Viscofiber Oat B-Gucan Concentrate, phytosterols

(beta sitosterol, campesterol, stigmasterol, brassicasterol,

and other plant sterols), and glucomannan

Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum) Fruit Phytosome 220 mg

One part Milk Thistle Extract, standardized to contain 80%

Silymarin bound to two parts phosphatidylcholine (soy) using

a patented process

Burdock (Arctium lappa) Root Extract 4:1 100 mg

Calcium D-Glucarate 100 mg

Boldo (Peumus boldus) Leaf Extract 2:1 75 mg

Turmeric (Curcuma longa) Rhizome Extract 50 mg

Standardized to contain 90% curcuminoids

Dandelion (Taraxacum offinale) Root Extract 4:1 50 mg

Artichoke (Cynara scolymus) Leaf Extract 30 mg

Standardized to contain 13-18% caffeylquinic

Acids calculated as chlorogenic acid

Contains no: sugar, salt, yeast, wheat, dairy products, artificial coloring, artificial flavoring, ingredients of animal origin, or preservatives. This product contains natural ingredients; color variations are normal.

Other ingredients: See label for most current information

Viscofiber is a registered trademark of Cebena Bioproducts, Inc. The use and composition of the Viscofiber proprietary formula is protected by patients and patent applications filed in the U.S., Canada and internationally.

This product contains calcium D-glucarate, the use of which is licensed from Applied Food Sciences, LLC, and protected by U.S. patent 4,845,123.


The Liver

Every day, the liver must process an almost unbelievable amount of blood – at a rate of three pints every minute. All the while, the liver performs over 500 physiologic functions, including protein and glucose synthesis, carbohydrate metabolism, vitamin and mineral storage, synthesis of clotting factors, urea formation, metabolism of medications, and the production of bile. The liver also assists in hormonal regulation, blood glucose control, and other regulatory functions.

Harmful substances that have been neutralized by the liver are carried to the intestines and kidneys for excretion. They are transported by bile, a greenish, watery solution that is synthesized, and continuously being excreted, by the liver. Stored in the gallbladder, a small sac cupped in the under surface of the liver, bile is also required for the digestion of dietary fats. However, in the case of toxins, bile is primarily an early transporter of the toxic compounds to the intestines, where they can be bound to fiber that helps transport them out of the body. Environmental toxins, including lipid (fat) soluble toxins, are broken into water-soluble components by bile to be excreted through the kidneys or colon.

Liver Detoxification

Detoxification refers to the process of excreting potentially harmful compounds that are both generated by the body and acquired through exposure to the environment. In the body, toxins are generated as by-products of cellular metabolic processes. Examples include dead and digested bacteria, hydrogen peroxide, cellular debris, and carbon dioxide.

The Environmental Protection Agency has determined that the amount of environmental toxins in the air, groundwater, and soil has increased significantly in the last 40 years. In fact, the use of pesticides has doubled every ten years since 1945. Americans are increasingly exposed to heavy metals, pesticides, fossil fuel emissions, sulfur oxides, hydrocarbons, and other harmful chemicals. The Environmental Protection Agency reports that traces of toxic chemicals can now be found in nearly every American.

Herbal Liver Support

One of the major components in Complete Liver Cleanse is its milk thistle extract, standardized to contain 80% silymarin, the plant’s most bioactive compound. Milk Thistle provides support, at a cellular level, for healthy liver function. A patented delivery system, known as the Phytosome process, provides superior absorption of the milk thistle extract.

Silymarin, a key compound found in milk thistle, is a mixture of flavonoids with a long history of liver support. Silymarin supports the health of Kupffer cells, specialized liver cells responsible for removing bacteria, old blood cells, and other foreign matter from the liver’s blood supply. Silymarin scavenges free radicals (superoxide anion radical and nitric oxide) produced by activated Kupffer cells, supports healthy leukotriene levels, and supports glutathione production that is used in detoxification.

Silymarin also supports the health of hepatocytes, highly versatile liver cells with unique physiologic functions. Studies of silymarin have demonstrated that it supports the health of the hepatocyte outer membrane, which is crucial to the liver’s detoxification processes. Silymarin also supports the healthy regenerative ability of the liver through support of protein synthesis in the hepatocytes.

Phytosome Process

A special, patented proves known as Phytosome enhances the absorption of milk thistle in Complete Liver Cleanse. The Phytosome process pairs herbal ingredients with phosphatidylcholine molecules. Phosphatidylcholine is a naturally occurring substance found in soybeans, egg yolks, and some vegetables. In the body, phosphatidylcholine is an important building block of cell membranes.

When milk thistle (or other herbs) are bound with phosphatidylcholine, the phosphatidylcholine molecule facilitates absorption through the intestines into the bloodstream. Research has shown increased blood and serum levels for phytosome herbs in comparison to the individual herb alone.

To test whether binding an herb with phosphatidylcholine increased its bioavailability, researchers gave volunteers identical amounts of either milk thistle alone, or milk thistle phytosome. The researchers then took blood sample from the participants and measured the level of silybin (a key compound in milk thistle). The measurements showed that silybin levels in participants taking the phytosome form of milk thistle were higher, and that silybin was detected for a longer time, than those who took milk thistle without the phytosome delivery system.

Other Herbal Liver Supportive Ingredients

Herbal extracts are often at their best when they are working synergistically – that is, when different constituents of each plant work together and support each other. Complete Liver Cleanse contains a variety of herbal extracts that have noted benefits for supporting the body’s healthy bile flow and free-radical scavenging effects. These ingredients provide a wide spectrum of liver supportive benefits.

For instance, dandelion root extract supports healthy bile flow from the gallbladder.

Burdock Root:

Burdock is originally native to Europe and Asia, but was introduced to North America, probably during colonial times. The plant is commonly found in the northern United States, and is very recognizable, with large, heart-shaped leaves. It has a long history of traditional use for gastrointestinal support.

Burdock root (Arctium lappa) supports the natural physiologic processes of organs involved in detoxification and elimination: notably, the liver, kidneys, and intestines.


Bolodo (pemus boldus) is a small evergreen native to South America, but naturalized to southern Europe. The leaves are considered the health supportive part of the plant. This herb has a long history of use in Chile, and became known in Western countries in the late 19th century.

In scientific studies, boldo appears to have strong free-radical scavenging ability, mostly attributed to the catechin and flavonoids content of its leaves. In a clinical study, boldo also appears to relax smooth muscle and support intestinal transit time.

Artichoke Leaf extract specifically supports healthy bile production in the liver and healthy gastrointestinal function in general. Research into artichoke’s gastrointestinal supportive properties has included at least three clinical trials. Artichoke’s role in supporting healthy cholesterol levels within normal limits has also been investigated.


Turmeric (Curcuma longa) is a perennial shrub native to southern Asia with a long history as both a food ingredient and for health support.

More recently, turmeric has been investigated for its support of healthy bile secretion, and pancreatic and gastric function.

In a scientific study, dietary curcuminoids derived from turmeric supported healthy lipid metabolism and cholesterol levels already within normal limits.

Curcumin has also been shown in scientific studies to enhance the activity of glutathione S-transferase - an enzyme responsible for linking glutathione (one of the body’s natural antioxidants) with toxins to help remove them from the body. In this way, it provides additional support for healthy liver function.


Calcium d-glucarate:

The process of detoxification is the breakdown and excretion of substances that are no longer needed or may be harmful to the body. One of the ways in which the body excretes hormones and toxins is by binding them to glucuronic acid in the liver, and then excreting this compound in the bile.

However, this process can be disrupted by B-glucuronidase, an enzyme that is produced by intestinal bacteria. This enzyme has the ability to break (uncouple) the chemical bond established by glucuronic acid. This action releases the bound toxins, which are then reabsorbed into the body instead of being excreted.

Calcium D-Glucarate is the calcium salt of d-glucaric acid. It is found in both the human body, and in some plant sources, including broccoli and oranges.

Calcium d0glucarate enhances the body’s detoxification systems by inhibiting the actions of beta-glucuronidase. This helps decrease the portion of active compounds that could be hazardous to the body.


Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance that is vital to fat digestion, cell structure, nerve insulation and hormone production. Cholesterol comes from two sources: dietary or “exogenous” cholesterol absorbed in the intestine, and “endogenous” cholesterol formed mostly by the liver and stored in the gallbladder.

Cholesterol occurs in two forms known as lipoproteins. Lipoproteins act as transports that carry fat s to and from the cells.

High-density lipoprotein (HDL) carries low lipid density cholesterol (LDL) away from arterial walls and returns it to the bloodstream. LDL then travels back to the liver, which processes and eliminates it. While high levels of HDL cholesterol is desirable, high amounts of LDL cholesterol is not supportive of optimal health.

LDL-cholesterol is both synthesized in the body, or absorbed into the bloodstream through receptor sites in the intestines. Think of these receptors as “parking spaces” for cholesterol. As it happens, the liver can receive up to 500 mg per day of cholesterol from intestinal absorption. (It can also produce as much as 1000 mg per day).

One way to help reduce the absorption of LDL cholesterol molecules it to occupy their “parking places” in the intestines. Phytosterols in Liver Cleanse are essentially the “fat” of plants. They’re found in nuts, corn and rice and are some of the “good” fats associated with the benefits of olive oil, flaxseed oil and other healthy oils.

The structure of phytosterols is so similar to cholesterol that they fit perfectly in the specially-shaped intestinal parking spaces that LDL-cholesterol would normally occupy.

Taken with, or just before meals, phytosterols block the cholesterol receptor sites so that cholesterol is excreted from the body rather than absorbed. Phytosterols also have the additional role of helping promote healthy bile salt excretion in the intestines.

The phytosterol blend in Complete Liver Cleanse can help minimize the absorption of cholesterol from high-protein food sources, help retain healthy cholesterol levels that are within normal limits, and move bile sat through the digestive system.

Fiber and detoxification

Fiber plays a key role in the removal and excretion of intestinal toxins in detoxification. Only fibers that can effectively bind toxins will be successful in eliminating these harmful substances. Due to the unique benefits of individual fibers, the best binding, removal, and elimination effects are noted when combining different fiber types. Complete Liver Cleanse contains a combination of oat beta-glucan and konjac fiber that has been shown in scientific studies to bind to bile salts.

Dietary fibers are complex mixtures of cellulose, hemicellulose, pectin, mucilage, and gums, which are resistant to digestive fluids or enzymes – that is, they aren’t absorbed into the bloodstream. So, while fiber itself doesn’t necessarily provide nutrients, it does promote laxation and modulate gastric and intestinal physiology. Intestinal flora that normally reside within the colon utilize fiber as a medium for microbial fermentation, resulting in the synthesis of the vitamins, vitamin K and biotin, and the formation of short chain fatty acids, or SCFA.

SCFA have a simple, but important job: to be absorbed by the colon mucosa, increasing fecal matter bulk and providing energy. Fiber has been demonstrated in numerous clinical studies to provide support of gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, immune, and endocrine function health.

Complete Liver Cleanse also features two unique fibers to promote detoxification – konjac and oat beta-glucan.


Konjac, (Amorphophallus Konjac) is a tuber native to Asia, rich in glucomannan polysaccharide. This viscous material is made into a jelly, noodles and other foods. It has been used in Japan for at least a thousand years.

As a fiber, konjac has shown positive results maintaining healthy cholesterol levels within normal limits in clinical studies. This beneficial effect is due to konjac’s ability to boost excretion of bile acid.

Oat beta-glucan:

Oat beta-glucan has been a widely studied fiber source for supporting healthy cholesterol levels within normal limits.

In a randomized clinical study, oat beta-glucan showed support of healthy HDL/LDL ratios already within normal limits in individuals over a three week trial.

Closely linked to cholesterol, oat beta-glucan has also been studied for its support of healthy bile excretion.

Fiber has benefits beyond maintaining healthy cholesterol levels already within normal limits. It also contributes to healthy blood sugar levels already within normal limits. In a double-blind, clinical study, the oat beta-glucan fiber used in Liver Cleanse was shown to have 4 times higher viscosity than another high concentrate beta-glucan fiber.

Viscosity – the resistance to flow – is an important factor in beta-glucan, and all fiber. Water, for instance, would have a low viscosity, because it provides very little resistance to movement. Fiber, on the other hand, should have a higher viscosity in order to maximize its transit time through the GI tract, providing a gentle “scrubbing” on the intestinal walls. Therefore, the higher the viscosity, the greater the potential benefit.


Three capsules in the morning and three capsules at bedtime for 14 days.


Warnings: Do not use if you know or suspect you have an obstructed bile duct or problematic gallstones. If pregnant, nursing or taking prescription drugs, consult your healthcare practitioner prior to use. Keep out of reach of children.

Buy Liver Cleanse Supplements at Vitanet


Growing Older, Feeling Better

Date: March 28, 2007 02:15 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Growing Older, Feeling Better

Growing Older, Feeling Better


Not long ago, when a man turned sixty-five, he became officially old – the best years of his life far behind him. The milestone meant his working days were done and if he was lucky, he might get four or five years to spend as he wished before illness and infirmity set in. It was simply expected and accepted that the older a man got, the sicker he got.

Well, not anymore. Today, a man age 65 is just as likely to be found hiking in the hills, running in a marathon, or even dancing in the streets than rocking in that proverbial front porch rocker. Because it’s becoming more and more evident that the older a man gets, the healthier that man has been.

Eating healthy, exercising, and kicking harmful habits (like smoking) can add years to a man’s life. Aging research is proving over and over again, that we can prevent and delay heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s disease – the major causes of disability and death in men over 50.

Now, it’s very true that good clean living from early on is preferable to sixty five years of bad habits and five years of good. But it’s also true that it’s never too late for men to make changes and vow to take better care of themselves. And one of the easiest and most effective ways men can improve their health is the addition of high quality nutritional supplements.

In this issue of Ask the Doctor, we’ll talk about specific dietary supplements that have been scientifically shown to improve the health of men over fifty, prevent the diseases that often strike at this crucial time in men’s lives, and actually slow the aging process.


Q. I just turned 50 and I’d like to begin taking nutritional supplements, but they seem so confusing. Where should I begin?

A. Many men feel the same way. There are literally hundreds and hundreds of nutritional supplements on health food store shelves. Figuring out which supplements provide the best health benefits for a 50+ man can be overwhelming.

The best foundation supplement is a high quality multivitamin. Research is repeatedly finding that even very healthy men who take daily multivitamins can significantly improve their health. In fact, an article published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) recommends that all adult Americans take a vitamin supplement. Look for solid doses of vitamin supplement. Look for sol doses of vitamins and especially minerals. Multivitamins designed to be taken once a day are often woefully deficient in calcium, magnesium, and potassium. The only mineral a man should avoid is supplemental iron. Iron should only be in formulas for women prior to menopause. Men over 50 get all the iron they need from food and too much iron can cause health problems.


Look for men’s multivitamins that contain lycopene in the formula. Lycopene is the pigment that makes tomatoes red. The redder the tomato, the more lycopene is present. Numerous studies have shown that when men have high lycopene levels in their blood, they have a much lower risk of heart disease, age-related macular degeneration (a leading cause of vision loss) and prostate cancer.


Other important considerations are antioxidant blends, especially fruit- and tea-derived extracts; ginseng for energy and stamina; and digestive enzymes to aid in absorption and compensate for age-related decreased enzyme levels.


In fact, years of research has shown the foods a man chooses to eat (or not to eat) can have a profound impact on the health of his prostate gland. Because of this close nutritional link, prostate cancer may be the most preventable type of non-smoking related cancers.


Q. Aside from taking a quality multivitamin for general health, what nutritional supplements prevent and treat prostate cancer?

A. Six vital and all-natural nutrients can prevent prostate cancer from developing and even help fight the disease.


Calcium D-Glucarate

When men are exposed to excess levels of hormones, their risk of prostate cancer increases. A natural substance found in fruits and vegetables called calcium D-glucarate (or CDG), helps men’s built-in detoxification systems get rid of these harmful excess hormones.



This antioxidant has powerful effects on the prostate gland. In a recent study, researchers recruited 974 men to take part in a large clinical trial to determine if selenium could prevent cancer. The researchers found that selenium cut the rate of prostate cancer by 63%!


Green Tea

Green tea is the most widely consumed liquid in the world, after water. Men in China and Japan have been drinking it for centuries. They also have very low rates of prostate cancer. Research has discovered that potent plant substance in green tea called epigallocatechin gallate, or EGCG, can stop the growth of prostate cancer cells dead in their tracks.


Maitake Mushroom

For many years, maitake mushrooms, or dancing mushrooms, have been linked to good health in those who eat them. That’s because maitakes contain an important compound called D-fraction. A recent study showed that maitake D-fraction destroyed 95% of human prostate cancer cells in lab experiments.



Promising preliminary reports demonstrate that lycopene can actually kill prostate cancer cells, so there has been an explosion of lycopene and prostate cancer research.


Q. What exactly happens to men’s hormones as they get older?

A. Just as women experience significant hormonal changes as they age, so do men. In fact, the term andropause has been used to describe men’s mid-life changes. Similar to menopause in women (where the decline of estrogen causes a myriad of symptoms), andropause in men signals the slow decline of testosterone, the chief sex hormone in men. While estrogen levels decline faster and more abruptly in women than testosterone levels do in men, testosterone decline can cause a number of unpleasant symptoms. These include abdominal weight gain, hair loss, reduced energy and sex drive, heart disease, and prostate enlargement. Whether a man labels these age-related changes as andropause or just the consequences of aging, most men will unfortunately experience some or all of them as their birthdays mount.


Q. So, is there a supplement that can give me the hormone level of a 20 year old?

A. Sadly, no, at least not yet! But there is a nutrient that can help the testosterone in a man over fifty “behave” more like a younger man’s testosterone.


A study that took place at the Fred Hutchinson Center in Seattle found that men who ate three servings of cruciferous vegetables – broccoli, cauliflower, or Brussels sprouts – every day had a 48 percent lower risk of prostate cancer. It seems a cruciferous plant chemical called diindolylmethane (DIM) that’s formed when broccoli is eaten, is the substance responsible for this impressive prostate cancer prevention. Since not many men could be persuaded to ea t broccoli for breast, lunch, and dinner every day researchers tried to extract DIM from these vegetables and make into a nutritional supplement. After many years of trying, scientists finally discovered a stable, all natural, and absorbable from of DIM.


The secret of DIM’s prostate cancer prevention is its ability to metabolize estrogen. While estrogen is generally thought of as a “female” hormone, a precise ratio of testosterone-to-estrogen is needed to maintain a man’s healthy sexual response, effective sexual function (erection of the penis and intercourse), strong bones and muscles, viable sperm, and a well-functioning prostate gland. As men enter their fifties, this ratio begins to change.


When men take DIM, however, their estrogen metabolism improves, testosterone metabolism accelerates, and the unwanted conversion of testosterone into estrogen is eliminated. This results in higher testosterone levels, similar to those seen in young men. As a result, DIM may speed weight loss, reduce prostate gland enlargement (benign prostatic hyperplasia or BPH), and help men over 50 feel stronger and leaner.


Some supplements on the market today contain indole-3-carbinol (I3C), a precursor to DIM. However, I3C is unstable and requires activation in the stomach to be converted into DIM. This means I3C must be taken at a much higher amount and can undergo unpredictable and undesirable chemical reactions in your stomach and colon. DIM is by far the preferred supplement.


Q. What is saw palmetto? Does it reduce symptoms of Benign Prostate Hyperplasia (BPH)?

A. Yes it does and very effectively too. Saw palmetto is a small palm tree native to Florida and North Carolina. The tree’s dark red berries contain many beneficial compounds. Nutritional supplements that contain saw palmetto are highly effective in the treatment of BPH.


The prostate gland is about the size of a walnut and is located below the bladder and in front of the rectum. It wraps around the upper part of the urethra and its primary job is the production and storage of semen, the milky fluid that nourishes sperm. BPH is one of the most common health conditions in older men. Half of all men aged 40-60 and more than 90 percent in men over 80 have BPH. BPH causes the prostate gland to enlarge, putting pressure on the urethra.


Men have trouble starting or maintaining a stream of urine, find they can’t completely empty their bladders, and have to urinate frequently, even during the night. They may also have episodes of uncontrollable dribbling or complete loss of urine. BPH is caused by the conversion of estrogen to a very potent form of testosterone called, dihydrotestosterone (or DHT). When prostate cells are exposed to DHT, they multiply in number and get much larger.


BPH rarely improves. It most often remains the same for years or gets gradually worse. The need to continually urinate, interrupted sleep, dribbling, and loss of urine can significantly interfere with a man’s quality of life. Prescription medications that have been developed to treat BPH are only partially effective. And surgical removal of the prostate gland may result in even more persistent urinary incontinence and the inability to achieve an erection (ED).


However, saw palmetto berry extract relieves the symptoms of BPH by inhibiting the production of DHT. And, in study after study after study, saw palmetto caused none of the side effects that happen with prostate surgery or medications.


Q. There seem to be plenty of ads for supplements that claim they make men into Sexual Superheroes. Is there an “honest” nutritional supplement to help me sexually?

A. That’s a very good observation. And yes, there are honest nutritional supplements for men’s sexual health.


Sexual intimacy is an important, complex, and lifelong need. It makes us feel better physically and mentally and adds to our sense of security, belonging, and self-esteem. But just like other changes that happen to men as they get older, men’s sexual response most often changes, too. Declining testosterone levels, changes in blood flow to the penis, certain medications that older men are prescribed, and the presence of diabetes or heart disease can all affect men’s ability to engage in sexual activity.


When men have a chronic inability in obtaining and/or maintaining an erection, it’s called erectile dysfunction (ED). While ED is not an inevitable part of getting older, it does occur more frequently as men age. About 5% of 40-year-old men have ED, but more than 23% of 65-year-old men have difficulty maintaining erections.


The development of prescription medication Viagra (sildenafil citrate) has revolutionized ED treatment. When a man is sexually stimulated, Viagra helps the penis fill with enough blood to cause an erection.


Like all medicines, Viagra can cause some side effects, including headache, flushing of the face, and upset stomach. But because Viagra is a prescription medication, it requires a visit to a licensed healthcare practitioner. For many men, telling anyone (even a professional) that they are having trouble getting or keeping an erection is simply too embarrassing. Viagra is also fairly expensive and many older men do not have prescription drug health insurance.


These reasons may explain that while an estimated 30 million men in the United States – 10% of the male population – experience chronic ED, as few as 5% of men with chronic ED seek treatment.


Not every man can take Viagra, either. Men who use nitrate drugs, often used to control chest pain (also known as angina), must not take Viagra. This combination can cause their blood pressure to drop to an unsafe or life-threatening level. Men with serious liver and kidney problems who take Viagra must be monitored closely for possible serious side effects.


The good news is there is a nutritional supplement that’s formulated with vitamins, herbs, and glandular products that targets male sexual organs. The formula contains vitamin E, liver fractions, wheat germ, beta-sitosterol, and herbal extracts of muira puama, Mexican damiana, saw palmetto, cola nut, ginseng, and ginkgo biloba.


Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant and men’s testicles, adrenal glands, and pituitary glands need high levels of this fat-soluble vitamin for proper functioning. Extracts of Muira puama, Mexican damiana, and cola nut have been studied for their beneficial effects on male hormones.


Study of ginkgo in sexual response came about when a patient in a nursing home who was taking the herb for memory enhancement noted that his erections were improved. Since then, study of ginkgo has shown it helps blood flow to the penis. Sexual response research in one ginkgo study showed that 76% of men taking ginkgo experienced improved sexual desire, erections, and orgasms.


While other nutritional supplements sold to improve sexual stamina often make outrageous claims, reputable manufacturers rely on science and results to sell their products.


An important note

Most often sexual problems are simply part of the aging process. They can also be signs of serious health problems. If the use of nutritional supplements for two months does not improve your erections, you do need to see your healthcare practitioner. Almost all practitioners understand how difficult this problem is for men to discuss and are experienced in getting the information as quickly and as painlessly as possible.



No man has the power to stop the passage of time. But every man has the power to make aging more healthy and less harmful. Research conducted on men who live to be 100 and beyond, has determined that those who reach extreme old age do so by avoiding ill health, rather than by enduring it. As I like to remind my patients, “Age is not determined by years, but by function.” And it’s never too late for men to detour around the major illnesses of getting older. With good nutrition, healthy habits, and high quality nutritional supplements, the best years of a man’s life can absolutely and positively be those he spends in his 70s, 80s and even his 90s.


Let Vitanet Help You Grow Older Gracefully!


Glucosamine Sulfate and Chondroitin Sulfate

Date: March 28, 2007 11:10 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Glucosamine Sulfate and Chondroitin Sulfate

Glucosamine Sulfate and Chondroitin Sulfate

Osteoarthritis is the most prevalent form of arthritis in the U.S., according to the Arthritis Foundation. One-third of all American adults have X-ray evidence of osteoarthritis of the hand, foot, knee, or hip. Osteoarthritis is responsible for more than 7 million physician visits per year and is second only to cardiovascular disease as the cause of chronic disability in adults. As Baby Boomers age, the number of people suffering from osteoarthritis is expected to rapidly increase in the next 10 years.

While osteoarthritis research ahs led to the development of promising new prescription and over-the-counter medications aimed at reducing pain, none has created the excitement of glucosamine sulfate (GS), which actually addresses the underlying joint destruction.

Q. What is osteoarthritis?

A. Osteoarthritis is a complex, metabolic disorder of the cartilage and bones of certain joints. However, to fully understand how osteoarthritis develops, we need to understand how joints work.

A joint is formed when two or more bones are brought together and held in place by muscles and tendons. Some joints have very little range of movement, such as the joints of the ribs, while others have much more range of movement. Hips, knees, elbows, writs, and thumbs are termed synovial joints, and have the greatest range of movement and mobility of human joints. To allow such mobility, synovial joints have a unique structure.

The bones that form synovial joints are covered with cartilage. Tough fibrous tissue encloses the area between the bone ends and is called the joint capsule. The joint cavity within the capsule is lined with an inner membrane, called synovial membrane. The membrane secretes synovial fluid, a thick, slippery fluid that fills the small space around and between the two bones. This fluid contains many substances that lubricate the joint and ease movement.

The cartilage of synovial joints serves two very important functions. First, it provides a remarkably smooth weight-bearing surface; synovial joints move easily. Secondly, synovial cartilage serves as a shock absorber, providing a soft, flexible foundation. Healthy cartilage absorbs the force of the energy, transmits the load to the bone, and distributes the mechanical stress created by joint movement.

Synovial joints function under almost continual mechanical stress. A joint’s ability to withstand or resist this stress is a reflection of its health. When the mechanical stress is too great or the joint’s ability to resist this stress is compromised, physical changes occur in the cartilage covering the bones.

Cartilage is a tough, elastic tissue, comprised mostly of water, collagen, and complex proteins called proteoglycans. In osteoarthritis, the cartilage starts to weaken, becomes frayed, and eventually breaks down. This exposes the bones of the joint, which then rub together. A gritty feeling and grinding sound may occur when an osteoarthritic joint is bent and flexed. As osteoarthritis progresses, bits of bone and cartilage often break off and float inside the joint space. The bones may enlarge, causing the joint to lose its normal shape. Tiny bone spurs may grow on the joints’ sides and edges. These physical changes in the diseased joint are responsible for progressive damage and continual pain.

People with osteoarthritis most frequently describe their pain as deep and aching. The pain not only is felt in the affected joint but may also be present in the surrounding and supporting muscles. Joint inflammation also may occur, increasing the already considerable discomfort. Joint stiffness is another unfortunate component of osteoarthritis. Exercising the joint most often results in increased pain; however, stiffness tends to follow periods of inactivity. Humid weather often makes all osteoarthritis symptoms worse. As the disease progresses, the pain may occur even when the joint is at rest, creating sleepless nights and miserable days.

Q. What causes osteoarthritis?

A. Osteoarthritis’ exact cause remains unknown. Researchers know aging doesn’t appear to cause osteoarthritis. Cartilage in people with the disease show many destructive changes not seen in older persons without the disease. However, certain conditions do seem to trigger osteoarthritis or make it worse.

Some families seem to have a lot of osteoarthritis, pointing to a genetic factor. This is most commonly seen in people who have osteoarthritis of the hands. Repeated trauma can contribute to osteoarthritis, too. Athletes, extremely active people, and individuals who have physically demanding jobs often develop the disease. Persons who have certain bone disorders are more prone to osteoarthritis due to the continuous, uneven stress in their hips and knees.

Obesity also is a risk factor for the disease. In overweight women, osteoarthritis of the knee is fairly common. Excess pounds also may have a direct metabolic effect on cartilage beyond the effects of increased joint stress. Obese people also often have m ore dense bones. Research has shown dense bones may provide less shock-absorbing function than thinner bones, allowing more direct trauma to the cartilage.

Q. Can osteoarthritis be prevented?

A. While there is currently no sure way to prevent osteoarthritis or slow its progression, some lifestyle changes may reduce or delay symptoms. The Arthritis Foundation states that maintaining a healthy weight, losing weight if needed, and regular exercise are effective osteoarthritis prevention measures.

Optimal calcium intake in younger years is vital to ensure a healthy aging skeletal system. Vitamins A, C, D, and E have been studied for their role in osteoarthritis prevention. These vitamins also have shown benefit in individuals who have osteoarthritis.

Q. What treatments are available for osteoarthritis?

A. The goal of treatment is to reduce or relieve pain, maintain or improve movement, and minimize any potential permanent disability. Typically, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs (pronounced “n-sayds”) such as aspirin and ibuprofen are used for pain and inflammation relief. These medications are effective in treating only the pain of osteoarthritis.

These medications have many side effects, some of which are serious. NSAID-induced gastrointestinal complications cause more than 100,000 hospitalizations and nearly 16,500 deaths annually in the U.S. Aspirin can cause an extremely annoying and continual ringing in the ears. NSAIDs frequently cause damage to the stomach lining, which can produce uncomfortable heartburn and abdominal pain. Continued NSAID use may lead to the development of stomach ulcers. NSAID-related ulcers can perforate the stomach lining and cause life-threatening bleeding. Most NSAIDs also interfere with blood clotting and may cause kidney damage. When older persons take NSAIDs, dizziness, drowsiness, memory loss, and decreased attention span may occur.

Acetaminophen (Tylenol and similar medications) is similar to aspirin and other NSAIDs in its pain-relief abilities. However, acetaminophen doesn’t reduce inflammation. And while acetaminophen doesn’t have the same side effects of aspirin and other NSAIDs, if large doses are taken, liver damage can occur.

Newer medications called COX-2 inhibitors provide both pain relief and reduce inflammation without the many side effects of acetaminophen, aspirin, and other NSAIDs. More recent research has indicated that, in certain situations. COX02 inhibitors also can cause stomach lining damage and bleeding. While aspirin, NSAIDs, and COX-2 inhibitors may reduce osteoarthritis pain, they do nothing to stop or slow down cartilage deterioration. In other words, these medications have no effect on the disease itself.

That is why many believe glucosamine sulfate (GS) and chondroitin sulfate (CS) are preferable to pain relievers and anti-inflammatory medications in osteoarthritis treatment: they actually improve synovial joint health. And they do this without potentially life-threatening side effects.

Q. How do GS and CS work?

A. GS improves the health of joints affected by osteoarthritis. This supplement is so effective that even physicians who mostly rely on conventional medications routinely recommend it to their patients with osteoarthritis. In fact, GS is so good at treating osteoarthritis, many physicians use it for their own osteoarthritis joints.

There is even more good news. When glucosamine sulfate is combined with low-molecular weight CS, even greater benefits can be achieved. GS and CS are naturally occurring compounds found in human joints. The right GS/CS combination actually reverses damage in joints affected by osteoarthritis, in turn significantly reducing pain and stiffness.

Glucosamine occurs naturally in the body and is found in synovial fluid. Glucosamine is a basic building block for proteoglycans, is a basic building block for proteoglycans, one of the important compounds of synovial cartilage. It also is required for the formation of lubricants and protective agents for the joints.

In Europe, GS and CS have been used to treat osteoarthritis for more than 10 years. While persons with arthritis felt much better when they took GS and CS, no one really knew how these compounds worked. When European and American researchers first started to study glucosamine, they discovered GS can reduce synovial joint inflammation. This explains why people felt better after taking it.

Q. What has additional study of GS and CS revealed?

A. As the scientific study of GS progressed, researchers determined it can stimulate the growth of cartilage cells, inhibit proteoglycans breakdown, and rebuild cartilage damaged from osteoarthritis. In other words, GS does not simply make persons with osteoarthritis feel better; GS actually makes persons with osteoarthritis get better.

GS is the form of glucosamine used in research. It’s the sulfate salt of glucosamine and breaks down into glucosamine and sulfate ions in the body. The sulfate part of GS plays an important role in proteoglycans synthesis.

CS also provides cartilage strength and resilience. CS is an important component of the cartilage proteoglycans of synovial joints. Because CS helps the production of proteoglycans, researchers believe CS works in a similar nature to GS.

Q. Couldn’t GS and CS be taken on their own? Is there any benefit in taking them together?

A. Research has discovered GS and CS act synergistically (work well together) in improving joint health. Several studies have investigated this action and it’s recommended that GS and CD be taken together. However, there may be times when your healthcare practitioner may recommend using one or the other, but not both GS and CS together. Please follow their recommendations to obtain the best results for your own unique health concerns. Low-molecular weight chondroitin sulfate (CS) is the preferred CS form, and the form that has shown the most promise in studies.

Q. Why is it important to take low-molecular weight CS?

A. When CS was first studied, it was given to six healthy volunteers, six patients with rheumatoid arthritis, and six patients with osteoarthritis. Researchers then measured the levels of CS in all study subjects. They found no evidence of CS in any of the subjects. This single study led many physicians and scientists to believe CS can’t be absorbed, and was not an effective natural treatment.

However, several other studies in healthy volunteers have reported CS can be absorbed. The distinct difference for these findings is thought to be associated with the types of CS used in the studies. Some forms are much more absorbable that others. This was demonstrated in a recent study using CS with lower molecular weight. A higher absorption is observed for low-molecular weight CS.

This means CS products with a low molecular weight may be better absorbed, allowing the CS to get into the bloodstream and the synovial fluid of joints where it’s needed.

Q. Are there other supplements that can help osteoarthritis?

A. Several vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and natural supplements have benefits for individuals with osteoarthritis. Proteolytic enzymes effectively offer relief of the pain, stiffness, and swelling of osteoarthritis.

Folic acid and vitamin B can reduce the number of tender joints and increase joint mobility. Vitamins C, D, and E not only may prevent osteoarthritis, but inhibit the disease’s progression. Niacinamide improves joint function, range of motion, and muscle strength. Clinical studies using the herb Boswellia serrata have yielded good results in osteoarthritis.

Application of ointments on osteoarthritic joints may be helpful in reducing pain and stiffness. Menthol-based preparations can provide soothing relief to painful joints. Capsaicin ointments and gel made for cayenne pepper also are very beneficial. When applied to the skin, capsaicin first stimulates, then blocks, nerve fibers that transmit pain messages. Capsaicin depletes nerve fibers of a neurotransmitter called substance P. This neurotransmitter transmits pain messages and activates inflammation in osteoarthritis. Capsaicin ointment is very effective in relieving osteoarthritis pain in many individuals.

Q. Is there anything else I can do for joint pain and stiffness?

A. When osteoarthritis occurs in the hands, use of a paraffin dip can be very comforting. A licensed health care practitioner can provide information about how to safely use paraffin dips at home.

Exercise is an excellent way to keep joints mobile, decrease pain, and increase body strength, too. Water aerobics also can reduce the pressure and stress on joints.

The Arthritis Foundation strongly suggests making movement an integral part of your life. When you’re in less pain and have more energy, more range-of-motion, and a better outlook on life, you’ll reduce stress and be a much healthier person despite your osteoarthritis.

One important last thought

When we don’t feel well, we sometimes have a tendency to self-diagnose. If you haven’t been evaluated by a licensed health care practitioner for your joint pain and stiffness, you need to do so. These symptoms may be caused by other illnesses and may require much different treatment. Only licensed health care practitioner can provide a certain diagnosis of osteoarthritis.


Osteoarthritis may be a part of life for many of us as we age; however, constant pain and stiffness need not be. GS combined with absorbable CS can actually improve damage in joints affected by osteoarthritis and significantly reduce pain and stiffness. And it can be an empowering way to improve your health.

Buy Glucosamine and Chondroitin Sulfate at Vitanet ®, LLC



Date: March 08, 2007 12:27 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Revita

Revita, the most efficient hair growth stimulating shampoo available in the market is the final result of DS Laboratories efforts on cutting edge research. Revita is a powerful and unique SLS/SLES free combination of active ingredients specially designed to maintain scalp vitality and act on folicle dysfunctions in order to achieve best results in short periods of time. Sodium Lauryl Sulfate and Sodium Laureth Sulfate, commonly used low cost detergents in shampoos and cleansers, are linked to skin irritation, skin drying and hair loss due to follicle attack. Revita is Sodium Lauryl Sulfate and Sodium Laureth Sulfate free, providing a high quality scalp skin safe shampoo product.

Revita was developed with a cost-no-object approach. Revita’s compounds have been chosen based exclusively on their properties, quality and efficacy (in the opposite of the majority of available products, which are usually developed with production costs in mind). The final result is a very high quality shampoo product with absolutely no equivalent competitor in the market. Revita combines costly first line compounds at high concentrations like Caffeine at 4.0%, Pyrus Malus (Apple) Seed Extract at 1.0% and Spin Traps (SOD Mimic) at 0.1% with other top level ingredients which make Revita a unique product in its class.

To improve the efficacy of this synergic combination, DS Laboratories developed a unique “chemical free” extraction process that keeps original properties and clinical efficacy of final components. Through gentle mechanical compression, Revita’s compounds are obtained as pure and chemically preserved active molecules.

Revita starts acting on your scalp and hair follicle since the first day of use. The time you will need to note the first results will depend of the severity and duration of your hair loss. No matter how long or how intense your hair loss is, using Revita on daily basis will improve the vitality of your scalp, maintaining the quality of your hair and stimulating new hair growth.

Through the synergic interaction of very effective compounds, Revita brings you a highly effective product designed to maintain scalp vitality and act on hair loss. By combining an antioxidant effect, anti-DHT properties, powerful hydrating molecules, hair growth stimulants and structural amino acids, Revita brings you the most effective hair growth stimulating shampoo available.

Apple Polyphenol (procyanidin B2 and C1) - phytochemical concentrate found in the skin of unripe apples that acts as potent antioxidant. It protects cells against free radicals, reactive atoms that contribute to tissue damage in the body. These chemical compounds are being studied extensively in labs around the world for their health effects in major diseases including treatment of hair growth. Studies showed that after sequential use, an increase of almost 80% of hair diameter and an increase in number of total hairs was shown, with no side effects.

In 2000, Japanese researchers presented their findings to the international community on the hair growth effects of apple polyphenols - specifically one known as procyanidin B-2. They identified two successful compounds- one from chardonnay grapes, and one extracted from unripe apples. The procyanidin B-2 fraction clearly outperformed the grape extract. "Procyanidin B-2 purified from apples," stated the research team, "shows the highest activity of more than 300% relative to controls."

In the same year, in a double-blind placebo-controlled trial, nineteen men with male pattern baldness were studied with a daily topical application of a 1% procyanidin B-2 solution, extracted from apples. Ten other balding men served as controls, receiving a placebo solution. After 6 months, the study concluded:

• The increase in number of total hairs and terminal hairs in the procyanidin B-2 group subjects was significantly greater than controls.

• 78.9% of subjects showed an increased mean value of hair diameter.

• "Procyanidin B-2 therapy shows promise as a cure for male pattern baldness."

Following the revelations, an attempt was made to further understand the mechanism by which the remarkable hair growth effects occurred. The results were published in the prestigious British Journal of Dermatology: Procyanidin B-2, extracted from apples, promotes hair growth: a laboratory study, Br J Dermatol. 2002 Jan;146(1):41-51. In this study, the researchers concluded that procyanidin B-2 acts to diminish protein kinase C isozymes, which play an important role in the hair growth cycle. Procyanidin B-2 seems to promote hair growth by down regulating PKC in both the anagen (active growth phase) and telogen (resting phase) of the hair follicle. When the anagen phase is prolonged, and the telogen phase is shortened, increased hair growth results.

Two more clinical trials and a total of seven published studies have now confirmed the surprising hair growth-promoting effects of apple procyanidins. Here is a summary of those findings:

• Total Number of Hairs: Significantly Increased

• Total Number of Terminal Hairs: Significantly Greater

• Increase in Hair Diameter: 78.9% Positive • Ratio of Thicker (terminal) Hairs: Significantly Higher

• Hair Follicle Activation: Intensive

In the most exciting development yet, Japanese researchers released a new study late in 2005. Once again, procyanidin therapy was proven successful in regrowing hair in subjects with male pattern baldness. The new study, published in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, confirmed the findings of earlier studies, showing clear improvement in the number of hairs and the density of hairs in the treated area. Building on the success of earlier trials, the study was extended to 12 months in the procyanidin group, and proved that longer term procyanidin therapy was even more successful than prior 4 and 6 month trials.

Cooper Peptides - Cooper Peptides have two main properties: (1) potent tissue protective anti-inflammatory agents that limit oxidative damage after tissue injury, and (2) tissue remodeling activation agents, that is, the processes for removal of damaged protein and scar tissue and their replacement by normal tissue. Studies at numerous universities and research institutes have found copper-peptides to improve hair transplant success, increase hair follicle size, stimulate hair growth and reduce hair loss.

Research scientists at the University of San Francisco Wound Center stumbled upon very interesting results. Their discovery was made while applying a synthetically formulated compound, Copper Peptide, to severe wound areas on several patients. During this process something unusual happened. Not only did the wounds heal about 30 percent faster, but a significant stimulation of the follicular cells occurred. As a side effect, these tripeptide complexes actually grew hair around the wound area.

The discovery was so startling that they then applied the same Copper Peptide complex to a female patient who had suffered roughly 90 percent alopecia (hair loss) for years. After about six months of use, she had recovered almost 100 percent of her hair. Dr. Loren Pickart, the leading authority in Copper Peptide technology, describes it as being like a protein injection to the scalp.

Tests were then conducted with chemotherapy patients and recent hair transplant recipients, all with great success in stimulating newer and stronger hair follicles.

Spin traps – are very special compounds that were originally utilized in measuring free radical activity because they react with free radicals both in vitro and in vivo, producing stable complexes. The most commonly used spin trap and the standard which measures new ones is PBN - alpha-phenyl- N-tert butyl nitrone. Hundreds of studies have been conducted over the last ten years that have tested PBN and other “spin traps” in numerous conditions. Later it was discovered that these spin traps had powerful free radical quenching abilities in living systems and could treat a variety of conditions. Spin traps could provide unique protection against free radical damage that complements and enhances the activities of the classical antioxidants such as vitamin C and vitamin E.

Spin traps modulate NF kappa-B regulated cytokines and inducible nitric oxide synthases that are implicated in pro-inflammatory disease conditions. A method for ameliorating a cellular dysfunction of a tissue such as the treatment of hair loss and stimulation of hair growth comprises administering a nitroso or nitrone spin trap to the affected tissue. These agents inhibit the reaction of superoxide and nitric oxide to produce peroxinitrite. Scientists discovered that nitrone and nitroso spin traps have properties in the body for ameliorating cellular dysfunction in tissue attributed, in part, to high energy oxygen and hydroxyl free radicals, and enhancing recuperation of the tissue. Alpha-phenyl-N-tert butyl nitrone (PBN) can be administered, for example, as an anti-alopecia agent to stimulate hair growth.

Spin traps can be administered to the skin to be treated, such as the scalp. Depending on the type of hair loss or alopecia being treated and the conditions thereof, the stimulation of hair growth can usually be obtained by topical application, preferably repeated daily application. The utility of topically applied spin traps is not limited thereto, however, and the stimulation of hair growth can include an increased rate of growth, increased hair diameter, follicular neogenesis, and the like; inhibiting hair loss or alopecia from progressing.

Ketoconazole - Topical ketoconazole shows itself to have an anti-DHT binding effect in the scalp. Nevertheless, it is likely that ketoconazole exhibits other methods to its anti-hair-loss effect. One such theory of ketoconazole anti-alopecia effects may be on its activity upon the removal of sebum, a fatty substance that accumulates in the scalp around the hair follicles. In addition, ketoconazole is an antifungal medication and is significant for people combating hair loss since acting as an antifungal agent it reduces scalp irritation caused by fungal colonization or infection. Reduction of the inflammatory process that occurs in male pattern alopecia is crucial.

If we first examine the role of androgens, specifically dihydrotestosterone (DHT), we find that this hormone has been thought to slowly "choke" the growth of the hair follicle by inhibiting the function of an enzyme in the hair follicle called adenylate cyclase. Suffice it to say that when DHT concentrations remain high in the scalp, we see terminal (thick, coarse) scalp hair become reduced to vellus hair (fine, thin peach fuzz). On March 04, 2001, at the American Academy of Dermatology Meeting in Washington DC, scientists presented the findings of a study done on 1% ketoconazole shampoo which had good news for hair loss sufferers. In the study presented, one hundred male volunteers with mild to moderate dandruff and somewhat oily scalp, were using in a double-blind fashion either a 1% ketoconazole shampoo or a 1% zinc pyrithione shampoo, 2-3 times a week for 6 months.

Analysis of the different parameters set up in the study shows that the hair diameter gradually increased with ketoconazole use (+8.46%) over a 6 month period, whereas the diameter showed a trend to decrease with zinc pyrithione use over the same period (-2.28%). The sebum excretion rate was reduced with ketoconazole (-6.54%) while it increased with zinc pyrithione (+8.2%) over the same period of time. The number of hairs shed over a 24-hour period was reduced by 16.46% with ketoconazole and 6.02% with zinc pyrithione after 6 months. Finally, the percentage of hairs in the anagen phase increased by 6.4% and 8.4% respectively during the study.

The results are similar to a previous study done on 2% prescription strength Ketokonazole where it was shown that use of 2% ketoconazol yielded an increase in hair shaft diameter similar to what was achieved by the control group using 2% Minoxidil and a non-medicated shampoo.

Rooibos - Rooibos or Red Bush Tea - a hardy shrub indigenous to the North Western Cape of South Africa – is an exciting new botanical ingredient with potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties well documented in medical literature. In alternative medicine Rooibos is often prescribed for nervous tension, allergies, stomach and digestive problems. Results from an independent study also showed a significant improvement in hair loss. Studies were initiated at an independent laboratory (Dermascan, France) to study the effect of the use of Rooibos in a hair lotion on a group of healthy persons who were suffering from the problem of hair loss. A 90 day trial was conducted comparing a hair lotion containing Rooibos with a placebo lotion.

After 90 days results showed a significant increase of the hair growth in the lotion containing Rooibos compared with the placebo. An increase in the hair growth was observed with 89% of the volunteers with no undesirable reactions (irritation or allergy). The participants were next asked to fill in a questionnaire. When the results were tallied, 67 percent rated their hair loss as zero or low, 78 percent saw a low to medium improvement, 45 percent saw a low to medium regrowth of hair, and 63 percent considered their hair had become smoother and shinier.

Conclusion: results show that most of the volunteers had a remarkable improvement in both the increase of hair growth and the decrease in hair loss.

MSM - Sulphur is present in protein-rich foods containing high levels of the amino acids methionine and cysteine. These foods include meat, fish, legumes, nuts, eggs, and vegetables, especially onions. However, sulphur has recently become a popular nutritional supplement and topical treatment thanks to the discovery of methylsulfonylmethane, or MSM.

The use of MSM as a nutritional supplement and topical application is relatively recent. An American chemist named Robert Herschler, began studying MSM in 1955. However, another man, Dr. Stanley Jacob with Oregon Health Sciences University in Portland, is considered by many to be the father of MSM. Dr. Jacob found that simple marine life like algae and plankton convert inorganic sulphur to organic sulphur compounds. These compounds are known as dimethylsulfonium salts. These salts are transformed into dimethyl sulfide (DMS), which is released into the atmosphere and is converted by ultraviolet light into dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). When DMSO oxidizes, it turns into MSM and is absorbed by plants that become food for animals and humans. MSM is a white, crystalline powder that is odorless and nearly tasteless. When taken as a dietary supplement, MSM proved to have the same health benefits as DMSO without side-effects such as bad breath, itchy skin, nasal congestion, and shortness of breath. Why does MSM help with the development of stronger hair? Various scientific studies have proven that MSM contributes a definite normalizing effect on body functions. The sulfur normally provided to the body by MSM is required for healthy collagen and keratin which are essential for healthy hair, skin and nails. MSM also has proven antioxidant benefits which can disrupt or alter damaging chain reactions of lipid peroxidation in the cell membranes.

MSM has been widely used as a dietary supplement without any reports of allergy or intolerance related to its use. Supplements of MSM are comfortably assimilated without side effects. There are no known contraindications.

Caffeine 4% - Active caffeine ingredient helps to regulate the effects of testosterone levels. Male pattern baldness is known to occur in individuals with sensitivity to testosterone, causing damage to hair follicles that eventually leads to baldness. Caffeine is a xanthine alkaloid compound that acts as a stimulant in humans. Caffeine is a central nervous system (CNS) stimulant, having the effect of warding off drowsiness and restoring alertness.

The independent study at the University of Jena used hair samples from the scalps of young men entering into the first stages of hormone-related hair loss. The study relied on a hair organ culture that used four different types of testing samples. The first was a nutrient-based sample, the second a testosterone only sample, the third was a caffeine only sample and the fourth a mixture of caffeine and testosterone.

According to the research, the results showed that the samples containing the caffeine nutrient helped to stave off hair loss and encouraged new hair growth, while the sample that relied on testosterone only led to increased hair loss. But perhaps the most impressive was the testosterone and caffeine sample, which helped to prevent further hair loss.

The results showed that using the caffeine treatment average growth was increased by around 46 per cent and the life cycle of the hair was extended by 37 per cent, when compared to the control study.

Carnitine Tartrate - L-Carnitine, a vitamin-like nutrient, occurs naturally in the human body and is essential for turning fat into energy. Active energy metabolism is an essential prerequisite for the growth of strong and healthy hair. In biological systems ATP acts as the universal energy currency. One of the most potent bio-actives that significantly increases cellular ATP content is carnitine tartrate.

Statistical evaluation demonstrated a significant increase in ATP equivalents in human hair roots treated with carnitine tartrate, showing that carnitine tartrate is an ideal ingredient for hair care formulations, providing energy for the optimal environment to produce strong and healthy hair. Throughout the test period ATP content within plucked hair follicles was determined twice daily using a commercially available test kit. Statistical evaluation of baseline adjusted values demonstrated a significant increase in ATP equivalents in human hair roots treated with carnitine tartrate. These effects were absent in the placebo group, thus underlining the stimulating activity of carnitine tartrate.

The outstanding bio-activity of carnitine tartrate was furthermore demonstrated in a second study, assessing the effects after a single application of a shampoo formulation supplemented with carnitine tartrate. Again, ATP levels in plucked human hair follicles were significantly increased.

Amino Acids: Ornitine, Taurine, Cysteine - Amino acids are the building blocks of protein, from which hair is created. They are assembled in the correct sequence by stem cells to form keratin, a complex and immensely strong hair protein. Vital amino acids have to be replaced consistently, as damage is accumulated over time. We can replace a combination of these lost amino acids directly into the hair, where they are shown to provide significant tensile benefits to the hair shaft.

Hair is composed primarily of proteins (88%). These proteins are of a hard fibrous type known as keratin. Keratin protein is comprised of what we call "polypeptide chains.” The word, polypeptide, comes from the Greek word "poly" meaning many and "peptos" meaning digested or broken down. In essence, if we break down protein, we have individual amino acids.

Many (poly) amino acids joined together form a "polypeptide chain". Two amino acids are joined together by a "peptide bond", and the correct number of amino acids placed in their correct order will form a specific protein; i.e. keratin, insulin, collagen and so on. The "alpha helix" is the descriptive term given to the polypeptide chain that forms the keratin protein found in human hair. Its structure is a coiled coil. The amino acids link together to form the coil and there are approximately 3.6 amino acids per turn of the helix (coil). Each amino acid is connected together by a "peptide bond". The peptide bond is located between the carbon atom of one amino acid extending to bond with the nitrogen atom of the next amino acid. In many individuals the extremities, including the top of the head, are the most difficult places to maintain blood flow. Follicles which are constantly deprived of blood, and therefore nutrients, cannot produce hair properly. Lack of proper nutrients, amino acids, minerals and vitamins can certainly hamper hair growth.

L-Arginine is a semi-essential amino acid synthesized by the body from L-Ornithine. Arginine + Ornithine support protein synthesis because they are involved in the transport and storage of nitrogen. The usage of taurine corrects the "rigidification" of the connective sheath that surrounds the Pilosebaceous unit and hair follicles, specifically those affected by pattern hair loss. This is a novel and previously undisclosed angle on hair loss treatment that has yet to be touched upon in any of the medical literature or prior publications.

The amino acid, l-cysteine speeds up hair growth and increases hair shaft diameter resulting in fuller hair. L-cysteine has been reported to facilitate longer hair growth, beyond what is genetically programmed. L-cysteine also provides potent antioxidant protection to the hair follicle. Users of topical n-acetyl-cysteine have reported hair regrowth.

Emu Oil - The emu, dromaius nova hollandiae, is a flightless bird part of a group called ratites which also includes the ostrich and the kiwi. Modern Australians learned early on from the Aborigines the many valuable qualities in the emu and its oil. The earliest research studies in emu oil come from Australia, and Australia continues to export emu oil to this day.

In the United States today there is a growing network of research labs interested in emus and their incredible oil. Emu oil is rendered from a thick pad of fat on the back of the bird that was apparently provided by nature to protect the animal from the extreme temperatures in its Australian homeland. Emu oil is deep penetrating and super hydrating to the skin - an all-natural tissue nutrient. Michael Hollick, MD, Ph.D., Professor of Medicine, Physiology, and Dermatology at Boston University School of Medicine conducted a study involving emu oil and hair growth. His study found that there was a 20% increase in growth activity of skin that received emu oil compared to skin that received corn oil. Looking at the hair follicles Dr. Hollick realized they were much more robust, the skin thickness was remarkably increased suggesting that emu oil stimulated skin growth and hair growth. Additionally, the study showed that over 80% of hair follicles that had been "asleep" were woken up, and began growing.

Emu oil is anti-inflammatory, which may be in part why it stimulates hair growth. Emu Oil has also been shown to be a 5 alpha reductase inhibitor in target tissues when topically applied, which likely contributes significantly to its hair growth properties. A third important property of emu oil is that it is bacteriostatic.

Emu Oil contains a multitude of Essential Fatty Acids (EFA) which helps to "feed" the skin. Consumers who suffer from natural forms of baldness have reported hair re-growth. Since Alopecia Areata only suppresses the hair follicle (vs. killing the hair follicle), emu oil may have an effect to assist with hair regrowth.

Biotin – Biotin is a member of the B-vitamin family and a major component in the natural hair manufacturing process -- it is essential to not only grow new hair, but it also plays a major role in the overall health of skin and nails. The beneficial effects of biotin on hair may be linked to its ability to improve the metabolism of scalp oils. Biotin when absorbed by the scalp may promote hair growth and it is able to penetrate the hair shaft making it expand which actually thickens the hair cuticle.

Biotin is used in cell growth, the production of fatty acids, metabolism of fats and amino acids. It plays a role in the Krebs Cycle, which is the process in which energy is released from food. Biotin is so important to hair health, that many dermatologists prescribe biotin supplements to their patients as part of their medical treatment for hair loss.

After applying Revita with a gentle massage, you should leave it on the scalp from 1 – 2 minutes before rinsing. Then repeat and leave on the scalp for 3 – 5 minutes. If desired, follow with a high quality conditioner. For optimal results, Revita should be used at least 5 times per week.

This formulation is contraindicated in individuals with a history of sensitivity reactions to any of its components. It should be discontinued if hypersensitivity to any of its ingredients is noted.

Q. Is Revita safe ?

A. Revita primarily contains compounds that are not only safe in topical use, but actually dramatically enhance overall skin health. The other active ingredients such as Ketoconazole have been tested in clinical studies and have been shown safe.

Q: Can I use hair sprays, mousses, gels, etc.?

A: Hair spray, gel, and other styling aids are not recommended since they tend to clog the hair shaft. However, you can use them while using Revita.

Q: Can I have my hair colored or permed while using Revita ?

A: While there is no evidence that coloring or perming hair can lead to or even worsen hair loss, it is generally not recommended for people with hair loss. If you are experiencing hair loss then perming and coloring hair is not recommended. However, this will not interfere with Revita.

Q: What is SLS/SLES free ?

A: SLS means Sodium Lauryl Sulfate and SLES means Sodium Laureth Sulfate, commonly used low cost detergents in shampoos and cleansers. They are linked to skin irritation, skin drying and hair loss due to follicle attack. Revita is Sodium Lauryl Sulfate and Sodium Laureth Sulfate free, and that means that Revita does not irritate you scalp and preserves your hair follicale health.

Q: Can I blow dry my hair after using Revita ?

A: Extreme heat damages the proteins in the hairs making them fragile. Nevertheless, if you need or want to blow dry your hair, you can do it after using Revita.

Q: Who is a candidate for Revita ?

A: Ideal candidate is someone with little hair loss or at the beginning stages of hair loss, since it is much easier to prevent hair loss then to grow new hair. Someone who is concerned with hair loss prevention should start using Revita immediately.

Q: What type of results should I expect with Revita ?

A: When deciding to use Revita, it is important to have realistic expectations. Depending of severity and duration of your hair loss, it could take some time to see hair growth. In fact, during the first 2 weeks of treatment you may actually notice increased hair loss as old hairs are being pushed out and the hair follicles start growing new hair. Do not become alarmed with this and just stick to the treatment.

Q. Does Revita have any systemic side effects ?

A. No, when used as directed, Revita active ingredients have a long history of use both orally and topically.

Q. Does Revita work for women?

A. Yes. In most cases, the cause of hair loss in women is surprisingly similar to men. Fortunately for women, estrogen helps to protect the hair follicle from the destructive effects of DHT. However, many women develop thinning hair and loss due to fluctuation of estrogen levels and/or over production of DHT. Revita can help protect the hair follicle from DHT resulting in a thicker, fuller and healthier hair.

Q. I am using other topical treatments. Can I use Revita at the same time ?

A. Yes. Revita has no side effects and does not cross react with other topical treatments. You can safely opt to use Revita with other products, and we strongly recommend the association with Spectral.DNC for more severe hair loss or Spectral.RS for thinning hair.

Q. Do I need to use Revita for a long time ?

A. Once you have reached the desired results, you should continue to use Revita as your regular shampoo to maintain the revitalized hairs and a healthy scalp.

Q: Is stress a factor in hair loss?

A: When the body is under significant physical and emotional stress it is possible that the immune system will produce anti-bodies that attack hair follicles, and this results in bald patches or diffuse loss. Stress-induced loss will respond very well to Revita and you should keep using Revita as your regular daily shampoo to keep your scalp healthy.


The sunshine vitamin can impart an all-over healthy glow.

Date: September 18, 2006 03:42 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The sunshine vitamin can impart an all-over healthy glow.

When papers like the Los Angeles Times write articles with titles like “wonder Pill-really” about a seemingly ho-hum nutrient like vitamin D, attention must be paid. The attention is now forthcoming from researchers who are exploring this humble vitamin’s connection to an astonishingly wide spectrum of health issues. And these scientist are concerned that, dispite fortification of such common foods as milk, many people aren’t getting the D they need for optimal well-being.

Vitamin D generally recognized as calcium’s indispensable little helper, which makes it vital to maintaining bone health. But we now know that D’s benefits extend far beyond calcium control; it plays crucial roles in immunity, blood cell formation and hormone regulation.

Anti-Cancer D-Fense

Scientists believe that vitamin D helps cells differentiate, or mature into specialized roles each is meant to play. That’s important in cancer defense because malignant cells tend to be undifferentiated, primitive types given to reproducing uncontrollably. Cells, both malignant and healthy, have vitamin D receptors on their surface; when d binds to cancer cells, they stop growing.

This may help explain why men with low levels of vitamin D are particularly prone to dying of cancer and why higher rates of prostate cancer occur in climates where exposure to the sun-which powers D creation within the skin—is low. On a more positive note, investigators at the Moores UCSD Cancer Center of San Diego report that taking 1,000IU of vitamin D daily appears to drop the risk of developing breast, colon and ovarian cancer by up to 50% (American Assn for Cancer Research, Ninth Meeting). Other studies suggest that even after cancer develops, D may help hinder disease progression and enhance survival.

Vitamin D does a body good in a number of other ways. For example, the sunshine vitamin lights up both the immune system and production of insulin, the hormone that controls blood sugar. In one study women who took the amount of vitamin D generally found in multivitamins (400 IU) and had a 31% reduced fisk of dying from heart disease; in another, D from multivitamins dropped the risk of multiple sclerosis development by 40%. Supplements have also helped stroke victims avoid the muscular wasting that leaks to falls and fractures (Cerebrovascular Disease 7/05). Conversely, low D levels have been linked to poor lung function, unexplained muscle pain and increased obesity risk.

Widespread D-ficiency

Currently, the federal government recommends daily vitamin D intakes of 200IU for people under age 51, 400IU for those 51 – 70 and 600 IU for ages 71 and up. But many prominent scientists believe those levels are two low, especially since so many folks avoid sun exposure to cut skin cancer risk. “I’m 99% sure that vitamin D deficiency is becoming more common,” Harvard nutrition expert Dr. Walter Willett told the LA Times (06/12/06). Deficiencies are more likely among dark-colored individuals (whose skins do not make D effectively), vegans (who avoid dairy) and people with disorders that reduce intestinal absorption, such as Crohn’s disease. Higher dosages should always be taken under practitioner’s watchful eye, especially if a medical condition already exists.

No matter what health hazard you’re trying to illuminate, don’t hesitate to bask in the sunshine vitamin’s warm radiance. –Lisa James.

Buy Vitamin D at Vitanet ®

Also available: Solaray Vitamins and Now Vitamins


PsoriaClear New from Source Naturals

Date: August 01, 2006 12:10 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: PsoriaClear New from Source Naturals

Strangely enough, the secret of soft, smooth, silky skin may be a prickly, thorny bush from the inhospitable mountains of Russia and northern China. The berries of sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides) are so rich in vitamins and nutrients that they were legendary in China, Russia, and Europe for centuries, but then were forgotten. After many years of being planted as a protective hedge— the thorns are apparently quite vicious—the sea buckthorn is being rediscovered for its nutrients, and particularly, for its amazing properties in skin regeneration.

The oil of the sea buckthorn is one of numerous compounds in Source Naturals PSORIACLEAR ointment, a formula that moisturizes and replenishes the skin cells.

The bounty of the earth has been gathered for this unusual and effective topical ointment— a convenient, natural aid for healthy, glowing skin.

Legendary benefits

Pegasus, the magnificent flying horse of Greek mythology, was said to have obtained his phenomenal strength from sea buckthorn—berries and leaves so nutritious, they must have been cultivated by the gods on Mount Olympus.

The plant became so identified with Pegasus and legendary racehorses, that sea buckthorn’s botanical name, Hippophae means “shiny horse.” But beyond legend, the benefits of sea buckthorn were discussed in ancient texts such as the Tibetan Rgyud Bzi, by Greek healers Theophrastus and Dioskorid, as well as noted by the court physicians of the Tang Dynasty of China. Used in Russia, Poland, Germany, the Himalayas, and Scandinavia, the sea buckthorn was known throughout the eastern hemisphere and used in traditional herbalism for centuries. Products made from sea buckthorn are valued for their rejuvenating and restorative properties.

Scientific Confirmation

Modern studies confirm the nutritious qualities of sea buckthorn. The berries are a natural source of vitamins A, E, B- 1, B-2, K, and P, as well as several carotenes, tocopherols, and flavonoids. The berries are second only to rose hips and acerola in vitamin C content. Most importantly for skin, however, the seeds of the sea buckthorn contain a very high content of essential fatty acids, oleic (C18:1), linoleic (C18:2), pentadecenoic (C15:1), palmitoleic (C16:1), heptadecenoic (C17:1), linolenic (C18:3), eicosenoic (C20:1), eicosadienoic (C20:2), erucic (C22:1) and nervonic (C24:1). Its antioxidant qualities have also been confirmed in modern studies.

Natural Ingredients

The additional ingredients in PSORIACLEAR are natural components that could be found in many farms and forests worldwide: beeswax, animal fat, fatty acids, vitamin C and carotenoids. Source Naturals is pleased to bring you PSORIACLEAR, an easy-to-use topical ointment that has had tremendous success in supporting smooth, healthy, silky skin. Unlike many skin ointments, it is made with natural products; it contains no corticosteroids, hydrocortisone, nor paraffin. Use it as part of your own wellness program, taking charge of your own health and well-being.


Rosch D, et al.2004. J Agric Food Chem 52 (22):6712-8.

Chen, Y, et al. 2003. Formation and Development of New Blood Cells 26(8):572-5.

Rosch D, et al. 2003. J Agric Food Chem 51 (15):4233-9.

Chopra RN, et al. 1986. Glossary of Indian Medicinal Plants.


Wasabi Rhizome Cleanse - Supports Phase II Liver Detoxification - Wasabi Health Benefits

Date: August 01, 2006 10:41 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Wasabi Rhizome Cleanse - Supports Phase II Liver Detoxification - Wasabi Health Benefits

Most people know of it as a pale-green lump on the side of their plates in Japanese restaurants—a hot, spicy accompaniment to sushi or sashimi. The fiery yet sweet taste perfectly compliments the saltiness of soy sauce and the cool delicacy of raw fish. But wasabi is much more than a burst of culinary flavor, it has been used by traditional herbalists of Japan since the 10th century and is now being rediscovered by modern health practitioners for its stunning health benefits.

Wasabi has powerful detoxification properties, in particular, it supports the immune system and cleanses the liver. Wasabi contains precursors to phytochemicals called isothiocyanates that help remove toxic substances that are stored in the liver’s fatty tissues.

The rare wasabi plant is a natural, potent support to a healthy, cleansed liver that in turn affects the detoxification and cleansing of the entire body. Source Naturals is pleased to bring you this convenient, effective addition to your wellness program.

Wasabia Japonica - Rooted In Health

The wasabi plant (Wasabia japonica) grows naturally in the mountains of Japan in the gravel and sandbars of coldwater streams and rivers. Rare and difficult to grow, it takes three years for a wasabi root or rhizome to reach maturity. Because of its popularity, wasabi is now cultivated hydroponically and in cold, wet environments outside of Japan, such as in New Zealand and Oregon. Traditionally, the rhizome was freshly grated at the table with a sharkskin grater, popular with dishes such as seafood or udon noodles. Now wasabi is usually dried into powder form and made into the pale green paste familiar to most westerners. Often, however, restaurants do not serve real wasabi; since it is so rare and expensive, a dyed horseradish paste is served in most American restaurants.

What makes wasabi so special? It comes from a good family; the brassica vegetables in the cruciferae family include such health giants as broccoli, horseradish, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower and kale. All of these are well-known detoxifying plants, and wasabi appears to be the most amazing of them all, with detox capacities far beyond the others in the family because it is loaded with isothiocyanate precursors. This chemical not only gives wasabi its famous “fire,” it is likewise a fireball of detoxification properties.

Phase II Detox

The liver detoxifies the by-products of digestion and other harmful substances through a complex series of chemical reactions often referred to as Phase I and Phase II Detoxification. Phase I enzymes begin the process by taking the toxic molecule and changing it into a bioactive form. This process breaks down toxins. A second set of enzymes, Phase II, then neutralizes the toxin and makes it water soluble for elimination. Wasabi, with its long-chain isothiocyanate precursors, induces the Phase II enzymes. Simply stated, it is the sparkplug that starts Phase II enzymes on their work. This process, all done in the liver, supports the body’s ability to clean itself of impurities.

Part of a Complete Wellness Program

In the modern world, with so many pollutants, it is critical to your health and longevity that you cleanse these toxic compounds from your body. Wasabi, along with a whole food, high-fiber diet and reduction of alcohol consumption, supports the liver— the largest of the vital organs and the key to the digestion and elimination systems and most particularly, the body’s ability to cleanse itself. Source Naturals is pleased to bring you this exceptional product as part of your wellness program.


Depree, JA (1999) Flavour and pharmaceutical properties of the volatile sulphur compounds of Wasabia japonica. Food Research International: 31(5):329-337.

Morimitsu Y, et al. (2002) A sulforaphane analogue that potently activates the Nrf2-dependent detoxification pathway. J Biol Chem: 277:3456-3463.

Munday, R (2002) Selective induction of phase II enzymes in the urinary bladder of rats by allyl isothiocyanate, a compound derived from Brassica vegetables.

Nutrition and Cancer: 44(1):52-59.

Watanabe, M (2003) Identification of 6-methylsulfinylhexyl isothiocyanate as an apoptosis-inducing component in wasabi. Phytochemistry: 62(5):733-739.

Rose, P (2000) 7-methylsulfinylheptyl and 8- methylsulfinyloctyl isothiocyanates from watercress are potent inducers of phase II enzymes. Carcinogenesis: 21(11):1983-1988.


How Does It Work?

Date: July 08, 2006 01:24 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How Does It Work?

Proprietary Probiotic blend

Acidophilus Pearls is a probiotic dietary supplement designed to help support digestion and a healthy intestinal system. Probiotics, such as lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium longum are live microbial food supplements that are non-toxic and do not cause disease (non-pathogenic). Probiotics do not permanently colonize in the body. Therefore, they need to be ingested regularly for their health-promoting effects to persist. After ingestion, probiotics must adhere to the wall of the intestine. Once attached to the intestinal wall, the bacteria are capable of multiplying and colonizing in the gut, thereby enhancing the immune response. 1-3

Oral probiotics help support the composition and metabolic activities of the large intestine micro flora.1 Micro flora of the large intestines assist digestion through fermentation (making the intestines inhospitable to invading species), protection against pathogenic bacteria, and stimulation of the development of certain components of the immune system.3 Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium longum occupy a central role in the guy micro flora, thereby enabling them to influence the composition of the micro flora to provide health benefits.4

Breakdown of Lactose

Lactose is an important sugar that is converted to lactic acid by lactic acid producing bacteria (such as lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium longum).6 Lactose intolerance results from an inability to digest lactose.7 Lactose intolerance may be due to genetics, age related declines in intestinal lactase (the enzyme that metabolizes lactose), or other reasons.8 Lactase deficient people accumulate non-absorbed lactose in the gastrointestinal tract, which draws water and electrolytes into the gut and accelerates transit time, which can lead to diarrhea.2,8 Lactic acid bacteria can help metabolize the non-absorbed lactose in the gastrointestinal tract.

In a randomized, controlled clinical trial, Bifidobacterium longum was shown to support the breakdown of lactose and reduce the symptoms of lactose intolerance (flatulence) in people with lactose intolerance.5

Immune system support

While a normal micro flora is associated with good health, changes in intestinal health are associated with altered immune function. A well-functioning gastrointestinal immune system mediates immune responsiveness at mucosal sites and throughout the entire body via the control of quality and quantity of foreign substances gaining access to the immune system.9

Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium longum have shown to possess immunoprotective/immunomodulatory properties. These benefits include modulation of: cytokine and various interleukin production, autoimmunity, natural killer cells cytotoxicity, lymphocyte proliferation, and antibody production.3

In an open, randomized, controlled trial, Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidum were supportive of colon health in older adults. In addition, B cell (important antibody producing immune cells) levels increased as compared with the untreated group. The probiotics were very well tolerated, with no significant side effects or variations in clinical chemistry or hematologic parameters.

Decrease Occasional Constipation

Constipation is defined as infrequent or difficult defection that can result from decreased motility of the intestines. It is a common problem, particularly in older adults. When the feces remain in the large intestine for prolonged periods, there is excessive water absorption, making the feces dry and hard.7

Insufficient amounts of lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium longum may play a role in delayed bowel movement, which can favor the activity of undesireable putrefactive bacteria (bacteria that break down organic matter into potentially harmful compounds) in the intestines. Lactic acid bacteria contribute to the re-establishemtn of healthy intestinal flora (at the expense of pathogen growth) and stimulation of intestinal peristalsis via lactic acid. 10

Support of putrefactive Processes

When unbalanced conditions are present in the intestines (ie, unbalanced diet, high acidity, and/or low levels of lactic acid bacteria), organic matter may be putrified (decomposed or rotting) by certain bacteria and produce harmful substances such as ammonia.1,11

Micro flora or the large intestines promote homeostasis (balance) in both the intestine and the vagina.1,12,13 these activities are carried out via support of direct production of antibodies, competition with adhesion to intestinal cells, or indirect modulation of the immune system.2

Support Digestion

Normal micro flora of the large intestine help support and complete digestion via fermentation.1,11 The risk of diarrhea, for example, increases when the capacity of colonic micro flora to ferment carbohydrates decreases.8 Oral ingestion of probiotics produces a stabilizing effect on the guy flora.2

Additional Benefits

The benefits of probiotics extend beyond digestion support and immune support. Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium longum also help support the better utilization and bioavailability of nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.14

Candida albicans is a fungus that is a naturally occurring component of normal gastrointestinal micro flora.15 however, C. albicans should be maintained at healthy levels. Probiotics have been shown to help retain healthy levels of C. albicans that are already within normal limits.

True Delivery Technology

Recently, our Enzymatic Therapy laboratory tested four leading probiotics nutritional supplements in the marketplace. These supplements were best selling brands, two of the supplements were enteric coated, and all had label guarantees about potency (guaranteed number of live bacteria). The laboratory scientist counted the levels of living bacteria found in compared these findings to the bacterial levels claimed by each manufacturer. The products were also subjected to a simulation of stomach acid conditions, after which the levels of living bacteria were re-counted.

The laboratory results found the probiotic supplements contained less than 50% of the number of living bacteria that they clamed on their labels. Furthermore, the laboratory results found that only 10% of the liver bacteria clamed on the manufacturer’s label survived the simulated stomach conditions.

Acidophilus pearls used a revolutionary proprietary “pearl” encapsulation process called True Delivery Technology. The True Delivery Technology is a special type of natural coating that protects the probiotic bacteria.

The True Delivery is a seamless “pearl”, which consists of three layers. The inner layer is a paste of probiotic bacteria suspended in a protective oil suspension. The second layer actually “seals” the bacteria in the capsule, which protects them from air, moisture, and the effects of heat. Probiotic bacteria are anaerobic organisms (grow in the absence of oxygen) and the presence of oxygen can actually injure or kill them. Because probiotic bacteria are injured or destroyed by the acids of the stomach, the third, outermost layer of the pearl is specially developed to only dissolve in the alkaline environment of the intestines. This patented gelatin pearl protects the probiotic bacteria from the acid environment of the stomach, so that they can successfully reach the intestine.

The patented seamless pearl capsule of Acidophilus Pearls assures the virtually all the bacteria remain uninjured and healthy to colonize in the intestine. In addition, the special pearl capsule’s ability to seal the bacteria inside it eliminates the need for the nutritional supplement to be refrigerated – though they can be kept in the refrigerator, if desired.

Storage recommended

Store at controlled room temperature, 59 degrees F to 86 degrees F (15 – 30C). May refrigerate if desired

This statement has not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Buy Probiotics at Vitanet


Acai is an exotic palm fruit from the Amazonian rain forest!

Date: February 12, 2006 01:38 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Acai is an exotic palm fruit from the Amazonian rain forest!

Beneficial Antioxidant Protection*

Our body produces free radicals as a byproduct of many metabolic processes. Free radicals are molecules with unpaired electrons that have the potential of causing harm if not adequately neutralized by the body’s antioxidant system. While some free radical production is necessary for metabolism and detoxification, excessive amounts of free radicals may lead to compromised health.

Acai is a rich source of anthocyanins and other phenolics. Anthocyanins are compounds that have potent antioxidant activity, allowing for the neutralization of potentially harmful free radicals. By neutralizing these free radicals, anthocyanins from acai may serve to maintain the healthy function of numerous systems and organs. Some of the anthocyanins that have been found in acai include cyanidin-3-glucoside and cyanidin-3-glucoside-coumarate. Other phenolics include catechin and epi-catechin (the same compounds in green tea), quercetin derivatives and other flavonoids.1 It is likely that the synergistic effects of these compounds as present in acai fruit are responsible for its potent antioxidant activities.

OptiAcai™ freeze-dried acai fruit powder has undergone numerous assays to assess its in vitro antioxidant capacity. One of the assays considered to be a standard measure of antioxidant capacity is known as the ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity). This test measures how much a particular food can inhibit free radical activity. Numerous foods have been tested using this assay by the USDA Agricultural Research Service to develop standard in vitro measures of antioxidant capacity. Of the foods USDA tested, the results show that cranberries had the highest ORAC values per gram. The units are given as Trolox Equivalents (TE). Trolox is a water-soluble analogue of vitamin E. When whole cranberries were tested, the results indicate that their ORAC value was 94 TE per gram. When OptiAcai™ freeze-dried acai fruit powder underwent ORAC testing, the results showed that it had the ORAC activity of 610 TE per gram, the highest of any fruit or vegetable. What is truly amazing is that these numbers represent the ORAC value of the unaltered freeze-dried fruit, as OptiAcai is pure freeze-dried acai. There are no added preservatives or antioxidants that would artificially inflate the ORAC value of this product. The process of freeze-drying helps to strongly preserve the antioxidant compounds in the fruit, contributing to its remarkable ORAC activity.2

Other assays performed on acai pulp include the in vitro TOSC (Total Oxidant Scavenging Capacity) assay. In a Brazilian study, eleven commercially available acai pulp samples were analyzed for antioxidant potential using this assay. It was found that all eleven of the samples performed very well for the ability to scavenge peroxyl and peroxynitrite radicals. The researchers also concluded that the activity of the anthocyanins alone could not account for the free radical scavenging actions of the acai fruit pulp. Other compounds, many of which are possibly yet to be identified, make significant contributions to the remarkable oxidant scavenging capacity seen with the fruit.3

Maintains Cellular Health*

Acai’s deep purple coloration makes it a rich source of beneficial polyphenols. While these compounds are potent antioxidants as outlined above, they also confer benefits beyond their free radical scavenging activity. A number of these phytochemicals are known to have beneficial effects on cellular health. Some mechanisms employed by polyphenols include the induction or inhibition of enzyme function and alteration of signal transduction, enhancing the ability of cells to communicate more effectively with each other. Many polyphenols are considered “biological response modifiers”, since they possess multiple effects, including the ability to decrease oxidative stress to cells. Since polyphenols are water soluble, they are also well-absorbed and assimilated, allowing them to efficiently promote cellular health.4


Because of the health benefits associated with a high intake of polyphenols it is crucial to get an adequate number of servings of fresh fruits and vegetables on a daily basis. Best Acai featuring OptiAcai™ freeze-dried acai fruit powder with its high polyphenol content can provide an invaluable supplemental source of these health-promoting compounds to a normal diet.

Scientific References

1. Del Pozo-Insfran D, Brenes CH, Talcott ST. Phytochemical composition and pigment stability of Acai (Euterpe oleracea Mart.). J Agric Food Chem. 2004 Mar 24;52(6):1539-45.

2. Schauss, Alexander G. Acai (Euterpe oleracea): The Nutritional and Antioxidant-rich Amazonian Palm Tree Fruit. Sound Concepts, 2005.

3. Lichtenthaler R, Rodrigues RB, Maia JG, Papagiannopoulos M, Fabricius H, Marx F. Total oxidant scavenging capacities of Euterpe oleracea Mart. (Acai) fruits. Int J Food Sci Nutr. 2005 Feb;56(1):53-64.

4. Ronzio, RA. "Naturally occurring antioxidants" The Textbook of Natural Medicine. Second edition. Ed. Joseph E. Pizzorno, Jr. and Michael T. Murray. Churchill Livingstone, 1999. 831-846.

Buy Acai at Vitanet ®

Best Acai
Best Acai


Omega man

Date: January 21, 2006 01:10 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Omega man

Omega Man is the ideal essential fatty acid and plant phytochemical formula to support optimal health, life and vitality at any age. From the athletic pursuits of your early 20’s to the health concerns of your 50’s, 60’s, and beyond, Omega Man is your answer. Let Omega Man unlock the door to a new, more vibrant, healthier you.

The Omega Man Formula

Organic Flaxseed Oil
Barlean’s award-winning organic flaxseed oil makes up the base of this formula providing the richest and freshest source of essential omega-3 fatty acid essential for overall health and vitality.

Omega Man contains high-in-lignan flaxseed particulate. Numerous studies have reported on the role of lignans in support of heart and hormonal health including the preservation of healthy prostate tissue. Lignans once abundant in a whole foods, plant based diet are now sparse in our modern-day diet making supplementation so important.

Styrian Pumpkin Seed Oil
Barlean’s went to the edge of the earth to procure the seeds of a rare and unique pumpkin found only in the region of southeast Austria. It is reputed for its extraordinary and high levels of phytosterols, important super vitamins that have been shown to speed exercise recovery, soothe painful joints, and increase vitality. Phytosterols are also important in the support of heart and prostate health.

Phospholipid Concentrates
Phospholipids are an important component of every single cell in your body. Phospholipid supplementation has been shown to promote heart, digestive, liver, immune and brain health. Omega Man delivers the ideal dosage of phospholipids for your good health.

Plant Phytosterol Complex
Phytosterols are all natural plant chemicals derived primarily from seed oils. Omega Man contains three important types of phytosterols—Beta Sitosterol, Campesterol, and Stigmasterol. These powerhouses are important for the healthy support of the prostate, colon, and cardiovascular system. Phytosterols are also a favorite of high performance athletes.

Organic flaxseed oil, organic flaxseed particulate, styrian pumpkin seed oil, phospholipids concentrates, plant phytosterols, rosemary/ascorbic acid blend. Free of Genetically Modified Organisms.

Buy Barlean's at Vitanet ®


Folic Acid: Strengthening the Immune System in the Elderly

Date: January 09, 2006 09:38 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Folic Acid: Strengthening the Immune System in the Elderly

Folic Acid: Strengthening the Immune System in the Elderly

By Greg Arnold, DC, CSCS, December 20, 2005, abstracted from “Dietary folate improves age-related decreases in lymphocyte function” in the January 2006 issue of the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry Recent research has elucidated health-promoting roles for folic acid beyond that of insuring normal development of the fetus. In addition to helping decrease neural tube defects,1 folic acid can also help treat inflammatory bowel disease 2 improve memory 3 and help decrease an amino acid in the body, homocysteine,4 that increases heart disease risk.5 Now a new study 6 has found another way that folic acid can help us age more gracefully: by helping strengthen our immune system. Recognizing the importance of nutrition in the overall health of the immune system 7 and knowing that certain types of immune system cells, called “T cells”, decrease with age,(8,9) researchers fed 11-month-old and 23-month-old male rats either a control diet or a diet fortified with 35.7 mg per kg of folic acid for three weeks. Researchers found “a significant” increase in immune system strength in the folic acid group, specifically that of increased T cell levels, other immune system proteins called IL-2, IL-4, and anti-cancer proteins called “tumor necrosis factor”. While the study reaffirmed the immune system’s weakening with increasing age, the researchers concluded that “supplementing…with additional folate improves [immune system function] and that dietary folate requirement may be higher in the older population than in the younger population to support immune functions.” Greg Arnold is a Chiropractic Physician practicing in Danville, CA. You can contact Dr. Arnold directly by emailing him at or visiting his website Reference:
1 “Spina Bifida and Anencephaly Before and After Folic Acid Mandate --- United States, 1995--1996 and 1999—2000” from MMWR Weekly 2004; 53(17): 362-365
2 Danese S. Homocysteine triggers mucosal microvascular activation in inflammatory bowel disease. Am J Gastroenterol. 2005 Apr;100(4):886-95
3 “The First Ever Dementia Conference Opens In Washington, DC” posted on the Alzheimer’s Association Website
4 Daly S. Low-dose folic acid lowers plasma homocysteine levels in women of child-bearing age. QJM. 2002 Nov;95(11):733-40
5 Stampfer J. Homocysteine levels and cardiovascular disease. Am Fam Physician. 1997 Oct 15;56(6):1568, 1571-2
6 C.J. Field, I.R. Johnson and P.D. Schley, Nutrients and their role in host resistance to infection, J Leukoc Biol 71 (2002), pp. 16–32
7 L. Haynes, S.M. Eaton, E.M. Burns, M. Rincon and S.L. Swain, Inflammatory cytokines overcome age-related defects in CD4 T cell responses in vivo, J Immunol 172 (2004), pp. 5194–5199
8 R.B. Effros, Replicative senescence of CD8 T cells: effect on human ageing, Exp Gerontol 39 (2004), pp. 517–524


Thyroid Health

Date: January 05, 2006 10:29 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Thyroid Health

Fact: Millions of Americans trying to lose weight are horrified to see their bathroom scales inching uncontrollably upwards.

And these numbers increase every single year. Making matters worse, many of these same people are shocked to find their energy levels slipping inexorably downwards. I guess I’ve just got a slow metabolism…” “You can’t get as much done when you start getting older…” “Why am I always so cold?” Sound a little too familiar? What if there was a safe and natural way to energize your metabolism and keep it operating at its youthful, maximum efficiency? While it is true that metabolism slows somewhat with age, its not inevitable that every one of us is destined to end up with more weight to move around and less energy to get there. There are people in their 30’s, 40’s, 50’s, 60’s and beyond with all the vibrant energy they need. There are people who end every day with a list of important accomplishments completed. So what’s their secret? It may well be a healthy, fully functioning thyroid.The human thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland located in the front of the neck that wraps around the trachea. It has but one job - to produce the two critical thyroid hormones we need to keep our metabolism efficient. In fact, these hormones are indispensable for our bodies to convert calories into energy – and that’s the crux of metabolism. These two hormones, triiodothyronine and thyroxine, or T3 and T4 respectively, are produced in the thyroid when the iodine in our system teams up with the amino acid L-tyrosine. Sounds simple, right?

Think again. Human metabolism is a highly intricate process that can be adversely affected by a wealth of variables. One important variable that we can control, is the nutrient mix our thyroid keeps on hand to operate. In order for metabolism to occur with any respectable level of effectiveness, the body must have a full supply of thyroid supporting nutrients on hand at all times. If you aren’t willing to deliver the nutrients it needs to function properly, chances are, it won’t be able to do what it’s supposed to (which is to keep your metabolism fired up and your energy resources fully charged).Don’t despair. There is good news. Encouraging and maintaining healthy thyroid function may be easier than you might imagine. This master gland of metabolism is often very responsive to the right combination of thyroid supporting nutrients.

Yes, a healthy diet will promote a healthy thyroid, but some of the nutrients that are especially helpful in supporting healthy thyroid function are not likely to be found in your local market. That is, unless you happen to be shopping in India or Ireland. So just what are the critical nutrients for a healthy, energized thyroid? L-Tyrosine. This amino acid plays an essential role in the production of thyroid hormones, in addition to hormones that affect mood including epinephrine, norepinephrine, serotonin, and dopamine. And while our body can naturally produce some Tyrosine from other amino acids, as we age, our bodies may not be able to keep up with the needs of a demanding thyroid. During metabolism, tyrosine joins forces with iodine in order to produce the thyroid hormones needed to efficiently convert (metabolize) the calories from our diet into expendable energy. A weak reserve of tyrosine can leave us feeling sluggish. As a result, our body reacts by storing more calories as fat for energy.

Iodine. Another key player in the metabolism game. Without it, metabolism simply can not take place. The thyroid is the only gland in the human body capable of absorbing this trace element. Typically found in shellfish and iodized salts, iodine is stored in the thyroid gland until needed for the production of the thyroid hormones triiodothyronine and thyroxine. When combined with L-tyrosine and other nutrients these two work synergistically to produce T3 and T4 thyroid hormone. Moreover, iodine deficiencies have been linked to the formation of goiters, decreased energy and lack of concentration.

Irish Moss. A natural vegetarian source of many thyroid-supporting nutrients, including Iodine, a key component in healthy metabolism. Irish moss has been consumed for thousands of years, and many herbalists encourage its use to contribute to sound glandular health.

Selenium. This naturally occuring trace mineral is well known for its strong antioxidant properties and natural synergism with other vitamins. Supplementing with selenium is essential for anyone concerned with sluggish thyroid performance.

Guggul. Technically known as Guggulsterone, the Gug¬gul tree is native to India, and emits a resinous sap that has been used for centuries as part of India’s traditional medicine known as Ayurveda. Studies have shown that the purified plant sterol extract from Guggulsterone can promote healthy thyroid function, and assist the body in maintaining normal production of thyroxine and triiodo¬thyronine.

Simply put, the thyroid gland relies heavily on a host supporting nutrients to produce the hormones needed to ensure that metabolism goes off without a hitch. Without these vital nutrients, our ability to metabolize food may slow down. Here’s an easy way to remember how this process works. The less thyroid supporting nutrients we have, the less thyroid hormone (T3 and T4) we produce.

The less thyroid hormone we produce, the less efficient our metabolic process becomes. The less effective our metabolic process becomes, the less energy we produce. The less energy we produce, the more prone we are to weight gain and fatigue.

NOW® Thyroid Energy was scientifically formulated to help maintain healthy thyroid function by incorporating a powerful blend of thyroid sup¬porting nutrients. With a full gram of L-Tyrosine (the direct precursor to thyroid hormone production) in addition to Iodine from Kelp, Selenium, Guggul, Zinc, Copper and a perfectly balanced blend of B vitamins, NOW® Thyroid energy just may be the boost you’ve been looking for.


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