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  Messages 1-80 from 80 matching the search criteria.
Vitamin Deficiencies on the Rise: Addressing the Increasing Awareness of Micronutrient Deficiencies Darrell Miller 5/28/24
Betaine aka TMGs Many Benefits as a Methyl Donor Darrell Miller 10/21/22
Body Odor and the Need for All Natural Deodorant Darrell Miller 10/10/22
Could quercetin be the answer to your allergies? Darrell Miller 4/30/22
High Fiber Diet May Reduce Risk of Dementia Darrell Miller 4/29/22
The Kidneys and Your Health: Everything You Need to Know Darrell Miller 4/29/22
Can sulforaphane help children with autism? Darrell Miller 5/10/19
Study: Following a choline-rich diet may offer transgenerationalprotection against Alzheimer's disease Darrell Miller 4/24/19
Daily green tea consumption found to slash dementia risk by up to86% Darrell Miller 1/10/19
Vitamin A is a powerful antioxidant that can slow down the processof aging Darrell Miller 12/14/18
Resveratrol treatments can slow lung disease, study shows VitaNet, LLC Staff 10/24/18
Stop feeding cancer cells! This is the diet mistake you probablymake that can cause cancer VitaNet, LLC Staff 9/5/18
Here's how the body prevents helpful bacteria from causing disease Darrell Miller 2/11/18
Get Rid of Eye-Bags and Dark Circles Naturally Darrell Miller 1/10/18
Help mitigate the toxic effects of traditional cancer treatments with diet: Soy, cruciferous vegetables associated with fewer side effects Darrell Miller 1/4/18
Eating THIS Could Prevent Male Baldness Darrell Miller 10/12/17
What Your Acne Says about Your Health!! Darrell Miller 9/4/17
5 All-Natural Remedies To Treat Eczema Without The Doctor Darrell Miller 8/17/17
Mice fed tryptophan develop immune cells that foster a tolerant gut Darrell Miller 8/13/17
Drink This Juice To Prevent and Treat Varicose Veins Darrell Miller 7/29/17
5 Reasons you should NEVER use canola oil, even if its ORGANIC Darrell Miller 6/27/17
Animal Study Finds Monounsaturated Fats in Olive Oil May Extend Life Darrell Miller 6/10/17
What Causes Cancer? Here Are 11 Unexpected Things Darrell Miller 6/5/17
What an expert eats to boost his good gut bacteria Darrell Miller 4/29/17
Never Ignore These Warning SIGNS OF VITAMIN B12 DEFICIENCY! Darrell Miller 4/25/17
Think cholesterol is bad? This will change your mind Darrell Miller 4/7/17
The key to looking younger may be as simple as getting eight hours of sleep each night Darrell Miller 4/6/17
13 Ways Marijuana Impacts Males And Females Differently Darrell Miller 3/25/17
5 Things to Know About Genetic Testing Bill Darrell Miller 3/24/17
Daily consumption of tea protects the elderly from cognitive decline Darrell Miller 3/20/17
Eat These 7 Foods For Bigger Breasts Darrell Miller 3/17/17
Rewires Your Brain and Slashes Anxiety Levels, but Beware Darrell Miller 3/14/17
Cooking With Canola Releases More Toxic Cancer-Causing Chemicals Than Any Other Type of Oil Darrell Miller 3/14/17
On Health: Do carbs make you fat? Darrell Miller 3/13/17
List Of 16 Best Vitamins To Increase Metabolism Darrell Miller 3/10/17
Diabetes control: Warning signs and tips to reduce your risk Darrell Miller 3/5/17
Why anti-inflammatory eating is the next big thing Darrell Miller 3/2/17
Link between dietary restriction, longevity examined Darrell Miller 2/9/17
The Difference Between Type I and II diabetes. Darrell Miller 1/19/17
A Gut Makeover for the New Year Darrell Miller 1/12/17
Here's Why Some Miss Out on the Asparagus Effect Darrell Miller 12/26/16
Men's Prostate Health – Best Vitamins, Supplements & Tips? Darrell Miller 12/23/16
Nourish your bones with vitamins - The Detroit News Darrell Miller 12/13/16
Vitamins A and C help erase cell memory - Knowridge Science Report Darrell Miller 12/9/16
Are your storable foods mostly just reprocessed GMO corn? Darrell Miller 12/8/16
Say NO to GMO in America Darrell Miller 12/5/16
What causes cancer? The five vectors of chemical assault on your health Darrell Miller 12/3/16
Study shows low vitamin D levels linked to increased risk of bladder cancer Darrell Miller 12/2/16
10 superfoods you can include in your daily diet to cut diabetes risk Darrell Miller 12/1/16
Inherited taste perceptions may explain why some people eat too much salt Darrell Miller 11/30/16
Microbes in your gut influence age-related macular degeneration Darrell Miller 11/29/16
Gene-editing techniques used in humans for first time Darrell Miller 11/29/16
Is your storable food just repackaged genetically modified SOY and CORN? Darrell Miller 11/15/16
vitamin d influences longevity by working at genetic level Darrell Miller 11/7/16
A metabolic switch to turn off obesity Darrell Miller 11/1/16
Your Mood and mental health Darrell Miller 9/20/16
Through Epigenetics, Curcumin Can Stop Cancer Darrell Miller 8/20/16
One plants broad based attack against cancer Darrell Miller 8/16/16
If You No Energy It May Be Because Of Poor Absorption Darrell Miller 11/6/15
STEVIA – BETTER THAN SUGAR Darrell Miller 7/29/15
D-ribose:A Glance Darrell Miller 7/24/15
Combat Depression With Fish Oil Darrell Miller 1/21/15
What Is GMO and Why Should We Avoid It? Darrell Miller 6/21/14
Can Glutamine Improve Nitrogen Balance in the Body? Darrell Miller 5/7/14
Few reason that tell you why you should consume TMG regularly Darrell Miller 1/11/14
How calcium can Help Prevent Bone Loss Darrell Miller 11/8/13
How D-ribose boost energy levels in the body Darrell Miller 10/27/13
The Role of Glycine in Collagen and Its Remarkable Health Benefits Darrell Miller 3/17/13
What is a Good Uric Acid Cleanse? Darrell Miller 1/2/13
What Causes High Blood Pressure And What Can Reduce And Prevent It? Darrell Miller 12/28/12
The Tremendous Health Benefits Of Omega- 3 Fatty Acids Darrell Miller 11/10/12
Hair health Darrell Miller 7/16/12
The Health Benefits Of Taking Spirulina Darrell Miller 6/26/12
Guggul, Cholesterol and Your Health! Darrell Miller 2/11/12
Can Apple Cider Vinegar Help With Cholesterol And Triglycerides? Darrell Miller 12/5/11
What Are The Symptoms Of GABA Deficiency? Darrell Miller 9/5/11
How Does Serrapeptidase Support A Healthy Immune System, Regulate Inflammation, And More? Darrell Miller 9/1/11
How Does Malic Acid Help With Fibromyalgia? Darrell Miller 8/22/11
How Does Prickly Pear Leaf Help with Blood Sugar Control? Darrell Miller 8/2/11
Can Vitamin B12 Boost Mental Alertness? Darrell Miller 7/18/11

Vitamin Deficiencies on the Rise: Addressing the Increasing Awareness of Micronutrient Deficiencies

Date: May 28, 2024 03:46 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Vitamin Deficiencies on the Rise: Addressing the Increasing Awareness of Micronutrient Deficiencies

Vitamin Deficiencies on the Rise: Addressing the Increasing Awareness of Micronutrient Deficiencies

In recent years, there's been a significant uptick in the awareness of vitamin and mineral deficiencies across global populations. Micronutrients, though required in minuscule amounts, play a critical role in bodily functions, from metabolism to immunity. Despite advancements in healthcare and education, many individuals are still unaware of their own nutritional gaps, with modern diets contributing significantly to these deficiencies.

Factors Contributing to Micronutrient Deficiencies

Modern Diet Trends

The rise in convenience foods, which are often calorie-dense but nutrient-poor, has significantly impacted nutritional intake. Fast foods, processed meals, and sugary snacks have become staples in many diets, particularly in urban settings. These foods are typically low in essential vitamins and minerals such as vitamin D, vitamin B12, iron, and magnesium. As people increasingly rely on these quick, palatable options, it often comes at the expense of nutrient-rich fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains.

Lifestyle Changes

Another contributing factor to vitamin deficiencies is the shift in lifestyle patterns. Longer work hours, increased screen time, and reduced physical activity mean that individuals spend less time outdoors. This has a particularly detrimental effect on vitamin D levels, which are naturally synthesized when skin is exposed to sunlight. Furthermore, high-stress levels and poor sleep quality can deplete essential nutrients, exacerbating the issue.

Agricultural Practices

Changes in agricultural practices have also had an inadvertent impact on the micronutrient content of food. Soil depletion, the use of chemical fertilizers, and genetically modified crops can lead to lower levels of vitamins and minerals in produce. Consequently, even those who consume fruits and vegetables regularly might not be getting the expected nutrient benefits.

Fast Food and Nutrient Deficiencies

It is becoming increasingly clear that the widespread consumption of fast food plays a significant role in the rise of vitamin deficiencies. Fast food items are often designed to be highly palatable and energy-dense. However, they are typically laden with unhealthy fats, sugars, and sodium while lacking essential nutrients. Regularly consuming these foods can lead to an imbalance in diet, where the body might get ample calories but insufficient vitamins and minerals.

For instance, studies have shown that diets high in fast food are linked to lower intakes of vitamins A and C, dietary fiber, calcium, and iron. These deficiencies can trigger a range of health issues, from diminished immune function and poor bone health to increased susceptibility to chronic diseases.

Addressing the Issue: Food-Based Multivitamins

To counteract these dietary deficiencies, many nutrition experts recommend incorporating a food-based multivitamin into daily routines. Unlike synthetic supplements, food-based multivitamins are derived from whole foods and contain a spectrum of vitamins and minerals in their natural forms, which can be more readily absorbed and utilized by the body.

Benefits of Food-Based Multivitamins

  1. Enhanced Absorption: Nutrients from whole foods are often better recognized and absorbed by the body.
  2. Balanced Nutrient Profile: These multivitamins often include a mix of micronutrients that work synergistically to support overall health.
  3. Digestive Support: Many food-based multivitamins contain digestive enzymes and probiotics to support gut health.
  4. Fewer Side Effects: Because they are closer to their natural state, food-based supplements typically cause fewer gastrointestinal issues compared to synthetic vitamins.

Selecting a High-Quality Multivitamin

When choosing a food-based multivitamin, look for products that:

  • Use organic, non-GMO ingredients.
  • Have minimal additives and fillers.
  • Are transparently sourced.
  • Include a diverse array of vitamins and minerals.
  • Kal Enhanced Energy Food based Multiple is Recommended.

In Summary:

The rise in micronutrient deficiencies is a concerning trend that underscores the importance of balanced nutrition. While modern lifestyles and dietary habits contribute significantly to this issue, there are effective ways to address it. Reducing the intake of nutrient-poor fast foods and incorporating food-based multivitamins can help bridge the gap and support overall nutritional needs. By making informed dietary choices, individuals can foster better health and mitigate the risks associated with vitamin and mineral deficiencies.

Take Charge of Your Health Today

Understanding the impact of micronutrient deficiencies on overall health is the first step towards making informed dietary choices. By addressing nutritional gaps and prioritizing whole, nutrient-rich foods, you can significantly improve your well-being. We invite you to explore our range of high-quality, food-based multivitamins designed to complement your daily diet and ensure you receive the essential nutrients your body needs.

Shop Now and Transform Your Health

Don't wait until deficiencies affect your vitality. Visit our online store to find the perfect multivitamin for your lifestyle. Our products are crafted with organic, non-GMO ingredients, and are free from unnecessary additives and fillers. Embrace a healthier you with the power of natural, food-based nutrients.


Betaine aka TMGs Many Benefits as a Methyl Donor

Date: October 21, 2022 12:29 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Betaine aka TMGs Many Benefits as a Methyl Donor

Methylation is a process in the body that helps to produce DNA, keep hormones in balance, and support detoxification. You need methyl groups for this process to happen, and TMG (trimethylglycine) donates methyl groups to help with methylation. TMG also supports cardiovascular health and cognitive function while reducing inflammation.

Not sure if TMG is right for you? Keep reading to learn more about this methyl donor’s benefits.

Benefit #1: TMG Promotes Healthy Methylation

As we just touched on, one of the main benefits of TMG is that it promotes healthy methylation. As we know, methylation is important for DNA production, hormone balance, and detoxification support.

TMG provides the extra push of methyl groups needed to keep these processes running smoothly which is why it’s often taken as a supplement. If you have difficulty methylating or you have a genetic mutation that affects methylation, TMG may be a good supplement for you to consider. Check with your doctor first, of course!

Benefit #2: TMG Supports Cardiovascular Health

TMG also known as betaine, can improve cardiovascular health by reducing homocysteine levels. Homocysteine is an amino acid that at high levels has been linked to heart disease. While more research needs to be done in this area, initial studies are promising.

In one study of nearly 500 participants, researchers found that those who took TMG had lower levels of homocysteine than those who didn’t supplement with the nutrient [1]. While this doesn’t prove causation, it’s an interesting correlation worth noting—especially given that other studies have found similar results [2].

benefit #3: May Reduce Inflammation

Chronic inflammation has been linked to many diseases such as heart disease, arthritis, and even cancer. Some studies suggest that TMG may help reduce inflammation levels in the body [3]. In one animal study, rats given TMG had reduced lung inflammation compared to rats who weren’t given the supplement [4]. More research needs to be done in this area but initial studies are promising.

In Summary:

TMG is a nutrient known as a methyl donor which means it provides methyl groups needed for processes like DNA production and hormone balance. It also supports cardiovascular health and cognitive function while reducing inflammation. If you have difficulty methylating or you have a genetic mutation that affects methylation, TMG may be a good supplement for you to consider. Check with your doctor first!


Body Odor and the Need for All Natural Deodorant

Date: October 10, 2022 12:09 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Body Odor and the Need for All Natural Deodorant

Let's be honest, no one likes to talk about body odor. It's an embarrassing topic that most people would rather not think about, let alone discuss openly. However, the fact of the matter is that body odor is a real problem that affects us all. The good news is, there are steps we can take to minimize or eliminate body odor. One such solution is to use an all natural deodorant.

What Causes Body Odor?

There are two main causes of body odor: sweat and bacteria. When sweat mixes with bacteria on the skin, it can produce an unpleasant smell. Some people are more prone to body odor than others due to factors like genetic disposition, diet, health conditions, and medications. Regardless of the cause, nobody wants to deal with unwanted body odor.

The Solution: All Natural Deodorant

One way to combat body odor is to use an all natural deodorant. All natural deodorants are free of harsh chemicals, oils, alcohol, preservatives, and harmful forms of aluminum. Many commercial deodorants contain these harsh chemicals which can actually exacerbate body odor. All natural deodorants work by leaving a thin layer of odor-controlling mineral salts on the skin to offer long-lasting protection against body odors. Mineral deodorant crystals have been proven to be highly effective in protecting against body odors.

In Summary:

If you're looking for a safe and effective way to combat body odor, look no further than all natural deodorant. This type of deodorant leaves a thin layer of odor-controlling mineral salts on the skin to offer long-lasting protection against body odors. So if you're tired of feeling self-conscious about your body odor, give all natural deodorant a try!


Could quercetin be the answer to your allergies?

Date: April 30, 2022 10:34 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Could quercetin be the answer to your allergies?

It's that time of year again, when the sneezing and sniffling starts. Seasonal allergies can make life miserable for millions of people. But what if there was a natural way to lessen your symptoms? Quercetin, a flavonoid found in many plants, might be the answer.

What are seasonal allergies and what causes them?

Seasonal allergies, also known as allergic rhinitis, are a type of inflammation of the nose that occurs when the immune system overreacts to airborne particles such as pollen, dust, or mold spores. The most common symptoms include sneezing, runny nose, and itchy eyes. Seasonal allergies can occur at any time of year, but they are most common in spring and fall. There are a number of different factors that can contribute to seasonal allergies, including genetics, weather patterns, and air pollution. In addition, people who suffer from other conditions such as asthma or eczema are more likely to develop seasonal allergies. treatment for seasonal allergies typically involves avoiding triggers and managing symptoms with medication. In severe cases, allergy shots may be recommended. With proper management, people with seasonal allergies can enjoy symptom-free days.

What is quercetin and where can it be found?

Quercetin is a plant-based flavonoid that has been shown to have potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. It is found in many fruits and vegetables, including apples, onions, and berries. Quercetin supplements are also available. Studies have shown that quercetin can help to reduce the symptoms of allergies, such as hay fever and seasonal allergies. It does this by inhibiting the release of histamine, which is a chemical that triggers allergy symptoms. In addition, quercetin can help to reduce inflammation and swelling. For these reasons, it is often recommended as a natural treatment for allergies.

How does quercetin work to alleviate allergy symptoms?

Quercetin has a wide range of health benefits, including reducing inflammation and acting as an antioxidant. Quercetin also has the ability to block histamine, which is one of the main molecules involved in allergic reactions. When histamine is released, it causes the symptoms of allergies such as runny nose, watery eyes, and hives. By blocking histamine, quercetin can help to reduce these symptoms. In addition, quercetin can also help to reduce the production of inflammatory molecules such as cytokines. This helps to further reduce the symptoms of allergies and inflammation.

How much quercetin should you take to see results?

So, how much quercetin should you take to see results? Studies on quercetin supplementation have used dosages ranging from 500 mg to 1,000 mg per day to start and go up as needed. Generally, the higher doses are used to treat specific conditions, while the lower doses are more typically used for preventative purposes.

Are there any other natural remedies that can help with allergies?

There is no doubt that allergies can be a real nuisance, causing symptoms such as itchy eyes, sneezing, and skin rashes. While medications such as antihistamines are commonly used to manage these symptoms, there may be other natural remedies that can help as well. For instance, researchers have found that medicinal herbs such as nettle and astragalus may help to reduce inflammation associated with allergies. Additionally, changing your diet to include more antioxidant-rich foods may make you less prone to allergic reactions. Overall, while medications can be an important part of managing allergies, there are many other natural strategies that may be helpful as well. By incorporating a variety of these strategies into your treatment plan, you can hopefully minimize the impact of allergies on your life.

How can you reduce your exposure to allergens in your environment?

Allergens are substances that can trigger an allergic reaction in certain individuals. While different allergies manifest themselves in different ways, the main goal for anyone who is trying to reduce their exposure to allergens is to create a healthier environment for themselves and their loved ones. There are a number of tactics you can use to do this, starting with some simple steps that can be implemented at home. These include installing high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters in your HVAC system, thoroughly cleaning surfaces and dusting regularly, and eliminating any indoor plants. Other steps involve avoiding exposures outside of the home, such as limiting time spent in dusty places like construction sites or opting to stay indoors on high-pollen days during allergy season. Overall, by making a few small changes to your lifestyle, you can greatly reduce your risk of exposure to allergens and take back control of your health.

Can allergy medication be safely taken while taking quercetin supplements?

Many people experience the unpleasant symptoms of allergies, such as a runny nose, coughing, or itchy eyes. Fortunately, there are many different medications that can help to relieve these symptoms and allow you to live a more comfortable life. However, for some people, allergy medication does not provide adequate relief. In this case, taking quercetin supplements may be an effective alternative. Additionally, some research has suggested that quercetin may actually enhance the effects of allergy medication. So is it safe to take allergy medication while taking quercetin supplements? The answer is yes, but quercetin can affect the way certain medications are absorbed by the body and should never be taken without consulting a medical professional. By doing so, you can safely reap the benefits of both treatments and enjoy a more comfortable life free from pesky allergies.

The quick answer

Allergy sufferers often have to contend with a host of different symptoms, from itchy eyes and a runny nose to sneezing fits and anxiety. While there are a variety of over-the-counter medications available to provide relief, many people are hesitant to take them on a regular basis due to concerns about side effects. Quercetin is a natural compound that has been shown to be effective in reducing allergy symptoms. It is generally considered safe to take quercetin along with other over-the-counter allergy medications. While there is always the potential for interactions between different substances, quercetin and most over-the-counter allergy medications are unlikely to cause any problems when taken together. As always, it is best to speak with a healthcare professional before starting any new medication regimen while consuming natural vitamin and herbal supplements.


High Fiber Diet May Reduce Risk of Dementia

Date: April 29, 2022 03:54 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: High Fiber Diet May Reduce Risk of Dementia

A high fiber diet may reduce the risk of developing dementia, according to a study published in the journal Neurology. The study found that people who ate the most fiber were 30% less likely to develop dementia than those who ate the least fiber. This is an important discovery, as dementia is becoming increasingly common around the world. There are currently about 47 million people living with dementia, and this number is expected to grow to 135 million by 2050.

What is dementia and what are the symptoms?

Dementia is a general term for a decline in mental ability due to disease or injury. symptoms can vary greatly from person to person, but may include problems with memory, mood, and thinking. People with dementia may have difficulty remembering recent events or familiar faces, and they may become confused about time and place. They may also have trouble completing familiar tasks, such as cooking a meal or getting dressed. As the disease progresses, people with dementia may lose the ability to communicate or take care of themselves. Dementia is not a normal part of aging, and it can affect people of all ages. There is no one test that can diagnose dementia, and doctors often use a combination of medical tests, brain scans, and neurological exams to make a diagnosis. There is no cure for dementia, but there are treatments that can help people manage the symptoms and improve their quality of life.

What causes dementia?

Dementia is a complex neurological disorder with no known underlying cause. While some theories suggest that environmental factors such as exposure to certain toxins or injuries may play a role, the exact mechanisms underlying dementia remain uncertain. Some researchers have proposed that dementia may be related to problems in the functioning of certain proteins in the brain, while others have suggested that chronic inflammation may also be involved. However, there is still much work to be done in terms of understanding the biological mechanisms underlying this debilitating and often devastating illness. Ultimately, identifying the precise causes of dementia will help inform more targeted and effective treatments for this disease, allowing those affected by it to live fuller and healthier lives.

How can a high fiber diet reduce the risk of developing dementia?

A diet rich in fiber has been linked with a reduced risk of developing dementia. Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that the body cannot digest, and it is found in plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Foods high in fiber are known to promote gut health, and some studies have suggested that gut inflammation may play a role in the development of dementia. In addition, fiber-rich foods tend to be high in antioxidants and other nutrients that have been linked with brain health. For these reasons, increasing your intake of fiber-rich foods may help to reduce your risk of developing dementia.

What are some good sources of fiber?

There are many good sources of fiber, including both plant-based and animal-based foods. Psyllium husk, which is made from the soluble fibers found in the seeds of a Mediterranean shrub called Plantago ovata, is a popular option due to its high concentration of dietary fiber and other nutrients. Inulin, meanwhile, is a type of carbohydrate that is naturally found in many fruits, vegetables, and legumes. Both psyllium husk and inulin are excellent sources of nutrition that can help promote good digestive health and overall well-being. Other common sources of dietary fiber include whole grains like oats and barley, as well as beans, lentils, nuts, and seeds. Whether you are looking for plant-based or animal-based sources of fiber, there are plenty of options out there to suit your needs.

How much fiber should you eat each day?

There is no single answer to the question of how much fiber you should eat each day. The amount of fiber that your body needs will depend on a number of factors, including your age, sex, and overall health status. In general, most health experts recommend consuming between 25 and 35 grams of fiber per day. This can typically be achieved by eating a balanced diet that includes a variety of fiber-rich foods, including fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and legumes. Furthermore, it is important to remember that fiber needs can vary depending on your symptoms or underlying condition. So if you are experiencing any gastrointestinal issues or other health concerns, it is best to consult with your doctor to determine the right amount of dietary fiber for your body.

Are there any risks associated with eating a high fiber diet?

While fiber is an essential part of a healthy diet, it is important to be aware of the potential risks associated with eating too much fiber. Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that the body cannot digest, and it is typically found in plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. When fiber is not broken down by the body, it can bind to other nutrients and substances in the digestive tract and cause them to be eliminated from the body before they are absorbed. This can lead to nutrient deficiencies and other health problems. In addition, consuming large amounts of fiber can also cause bloating and gas.

How can you prevent dementia from developing?

There is no one definitive cause of dementia, but there are a number of risk factors that have been identified as contributing to its development. These can include things like a genetic predisposition, lifestyle factors like drinking and smoking, and certain health conditions. Because these risk factors can vary widely from person to person, there is no one strategy that will prevent dementia in everyone. However, there are some general measures that anyone can take to lower their risk of developing dementia. These might include maintaining healthy eating habits, staying physically active, and avoiding excessive exposure to environmental toxins. Additionally, early diagnosis and treatment for any existing health conditions can also play an important role in reducing the likelihood of dementia. By taking these proactive steps, it is possible to greatly reduce your risk of developing this debilitating condition.

Vitamins and Dementia

Some studies have suggested that certain vitamins may help to prevent dementia. Vitamin B6, B12, and folic acid are involved in the metabolism of homocysteine, a substance that has been linked to an increased risk of Alzheimer's disease. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that helps to protect cells from damage, and it has been suggested that this may help to slow the progression of dementia.

Fruits and vegetables can help the body combat dementia

Recent studies have suggested that diet may also play a role in the development of dementia. In particular, fruits and vegetables appear to offer some protection against the disease. The antioxidants found in these foods help to fight inflammation and damage to cells, both of which are thought to contribute to the development of dementia. In addition, fruits and vegetables are a good source of vitamins and minerals, which are essential for brain health. Thus, incorporating more fruits and vegetables into your diet may help to reduce your risk of developing dementia.


The Kidneys and Your Health: Everything You Need to Know

Date: April 29, 2022 03:10 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Kidneys and Your Health: Everything You Need to Know

The kidneys are two bean-shaped organs that sit in the lower back, on either side of the spine. They play a vital role in your health, filtering toxins from the blood and regulating fluid balance in the body. We will discuss everything you need to know about the kidneys, including common kidney problems and how to keep them healthy!

What are the common kidney problems

The kidneys are a pair of organs that filter waste products from the blood and excrete them in urine. They are also responsible for regulating fluid and electrolyte balance in the body. Kidney problems can range from mild to severe, and can be acute or chronic. Common kidney problems include kidney stones, urinary tract infections, and Nephrotic Syndrome. Kidney stones are small, hard deposits that form in the kidney when there is an imbalance of minerals in the urine. Urinary tract infections occur when bacteria enter the urinary system and multiply. Nephrotic Syndrome is a kidney disorder that causes the body to excrete large amounts of protein in the urine.Kidney problems can often be treated with medication, but in some cases, surgery may be necessary. Early diagnosis and treatment is important to prevent serious complications.

Acute renal failure

Acute renal failure is a sudden onset of kidney failure that can be life-threatening. The kidneys are responsible for filtering waste from the blood and balancing fluids in the body. When they are not working properly, waste can build up in the blood and cause serious health problems. Acute renal failure can be caused by a number of factors, including dehydration, infection, and certain medications. Symptoms include decreased urine output, swelling, fatigue, and confusion. If left untreated, acute renal failure can lead to coma and death. Early diagnosis and treatment is essential for a successful outcome.

Chronic renal failure

Chronic renal failure, or CRF, is a serious medical condition that affects the kidneys. In this condition, the kidneys become damaged and unable to function properly. As a result, toxins can build up in the body, causing a variety of symptoms. Some of these symptoms may include fatigue, bloating and swelling, nausea, diarrhea or constipation, poor appetite, changes in urination frequency or color, and anemia. Diagnosing CRF involves examining several factors like blood test results and overall medical history. Treatment for the condition typically involves managing any associated symptoms with medication or dietary changes. In some cases, dialysis may also be necessary to support patients with severe CRF. Overall, chronic renal failure is a serious but manageable condition that requires careful monitoring and management by patients and their healthcare providers.

Renal artery stenosis

Renal artery stenosis refers to a condition in which one or more of the arteries that deliver blood to the kidneys becomes narrowed or blocked. This can lead to a number of adverse health effects, including increased blood pressure, chronic kidney failure, and possibly even heart attack or stroke. While there are a number of possible causes for this condition, including genetic factors, certain lifestyle choices such as smoking can also increase the risk of developing renal artery stenosis. Fortunately, treatments are available for this condition, including medications and medical procedures like angioplasty. For those who are diagnosed with renal artery stenosis, early and effective treatment is essential for maintaining overall health and wellbeing.

Renal cancer

Renal cancer begins in the kidneys, which are a pair of bean-shaped organs that filter waste from the blood and produce urine. The most common type of renal cancer is clear cell renal cell carcinoma (RCC), which accounts for about three-quarters of all cases. RCC typically affects middle-aged adults and is more common in men than women. Other types of renal cancer include papillary renal cell carcinoma, chromophobe renal cell carcinoma, and collecting duct carcinoma. Treatment for renal cancer may include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, or immunotherapy. The type of treatment will depend on the stage of the cancer and the patient's overall health. Early diagnosis and treatment is essential for the best possible outcome.

Polycystic kidney disease

Polycystic kidney disease, or PKD, is a complex condition that affects the kidneys and other organs in the body. This disorder occurs when small cysts grow in the kidneys, gradually interfering with their ability to filter waste products from the blood. As these cysts start to expand, they can cause a number of severe symptoms such as high blood pressure, chronic pain, nausea and fatigue. In some cases, PKD also results in serious complications such as renal failure or a stroke. However, there are treatments available that can help people manage this disorder and slow its progression over time. By working closely with a medical team and making lifestyle changes to support kidney health, it is possible for people living with PKD to have long and healthy lives.

Urinary tract infection

A urinary tract infection (UTI) is an infection that can occur in any part of the urinary system, including the kidneys, ureters, bladder, or urethra. UTIs are most commonly caused by bacteria, but they can also be caused by fungi or viruses. Symptoms of a UTI may include pain or burning during urination, increased frequency or urgency of urination, cloudy or blood-tinged urine, and pelvic pain. If left untreated, a UTI can lead to serious complications, such as kidney damage or sepsis. Early diagnosis and treatment is essential for preventing serious health problems. UTIs are typically diagnosed through urinalysis, which can detect the presence of bacteria or other organisms in the urine. Treatment usually involves antibiotics to kill the infection-causing bacteria. In some cases, hospitalization may be necessary to treat a severe UTI. Additionally, drinking plenty of fluids and emptying the bladder frequently can help to flush out bacteria and prevent reinfection. Wiping from front to back after using the restroom can also help to reduce the risk of UTI development. Avoiding masturbation devices would good idea if you get frequent urinary tract infections because they can introduce new bacteria into the urethra.

UTI and D-Mannose

A urinary tract infection, or UTI, is a common medical condition that can cause symptoms such as painful urination, abdominal discomfort, and sometimes even fever. While conventional treatments typically involve antibiotics, these medications often come with unwanted side effects like nausea and diarrhea. Fortunately, there is another alternative in the form of D-Mannose, a naturally-occurring sugar that has been shown to help treat UTIs by eliminating bacterial biofilms and relieving symptoms. Unlike antibiotics, which can damage gut health by killing off beneficial bacteria along with the harmful ones, D-Mannose does not disrupt this critical ecosystem. As a result, D-Mannose is becoming an increasingly popular treatment for UTIs, offering an effective and safe alternative to antibiotics.

Kidney stones

Kidney stones are one of the most painful medical conditions to experience. These small, hard deposits form when there is an imbalance in the levels of certain minerals in the body. As they grow larger, kidney stones can cause severe pain as they move through the urinary tract. Treatment typically involves drinking plenty of fluids and taking pain medication. In some cases, surgery may be necessary to remove the kidney stone. Prevention is the best way to avoid kidney stones, and maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle is the best way to do this. Drinking plenty of fluids, especially water, and eating a diet high in fiber can help to prevent kidney stones from forming.


Glomerulonephritis is a serious kidney condition that occurs when the tiny filtration units in the kidneys, known as glomeruli, become inflamed and damaged. This can disrupt normal kidney function, causing a buildup of waste products in the bloodstream, resulting in numerous symptoms such as swelling and joint pain. While there is no cure for glomerulonephritis, treatment options can help to reduce inflammation and manage symptoms. These may include medications to control blood pressure or reduce harmful inflammatory chemicals, along with lifestyle changes to support overall kidney health. With proper medical care and close monitoring, many people with glomerulonephritis are able to live healthy lives despite this chronic condition.

Kidney disease is a serious condition that can lead to a variety of health problems. If you have kidney disease, it is important to monitor your symptoms and seek medical treatment as soon as possible. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to managing kidney disease, but by working with your healthcare team and following their recommendations, you can help improve your health and quality of life. Remember, knowledge is power, so be sure to educate yourself about kidney disease and its treatment options. With the right information and support, you can live a full and productive life despite this serious condition.


Can sulforaphane help children with autism?

Date: May 10, 2019 10:46 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Can sulforaphane help children with autism?

Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli have enormous amounts of sulforaphane. Research has even shown that when this compound is taken in large quantities, it can help alleviate the problem of autism in children. Autism is a very important consideration because it affects about one in ten children right now; this is according to experts. New cases are also increasing worldwide. The author states that the recent increases in autism reporting is due to the fact that vaccination schedules in children are increasing and vaccines deliver toxins to the child which can damage the nervous system. Sulforaphane though has been shown to be a chemical that can help in alleviating autism in children even after they have been vaccinated. The research was carried out by scientists at the John Hopkins University who found out that eating foods that have enormous amounts of sulforaphane can help autistic children by enhancing their social skills, verbal communication ability, and their general behavior. The compound, sulforaphane, acts through activating the genes that shield the cells from inflammation, damage to the genetic material, oxidative stress, and other factors that are linked to autism. The study was published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Science.

Key Takeaways:

  • Sulforaphane is a compound that is found in large amounts in cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and recent research shows it can help children with autism.
  • The latest estimates on the effects of autism on children shows that the condition now affects about one out of every forty-five children.
  • The rapidly increasing spike in autism cases in children is linked to the increased rate of vaccination in children where the toxins affect their nervous system.

"The results of their experiment showed that the sulforaphane group demonstrated considerable improvements in social behavior by the time of the fourth week of treatment."

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Study: Following a choline-rich diet may offer transgenerationalprotection against Alzheimer's disease

Date: April 24, 2019 03:44 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Study: Following a choline-rich diet may offer transgenerationalprotection against Alzheimer's disease

Lack of nutrition can end up damaging cells and bring out the worst traits in our genes. A new study found that a maternal high diet in choline can protect the offspring from getting Alzheimer's disease in the future even if the choline levels in the offspring are low. The study was done on mice that were genetically predisposed to Alzheimer's. The body makes choline naturally, but some needs to be consumed in order to receive the amount that is required for healthy cellular functions.

Key Takeaways:

  • The nutrients that we take are like instructions to the body that build up our cells and tell them how to operate and communicate.
  • The benefits of nutritional instructions to the body is to strengthen our genetics and prevent diseases, while a lack initiates changes in our genes and cause diseases.
  • It has been shown from research that nutritional instructions when taken by the mother can be passed on to generations through the genetic code.

"The mice that were born from mothers on choline-rich diets developed fewer disease-associated brain changes. They also exhibited improved memory skills. Even when the descendants didn’t receive choline in their diet, they still enjoyed the benefits of brain protection from their mother’s nutrient-rich diet."

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Daily green tea consumption found to slash dementia risk by up to86%

Date: January 10, 2019 04:26 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Daily green tea consumption found to slash dementia risk by up to86%

Green tea has long been touted for its many health benefits. It is full of antioxidants that help remove oxidation and free radicals from the body system. New studies reveal that it is also very effective in offsetting the risk factors of developing dementia later in life. Dementia effects the brain's memory system and in later stages the body's neurological system. Green tea helps to break down the plaque like build up of beta amyloid in the brain by over 80% and reducing the risk of development of dementia by over 50% in patient populous with a genetic history.

Key Takeaways:

  • When researchers at the University of Singapore examined seniors on their tea intake, it was discovered that daily tea intake reduced the risk of dementia by 50 percent.
  • The study was undertaken to see how lifestyle changes can be used to treat or prevent dementia because present medications based on drugs have proved ineffective.
  • This is not the first study to show a relationship between regular tea intake and improved neurocognitive functions. A 2014 study showed that it may prove beneficial Alzheimer’s patients.

"Beta-amyloid plaques is shown to trigger the onset of cognitive disorders in patients. Researchers note similar effects regardless of whether the tea was green or black."

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Vitamin A is a powerful antioxidant that can slow down the processof aging

Date: December 14, 2018 01:45 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Vitamin A is a powerful antioxidant that can slow down the processof aging

There a ton of different ways in which someone can attempt to slow down the process of healing for their particular body. Everyone will age differently and it comes down to a lot of different things. Lifestyle, circumstance, and genetics are all major factors into how someone ages. However, you can better your chances of aging well if you really try to take your vitamins. Vitamin A is one that has been proven to help people in the aging process.

Key Takeaways:

  • Everyone wants to look as young as possible for as long as they can in their lives.
  • No one wants to look old as they continue to live on through their life.
  • Making sure that you have your vitamins on a daily basis will ensure you look good as you get older.

"Taking vitamin A is not just good for improving and maintaining your eyes. It brings a host of health benefits involving many other important parts of the body."

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Resveratrol treatments can slow lung disease, study shows

Date: October 24, 2018 09:51 AM
Author: VitaNet, LLC Staff (
Subject: Resveratrol treatments can slow lung disease, study shows

Resveratrol treatments can slow lung disease, study shows

There are a lot of ways that are being found to slow down lung disease. For the people that suffer with these sort of issues, it should be said that it is not easy to deal with. For the people who have never had any throat issues, you do not know what it would feel like to have something there! Now, with certain treatments, people who were plagued by a lung disease can not be treated.

Key Takeaways:

  • There are some people who have these kinds of issues as they get older.
  • By avoiding the use of smoking cigarettes, or cigars, you can save your lungs long term.
  • It is difficult to put a finger on why people struggle to avoid taking care of their lungs.

"As you age, your lungs start to deteriorate naturally. The amount of time it takes for them to age to a point that significantly reduces your quality of life depends on various environmental and genetic factors, but once it happens, it is nearly impossible to reverse."

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Stop feeding cancer cells! This is the diet mistake you probablymake that can cause cancer

Date: September 05, 2018 09:52 AM
Author: VitaNet, LLC Staff (
Subject: Stop feeding cancer cells! This is the diet mistake you probablymake that can cause cancer

Stop feeding cancer cells! This is the diet mistake you probably make that can cause cancer

Although we tend to associate fashion with things like neckties, the truth is scientific ideas go in and out of fashion as well. Various pet theories their have their moment in the sun and then slip quietly below the radar as another more intriguing idea grabs everyone's attention. In the 2000s it was all about genetics and DNA. The Genome project, which would take on the lofty goal of mapping human DNA, thereby aiding scientists in their search to discover the mutations that lead to cancer, or so it was assumed. In actuality the search for causative mutations petered off into almost nothing. Some tumors had no mutations. Nor was there any sort of common DNA factor.

However, it hasn't proven to be a trek back to square one precisely. A Nobel prize winner back in the thirties had a theory that though not conclusive was compelling. This scientist, Warburg, surmised that when the body's mitochondrial cells produced energy as they were supposed to, which is aerobically, the body remains healthy. When energy production became anaerobic, a process that produces lactic acid in the body, then cancer cells would proliferate. To starve these renegade cells, the body would have to re-shift back away from the lactic-acid producing energy style, back to the more positive aerobic method. Some more recent scientists have started to build on Warburg's ideas, even discovering that sugar is a specific for cancer cells, without which they starve. So a best case scenario proposed diet for those with cancer would include high fats, less than fifty percent carbs, and a small amount of protein. Because of the relationship with sugar some diabetes drugs may have secondary use as a way to fight cancer as well.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Human Genome project, which was to map human DNA and discover all the causative mutations leading to human cancers began around the 2000s.
  • Unfortunately, scientists had not allowed for how random mutations are and no specific genetic cause of cancer could be tracked down.
  • Warburg, surmised that when human cells shifted from an aerobic style of energy production to an anaerobic style, then cancer cells proliferated.

"In 1931, Dr. Otto Warburg won the Nobel Prize Physiology or Medicine for his discovery that cancer cells have a fundamentally different energy metabolism compared to healthy cells."

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Here's how the body prevents helpful bacteria from causing disease

Date: February 11, 2018 03:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Here's how the body prevents helpful bacteria from causing disease

The body is pretty amazing in how it can detect foes. The system is literally called "friend/foe" and it is the immune system's response to all bacteria. Researchers examined mice for a particular strand of bacteria known as Helicobacter hepaticus. This invader caused a response from T cells and immediately was acted upon as "foe." Specifically Th17 were the T cells that were able to kill the bacteria, but they have another which shuts this cell down when finding friendly ones, not causing the inflammation chain that it normally does.

Key Takeaways:

  • T-cell helper 17, or Th17, are the main cells who cause inflammation to kill cells
  • These cells seem to be able to be "turned off" when in contact with other cells that are safe.
  • This response is known as "Friend/foe" in the immune system and explains why some bacteria are not killed on sight.

"Certain bacteria, such as those from the Helicobacter family, are generally considered helpful but can cause disease when genetic or environmental factors alter the normal balance."

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Get Rid of Eye-Bags and Dark Circles Naturally

Date: January 10, 2018 03:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Get Rid of Eye-Bags and Dark Circles Naturally

Eye bags can be a worrying thing. While not necessarily a health risk, the can show that you are not sleeping enough. They are almost like bruises, with blood pooling under the skin and showing those dark circles. You can help these problems with a few easy tricks. The first involve being more healthy, by cutting back on smoking and alcohol. You can also place potatoes or cucumbers on those areas, acting almost like a ice pack, to help bring down any swelling.

Key Takeaways:

  • there are a number of causes for dark eye circles including genetic, environmental factors and the very thin skin under our eyes
  • all eye dark circles are not created equal, there is hyperpigmentation of the skin and other causes
  • here's what you can do to help: no smoking, less alcohol, a clean face at night, wear your sunglasses outside

"Although under eye dark circles are not exactly a health hazard but they may impact one’s look and hence confidence negatively."

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Help mitigate the toxic effects of traditional cancer treatments with diet: Soy, cruciferous vegetables associated with fewer side effects

Date: January 04, 2018 07:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Help mitigate the toxic effects of traditional cancer treatments with diet: Soy, cruciferous vegetables associated with fewer side effects

Food may be a great way to help you fight cancer. A recent study has shown that eating more cruciferous vegetables, like broccoli and kale, as well as soy can help breast cancer survivors as well as menopause sufferers. The study found that the symptoms of both were decreased with a diet higher in these nutrients. Oddly they only found this with in Caucasians. Asian women were shown to have no effect from this diet, leading the researchers to have more questions about the exact pathway.

Key Takeaways:

  • A large study found a link between cruciferous vegetable and soy to fighting breast cancer
  • The study found that the effect was greater in caucasians over Asian women
  • The link is unclear and they need to do more studies to see why it is isn't as positive for all groups.

"Choosing organic soy products is the easiest way to avoid genetically modified soy."

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Eating THIS Could Prevent Male Baldness

Date: October 12, 2017 01:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Eating THIS Could Prevent Male Baldness

Male hair pattern baldness happens to 2 out of 3 men by the time they hit the age of 35. Genetics play a major role in your hair development over your lifetime. Nutrition plays a huge role too. Many people do not know that a diet consisting of healthy fats and protein will help fight off male hair pattern baldness. A diet consisting of high omega-3 fat like fish. Foods rich in Zinc are also helpful to fighting off male hair pattern baldness. Eat a diverse and healthy diet to maintain male hair pattern baldness.

Key Takeaways:

  • Male pattern baldness may seem like an insurmountable condition, but there are some effective and low-cost treatment options.
  • Hair is made from protein, and a wholesome, protein-rich diet could keep one's hair in healthy condition.
  • Dietary nutrients like omega-3, zinc-rich foods, and pumpkin seed oil can stimulate hair regeneration and prevent male baldness.

"By the age of 35, statistics indicate that two out of three average American men will have some form of hair loss — most likely male pattern baldness."

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What Your Acne Says about Your Health!!

Date: September 04, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What Your Acne Says about Your Health!!

Your acne says a lot about your overall health. There is a certain time in our life when we suffer from acne. There are many reasons behind why this happens. Age and genetics play a role in how acne impacts you. If you have outbreaks on your chin, then that says something about your health. If you break out on your cheeks, then you may have some irritation in your lungs. Each area means something different.

Key Takeaways:

  • Some believe that acne eruptions appearing in the forehead area could be indicative of gastrointestinal problems.
  • Acne flare ups in the chin region could be indicative of hormonal shifts, such as with menstruation, or be linked to issues with the large intestine.
  • Cheek outbreaks could be a sign of lung related issues, such as a reaction to seasonal allergies.

"The presence of acne varies in the people, and the factors that come out can be many."


5 All-Natural Remedies To Treat Eczema Without The Doctor

Date: August 17, 2017 09:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 5 All-Natural Remedies To Treat Eczema Without The Doctor

Eczema, a common skin condition that is characterized by red, blotchy skin, often leaves its victim irritated and itchy. The causes of the disorder vary, and have been attributed in part to hereditary genetics, environmental factors, stress, and hormones. There are also numerous classifications of eczema, which vary by body location and the nature of blisters on it. Some natural treatments for eczema include Hemp seed oil, cannabis, Aloe Vera jell, coconut oil, and a chamomile tea bath.

Key Takeaways:

  • Eczema might be hereditary, but it can also be the result of allergies, sensitive skin, or reactions to harsh chemicals, among other things
  • Aloe vera gel is a tried and true remedy for a number of skin ailments and seems to be helpful for treating eczema too
  • Coconut oil, hempseed oil, and cannabis are additional options of natural treatments for eczema

"There’s no cure-all for eczema that works for everybody all the time."

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Mice fed tryptophan develop immune cells that foster a tolerant gut

Date: August 13, 2017 09:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Mice fed tryptophan develop immune cells that foster a tolerant gut

Tryptophan is a fundamental building block of protein. A study was conducted on genetically identical mice that were separated and raised in different environments, which led to the finding that environmental factors were a high contributor in regards to developing an immunity to irritable bowel disease. Bacteria highly affects the immune system because the mice that were raised in sterile conditions grew the immune cells. Doctor Luisa Cervantes-Barragan conducted the study. Tryptophan is common in both mouse and the human balanced food diet.

Key Takeaways:

  • Tryptophan ingestion in mice leads to formation of micros that fight IBS
  • Humans suffering from IBS can benefit diets high in tryptophan
  • Foods high in protein such as eggs , chocolate, and cheese have these compounds.

"People have the same tolerance-promoting cells as mice, and most of us shelter L. reuteri in our gastrointestinal tracts."

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Drink This Juice To Prevent and Treat Varicose Veins

Date: July 29, 2017 05:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Drink This Juice To Prevent and Treat Varicose Veins

Are your legs tired or swollen? Do you suffer from varicose veins? Are you at rick for thrombosis? If so, this is the juice for you. Beet and parsley juice made from scratch with the freshest of ingredients may be able to alleviate with some of your symptoms. This winning combination provides a delicious juice rich in antioxidants, ant inflammatory agents, and promotes blood and vein health. Simple instructions and simple ingredients make an easy start for an energy filled day.

Key Takeaways:

  • To reduce varicose vein occurrence we can exercise and get good nutrition.
  • Deep vein thrombosis is also known as a blood clot.
  • A beet and parsley drink can be useful to aid in helping simple or deep varicose veins.

"Varicose veins tend to occur because of a combination of lifestyle and genetics."


5 Reasons you should NEVER use canola oil, even if its ORGANIC

Date: June 27, 2017 09:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 5 Reasons you should NEVER use canola oil, even if its ORGANIC

Canola oil is a popular cooking oil that is attractive to customers and the restaurant industry. Canola oil is believed to have benefits such as a smaller waistline and a cleaner environment. It is now believed that Canola oil may not be as healthy as once thought. Canola oil must undergo many chemical processes in its original form before it can be converted into Canola oil. Also, since the Canola plant is one of the first plants that was genetically modified, it may be subject to exposure by a large amount of pesticides.

Key Takeaways:

  • Even though canola oil has been viewed as "healthy", it's not as healthy as we think
  • The process to manufacture canola oil is quite lengthy and completely changes the original product
  • While some believe it aids in cardiovascular health, studies show this may not be true

"Even canola oils deemed organic still undergo various production processes, and may not have a healthier fatty acid profile compared with commercial varieties."

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Animal Study Finds Monounsaturated Fats in Olive Oil May Extend Life

Date: June 10, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Animal Study Finds Monounsaturated Fats in Olive Oil May Extend Life

A recent genetic study on metabolic changes has discovered an unexpected finding: accumulation of monounsaturated fats may lengthen one's lifespan. Though the study was conducted among roundworms rather than humans, it is interesting to note since researchers previously thought that decreased caloric intake would increase longevity. Rather, it appears that this particular build-up of fat and calories can be beneficial. The researchers discovered this by blocking certain DNA-modifying proteins to increase lifespan among worms, and then noted that these worms displayed higher levels of monounsaturated fatty acids.

Key Takeaways:

  • Researchers found that feeding roundworms the monounsaturated fat in olive oil prolonged their lifespan and this effect could also extend to people.
  • While the monounsaturated fat extended life, it also caused an unexpected result in that the roundworms gained weight, indicating to researchers that a certain type of fat buildup could be healthful.
  • While there is no definitive answer yet as to why why monounsaturated fat buildup appears to extend life, this does provide more evidence that the fat in extra virgin olive oil is most healthful.

"Prior research shows the type of fat consumed has a much greater influence on health than the quantity, and the recent experiment builds upon what is known on the topic."

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What Causes Cancer? Here Are 11 Unexpected Things

Date: June 05, 2017 04:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What Causes Cancer? Here Are 11 Unexpected Things

Many things are supposed to cause cancer. Some of them are found in the home and elsewhere in our daily lives. It can be hard to know exactly what to worry about. People worry all the time but don't know all of the dangers. This talks about eleven things you might want to avoid. Cancer can hurt us a great deal. It can even be fatal. Yes, there are treatments but prevention is the most important. Knowing what to avoid can help us stay healthier.

Key Takeaways:

  • 39.6% of the population will eventually suffer from cancer. It's one of the main causes of death.
  • Genetics, obesity, poor diet, hormonal imbalance, and chronic inflammation, can all cause cancer.
  • There are some lesser known causes such as where you live, some viruses and bacteria, scented candles and air fresheners, sunscreen and other things.

"Previous research shows that genetics account for only about half of all cancers, suggesting environmental exposures and socioeconomic factors may also play a role."

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What an expert eats to boost his good gut bacteria

Date: April 29, 2017 02:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What an expert eats to boost his good gut bacteria

A British health website has a piece about what to eat to increase the level of good bacteria in a person's digestive system. The writer cites a genetics professor who is engaged in a project to map the bacteria in a person. The professor states that people are much more aware of the need to eat foods to help the right bacteria grow. He is working on a project where a person's poop is analyzed to determine that bacteria he or she needs. The professor swears by kefir.

Key Takeaways:

  • Scientist are able to analyse your poop to see what microbiol you have or are lacking.
  • By eating the proper foods you can create a balanced health digestive system.
  • Eating correctly for your genes not only makes you less likely to get sick but it also helps with weight loss.

"Basically every disease we've looked at so far that's been associated with microbes, if you have a disease, you have lower diversity."

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Never Ignore These Warning SIGNS OF VITAMIN B12 DEFICIENCY!

Date: April 25, 2017 11:44 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Never Ignore These Warning SIGNS OF VITAMIN B12 DEFICIENCY!

Your body needs Vitamin B12, and you can believe that there will be many signs that tell you when there isn't enough of the substance in your body. You should be aware of the signs, and what to do if you experience them because Vitamin B12 deficiency can be very serious. You should pay special attention to these signs that are indicative of a very serious deficiency that requires help from a medical professional quickly.

Key Takeaways:

  • The B12 vitamin is found in meat, dairy, eggs, and shellfish.
  • Some symptoms of B12 deficiency are fatigue, dizziness, forgetfulness, pins and needles, and muscle weakness.
  • B12 affects the red blood cells and as a result oxygen is slow getting to the organs.

"The most common causes include reduced intake, the use of certain medications, genetics, malnutrition, poor absorption from the stomach or intestines, chronic inflation of the stomach, intestinal parasites, and more."


Think cholesterol is bad? This will change your mind

Date: April 07, 2017 06:44 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Think cholesterol is bad? This will change your mind

Not all cholesterol is bad. Good cholesterol is needed for several body functions. Eating foods like olive oil, beans, fruit with fiber, nuts, and avocado all provide good cholesterol. Cholesterol also helps produce Vitamin D. Thin people can suffer from bad cholesterol, though the obese are more at risk. For most people with cholesterol issues, genetics are at blame. Low levels of good cholesterol can actually increase the risk of health issues. Getting checked for what level is right for your particular body is important.

Read more: Think cholesterol is bad? This will change your mind


The key to looking younger may be as simple as getting eight hours of sleep each night

Date: April 06, 2017 10:44 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The key to looking younger may be as simple as getting eight hours of sleep each night

Looking young correlates to lifestyle habits. Genetics are a major role, but getting eight hours of sleep can improve skin quality and texture. Just one night of poor sleep can severely impact aging. Not getting eight hours of sleep actively ages a person. Multiple studies confirm this. Women who are deprived of sleep are twice as more likely to develop wrinkles and tend to rate themselves lower. Poor nutrition also can lead to poor skin. The skin is the largest organ in the body and is an indicator of overall health.

Read more: The key to looking younger may be as simple as getting eight hours of sleep each night


13 Ways Marijuana Impacts Males And Females Differently

Date: March 25, 2017 08:44 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 13 Ways Marijuana Impacts Males And Females Differently

As legalization becomes more widespread in the United States, our understanding of the complexity of the effect of cannabinoid use is improving. A British pharmacology journal published a study in 2010 that examined sex related differences among marijuana users. For example, men tended to use more frequently, more heavily, and experience more often the binge food craving effect of weed. Women it seems may feel many of the physical effects more acutely then men. Genetics and hormones play a role in our health and behavior, and it appears they impact the effects of marijuana as well.

Key Takeaways:

  • The recreational use of marijuana is becoming more accepted socially and legally.
  • Marijuana may affect people differently depending on what their gender is.
  • The medical benefits of marijuana are real and it may someday replace opioids for the treatment of chronic pain.

"Regardless of how you feel about its use as a recreational substance, evidence is strong that marijuana has significant medical benefits for a wide array of conditions."

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5 Things to Know About Genetic Testing Bill

Date: March 24, 2017 02:44 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 5 Things to Know About Genetic Testing Bill

Could you be pressured into submitting to genetic testing in the near future? A proposed piece of legislation could alter the 2008 law that protects us from mandatory genetic testing and or discrimination based on the results of such tests. The proposed changes get around the 2008 law by linking predictive tests to wellness programming and declaring wellness programs exempt from the prior rules. Bioethics experts believe that your genetic health Is nobody’s business and others point out that wellness programs have failed to produce proven results or savings.

Key Takeaways:

  • The "Preserving Employee Wellness Programs Act" could eliminate patients' privacy protection that were established in 2008 under the Genetic Information Non Discrimination Act.
  • The new bill could make genetic test information available to employers as part of a wellness program.
  • Genetic tests have limited accuracy. Just because a patient has a genetic marker for a disease does not mean he or she will ever develop the disease.

"Despite the country's focus on the American Health Care Act, a smaller bill is also working its way through Congress — one that could overturn years of legislative protections for patients."

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Daily consumption of tea protects the elderly from cognitive decline

Date: March 20, 2017 03:44 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Daily consumption of tea protects the elderly from cognitive decline

The daily consumption of tea protects elderly people from cognitive decline. It reduces the decline by 50 percent and as much as 86 percent for people who have a genetic risk for Alzheimer's disease. New research has come to this conclusion. The saying is that a cup of tea a day can help keep dementia away.

Key Takeaways:

  • A cup of tea a day can keep dementia away, and this is especially so for those who are genetically predisposed to the debilitating disease.
  • The neuroprotective role on cognitive function is not limited to a particular type of tea -- so long as the tea is brewed from tea leaves, such as green, black or oolong tea.
  • The tea compounds exhibit anti-inflammatory and antioxidant potential and other bioactive properties that may protect the brain from vascular damage and neurodegeneration.

""A cup of tea a day can keep dementia away...""



Eat These 7 Foods For Bigger Breasts

Date: March 17, 2017 06:44 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Eat These 7 Foods For Bigger Breasts

Not every woman has what she considers the ideal breast size for her body shape. Genetics, body composition, and hormones all play a role in determining breast size. While there is no scientific research to prove that diet may increase cup size, traditional wisdom suggests that foods high in plant estrogen which mimic the natural hormone estrogen may stimulate breast growth. However, researchers caution that too much plant estrogen may not be a good thing. Alternatively, women might consider strength exercises that safely improve upper body strength and as an added benefit bolster the chest wall muscle behind the breast tissue.

Read more: Eat These 7 Foods For Bigger Breasts


Rewires Your Brain and Slashes Anxiety Levels, but Beware

Date: March 14, 2017 03:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Rewires Your Brain and Slashes Anxiety Levels, but Beware

Thedocumentary, Ride the Tiger: A Guide Through the Bipolar Brain, focused on current concepts treatment. Drugs available don't work in all patients and lifestyle changes are recommended when possible. It's recommended that bipolar patients and people suffering from other disorders There has been some positive outcomes from devices using light and magnets to stimulate the brain but a healthy diet, exercise, vitamin supplements and probiotics can address these disorders. Patients have also received benefits through exercise and proper sleep patterns. Doing all this, patients have found they can slowly get off their drug treatment regimens.

Key Takeaways:

  • An estimated 5.1 million Americans have bipolar disorder, which is characterized by unusual and typically dramatic shifts in mood and energy.
  • While medication is typically the first-line of treatment for bipolar and other mental illnesses, they can take up to two months to work and are often frustratingly ineffective.
  • Scientists are also turning to more novel strategies like optogenetics in an effort to control the illness, seeking ways to possibly “preempt, fix or rewire” the patient’s brain back to normal.

""By seeking to understand how the bipolar brain malfunctions, researchers believe they can get closer to understanding the inner workings of the brain, potentially unlocking treatments for other types of psychiatric problems as well.""




Cooking With Canola Releases More Toxic Cancer-Causing Chemicals Than Any Other Type of Oil

Date: March 14, 2017 01:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Cooking With Canola Releases More Toxic Cancer-Causing Chemicals Than Any Other Type of Oil

Canola oil is extracted from rapeseed and despite claims that it's healthy, it's actually the worst type of oil you can use. Most canola oil is made from genetically modified crops and the modification actually increases risks to health including causing cancer. Oil made from rapeseed used to be used as an industrial lubricant and canola can be used as a pesticide. It's important to also know that the oil is hydrogenated and can cause cardiac risks.

Key Takeaways:

  • All cooking oils (other than “cold pressed” or “extra virgin” oils) are refined. This process typically includes degumming; bleaching and deodorizing.
  • Canola oil actually comes from rapeseed, and in the past it was simply known as rapeseed oil. At that stage, rapeseed oil was not used in the food industry.
  • In a nutshell, healthy living and canola oil simply don’t mix. There are far better options available, including organic extra virgin olive oil; organic cold pressed coconut oil, etc.

"In a nutshell, healthy living and canola oil simply don’t go well together."




On Health: Do carbs make you fat?

Date: March 13, 2017 01:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: On Health: Do carbs make you fat?

There is a lot of info out there about dieting and nutrition. People think they know about carbs because a lot of info has been put out there. Some of it is true but some isn't. This gives you the truth about carbs and whether or not you'll get fat if you consume them.

Key Takeaways:

  • With some people advocating for high carbohydrate diets and others swearing by Atkins, you may be confused about the mixed signals surrounding carbohydrates.
  • Contrary to popular belief, carbohydrates does not cause diabetes or obesity. Instead, sedentary lifestyles and genetic factors play roles in these conditions.
  • Read on to learn more about the real truth about carbohydrates.

"With some people advocating for high carb diets while others swear by the Atkins, gluten-free, or Paleo diets, you may have been receiving mixed signals about carbohydrates."



List Of 16 Best Vitamins To Increase Metabolism

Date: March 10, 2017 12:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: List Of 16 Best Vitamins To Increase Metabolism

Increasing your metabolism can help you lose weight. There are different ways to do this. One of those is by taking in certain vitamins. This gives a list of 16 which should be considered. There are different ways to get these vitamins into your system so you will have to research which foods contain them if you don't want to just go with supplements.

Key Takeaways:

  • What is "metabolism?" Metabolism is basically a set of chemical transformations of enzymes and hormones that turn nutrients into fuel.
  • Metabolism is affected by age, gender, muscle mass, and especially genetics.
  • Your metabolic rate depends on genetics. If you are predisposed to a slow metabolism, you gain weight more easily than somebody with a fast metabolism.

"The term “metabolism” shows the chemical reactions that occur in the body each day, and the energy that is burned carries out these reactions."



Diabetes control: Warning signs and tips to reduce your risk

Date: March 05, 2017 05:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Diabetes control: Warning signs and tips to reduce your risk

When you know the warning signs of diabetes, you can fight back against this debilitating condition that so many men and women are struggling with today. You can control your risk with the tips and information found here. Are you ready to learn how to protect yourself?

Key Takeaways:

  • Educating ourselves on chronic diseases that are significant risks to our health can significantly improve and even save our lives.
  • Although we may worry about genetically modified foods and pesticide contamination, diabetes is a greater risk to your health and well being.
  • Diabetes is a disorder of insulin production or use. Insulin is secreted by the pancreas in response to the food we consume.

"Exercise is also critical as it makes the body more sensitive to the effects of insulin. It can reduce body fat if calories are controlled."



Why anti-inflammatory eating is the next big thing

Date: March 02, 2017 07:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Why anti-inflammatory eating is the next big thing

It is becoming increasingly clear that chronic inflammation is the root cause of many serious illnesses – including heart disease, many cancers, and Alzheimer’s disease. We all know inflammation on the surface of the body as local redness, heat, swelling and pain. It is the cornerstone of the body’s healing response, bringing more nourishment and more immune activity to a site of injury or infection. But when inflammation persists or serves no purpose, it damages the body and causes illness. Stress, lack of exercise, genetic predisposition, and exposure to toxins.

Key Takeaways:

  • The new eating fad is the anti-inflammatory diet. Gisele has a flat stomach, follow this diet and way of life. So if you want to be like Gisele start eating the anti-inflammatory diet.
  • This is a strict diet and some staple vegetables are prohibited.
  • The diet seems like it is here to stay. People are busy and stressed and this diet seems to help balance things our for them.

"Said to support everything from a balanced microbiome and strong bones to helping fight cancer, the anti-inflammatory diet is not only proven to be powerful medically, but mimics much of the same clean-eating philosophy."



Link between dietary restriction, longevity examined

Date: February 09, 2017 12:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Link between dietary restriction, longevity examined

The link between dietary restriction and longevity has been examined. Research has been done and shows that cutting back on calories can actually expand the life span of roundworms. This is important because it shows that we can enhance our health and not have to put huge dietary restrictions on ourselves.

Key Takeaways:

  • Scientists at the MDI Biological Laboratory have published research which improves the understanding of the mechanisms by which the lifespan of roundworms can be lengthened by cutting back on calories.
  • In a paper recently published in the journal “Aging Cell,” MDI Biological Laboratory scientist Aric Rogers shed light on an important genetic pathway underlying this process, raising the possibility that therapies can be developed that prolong the healthy years.
  • The identification of a mechanism underlying the protective effect of dietary restriction could lead to therapies for age-related diseases, including Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, that are associated with diminished cellular quality control.

"The life-prolonging effects of dietary restriction, or calorie restriction, occur in just about every animal tested."



The Difference Between Type I and II diabetes.

Date: January 19, 2017 10:26 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: The Difference Between Type I and II diabetes.

There are mainly two different types of diabetes - Type 1 diabetes and Type 2 diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes is known as insulin-dependent or juvenile diabetes. It is a condition in which there is an absolute lack of insulin. Due to the attacking of the body's immune system, the beta cells which are present in the pancreas and are responsible for making and secreting insulin die. Thus, there are no cells available to make insulin. So, in this case, the body will die without getting supplemental insulin immediately or in near- immediate future. The only treatment for this diabetes is insulin shots. Almost 10% of the people get this diabetes.

Whereas in type 2 diabetes, beta cells are present therefore insulin is also present. This diabetes is also known as non-insulin dependent diabetes. Insulin production produced is less than the amount of insulin the body requires. Almost 90% get affected by this type of diabetes. Treatment includes proper diet, exercise, and pills.

Usually, type 1 diabetes starts during childhood whereas type 2 diabetes is usually diagnosed during adulthood. As type 1 diabetes affects mostly young babies and children, it is known as juvenile-onset diabetes. People who have type 1 diabetes lack total insulin whereas type 2 diabetics have too little insulin.

Even the causes of type 1 and type 2 diabetes are entirely different. It is not possible to prevent type 1 diabetes whereas type 2 can be avoided. But type 2 diabetes may be genetic also. It may be the result of obesity or high blood pressure. The symptoms of type 1 diabetes are very severe. Suddenly the child becomes feeble and sick; urination is increased, experience increased thirst, nausea, vomiting, stomach and abdominal pain, excessive fatigue, weight loss and decreased appetite. Immediate medical attention or usually hospitalization is required for the person suffering from these symptoms. On the other hand, type 2 is often diagnosed before the presence of any symptoms.


A Gut Makeover for the New Year

Date: January 12, 2017 12:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: A Gut Makeover for the New Year

When it comes to new years resolutions, one of the resolutions that you should consider for the new year is a gut makeover. When it comes to long term health investments, reestablishing the community of microbes and bacteria that make up your intestinal tract can be one of the best ones in general. A diminished microbial system can have consequences that extend for a long period of time, which is why this makes for a great long term new years resolution.

Key Takeaways:

  • If you’re making resolutions for a healthier new year, consider a gut makeover.
  • Much of the composition of the microbiome is established early in life, shaped by forces like your genetics and whether you were breast-fed or bottle-fed.
  • Changing your diet to one containing a variety of plant-based foods, the new research suggests, may be crucial to achieving a healthier microbiome.

"A diminished microbial ecosystem, on the other hand, is believed to have consequences that extend far beyond the intestinal tract, affecting everything from allergies and inflammation, metabolic diseases like diabetes and obesity, even mental health conditions like depression and anxiety."




Here's Why Some Miss Out on the Asparagus Effect

Date: December 26, 2016 02:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Here's Why Some Miss Out on the Asparagus Effect

If you have ever eaten a hearty helping of asparagus, you may or may not have noticed that your urine smelled pungent afterwards. A study in the British Medical Journal states that only 40% of people can smell this. This study showed that all the people who could not smell asparagus in urine had the same gene anomaly. Scientists are also hoping to raise awareness of how healthy the vegetable is. This stalky plant is rich in fiber, zinc, iron, folate, and vitamins A, C, and E.

Key Takeaways:

  • The groundbreaking study may pave the way to genetic engineering that would allow more people to detect the distinctive odor, the team at the Harvard School of Public Health said.
  • The firmly tongue-in-cheek study is published in the mostly humorous end-of-year holiday issue of the British Medical Journal.
  • The team used two big studies of 6,900 men and women to find out why some people can smell the asparagus effect and others cannot.

""Outstanding questions on this topic remain; first and foremost perhaps is why a delicacy such as asparagus results in such a strong odor?""




Men's Prostate Health – Best Vitamins, Supplements & Tips?

Date: December 23, 2016 07:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Men's Prostate Health – Best Vitamins, Supplements & Tips?

Prostate cancer is the second leading cancer in all men and the number of yearly deaths is staggering. Although genetics can play a role in increasing your chance of cancer, keeping your prostate healthier could be as simple as a few lifestyle and diet changes. The prostate is responsible for maintaining many functions in your body and with a few key changes you could help keep it functioning properly.

Key Takeaways:

  • Many men have some general idea about their prostate health but not nearly enough knowledge to be able to take the proper steps to ensure they continue living a healthy life.
  • It is estimated that 1 out of every 7 males will be diagnosed with prostate cancer.
  • The good news is that improving or maintaining a healthy prostate can be done with a few simple alterations to your diet and some lifestyle changes.

"Many men have some general idea about their prostate health but not nearly enough knowledge to be able to take the proper steps to ensure they continue living a healthy life."



Nourish your bones with vitamins - The Detroit News

Date: December 13, 2016 06:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Nourish your bones with vitamins - The Detroit News

Bones are constantly being broken down and rebuilt to make it stronger. To decrease the chance of the "replacement bones" of being weaker, there are a few vitamins that will make your bones stronger. These vitamins include Vitamin D, Calcium, Magnesium, Vitamin K, Vitamin B12, and Folate. These vitamins can be taken in pill form or be found in certain foods.

Key Takeaways:

  • Unlike the static human skeletons that commonly hang in biology classrooms, your bones are continually being broken down and rebuilt.
  • Vitamin D helps you absorb calcium from food and supplements. Without vitamin D, less than 10 percent of the calcium you consume is absorbed.
  • Magnesium is a component of bone, giving it resiliency and protection against fractures; it also is essential for converting vitamin D to its active form in the body.

"Vitamin B12 and folate support bone health by helping to keep levels of homocysteine, a compound that stimulates the breakdown of bone, low. This role is further confirmed by genetic studies that reveal a link between an increased risk of osteoporosis in older adults and a common gene mutation (MTHFR C677T) that can lead to high homocysteine levels."




Vitamins A and C help erase cell memory - Knowridge Science Report

Date: December 09, 2016 07:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Vitamins A and C help erase cell memory - Knowridge Science Report

Vitamins A and C aren't just good for your health, they affect your DNA too. Researchers at the Babraham Institute and their international collaborators have discovered how vitamins A and C act to modify the epigenetic 'memory' held by cells; insight which is significant for regenerative medicine and our ability to reprogramme cells from one identity to another.

Key Takeaways:

  • For regenerative medicine, the holy grail is to be able to generate a cell that can be directed to become any other cell, such as brain cells, heart cells and lung cells.
  • Cells with this ability are present in the early embryo (embryonic stem cells, ESC) and give rise to the many different cell types in the body.
  • Every different cell type has a unique epigenetic fingerprint, enforcing and maintaining specific patterns of gene expression appropriate to the cell type.

"Vitamins A and C aren’t just good for your health, they affect your DNA too."



Are your storable foods mostly just reprocessed GMO corn?

Date: December 08, 2016 08:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Are your storable foods mostly just reprocessed GMO corn?

Stocking up on non-perishable foods seems like an intelligent concept on the surface. But upon closer examination, it may prove that they stored food you buy contains genetically-modified organisms and additives that are toxic to your system. Transgenic corn, corn startch and high-fructose corn syrup are widely used in storable foods, but are nto organic products and are derivatives of "Frankencrops." Many popular brands that sell packaged food use these subtances to increae the shelf life of the food, but the presence of these chemicals in concerning.

Key Takeaways:

  • many people are preparing in advance by stocking up on storable food supplies to back end any potential hiccups in the supply chain. But it's important to remember that not all storable food is the same, and that much of it is actually loaded with things you probably wouldn't want to feed your families – things like genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) and toxic food additives.
  • If you're someone who's already purchased storable food, you might want to take a closer look at the ingredients list to determine whether or not you've made the right choice. If you haven't yet purchased storable food but are interested in doing so, there are excellent options like Numanna Organic Survival Food that are both free of these offending ingredients and surprisingly healthy and nutritious.
  • Wise Food Storage brands itself as having the highest quality survival food on the market. But a quick look at the ingredients lists for the products contained in its "1 Month Emergency Supply of Food and Drinks" reveals much of the same

"not all storable food is the same, and that much of it is actually loaded with things you probably wouldn't want to feed your families"




Say NO to GMO in America

Date: December 05, 2016 10:18 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Say NO to GMO in America

Coming from over 50 countries, countless millions of people have expressed their disapproval over attempted corporate ownership of plant seeds through GMO (genetically modified organisms). Having said that, the corporations involved have assured the public that GMO is safe and want us to believe that it's more efficient at feeding the world by giving higher yields and have greater resistance to extreme weather conditions.

Safety of GMO

According to a growing number of scientists such as world leading expert Dr Don Huber GMO expert, professor of plant pathology at Purdue University, Lafayette, Indiana, USA, there has been NO peer reviewed evidence to support the idea that GMO crops are safe. On the contrary, a vast catalogue of scientific evidence has built up over the years showing that GMO is unsafe. 

Public consumption of genetically modified crops have been accused of causing ill health in the form of allergies, cancer, birth defects and infertility. It also includes toxicity, reduced nutritional value, environmental damage and political unrest such as that with farmer's and consumer's disputes.

The Revolving Door Effect

Approval bodies like the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) decide whether or not a food or drug is fit to go out on the market for consumption.  GMO is not safe. Nor has it shown to produce higher yield, greater nutritional value or resist drought conditions better than non-GMO according to many experts such as Professor John Fagan, award-winning Geneticist, Maharishi University of Management, Iowa, USA.

Yes, of course we should say NO to GMO. It is spurred on by corporate greed and political self interest with more than its fair share of hidden ulterior motives. The technology is unimaginably potentially dangerous and could be perceived as one of the biggest threats to humanity if allowed to get out of control.


What causes cancer? The five vectors of chemical assault on your health

Date: December 03, 2016 06:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What causes cancer? The five vectors of chemical assault on your health

Cancer is a complex group of diseases with many possible causes. In this section you can learn more about the known causes of cancer, including genetic factors; lifestyle factors such as tobacco use, diet, and physical activity; certain types of infections; and environmental exposures to different types of chemicals and radiation.

Key Takeaways:

  • If you accidentally eat some bug spray that got on your food, you may get an upset stomach and even vomit, but you most likely won't die or get cancer.
  • If you get gasoline or motor oil all over your hands, or you swim in a pool for hours that's overloaded with extra chlorine, you won't die or get cancer from it.
  • The mass media has scared the hell out of people so that Big Pharma can sell millions of toxic vaccines and flu shots.

"Now imagine that the fuel that's feeding those malfunctioning clone-soldier-making machines comes from several sources."




Study shows low vitamin D levels linked to increased risk of bladder cancer

Date: December 02, 2016 08:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Study shows low vitamin D levels linked to increased risk of bladder cancer

After reviewing seven separate studies, researchers have come to the conclusion that low vitamin D levels can cause bladder cancer. The theory is that vitamin D activates the immune response within the transitional epithelial cells of the bladder. The immune cells are then able to identify and destroy cells before they can become cancer. If vitamin D levels are low, the immune response is negatively affected. This research counteracts the previous theory that bladder cancer is genetic.

Key Takeaways:

  • The researchers went further and tested a specific kind of cell that lines the bladder: transitional epithelial cells.
  • If a relative has bladder cancer, we are told that we will get it too because of genetic predisposition.
  • When it comes to cancer, we have learned to fear our own DNA and accept that we will inherit our family's health problems.

"The researchers went further and tested a specific kind of cell that lines the bladder: transitional epithelial cells. The researchers found that these cells respond to vitamin D and activate an immune response."




10 superfoods you can include in your daily diet to cut diabetes risk

Date: December 01, 2016 02:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 10 superfoods you can include in your daily diet to cut diabetes risk

Include these nutrition superstars in your diabetes diet to lower blood sugar, burn fat, reduce inflammation, and gain more health benefits. Chocolate is rich in flavonoids, broccoli is an anti-diabetes superhero and Spinach is one of many leafy greens that have been shown to drop the risk of developing diabetes.

Key Takeaways:

  • Diabetes is a chronic lifestyle disorder. The probability of developing it not only depends on genetic factors but is also influenced by environmental components.
  • Include high fiber content and slow calorie-burning carbohydrates in your diet.
  • Keeping a tab on your food habits and to control diabetes does not necessarily mean that you need to live in deprivation. Only some adjustments and moderation in food intake is required.

"Eating right and maintaining a healthy body weight is the most important step towards controlling diabetes."



Inherited taste perceptions may explain why some people eat too much salt

Date: November 30, 2016 10:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Inherited taste perceptions may explain why some people eat too much salt

We all inherit genes of our family line, some of them are not ideal, but we deal with it. Many people have associated taste buds as being inherited, at least the this research studies believes so. We all have a different pallet some us like salt a bit more than others. But what if it was proved that you have inherited your taste perceptions, leading you to add more salt than recommended to your food, which would cause other medical complications.

Key Takeaways:

  • "Genetic factors that influence taste aren't necessarily obvious to people, but they can impact heart health by influencing the foods they select,"
  • In the current study, researchers sought to determine whether that bitter-enhancing genetic variations would also influence other food choices.
  • The study participants with the bitter-enhancing gene variants were no more likely to consume more than the recommended daily amounts of sugar saturated fats or alcohol, all of which can have a negative impact on heart health.

"Genetic differences might help explain why some people like to use a lot of salt on their food."



Microbes in your gut influence age-related macular degeneration

Date: November 29, 2016 02:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Microbes in your gut influence age-related macular degeneration

Age-related macular degeneration affects over 10 million people in North America. A study performed in Montreal has recently discovered that bacteria in our guts may be the culprit behind a specific form of the disease called blinding wet age-related macular degeneration. The bacteria cause inflammation that leads to deposits of fat debris in the back of the eyes and destruction of nerve cells. It is suggested that diets with high fat intake alter the stomach bacteria and make it possible for this scenario to occur.

Key Takeaways:

  • Current treatments becomes less effective with time. It is therefore important to find new ways to prevent the onset of this debilitating disease.
  • While many studies on the genetics of AMD have identified several genes that predispose to AMD, no single gene can account for development of the disease.
  • Epidemiological data suggests that in men, overall abdominal obesity is the second most important environmental risk factor, after smoking, for progression to late-stage blinding AMD.

"Among the series of experiments conducted as part of this study, the group performed fecal transfers from mice receiving regular fat diets, compared to those receiving a high fat diet, and found a significant amelioration of wet AMD"



Gene-editing techniques used in humans for first time

Date: November 29, 2016 08:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Gene-editing techniques used in humans for first time

China has become the first country to genetically modify genes and insert them back into a human body. The test patient is suffering from aggressive lung cancer. They were able to extract genes that they believe will effectively attack the cancer if they are in high enough numbers. No final results have been released on the study, but it is a huge milestone in the research field. China is not the only country working on the technology, and the first to complete it would be looking at huge profits.

Key Takeaways:

  • The technique knocks out a gene that normally acts as a check on the cell's ability to launch an immune response and prevents it from attacking healthy cells.
  • The modified cells were then multiplied and re-introduced into the patients' bloodstream where, it is hoped, they will home in on the cancer and wipe it out.
  • He said information on the results and findings of the study would be released when they are ready.

"The modified cells were then multiplied and re-introduced into the patients' bloodstream where, it is hoped, they will home in on the cancer and wipe it out."




Is your storable food just repackaged genetically modified SOY and CORN?

Date: November 15, 2016 12:54 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Is your storable food just repackaged genetically modified SOY and CORN?

Common survival and storable foods are may not be the healthiest foods to keep for long term health. It seems that many of these foods are loaded with unhealthy additions like MSG and pesticides. Almost all of these products contain corn and soybean in one form or another and most of those crops are genetically modified. Luckily, there are some healthier alternatives out there that don’t contain such toxic ingredients.

Key Takeaways:

  • Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, reported on the presence of toxic ingredients in many survival foods
  • Adams wrote that nearly every popular storable food product contained GMOs
  • Genetically modified corn and soy are two of the most prolific ingredients on the food market today

"Last week, Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, reported on the presence of toxic ingredients in many survival foods. Adams wrote that nearly every popular storable food product contained GMOs, pesticides, and monosodium glutamate (MSG.)"




vitamin d influences longevity by working at genetic level

Date: November 07, 2016 09:54 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: vitamin d influences longevity by working at genetic level

We know that constant badgering from our doctors saying that Vitamin D or any of the recommended vitamins are important to take but did you know that taking Vitamin D may help produce longevity in your life by working at the genetic level? A new study in worms shows that Vitamin D suppressed protein insolubility and prevented the toxicity.

Key Takeaways:

  • In the normal aging process, protein homeostasis is disturbed resulting in the accumulation of toxic insoluble protein aggregates.
  • A new study in nematode worms, shows that vitamin D suppressed protein insolubility in the worm and prevented the toxicity.
  • Vitamin D works through genes that are known to influence longevity and impacts processes associated with many human age-related diseases.

"Excess vitamin D can raise blood levels of calcium which leads to vascular and tissue calcification, with subsequent damage to the heart, blood vessels and kidneys."




A metabolic switch to turn off obesity

Date: November 01, 2016 04:04 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: A metabolic switch to turn off obesity

Here’s some good news to cheer you up. If you’ve been fighting a losing battle trying to lose weight, maybe you should quit beating yourself up about it. A new University of Montreal study of mice says when an enzyme is blocked in some neurons in the mouse brain, it becomes impossible for the mice to lose weight even when they stick to an ideal regime. So now you can blame it all on the ABHD6 enzyme.

Key Takeaways:

  • A research team at the University of Montreal Hospital Research Centre (CRCHUM) has generated genetically engineered mice
  • The researchers have discovered that this enzyme acts as a sort of switch for the body's adjustment to extremes.
  • In 2014, the team of Marc Prentki, another CRCHUM researcher, discovered that this enzyme breaks down endocannabinoids.

"A research team at the University of Montreal Hospital Research Centre (CRCHUM) has generated genetically engineered mice, deprived of the ABHD6 enzyme in a localized area of the brain, namely in a specific population of hypothalamic neurons."



Your Mood and mental health

Date: September 20, 2016 11:52 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Your Mood and mental health

Bipolar disorder is a terrible mental disease that affects millions of people worldwide. It is characterized by periods of severe depression, followed by periods of extreme euphoria. It can be rapid cycling, which means the person with the disease goes through many moods a day.

As far as bipolar causes go, this is what science knows so far. There is still much to be learned about this condition, but as far as we know thus far, this disorder can be caused by several factors, such as:

  • -Chemical imbalances
  • -Genetics
  • -Side effects from medication
  • -Environmental sensitivities, such as allergies

Each person is different so that the cause may be different in your neighbor than in you. This can make treatment a tricky proposition. Sometimes medications work wonders, while at other times, a change in diet or even allergy shots can do the trick. The point is that experimentation may be necessary to determine what is causing the disorder in a particular person, and to decide which type of treatment is best.

No matter what has caused bipolar disorder in a particular person, treatment will be needed. That treatment almost always consists of some psychotropic medication.

The most important thing to remember about bipolar disorder causes is that they are different in everyone, but that treatments can and do work, so help is available if you go out and get it.

Once you figure out what the underlying cause such as brain chemistry, then you can take a natural approach to help boost serotonin or dopamine. 

Always remember to be careful if on MAO inhibitors or SSRI inhibitors before taking natural remedies like 5-htp or dopabean to mess with serotonin and dopamine levels in the brain.


Through Epigenetics, Curcumin Can Stop Cancer

Date: August 20, 2016 10:28 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Through Epigenetics, Curcumin Can Stop Cancer

Epigenetics: In a nutshell, the way we eat turns on and turns off various genes in the body. Depending on your diet, you can turn on cancer preventative genes and turn on genes that promote cancer.

Curcumin is able to tell those apoptosis inducing genes to wake up and end the lives of cancer cells that are defying death. Curcumin can selectively kill cells that have out lived their lifespan with out hurting other normal cells in the body. It reprograms genetically damaged cells to have a normal lifespan.

All of the healing properties of curcumin happen with zero side effects, unlike prescription drugs that your doctor prescribe, that no only have side effects, some of these side effects can be life threatening. Who wants that? Not Me!

If you have cancer, or any disease for that matter, try curcumin as a complementary supplement to what ever you are currently doing to fight it, or take curcumin as a preventative!


One plants broad based attack against cancer

Date: August 16, 2016 02:41 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: One plants broad based attack against cancer

There are a multitude of ways cancer cells can form,  lets look at a few ways and discuss them.

Epigenetics: A process that controls the behavior of genes.  Dietary and lifestyle choices can alter the way our genes work. Exposure to toxins can cause protective genes to goto sleep and allow destructive genes to awaken all due to the way we eat and live.  When this happens, disease can start.

Apoptosis: known as the programed life cycle of cells.  this natural cycle can be interrupted and when this happens, the cell does not die as intended, old and genetically damaged cells form tumors.

Angiogenesis: damaged cancer cells need nutrients and oxygen to survive.  Some cancers are able to form their own network of blood vessels.

Cancer Stem Cells: these are super cancer cells that can remain dormant for years which eventually activate and causes cancer to recur.

Cancer is a very complex disease, todays anti-cancer drugs are designed to address only one single pathway or gene with in cancer cells.  Since cancer is a complex network of hundreds of genes and pathways, conventional drugs are very unlikely to be effective in the end. 

Since a large majority of the drugs are designed around natural plants and their function, it would stand to reason that taking the natural plant would not only be effective but have zero side effects. 

Fortunately, we have a plant that has been validated by thousands of scientific studies.  This plant compound is called curcumin. 

  • Curcumin has shown positive results for virtually every disease it has been research and studied.
  • Curcumin is a strong anti-inflammatory plant and is also a strong antioxidant actually the highest of any food gram for gram.
  • Curcumin's anti-cancer properties make it unique and make it the ideal plant compound to conquer literally every type of cancer and many other chronic diseases.
  • Curcumin attacks cancer from many directions known as multi-targeting, making it more effective than drugs that are currently being used.
  • Preventative treatment is also preferable.  A healthy diet and lifestyle are scientifically proven to prevent and reduce cancer.  Curcumin should be one plant compound everybody should be consuming to prevent cancer and many other disease.
  • Curcumin can be used in conjunction with conventional medicine to further boost healing in individuals who suffer from various diseases.

If you are somebody you know is suffering from cancer, you should seriously consider taking curcumin or telling family members about this wonderful plant compound.


If You No Energy It May Be Because Of Poor Absorption

Date: November 06, 2015 11:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: If You No Energy It May Be Because Of Poor Absorption

The human body is a miracle designed differently. At conception, our cells are encoded with a genetic blueprint and if kept clean with all nutrients provided, the cells will perform perfectly. Current research shows that our bodies are engineered for up to 120 years but our lifespan nowadays wind up to 60's to 70's only. This is a result of poor maintenance of the body. When one starts to get older, the more damage accumulates in the cells and speeds the aging process. But we can never escape aging.

Aging is controlled by two factors which are heredity and the internal and external elements that results to our way of living. These external and internal factors can be the kind of food we eat, quality of air we breathe and also the amount of stress that accumulate in our bodies. Consumption of excess alcohol, smoking, oxidized fats and chemicals in food speeds the aging process.

Oil is one of the causes of absorption issues in the colon. Example, cooking meat creates a substance called hetero cyclic amines which cause colon cancer. Poor elimination and toxic buildup are said to be a result of premature aging. Poor digestion and absorption drives the aging bodies to nutrients they need. The solution to slow down aging is to eat food that are nutrients-dense and low-calories.

The absorption of food by the colon is determined with what we eat. The best diet for the colon is a natural diet which is easily digested by our bodies. The more you take man-made ingredients, the more you make it difficult for food to digest. This means when the food will be passed to the colon from the small intestine what will remain to the colon will not be digested hence making it difficult for the colon.

Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous Earth suggests that the best diet for a healthy colon in the absorption of food is fiber and water. Fiber means adding more plant based food on the diet. These include eating more vegetables, whole grains, fruits and nuts. Fiber helps retain water and roughage in the body making your stool softer for easy passage to the colon. Another way is that you can conduct a colon cleanse. This removes old fecal matter and helps the colon to function more. Diatomaceous Earth is good for lowering blood pressure, cholesterol, and good for the skin hair and bones. When taking diatomaceous earth make sure you take a lot of water because it dries you off. Drinking water not only provides moisture to your body but also helps to remove out toxins. Avoid drinking drinks with sugar especially those that got high fructose corn syrup. The colon is the most important part of the waste treatment. The more we take care of our bodies the more energy we will have. To restore our health we need good diet and a good colon that will help our bodies function.





Date: July 29, 2015 05:11 PM
Author: Darrell Miller

Stevia is a natural sweetener that originates in South America – Paraguay and Brazil, mostly – with no calories and is remarkably much sweeter than sugar.  The stevia plant Stevia Rebaudiana derives its sweetness from steviol glycocides.  The extract is then processed for sale in the form of Truvia and PureVia around North America.  It is not yet approved as an additive due to possible side effects of male infertility and genetic mutations.


Benefits of Stevia over Sugar

  • Efficient. Stevia is very potent as a sweetener and contains multiple times the sweetness of sugar.  This means less of it is required to have a similar effect on intake. The leaf itself can stay up to five years, so it is a worthy investment as a plant. It saves money and allows for multiple use of a very small quantity.
  • Low Calorie Count. Stevia has been a revelation for health freaks around the country. It has no calories, affects neither insulin nor blood sugar levels and does not contribute to dental cavities. It is thus a healthier and cleaner way to indulge your sweet tooth. This is a great tool to combat the rising obese statistics and keep folks in better nick.
  • Suppresses Craving. Stevia does not spike your thirst for a sugar spree as much as aspartame and sucralose products. The common helplessness to sugar products once tasted leading to wanting more can be combated with stevia. As opposed to other sweeteners bringing about dizziness, headaches and rashes, stevia is a serene product that will not enslave you to sugar and enable you to keep it natural.
  • Teeth Saver. Stevia acts as a polyol would in that dental bacteria from sugar consumption cannot ferment it thus preventing tooth decay and plaque. Erythritol, Maltitol and Solbitol are in most gums and toothpastes as sugar alcohols, but have a lot of calories and can affect diabetics due to their high glycemic index. Stevia does the same job but with no calories and poses no threat to diabetics.
  • Safe for Diabetics. The glycemic index is a measure of how much sugar, carbohydrates contain and the energy used to break them down. The higher the glycemic index, the more unsafe, it is for diabetics. Apples, French fries and table salt all have indices above 30 so to keep your food palatable and your diabetes in check, use the zero rated stevia.
  • Combats Hypertension and Candidiadis. The South Americans have used stevia for long periods to combat rising blood sugar levels, obesity and fatty liver, but it is only proven to lower the blood pressure of hypertension patients.

The yeast we hear about being in our bodies is called Candida albicans and it can ferment sugar in the body, causing the candidiasis infection with treatment involving cutting sugar out of your diet.  Stevia does not react with the yeast and can also keep your food sweet.

Stevia is a safer and healthier option to sugar.  It is natural and sweeter than sugar making it a great option to combat obesity and sugar level problems the world is constantly facing.




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D-ribose:A Glance

Date: July 24, 2015 02:39 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: D-ribose:A Glance

Ribose is a type of sugar which is produced in the body and is of medicinal value. This organic compound is very essential in our day-to-day lives because it boosts our energy levels. Apart from energy boost, ribose is also used to relieve manifestations of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), fibromyalgia, and coronary artery disease. It also prevents other symptoms like pain following a workout in individuals with a genetic condition known as myoadenylate deaminase deficiency (MAD). This vital body chemical can help boost exercise ability in individuals with another inherited disorder known as McArdle's disease.


D-ribose is a ribose supplement designed to boost cellular energy production in the heart as well as skeletal muscle by raising the levels of ribose in the body.  Statistics have proven that good ribose supplements like d-ribose might help thwart muscle fatigue in individuals with inherited disorders which hamper adequate production of energy by the body. Did you know that d-ribose can supply additional energy to the heart during physical activity in individuals with heart disease?

How Does D-ribose Work to Boost Energy in the Body?

The manner in which d-ribose works to deliver results is very simple and elaborate. It promotes the production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which is the primary source of energy for the body's cells. Healthy, active cells constantly top up their supply of ATP to get adequate cellular energy. Through increasing levels of adenosine triphosphate, the supplement can help speed up energy recovery, increase energy reserves and
maintain healthy energy levels in the heart and muscle tissue.


As you can see, your body needs to keep its production of (ATP) at its highest possible level for maximum energy production as well as physical performance. But sometimes the supply of actual ATP molecules may be reduced due to a number of factors including physical activity and health condition.  This is where D-ribose, a natural ingredient for boosting ATP levels comes in.




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Combat Depression With Fish Oil

Date: January 21, 2015 05:19 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Combat Depression With Fish Oil

Fish oilWhat is a depression?

Depression can occur at any age and is a disorder of affective state, which leads to a state of sadness or hopelessness for a period. Depression is thought to be disease of the century as more and more researchers are trying to find an effective remedy to combat this disease. Lately, several studies are trying to prove that fish oil can affect a person’s mood and is an effective remedy for preventing and treating depression.

About fish oils

According to a Japanese study published in September in the journal Pediatrics, fish oil especially that obtained from sardines and salmon helps male teens feel less depressed.

Omega-3 fatty acids, especially eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), are found mainly in fish oil. Because these nutrients play an important role in brain function, many researchers wanted to find out if a higher consumption of EPA and DHA leads to a decrease in the risk of depression. The results showed that an increased consumption of EPA and DHA influences positively the mental state and mood of adolescents.

According to Japanese researchers, fish oil has not the same effect in the case of adolescent girls. The different effect of fish oil in boys and girls is difficult to explain, a possible cause being that women show a genetic risk of depression significantly higher than men do.

Norwegian researchers found that a dose of 15 ml of fish oil administered daily might decrease by 30% the risk of developing depression. The study involved 22,000 people aged over 40 who provided information about their eating habits and health care. The study results revealed that people who rarely or never ate fish oil showed more probability of suffering from depression due to stress or anxiety."The possible protective effect may be associated with the content of omega-3 fatty acids from fish", say the researchers.

Source of Omega 3 fatty acid

Omega 3 fatty acids improve the functionality of the brain in children, reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke and prevent cancer. This fatty acid are found in fish such as trout, salmon and mackerel, in nuts, linseed oil and rapeseed oil. Fish oil is the best source of omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Since our body is unable to synthesize EPA and DHA, in order to prevent depression, is necessary to supplement our diet with supplements rich in these acids. Experts recommend a daily intake of 0.5 grams of omega-3- the equivalent of four meals of fish consumed over a week.

In the UK, about a fifth of population is affected at some point by depression and antidepressants prescription has reached record numbers.

Recently, doctors have put on the list of antidepressants, the fish oil. Their argument is that the human brain is almost entirely made from fat - about 60%, especially DHA and phospholipids. Fish oil has in its composition the precious DHA and for this reason, many doctors recommend it as an antidepressant. The arguments of doctors are strengthened by studies, which show that people who consume omega 3 fatty acids are more optimistic and cheerful.

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What Is GMO and Why Should We Avoid It?

Date: June 21, 2014 02:40 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What Is GMO and Why Should We Avoid It?

Cause of GMO

gmoGMO's have been classified by the American Academy of Environmental Medicine as unhealthy, they were able to prove that GMO when ingested can cause organ damage, gastrointestinal as well as immune system disorders. This is due to the fact that GMO contains materials that are left behind the body, it can cause long term problems like accelerated aging as well as infertility. The genes inserted into a genetically modified crop like corn, can get transferred into the DNA of bacteria that is living inside the human body, this interaction can lead to a number of long term health problems.

Negative effects of genetically modified products have been observed in 1996, this was due to the number of Americans expressing a number of illnesses after consuming foods that have been engineered for 9 years.

Allergies increased including digestive problems and autism, while other research has yet to support this claim, many non-profit organizations such as Greenpeace are already making campaigns against the production of GMO infused crops and meat.

What are the other negative impacts of GMO?

1. Cancer causing components - GMO according to the American Public Health Association and American Nurses Association, have stated that the growth hormone present from cow’s milk treated by hormone IGF-1 can lead to cancer.

2. Long term negative effects on the body - GMO components can contaminate forever, it can cross pollinate, and the seeds can travel. Once it infects a certain area, it can contaminate the entire gene pool. This means, that the health of future generations is already compromised and for this reason, the production has to be stopped right away before it infects more population.

3. Dangerous side effects - the mere process of creation of GMO's can produce toxins, carcinogens, allergens and nutritional deficiencies.

The direct production and consumption is already endangering a number of species including bees.

Many governments continue to remain lax about the issue, GMOs are illegally being sold and created in many countries, and people need to learn as much as they can in order to learn how they can prevent GMO products from entering their market.




Can Glutamine Improve Nitrogen Balance in the Body?

Date: May 07, 2014 09:08 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Can Glutamine Improve Nitrogen Balance in the Body?

Can Glutamine Improve Nitrogen Balance in the Body?

Glutamine also abbreviated as Q is one of the 20 amino acids the genetic code encodes. Glutamine is not an essential amino acid and this means the body can produce it. It is the most abundant of all amino acids with a concentration of 500 to 900 molecules per liter.

Glutamine structure

It has an amide side chain that is formed by replacement of an hydroxy group of glutamic acid. It is coded by COG and CAA.

Glutmine and nitrogen balance

Glutamine does actually improve nitrogen balance in the body. The regulation mechanism occurs by feedback inhibition mechanism. The deamination of glutamate by glutamate dehydrogenase leads tp production of ammonia (NH3) and an alpha ketoglutarate. High concentrations of ammonia can be dangerous to the body, they are neurotoxic and cause disruption of the Urea Cycle and affect the liver. High concentrations of ketoglutarate helps activate glutamine synthetase which acts a a catalyst in the synthesis of glutamate.

This process is controlled by 9 feedback inhibitors. Of the 9 inhibitors, six are products found in glutamate pathway cycle. This helps in regulation of nitrogen at cellular level which is very sensitive. It helps control ammonia levels which can be dangerous at high levels.

Improving anabolic state of the body

Glutamine helps the body muscles recover after intense training. This occurs through energy repletion in the muscles. Boosting of the immune system has also being discovered to be associated by glutamine. It also buffers against the build up of lactic acid in muscles leading to muscle growth.

Glutamine increases the size of the cells and promotes the integrity of the intestines leading to increased absorption by the cells. It also releases a growth hormone that helps in muscle growth.


Essentials of glutamine have been found to be many. Nowadays there are commercially produced glutamine which are taken as strong anti-catabolic supplement.


Few reason that tell you why you should consume TMG regularly

Date: January 11, 2014 05:20 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Few reason that tell you why you should consume TMG regularly

TMG or Trimethylglycine

vitaminsWe all know that vitamins and other nutrients are essential for a healthy life and if we lack any of these nutrients or vitamins we consume it by supplement. However, most of us do not know that many other substances are also there that work like vitamins, but they are different from Vitamin and TMG or Trimethylglycine is one of these substances that help your body work effectively.

Benefits of TMG

If we talk about benefits of TMG or Trimethylglycine it is responsible for proper liver functioning, body detoxification, cellular replication, carinitine manufacturing, protection from diabetes and protection of kidney from any kind of damage. Other than this it can also help you to avoid a lot of genetic problems by regulating the genetic transcription process that is responsible for the creation of all the chemicals in body.

In addition to this many researchers also believe it that TMG can improve the autonomous nervous system of body and if it is unbalanced, then it can help you to restore the system. Since TMG is responsible for cell duplication so if someone is facing problem of cell synthesis TMG can help those people as well in restoration of their regular body structure. In short we can say that TMG is one of the most important substances of human body that is very helpful for proper functioning of body in a very effective manner.


Therefore, it is recommended that if you are lacking for TMG you should take it as a dietary supplement so you can increase its count in your body and you can avoid these health problems and you can restore proper functioning of your body. However, it is also very important that you should take the TMG according to specific guideline suggested by your doctor and if you ever find any problem while consuming it, make sure you communicate your doctor about those problems.


How calcium can Help Prevent Bone Loss

Date: November 08, 2013 09:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How calcium can Help Prevent Bone Loss

calciumWhat is bone loss?

Bones are always in a flux. Since it's living tissue, old bone is absorbed, and new bone is built up. This process is referred to as remodeling. Bone loss occurs when there is absorption of more bone than is being built up.

What causes it?

Bone loss is a natural process that comes with age. There are factors that are beyond human control like genetics, sex, and ethnicity, that contribute to loss of bone. However, some lifestyle factors that can be controlled for instance, being physically inactive, low hormone levels, that is, estrogen in females, and testosterone in males, habits like smoking and drinking alcohol do contribute to faster loss of bone.

When you are intoxicated, you risk falling and breaking a bone. Alcohol cases loss of magnesium via urine. Smokers generally have weaker bones. Female smokers are even at a higher risk of bone fractures after menopause. They also begin their menopause early due to reduced estrogen levels. Both male and female smokers are thinner, thus tend to have less bone mass and take longer to heal in case of fractures.

How to salvage the situation

The best way to prevent bone loss is by ensuring that you develop very strong bones during the first 30 years of your life and then minimize their loss in adulthood. This is how to go about it:

Ensure that you intake vitamin D in your diet, expose yourself to early morning or evening sunlight, and take supplements if need be. Vitamin D is very helpful when calcium levels are low in the body. It is converted to its active form reducing loss of calcium via urine in the kidney, and increasing its absorption in the small intestine.

Intake a lot of calcium too, as there are two sources of calcium in your body: via your diet and from your bones. It is the latter that is dangerous. Your body will absorb calcium from the bones if there isn't enough in the body. This calcium is really difficult to replace.

Intake a diet with magnesium too. It helps in absorption of calcium. If there is excess calcium in the body, one could suffer from arthritis as it will collect in the soft tissues.

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How D-ribose boost energy levels in the body

Date: October 27, 2013 09:40 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How D-ribose boost energy levels in the body

D-ribose is a simple sugar, prontose sugar, or 5-carbon monosaccharide. It is used by all body cells and is essential component in energy metabolism. Ribose also gives the structural backbone of body genetic materials like RNA and DNA, certain vitamins and other vital cellular compounds. It provides raw material to facilitate the production of adenosine triphosphate.

D-ribose was discovered in late 1990s by an American company. People who were suffering from fatigue and chronic related illnesses could be given pure adenosine triphosphate instead of AMP. This new supplement was produced in a stable and safe natural form that allowed it to be sold as nutritional supplement.

Ribose is an essential ingredient in stimulating the production of natural energy. It promotes the cardiovascular health, minimizes cardiac stress associated with strenuous events. Ribose enables the muscles and heat to maintain healthy energy level as well as accelerating the recovery of energy when body tissues are stressed by overwork, strenuous exercise, or disease. The physiological fuction of d-ribose is known as 5-phosphoribosyl-1-pyrophosphate, which controls the metabolic path that synthesizes energy components in all body living tissues. In case the cellular energy pool is depleted by overwork, diseases or exercise it must be replaced. 5-phosphoribosyl-1-pyrophosphate will stimulate the metabolic pathway to replenish these energy pools.

Patients with myocardial ischemia condition or reduced blood flow resulting from reduced oxygen flow to the heart may experience discomfort and chest pain. This may cause heart attack to a person with such experience. The ability of the heart cells to expand and contract depend upon the adenosine triphosphate available. The reduced blood flow lowers the level of adenosine triphosphate, but this can as well be replenished by 5-phosphoribosyl-1-pyrophosphate. D-ribose stimulates the 5-phosphoribosyl-1-pyrophosphate production, which in turn increases the level of adenosine triphosphate. This will actually restores the heart cell contractile functions and reduces ischemia.


The Role of Glycine in Collagen and Its Remarkable Health Benefits

Date: March 17, 2013 08:41 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Role of Glycine in Collagen and Its Remarkable Health Benefits

Collagen is basically made up of several amino acids and one of which is glycine. This particular amino acid accounts 1/3 of the entire composition of collagen. It can be found in the third position in the sequence of the amino acids. One of the fundamental roles of this amino acid is that it reduces the water solubility of collagen by a hundred folds. Contrary to the fact that it's considered as a non-essential amino acid, glycine has many health benefits aside from being a part of the collagen synthesis. The details below present some of the most essential information that you ought to know about this collagen component. Here they are:

Glycine Synthesizes Normal DNA and RNA

DNA and RNA are genetic materials necessary for the proper cellular formation and function. Glycine prevents the breakdown of the muscle tissues by increasing the body's creatine levels which is a compound that builds muscle mass. High concentration of this amino acid can also be found in the skin and connective tissues in the body and it keeps them flexible and firm. Without glycine, the body won't be able to repair damaged tissues.

Glycine Keeps the Central Nervous System Healthy

Studies had shown that this amino acid is an inhibitor of the neurotransmitters that can cause seizures, hyperactivity and bipolar depression. As a matter of fact, it can be converted into serine which is a neurotransmitter beneficial in the treatment of schizophrenia. Researchers found out that schizophrenic patients exhibited significant improvements after adding glycine with their anti-psychotic medication. It was also found out that it improves memory. Glycine Promotes Proper Function of the

Digestive System

This amino acid is known to induce bile acid production which is used to digest fats. It is also often included in most over-the-counter gastric antacid agents to prevent and treat acid reflux. Glycine Provides Glucose Specifically, this non-essential amino acid is also considered as glucogenic amino acid. That simply means that it provides glucose in the body. One of its benefits includes regulation of blood sugar levels, so it can be helpful in treating symptoms manifested by low energy and fatigue.

Glycine May Help With Cancer

Preliminary studies considered this amino acid as another breakthrough in cancer treatment. Results suggested that it can prevent the development of cancerous cells as it acts as an inhibitor of angiogenesis which is a process in which tumors, benign or malignant, develop their own blood supply.

Sources of Glycine

High-quality protein foods such as white meat from fish and chicken, beans, legumes, eggs and milk are known to be the main sources of this amino acid. Glycine supplements are also available in tablet or powder forms and can also be one of the components of many amino acid supplements. Except for some people complaining about having stomach upset and dizziness after taking glycine supplements, there are no other noted adversarial or severe side effects of glycine. If taken properly, such supplementation is extremely safe.

Who Should Not Take Glycine?

Those individuals suffering from kidney and liver diseases should never take glycine. Pregnant women should never take as well. People taking antispatic medication are not allowed also since there could be interference between the drugs and glycine. It's always best to consult a doctor first before taking such supplement.

Those are all the most notable benefits of glycine. The point here is that it is not just a mere part of a collagen but it also has a number of health benefits.


What is a Good Uric Acid Cleanse?

Date: January 02, 2013 03:26 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What is a Good Uric Acid Cleanse?

Symptoms of Uric Acid:

High levels of uric acid in your blood can lead to a variety of conditions, the most prominent being gout, a painful arthritis condition that results from excess uric acid forming crystals that place pressure against joints, veins, and skin. These high levels of uric acid an be a result of genetics, a poor diet with excess purine or fructose, rapid weight loss, and a reduced excretion by the kidneys.

A good uric acid cleanse can reduce the levels of uric acid in your blood which can treat and prevent gout as well as other conditions related to high levels of uric acid. As well as trying these treatments you should restrict foods with high levels of purine like liver, anchovies, legumes, beer, and wine as well as foods high in fructose like carbonated beverages, fruits that grow on trees, processed and prepared meals, and some condiments.

Here are the top three treatments for cleansing the body of uric acid.

Tart Cherry

Tart cherries, whether eaten as a whole fruit or in juice form offers powerful anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants. The consumption of tart cherries has shown evidence of reducing uric acid levels. Studies have shown that eating tart cherries can reduce uric acid levels by 15 percent by destroying the formed crystals that cause pain and inflammation as well as promote muscle recovery and improving oxidative stress resistance.

Celery Seed Extract

Celery seed has been used for centuries to treat and cure illnesses like the common cold, flu, different types of arthritis and pain associated with the liver and spleen. The most common use for celery seed extract is to promote healthy joints with its strong anti-inflammatory properties that reduces pain and swelling in the joints. Celery seed extract can also be used to reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels, aid digestion and has strong diuretic properties which allows you to excrete excess uric acid through frequent urination.


Turmeric contains many active compounds with anti-inflammatory effects including curcumin which can reduce pain and swelling that is a result of excess uric acid. It is recommended that you take at least one dose of turmeric daily if you are suffering from gout to relieve the symptoms. Turmeric is well researched and has been confirmed to treat symptoms of gout and is used in many traditional Indian and Chinese anti-inflammatory medications. Studies have shown that turmeric contains certain antioxidants that prevent certain types of cancer and can also help relieve symptoms associated with cancer.

If you want to cleanse your body of excess uric acid then you should eliminate foods high in purine and fructose as well as add one of these supplements to your daily schedule.

Not only can these supplements provide a good uric acid cleanse, but it can also help prevent high levels of uric acid from building up as well as reduce or eliminate any symptoms associated with uric acid buildup. They can also provide other benefits like promoting muscle recovery and high energy levels, reducing blood and cholesterol levels, and providing certain cancer-fighting antioxidants.


What Causes High Blood Pressure And What Can Reduce And Prevent It?

Date: December 28, 2012 11:24 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What Causes High Blood Pressure And What Can Reduce And Prevent It?

High blood pressure is one of the most common conditions people suffer from in first-world countries; throughout the last few decades civilized countries have becomes exponentially more reliant on technology, without forgetting the rise of the fast food industry. In conjunction with the sedentary lifestyles most people lead nowadays, this has led to an increase of people with cardiovascular health problems. According to the American Heart Association, around 33% of adults in the United States are suffering from hypertension.

The silent killer

The disease is not known as the silent killer for nothing, as a person can live with it for years and years without even experiencing any symptoms. However, as time goes by the disease starts to take its toll on the body, with symptoms including dizziness, headaches and nosebleeds. However, if gone unchecked for a long time the condition is going to worsen considerably, eventually leading to the development of serious cardiovascular problems, including coronary heart disease.

What precisely causes high blood pressure?

For starters, one's body fat percentage plays an important role; the more fat a person has, the more the walls of their arteries are clogged, the higher the blood pressure rises. A lack of physical activity has also been known to help the condition develop as it forces your heart to contract itself more often. Intake of products such as tobacco, alcohol, sodium and potassium can all lead to an increase in your blood pressure, as well as your risk of heart disease.

Stress is a factor which often gets overlooked, but the truth is that when you tense up, your heart starts pumping blood faster, which consequently increases the pressure in your arteries. Finally, there is the one factor which cannot be controlled: genetics. Indeed, if a person has a family history of hypertension, that person is likely to suffer from it as well.

While it is possible to treat high blood pressure with chemical over-the-counter pharmaceutical remedies, they often bring about a slew of side effects which can cause problems even worse than the ones experienced with the blood pressure.

Natural Remedies

Fortunately, there are a few natural remedies which can be used to fight the condition.

For starters, you can take magnesium supplements which are sold by numerous companies, generally in the form of capsules. Magnesium is the most common mineral needed by the body and it helps to regulate one's blood levels. If you don't feel like taking supplements, you could always eat foods rich in magnesium, which basically translates to consuming lots of green vegetables, nuts, seeds and unrefined grains. 

Hibiscus tea

Hibiscus tea is another apparent miracle of nature; drinking it on a regular basis will slowly decrease one's hypertension. A clinical study was actually conducted in order to determine the tea's effectiveness, and it was found that it can noticeably improve the condition of those suffering from mild or moderate hypertension.

Coenzyme Q10

Finally, you might want to look into the Coenzyme Q10, a natural supplement which has undergone clinical studies. More precisely, there was a twelve-week double-blind placebo-controlled study involving eighty-three subjects with hypertension. They were treated for the entire duration with 17.8 mm Hg of the Coenzyme Q10, and in the end their pressure was significantly reduced.

Needless to say, there are countless more natural remedies which can help deal with high blood pressure, with the best part being that most of them don't cost much and are readily available for purchase anywhere. In some cases, you can even do it at home by yourself. All in all, as long as there are natural methods to try it is highly recommended that you stay away from pharmaceutical treatments; not only will they burn a hole in your wallet, they may very well leave you worse for wear.


The Tremendous Health Benefits Of Omega- 3 Fatty Acids

Date: November 10, 2012 11:53 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Tremendous Health Benefits Of Omega- 3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 vs Omega-6

Several sources of information and clinical studies have revealed that the ratio between these two essential fatty acids in our diet have over a period of time played a significant role in making humans prone to certain diseases that the early humans were not afflicted with.

The raging debate in finding the right ratio arises also from the fact that modern foods preferences lean heavily toward the consumption of omega-6 rich foods . This fatty acid has been linked to the pathogenesis of cardiovascular diseases, cancers, inflammatory diseases, immunodeficiency, artherosclerosis, hypertension, blood pressure, arthritis, diabetes and obesity. In the last ten thousand years our genetic structure has remained the same, but with the onset of the Agricultural Revolution radical changes in food habits have created a lopsided diet. The western diet is heavily oversubscribing to the use of the polyunsaturated fatty acids or PUFA, and going low on Essential Fatty Acids or EFA. Living in the industrial societies that we do and in a kind of nutritional environment that we live in, we need to make informed choices about the food we consume is important considering how high- risk western societies are to many kinds of ailments.

Both omega-3 and omega -6 fatty acids are essential for us, but have to be obtained from food as the human body does not have the ability to produce it. Clinical evidence has shown that the Mediterranean diet is more focused on fresh fruits, vegetables, fats from olives, fish, nuts, garlic and whole grains. It has the requisite amounts of healthy fats to combat numerous diseases like coronary condition, rheumatoid arthritis, depression, high cholesterol, schizophrenia, inflammatory bowel disease, asthma, bipolar disorder and colon cancer. Astounding also is the finding that our body possesses a certain enzyme that can be linked in its structure and function to these essential fatty acids. These are called prostaglandins.


Prostaglandins are the end products of a chain reaction that begins with the release of unsaturated fatty acids from the cell membrane. It was first isolated from human semen and has found great use as an enzyme based treatment for menstrual problems, childbirth and many other medical conditions. Its ability to increase blood flow has resulted in its use for inducing abortion in troubled pregnancies. However, its over secretion in the body is related to numerous inflammatory conditions and has been found to increase in the body due to the overbearing presence of 0mega-6 fatty acids.These facts can not be taken lightly for a civilization reeling under the onslaught of devastating ailments. Its time to take heed .


Hair health

Date: July 16, 2012 08:39 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Hair health

Hair health

Caring for your hair can be quite tricky sometimes, especially if you happen to own a little longer strands than average. The joy of keeping hair is seeing it shinny, silky, strong, consistent and admirable luster that it comes with. However, archiving these properties is next to impossible if there happen to be one to two hair disorders or diseases interacting with your hair.

The commonest and perhaps most frustrating of the hair disorders is hair loss, whichever the cause, the results are nowhere near to pleasing. Other disorders and diseases that make our hair loss its admirable beauty and luster include; trichodystrophy, alopecia areata, Telogen effluvium, Androgenetic alopecia, Infectious folliculitis, Lichen planus, Lupus erythematosus, Ringworms just to name but a few.

You must have noted that a lot of hair shampoos, conditioners and “hair food” gels use a lot of herbal additives nowadays for improvinng hair health. Use of herbs is a natural way that can restore dry damaged or diseased hair and stimulate faster growth of stronger hair strands. You may apply hair herbal solutions directly to your hair and scalp or you may consume them for shiny and healthy hair depending on the formulation. Herbs can also go as far as treating dandruff, hair loss and restoring your luscious locks.

Are hair herbal products safe?

Herbs are a natural and safe way of treating and restoring hair health unlike their synthetic counterparts, this does not however mean that they are completely safe for everyone. Some people may have allergic reactions from use of some herbs so if you suspect any possibility of an allergic reaction you may want to perform a little test before using the herbs. You can apply a small amount on your wrist and check after two days to see if there is any reaction before proceeding to use the particular herb. Be sure to consult with your physician especially if you are pregnant.

Common herbs used to restore hair health

Rosemary: according to experts, rosemary helps fight dandruff, stimulate rapid and strong hair growth, and bring back luster to your hair. To get the above benefits from this herb, you can add rosemary in foods, or formulate rosemary water through socking the foliage in a cub of warm water for some times. You can then use the resulting water to rinse your hair.

Horsetail: this herb is an excellent source of silica. Silica is good at strengthening the hair from its core while restoring the shine. Horsetail herb can be used through deriving a shampoo from its foliage. Add 2-3 table spoons of crashed horsetail leaves into ½ cup of hot water. The mixture is the added to baby shampoo. Use this to shampoo your hair regularly.

Aloe Vera: aloe Vera gel extract is known for its numerous medicinal properties such calming irritated skin in addition to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. When the gel is massaged into the scalp, it has the ability to restore the hair's PH balance while sealing in the hair moisture content and consequently acting as a perfect natural conditioner. Additionally, aloe Vera also stimulates hair growth and therefore used for Alopecia treatment.

Ginkgo Biloba: this is a well known herbal remedy for quite a number of health issues including improving blood circulation to the skin and brain. Due to this medicinal property, Ginkgo Biloba helps in delivering of extra nutrients to the hair follicles and promotes hair growth. It's therefore recommended by most health practitioners for hair loss treatment. Stinging nettle-this herb stops conversion of testosterone to DHT which is the major contributor of hair lose in men. Stinging nettle extracts and powders are available commercially and are most effective when used together with pygeum or palmetto. You can also make green tea from the dried and ground powder of its leaves.

Other similarly useful herbs for restoring your health include marigold, licorice, chamomile, parsley, birch and burdock.


The Health Benefits Of Taking Spirulina

Date: June 26, 2012 09:18 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Health Benefits Of Taking Spirulina


Spirulina is a food supplements which has more than twice the quantities of protein than beef thus making it a great source of proteins especially to people who do not use beef such as vegetarians and those who are restricted by medical reasons amongst others. The supplement derives its name from the fact that it is made from a green-blue algae which do well in alkaline waters and goes by the same name. Beside proteins, Spirulina also contains other important minerals which include vitamin B12, gamma linolic acid (GLA), beta-carotene and chlorophyll. The supplement is popular amongst many people with health problem or those who wish to maintain their good health because it has several health benefits.

Strengthening the immune system

Several studies have proofed that Spirulina have the necessary components that assists in boosting the body's immune system. Some of the vital components that play a significant role in improving the body's immune system include the gamma-linoleic acid which is also found in breast milk. This justifies the ability of the acid to boost immune system since in breast milk it helps children to obtain and boost the already existing immune systems. Hence the supplement is ideal to be used by people who have health conditions that reduce their immune levels.

Reduce chances of contracting several forms of cancer

Spirulina is also rich in beta-carotene which has been traditionally known as amongst the primary substances that can significantly reduce chances of developing cancer. This means that if the supplement is properly used, then the people using it have significantly lower chances of getting several forms of cancer. Consequently, it is very popular amongst people who are more prone of getting cancer because of various reasons such as genetic reasons and working in conditions that might increase chances of getting cancer amongst others.

Increasing body energy

Spirulina is also endowed with components which play a significant role in improving the general body energy. The particular nutrient that plays this role is vitamin B12 which is recognized and established as a critical source of body energy. Furthermore, the vitamin from this supplement is superior when compared with those from other supplements since it is not readily destroyed by stomach acid since it is derived from a substance which can endure and survive even in harsh conditions. Thus Spirulina is an ideal supplement to be used for fatigue since it is almost guaranteed to provide the necessary body energy.

Exercises endurance

Spirulina is also ideal to be used by people who do extensive exercises and activities which might require long endurance such as athletes. This is because the supplement is rich in proteins and carbohydrates which are known to rebuild worn out muscles and also provide the much needed energy from the carbohydrate components to people who might need to withstand tiring activities for long. The most appropriate time to use the supplement with aims of deriving the endurance benefits is just before starting the exercise so that it can work during the exercises. Hence Spirulina is an ideal supplement for people who might want to derive its various benefits.


Guggul, Cholesterol and Your Health!

Date: February 11, 2012 07:53 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Guggul, Cholesterol and Your Health!

Guggul is a secretion substance, usually a yellowish rein, of the mukul myrrh tree botanically known as Commiphora mukul. It has been used for centuries now in the Indian Ayurvedic medicine as a remedy for conditions such as osteoarthritis, obesity as well as some skin conditions. Recent studies have also indicated that guggul can also be used to lower the levels of cholesterol mostly by inhibiting cholesterol synthesis and accelerating the removal of the LDL and triglycerides cholesterol. Besides lowering cholesterol and blood fats, guggulipid extracts have been observed to raise the level of HDL cholesterol ,which are good cholesterols, and thus enhancing the health of your heart by shielding it against artherosclerosis vascular disease.

The guggul extract contain a compound that inhibits the functioning of a receptor in the cell known as FXR. This receptor is responsible for regulating the cholesterol in our body by varying the amount of the bile acids in our bodies. Usually, cholesterol in our body is either from synthesis in the liver or from diet. Cholesterol is contained in the bile acids which are made in the liver before being passed to the gall bladder and then to the small intestines. They help in the metabolism of fat in the small intestines before reprocessing and returning to the liver. By preventing the functioning of the FXR receptor implies that more cholesterol becomes excreted. In so doing 14 to 27 percent of LDL cholesterol and 22 to 30 percent of triglycerides cholesterol levels are reduced with use of guggul without need for exercise or diet.

Since guggul is instrumental in hardening of the arteries (artherosclerosis) and maintaining gigh levels of HDL (High-density lipoprotein) it has been seen to be a remedy for male erectile dysfunction and impotence. Further, guggul enhances the function of thyroid gland which is responsible in production of hormones that regulate metabolism. This therefore aids in weight loss by altering the thyroid function to increase production of thyroxine metabolite, triiodothyroxine and T3 which enhances the general body metabolism and by extension enhance burning of fats.

The action of guggul thus creates a balance between low and high cholesterol which may be in our bodies owing to diet, chronic stress, genetic propensity and also lack of exercise. A number of studies have reported that it is a safe and effective remedy to improving and maintaining a ratio of HDL to LDL cholesterols. In addition to maintaining normal ranges of cholesterol levels, it shields you against heart disease and inflammation.

In research, guggul extracts has been observed to clash with CYP3A4 enzyme whose responsibility is to metabolise numerous chemicals in the body. CYP3A4 is also responsible for metabolism of medications and thus guggul use tends to reduce the effectiveness of a number of medications such as diltiazem, propanolol and birth control pills. However, it has been reported that it in fact increases the levels of certain drugs such as statins in the body resulting in an improved effectiveness. Another problem of guggul use is its ability to raise the effectiveness of blood thinners and hence blood clotting becomes a challenge and it results to excessive bleeding. Therefore guggul should be administered only in the event that one is not under medication or the interaction between guggul and the medication is in fact not detrimental.

Have your tried Guggul Today?


Can Apple Cider Vinegar Help With Cholesterol And Triglycerides?

Date: December 05, 2011 09:40 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Can Apple Cider Vinegar Help With Cholesterol And Triglycerides?

Apple Cider Vinegar And Cholesterol

Apple cider vinegar is a classification of vinegar which is derived from apple or cider. As you can observe, apple has an acidic taste which makes it possible to be processed into a type of vinegar. Apple cider vinegar is pale yellow to amber in color. This kind of vinegar may be pasteurized or unpasteurized. Non - processed or unpasteurized form of apple cider vinegar has a semi - solid or firm appearance because of its thickness and cobweb - like make - up. This form of apple cider vinegar is considered to be the “mother of vinegar”.

Apple cider vinegar is yielded by mashing the fruit and squeezing out the juice it contains. Friendly microorganisms such as bacteria and yeasts are usually combined into the extracted juice to allow alcoholic fermentation. These microorganisms are the ones responsible for converting the sugar contained in the apple extracted juice into its alcohol form. Apple cider vinegar undergoes a second fermentation process. The alcohol produced from the first fermentation process is converted into its vinegar form by adding an ample amount of acetic acid – forming bacteria specifically known as Acetobacter. As a result, the juice extract will have a sour taste because of the acetic acid and malic acid it contains after several fermentations.

In the food industry, apple cider vinegar is commonly used as an ingredient of salads, marinades, food preservatives and the like. Aside from its acetic acid content, apple cider vinegar also contains amino acids, vitamins and minerals.

Clinical studies on whether apple cider vinegar can help control the amount of bad cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood have shown significant results. Yes, apple cider vinegar can have promising effects on the regulation of serum cholesterol and triglycerides. However, the studies also revealed that this fruit extract must not serve as a substitute for the medications prescribed by your doctor to regulate blood cholesterol and maintain or improve cardiovascular health. In animal studies, apple cider vinegar has shown positive effects on lowering triglycerides by almost 50 %. However, effects on Low Density Lipoprotein or the so – called “bad cholesterol” are not that efficient.

Needless to say, the American Heart Association stated that a good lifestyle and balanced diet can effectively reduce the amount of bad cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. Apple cider vinegar will also greatly help in lowering these substances in the blood.

Other studies have also revealed that the acetic acid content in apple cider vinegar stimulates the expression of the genetic material which activates fatty acid oxidation enzymes. As a result of this biological process, there will be a significant lowering or control of body fat accumulation by the liver. This is the reason why apple cider vinegar can also be employed as a weight loss agent.

Apple cider vinegar is all – natural. Therefore, safety is relatively established. However, health experts still suggest that before you start using this product, you have to consult your doctor and discuss your current and past health condition as well as the other medications you are taking. This will reduce the incidence of adverse health reactions and drug to drug interactions.


What Are The Symptoms Of GABA Deficiency?

Date: September 05, 2011 11:19 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What Are The Symptoms Of GABA Deficiency?

Gaba Overview

In this modern age many of our illnesses comes from the lack of certain substances, chemicals or enzymes just to name a few possibilities but the list could go on. They are called so many different things but they all have one thing in common and that’s being essential to our day to day bodily functions. In this writing we will look into possible symptoms of GABA deficiency.

GABA or Gamma aminobutyric Acid

Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is an essential neurotransmitter in the body. Its main function is as an inhibitor which mainly focuses on regulating neuronal excitability throughout the nervous system and another function that this chemical has it to aid in the regulation of muscle tone in human beings. In terms of its chemical makeup it is essentially an amino acid however it is very seldom to be called that in the scientific community.

The reason mainly for this is because it is not an alpha amino acid and is never incorporated with a protein which what the term amino acid is commonly reserved for in the medical science world. GABA, to keep things simple is mainly essential to the nervous system and brain health. It is responsible for the maintenance of our nervous system functions and some parts of the brain by allowing the nerves to complete the processes needed to get all the necessary chemicals to keep nerve functions healthy.

GABA Deficiency and Symptoms

As a neurotransmitter it has the ability to influence relaxation and aid in preventing anxiety when GABA levels are too low in the body there are a variety of unwanted effects that can happen. The reasons for GABA being too low in the body can possibly be two things, it can either be genetic or acquired reasons. Just to name some specific possible factors in GABA levels being low are chronic stress and chronic pain. Furthermore, inadequate sleep, caffeine excess, excessive electromagnetic radiation and progesterone deficiency may also further initiate the lowering of GABA levels in the body. With GABA being an essential neurotransmitter the first symptom that may arise with a lack of this brain chemical in the body is expectedly anxiety and depression.

Many studies have shown individuals that suffer from some form of anxiety and depression commonly has low levels of GABA in their body and it has also confirmed that when subjects are supplemented with this brain chemical in an attempt to raise levels in the body they are alleviated of the incidence of depression and anxiety. Feeling panicky, nervous and having a low tolerance for stress are also possible symptoms and also have been shown in researches to be alleviated through GABA supplementation. The most common medication for people suffering from these symptoms is valium and as most of us know, even for those who haven’t used it, it has nasty side effects and one of them is addiction to it however more natural means of supplementing with GABA will be able to give the same desired improvements but with lesser side effects.


How Does Serrapeptidase Support A Healthy Immune System, Regulate Inflammation, And More?

Date: September 01, 2011 02:25 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How Does Serrapeptidase Support A Healthy Immune System, Regulate Inflammation, And More?

What Does Serrapeptidase Do In The Body?

Serrapeptidase is an enzyme which is protein - digesting by nature. It is considered to be one of the types of proteolytic enzymes which consist of the chemical substance protease. This chemical is derived from a non - genetically engineered fungus of the family of Aspergillus. Serrapeptidase is a dietary supplement which may be isolated from Serrapeptidase oryzae and Serrapeptidase melleus. Studies have claimed that this dietary supplement is effective as an anti - inflammatory, respiratory aid, cardiovascular or immune support. Other names of Serrapeptidase include serration - peptidase and serrapeptase.

During the early 1990’s, Serrapeptidase was isolated from the microorganism Serratia marcescens which is a known human pathogen found in the digestive tract of the Japanese silkworm. Many studies have been conducted to uncover the medicinal purposes of this bacterial enzyme. In fact, it has been widely used clinically in specific areas of Asia and Europe primarily as an inflammation relief agent.

These are some of the uses of the enzyme Serrapeptidase:

1. ANTI – THROMBIC AND FIBRINOLYTIC. Serrapeptidase can significantly prevent the build – up of blood clots. These clots must not be accumulated to prevent thromboembolism which can cause life threatening health conditions such as heart attack and stroke. Aside from its ability to prevent clot formation, Serrapeptidase also has a good fibrinolytic ability. It can lyse or dissolve already – formed blood clots.

2. PH REGULATOR. This proteolytic enzyme is considered to be an alkaline metalloprotease enzyme. It can selectively act on specific biological systems and prevent the activation of immunoglobulin G and immunoglobulin A. These body chemicals are immune system factors which helps the body prevent from infections and illnesses.

3. GOOD PROTEIN DIGESTER. Clinical studies have revealed that Serrapeptidase has a very good ability to digest protein molecules and its substrates. This is the reason behind why Serrapeptidase can effectively dissolve protein – based tissues such as fibrins, blood clots, cysts and certain inflammations. The advantage of this enzyme is that it can dissolve unnecessary tissues without harming the normal living tissues.

4. PROFOUND ANTI – INFLAMMATIORY AGENT. Serrapeptidase can effectively prevent and reduce inflammation, thus reducing swelling and pain sensation. The mechanism of action is said to be that Serrapeptidase blocks the synthesis of pain – inducing amines. Another mechanism is that it can effectively inactivate pro – inflammatory chemicals known as cytokines. In fact, this chemical is one of the components of analgesic drugs in Europe. The positive effect of this enzyme is that it does not have any digestive side effects.

5. RESPIRATORY AID. This enzyme is also helpful in improving the health of the respiratory system. It effectively alters the elasticity and viscosity of the dense mucus in people with respiratory problem such as sinusitis, bronchitis, asthma, and pulmonary diseases. People who are taking this enzyme supplement have shown improved liquefaction and expectoration of the mucus, thus Serrapeptidase is considered to be an effective mucolytic agent widely used all over the world.

Serrapeptidase is generally safe. Clinical studies have revealed that the sources of this enzyme are non – pathogenic except of one strain known as Serratia marcesens. This strain is pathogenic to human body. It may cause hypersensitivity or any untoward signs and symptoms. Therefore, it is best to consult a doctor before starting such supplementation.


How Does Malic Acid Help With Fibromyalgia?

Date: August 22, 2011 12:37 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How Does Malic Acid Help With Fibromyalgia?

Solaray - Malic Acid with Magnesium 90ct 133mgFibromyalgia(FM) is a condition affecting primarily middle-aged women and is often misdiagnosed and misunderstood as an ailment which has a diverse set of symptoms, in which none are pleasant. It basically is a medical disorder defined by chronic and widespread pain, a heightened response to pressure and often time painful as well. No one really knows what the exact causes are. There are a number of studies taking place and done by reputable medical organisations (such as the Nation Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases - NIAMS) which are geared towards the establishment, once and for all, of the route cause of Fibromyalgia. A part of the current scientific theories is the inherent genetic factor, but even in this it seems that geneticists are not clear as to which genes exactly may be the culprit. What has been concretely established and clarified though is that not just because your mom or dad has it you’ll have it. Stress in some studies has also been found as a contributor but may not be the main cause though.

Malic acid is an organic compound and also a carboxylic diacid and is an active ingredient in many sour or tart foods. It is mostly in unripe fruits and it has two stereoisomeric forms (L- and D-enantiomers), though only the L-isomer exists naturally. The salts and esters of this diacid are called malates. The malate anion is an intermediate in the citric acid cycle. However it was not until 1785 that Carl Wilhelm Scheele first isolated it from apple juice. It is formed in metabolic cycles within the cells of plants animals and humans. A somewhat large amount of Malic Acid is produced and broken down in the body each day. Malic acid also provides stamina and endurance within the muscle cells. It is particularly useful in the blocking of aluminum toxics, which has been found to possibly be one contributing factors to fibromyalgia.

Energy Production

Compelling evidence has surfaced that malic acid may plays a central role in energy production, especially during hypoxic conditions. In some experiments that have been done, the improvement that came about when malic acid was administered to the subject was gone after discontinuing for 48 hours. The theory behind this is in the relative association of hypoxia to FM, if it will improve hypoxic conditions then it will be beneficial for FM sufferers as well just as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome has also been associated with FM. Additionally, many hypoxia related conditions, like respiratory and circulatory insufficiency, are related to deficiency in energy production as well. Therefore, malic acid may be of benefit in these conditions.

The mitochondria are the energy furnaces in cells which metabolize food for energy. Some findings suggest that this structure does not operate efficiently in those with FM. So, for the mitochondria to produce ample amounts of ATP, several nutrients are essential and Malic Acid is one of them. Imbalances in the mitochondria’s process can cause the body to switch from oxygen-based metabolism to the less efficient anaerobic metabolism and this would contribute to an abnormal buildup of lactic acid following even light exertion. This lactic acid buildup results in fatigue, weakness, pain and muscle spasms.


How Does Prickly Pear Leaf Help with Blood Sugar Control?

Date: August 02, 2011 02:02 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How Does Prickly Pear Leaf Help with Blood Sugar Control?

Prickly pear leaf is obtained from a group of cacti known for their positive effect on blood sugar. It is an important source of food and medication for Native Americans since prehistory. It contains unique compounds that display potent antioxidant activity. Studies have shown that its phytochemical content displays potential in the management of blood sugar and the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Also known as nopales in its place of origin, all plant species referred to as prickly pear belong to the genus Opuntia. This genus comprises more than 200 species, but only a few are noted for their culinary uses. In Mexico and most of Latin America, it is consumed as a vegetable in general. The juice extracted from the prickly pear leaf is utilized in different niches of many industries. In food and drug industries, it is highly valued for its alkaloids and polyphenols that exhibit bioactive properties.

Many health problems recorded in the past few decades have been linked to uncontrolled blood sugar levels. Complex carbohydrates present in the human diet are broken down into simple sugars. In particular, glucose refers to the sugar that enters the systemic circulation. Glucose takes on a central role at the cellular level. It fuels the physiological functions of all cells and tissues, including the brain and the heart. That being said, diets high in simple sugars have been tied to elevated blood sugar.

Researchers and medical professionals have noted several factors that lead to metabolic disorders. Genetic abnormalities are something we don’t have control of. On the other hand, lifestyle factors are quite the opposite. It has been reported that sedentary lifestyle and food choices play a major part in the development of illnesses related to glucose metabolism. Experts are convinced that some foods are detrimental to health, but there are sources of nutrition that help maintain healthy glucose levels.

Prickly pear leaf belongs to the group of foods that are good for blood sugar. Glycemic index measures how carbohydrates present in our diet influence blood sugar concentration. Simple sugars are always considered unhealthy forms of carbohydrates in that all of them possess a high glycemic index, which means glucose is released into the bloodstream at a very rapid rate. Foods that are easily digested to simple sugars, such as white bread and sweetened beverages, affect blood sugar in the same manner. Organic compounds that occur naturally in prickly pear leaf have a twofold effect. First, it helps lower the glycemic index of carbohydrates in our diet, and thus promotes a gradual release of glucose into the bloodstream. Second, it improves the hormone activity of insulin and fights its functional decline that results in insulin resistance, a common medical condition that precedes type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Grab some prickly pear leaf and take control of your life.


Can Vitamin B12 Boost Mental Alertness?

Date: July 18, 2011 12:01 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Can Vitamin B12 Boost Mental Alertness?

The body needs various nutrients in order to make vital biological reactions possible. These bodily reactions are necessary for energy production, immune system enhancement and health improvement. These nutrients are classified into two, macro and micronutrients. In addition, these micronutrients are further divided into vitamins and minerals. These vitamins are needed by individuals to help the body grow normally. Vitamins can be supplied by the food we eat. However, the body can make certain vitamins such as vitamin D and K. Individuals who are in strict vegetable diet usually need vitamin B12 supplement. In this article, we will be focusing on Vitamin B 12 or also known as cyanocobalamin.

Vitamin B 12 is also a water– soluble vitamin. It is considered as essential because it is not produced by the body. Excellent sources of this vitamin include fish, shellfish, meat, milk and milk products. Vitamin B 12 is also available in supplements in combination with other vitamin B complex. Like the other B vitamins, vitamin B 12 is also necessary in maintaining healthy brain cells and in the normal production of red blood cells. Riboflavin is also a component of DNA which is the cells’ genetic material. Vitamin B 12 in the stomach combines with a substance called intrinsic factor so that it can be absorbed into the blood stream.

Vitamin B 12 boosts mental alertness because it facilitates normal formation of body cells most especially the nerve cells. Vitamin B 12 is also an important component of the myelin sheath. Myelin sheath is necessary for the proper functioning of the nerves. Myelin sheath functions by increasing the speed of the movement of the impulse. With the presence of myelin sheath, the impulse hops from one sheath to another instead of just moving continuously along the nerve fiber. This is the reason why vitamin B 12 is commonly employed for boosting mental alertness and concentration. In fact, it is also commonly employed for treatment of memory loss and Alzheimer’s disease.

Vitamin B 12 can also help lower the risk of cardiovascular diseases by decreasing the concentration of homocysteine in the blood stream. Studies show that high levels of homocysteine can greatly lead to atherosclerosis which is the narrowing of arterial walls. It can also increase the tendency of abnormal blood clotting thus increasing the risk of clotting – related disorders. These factors can precipitate heart attacks and cerebrovascular accidents or commonly known as stroke.

Another function of vitamin B 12 is its involvement with energy metabolism in every cell of the body. Therefore, vitamin B 12 is not only good for enhancing mental alertness but also increasing energy levels. It is also required by the body so that other nutrients from the diet can be absorbed and readily utilized by the cells.

Vitamin B 12 is relatively safe. It usually comes in combination with other B vitamins in the form of tablets, capsules, or liquid which can be bought over –the – counter.


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