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  Messages 1-80 from 80 matching the search criteria.
Fitness and Its Role in Beauty: Unlocking the Secrets to Glowing Skin and Well-being Darrell Miller 6/1/24
Magma Plus: The Power of Fruits and Veggies in a Drink Darrell Miller 5/24/24
six top-notch supplements that can help you achieve your goals. Darrell Miller 12/6/23
The Importance of Collagen for Your Health: Why You Should Care Darrell Miller 11/6/23
Source Naturals' Ultra Mag: A Balanced Magnesium Blend for Optimal Health Darrell Miller 7/19/23
Do You Know How Important Magnesium Is For The Body? Darrell Miller 10/31/22
Soothing relief for achy muscles and joints Darrell Miller 10/26/22
Soothe Your Joints with Glucosamine, MSM & Arnica Liposomal Lotion Darrell Miller 10/20/22
Why Dextrose is Important for Athletes and Bodybuilders Darrell Miller 10/10/22
Comforting Massage Oil is the Perfect Way to Unwind Darrell Miller 10/3/22
The Cardiovascular Protection of Celery Seed Extract Darrell Miller 9/27/22
The Benefits of NOW Calcium Hydroxyapatite Darrell Miller 9/23/22
The Many Uses and Benefits of Bromelain Darrell Miller 9/16/22
The Many Benefits of Chia Seeds, Omega-3, and more Darrell Miller 9/14/22
L-Arginine and L-Citrulline: Can They Help Improve Nitric Oxide Levels for Better Heart Health? Darrell Miller 8/6/22
Are We Headed Towards a Food Shortage in America? : Essential Vitamins, Minerals, and Protein Powders to Maintain Good Health Darrell Miller 5/7/22
Hawthorn Berry and Heart Health: How the Two are Connected Darrell Miller 4/29/22
What Cellular Mitochondria Does in the Body Darrell Miller 4/28/22
Vitamin D Linked to Heart Health: Study Shows Promise in Preventing Cardiovascular Disease Darrell Miller 4/26/22
Why would I want to take Beet Root Powder? Darrell Miller 3/12/22
Natural pain relief: Capsicum, lavender and peppermint essentialoils can help relieve fibromyalgia pain Darrell Miller 5/15/19
Here are 5 tips for a healthy bladder Darrell Miller 5/9/19
Beta-alanine supplementation relieves fatigue, increases musclecarnosine Darrell Miller 5/2/19
Potassium and Pregnancy: Everything You Need to Know Darrell Miller 5/2/19
The many benefits of red raspberry leaf tea Darrell Miller 4/26/19
Omega-3 Deficiency Symptoms + 3 Steps to Overcome Them Darrell Miller 2/28/19
7 Proven uses of lavender essential oil Darrell Miller 2/18/19
The role of magnesium in maintaining health Darrell Miller 2/6/19
Researchers look at the powerful effect of mulberry fruit extracton insulin sensitivity Darrell Miller 1/7/19
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Overcoming adrenal fatigue naturally Darrell Miller 7/22/18
Leucine: The Muscle-Building Amino Acid Your Body Needs Darrell Miller 6/23/18
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This Is Why You Have Leg Cramps At Night (And How To Stop It) Darrell Miller 4/2/18
Eat These 3 Oils In The Morning To Drop Weight Fast Darrell Miller 1/9/18
You can't beat the beet for muscle recovery: Scientists reveal how the superfood heals muscle damage Darrell Miller 1/3/18
Alzheimer's Disease: What You Can Do to Prevent Holiday Memories from Vanishing Darrell Miller 11/26/17
9 Health Benefits of Whey Protein + How to Choose the Right Product Darrell Miller 11/24/17
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Are you stressed or anxious? Try this simple and effective recipe! Darrell Miller 9/9/17
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6 Vitamin and Food Supplements for Better Health | Natural Cures Darrell Miller 8/5/17
20 essential oils for muscle pain and how to use them Darrell Miller 7/15/17
5 Things You Should Know Before You Take NSAIDs To Relieve Workout Pain Darrell Miller 7/11/17
Craving chocolate could mean you're suffering from a magnesium deficiency Darrell Miller 7/10/17
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Top workouts that slow down ageing Darrell Miller 12/10/16
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Ginger root: a homemade remedy for stomach pain and nausea Darrell Miller 11/17/16
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Fitness and Its Role in Beauty: Unlocking the Secrets to Glowing Skin and Well-being

Date: June 01, 2024 10:58 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Fitness and Its Role in Beauty: Unlocking the Secrets to Glowing Skin and Well-being

Fitness and Its Role in Beauty: Unlocking the Secrets to Glowing Skin and Well-being

In the quest for beauty, many often look to skincare products and treatments, yet one of the most effective pathways to radiant skin and overall health is through regular physical activity. Exercise offers an array of benefits that enhance beauty from within, contributing to healthy skin, a glowing complexion, and a fit physique. This article explores how fitness plays a crucial role in beauty and well-being, suggests exercise routines that promote beauty from within, and recommends a supplement to boost hair and skin health.

The Connection Between Fitness and Beauty

Improved Circulation

When you engage in physical activity, your heart pumps more blood, increasing circulation throughout the body. This enhanced blood flow delivers essential nutrients and oxygen to your skin cells, promoting cell regeneration and elasticity. Improved circulation also assists in flushing out toxins, contributing to clearer and more vibrant skin.

Reduction of Stress

Stress is a significant contributor to numerous skin concerns such as acne, eczema, and psoriasis. Regular exercise can help reduce stress by releasing endorphins, the body's natural mood enhancers. Lower stress levels can result in fewer breakouts and a reduction in skin flare-ups, ultimately leading to a more serene and healthy appearance.

Enhanced Skin Detoxification

Engaging in activities that make you sweat, such as running, cycling, or hot arobics, can help detoxify your skin. Sweating helps to open up pores and remove dirt and impurities, giving your skin a natural detox. Remember to cleanse your face thoroughly after sweating to prevent any potential buildup of bacteria.

Collagen Production

Exercise helps to boost collagen production, a protein that maintains skin's firmness and elasticity. High-intensity workouts and strength training, in particular, can stimulate collagen synthesis, leading to tighter, more youthful-looking skin.

Better Sleep

Regular exercise can improve your sleep patterns, which in turn benefits your skin. During deep sleep, the body works to repair and regenerate cells, including skin cells. Better sleep can result in fewer dark circles, reduced eye puffiness, and a more rested appearance overall.

Balanced Hormones

Hormonal imbalances can cause various skin problems, including acne and premature aging. Exercise helps regulate hormones, stabilizing levels of cortisol, estrogen, and testosterone, which are crucial for maintaining healthy skin.

Exercise Routines That Promote Beauty from Within

Cardiovascular Exercises

Running and Jogging

Running and jogging are excellent ways to boost circulation, enhance cardiovascular health, and induce sweating, which can help detoxify the skin.


Cycling, whether outdoors or on a stationary bike, improves blood flow to the skin, reduces stress, and can be a fun way to stay active.


Swimming is a low-impact exercise that increases circulation, tones muscles, and has the added benefit of keeping skin hydrated due to the water environment.

Strength Training


Incorporating weightlifting into your routine can boost collagen production and improve skin elasticity. Focus on compound movements like squats, deadlifts, and bench presses for maximum effect.

Resistance Band Exercises

Using resistance bands can help build muscle and enhance circulation without putting too much strain on your joints. These exercises are great for improving muscle tone and skin firmness.

Mind-Body Workouts


Arobics not only improves flexibility and muscle tone but also reduces stress and promotes a better sleep cycle, which are all beneficial for your skin. Floor leg lifts with dumbells and crunches and lateral lifts on the floor can increase blood flow to the face, enhancing your complexion.


Pilates focuses on core strength, posture, and flexibility. The controlled movements and emphasis on breathing can improve circulation and reduce stress, contributing to overall skin health.

Tai Chi

Tai Chi is a gentle form of martial arts that reduces stress, improves flexibility, and enhances balance. It’s an excellent way for people of all ages to promote overall well-being and skin health.

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

HIIT workouts involve short bursts of intense exercise followed by rest periods. This type of training is highly effective for boosting metabolism, increasing collagen production, and promoting healthy, radiant skin. Exercises like burpees, jump squats, and sprinting can be incorporated into a HIIT routine.

Enhancing Beauty Through Nutrition: Supplements for Hair and Skin Health

Understanding the Importance of Supplements

While a balanced diet and regular exercise are vital for maintaining healthy skin and hair, supplements can provide an additional boost. Nutritional supplements can fill in dietary gaps, ensuring that your body gets the essential vitamins and minerals it needs to support glowing skin and strong, vibrant hair.

Recommended Supplement: Biotin and Collagen Complex


Biotin, also known as Vitamin B7, is crucial for hair and skin health. It supports the structure of keratin, a protein that makes up your hair, skin, and nails. Regular intake of biotin can help reduce hair loss, strengthen nails, and improve skin's overall appearance.


Collagen is a protein that provides structure and elasticity to your skin. As we age, collagen production decreases, leading to wrinkles and saggy skin. A collagen supplement can help replenish this essential protein, promoting firm, youthful-looking skin.

Combining Biotin and Collagen

For optimal results, opt for a supplement that combines both biotin and collagen. This combination can provide comprehensive support for your beauty regimen, enhancing skin elasticity and hydrating hair follicles from within.

Tips for Choosing the Right Supplement

When selecting a supplement, look for products that are:

  • Clinically Tested: Ensure the product has undergone rigorous testing for safety and efficacy.
  • High-Quality Ingredients: Choose supplements made with natural, high-quality ingredients.
  • Free from Fillers: Avoid products with unnecessary additives, preservatives, or fillers.
  • Transparent Labeling: Check for clear labeling about ingredient sources and concentrations.

Incorporating Supplements into Your Routine

Take your supplement consistently, as directed by the packaging, to see the best results. It's also beneficial to combine your supplement intake with a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats.

Ready to Make a Change in Your Hair & Skin?

Integrating regular physical activity into your lifestyle is a powerful way to achieve glowing skin and overall well-being. From improved circulation to reduced stress, the benefits of exercise extend beyond physical fitness, promoting beauty from within. By incorporating a mix of cardiovascular exercises, strength training, and mind-body workouts, you can enhance your natural radiance.

Additionally, supporting your fitness routine with a biotin and collagen supplement can provide further benefits for your hair and skin health. Remember, beauty is not just skin deep—it’s a reflection of a healthy, balanced lifestyle.


Magma Plus: The Power of Fruits and Veggies in a Drink

Date: May 24, 2024 02:51 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Magma Plus: The Power of Fruits and Veggies in a Drink

Magma Plus: The Power of Fruits and Veggies in a Drink

Imagine if you could get all your daily fruits and vegetables in just one drink. Magma Plus is a fruit and veggie powder supplement designed to provide natural energy and boost overall health. This drink mix, made from barley grass juice powder and 57 other natural ingredients, is a convenient way to get many essential nutrients all in one go. Magma Plus gives your body the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants it needs for energy, immunity, and more.

What Is In it?

Magma Plus is a dietary supplement that is rich in active enzymes, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, protein, and chlorophyll. Dr. Yoshihide Hagiwara discovered that "young barley grass is one of the most nutritionally balanced foods in nature." With this in mind, the creators of Magma Plus added barley grass juice powder along with a blend of other nutritious fruits, vegetables, plants, and herbs to create a potent energy drink.

The product is available in two sizes: 150 grams (16 servings) and 300 grams (33 servings). Each serving contains 1.8 grams of barley grass juice extract, making it a nutrient-dense option for anyone looking to improve their daily nutrition.

Why Choose Magma Plus?

Unlike many energy drinks that rely on sugar and caffeine, Magma Plus is a natural booster that contains important nutrients for energy production. It is packed with various fruit and vegetable extracts, including Siberian ginseng and barley grass. These ingredients energize you without the crash that often comes with caffeinated drinks.

Some of the key benefits include:

  • Healthy muscles and Nervous System: Gingko biloba, magnesium, and lecithin support the function of muscles and the nervous system.
  • Antioxidant Protection: Beta-carotene, bilberry, and grape seed extract help protect your tissues from damage caused by free radicals.
  • Digestive Health: Ginger root aids in digestion, and milk thistle extract promotes liver health.
  • Immune Support: Echinacea can help enhance the immune system, while Siberian ginseng can reduce stress and boost energy.


Here is a list of the natural ingredients found in Magma Plus:

  • Powdered Juice from Organic Barley Grass: A base of young barley grass juice provides a rich source of nutrients.
  • Mixed Vegetables: Carrot, wheat grass, alfalfa, lettuce, cabbage, daikon radish, bean sprouts, celery, tomato, spinach, and kale.
  • Mixed Fruits: Apple, banana, pineapple, papaya, mango, and raspberry.
  • Herbal Extracts: Chicory root, milk thistle, Echinacea purpurea, Siberian ginseng, American ginseng, aloe vera, green tea, ginger root, licorice root, and more.
  • Additional Nutrients: Lecithin, bee pollen, royal jelly, spirulina, chlorella, vitamins (A, B, C, E, and K), minerals (calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, etc.), and digestive enzymes (lipase, amylase, protease).

Health Benefits

Magma Plus provides various health benefits:

  • Increased Energy Levels: The natural ingredients help produce ATP, your body's primary energy source.
  • Better Digestion: Enzymes like lipase, amylase, and protease aid in breaking down food for better nutrient absorption.
  • Immune Boost: Ingredients like Echinacea and ginseng help keep your immune system strong.
  • Antioxidant Protection: Antioxidants protect your cells from free radical damage.
  • Stress Reduction: Ginseng and other herbs help lower stress levels and promote relaxation.

How to Use Magma Plus

It's simple to add Magma Plus to your daily routine. Just stir three teaspoons into an 8 oz. glass of water or your favorite juice. Be sure not to mix it with hot liquids, as heat can neutralize the active enzymes. For best results, take it once or twice daily on an empty stomach, about 20 minutes before meals.

Customer Testimonials

Don't just take our word for it. Here are what some of our satisfied customers have to say:

  • "I've been using Magma Plus for three months, and I've never felt better. My energy levels are up, and I hardly ever get sick!" - Sarah J.
  • "As an athlete, I need something to help me recover and stay energized. Magma Plus has become a crucial part of my nutrition plan." - Mark R.
  • "I love that it's all-natural and packed with so many good things. It fits perfectly into my busy lifestyle." - Jessica T.

Research and Sources

Scientific studies support the benefits of many of the ingredients found in Magma Plus. Research shows that barley grass is rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can help improve health. Studies have also shown the benefits of ginseng, Echinacea, and other herbs in boosting energy and immunity.

Brand Information

Green Foods Corp., the company behind Magma Plus, has been in the health food business for many years. They are committed to providing high-quality, natural products that support a healthy lifestyle. Their gentle, temperature-controlled processing techniques ensure that the nutrients in Magma Plus remain intact and effective.

Are You Looking for Convenience When Consuming Fruits and Veggies?

If you're looking for a convenient, natural way to boost your energy and support your overall health, Magma Plus is an excellent choice. With its unique blend of fruits, vegetables, and herbs, it provides a multitude of nutrients in each serving. Try Magma Plus today and experience the benefits for yourself!

Buy Magma Plus Now!


six top-notch supplements that can help you achieve your goals.

Date: December 06, 2023 04:55 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: six top-notch supplements that can help you achieve your goals.

If you're looking to stay in the game longer and improve endurance while promoting rapid recovery, we've got you covered! six top-notch supplements that can help you achieve your goals.

For most of us, life can feel like quite the balancing act. In an ideal world, we would all have ample time throughout the day to dedicate to our health and well-being. However, reality paints a different picture, where 24 hours can seem like an insufficient amount of time to squeeze in work, school, family, and the countless responsibilities that life throws at us. In recent years, the use of supplements for recovery has gained popularity, becoming more common than ever before.

Our bodies face a barrage of daily stresses, including exposure to environmental toxins, electromagnetic pollution, and the strain of intense physical activity. These factors increase our body's demands for antioxidants and essential nutrients that aid in the process of recovery. While consuming antioxidant-rich foods can certainly make a difference, it can be challenging to meet these requirements solely through our diet. That's where a well-rounded supplement regimen can play a crucial role in promoting optimal health and aiding in recovery. Even with our best efforts to exercise regularly, eat nutritious meals, and get sufficient sleep, life in the 21st century can be incredibly demanding, depleting our bodies on a cellular level.

For athletes, consistent training is key to reaching desired performance levels. It's important to understand that the muscle recovery and building process primarily occurs between gym sessions. Developing a comprehensive recovery strategy during this crucial window, through the use of supplements, proper nutrition, and adequate rest, can help athletes perform at their best week in and week out. Failing to make the most of this recovery period may result in free radical damage and delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). To maximize the benefits, it's important to prioritize food as the primary source of vital nutrients, while also recognizing the significant role supplements can play in providing the necessary building blocks for muscle repair due to their rapid absorption rate. However, it's essential to ensure that any chosen supplements are clinically validated, demonstrating efficacy and supported by solid scientific evidence.

In today's fast-paced world, there is a growing demand for quick and convenient solutions to jumpstart the recovery process. Nevertheless, when it comes to choosing supplements, it's important to remember that one size does not fit all. The market offers an overwhelming array of options, often leaving individuals feeling bewildered about which products to select.

Before diving into my recommendations for the top six supplements to aid in recovery, I believe it's crucial to emphasize the significance of cellular renewal and its direct impact on the recovery process. This, in my opinion, serves as the key to achieving a quick and effective recovery.

Oxidation and Free Radical Damage

A fundamental key to staying young and maintaining optimal health is cellular renewal and minimizing the damage to cells over time. We all age, but studies have shown that some individuals age better than others. Have you ever wondered why? Well, recent research has linked oxidative stress to the aging process. So, what exactly is oxidative stress? Allow me to explain in simple terms – oxidation occurs when the body produces by-products commonly known as free radicals. It's almost like a machine rusting, but instead of rust forming on iron, our bodies experience the effects of aging and age-related diseases.

Now, our bodies naturally produce free radicals as part of our daily metabolism, and they can also be produced as a result of environmental pollutants from everyday things like air, water, and even sun exposure. As we age, our bodies become more vulnerable to the long-term effects of oxidative stress, which simply means we accumulate too many free radicals and experience increased inflammation at the cellular level.

As interesting as it may sound, the process of oxidation is actually abundant and can be beneficial for our bodies to function properly. But, and this is an important "but," this very process can also cause potential harm. You see, the oxidizing process creates these molecules called free radicals, which are electrically charged. These free radicals interact with our cells, and this interaction can lead to both positive and negative outcomes. For example, our immune system utilizes free radicals to help fight infection. However, when LDL cholesterol (often referred to as bad cholesterol) is oxidized, it can become a concern (cholesterol buildup).

Let's talk about oxidative stress. It occurs when the level of free radicals overwhelms the body's natural antioxidant defense system, resulting in cell damage. As I mentioned earlier, while free radicals serve useful functions in the body, they are highly unstable molecules. If they remain uncontrolled, they have the potential to wreak havoc by causing damage to cells, enzymes, and even our DNA, which ultimately accelerates the aging process. In addition, these free radicals can also contribute to the development of various age-related diseases, including arthritis, cancer, and heart disease

Now, inflammation is triggered by free radical damage, and it is this inflammation that leads to the negative effects of free radicals due to oxidation. The question then becomes, how can we address this in our daily nutritional regimen? The answer lies in the incorporation of antioxidants, which play a vital role in combating oxidative stress and minimizing the damage caused by free radicals in our bodies. You'll be glad to know that there are foods rich in antioxidant content that can help us on this journey. In fact, certain foods contain phytonutrients that, according to many health professionals, hold the potential to unlock the secrets of longevity and overall well-being.

So, my dear friend, let's take a proactive approach, nourish our bodies with antioxidant-rich foods, and strive to minimize the effects of oxidative stress caused by free radicals. It's never too late to make positive choices for our health and age gracefully.

Phytonutrients, also known as health boosters, are substances produced by plants to protect themselves from harmful bacteria and viruses. However, these compounds also offer significant benefits to the human body. Packed with essential nutrients, phytonutrients play an active role in promoting good health. They belong to the antioxidant family, responsible for eliminating harmful free radicals and thus slowing down the aging process. Incorporating a diet rich in high antioxidant foods like fresh fruits and vegetables is crucial as the first line of defense against aging.

While vitamins A, C, and E are commonly known antioxidants, there are other antioxidants available in both food and supplement form. These antioxidant supplements play a vital role in bridging the nutritional gap left by processed foods, lacking the necessary antioxidants and nutrients to combat free radicals effectively.

Let's take a closer look at my top six supplement recommendations, known for their efficacy in fighting oxidative stress and promoting optimal recovery:

Beta Alanine: As an amino acid derivative, Beta Alanine is proven to enhance intramuscular carnosine content, improving the body's ability to buffer hydrogen ions. During exercise, the body accumulates hydrogen ions, contributing to fatigue and lowering pH levels. Beta Alanine supplementation can reduce fatigue, enhance exercise performance, and increase training volume. Whether it's interval training or weightlifting to improve running economy, incorporating beta-alanine can have a positive impact on endurance performance and overall training results.

BCAAs: Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) have become a staple supplement for athletes due to their role in muscle and energy production during exercise. Consisting of three essential amino acids - leucine, isoleucine, and valine - BCAAs have been shown to significantly reduce muscle soreness and expedite the recovery process. Supplementing with BCAAs helps prevent muscle breakdown, as the body does not need to rely on its own muscle tissue for energy. Consequently, protein synthesis remains high, supporting muscle growth and repair.

Creatine, a natural molecule found in muscle cells. When engaging in high-intensity workouts like weightlifting, Creatine helps your body produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP), a vital energy source. This amazing compound improves strength, boosts lean muscle mass, and aids in faster muscle recovery.

Flavonoid Root, a breakthrough extract known for its cardiovascular benefits. This extract is packed with potent antioxidants and acts as a nitric oxide booster, promoting increased endurance during workouts. Studies have shown that it fights against free radical damage and increases the flow of oxygen-rich blood, ensuring optimal cardiovascular health. You can also boost nitric oxide with beet root, and l-citruline.

Speaking of studies, a published research paper in Food and Nutrition Research (April 2016) highlighted the effects of the unique flavonoid root extract on arterial health. The study revealed that after one year of consumption, participants experienced a decrease in artery wall thickness, total cholesterol, LDL levels, and blood pressure. This indicates that the extract may help reduce the risk of oxidation-related cerebral vascular issues and improve overall cardiovascular health

Glutamine. It's the most abundant amino acid in the human body and plays a vital role in muscle recovery and repair. Glutamine aids in preventing muscle soreness, optimizing post-workout recovery, and supporting muscle rebuilding. By facilitating nitrogen transport, regulating acid-base balance, and acting as an antioxidant, Glutamine ensures faster post-workout muscle recovery, giving you the freedom to train harder for better results.

Protein plays a crucial role in replenishing and repairing your muscles after a workout, making it a key nutrient to consume alongside carbohydrates. By opting for a protein shake as a post-workout option, you can efficiently supply amino acids to your muscles, stimulating muscle protein synthesis, enhancing recovery, and promoting growth. It's important, though, to choose a protein shake that contains high-quality ingredients, as prioritizing quality over quantity is key when it comes to protein.

Apart from protein, there are several other supplements that work through various mechanisms to provide natural, broad-spectrum antioxidant and nutrient support, ultimately contributing to optimal health and recovery. Taking preventative measures to protect the health of different body systems is much easier than trying to restore their function after damage has occurred. With this in mind, retailers should suggest a preventive program to their customers, aiming to limit free radical damage and promote recovery. As the adage goes, "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure," emphasizing the significance of protecting and preserving one's health.

In conclusion, the role of antioxidants, particularly phytonutrients, in maintaining overall health and combating oxidative stress cannot be overstated. These beneficial compounds not only slow down the aging process, but also enhance the body's ability to recover from physical exertion. Various supplements, including Beta Alanine, BCAAs, Creatine, Flavonoid Root, Glutamine, and Protein, each offer distinct benefits in supporting muscle growth, improving athletic performance, and promoting quicker recovery. The incorporation of these supplements into one's regimen can effectively bridge the nutritional gap left by processed foods. A preventive strategy, emphasizing a diet rich in antioxidants and high-quality supplements, holds the key to optimal health and longevity. As the saying goes, 'an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure'.


The Importance of Collagen for Your Health: Why You Should Care

Date: November 06, 2023 04:50 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Importance of Collagen for Your Health: Why You Should Care

The Importance of Collagen for Your Health: Why You Should Care

Have you ever heard about collagen? It might have been a buzzword in the beauty industry, but it's important to know that collagen is much more than just skin-deep. Collagen is actually a protein that plays a crucial role in providing structure, strength, and support to different parts of our bodies such as skin, bones, tendons, and ligaments. Lets explore the importance of collagen for your health, its different types and functions, the effects of collagen loss on the body, factors that affect collagen production, and how to boost collagen levels naturally.

Factors That Affect Collagen Production:

Collagen production declines naturally with aging, leading to visible signs of aging like wrinkles, sagging skin, and brittle nails. However, several lifestyle factors also contribute to collagen loss like smoking, consuming sugary foods, and excessive sun exposure. Medical conditions like scleroderma and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome also lead to reduced collagen production.

The Effects of Collagen Loss on the Body:

Collagen loss can have various detrimental effects on the body. One of the most visible effects is on the skin where collagen loss leads to wrinkles, fine lines, sagging, and dryness. Collagen loss also affects joints, resulting in pain and stiffness. Since collagen is crucial to maintaining bone structure, a decrease in collagen levels weakens the bones and muscles, causing osteoporosis. Collagen is important for the digestive tract lining, so when the body lacks sufficient collagen, people could experience digestive issues.

Lifestyle Habits Leading to Collagen Loss:

Several lifestyle habits exacerbate the natural decline in collagen production, thereby speeding up the aging process and negatively affecting overall health. First among these is smoking. The chemicals present in cigarettes damage collagen and elastin, causing premature skin aging with characteristic wrinkles and sagging. Not only does smoking impact the skin, but it also affects collagen-rich organs and tissues, leading to various health problems.

Next is the consumption of excessive sugar and refined carbohydrates. A high-sugar diet interferes with collagen's ability to repair itself, leading to inflammation and collagen cross-linking that results in skin aging and joint discomfort. Refined carbohydrates spike blood sugar levels, encouraging the same damaging process.

Last but not least, ultraviolet (UV) light exposure, particularly from the sun, can also lead to significant collagen loss. UV light increases collagen breakdown by activating enzymes called matrix metalloproteinases that degrade collagen and elastin. This exposure results in photoaging of the skin, characterized by deep wrinkles, leathery texture, and pigmentation changes. Therefore, it's crucial to protect your skin from the sun by wearing SPF every day, even on cloudy days.

How to Boost Collagen Levels Naturally:

Fortunately, several natural ways can help boost collagen levels in your body. Maintaining a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, zinc, copper, and iron is key to boosting collagen levels. Vitamin C is vital in the production of collagen, which makes it an essential nutrient for the body. Excessive sun exposure and smoking lead to the accumulation of free radicals that damage collagen, so avoiding these is key. In addition, the topical use of skincare products like sunscreen and moisturizers protects and nourishes collagen and helps maintain healthy skin. Exercise such as weight training and yoga can help stimulate collagen synthesis, ensuring youthful-looking skin, healthy joints, and strong bones.

Common types of collagen!

  • Type I Collagen: This is the most abundant type of collagen in the body. It's primarily responsible for providing structure to the skin, tendons, organs, and the bone matrix. It also plays a crucial role in wound healing.
  • Type II Collagen: This type of collagen is primarily found in cartilage and serves as the main component of our joints. It's important for maintaining healthy joint movement and reducing the effects of joint-related aging.
  • Type III Collagen: Often found alongside Type I, Type III collagen supports the structure of muscles, organs, and arteries. It's also a key component in the body's natural healing processes.
  • Type IV Collagen: This type forms the basis of the cell basement membrane and plays a critical role in maintaining cell and tissue health by aiding filtration.
  • Type V Collagen: This type of collagen is found in the surfaces of cells, hair, and placenta. It's important for various cellular processes, including the growth and development of cells and tissues.

Collagen is an essential protein that is vital for overall health and well-being. It provides support and structure to different body parts, ensuring their optimum functionality. The decline in collagen production is an inevitable part of aging, but several natural ways can help boost its levels. Maintaining a balanced diet, avoiding habits that damage collagen, and practicing regular exercise can help maintain healthy collagen levels. It's crucial to remember that relying solely on supplements may not necessarily boost collagen levels, so it's best to consult your healthcare provider before taking them. So, go ahead and adopt healthy habits to maintain healthy levels of this crucial protein. Your body will thank you for it!


Source Naturals' Ultra Mag: A Balanced Magnesium Blend for Optimal Health

Date: July 19, 2023 10:57 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Source Naturals' Ultra Mag: A Balanced Magnesium Blend for Optimal Health

Have you ever experienced muscle cramps or fatigue? These are some of the common symptoms of magnesium deficiency. Magnesium is a vital mineral that plays a crucial role in various body functions. Of the many brands of magnesium supplements available, Source Naturals Ultra Mag stands out due to its balanced blend of different magnesium forms known to have high bioavailability and absorption.

What is Ultra Mag?

Ultra Mag is a magnesium supplement that contains a combination of different forms of magnesium, including magnesium taurinate, citrate, succinate, malate, and chelate(glycinate). This combination provides a balanced source of magnesium to the body with high bioavailability and absorption.

What are the benefits of taking magnesium?

Magnesium plays a crucial role in various body functions, including nerve and muscle function, bone health, and heart health. Ultra Mag helps in producing and storing energy (ATP), allowing muscles to relax, activating over 300 metabolic enzymes, controlling calcium levels in bones and teeth, and regulating electrical activity in nerve cells. Additionally, Ultra Mag supports healthy sleep patterns, helps alleviate stress and anxiety, and supports the immune system.

Is magnesium safe?

Yes, magnesium is safe when taken as recommended. However, as with any dietary supplement. To much magnesium may cause loose stool and it is essential to consult with a healthcare professional before taking it, especially if you have a medical condition or are taking other medications that prohibit magnesium consumption.

Why choose Source Naturals Ultra Mag?

Source Naturals is a well-known and respected brand that guarantees quality supplements. The company uses high-quality ingredients to ensure their products are safe, effective, and most importantly, beneficial to consumers. Additionally, Ultra Mag is free from gluten, soy, dairy, and artificial preservatives. It is manufactured in GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) facilities to maintain purity and quality.

If you're looking for a magnesium supplement to support your overall health and well-being, consider trying out Source Naturals Ultra Mag. Your body will thank you for it!


Do You Know How Important Magnesium Is For The Body?

Date: October 31, 2022 05:02 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Do You Know How Important Magnesium Is For The Body?

You may not have realized it, but magnesium is an essential mineral for your body. It aids in energy production and metabolism, muscle contraction, nerve impulse transmission, and bone mineralization. Magnesium is also a required cofactor for an estimated 300 enzymes. That means it helps catalyze reactions like fatty acid synthesis, protein synthesis, and glucose metabolism. Not to mention, magnesium status is also important for regulation of calcium balance through its effects on the parathyroid gland. Whew! As you can see, this mineral is pretty important stuff. Read on to learn more about why magnesium is so critical for our health.

Magnesium and Energy Production

One of the most important functions of magnesium is that it helps us produce energy. Every single cell in our bodies need energy to function properly, and magnesium plays a key role in the process of converting the food we eat into that much-needed energy. For example, magnesium is involved in breaking down carbohydrates into glucose which can then be used for energy by the cells.

Magnesium and Muscle Functioning

In addition to helping produce energy, magnesium is also necessary for proper muscle functioning. This mineral helps muscles relax after they contract as well as regulates electrolyte balance in the body. electrolyte imbalance can lead to muscle cramping, spasms, or even irregular heartbeats, so it's crucial that we maintain healthy levels of magnesium to keep our muscles functioning properly.

How to Get More Magnesium

Now that you know all of the important functions that magnesium plays in our bodies, you're probably wondering how you can make sure you're getting enough of this essential mineral. The best way to ensure adequate magnesium intake is through diet since our bodies cannot produce this mineral on their own. Some good dietary sources of magnesium include leafy green vegetables, legumes, nuts and seeds, whole grains, dairy products, fish, and meat. You can also get your recommended daily intake of magnesium through supplements if you feel like your diet is lacking or if you have a medical condition that requires extra magnesium (such as diabetes).

As you can see, magnesium is an essential mineral with many vital functions in our bodies. from helping produce energy to regulating electrolyte balance, this nutrient plays a big role in keeping us healthy and function properly both physically and mentally. Make sure you are getting enough magnesium in your diet by consuming foods like leafy greens, legumes, whole grains, dairy products ,and nuts or by taking supplements if necessary. Your body will thank you!


Soothing relief for achy muscles and joints

Date: October 26, 2022 12:33 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Soothing relief for achy muscles and joints

Feeling sore after a workout? You're not alone. Aching muscles and joints are common, especially if you're new to exercise or you've had a particularly intense session. Thankfully, there's a natural way to soothe your soreness and ease your discomfort. NOW® Solutions Joint & Muscle Cream is specially formulated to provide relief for the skin surrounding active joints and muscles. Keep reading to learn more about this product and how it can help you feel your best.

How NOW® Solutions Joint & Muscle Cream Works

This product contains glucosamine, a compound normally found in the articular cartilage of joints. Glucosamine is known for its ability to support healthy joint function and ease occasional discomfort associated with exercise or overexertion. The cream also includes boswellia, capsaicin, and natural methyl salicylate. These three active ingredients are combined for their skin care properties and for conditioning the areas around joints and muscles. Boswellia is an Indian herb that has been used for centuries to support healthy inflammation response. Capsaicin is derived from chili peppers and is known for its ability to temporarily relieve minor muscle pain. Methyl salicylate is a naturally occurring organic compound that gives wintergreen its characteristic fragrance and flavor. It's also used topically for its soothing properties.

When applied to the skin, NOW® Solutions Joint & Muscle Cream penetrates deeply to deliver its moisture-attracting capabilities directly where you need it most. This product is fast-absorbing, non-greasy, and non-staining, making it ideal for use before or after exercise. It's also free of parabens, propylene glycol, synthetic fragrances, dyes, and phthalates. Plus, it's dermatologist tested and safe for all skin types.

If you're looking for a natural way to relieve occasional muscle pain and discomfort, try NOW® Solutions Joint & Muscle Cream. This product contains glucosamine, boswellia, capsaicin, and natural methyl salicylate—all of which are known for their ability to soothe soreness and ease discomfort. The cream is fast-absorbing, non-greasy, and non-staining, making it easy to apply before or after exercise. It's also free of parabens, propylene glycol, synthetic fragrances, dyes, phthalates, making it a good choice for those with sensitive skin. Plus, it's dermatologist tested and safe for all skin types. Give NOW® Solutions Joint & Muscle Cream a try today!


Soothe Your Joints with Glucosamine, MSM & Arnica Liposomal Lotion

Date: October 20, 2022 02:03 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Soothe Your Joints with Glucosamine, MSM & Arnica Liposomal Lotion

If you're struggling with sore, aching joints, you're not alone. In fact, according to the CDC, 1 in 2 adults aged 18 and over have some form of joint pain. While there are various treatments available, many come with undesirable side effects. Fortunately, there's a new joint lotion on the market that's getting rave reviews from users—NOW Solutions Glucosamine, MSM & Arnica Liposomal Lotion.

What is NOW Solutions Glucosamine, MSM & Arnica Liposomal Lotion?

NOW Solutions Glucosamine, MSM & Arnica Liposomal Lotion is a soothing lotion specifically formulated for use on joint areas. This unique blend of ingredients combines glucosamine, a normal joint and cartilage component with MSM, a source of organic sulfur. Sulfur is an element known to be a normal component of connective tissue structures. Arnica is well known for its traditional uses. NOW Solutions uses liposome technology for enhanced absorption. Liposomes are very similar to the different layers of the skin barrier and compatible with cell membranes. Due to their mimicking ability, the liposome can more easily moisturize the skin’s natural barrier layers, and allow the ingredients to function more effectively.

How Does NOW Solutions Glucosamine, MSM & Arnica Liposomal Lotion Work?

When applied topically, NOW Solutions Glucosamine, MSM & Arnica Liposomal Lotion helps to temporarily relieve minor aches and pains associated with arthritis, simple backaches, muscle strains and sprains. The lotion also helps to increase circulation and reduce inflammation.

Who Can Benefit from Using NOW Solutions Glucosamine, MSM & Arnica Liposomal Lotion?

NOW Solutions Glucosamine, MSM & Arnica Liposomal Lotion is ideal for anyone who suffers from joint pain or inflammation. The lotion can be used as needed on sore joints or muscles and is safe for daily use. The non-greasy formula absorbs quickly and won't leave your skin feeling oily or sticky. It's also Paraben-free and has a refreshing menthol scent.

If you're struggling with sore joints or inflamed muscles, give NOW Solutions Glucosamine, MSM & Arnica Liposomal Lotion a try. This unique lotion contains ingredients that are known to help reduce pain and inflammation while increasing circulation. The non-greasy formula absorbs quickly into the skin leaving you feeling refreshed and cool. It's also Paraben-free and has a refreshing menthol scent that makes it enjoyable to use. Give NOW Solutions Glucosamine >MSM & Arnica Liposomal Lotion a try today! You'll be glad you did!


Why Dextrose is Important for Athletes and Bodybuilders

Date: October 10, 2022 02:17 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Why Dextrose is Important for Athletes and Bodybuilders

Dextrose, also known as glucose, is a simple sugar (monosaccharide) that is the primary source of energy for the body. It is important for athletes because it stimulates the body to drive, not only glucose, but amino acids and other nutrients into cells. This makes energy readily available to working muscles and helps to maintain glycogen stores. In addition, dextrose also helps to make important nutrients, such as creatine and branched-chain aminos, available for use by muscle tissue. From an athletic performance perspective therefore, it can help fuel intense activity, maintain exercise endurance, and support recovery from exercise.

How Dextrose Works

Dextrose enters the bloodstream rapidly after being consumed and raises blood sugar levels quickly.* Insulin is then released by the pancreas in order to shuttle glucose into cells for use or storage.* Glucose is stored in the liver and muscles in the form of glycogen; when these stores become depleted during exercise, blood sugar levels fall and fatigue sets in.* Dextrose can help delay this fatigue by replenishing glycogen stores and keeping blood sugar levels elevated.*

Dextrose And Creatine oppose each other hormonally; when insulin levels are elevated via carbohydrate consumption, creatine uptake into muscle cells is inhibited.* Conversely, when blood sugar levels are low (and insulin levels along with them), creatine uptake is enhanced.*Deoxyglucose acts as a transport vehicle for creatine, driving more of it into muscle cells where it can be used for energy production and protein synthesis – two key processes for supporting muscle growth.* Therefore, when combined with creatine, dextrose can further enhance its efficacy.

*BCAAs are essential amino acids that must be obtained through diet since they cannot be produced by the body; of the three BCAAs (leucine, isoleucine, and valine), leucine is the most anabolic.*Leucine seems to work best when consumed with carbohydrates; when carbs and leucine are consumed together they stimulate insulin release – an anabolic hormone that promotes protein synthesis as well as drives amino acids and other nutrients into cells where they can be used or stored for future use..* Therefore, dextrose can help enhance the anabolic effects of leucine consumption.

In Summary:

Dextrose is a simple sugar that has many benefits for athletes. It helps to fuel intense activity, maintain exercise endurance, support recovery from exercise, and delay fatigue. It also helps to make important nutrients like creatine and branched-chain aminos more available for use by muscle tissue. If you are an athlete who wants to perform at your best, make sure you include dextrose in your diet.


Comforting Massage Oil is the Perfect Way to Unwind

Date: October 03, 2022 04:42 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Comforting Massage Oil is the Perfect Way to Unwind

We all know how hectic and stressful life can be. That's why it's important to take some time for yourself every now and then to relax and rejuvenate. One of the best ways to do this is with a soothing massage. And what could make a massage even better? Using a luxurious, nourishing massage oil like Comforting Massage Oil from Naja Naturals!

Comforting Massage Oil is an advanced blend of natural oils specifically formulated for relaxation and skin rejuvenation. Natural essential oils from lavender, chamomile and patchouli are combined with grape seed, apricot and almond oils to provide a full spectrum of emollient properties. The tranquil and calming essence of Comforting Massage Oil is the perfect complement to a therapeutic massage. It can also be used as a daily moisturizer to leave skin feeling silky soft, nourished and rejuvenated.

How to Use Comforting Massage Oil

There are endless ways to use Comforting Massage Oil. Here are just a few of our favorites:

  • Add a few drops to your bathtub for a relaxing, aromatherapy-infused soak.
  • Use it as a daily moisturizer after showering or bathing. Simply apply it to damp skin and let it absorb for a few minutes before getting dressed.
  • Massage it into tired muscles after exercise or a long day at work. Focus on areas that feel especially tight or sore.

Rub it into your cuticles and nails to keep them healthy and hydrated. If you're looking for a way to relax and rejuvenate, look no further than Comforting Massage Oil from Naja Naturals. Made with natural ingredients like lavender, chamomile, grape seed oil, and more, this luxurious oil is perfect for use in massages or as a daily moisturizer. Trust us, your mind and body will thank you!


The Cardiovascular Protection of Celery Seed Extract

Date: September 27, 2022 04:20 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Cardiovascular Protection of Celery Seed Extract

You may not think of celery as being particularly special, but this innocuous looking vegetable actually packs a powerful punch. Celery seed extract is loaded with bioactive compounds that offer a wide range of health benefits, including supporting vascular health.* Lets take a closer look at celery seed extract and all the ways it can support your health.

Celery Seed Extract and Vascular Health

One of the most well-known benefits of celery seed extract is its support for vascular health.* This is thanks to the presence of phthalides in celery seed extract, which help to relax the smooth muscles in your blood vessels.* This relaxation of the smooth muscles increases blood flow and lowers blood pressure.* Additionally, phthalides also help to increase levels of antioxidant enzymes in the body, which further helps to protect vascular health.*

Horse chestnut seed extract has also been shown to support healthy vascular function.* Hawthorn extract is another ingredient in this formula that has been traditionally used to support cardiovascular health.* Hawthorn extract works by helping to increase blood flow and strengthen heart muscle contractions.* It's also rich in antioxidants, making it an ideal addition to a formulation designed to support healthy vascular function.*

Celery Seed Extract and Brain Health

In addition to its effects on the cardiovascular system, celery seed extract has also been shown to offer neuroprotective effects.* This is due in part to the 3-n-butylphthalide (3nB) content of celery seed extract, which has been shown to help protect neurons from damage.* 3nB is also known to increase levels of certain neurotransmitters in the brain, which can help to improve cognitive function.*

In Summary:

Celery seed extract is a powerful natural compound that offers a wide array of health benefits. From supporting healthy vascular function to protecting brain cells, celery seed extract is an incredibly versatile compound that can benefit many different systems in the body. If you're looking for a natural way to support your health, consider adding a supplement containing celery seed extract to your daily routine.


The Benefits of NOW Calcium Hydroxyapatite

Date: September 23, 2022 03:57 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Benefits of NOW Calcium Hydroxyapatite

For those looking for a natural and highly absorbable source of calcium, NOW Calcium Hydroxyapatite is an excellent option. This supplement is derived from Australian, certified BSE-free, young pasture-fed cattle and includes calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, protein, minerals and amino acids. These nutrients are essential for healthy bone formation and upkeep.* Below we'll dive into some of the specific benefits of NOW Calcium Hydroxyapatite.

Some of the primary benefits of NOW Calcium Hydroxyapatite include:

  • -Aids in the maintenance of healthy bones*
  • -Supports healthy bone structure and function*
  • -Provides a bioavailable source of dietary calcium

Calcium is essential for strong bones and teeth. It also supports muscle contraction, nerve function and cardiovascular health. Phosphorus works with calcium to build bones and teeth and helps the body use carbohydrates and fats. Magnesium plays a role in over 300 biochemical reactions in the body including energy production, muscle contraction, nerve function and blood sugar regulation. Protein provides the building blocks for bones, muscles, cartilage, skin and blood. Minerals such as zinc, copper and manganese are involved in bone formation.* Amino acids such as lysine and methionine are needed for the proper absorption of calcium.*

In Summary:

NOW Calcium Hydroxyapatite is an excellent supplement for those looking for a natural source of calcium that is easily absorbed by the body. In addition to calcium, this supplement also includes phosphorus, magnesium, protein, minerals and amino acids which are all essential for healthy bones.* If you're interested in supporting healthy bones*, NOW Calcium Hydroxyapatite is a great option.


The Many Uses and Benefits of Bromelain

Date: September 16, 2022 11:03 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Many Uses and Benefits of Bromelain

Bromelain is a proteolytic enzyme derived from the stem of the pineapple plant. It has a long history of use in traditional medicine for supporting digestive health, but modern science has also shown that it can provide support for joint comfort and relief from temporary muscle soreness.* Lets explore the many different uses and benefits of bromelain.

Bromelain for Digestive Health

Bromelain has been used traditionally to support digestive health.* When taken with food, it can help to break down proteins, which can aid in the digestion process.* In addition, bromelain may also help to reduce occasional gas and bloating.* If you are looking for a natural way to support your digestive health, bromelain may be a good option for you.

Bromelain for Joint Comfort

In addition to supporting digestive health, bromelain may also help to support joint comfort.* When taken between meals, bromelain can help to reduce inflammation and swelling in the joints.* If you are struggling with joint pain or discomfort, bromelain may be able to help.

Bromelain for Muscle Soreness

Another use for bromelain is relieving temporary muscle soreness that is associated with overexertion or overuse.* If you are an athlete or just someone who enjoys being active, bromelain can help you recover from your workouts more quickly by reducing inflammation and swelling in the muscles.* If you are looking for a natural way to reduce muscle soreness, bromelain may be right for you.

In Summary:

As you can see, there are many different uses and benefits of bromelain. Bromelain is a proteolytic enzyme that has many potential health benefits. It can support healthy digestion, promote joint comfort and relieve temporary muscle soreness.* If you are looking for a natural way to support your health and well-being, bromelain may be the perfect supplement for you.


The Many Benefits of Chia Seeds, Omega-3, and more

Date: September 14, 2022 03:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Many Benefits of Chia Seeds, Omega-3, and more

You might know chia seeds best as the things that grow on those weird Chia Pets you can buy at the store. But did you know that chia seeds are actually really good for you? Yes, those little seeds that make your Chia Pet grow a green coat are actually packed with essential nutrients. Lets take a look at some of the many benefits of chia seeds.

Chia seeds are an excellent source of fatty acids. In fact, nearly two-thirds of the fat in chia seeds is comprised of Omega-3s. Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for maintaining heart health, preventing chronic diseases, and reducing inflammation throughout the body. Chia seeds are also a great source of fiber. Fiber is important for keeping our digestive system healthy and preventing constipation. Additionally, fiber can help to lower cholesterol levels and regulate blood sugar levels.

Another benefit of chia seeds is that they are a great source of protein. Protein is essential for building and repairing tissues, muscles, and organs. It's also necessary for producing enzymes and hormones. And because chia seeds contain all nine essential amino acids, they are considered a complete protein source. This makes them especially beneficial for vegetarians and vegans who may have difficulty getting enough protein from their diet.

Finally, chia seeds are rich in vitamins and minerals like calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and manganese. These nutrients are essential for maintaining strong bones and teeth, balancing electrolytes, and regulating blood pressure. They also play a role in energy production and metabolism.

As you can see, there are many reasons to add chia seeds to your diet. Whether you sprinkle them on your cereal or add them to your favorite smoothie recipe, you're sure to benefit from their nutrient-rich goodness. So go ahead and give them a try - your body will thank you!


L-Arginine and L-Citrulline: Can They Help Improve Nitric Oxide Levels for Better Heart Health?

Date: August 06, 2022 10:37 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: L-Arginine and L-Citrulline: Can They Help Improve Nitric Oxide Levels for Better Heart Health?

Nitric oxide is an important molecule that is produced by the human body. It helps to regulate blood pressure and heart function, and it can also help improve circulation. Recently, there has been a lot of interest in supplements that can increase nitric oxide levels, such as L-arginine and L-citrulline. Lets explore the research on these two supplements and discuss how they may help improve heart health!

What is nitric oxide and what does it do for the body?

Nitric oxide is a gas that is produced by the body and is used in many different processes. One of the most important roles of nitric oxide is to help regulate blood pressure. It does this by relaxing the smooth muscles that line the blood vessels, which allows the vessels to dilate and the blood to flow more easily. Nitric oxide also plays a role in immunity, inflammation, and nerve function. In addition, it has been shown to have anti-cancer properties and to improve exercise performance. Although nitric oxide is produced naturally by the body, it can also be taken as a supplement. Nitric oxide supplements are often used by athletes and bodybuilders to improve their performance and increase muscle mass. However, they can also be beneficial for people who suffer from conditions like high blood pressure and erectile dysfunction.

The benefits of increased nitric oxide levels?

In recent years, researchers have also begun to explore the potential health benefits of increasing nitric oxide levels through supplementation. Some studies have shown that nitric oxide supplements can improve exercise performance and reduce recovery time, as well as provide other cardiovascular benefits. Additionally, nitric oxide has been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects, which may contribute to its ability to improve exercise performance. While more research is needed to confirm the potential health benefits of increased nitric oxide levels, the current evidence suggests that there may be numerous benefits for active individuals.

The research on L-arginine and L-citrulline supplements?

L-arginine and L-citrulline are two amino acids that have attracted attention for their potential health benefits. L-arginine is involved in the production of nitric oxide, a molecule that helps to relax blood vessels and improve blood flow. L-citrulline, on the other hand, is converted into L-arginine in the body, making it a potentially more efficient way to increase levels of this important compound. Numerous studies have investigated the potential health effects of these supplements, and the results have been mixed. Some studies have found that L-arginine supplements can improve exercise performance and reduce recovery time after exercise, while others have found no benefits. Similarly, some studies have found that L-citrulline supplements can improve blood pressure and heart health.

How to take L-arginine and L-citrulline for best results?

When taking L-arginine and L-citrulline together, it is important to follow the correct dosage in order to achieve the best results. The recommended dosage is 6 grams per day, which can be taken in three doses of 2 grams each. It is best to take these supplements on an empty stomach, either first thing in the morning or about 30 minutes before working out.

Potential side effects of L-arginine and L-citrulline supplements?

No Side Effects

In Summary:

L-arginine and L-citrulline are two amino acids that have been shown to have potential health benefits. These supplements can improve exercise performance, reduce recovery time, and may also provide other cardiovascular benefits. While more research is needed to confirm the exact benefits of these supplements, the current evidence suggests that they could be beneficial for active individuals. It is important to follow the correct dosage when taking these supplements in order to achieve the best results. Additionally, it is recommended to take them on an empty stomach for maximum absorption. There are no known side effects associated with taking L-arginine and L-citrulline supplements.


Are We Headed Towards a Food Shortage in America? : Essential Vitamins, Minerals, and Protein Powders to Maintain Good Health

Date: May 07, 2022 09:33 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Are We Headed Towards a Food Shortage in America? : Essential Vitamins, Minerals, and Protein Powders to Maintain Good Health

It's no secret that food prices are on the rise. What may come as a surprise to some, is that we could be headed towards a food shortage in America. There are many factors that play into this, including drought, pests, and disease. The bottom line is that if you want to be prepared for the worst, you need to have a stockpile of essential vitamins, minerals, and protein powders. We will discuss why it is so important to have these supplements, and how they can help you maintain good health even in times of crisis!

What is a food shortage, and why are we headed towards one in America?

A food shortage is a period of time where there is not enough food to meet the demand of the people within a certain region. This can be caused by a number of factors, including natural disasters, war, and economic downturns. In America, we are currently facing a perfect storm of conditions that could lead to widespread food shortages in the coming years. Climate change is resulting in more extreme weather patterns that damage crops, while at the same time, the population is continuing to grow. In addition, many Americans are struggling with financial instability, which makes it difficult to afford healthy food. As a result, we are heading towards a time where there may not be enough food to go around. It is important for everyone to be aware of this issue and take steps to reduce their impact on the problem. One way to do this is to reduce food waste, which will help to stretch our limited resources further. We can also support local farmers and producers who are working hard to ensure that everyone has enough to eat. By taking action now, we can help to prevent a future food shortage from becoming a reality.

The importance of having essential vitamins, minerals, and protein powders

It is essential for the body to have vitamins, minerals, and protein to survive. The body needs these essential nutrients to function properly. Vitamins help the body to produce energy, regulate metabolism, and maintain healthy tissues. Minerals are needed for the proper development and function of the skeletal system and muscles. Protein powders provide the building blocks for the growth and repair of tissues. Without these essential nutrients, the body would not be able to perform its basic functions. As a result, it is essential that people get enough of these nutrients through their diet or supplements.

The benefits of taking supplements during a food shortage

One of the most common questions people ask during a food shortage is whether or not they should take supplements. While there are benefits to taking supplements, it's important to understand that they should never be used as a replacement for real food. Instead, supplements should be viewed as a way to fill in the gaps when you're not getting all the nutrients you need from your diet. For example, if you're not getting enough vitamin C from the fruits and vegetables you're eating, taking a supplement can help ensure that your body gets the Vitamin C it needs. While supplements can't take the place of a healthy diet, they can be a helpful way to make sure you're getting all the nutrients your body needs during a food shortage.

How to store your supplements for long-term use

Supplements are an important part of many people's health regimens. If you want to make sure your supplements last as long as possible, there are a few things you need to do. First, always store your supplements in a cool, dry place. Heat and humidity can cause vitamins and minerals to break down, so avoid storing them in the bathroom or kitchen. Second, keep them out of direct sunlight. Ultraviolet light can also degrade vitamins and minerals, so it's best to keep supplements in a dark closet or cabinet. Finally, make sure the bottles are tightly sealed. Exposure to air can cause supplements to lose their potency, so it's important to keep them well-protected. Supplements generally have expiration dates of 2 - 3 years out, and are still good beyond the best used by date on the bottom of the bottles.

FAQs about food shortages and supplements

Q: What are the causes of food shortages?

A: Food shortages can be caused by a variety of factors, including natural disasters, war, economic instability, war and climate change.

Q: What are the effects of food shortages?

A: The effects of food shortages can be devastating. People may go hungry or face malnutrition, which can lead to health problems and death. Children are often the most affected by food shortages, as they need adequate nutrition to grow and develop properly. Families may also lose their livelihoods if they can't afford to buy food, which can result in poverty and homelessness

Q: What can I do to prevent a food shortage?

A: There are a number of things people can do to prevent a food shortage. Some of the most important include:

  • Eating a balanced diet
  • Becoming more self-sufficient by growing your own food or raising your own livestock
  • Conserving food by using leftovers, buying in bulk, and freezing food
  • Donating food to local food banks or pantries

Q: What should I do if there is a food shortage?

A: If there is a food shortage, the best thing to do is to stay calm and ration the food you have. Try to eat a balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, grains, and protein. Don't forget to include essential vitamins and minerals in your diet. You can also try growing your own food or raising your own livestock, If you have to. Store up Food if you see empty shelves at the grocery store.

Q: Are supplements necessary during a food shortage?

A: While supplements can't take the place of a healthy diet, they can be a helpful way to make sure you're getting all the nutrients your body needs during a food shortage.

Q: How can I store my supplements for long-term use?

A: There are a few things you need to do to keep your supplements safe and effective for long-term use. First, always store them in a cool, dry place. Heat and humidity can cause vitamins and minerals to break down, so avoid storing them in the bathroom or kitchen. Second, keep them out of direct sunlight. Ultraviolet light can also degrade vitamins and minerals, so it's best to keep supplements in a dark closet or cabinet. Finally, make sure the bottles are tightly sealed. Exposure to air can cause supplements to lose their potency, so it's important to keep them well-protected. Supplements generally have expiration dates of two to three years out, and are still good beyond the expiration date.


Hawthorn Berry and Heart Health: How the Two are Connected

Date: April 29, 2022 11:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Hawthorn Berry and Heart Health: How the Two are Connected

For centuries, Hawthorn Berry has been used to help support heart health. It is one of the most popular herbs for this purpose, and there is a lot of evidence to back up its use. Let's take a closer look at how Hawthorn Berry can help keep your heart healthy!

The heart and its function

The heart is one of the most important organs in the human body. It plays a central role in circulating blood throughout the body and delivering oxygen and nutrients to our tissues. In fact, without a healthy heart, we would not be able to survive for long. The heart is made up of four different chambers: two atria and two ventricles. The muscle walls of these chambers contract and relax in a coordinated manner to pump blood through the circulatory system. Furthermore, the heart is richly supplied with nerve endings that enable it to respond quickly to any changes that might occur within our bodies. Overall, the heart is an incredibly complex and vital part of our anatomy, one that must always be treated with care and respect.

Hawthorn Berry and heart health

Hawthorn berry is a natural remedy that has long been used to promote heart health. This potent herb contains a variety of nutrients and antioxidants, which work together to lower blood pressure, strengthen blood vessels, and prevent the build-up of plaque in the arteries. Plus, hawthorn berry also contains compounds that help to reduce inflammation, both directly within the heart muscles and throughout the rest of the body. Thus, regular consumption of hawthorn berry has been shown to significantly reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke in people with cardiovascular conditions.

How Hawthorn Berry helps the heart?

Hawthorn berry is a small, red fruit that has been used for centuries as a natural remedy for a variety of ailments. In recent years, Hawthorn berry has been gaining popularity as a tonic for good heart health. Hawthorn berry contains flavonoids, which are antioxidants that help to protect cells from damage. Flavonoids have been shown to improve blood flow and reduce inflammation. In addition, Hawthorn berry is believed to help relax the smooth muscles around the heart, making it less likely to develop arrhythmias. Hawthorn berry is available in supplements and can also be found in teas and tinctures. Although more research is needed, Hawthorn berry shows promise as a safe and effective way to support good heart health.

Dosage and preparations of Hawthorn Berry

Hawthorn berry is most commonly used in the form of a tea, which can be brewed using either fresh or dried berries. When using fresh berries, it is recommended to simmer 2-3 grams of berries in one cup of water for 10-15 minutes. For dried berries, it is recommended to simmer 1-2 grams in one cup of water for the same amount of time. Hawthorn berry can also be taken in capsule form, with a typical dose being 300-500 milligrams three times per day.

Final thoughts on Hawthorn Berry and heart health

At this point, it is clear that Hawthorn Berry is a powerful natural remedy for heart health. Not only has extensive research shown that it can help to protect the cardiovascular system by lowering blood pressure and improving circulation, but it also contains a unique blend of antioxidants and bioactive compounds that have been shown to have potent anti-inflammatory effects. Furthermore, Hawthorn Berry is widely available and generally considered safe when taken in moderate doses; as such, anyone concerned about heart health should consider adding this incredible herb to their diet or supplementation regimen. Ultimately, with its unique therapeutic benefits and low risk of side effects, Hawthorn Berry is one of the best all-around remedies for heart health on the market today.


What Cellular Mitochondria Does in the Body

Date: April 28, 2022 04:19 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What Cellular Mitochondria Does in the Body

If you want to stay healthy, it's important that you know what cellular mitochondria does in the body. Mitochondria are organelles found in the cytoplasm of cells. They are responsible for producing energy for the cell. Without them, the cell would not be able to function properly. We will discuss the role of mitochondria in the body, and how they impact our health.

What are mitochondria and what do they do in the body

Mitochondria are organelles that play an important role in the energy metabolism of cells. Most of the oxygen we breathe is used by mitochondria to convert glucose from the food we eat into ATP, the energy molecule used by our cells. Therefore, mitochondria are often referred to as the "powerhouses" of the cell. In addition to producing ATP, mitochondria also have other important functions, such as regulating cell growth and death, as well as calcium homeostasis. Mitochondria are unique in that they have their own DNA separate from the DNA in the cell nucleus. This mitochondrial DNA is passed down from mother to child, which is why defects in mitochondrial function can lead to diseases that are inherited in a maternal lineage. Although most of our cells contain only a single nucleus, they may contain hundreds or even thousands of mitochondria. This allows them to produce enough ATP to meet the energy needs of the cell.

How mitochondrial dysfunction can lead to health problems

Mitochondria are integral to many essential physiological processes in the body. Not only do they produce energy for cells, but they also play a key role in maintaining cellular structures and initiating cell division. Therefore, any disruption of normal mitochondrial function can have far-reaching consequences for overall health and well-being. Maladaptive responses to environmental stressors, such as chemical exposure or radiation, are among the most common causes of mitochondrial dysfunction. These stressors result in damage to mitochondrial DNA and can cause problems with cell division and abnormal growth patterns, which can lead to a range of disorders and chronic diseases. For example, mitochondrial dysfunction has been linked to conditions like Alzheimer's disease and type 2 diabetes, as well as cardiovascular disease and cancer. Therefore, it is important to understand the role that mitochondria play in maintaining healthy functioning bodies and take proactive steps to prevent or reverse damage from maladaptive responses to environmental stressors.

Mitochondria and Longevity

Mitochondria are specialized organelles found within our cells that perform many critical functions, including generating energy to support cellular processes and maintaining healthy cell function. These organelles are the site of many important chemical reactions, often referred to as oxidative phosphorylation or metabolism. Studies have shown that Proper functioning of these organelles is essential for healthy aging, and may be a key factor in determining how long we live. By promoting mitochondria health and making lifestyle changes that help to promote healthy mitochondria, we can take an important step towards optimizing our longevity potential. This includes eating a nutrient-rich diet with a focus on foods high in antioxidants, managing stress levels through regular exercise and relaxation techniques, and avoiding environmental toxins that can damage mitochondria health. Through such strategies, we can give ourselves the best chance at living a long, full life.

Ways to protect your mitochondria and keep them healthy with PQQ

PQQ, or pyrroloquinoline quinone, is an important molecule for the functioning of mitochondria in the human body. This compound plays a crucial role in adenosine triphosphate (ATP) synthesis, the fundamental energy currency of biological systems. By driving cellular processes that release energy for metabolic use, PQQ plays a key role in maintaining mitochondrial health and efficiency. Additionally, PQQ has been shown to exhibit powerful antioxidant properties, which help to mitigate the effects of oxidative stress on mitochondria and other critical cells in the body. Overall, PQQ is an essential component of healthy mitochondrial function and a crucial nutrient for energy production and overall metabolic health.

D-ribose, the Mitochondria, and Energy

D-ribose is a naturally occurring sugar that plays an important role in cellular metabolism and energy production. This nutrient is especially important for cells that rely on a lot of energy, such as those found in the heart and muscles. D-ribose helps these cells to generate adenosine triphosphate, or ATP, which is the main energy currency used by cells to drive chemical reactions. Additionally, research has suggested that d-ribose can help to improve physical endurance and reduce the pain and stiffness associated with exercise, making it an important part of a healthy, active lifestyle.

Also, D-ribose is a simple sugar that plays an important role in the structure and function of mitochondria, the powerhouses of the cell. In addition to supplying energy to the cells, mitochondria also help to regulate cell growth and death. D-ribose is essential for the proper function of mitochondria, and it plays a key role in energy production. Studies have shown that D-ribose can help to improve mitochondrial function and reduce fatigue. In addition, D-ribose supplements have been shown to improve exercise performance and increase energy levels. These effects are likely due to the ability of D-ribose to help the body produce more ATP, the energy currency of the cell. For these reasons, D-ribose is an important nutrient for maintaining healthy mitochondria and supporting cellular energy production.

Another important nutrient for the mitochondria is CoQ10

The process of producing energy is called oxidative phosphorylation, and it involves the transfer of electrons from nutrients to oxygen. This reaction creates a proton gradient across the mitochondrial membrane, which is used to generate ATP, the energy currency of the cell. Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is an important component of this process. It acts as an electron carrier, shuttling electrons between enzymes in the respiratory chain. It also helps to maintain the proton gradient, allowing the mitochondria to continue generating ATP. Without CoQ10, oxidative phosphorylation would grind to a halt, and cells would quickly run out of energy. Consequently, CoQ10 plays a vital role in energy production and cellular metabolism.

The bottom line is that both D-ribose and CoQ10 are important nutrients the body needs to maintain optimal energy levels. If you’re feeling run down, low on energy, or just generally not your best, consider taking a supplement containing these two nutrients. You may be surprised at how much better you feel once you start including them in your diet. What’s stopping you from giving them a try?


Vitamin D Linked to Heart Health: Study Shows Promise in Preventing Cardiovascular Disease

Date: April 26, 2022 10:18 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Vitamin D Linked to Heart Health: Study Shows Promise in Preventing Cardiovascular Disease

A recent study has shown that Vitamin D may play a role in preventing cardiovascular disease. The study, which was conducted by researchers at the University of Edinburgh, looked at data from over 10,000 adults. They found that those who had the highest levels of Vitamin D were less likely to develop heart disease or have a stroke. This is great news for those looking to improve their heart health!

What is Vitamin D and why is it important for heart health?

Vitamin D is an essential nutrient that plays various important roles in the body, including helping to maintain healthy bones and supporting immune function. In recent years, scientists have also begun to uncover the critical role that Vitamin D can play in promoting cardiovascular health. Vitamin D is involved in the regulation of several important cardiovascular processes, including blood pressure and lipid metabolism. Studies have shown that individuals with lower levels of Vitamin D are at increased risk for heart disease and stroke. Therefore, ensuring adequate vitamin D levels through diet, sun exposure, or supplementation may help to protect against heart conditions and improve overall cardiovascular health.

The study on Vitamin D and heart health

Researchers at the University of South Australia have recently conducted a study exploring the link between vitamin D and heart health. They found that individuals with higher levels of vitamin D in their blood were less likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases, such as heart attacks, than those with lower levels. The results suggest that vitamin D plays an important role in protecting the heart and maintaining efficient cardiovascular function. This is important not only for preventing or mitigating the effects of heart disease, but also for overall health and well-being. Overall, the results of this study highlight the importance of ensuring adequate levels of vitamin D to safeguard our hearts and keep us healthy.

How to get more Vitamin D in your diet

While vitamin D-3 is essential for good health, many people struggle to get enough of this important nutrient through their diet alone. With so many factors affecting our ability to absorb nutrients from food, it can be difficult to maintain healthy levels of vitamin D through regular meals. However, research suggests that we may be able to get enough of this vital nutrient by taking supplements or getting outside on sunny days. For example, studies show that simply spending time in sunlight for a few minutes each day can go a long way toward maintaining adequate vitamin D levels in the body. Additionally, many foods are fortified with vitamin D-3, including dairy products and some types of bread and cereal. Ultimately, the best way to ensure adequate vitamin D-3 levels is through a combination of dietary sources and appropriate supplementation. So don't be afraid to take that extra step or buying a supplement – your health will thank you!

Bottom line: Vitamin D is a promising nutrient for heart health

Vitamin D-3 is a nutrient that is continually been getting attention for its potential benefits to heart health. This nutrient can be obtained through certain foods, such as oily fish and eggs, but many individuals also supplement with vitamin D-3 on a regular basis. Preliminary research suggests that this nutrient may help to lower cholesterol levels and reduce inflammation in the arteries, two important contributors to cardiovascular disease. Additionally, studies have shown that vitamin D-3 can help to strengthen the immune system, which further enhances overall heart health by keeping the body healthy and strong. Overall, when it comes to promoting heart health, vitamin D-3 seems like a promising nutrient that deserves further scientific study and exploration.

Assist Mineral absorption

Vitamin D is an important nutrient that helps the body absorb calcium and phosphorus. It also plays a role in maintaining strong bones and muscles. Unfortunately, foods are a relatively poor source of vitamin D. The best way to get this nutrient is through exposure to sunlight. However, too much sun exposure can lead to skin damage, so many people choose to take a supplement instead. Vitamin D supplements are available in both liquid and pill form. They are typically taken once a day, and they can help people maintain adequate levels of vitamin D without exposing themselves to the harmful effects of the sun.

Vitamin D-3 is involved in over 300 enzymatic processes in the body

As we already know, vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that plays an important role in bone health and calcium absorption. Vitamin D-3, the form of vitamin D found in supplements, is involved in over 300 enzymatic processes in the body. These processes include cell proliferation, immunomodulation, and regulation of gene expression. Vitamin D-3 has also been shown to have anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective effects. Supplementation with vitamin D-3 has been shown to improve bone density and reduce the risk of fractures, particularly in older adults. In addition, vitamin D-3 supplementation has been shown to improve muscular strength and reduce the risk of falls in older adults. While most people can get adequate amounts of vitamin D from exposure to sunlight, those who don't get enough sun exposure or have dark skin are at risk for vitamin D deficiency. Supplementation with vitamin D-3 is an effective way to ensure adequate intake of this important nutrient.


Why would I want to take Beet Root Powder?

Date: March 12, 2022 10:19 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Why would I want to take Beet Root Powder?

As the name suggests, beet root powder is made from ground-up beets. It’s a natural source of nitrates, which the body converts into nitric oxide. This gas helps to widen blood vessels and improve blood flow. In turn, this can help lower blood pressure. Beet root powder may also increase blood flow in the brain, leading to better cognitive function. Additionally, beet root powder is a good source of dietary fiber, minerals (including magnesium, potassium, and zinc), and vitamins (especially vitamin C and beta-carotene). All of these nutrients can offer various health benefits. Beet root powder is typically available in capsules or as a loose powder that can mixed into a drink.

Some people also add it to smoothies or juices. beet root powder is generally considered safe, but there’s a small risk of it causing kidney stones in some people. If you have a history of kidney stones, talk to your doctor before taking beet root powder. Also, beet root can interact with certain medications, so be sure to check with your doctor or pharmacist before taking it. Overall, beet root powder is a healthy, low-calorie addition to your diet that may offer several potential health benefits. It’s easy to incorporate into your diet and is generally safe for most people to consume. However, as with any supplement, it’s always best to speak with a healthcare professional before starting root powder or any other new supplement.

Improved blood flow can help with diabetes.

Beetroot powder can improve blood flow by widening blood vessels and delivering more oxygen to the muscles. This can be beneficial for people with diabetes, as they often have trouble getting enough oxygen to their muscles. beetroot powder may also help to lower blood sugar levels. A small study found that drinking beetroot juice helped people with type 2 diabetes reduce their blood sugar levels after a meal. More research is needed to confirm these effects, but beetroot powder may be a helpful addition to the diet of people with diabetes.

Beetroot powder can boost exercise performance.

The nitrates in beetroot powder can improve blood flow and deliver more oxygen to the muscles. This increased oxygen delivery can enhance exercise performance, especially during endurance activities. beetroot powder can also help reduce the amount of oxygen needed during exercise, which can lead to longer and more intense workouts. More research is needed on this topic, but beetroot powder may be a helpful addition to the diet of athletes or people who are looking to improve their fitness levels.

Beet root powder can improve cognitive function.

Some studies suggest that the nitrates in beetroot powder can improve cognitive function, especially in older adults. One study found that drinking beetroot juice improved memory and decision-making skills in older adults. Another study found that beetroot juice helped people with Alzheimer’s disease to think more clearly and remember more information. More research is needed on this topic, but beetroot powder may be a helpful addition to the diet for older adults or people with Alzheimer’s disease.

Beet root powder is a good source of dietary fiber.

Beetroot powder is a good source of dietary fiber, which can be beneficial for overall health. Fiber helps to keep us regular and can also reduce the risk of diseases like heart disease and type 2 diabetes. beetroot powder is also a good source of other nutrients, including magnesium, potassium, and zinc. All of these nutrients can offer various health benefits.

Have you had your beetroot today? You should if you want to improve blood flow, reduce blood pressure, and lower your risk of heart disease. beetroot powder is a healthy, low-calorie addition to your diet that may offer several potential health benefits. It’s easy to incorporate into your diet and is generally safe for most people to consume.


Natural pain relief: Capsicum, lavender and peppermint essentialoils can help relieve fibromyalgia pain

Date: May 15, 2019 02:04 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Natural pain relief: Capsicum, lavender and peppermint essentialoils can help relieve fibromyalgia pain

Because essential oils can relieve pain and increase cell energy production, researchers believe that these essential oils like lavender, capsicum, and peppermint, can be used to treat fibromyalgia. When one is afflicted with fibromyalgia, he will always have chronic pain, constant fatigue, and regular changes in mood. These symptoms have only few ways to treat them. It has been noted that some supplements, of which essential oils are among them, can be used to treat these symptoms of fibromyalgia. This is because they are already being used to relieve health problems that are similar to fibromyalgia. One example of these is lavender oil. This is used in aromatherapy as a relaxing compound. And it regulates mood responses and the central nervous systems, which symptoms are related to fibromyalgia. Another of these essential oils is peppermint oil. Because it alleviates the pain muscles face by chronic stress and increases stamina, it is a good remedy for fibromyalgia.

Key Takeaways:

  • People who are down with fibromyalgia experience chronic pain, constant fatigue, and changes in their mood that is sharp and treatments for these symptoms are few.
  • Lavender essential oil is used often in aromatherapy because it is a relaxing compound which is involved in regulating the mood and the nervous system.
  • Many participants who participated in a 2012 study reported that they slept better when they slept in a room filled with the vaporized essential oil.

"Given these beneficial effects, researchers believe that the oils drawn from capsicum, lavender, and peppermint could be potential therapies for fibromyalgia."

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Here are 5 tips for a healthy bladder

Date: May 09, 2019 09:54 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Here are 5 tips for a healthy bladder

A healthy functioning bladder is important because it's the organ that disposes of urinary waste from your kidneys. Pelvic floor exercises, otherwise known as kegels, are a good way to strengthen the bladder muscles. Avoiding constipation is also very important for bladder health. A balanced diet and regular exercise are two ways to prevent constipation, which will relieve strain on the bladder. Good hygiene, especially for women, is another way to maintain a healthy bladder, by preventing UTIs and yeast infections. Finally, adequate water intake to stay hydrated is of critical importance in supporting overall bladder health.

Key Takeaways:

  • There are a lot of articles about physical health and mental health but bladder health is often ignored because some people find it embarrassing.
  • One should try doing Kegel (pelvic floor) exercises regularly in order to keep the bladder muscles strong and prevent urinary incontinence.
  • Kegel exercises are done every day by squeezing the muscles that one uses to urinate every day for some seconds and then releasing them.

"It is important to maintain bladder health since this can help prevent different painful, debilitating, or even some life-threatening conditions such as UTIs."

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Beta-alanine supplementation relieves fatigue, increases musclecarnosine

Date: May 02, 2019 03:37 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Beta-alanine supplementation relieves fatigue, increases musclecarnosine

It has been found in a study that supplementing with beta-alanine can increase muscle carnosine and relieve fatigue. The study was published in the journal Nutrition Research and the team looked at the effects of beta-alanine supplementation on performance, L-histidine, and muscle carnosine in both women and men. This confirms earlier studies that supplementing with beta-alanine increases muscle carnosine, therefore improving the capacity of the muscles to buffer during intense exercise. The research team emphasized their comparison on the differences between women and men, and recruited 26 men and women who were given a placebo or beta-alanine for 28 days. It was shown that beta-alanine really increased muscle carnosine but the differences between men and women were unclear.

Key Takeaways:

  • The University of Central Florida researchers have made a study and in the study they suggested that supplementing with beta-alanine can relieve fatigue.
  • The focus of the study that was published in the journal Nutrition Research was whether supplementing with beta-alanine has an effect on performance, muscle carnosine, and L-histidine.
  • Studies that were done earlier before this one has shown that supplementation with beta-alanine increases the intramuscular carnosine content and improves buffering capacity in intense exercises.

"The findings of the study suggested that supplementing with beta-alanine for 28 days can increase muscle carnosine and relieve fatigue in men and women, but did not reduce muscle L-histidine."

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Potassium and Pregnancy: Everything You Need to Know

Date: May 02, 2019 12:01 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Potassium and Pregnancy: Everything You Need to Know

Potassium is vital to the most basic functions of your body, including muscle function and your cells’ ability to take in and release fluids and nutrients. During pregnancy, it becomes even more important by helping to reduce fluid retention and fight unpleasant symptoms like restless legs and cramped, uncomfortable muscles. A potassium deficiency, also known as hypokalemia, is usually the result of a rapid, major loss of fluids, and can product symptoms such as soreness, cramps, stiffness and spasms in the muscles, breathing and digestive problems and more.

Key Takeaways:

  • The vital nutrient, potassium regulates fluid and other minerals in the human body's cells.
  • Potassium also aids in the regulation of blood pressure, the contractors of muscles and the transmission of electric nerve impulses.
  • A severe lack of the mineral can lead to exhaustion, vomiting, nausea and constipation.

"Potassium helps reduce fluid retention, combats electrolyte imbalance, and eases restless leg syndrome and cramps, all of which are major causes of discomfort during pregnancy."

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The many benefits of red raspberry leaf tea

Date: April 26, 2019 02:16 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The many benefits of red raspberry leaf tea

Red raspberries are a popular fruit, but what many people don't know is that the leaves of its plant can be used to make herbal tea. In fact, people have been doing so for thousands of years. Red raspberry leaf tea contains compounds that help women relax pelvic muscles, leading to shorter labor periods during pregnancy. Well before labor, this tea can help reduce nausea and vomiting during the first trimester. Aside from pregnant women, others can benefit from red raspberry leaf tea's high Vitamin C content and ability to replenish potassium in the blood. These are just some of the benefits to drinking this natural herbal tea.

Key Takeaways:

  • The leaves of the red raspberry, scientific name Rubus idaeus, has been used for millenials by people to create a healthy, herbal tea.
  • The most attention in the red raspberry is given to the bright red fruits although the leaves are considered very important.
  • Red raspberry leaves is used in folk medicine and is prescribed for those who are suffering from colic pain and diarrhea.

"The most common use of red raspberry leaf tea is to provide natural support for pregnant women. Drinking it helps shorten the labor period, prevents complications, and reduces the need for medical intervention during birth."

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Omega-3 Deficiency Symptoms + 3 Steps to Overcome Them

Date: February 28, 2019 08:47 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Omega-3 Deficiency Symptoms + 3 Steps to Overcome Them

Omega-3s have a wide variety of benefits for your brain and cardiac health, as well as keeping inflammation in check and hormones in balance, so you definitely shouldn’t let yourself become deficient. Omega-3s are an essential fatty acid, meaning the body cannot produce them on its own. A deficiency can cause inflammation, digestive troubles, and pain in muscles and joints, as well as changes in the appearance of skin and hair. Deficiencies can also cause or worsen ADHD symptoms or depression. A lack of omega-3s can even result in poor brain development in children and neurodegenerative symptoms in adults.

Key Takeaways:

  • It has been shown in numerous studies that omega-3 is very good for the health and some of the benefits include fighting inflammatory diseases.
  • One needs omega-3 for the following reasons: proper cardiovascular function, proper neurological function, cell membrane maintenance, and fetal development.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids are known as good fats and there are three types in the world today.

"“Omega-3s” is another name for omega-3 fatty acids. These fats are found in the human body, as well as in certain foods like oily fish. Essential fatty acids are “essential” because the body cannot synthesize them on its own, therefore humans must get these fats from the diet."

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7 Proven uses of lavender essential oil

Date: February 18, 2019 01:38 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 7 Proven uses of lavender essential oil

If you aren't aware of the healing powers of lavender essential oil, prepare for some exciting surprises. Many people know how amazing the lavender essential oil smells and that it promote relaxation. But , they don't know its many other great uses. Did you know that the oil can help treat ulcers and yeast infections or that it can help improve your sleep? These are a few of the many benefits that you get when using lavender essential oil!

Key Takeaways:

  • Essential oil of lavender is frequently used to treat insomnia and reduce aches and pains from muscles and connective tissues.
  • Lavender contains terpenoid compounds like linalyl acetate and linalool that can substantially mitigate anxiety symptoms.
  • By relaxing muscles and stimulating blood flow, essential oil of lavender can provide women with relief from premenstrual symptoms such as nausea, headaches, fatigue and vomiting.

"Its medicinal use can be traced back to more than 2,500 years ago where it was widely used in traditional Chinese medicine."

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The role of magnesium in maintaining health

Date: February 06, 2019 02:38 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The role of magnesium in maintaining health

Magnesium is a very important mineral to our bodies and helps with our overall health, more specifically in the muscles and bones. It also helps many enzymes run smoothly within the body and is very important in turning food into energy. However, many people are unaware of the importance of magnesium and suffer from this deficiency. With the deficiency, producing energy cells becomes harder making the relaxation and contraction of muscles more difficult. Consuming foods like nuts, dark chocolate, legumes, grains, leafy vegetables, and even skim milk.

Key Takeaways:

  • Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral found in the human body. Because of its crucial role in preventing diseases, it is often referred to as the “Master Mineral”.
  • Magnesium is important for the smooth functioning of numerous enzymes in the body that are important for regulation of the system.
  • Magnesium is a vital link in keeping illnesses at a distance from the body. Some of the illnesses it prevents are asthma, diabetes, insomnia, and high blood pressure.

"Magnesium, as one is aware, is a highly important mineral, as it contributes to fortifying human health, especially bones and muscles."

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Researchers look at the powerful effect of mulberry fruit extracton insulin sensitivity

Date: January 07, 2019 03:36 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Researchers look at the powerful effect of mulberry fruit extracton insulin sensitivity

One of the main chemicals in mulberry fruit is rosiglitazone, and studies are showing that mice given rosiglitazone had much lower insulin readings than those who were not given the substance. The mulberry fruit was able to accomplish this by improving the amount of a certain chemical called 'plasma membrane-glucose transporter 4'. This is what helps plasma enter the skeletal muscles. They think that this could potentially provide relief to those suffering from hyperglycemia or insulin resistance.

Key Takeaways:

  • Just as silkworms utilize the mulberry tree, humans can utilize it to treat the body’s sensitivity to insulin and glycemia.
  • The mulberry tree is native to China and is cultivated mainly for the silkworms in order to produce cotton. Yet, the fruit can be eaten raw as food.
  • The mulberry tree has been used in Chinese medicine for a long time to treat the premature graying of hair, and to cleanse the blood and restore its balance.

"The researchers constructed an animal model with a strain of mice that simulated the symptoms of diabetes in humans. The lab animals were divided into three groups according to the treatment they received."

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These vitamins can help improve eyesight

Date: November 06, 2018 03:51 PM
Author: VitaNet, LLC Staff (
Subject: These vitamins can help improve eyesight

Did you know that taking certain vitamins can help eyesight issues, sleep problems and nutrition levels? Vitamin A helps with maintaining vision. Vitamin E maintains your muscles flexibility and elasticity. Vitamin C can treat glaucoma and help to prevent cataracts. Meanwhile, vitamin B1 can lower your risk of getting glaucoma. Vitamin B2 offers relief with eye fatigue.Vitamin B3 helps blood flow to the eyes. Vitamin B5 is good for your eyesight in general. Finally, vitamin D helps combat night blindness, myopia, and optic nerve atrophy

Key Takeaways:

  • Everyone experiences eye issues at some time, like watery eyes, fatigue or redness, but vitamins can help your eyesight.
  • Glaucoma can be treated with vitamin C and decrease a person's chances of getting it with vitamin B1.
  • Additionally, eye fatigue can be dealt with by taking Vitamin B2..

"If you eat at least 200 g of carrot and a little vegetable oil, that can be good to maintain the vision."

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Here's why you need to add Ashwagandha in your diet

Date: September 28, 2018 08:52 AM
Author: VitaNet, LLC Staff (
Subject: Here's why you need to add Ashwagandha in your diet

Here's why you need to add Ashwagandha in your diet

Ashwagandha is something that you have never heard of. It is not uncommon to not have heard of this as it is absolutely insane to even give this a second thought. The name itself is absolutely ridiculous and people do not take it seriously. However, there are now some diet freaks out there who are saying that it is actually beneficial to have it in your diet. It is difficult to tell them otherwise as they swear by it.

Key Takeaways:

  • Ashwagandha or Indian ginseng has been used in ayurvedic medicine for centuries. It’s benefits are now backed with scientific research.
  • It was discovered that taking 500-600 mg of ashwagandha everyday can help relieve stress and anxiety.
  • The herb can also increase fertility. A daily dose of 5g recorded an increase in sperm count and sperm quality in men.

"A study done by the Journal Of International Society Of Sports Nutrition showed that ashwagandha supplements helps in growth of muscles and strength. 57 gymgoers between the ages of 18-50 were taken for the study."

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How Nutrient Deficiencies Can Affect Your Mental Health

Date: September 11, 2018 05:52 PM
Author: VitaNet, LLC Staff (
Subject: How Nutrient Deficiencies Can Affect Your Mental Health

How Nutrient Deficiencies Can Affect Your Mental Health

We often separate who we are into two separate parts, specifically body and mind, acting a if we are some odd hybrid creature. But, the truth is that the brain is as much a part of the body as the fingers, muscles and hair are. We all expect our diet to affect our waistline, and strength, our energy and our hair's luster, or lack thereof. In reality, since our brains are as much affected by our diet as any other part, it stands to reason that our mind's ability to handle stress, emotions and mental load are very much affected too. All of which is born out by data which shows that diets that are imbalanced and overloaded with sugar, unhealthy fats, and chemical additives are apt to contribute to disease symptoms, like ADHD, depression and anxiety.

When the body lacks specific nutrients, like sufficient protein, it can hamper the body's ability to create needed brain chemicals that aid in our ability to handle emotions and stress. In fact, the brain is comprised of a great deal of fat. So, healthy a diet that has sufficient good quality fatty acids is important fro brain health. Brain health and stamina is affected by an array of nutrients that come from food, including magnesium, vitamin B12, zinc and vitamin D. Their lack can cause or hasten mood and behavior shifts that can become problems.

Key Takeaways:

  • How levels of omega-3 fatty acids can lead to depression, anxiety, and attention difficulties.
  • If you are a vegetarian or a vegan and you are suffering from depression, you may want to make sure you are getting enough Vitamin B12.
  • Foods rich in protein, including nuts, meat, and eggs, contain amino acids which regulate your serotonin levels.

"But the foods we eat also play a role in how we feel mentally as well, and an imbalanced diet can mess with our heads just as much as our stomachs."

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The Best Vitamins for Men

Date: August 05, 2018 05:53 PM
Author: VitaNet, LLC Staff (
Subject: The Best Vitamins for Men

The Best Vitamins for Men

Many Western men suffer from at least one dietary deficiency, with significant consequences for their health. Vitamin deficiencies can negatively impact almost every system in your body, from your brain to your muscles to your sex drive. Vitamin D3 deficiency increases the risk of heart attack or stroke, and is especially common in indoorsy men or those from cold areas. Even though on paper most men get enough B12, several common medications can interfere its absorption and cause B12 deficiency symptoms like fatigue.

Key Takeaways:

  • Vitamin D3 deficiency is especially common in men who spend a lot of time indoors or live in Northern climes, and can cause a variety of symptoms, including raised risk of stroke and heart attacks.
  • While many men get enough B12 in their diet, a variety of medications, including common heartburn medications, can prevent it from being absorbed properly.
  • Vitamins A, C, and E are water-soluble, antioxidants vitamins that fulfill a variety of critical purposes in the body and are found in foods like spinach and kale.

"Many people assume vitamin or mineral deficiencies are mostly a third-world problem in the 21st century, but in fact research tells us that even in developed nations, the best vitamins for men aren’t consumed enough."

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Overcoming adrenal fatigue naturally

Date: July 22, 2018 11:53 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Overcoming adrenal fatigue naturally

Overcoming adrenal fatigue naturally

The human body has a well-developed system it uses to aid us when we experience stress. Firstly, the brain identifies the threat. Then the body releases hormones designed to do two things, rush blood to the muscles and heart to assist in fighting off the aggressive agent and dampening body processes that are not needed in the attack, such as digestive ones.

Were one fighting of a saber-tooth tiger, this would be of benefit. Today's stresses are far more nuanced, insidious and long-lasting. And when constant stress overworks the adrenals, which are the rabble-rousers in charge of turning off immunity and digestion until the tiger has turned tail, well then they get tired. This condition is called, aptly, adrenal fatigue. It can last for a short while, or a long time. It induces fatigue and it can lead to "brain fog." Other symptoms can include disturbances in mood, or sleep, food cravings and muscle and bone loss. To recuperate, it's necessary to convince the body the tiger has gone. Eat healthy, sleep healthy. Take vitamins and nourish yourself physically and psychically.

Key Takeaways:

  • Some symptoms of adrenal fatigue include brain fog and insulin resistance. And busy new parents, college students and caregivers are most at risk of getting it.
  • The adrenal gland functions rhythmically. During the day it releases cortisol that wakes us up and at the evening it reduces it to make us go to bed.
  • Adrenal fatigue stresses the adrenaline such that when stress occurs, it takes longer for the individual to recover.

"One of the most important parts of restoring adrenal function is listening to your body and minding your stress levels."

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Leucine: The Muscle-Building Amino Acid Your Body Needs

Date: June 23, 2018 09:54 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Leucine: The Muscle-Building Amino Acid Your Body Needs

Leucine: The Muscle-Building Amino Acid Your Body Needs

Leucine is a branched chain amino acid that is vital to building muscle, and can help to keep fat and blood sugar under control and prevent muscle deterioration in older athletes. It also has a role in promoting muscle recovery. Good dietary sources of leucine include grass-fed beef, venison, elk, tuna, chicken, lentils, wheat germ, hemp seeds, spirulina, and especially eggs. Leucine, like other branched chain amino acids, can only be ingested, not produced in the body.

Key Takeaways:

  • Leucine is an amino acid that plays an important role in building and keeping muscle.
  • Leucine Is also important to managing your body’s fat and blood sugar levels, and to helping muscles recover from fatigue and strain.
  • Leucine can be found in foods like grass-fed beef, elk, venison, lentils, wheat germ, hemp seed, and especially in eggs.

"Keep reading for what you need to know about this branched-chain amino acid and how it can affect your health."

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CBD helps relieve anxiety without the high

Date: June 07, 2018 05:16 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: CBD helps relieve anxiety without the high

CBD helps relieve anxiety without the high

CBD is being used in a variety of ways. One of the most popular is to treat drug addiction, which means it may be the key to ending the opiod crisis. CBD is being used to treat chronic illnesses as well as for pain management. It contains cannabindiol, but not the THC for the 'head high' but rather a 'body high' that relaxes muscles, relieves inflammation, and has even been credited with relieving gastrointestinal issues.

Key Takeaways:

  • Because cannabidiol (CBD) doesn't contain the psychoactive drug tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) it cannot make changes to the mind of the user.
  • Americans have adopted CBD widely, buying an estimated $100 million worth of CBD products although they do not have clear cut idea of its effects.
  • Dr. Blessing, a New York University (NYU) researcher, affirms that CBD does have an effect on the brain but this is in more medicinal ways.

"New York University (NYU) researcher Dr. Esther Blessing states that CBD shows potential as a means of treating addiction and anxiety. She adds that full clinical trials will be needed to determine its effects."

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Try These 5 Tricks To Speed Up Your Metabolism Naturally

Date: May 29, 2018 05:16 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Try These 5 Tricks To Speed Up Your Metabolism Naturally

Try These 5 Tricks To Speed Up Your Metabolism Naturally

The best way to lose weight (and keep it off!) is not to spend time and money on trendy dietary fads, or on extreme crash diets, but to try to harness the natural power of your metabolism to burn off weight. Getting enough sleep, adding interval exercises to prevent overly repetitive workout routines, eating wholesome, organic, unprocessed foods and drinking plenty of water and green tea can all help you to boost the rate at which your metabolism burns off fat.

Key Takeaways:

  • By building more muscle you will naturally increase your metabolism due to muscles burning calories faster than fat.
  • If your body is dehydrated, your body will have an average two percent decline in its metabolism.
  • Those who do not get enough sleep have a higher body mass index due to the impact it can have on your metabolism.

"Involving many chemical processes, your metabolism is much more than a mechanism you can tweak. It is required to sustain life, as these processes occur in each and every call. Helping you turn the food you eat into usable fuel, your resting metabolism is what accounts for most of the energy you burn."

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This Is Why You Have Leg Cramps At Night (And How To Stop It)

Date: April 02, 2018 01:17 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: This Is Why You Have Leg Cramps At Night (And How To Stop It)

People who suffer from leg cramps at night might be interested in viewing a video about the causes and prevention of this painful condition. The video attributes cramping to a variety of reasons. One is exercise, which can build up lactic acid in the muscles. Another is a lack of magnesium and potassium in the body. The video recommends drinking plenty of water before and after exercising. It also recommends drinks rich in magnesium and potassium. Examples include celery and tomato juice, or ginger in water.


Eat These 3 Oils In The Morning To Drop Weight Fast

Date: January 09, 2018 03:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Eat These 3 Oils In The Morning To Drop Weight Fast

Three oils in your daily routine can help you lose weight and vitalize your day. These three oils are essential to a healthy body. The first oil is peppermint oil. This oil will prevent muscle spasm during a workout. Adding this to your morning or afternoon tea helps with inflammation and oxygenates the blood. This helps clear brain fog. Lemon oil boots the immune system. Coconut oil is the most versatile. You can brush your teeth with it, cook with it, or use it as a hand lotion. The benefits are enormous for these three oils.

Key Takeaways:

  • Peppermint oil is great for soothing muscles and letting you push through that final motion
  • Lemon oil, like it citrus cousins, is great for the immune system and helps keep you healthy
  • Coconut oil is perfect for skin and hair health, but due to its fatty acids, can help boost your metabolism

"Instead of reaching for something that could ruin your hard work and progress, consider using oils in your morning routine to help you drop weight fast."

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You can't beat the beet for muscle recovery: Scientists reveal how the superfood heals muscle damage

Date: January 03, 2018 11:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: You can't beat the beet for muscle recovery: Scientists reveal how the superfood heals muscle damage

British scientists have discovered thag drinking beetroot juice can help repair muscle damage. It is recommended to drink it right after strenuous physical activity. In this scientific study some people were given beetroot juice anf some people were given a placebo with the same amount of calories as beetroot juice. The people who drank the beetroot juice had a quicker recovery than those who drank the placebo. The ones who drank the placebo experienced more muscle soreness.

Key Takeaways:

  • A study suggested that beetroot juice may speed recovery after workouts.
  • In a study of team-sports athletes, those who took beetroot after a strenuous workout performed better than those who took a placebo in a follow up test.
  • Researcher did not uncover any immediate negative effects on heart rate or blood pressure after taking beetroot juice.

"The findings showed that the participants exhibited a 13 percent increase in power in muscles that extended to the knee at about two hours after drinking the beetroot juice with high nitrate levels."

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Alzheimer's Disease: What You Can Do to Prevent Holiday Memories from Vanishing

Date: November 26, 2017 03:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Alzheimer's Disease: What You Can Do to Prevent Holiday Memories from Vanishing

Alzheimer's, like most diseases comes with its own set of problems, the memory loss being number one. Much like other diseases it is important to find those symptoms early. One easy way to help with that is mind exercises. These help with neuro plasticity and will allow your brain to function in top condition for years to come. Much like exercising works for the heart, muscles, and flexibility these exercises keep the brain healthy. Try them out!

Key Takeaways:

  • Getting an annual memory check up can help catch Alzheimer's disease in it's early stages.
  • A healthy diet, physical and mental exercise, and vitamin supplements can help improve your cognitive health.
  • The vital brain aging program can add many years of making happy memories, instead of forgetting them.

"Prevention and early detection of first signs of cognitive impairment and treating its cause is key to maintaining a healthy brain throughout life"

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9 Health Benefits of Whey Protein + How to Choose the Right Product

Date: November 24, 2017 07:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 9 Health Benefits of Whey Protein + How to Choose the Right Product

Whey protein can do a lot for your body. This talks about the benefits. It can also help you choose the right kind. There are many types of whey protein. It can be hard to choose. There are powders you can add to food or to drinks. There are also ready mixed drinks. If you can choose a good product you'll be happy with the results. Proteins are the building blocks your body needs to make muscle and other things.

Key Takeaways:

  • Whey protein has a lot of benefits people will enjoy for themselves. The ability to increase strength and build muscles should not be ignored.
  • Athletes will appreciate being able to burn fat with the whey protein. Reduce cravings and stabilize blood sugar levels along the way.
  • People will note that they have improved energy and other health advantages too. That may just extend one's life when they are taking the whey protein.

"There are many benefits of whey protein, including its ability to increase strength, build muscles, burn fat, reduce cravings, stabilize blood sugar levels, improve energy, boost glutathione levels and immunity, and extend your life span."

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Healing Hands: 5 ways to boost your immune system

Date: November 14, 2017 03:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Healing Hands: 5 ways to boost your immune system

When your immune system is challenged, a host of diseases have an opportunity to take hold in the body. Keeping it strong is the best way to avoid illness and there are things you can do to to strengthen it just like you'd strengthen muscles by working out. Fermented foods and cultured products help our natural gut bacteria, shown to be helpful in immune response. Vitamins, particularly vitamin C, are essential to immune health as well. In addition, herbs, spices and foods like vegetables are all part of an arsenal you can use to battle cold and flu season.

Key Takeaways:

  • Our eating habits are a great way to boost our immune system with healthy, fresh fruit and vegetables.
  • Manuka honey is another recent health booster, found to have great antibacterial properties.
  • Garlic is another great antibiotic, and unlike pharmaceuticals, bacteria do not seem to be able to develop resistances.

"Many herbs and spices have great immune-boosting benefits, but turmeric has been called one of the most powerful anti-inflammatory spices of all."

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Are you stressed or anxious? Try this simple and effective recipe!

Date: September 09, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Are you stressed or anxious? Try this simple and effective recipe!

This video speaks about Magnesium chloride and how it is used to treat bone disease and osteoporosis. If someone is lacking magnesium chloride, there are many diseases that a person could encounter or affected by. Magnesium chloride is also able to balance the body's chemicals and nerves. A magnesium chloride recipe is discussed, which helps to decrease anxiety. The instructions make it easy for anyone to make. The recipe calls for lemon, water, ice, honey and 10 grams of magnesium chloride.

Key Takeaways:

  • This compound, which is a combination of magnesium and chloride, can direct the calcium that collects in different regions of the body to the bones, specifically.
  • By directing accumulations of calcium away from the muscles, the muscles are able to better relax and the calcium is put to good use in the skeletal structure.
  • Because of Magnesium Chloride's ability to navigate calcium in the body, it is often used to treat bone diseases, such as arthritis and osteoporosis.

"Recently, some studies have pointed out that the regular consumption of Magnesium Chloride lessens the risk of rectal cancer."


10 Home Remedies for Arthritis & Joint Pain | Natural Cures

Date: September 05, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 10 Home Remedies for Arthritis & Joint Pain | Natural Cures

There are ten home remedies for arthritis and joint pain. Joint pain is a very common thing in people from all different age groups. These conditions may be associated with bone diseases. If the person has an office job, then joint pain is a lot more common. Ice is one thing that you will want to use to reduce joint pain. It is a very easy thing to do. You can also take a cold bath.

Key Takeaways:

  • Joint pain is often a sign of more serious conditions, like arthritis or osteoporosis. Therefore, it's necessary to address the issues through several techniques
  • Cold water treatment, whether through ice baths or cold compresses are effective against pain due to inflammation
  • Walking can be an effective way to alleviate joint pain.

"Stretching your muscles is a very common and simple exercise used in gyms, since it helps you avoid pulling muscles before or after exercising."


Hang Eucalyptus in Your Shower and See What Happens to Your Body | Natural Cures

Date: September 02, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Hang Eucalyptus in Your Shower and See What Happens to Your Body | Natural Cures

You should hang eucalyptus in your shower and see what happens to your body. The eucalyptus is a great remedy for season allergies as well as many other issues people deal with. It is also a mental stimulant. This is amazing because it is just a plant, yet it is so powerful. Eucalyptus can be used during a hot bath and it helps to relax the muscles. It relieves anxiety and also lowers blood pressure.

Key Takeaways:

  • Eucalyptus can be used to open up your sinuses because it relaxes your muscles.
  • eucalyptus oil can be used in a bath to relive anxiety and reduce blood pressure
  • Eucalyptus has antibacterial properties that can benefit you when you hang up the branches in your shower

"There is also eucalyptus oil, which, apart from sinusitis, also combats muscle and joint pain."


Top 10 Calcium Rich Foods (Dairy Free) | Natural Cures

Date: August 25, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Top 10 Calcium Rich Foods (Dairy Free) | Natural Cures

Calcium is a vital ingredient that we must consume to maintain proper bone and teeth health, among other things. Calcium isn’t just important for growing kids, either. In fact, it might even be more important for adults, as bone tissue begins to deteriorate as we grow into old age. Calcium helps to fight off diseases like osteoporosis, which make bones brittle and fragile. Luckily, calcium is found in a number of places besides just dairy milk, so people who are dairy-free do not need to worry. Some alternative options to milk include almonds, kale, oranges, white beans, and more.

Key Takeaways:

  • Calcium is vital to maintaining healthy teeth, bones, muscles, blood coagulation and the nervous system which is why it is important to track our consuption, especially after the age of 40
  • Though dairy products are the first thing we think of when trying to consume calcium & prevent osteoporosis, keep in mind that there are MANY other food options that are rich in calcium besides dairy
  • A variety of fruits, leafy vegetables, legumes (beans), seeds and even sardines can provide the necessary amounts of calcium, while making sure that you balance your diet with magnesium

"There are several plants that can provide the necessary amount of calcium that our bodies need."


Are You Magnesium Deficient? How to Know & What to Do About It | Natural Cures

Date: August 11, 2017 05:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Are You Magnesium Deficient? How to Know & What to Do About It | Natural Cures

You may have magnesium deficiency if you are stressed or having difficulty sleeping. You can also feel muscle stiffness and stress as a result of magnesium deficiency. Magnesium performs many bodily functions including relaxing muscles in the body. Lack of magnesium can lead to many troubling problems including irritability, insomnia and migraine to name just a few. If you feel you are lacking in magnesium the best way to combat the deficiency is to take supplements. You can also make diet changes, including eating foods rich in magnesium such as corn, rice, dates, kale or tofu, among others. Magensium glycenate, magnesium chloride or magnesium sulfate are some of the more effective magnesium supplements. Always speak with your doctor before taking supplements.

Key Takeaways:

  • The proper dosage of magnesium for an adult female is between 310mg and 320mg daily.
  • When a person is suffering from a Magnesium deficiency they might be more irritable than normal, have a higher level of anxiety, or have difficulty staying asleep.
  • For people who do not want to take a supplement but instead want to reduce losing the magnesium their body natural produces, they can reduce their salt sugar and coffee intake.

"Before you ask your doctor for something to help you sleep, try adding magnesium to your diet."


6 Vitamin and Food Supplements for Better Health | Natural Cures

Date: August 05, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 6 Vitamin and Food Supplements for Better Health | Natural Cures

Foods rich in Vitamin C are necessary when boosting the body's immune system naturally. Vitamin C helps with depression and eye related issues. Many problems arise from having a diminished immune system. In the past, the soil that our foods grew in was rich in magnesium. Nowadays, eating foods rich in magnesium or taking an additional supplement can make our muscles and bones healthier, as well as keep our nervous system balanced. Probiotics also made the list because they are a natural bacteria that rid the body of bad bacteria and replenish the body.

Key Takeaways:

  • Supplements are good for you but should be considered in overall health even if natural.
  • Supplements are a great way to fill the gaps in your diet. Knowing which ones to add to your Routine is important.
  • Not all supplements are safe even if natural, in addition many vitamins and minerals may have more benefits then you are even aware.

"Know which vitamins and supplements to take and which may cause harm."


20 essential oils for muscle pain and how to use them

Date: July 15, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 20 essential oils for muscle pain and how to use them

There are 20 essential oils for muscle pain and how to use them. Getting aches and pains in your muscles is a fact of life. The more we use our muscles, the more tired we get. As we age, this gets worse and worse. Aging also poses problems for our movement. That makes arthritis symptoms more likely to develop. Lavender is one of the essential oils for muscle pain. It helps out quite a bit. Rosemary is another one.

Key Takeaways:

  • Instead of over-the-counter pharmaceutical treatments for muscle pain, essential oils can be considered as an alternative.
  • While too potent to use on the skin directly, mixing an essential oil with a carrier oil, such as vegetable oil, and then massaging on to the skin is a good method for application.
  • Different essential oils can be combined in various potency levels to produce maximum benefit.

"Getting muscle aches and pains is a fact of life. The more we use our muscles, the more tired and fatigued they get, and unfortunately as we age this occurs more frequently and recovery takes longer."

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5 Things You Should Know Before You Take NSAIDs To Relieve Workout Pain

Date: July 11, 2017 07:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 5 Things You Should Know Before You Take NSAIDs To Relieve Workout Pain

Although taking ibuprofen for every ache and pain, especially after exercising, seems safe, it's actually a pretty bad idea. Too much can lead to high blood pressure and A-fib to name a few which can cause blood clots. It can also cause kidney and muscle damage from fluid retention and too much sodium caused by the fluid buildup. Try massages to help sore muscles instead. A hot bath maybe. Try to think about how much you have had to drink that day since dehydration can cause muscle soreness. Be sure to stretch as well. For continuous pain consider physical therapy.

Read more: 5 Things You Should Know Before You Take NSAIDs To Relieve Workout Pain


Craving chocolate could mean you're suffering from a magnesium deficiency

Date: July 10, 2017 09:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Craving chocolate could mean you're suffering from a magnesium deficiency

Everyone enjoys a nice piece of chocolate now and again, but if you are craving it more often than usual, it could signal a problem. New research indicates that a craving for the sweet stuff could also mean that you are magnesium deficient. You should know the signs and the steps to take if you suspect such a problem is ongoing in your life. Read this article to learn what you should know about chocolate cravings.

Key Takeaways:

  • We’re all prone craving a bar of chocolate or 10 every now and then, right? Especially when our period sets in and we can’t seem to get enough of the sweet stuff
  • If you find yourself constantly dreaming about dairy milk or fantasising after a flake then you may be suffering from a magnesium deficiency.
  • Not only does magnesium help build bones, but it’s also vital for ensuring your nerves and muscles work properly and it’s essential for heart health

"‘Cravings for specific foods could be an indication of a deficiency in a micro or macro nutrient. In particular, a craving for chocolate could highlight a magnesium deficiency,’ explains nutritionist Emily Whitehead."

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Offal: Are Organ Meats Healthy to Eat?

Date: June 17, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Offal: Are Organ Meats Healthy to Eat?

People might question whether or not organ meat is actually healthy to consume. It has been a largely controversial topic as of late. People wonder if it is part of a super food group, or something to be avoided like the plague. Offal is another term for organ meat. Most of American's diets are about eating the muscles of other animals. There are a lot of beliefs on the subject and it's hard to discern the truth in this area by relying on what people say.

Key Takeaways:

  • Though not widely accepted, offal is a healthy, nutrient dense food.
  • Offal should be eaten from animals with a species appropriate diet.
  • Eating offal may help with various health conditions such as anemia and infertility.

"Liver is good for you, just like most organ meats for most people."

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Do you need a vitamin D boost?

Date: June 05, 2017 07:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Do you need a vitamin D boost?

Vitamin D is good for your bones but also your immune system, blood vessels muscles strength, depression prevention and prevention of multiple sclerosis. Most people can not count on the sun providing enough vitamin D with a large amount of people not knowing they have a deficiency. Most adults should supplement with at least 10 micrograms a day, not exceeding 100 micrograms to avoid toxicity. You should definitely not try to supplement through sun exposure as it can cause skin cancer.

Read more: Do you need a vitamin D boost?


5 Awesome Grains to Replace Rice

Date: May 23, 2017 08:44 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 5 Awesome Grains to Replace Rice

Nobody can contend against quinoa, not once they read the dietary name on the bundle. Quinoa is, by a wide margin, the most advantageous of the grains. It's additionally ridiculous costly. Try not to stress, it doesn't taste as freaky as it sounds, You'll no doubt discover it in the Middle East or the Mediterranean. Grain is a standout amongst the most one of a kind of the grains to supplant rice. It's chewier than alternate grains, which gives it a consistency practically like pasta.

Key Takeaways:

  • Eating more farro will do wonders for your muscles, bones, nerves, and metabolism.
  • Barley is one of the most unique of the grains to replace rice.
  • Amaranth isn't going to be as useful for your cooking, but it's definitely a grain that you can use a lot more of.

"Quinoa is one of the only grains to contain all nine amino acids essential for muscle-building, making it one of the best grains for athletes and active people to eat."

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What happens to your body when you eat 3 EGGS every day!

Date: May 07, 2017 05:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What happens to your body when you eat 3 EGGS every day!

Eggs really give you the best bang for your buck. loaded with vitamin A,E etc. it’s hard to find other foods with such a varied nutrient profile.eggs are great source of Choline It’s so important for the brain. 2 eggs supply as much protein as 1 serving of meat, without exposing you to as much fat and acidity as most meats. So eat more eggs to gain muscle. It’s good.Eggs contains both calcium and vitamin D. Vitamin D actually boosts your body’s ability to absorb calcium. Calcium is also necessary for blood clotting, nerves signals and muscles contractions.

Key Takeaways:

  • Eggs can improve brain function and memory due to their chlorine content
  • The egg white contains nearly half of the protein found in an egg.
  • Despite an egg's cholesterol content, eggs aren't linked to coronary disease.

"Eggs are the most common word when it comes to preparing our breakfast in the morning. Boiled, fried, scrambled, sunny-side-up, you name it. But how many eggs a day is the right amount for our bodies. A few years back, the health organization warned us about the cholesterol which eggs contain. However, eggs like many other foods, such as coconut oil and avocado, were misjudged when claimed as bad for our health."


Drink This And You'll Lose 8 Pounds Of Belly Fat In Just 3 Days!

Date: April 07, 2017 04:44 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Drink This And You'll Lose 8 Pounds Of Belly Fat In Just 3 Days!

Going to the gym can help shape your abdominal region but what you eat contributes to 90 percent of the appearance of your abs. There is an easily prepared fat burning drink that if drank daily, can decrease belly far and reshape abdominal muscles. The drink consists of bunched parsley, a juiced lemon and water blended together. Results are visible in 2-3 days. The parsley is packed with nutrients that are easy to digest while the lemon has fat burning properties. It should be drank on an empty stomach for five days , take a ten day break then repeat.

Key Takeaways:

  • Drinking a mixture of parsley and lemon juice can help in weight reduction.
  • Parsley aids in your digestive health while lemon burns fat.
  • Drinking parsley and lemon water for 5 days can help in weight reduction.

"Drinking freshly-brewed cold green tea will significantly improve your digestion and reduce belly fat."


Keep your gut healthy with this amazing "super spice"

Date: April 03, 2017 11:44 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Keep your gut healthy with this amazing "super spice"

There is a new super spice in town, and when you use it, your gut will stop growling and may even say thank you. This super spice keep your digestive health at the top while also providing a nice kick to many of your favorite foods. This is a spice that you might already have in your cabinet, but if you do not, the time to make the purchase is here. Learn more about this spice and its benefits now!

Key Takeaways:

  • Turmeric aids digestion. It helps to stop bloating and production of gas.
  • Turmeric contains curcumin which helps muscles in the digestive tract.
  • Turmeric helps to prevent disease. It reduces inflammation. It inhibits growth of cancer cells.

"Various studies have linked turmeric to a plethora of health benefits, especially when it comes to the digestive system."

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Why do my feet always cramp during workouts?

Date: March 15, 2017 08:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Why do my feet always cramp during workouts?

Cramping in the legs can happen with dehydration caused by exercising and sweating but cramping in the feet can have a different source. Tight footwear can often be the problem because the feet can swell when they heat up. Pressure on the top of the foot can cause cramping. Keeping the top of the shoe loose can help prevent the pressure. Occasional cramping can be relieved by rolling the foot on a ball and massaging the foot, but a podiatrist may need to be consulted.

Key Takeaways:

  • Dehydration can come into play with any type of muscle cramp
  • when it comes to your feet specifically, the most likely culprit is ill-fitting shoes
  • if you don’t have proper arch support, your shoes will bend too much midfoot, potentially leading to overuse injuries

"Your muscles need water to function properly, so when we sweat, they’re getting less and less water, becoming tighter and tighter, which can lead to contractions within the muscle"

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Top 20 Foods with Electrolytes

Date: March 12, 2017 06:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Top 20 Foods with Electrolytes

electrolytes are minerals that are essential for our body. Since our body does not automatically produce these minerals, ww are required to intake them. We can find these minerals in certain foods such as bananas, yogurt, peanut butter or almond butter, spinach, coconut water, milk, swiss cheese, soy milk, nuts amongst others. the electrolytes are important in order to maintain our body balanced as far as our muscles and nerve's functions.

Key Takeaways:

  • Electrolytes are chemical compounds that form ions in body fluids. They are important for maintaining a healthy balance in the muscle and nerve functions.
  • We should include foods with electrolytes in our daily meals because they carry electrical charges across the body.
  • Electrolytes are essential minerals. In other words, our body cannot produce them on its own, and thus, they must be supplied externally

"Electrolytes are essential minerals that are necessary for proper cellular function in the human body. We should include foods with electrolytes in our daily meals."



how to relive back pain now

Date: March 01, 2017 10:19 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: how to relive back pain now

This grandfather was diagnosed with spinal stenosis. He tried many treatments such as steroidal injections, and anti-inflammatory pills. Then he started doing these exercises from a top notch program and he is feeling much better than before. He can start living his life more freely, running even, now all thanks to this new program.

Key Takeaways:

  • The program is great for any age, I think, no matter what physical level. I didn’t do physical fitness- I couldn’t even walk.
  • But once I started getting my back muscles really strong, I didn’t need any of that so I like I said, I don’t have to go to any specialist, any other doctor, all you have to do is The Program and my back seems 100% better.
  • . I would say to anybody thinking about this, just do it and just try it. I was very skeptical at first but the proof is in the doing and I would recommend this program to anyone.

"The program is great for any age, I think, no matter what physical level."


The Fruit Is Loaded With Lots Of Medical Health Benefits And This Is Due To The Presence Of ...

Date: February 18, 2017 07:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Fruit Is Loaded With Lots Of Medical Health Benefits And This Is Due To The Presence Of ...

Are you a fan of citrus fruits? If so you are in luck because it is this type of fruit that is loaded with the vitamins, nutrients, and minerals needed to keep yourself in the best of health. But there is more! If you want to learn the best foods to eat to stay healthy, this is the perfect article loaded with details.

Key Takeaways:

  • Foods high in vitamin B2, are yogurt, milk and avocados molasses, and wheat germ are foods high in B6. I hope, after knowing about the nutrition facts and health benefits of chicken liver, those who don't like liver would also include it in their diet
  • B12 and other B vitamins enhance the function of the nervous affect the supply of sufficient energy to the muscles.
  • One of the many benefits of taking liquid supplements is a completely of muscles and for proper functioning of certain enzymes.

"I hope, after knowing about the nutrition facts and health benefits of chicken liver, those who don't like liver would also include it in their diet."



Vitamin D Pumps Up Muscles

Date: February 18, 2017 05:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Vitamin D Pumps Up muscles

It turns out that Vitamin D pumps up muscles. People that have higher active levels of the vitamin in the bloodstream had more muscle mass. This was found in a study. Researchers looked at multiple forms of Vitamin D in the study and found a very complex relationship than was thought previously.

Vitamin D Pumps Up muscles


20 Minute Body

Date: February 15, 2017 07:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 20 Minute Body

This book is easy to read, and mainly very easy to follow. The 20 minutes workout doesn't include the warm up, which will take you around 4-5 minutes. If you follow the 20 minutes workout as instructed, you will be sweating like crazy within 10 minutes, and your muscles will be store. Moves are easy to perform, nothing fancy or that requires reading the instructions over and over.

Key Takeaways:

  • The former Biggest Loser star and celebrity trainer presents a high intensity workout and eating plan that delivers big results in just 20 minutes a day.
  • Bret Hoebel knows that when people log hours on a treadmill, they’ll lose weight, but he also knows that most of his clients don’t have the schedule or the desire to spend that much time at the gym.
  • In The 20-Minute Body, Brett explains why the key to long-term weight loss is building muscle.

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CBD Oil For Lyme Disease

Date: February 12, 2017 02:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: CBD Oil For Lyme Disease

This talks about an oil and how it may affect lime disease. This disease can cause a lot of problems. Most people who have it suffer a lot. This offers another treatment you can try on top of or instead of meds. Not everyone wants to take a bunch of drugs and they just don't work for some others.

Key Takeaways:

  • Should you need to put away the oil for longer intervals, you should ensure that it remains in the freezer.
  • Symmetrical hair loss on each side of the human body, it indicates some sort of hormonal disorder.
  • A nutritious and wholesome diet is essential for maintaining the horses' wellness and to keep the wellness problems at bay.

"Therefore, it is crucial to include things like this oil in their day-to-day diet to obtain the omega-3 fatty acid benefits. Flaxseed oil was known to defend the heart from angina. It is generally called linseed oil. Furthermore, the vital oil has a wonderful relaxing influence on the muscles."



Short Stretches of Exercise May Have Anti-Inflammatory Effect

Date: January 28, 2017 02:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Short Stretches of Exercise May Have Anti-Inflammatory Effect

Exercise does more than just strengthen muscles. Studies show that it also helps stave off inflammation in the body. After walking at a moderate pace for just 20 minutes, patients were shown to have lower levels of immune cells circulating in their blood. Scientists are not yet sure what this means for a patient’s health, but they know that heart disease and diabetes are linked to prolonged inflammation.

Key Takeaways:

  • Just 20 minutes of moderate exercise may dampen inflammation in the body, researchers say.
  • The immune system produces swelling by rushing to protect the body from injuries and invaders, such as germs.
  • But inflammation can become permanent, poisoning tissues in the body and contributing to diseases, including diabetes, Hong explained.

"Studies have suggested that exercise lowers inflammation, especially when you're active on a regular basis. However, "what is less known is how that is happening," Hong added."




HEALING HERBS: Sunflower seeds good source of fibre

Date: January 21, 2017 10:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: HEALING HERBS: Sunflower seeds good source of fibre

Journey with us on a spiritual level to remind ourselves of what our goals are. What are our dreams and how do we get there? Sunflowers could be the answer to our inner thoughts and questions. A flower, that not only always looks towards it's life source, but that also has excellent herbal healing benefits.

Key Takeaways:

  • But what else are sunflowers good for? Their seeds, according to, have a large amount of dietary fibre.
  • There’s an added bonus to the magnesium in sunflower seeds; it promotes a healthy mood. Over 100 years ago, magnesium sulfate was given to patients suffering from depression.
  • Sunflower seeds can treat migraines, ear problems, swelling, goitre, cholesterol problems and stomach worms. They can also strengthen bones and muscles, increase energy levels, improve brain health and prevent cellular damage.

"There’s an added bonus to the magnesium in sunflower seeds; it promotes a healthy mood."



Vitamins A, D, E and K Micronutrients for bones, muscles & nerves

Date: January 05, 2017 12:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Vitamins A, D, E and K Micronutrients for bones, muscles & nerves

Vitamins A, D, E, and K are stored in the body because they are fat soluble. It is important to incorporate sources of these vitamins to facilitate essential physiological processes. These vitamins support healthy and strong bones, nerves, and muscles. In combination with exercise and other dietary components, these vitamins are key to maintain a healthy body.

Key Takeaways:

  • Vitamins A, D, E and K are all fat-soluble vitamins that are needed in small amounts.
  • Fat-soluble vitamins can be stored in the body wherever fat is deposited and should be regularly included in your diet.
  • Read on to learn the important health benefits of Vitamins A, D, E and K.

"Vitamin D can be obtained from your diet, but it is also formed in your skin when you are exposed to sunlight."



Antioxidants- How To Fight With The Free Radicals

Date: January 04, 2017 10:37 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Antioxidants- How To Fight With The Free Radicals

Free radicals are of good concern to any individual who wants to stay healthy. You have possibly heard of how hazardous these substances are and how essential are antioxidants that battle them. Understanding free radicals involves mastering just a little bit about their chemical background. Your body is made up of numerous connected parts. The organs and tissues that form these parts are all made from cells. In original terms, each cell is an independent unit that processes its waste and ingests nutrients, additionally to performing several other functions.

The Chemistry That Drives Our Cells

How do cells perform? The answer varies depending on the distinct cell. Some produce the power utilized to move muscles, and others transport nervous impulses, but all are powered by chemical reactions. These reactions, or interactions among the electrons that surround every atom in the universe, also happen inside our bodies. Without the several various molecules or groups of atoms, that chemical reactions produce, we couldn't survive.

Chemical Reactions: All About Charge

Chemical reactions typically result in bonds between specific molecules, developing compounds like vitamins, minerals along with other substances utilized to construct cells. Reactions take place due to the fact some molecules have positive and negative electrical charges because of the way their electrons are arranged. In most situations, chemical reactions keep occurring until these charges have already been balanced or canceled out completely.

Free Radicals: Unbalanced Products

Occasionally, nonetheless, reactions produce free radicals. In chemical terms, radicals are unbalanced factors. These molecules retain charges for any number of causes, according to the reactions that formed them.

For a reason that charges are what attract atoms to each other, free radicals which have unbalanced charges are reactive. Free radicals are far more likely to bring about chemical changes than other balanced molecules, and these adjustments may be harmful or useful.

Even though some free radicals are necessary for biological functions or take place as intermediate stages of more complex reactions, others sit around with no use, waiting until they make contact with anything they can react with. As your body is a whole mass of atoms and chemical compounds, no cost radicals typically don't have to travel that far to locate something they can mess up.

Free Radicals All Around

An extremely common radical reaction You're possibly familiar with is rusting. Rust is built up as a result of charged oxygen atoms from water reacting with metals, generating corrosive byproducts which are often brown. Although these reactions are fairly a common occurrence in metal in vehicles or appliances, they may also be responsible for the browning you see in sliced apples left exposed to the air.

Rust reactions occur since the oxygen in moisture has a charge. Though water is a complete molecule, its unbalanced, or polarized, form means that it tends to react, coming apart easily to leave charged oxygen behind. This oxygen joins with the metal molecules inside your body just as simply as it does those in a piece of iron. When your body could not become a rusted hulk of an old ship, it undergoes internal alterations.

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Relieve the Holiday Stress with Magnesium

Date: December 25, 2016 05:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Relieve the Holiday Stress with Magnesium

The holiday season is meant for having quality time with friends and family, going on an adventure, taking time off work and so on. However, it can also be very stressful given the many guests to entertain, tight budget to stick to, preparing family meals, the shopping craze and so much more. It is important to gain control in this period of the year since too much stress can lead to depression alongside other physical and psychological issues. Fortunately, we have magnesium, the original chill pill, to get you back into the holiday cheer.

Magnesium is an essential mineral that plays a huge role in cell functioning and relaxation. It has been used in hospitals to treat a myriad of complications including anxiety, irritability, muscle cramps and headaches. Magnesium accounts for over 250 enzyme reactions in our bodies and regulates the secretion of stress hormones. It is basically the fuel that your body runs on and hence its deficiency will lead to undesirable symptoms like brain fog, anxiety, aggression and fatigue among others. Modern farming and lifestyle changes have led to rather low levels of magnesium in our bodies as compared to decades ago. Magnesium will particularly be used up in greater quantities by your body during periods of extreme stress like this holiday season. This will usually translate in poor stress management, thus the more reason you should take some magnesium.

Some of the magnesium-rich foods include parsley, avocado, bananas, kelp, leafy greens like spinach, soy beans, brown rice, cashews and almond. In addition to providing this crucial mineral these foods also pack other nutritional benefits. Alternatively, you can also take a magnesium supplement like magnesium citrate and magnesium oxide to help rid some of that holiday stress. Lastly, taking baths in Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) is also a great stress reliever plus it works wonders in treating colds, detoxifying the body, relieving back pain and sore muscles.

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Sitting at your desk doesn’t have to be a pain in the neck

Date: December 25, 2016 02:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Sitting at your desk doesn’t have to be a pain in the neck

Sitting all day at the desk may be what is necessary for your job, but it may cause pain. This does not have to be how it is, there can be a healthy way to sit at the desk and not feel the constant ache and pain. Read on to see the tips.

Key Takeaways:

  • Working at a desk is a common cause of back and neck pain, often because you accommodate to your workstation rather than the other way around.
  • Raise or lower the monitor or your chair so your eyes are level with the top of the screen. If you wear bifocals, you may need to lower the monitor another 1 to 2 inches.
  • Lower your desk height or raise your chair so that your forearms are parallel to the floor or pointed slightly downward and your wrists are not pointing either upward or downward.

"In addition to straining joints and muscles in your neck and shoulders, the pressure affects your breathing and mood."




The real secret to a healthy heart

Date: December 22, 2016 07:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The real secret to a healthy heart

Regular exercise helps to keep your heart healthy. There are numerous ways to exercise your heart, but interval training is one of the best ways. Interval training increases your heart rate for minimal amounts of time and works to strengthen the muscles of the heart. By bringing you heart rate up, then letting it rest, then stressing it again, your body works to simulate a very difficult workout when in fact you are not working too hard.

Key Takeaways:

  • Any form of aerobic exercise, such as walking, running, biking or swimming, can improve your cardiovascular fitness.
  • The American College of Sports Medicine recommends that people have established a base level of fitness — exercising three to five times a week for 20 to 60 minutes — before beginning interval training.
  • Make sure you're getting enough sleep, eating nutritious food and making time for relaxation.

"Resistance training, also called strength training, has benefits for your heart, too. Long-term resistance training can help lower blood pressure."




10 Vitamins for Women Body Functioning

Date: December 21, 2016 10:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 10 Vitamins for Women Body Functioning

As much as women want to be treated the same as men, their bodies are different and need to be treated as such. It can be easier for women to become overworked and is very important to maintain a healthy diet to prevent it. There are essential nutrients that every body needs to function properly, but some are more important for women than others. B vitamins, along with vitamin A, C, D, K, and E all need to be in proper balance to keep women performing to their best.

Key Takeaways:

  • Vitamins are natural compounds that are necessary to the right and healthy functioning of the body. There a collection of vitamins that are necessary and each plays a special function in the body.
  • Considered to be one of the best vitamins for women, Vitamin A comes under the kind of anti-oxidant vitamins. Vitamin A is necessary for maintaining the muscles, strengthening bones and reducing risk of chronic disease.
  • Vitamin C is one of the greatest women’s health because it is an immunity booster. It also plays a role in the growth of red blood cells. Foods rich in Vitamin C include are kiwi, oranges, strawberries, tomatoes, potatoes and sprouts.

"With the women entering the workforce and having the stress of equal competition to men in conditions of career and opportunities, there is a growing essential to work harder."



Silent heart attack in women

Date: December 17, 2016 12:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Silent heart attack in women

Most of the time people who are experiencing a heart attack will have pain in the chest, shortness of breath, etc. Silent heart attack symptoms might be as simple as indigestion, flu-like symptoms, or feeling discomfort like a pulled muscle in the chest or back, Kurrelmeyer said. It is brought on by the release of stress hormones that shock the heart, causing changes in the heart muscles that then cause the left ventricle not to work properly. Someone experiencing this condition might develop chest pains or shortness of breath after severe stress, either emotional or physical, she said.

Key Takeaways:

  • Houston Methodist DeBakey Heart & Vascular Center cardiologist Karla Kurrelmeyer, M.D. says in their quest to get everything done on time, some women will ignore the mild symptoms of a silent heart attack.
  • Heart problems in women are not usually as recognizable as they are in men.
  • "It's important to take time for yourself during the holiday season and do things that will help relieve your stress," Kurrelmeyer said.

"A spike in blood pressure is also common during the holidays. Kurrelmeyer says many women end up in the ER with chest pains or palpitations and, in the most severe cases, can suffer a stroke."



Master mineral: Why you need the magic of magnesium

Date: December 12, 2016 12:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Master mineral: Why you need the magic of magnesium

There are many essential vitamins and minerals that your body needs to keep it working properly. Magnesium is one of those nutrients, but it is also one that many people become deficient in easily. In addition to helping with nerve, muscle, and immune function, it also promotes normal blood pressure, metabolism, and protein synthesis. Through these processes, magnesium is helpful in promoting good sleep and decreasing anxiety. Not getting enough of this mineral can put us in a bad mood and make it hard for us to sleep and relax.

Key Takeaways:

  • If you’re feeling tired, having trouble sleeping, or feeling stressed, then magnesium may be the mineral you are missing.
  • Magnesium is known as the “master mineral” because it is involved in more than 300 biochemical reactions in your body.
  • Magnesium helps maintain healthy nerve function, relaxes your muscles, and supports your immune system.

"Magnesium also helps promote deep, quality sleep by calming your nervous system and activating the GABA receptors in your brain."



Improving your posture could help reduce muscle pain, joint pain and headaches

Date: December 11, 2016 06:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Improving your posture could help reduce muscle pain, joint pain and headaches

When it comes to posture, your mother did know best. Her reminders to stand up straight and stop slouching were good advice. Your spine is strong and stable when you practice healthy posture. But when you slouch or stoop, your muscles and ligaments strain to keep you balanced — which can lead to back pain, headaches and other problems.

Key Takeaways:

  • If you often find yourself suffering from neck and back pain, you may have blamed your pillow or even your bed for the discomfort, but the problem might have nothing to do with your furniture and everything to do with the way you carry yourself.
  • Many of us spend a lot of time hunched over our computers, looking down at our phones or keeping our heads down while walking to avoid making eye contact with strangers, and this is having an adverse effect on our energy levels.
  • A downward gaze serves to contract flexor muscles in the front of your body, and we need to counteract this by activating the extensor muscles in our backs to remain upright.

"If you often find yourself suffering from neck and back pain, you may have blamed your pillow or even your bed for the discomfort, but the problem might have nothing to do with your furniture and everything to do with the way you carry yourself."




Top workouts that slow down ageing

Date: December 10, 2016 02:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Top workouts that slow down ageing

Want to look younger for longer? The secret is exercise! A regular fitness routine will help you avoid chronic diseases, build stamina, and keep you physically agile. Which workouts will keep you looking young? Yoga, weight lifting, squats, walking, compound movements, and cardio training are your best bets for a youthful glow. Strengthen your body and maintain your youthful agility in order to look years younger than your age.

Key Takeaways:

  • A slow metabolism, declining stamina, setting in of chronic illnesses are some more troublesome signs of ageing.
  • Creating a regular exercise routine helps you steer clear of chronic diseases, helps build stamina and strong muscles, and keeps you physically agile and just like that hide years off your age.
  • Yoga does not work on specific body parts but on your overall well being. Yoga experts believe that yoga helps you stay younger for longer.

"Creating a regular exercise routine helps you steer clear of chronic diseases, helps build stamina and strong muscles, and keeps you physically agile and just like that hide years off your age."



Stronger Muscles for Improved Brain Function

Date: November 23, 2016 06:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Stronger muscles for Improved Brain Function

A study conducted by the University of Sydney has linked physical fitness with cognitive fitness. They studied patients age 55 to 68 and found that those who adopted a daily regimen of weightlifting had a lower occurrence of cognitive impairment. In fact, those who were more physically fit were actually able to improve their cognitive function. The exact reason behind this link has not been full discovered, but the implications are promising.

Key Takeaways:

  • In Australia, a University of Sydney study has linked improved cognitive function with stronger muscles using a steady regime of weightlifting exercises.
  • Published in the Journal of American Geriatrics, the study used a system known as SMART (Study of Mental and Resistance Training).
  • This condition is not as serious as full-blown dementia, as people affected only have mild cognitive symptoms not severe enough to disable them from normal daily life.

"Exercise can help prevent dementia and Alzheimer's disease, but also improves cardiovascular health and some other cognitive processes like multitasking."




Ginger root: a homemade remedy for stomach pain and nausea

Date: November 17, 2016 05:41 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Ginger root: a homemade remedy for stomach pain and nausea

A fragrant homemade remedy for an upset stomach is ginger. There are several properties that make ginger root a stomach pain soother. Researches have shown that ginger root has proved effective in getting rid of nausea while pregnancy. It is more effective than any anti inflammatory drug. Ginger root can alleviate the pain and discomfort in your abdomen in many ways. One gram of ginger taken in the form of tea, ale, salad, juice or soup is as efficacious as the anti-nausea drug, dimenhydrinate because it has lesser side effects. Ginger root is a better cure for nausea than vitamin B6. Ginger has reduced nausea due to chemotherapy in many cases.

The healing spice, ginger has anti-inflammatory properties which helps it in increasing the digestive juices, neutralizing the stomach, thus soothing the stomach pain. Ginger helps in the secretion of some digestive juices and enzymes that neutralize the stomach. The root of ginger contains two chemicals: gingerols and shogaols. These are antioxidants that reduce the free radical production, thus protecting the body from them. 

When we use ginger root to treat stomach pain, these two chemicals soothe the intestinal tract, in order to prevent motion sickness and relieve the person from vomiting, stomach cramps, diarrhea and nausea. As the intestinal tract gets relaxed, the person is instantly relieved of pain. It causes elimination of any extra gas from the intestinal tract. Ginger root help in the quick flow of food in the stomach through the digestive tract by facilitating better absorption of nutrients. It aids in the production of bile, saliva and other gastric juices for better digestion and prevention of gas. The muscles are relaxed because of the phenols present in ginger root, that act like a sedative. Any over activity of stomach is prevented. The stomach cramps are prevented because ginger reduces the food from backing up in the digestive system. These phenols also help in quick movement of food and toxins in intestine and digestive system. Besides, ginger root helps in improving blood circulation and decreasing inflammation.


Vitamins And Minerals

Date: November 10, 2016 05:04 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Vitamins And Minerals

Due to the population's inclination to eat fancy and fattier foods that are sparse in nutrients, many people find themselves lacking in iron. This leads to many health problems, a majority of which are related to the blood and blood vessels. Various juices could help replenish the body's supply of iron, especially blueberry juice, tart cherry juice, cranberry juice, and litchi juice.

Key Takeaways:

  • Iron serves an important function in the formation of hemoglobin in the blood and myoglobin in the muscles
  • Both these compounds are essentially required to carry oxygen to the cells of the body.
  • This is the reason that people are tired and fatigued too soon when the mineral iron goes deficit in their diet.

"Due to the deficient amount of this mineral in the human body, there are hoards of body troubles that are always hovering to influence the humans. In this too, a majority of them relate to the blood and the blood vessels of the humans."



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