
Search Term: " nerves "

  Messages 1-80 from 80 matching the search criteria.
The Role of Vitamins in Mental Health Darrell Miller 5/31/24
The Role of Vitamin B12 in Energy Production Darrell Miller 5/29/24
The Amazing Heart Health Benefits of Soluble Fiber Darrell Miller 11/10/22
What is the Endocannabinoid System? Darrell Miller 5/15/19
New research on vitamin K suggests that it may promote eye health Darrell Miller 5/13/19
Why astragalus is good for your nervous system Darrell Miller 5/13/19
Go for the original: Cacao offers more health benefits than regularchocolate Darrell Miller 5/9/19
Reduce the effects of chemotherapy with safflower seeds Darrell Miller 5/8/19
Feeling down and moody? Lift your spirits by taking fish oilsupplements Darrell Miller 2/21/19
What Are The Health Benefits Of Vitamin B12? VitaNet, LLC Staff 8/28/18
Are you stressed or anxious? Try this simple and effective recipe! Darrell Miller 9/9/17
7 Things Your Hands Say About Your Health Darrell Miller 7/26/17
How To Heal Cold Sore Naturally!! Darrell Miller 7/15/17
Craving chocolate could mean you're suffering from a magnesium deficiency Darrell Miller 7/10/17
5 Awesome Grains to Replace Rice Darrell Miller 5/23/17
Drink This To Get Rid Of Your Migraine Darrell Miller 5/20/17
This Is Why You Need To Put Essential Oils On Your Feet Every Night Before Bed! Darrell Miller 5/9/17
How Do I Know If I Have a Vitamin B12 Deficiency? Darrell Miller 5/8/17
What happens to your body when you eat 3 EGGS every day! Darrell Miller 5/7/17
Mushrooms 'can reduce dementia' by boosting nerves in the brain Darrell Miller 1/31/17
Vitamins A, D, E and K Micronutrients for bones, muscles & nerves Darrell Miller 1/5/17
Support Healthy Circulation and Arterial Function with Benfotiamine! Darrell Miller 11/21/16
Hair Loss Prevention Secrets Darrell Miller 11/19/16
Powerful natural ways to relieve stress, anxiety Darrell Miller 11/13/16
What Is Fibromyagia Sydrome ? Darrell Miller 9/30/16
MSG: Here is why you should stay far away from it. Darrell Miller 9/20/16
Chamomile: What You May Not Know! Darrell Miller 9/16/16
Does Quercetin Help Fight Allergies? Darrell Miller 8/22/15
Blueberry Have a lot of Healing Properties Darrell Miller 3/26/14
4 Best Ear Oil That Will Help Improve Hearing And Reduce Ringing. Darrell Miller 3/12/14
What Is Marjoram Oil? Darrell Miller 2/21/14
What Is Camphor Oil Good For Darrell Miller 2/13/14
Bergamot Oil: Uses and Health Benefits Darrell Miller 2/13/14
What Is Atlas Cedar Oil And What Are The Health Benefits? Darrell Miller 2/9/14
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How L-Glutamine Increases Memory And Cognitive Functions! Darrell Miller 1/20/14
Various benefits of biotin Darrell Miller 1/6/14
The immense health benefits of taking evening primrose oil Darrell Miller 12/31/13
What Are The Health Benefits Of The Herb Motherwort? Darrell Miller 11/29/13
Can Bilberry Extract Improve Eye Site? Darrell Miller 11/5/13
How chamomile works to relax you and help you sleep better Darrell Miller 10/24/13
The working principle of Curamin Darrell Miller 3/22/13
Magnesium Malate Benefits Darrell Miller 1/30/13
Are There Herbs And Vitamins For Pain? Darrell Miller 12/29/12
What Are The Health Benefits Of Solaray Avena Sativa? Darrell Miller 12/28/12
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What Are The Health Benefits Of Vitamin B-12? Darrell Miller 11/6/12
Herbs that Support Healthy Vision Darrell Miller 5/21/12
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Herbs For Depression: Alternative Solutions To Improve Your Mood Darrell Miller 2/17/12
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What does GABA Do in the Brain? Darrell Miller 11/2/11
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Can Vitamin B12 Boost Mental Alertness? Darrell Miller 7/18/11
Did You Know without Magnesium, You Could not Survive? Darrell Miller 2/16/11
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Natural Remedies To Control Blood Sugar Darrell Miller 6/17/10
Use Curamin For Painful inflammation and see how your life can change! Darrell Miller 6/15/10
Peppermint oil Darrell Miller 10/30/09
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Gotu Kola And Memory Darrell Miller 9/15/09
Horsetail Darrell Miller 8/31/09
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The Role of Vitamins in Mental Health

Date: May 31, 2024 03:29 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Role of Vitamins in Mental Health

The Role of Vitamins in Mental Health

With growing awareness of mental health issues, research is increasingly highlighting the connection between vitamins and cognitive function. In recent years, studies have shown that vitamins like B12, D, and Omega-3 fatty acids play a critical role in mental well-being. This article delves into the latest findings and explores how these essential nutrients contribute to a healthier mind.

Vitamin B12: The Brain's Energy Booster

Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin, is crucial for maintaining the health of nerve cells and red blood cells. It is found naturally in animal products, such as meat, fish, and dairy. Deficiency in this vitamin can lead to symptoms such as fatigue, memory loss, and even depression.

Latest Research on B12 and Mental Health

Several studies have examined the link between B12 and mental health. A study published in the American Journal of Psychiatry found that individuals with lower levels of B12 had a higher risk of depression. Similarly, research from the Journal of Neuropsychiatry revealed that elderly patients with B12 deficiencies exhibited more cognitive decline than those with sufficient levels.

How B12 Supports Cognitive Function

B12 plays a vital role in producing neurotransmitters, the chemicals that transmit messages between nerve cells. It also helps in maintaining the myelin sheath, a protective layer around nerves that ensures the swift transmission of neural signals. By supporting these functions, B12 contributes to maintaining cognitive clarity and emotional balance.

Vitamin D: The Sunshine Vitamin

Often referred to as the "sunshine vitamin," Vitamin D is synthesized in the skin upon exposure to sunlight. It can also be obtained from food sources such as fatty fish, fortified dairy products, and eggs. Vitamin D is essential for bone health, but its role in mental health is equally significant.

Latest Research on Vitamin D and Mental Health

A growing body of research has linked Vitamin D deficiency to mental health issues. A meta-analysis published in the Journal of Affective Disorders concluded that individuals with low levels of Vitamin D had a higher incidence of depression. Another study from The Lancet Psychiatry suggested that Vitamin D supplementation improved mood in patients with depression.

How Vitamin D Supports Cognitive Function

Vitamin D receptors are present throughout the brain, indicating that it plays a role in brain function. It helps modulate the release of neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine, which are critical for mood regulation. Adequate levels of Vitamin D can therefore help in maintaining a balanced mood and reducing the risk of mental health disorders.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids: The Mind's Nourishment

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential fats predominantly found in fish such as salmon, mackerel, and sardines. These fats are crucial for brain health and have been the focus of numerous studies investigating their impact on mental well-being.

Latest Research on Omega-3 and Mental Health

Various studies have highlighted the benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids for mental health. A study in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry reported that Omega-3 supplementation significantly reduced symptoms of anxiety. Similarly, research from the American Journal of Psychiatry found that individuals with higher Omega-3 levels experienced fewer depressive symptoms.

How Omega-3 Supports Cognitive Function

Omega-3 fatty acids are integral components of cell membranes in the brain. They play a role in neuroplasticity, the brain's ability to form new neural connections. Additionally, Omega-3s help reduce inflammation, which has been linked to mental health disorders. By supporting these processes, Omega-3 fatty acids contribute to robust cognitive function and emotional stability.

Combining Vitamin Intake for Optimal Mental Health

While each vitamin individually supports cognitive function, combining them can enhance their benefits. For instance, a study in the Nutrition Journal found that a combination of Vitamin B12, Vitamin D, and Omega-3 supplementation improved cognitive performance in older adults more effectively than any single nutrient alone.

Practical Steps for Ensuring Adequate Vitamin Intake

  1. Dietary Choices: Incorporate a variety of nutrient-rich foods into your diet. Include sources of B12 like meat, fish, and dairy; sources of Vitamin D like fatty fish and fortified products; and sources of Omega-3s like fish and flaxseed.
  2. Supplements: Consider taking supplements if obtaining these vitamins through diet alone proves challenging. VitaNet LLC Carries Vitamin B12, Vitamin D3, and Omega-3 along with a large selection of other products.
  3. Sun Exposure: Ensure regular, safe exposure to sunlight to boost Vitamin D levels naturally. Aim for about 15-20 minutes of sunlight several times a week.

Knowledge is Power

Understanding the role of vitamins in mental health underscores the importance of a balanced diet and adequate nutrient intake. Vitamins B12, D, and Omega-3 fatty acids each offer unique benefits that collectively contribute to improved cognitive function and emotional well-being. As research continues to unfold, it becomes increasingly clear that focusing on these essential nutrients is a crucial step toward achieving optimal mental health.

In summary, while mental health is influenced by a myriad of factors, ensuring adequate intake of key vitamins can provide a foundation for better cognitive and emotional outcomes. By adopting healthy dietary habits and considering supplementation when necessary, individuals can take proactive steps to support their mental well-being.


The Role of Vitamin B12 in Energy Production

Date: May 29, 2024 11:28 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Role of Vitamin B12 in Energy Production

The Role of Vitamin B12 in Energy Production

Vitamin B12, or cobalamin, is crucial for red blood cell production, DNA synthesis, and nervous system health. Among its many roles, one of the most vital is its contribution to energy production and metabolism. This article delves into how Vitamin B12 affects energy levels, with a particular focus on its importance for vegetarians and vegans.

Understanding Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin that is naturally found in animal products such as meat, dairy, and eggs. It is primarily responsible for converting food into ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which the body uses for energy. B12 is also crucial in the formation of red blood cells, which carry oxygen to every part of the body, and in maintaining the health of nerve cells.

The Science Behind Energy Production

Role in Metabolism

Vitamin B12 is a key player in metabolism, a complex set of chemical reactions in our body that convert food into energy. One of the primary ways B12 contributes to metabolism is through its involvement in the Krebs cycle, a series of reactions that produce ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the body's primary energy currency. During the Krebs cycle, Vitamin B12 helps convert fats and proteins into energy, ensuring that the body has a constant supply of fuel to perform everyday tasks.

DNA Synthesis and Cell Division

Vitamin B12 is also essential for DNA synthesis and cell division. It works closely with folate (Vitamin B9) to synthesize DNA during cell division. Rapidly dividing tissues, such as red blood cells, require an adequate supply of B12. A deficiency in this vitamin can lead to megaloblastic anemia, a condition where red blood cells are larger than normal and not as effective in transporting oxygen, thereby causing fatigue and weakness.

The Challenge for Vegetarians and Vegans

B12 Sources

One of the significant challenges for vegetarians and vegans is getting enough Vitamin B12, as it is predominantly found in animal products. Plant-based diets generally lack this vitamin, putting individuals at risk of deficiency. However, several fortified foods and supplements can help prevent this deficiency.

Fortified Foods and Supplements

Many plant-based milk alternatives, breakfast cereals, and nutritional yeasts are now fortified with Vitamin B12. For instance, a cup of fortified soy milk can provide about 50% of the daily recommended intake of B12. Additionally, B12 supplements are readily available and can be an effective way for vegetarians and vegans to ensure they get their daily dose. It's crucial to choose a supplement that meets the dietary needs and preferences of the individual.

Symptoms of Deficiency

A lack of Vitamin B12 can result in various health problems like fatigue, weakness, constipation, loss of appetite, and weight loss. In severe cases, it may lead to neurological issues such as numbness and tingling in the hands and feet, balance difficulties, depression, confusion, and memory loss. Given these risks, it's essential for vegetarians and vegans to monitor their B12 levels.

Benefits of Adequate B12 Intake

Enhanced Energy Levels

Adequate intake of Vitamin B12 can significantly enhance energy levels. Since B12 is involved in converting food into ATP, sufficient levels of this vitamin can help ensure that the body efficiently produces and uses energy. Individuals who maintain appropriate B12 levels often report feeling more energetic and less fatigued.

Improved Metabolic Function

By ensuring a sufficient supply of B12, vegetarians and vegans can support their metabolic functions. A well-functioning metabolism is crucial for maintaining body weight, supporting muscle function, and ensuring overall vitality. Improved metabolic function also means better handling of the foods consumed, leading to more stable energy levels throughout the day.

Better Mental Health

Vitamin B12 is essential for producing neurotransmitters that regulate mood. Adequate levels of B12 can help prevent mental health issues such as depression and brain fog, which are often associated with fatigue and low energy levels. Regular intake of B12, either through diet or supplements, can contribute to better mental clarity and emotional well-being.

Optimal Nervous System Function

B12 is crucial in maintaining the myelin sheath, a protective coating around nerves. A healthy nervous system ensures that signals travel efficiently between the brain and the rest of the body. This not only helps in preventing neurological issues but also ensures that the body's energy systems operate smoothly.

How to Ensure Adequate B12 Intake

Regular Blood Tests

For vegetarians and vegans, regular blood tests are an effective way to monitor B12 levels. These tests can help identify a deficiency early on, allowing individuals to take corrective measures before any severe symptoms manifest.

Balanced Diet

A well-rounded, balanced diet that includes fortified foods can help meet the daily recommended intake of Vitamin B12. Incorporating a variety of B12-fortified foods into every meal ensures a steady supply of this vital nutrient.

Considering Supplements

For those who struggle to get enough Vitamin B12 through diet alone, supplements are an excellent option.

Choosing the Right Supplement: Methyl B12

When selecting a Vitamin B12 supplement, methylcobalamin, or methyl B12, is often recommended as the best form. It has superior bioavailability compared to cyanocobalamin, making it easier for the body to absorb and utilize. Methyl B12 doesn't need conversion in the body to be effective, leading to quicker uptake and immediate benefits.

For vegetarians and vegans at higher risk of B12 deficiency, methyl B12 is especially beneficial for maintaining optimal B12 levels effectively. Including this form in your supplement routine can boost energy, mental clarity, and support metabolic and nervous system functions.

Awareness and Education

Raising awareness about B12 is key for vegetarians and vegans to prevent deficiencies. Health programs can educate on maintaining adequate levels through diet and supplements.

Are You Ready For More Energy?

Vitamin B12's role in energy production and metabolism is indisputable. Vegetarians and vegans can struggle to get enough B12 from plant-based diets, but fortified foods and supplements offer solutions. Understanding B12's importance and taking action can boost energy, metabolism, and well-being. Regular monitoring, a balanced diet, and appropriate supplementation are key strategies to prevent deficiency and maintain optimal health.


The Amazing Heart Health Benefits of Soluble Fiber

Date: November 10, 2022 11:53 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Amazing Heart Health Benefits of Soluble Fiber

Most people know that fiber is important for maintaining a healthy digestive system. But did you know that soluble fiber can also have some pretty amazing benefits for your heart? Soluble fiber, which is found in abundance in psyllium seed husks, absorbs water in the intestines and forms a gel-like substance. This helps to reduce cholesterol levels and regulate blood sugar levels, both of which are important for maintaining a healthy heart. Let's take a closer look at how soluble fiber can benefit your heart health.

Reduces Cholesterol Levels

One of the main ways that soluble fiber benefits heart health is by reducing cholesterol levels. According to the American Heart Association, high cholesterol is a major risk factor for heart disease. When cholesterol builds up in the arteries, it can narrow them and cause them to harden. This puts you at risk for heart attack and stroke. Psyllium husks are especially effective at reducing LDL (bad) cholesterol levels while also increasing HDL (good) cholesterol levels. This helps to keep your arteries clear and reduce your risk for heart disease.

Regulates Blood Sugar Levels

Another way that soluble fiber benefits heart health is by regulating blood sugar levels. High blood sugar levels can damage the nerves and kidneys, and it can also increase your risk for heart disease. By helping to regulate blood sugar levels, soluble fiber can help reduce your risk for developing these problems. Psyllium husks are especially effective at this because they slow down digestion and help food to be absorbed more slowly into the bloodstream. This helps to prevent spikes in blood sugar levels after meals.

If you're looking for a simple way to improve your heart health, then look no further than soluble fiber! Soluble fiber, which is found in psyllium husks, can help reduce cholesterol levels and regulate blood sugar levels. This helps to keep your arteries clear and reduce your risk for heart disease. So next time you're at the store, be sure to pick up some psyllium husks so you can start reaping the amazing benefits of soluble fiber!


What is the Endocannabinoid System?

Date: May 15, 2019 02:00 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What is the Endocannabinoid System?

  • A biological control system embedded in our nerves that is involved with every bodily function
  • ECS consists of E-Receptor sites (mostly CB-1 & CB-2), E-cannabinoids and Enzymes.
  • The Endocannabinoid System was named in 1940 after scientists discovered the chemical similarity between Endocannabinoids (in our bodies) and Phytocannabinoids (from plants) CBD is a Phytocannabinoid that works like a key in the receptors of the human Endocannabinoid System (ECS).
  • CBD helps to create homeostasis (stability/balance) of the internal environment despite fluctuations of the external environment.

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New research on vitamin K suggests that it may promote eye health

Date: May 13, 2019 04:19 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: New research on vitamin K suggests that it may promote eye health

According to a recent Belgian study, vitamin K protects the arteries that supply the ocular organs with blood and acts as a shield against damaging calcification. The researchers found that vitamin K is beneficial for eye health in that it protects the optic nerves from possible optic damage due to glaucoma. The researchers were trying to determine if there was a link to vitamin K deficiency and poor eye health. This study points to a need for more research into the molecular pathways affected by vitamin and the benefits of vitamin K supplementation.

Key Takeaways:

  • A new health benefit for Vitamin K has been observed by Belgian researchers and they report that the vitamin protects the eyes from human calcification.
  • The study spanned the course of 11 years and it involved the participation of 1,000 flemish adults who were randomly selected and were in their 40s.
  • Vitamin K levels and the levels of active Matrix Gla proteins (MGP) were evaluated. The MGP proteins were responsible for preventing calcification to take place in the arteries.

"Based on their findings, the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven) researchers observed that taking vitamin K supplements could help maintain the health of the eyes by protecting the optic nerves from injury caused by glaucoma."

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Why astragalus is good for your nervous system

Date: May 13, 2019 04:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Why astragalus is good for your nervous system

Historically used in ancient Chinese medicine, astragalus extract has a plethora of benefits, including the ability to regrow nerves. This specific benefit was verified by a study conducted in Taiwan, where researchers administered the extract to lab rats in hopes of finding out how well in aided in cell regeneration. The results proved that just three grams of astragalus extract per day can help promote neuronal electrophysiological function, which is directly related to the regeneration of cells.

Key Takeaways:

  • The nervous system which plays an important role in the way the parts of our body communicate with themselves can be helped to do so efficiently by astragalus.
  • When studies were done on astragalus extract, earlier research has shown that the herb can be used as a potential nerve growth-promoting factor.
  • When nerve pain occurs it is either due to damage to the nervous system or a problem with the nervous system and is described as a sharp, burning pain.

"These results, which were published in The American Journal of Chinese Medicine, indicate that astragalus is beneficial for the nerves and inflammation."

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Go for the original: Cacao offers more health benefits than regularchocolate

Date: May 09, 2019 05:03 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Go for the original: Cacao offers more health benefits than regularchocolate

Regular chocolate is a very tasty snack to many persons, but they fail to realize that it is made from raw cacao. Raw cacao has many health benefits that make it more beneficial than regular chocolate. Some of the health benefits that are outlined are: 1. It is full of important vitamins and minerals. It is estimated to have lots of magnesium which plays a role in regulating blood pressure, blood sugar, and the functioning of the nerves. 2. Raw cacao keeps the heart healthy. This is because it is rich in powerful antioxidants. Some antioxidants such as flavanols and procyanidins are in high amount in cacao and they are good for the heart. 3. It can fight inflammation in the body. Free radicals that are due to stress, environmental toxins, and poor lifestyle habits are easily fought off from causing damage in the body by the antioxidants that are in cacao. There are lots of other benefits that are outlined in the blog.

Key Takeaways:

  • Raw cacao is healthier than regular chocolate because it has not had the nutrients removed in processing.
  • Raw Cacao has been known to improve brain function and fight inflammation.
  • Raw cacao can boost energy, relieve stress, and fight aging due to its powerful antioxidants.

"Raw cacao is rich in magnesium, which is essential for at least 300 different bodily processes."

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Reduce the effects of chemotherapy with safflower seeds

Date: May 08, 2019 04:35 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Reduce the effects of chemotherapy with safflower seeds

Chemotherapy which is often shortened to chemo is the use of drugs to eliminate and reduce cancer cells. Because of its systemic effects and ability to kill cancer cells despite the site they are found, it has been widely used in conventional medicine and oncology to fight cancer. But the treatment is not without risks since it can include long term damage to sensitive organs in the body like the lungs, heart, and kidneys. A recent study that was published in the American Journal of Chinese Medicine took a look at the effect of chemotherapy on the kidneys. They studied the effectiveness of safflower seeds against the side effects of cisplatin, a chemotherapy drug used against cancer. They used animal models and compared the effect on damages to the kidneys. Cisplatin is not only used to treat cancer, it is used to prevent the spread of cancer to other parts of the body. It has some side effects which include nausea, vomiting, hair loss, dry skin, and hiccups. It is advisable that pregnant women and breastfeeding women not take it because it can harm the baby. When safflower seeds effect were studied, there were remarkable results discovered leading to the conclusion that safflower seeds were effective in reducing the effects of renal damage caused by cisplatin.

Key Takeaways:

  • Chemotherapy has a long history and it is often shortened to chemo. It involves the use of drugs in order to kill or remove cancer cells.
  • Chemotherapy is used in oncology and conventional medicine as the primary treatment against cancer because of its systemic effects and its ability to be quick in destroying cancer cells.
  • A study that was published in a Chinese journal looked at the side effects of chemotherapy treatment on the kidneys and ways to reduce the damage.

"The treatment, despite being touted as “effective against many forms of cancer,” isn’t without risk, which can include both acute and long-term damage to organs like the lungs, heart, nerves, and kidneys."

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Feeling down and moody? Lift your spirits by taking fish oilsupplements

Date: February 21, 2019 02:05 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Feeling down and moody? Lift your spirits by taking fish oilsupplements

There are several cardiovascular benefits that coincide with routine consumption of fish oil supplements, but many are unaware of the cognitive benefits that fish oil also provides. The omega-3 fatty acids that are present in fish oil are vital in our system's ability to maintain structures of nerves and cell membranes that help defeat chronic conditions such as depression and anxiety. The omega-3 fatty acids work as a benefit for our cognitive function as opposed to making them more vulnerable as other harmful fats may do.

Key Takeaways:

  • Although the heart is associated with the benefits of fish oil, but it is also beneficial for maintaining healthy brain function.
  • Many diets and including several health foods do not have fish oil in them although it is essential for the brain.
  • When one has omega-3 deficiency, which is got from fish oil, it leads to depression, anxiety and mood disorders.

"Fish oil supplements are among the most popular dietary supplements, mainly for their ability to lower the risk of heart disease, thanks to the omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil."

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What Are The Health Benefits Of Vitamin B12?

Date: August 28, 2018 09:53 AM
Author: VitaNet, LLC Staff (
Subject: What Are The Health Benefits Of Vitamin B12?

What Are The Health Benefits Of Vitamin B12?

The array of array of nutrients that comprises B complex includes B12, a water-soluble vitamin, which is also called Cobalamin. The vitamin comes in many chemical forms. Nutritionists advocate getting the vitamin in its natural state through eating vitamin B12-rich foods, or through the use of supplements. As far as foods go, vitamin B12 is only available in animal form through animal products, such as dairy foods, beef, liver and chicken.

Once eaten, vitamin B12 converts complex carbohydrates into glucose, making the vitamin an essential component in providing energy. Vitamin B12 is also important to the human brain as it boosts cognition and impedes psychological disturbances. B12 also helps the body replicate DNA and create healthy red blood cells.

Key Takeaways:

  • Because Vitamin B12 only occurs in animal-based foods, vegans are more likely to have a Vitamin B12 deficiency.
  • Vitamin B12 protects the myelin sheath in the nerves and helps prevent and manage nerve-related disorders.
  • Vitamin B12 boosts the body's production of red blood cells, thereby preventing anemia.

"For many ailments, experts recommend taking vitamin B12 rich foods or supplements."

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Are you stressed or anxious? Try this simple and effective recipe!

Date: September 09, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Are you stressed or anxious? Try this simple and effective recipe!

This video speaks about Magnesium chloride and how it is used to treat bone disease and osteoporosis. If someone is lacking magnesium chloride, there are many diseases that a person could encounter or affected by. Magnesium chloride is also able to balance the body's chemicals and nerves. A magnesium chloride recipe is discussed, which helps to decrease anxiety. The instructions make it easy for anyone to make. The recipe calls for lemon, water, ice, honey and 10 grams of magnesium chloride.

Key Takeaways:

  • This compound, which is a combination of magnesium and chloride, can direct the calcium that collects in different regions of the body to the bones, specifically.
  • By directing accumulations of calcium away from the muscles, the muscles are able to better relax and the calcium is put to good use in the skeletal structure.
  • Because of Magnesium Chloride's ability to navigate calcium in the body, it is often used to treat bone diseases, such as arthritis and osteoporosis.

"Recently, some studies have pointed out that the regular consumption of Magnesium Chloride lessens the risk of rectal cancer."


7 Things Your Hands Say About Your Health

Date: July 26, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 7 Things Your Hands Say About Your Health

Your hands show the internal workings of our body. They are packed full of nerves, which can alert you to carpal tunnel and many other health issues. Hands can reveal fatigue as well. Vitamins E, B1, and B12 being lacking can cause tingling in your hands. If you have numbness in just the finger tips it could be blood flow or other cardiovascular issue. If you notice any of these signs stretch, rest and consult a doctor if the symptoms continue.

Key Takeaways:

  • Your hands can fatigue from lack of sleep and too much usage.
  • It is important to stretch both your hands and your back, and don't spend too much time sitting.
  • Drink plenty of water and get your vitamins and minerals.

"If we will stop, look and listen, we will discover they have much to say to us about the internal workings of our bodies"


How To Heal Cold Sore Naturally!!

Date: July 15, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How To Heal Cold Sore Naturally!!

A cold sore is a concern that most of us have dealt with at least one time in our life, and for some people, they are a recurring nightmare. No matter which category you fall into, natural healing of that cold sore is a realistic possibility. If you know how to naturally treat a cold sore you can get the fast and effective relief -efficiently delivered to your lips- no matter the time of the year.

Key Takeaways:

  • the virus remains in the body hidden in around the nerves around the mouth and nose
  • pumpkin oil, available in every healthy food store, or 3% hydrogen peroxide can also help you heal oral herpes wounds
  • Aloe vera, mint, and propolis can also help you heal the infection.

"Oral herpes is an infection caused by the herpes simplex virus, and it can be transmitted by kissing, hugs, and using same eating utensils."


Craving chocolate could mean you're suffering from a magnesium deficiency

Date: July 10, 2017 09:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Craving chocolate could mean you're suffering from a magnesium deficiency

Everyone enjoys a nice piece of chocolate now and again, but if you are craving it more often than usual, it could signal a problem. New research indicates that a craving for the sweet stuff could also mean that you are magnesium deficient. You should know the signs and the steps to take if you suspect such a problem is ongoing in your life. Read this article to learn what you should know about chocolate cravings.

Key Takeaways:

  • We’re all prone craving a bar of chocolate or 10 every now and then, right? Especially when our period sets in and we can’t seem to get enough of the sweet stuff
  • If you find yourself constantly dreaming about dairy milk or fantasising after a flake then you may be suffering from a magnesium deficiency.
  • Not only does magnesium help build bones, but it’s also vital for ensuring your nerves and muscles work properly and it’s essential for heart health

"‘Cravings for specific foods could be an indication of a deficiency in a micro or macro nutrient. In particular, a craving for chocolate could highlight a magnesium deficiency,’ explains nutritionist Emily Whitehead."

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5 Awesome Grains to Replace Rice

Date: May 23, 2017 08:44 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 5 Awesome Grains to Replace Rice

Nobody can contend against quinoa, not once they read the dietary name on the bundle. Quinoa is, by a wide margin, the most advantageous of the grains. It's additionally ridiculous costly. Try not to stress, it doesn't taste as freaky as it sounds, You'll no doubt discover it in the Middle East or the Mediterranean. Grain is a standout amongst the most one of a kind of the grains to supplant rice. It's chewier than alternate grains, which gives it a consistency practically like pasta.

Key Takeaways:

  • Eating more farro will do wonders for your muscles, bones, nerves, and metabolism.
  • Barley is one of the most unique of the grains to replace rice.
  • Amaranth isn't going to be as useful for your cooking, but it's definitely a grain that you can use a lot more of.

"Quinoa is one of the only grains to contain all nine amino acids essential for muscle-building, making it one of the best grains for athletes and active people to eat."

Read more:


Drink This To Get Rid Of Your Migraine

Date: May 20, 2017 06:44 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Drink This To Get Rid Of Your Migraine

Preventing migraines through diet involves whole, fresh, organic and unprcessed foods. Instead of reaching for a pill the next time a migraine hits, try one of these natural drinks instead: Ginger (with lemon and raw honey), Caffeine (small amounts can reduce a migraine in early stages), Feverfew Tea (due to presence of parthelonide), Cayenne Pepper in warm water, a Water, Lemon and Himalayan Salt mix (salt to boost electrolytes and enzymes), Peppermint Tea (relaxing nerves and spasms), and pure, raw grape juice, but without added sugar!

Read more: Drink This To Get Rid Of Your Migraine


This Is Why You Need To Put Essential Oils On Your Feet Every Night Before Bed!

Date: May 09, 2017 04:44 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: This Is Why You Need To Put Essential Oils On Your Feet Every Night Before Bed!

If you use essential oils for their health benefits, did you know that rubbing essential oil on the soles of your feet is just as good for your body? The soles of the feet have no hair follicles, so essential is quickly absorbed through the feet and into your body. The feet are also one of the least sensitive parts of the body so essential oil can be robbed on the feet without needing the oil to be diluted. Read this article for more details this method of using essential oils.

Key Takeaways:

  • At times oil need to be diluted with water to avoid swelling. It is not needed when applying to the feet
  • The feet has 72 thousand nerves per square inch this makes traditional medicine use feet as part of a healing plan. This is called reflexology
  • Oils offer many benefits such as aiding in sleep when applied to the feet. The pours on the feet absorb the oils.

"If you are a fan of essential oils and you have some of them at home, you already know that they are extremely beneficial for health and have intense relaxing and counting properties."


How Do I Know If I Have a Vitamin B12 Deficiency?

Date: May 08, 2017 11:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How Do I Know If I Have a Vitamin B12 Deficiency?

There are specific symptoms one might experience if they are low on vitamin b12. One such symptom is a numbness or tingling sensation in the extremities, also known as peripheral neuropathy. This happens when someone is low on B12 in that the insulation on one's nerves, called myelin, wears thin and basically short circuits, causing pain and a burning sensation. This condition is seen commonly in diabetics who take the medication metformin, also known as Glucophage. Metformin blocks the absorption in the stomach of B12. Other symptoms include fatigue, memory issues, and depression.

Key Takeaways:

  • Since Vitamin B12 is not produced naturally in our body it is a very common deficiency.
  • Eating fish and poultry are great ways to increase your Vitamin B12 levels.
  • Lack of Vitamin B12 can cause fatigue, anemia, and a shortage of red blood cells in your body.

"As B12 is important for helping to produce red blood cells, anemia and fatigue can commonly happen in the setting of deficiency."

Read more:


What happens to your body when you eat 3 EGGS every day!

Date: May 07, 2017 05:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What happens to your body when you eat 3 EGGS every day!

Eggs really give you the best bang for your buck. loaded with vitamin A,E etc. it’s hard to find other foods with such a varied nutrient profile.eggs are great source of Choline It’s so important for the brain. 2 eggs supply as much protein as 1 serving of meat, without exposing you to as much fat and acidity as most meats. So eat more eggs to gain muscle. It’s good.Eggs contains both calcium and vitamin D. Vitamin D actually boosts your body’s ability to absorb calcium. Calcium is also necessary for blood clotting, nerves signals and muscles contractions.

Key Takeaways:

  • Eggs can improve brain function and memory due to their chlorine content
  • The egg white contains nearly half of the protein found in an egg.
  • Despite an egg's cholesterol content, eggs aren't linked to coronary disease.

"Eggs are the most common word when it comes to preparing our breakfast in the morning. Boiled, fried, scrambled, sunny-side-up, you name it. But how many eggs a day is the right amount for our bodies. A few years back, the health organization warned us about the cholesterol which eggs contain. However, eggs like many other foods, such as coconut oil and avocado, were misjudged when claimed as bad for our health."


Mushrooms 'can reduce dementia' by boosting nerves in the brain

Date: January 31, 2017 10:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Mushrooms 'can reduce dementia' by boosting nerves in the brain

Dementia is a serious issue for the elderly. There isn't too much known about it. Here one option for possibly lessening the chances of it is mentioned. Mushrooms can help. They help the nerves in the brain. It's definitely work a look, especially if dementia runs in your family or if you are just concerned about it in general.

Key Takeaways:

  • Mushrooms 'can reduce dementia' by boosting nerves in the brain.
  • A study of eleven types of mushrooms - some already used for medicinal purposes - found they increased grey matter by raising production of a chemical called NGF (nerve growth factor.)
  • "Regular consumption of the mushrooms may reduce or delay development of age-related neuro-degeneration."

"Current drug therapy for neuro-degenerative diseases is ineffective with many side effects - and it only provides a short-term delay in progression."



Vitamins A, D, E and K Micronutrients for bones, muscles & nerves

Date: January 05, 2017 12:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Vitamins A, D, E and K Micronutrients for bones, muscles & nerves

Vitamins A, D, E, and K are stored in the body because they are fat soluble. It is important to incorporate sources of these vitamins to facilitate essential physiological processes. These vitamins support healthy and strong bones, nerves, and muscles. In combination with exercise and other dietary components, these vitamins are key to maintain a healthy body.

Key Takeaways:

  • Vitamins A, D, E and K are all fat-soluble vitamins that are needed in small amounts.
  • Fat-soluble vitamins can be stored in the body wherever fat is deposited and should be regularly included in your diet.
  • Read on to learn the important health benefits of Vitamins A, D, E and K.

"Vitamin D can be obtained from your diet, but it is also formed in your skin when you are exposed to sunlight."



Support Healthy Circulation and Arterial Function with Benfotiamine!

Date: November 21, 2016 10:50 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Support Healthy Circulation and Arterial Function with Benfotiamine!

Benfotiamine is a derivative nutrient of thiamine (vitamin B1). Usually, many people suffering from peripheral neuropathy lack this crucial nutrient. Thiamine, Vitamin B1, is highly required for the nervous system to keep functioning properly. Maintaining adequate levels of Thiamine through diet alone is hard. Benfotiamine works to nourish the nerves and reverse the effects of peripheral neuropathy. It helps to support blood circulation, enhance arterial function and healthy blood vessels.

Increases blood circulation and vessel health

Benfotiamine helps to increase the rate of blood flow, especially for those patients suffering from low blood circulation. It is also required for the health of the nervous system and is required for the biosynthesis of a number of cell constituents, including certain neurotransmitters. Just like Vitamin B1, Benfotiamine demonstrated itself as a miracle worker when somebody suffering severely from beriberi got on his feet within hours after being injected with the nutrient. Since then, it has been performing the same "miracle" without fail.

Benfotiamine also assists mental health, particularly warding off depression while facilitating memory functions and learning. It's deficiency will no doubt bring back the dreaded beriberi, while minor deficiencies will be manifested in the human body as extreme fatigue, irritability, constipation, edema and an enlarged liver. Forgetfulness, gastrointestinal disturbances, heart changes, irritability, and breathing difficulties are also common symptoms.

Promotes arterial function

Benfotiamine has been proven to improve the structural integrity of the veins and the entire circulatory system. Usually, people with varicose veins have an increased tendency to develop fibrin deposits in the tissue surrounding the affected veins. This causes the skin to become hard and lumpy. There is a decreased ability to break down fibrin, a compound involved in clot formation, thus an increased risk of the formation of a thrombus which may potentially cause life-threatening complications. Benfotiamine nutrient helps to promote fibrin breakdown hence promote the functioning of the arteries while enhancing the flood of blood.


Hair Loss Prevention Secrets

Date: November 19, 2016 02:54 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Hair Loss Prevention Secrets

If you are one of the millions of people worldwide who suffers from alopecia, there are some things you can do to try bringing back that beautiful head of hair. These things do not work for everyone, but are always worth a try. Smoking, some prescription medications, stress, and alcohol can all have adverse effects on the hair. These, along with frequent hair treatments and tight hairstyles, should be avoided as much as possible to keep the hair nice. Just like the rest of the body, hair needs the proper balance of nutrients to survive.

Key Takeaways:

  • Without a doubt, hair is one of the most reliable indicators of the body’s health. Scientists can even test it to determine what diseases a person has had, or any drugs they have used. Almost everything that has passed through the bloodstream ends up in the hair.
  • Naturally, this includes vitamins and minerals. Many of them are essential to ensure the health of the follicle, the papilla and its matrix, and the hair that grows from it.
  • The hair that is outside the scalp has no nerves or blood supply, and is classified as “dead” tissue. It must be, or it could not be cut painlessly.

"Naturally, this includes vitamins and minerals. Many of them are essential to ensure the health of the follicle, the papilla and its matrix, and the hair that grows from it."



Powerful natural ways to relieve stress, anxiety

Date: November 13, 2016 03:04 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Powerful natural ways to relieve stress, anxiety

Need a few new ways to calm anxiety and stress naturally, without prescription drugs? Here are 10 unique ideas for calming your nerves by activating your senses in new ways. From breathing exercises to keeping a journal and trying some new herbal teas there is sure to be one or two options here that are worth a try for those looking for alternative ways to relax.

Key Takeaways:

  • When emergency strikes and you feel a panic attack coming, simple breathing exercises can reverse the situation. As reported by, breathing slowly and steadily can stimulate the body's parasympathetic response, which is also often referred to as the relaxation response.
  • If you want to take your breathing exercises a step further to find inner peace, guided meditation is the answer. Mindfulness meditation has become a widespread practice in the recent years to quiet the mind. A study, published in JAMA Internal Medicine, suggests that mindfulness meditation can help ease psychological issues like anxiety, depression, and pain.
  • Scents have a powerful effect on the brain. Diffusing essential oils in your home and applying a few drops on your wrists, are two of the easiest ways to make you feel calm and confident. The most commonly used essential oils known for their calming and relaxing effect are ylang-ylang, chamomile, lavender, rose, frankincense, and vetiver.

"When emergency strikes and you feel a panic attack coming, simple breathing exercises can reverse the situation"




What Is Fibromyagia Sydrome ?

Date: September 30, 2016 09:38 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: What Is Fibromyagia Sydrome ?

Fibromyagia is a long term disorder that causes pain on your entire body. People with Fibromyagia havea higher chance of experiencing the following.

  • a)Muscle rigidity.
  • b) Insomnia.
  • c) Mental problems for instance memory and concentration troubles.
  • d) increased sensitivity to pain.
  • e) Stomach pain and bloating, a digestion condition known as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
  • f) Cephalalgia(headache).
  • g) Increased sensitivity to an ache.
  • h) Extreme exhaustion (fatigue).

Causes of Fibromyalgia: How does someone get it?

The scientific reseacher has not come up with the exact cause of Fibromyagia. Fibromyagia is believed to be related to unusual levels of certain chemicals in the brain which interferes with the way brain, spinal cord and nerves (central nervous system) processes ache messages carried around the entire body and poor diets.

It is thought that Fibromyagia can be inherited. People might suffer Fibromyagia syndrome because of the genes inherited from their biological parents.

Occasionally the condition appears to be engineered by a physically or emotionally stressful occasion. For instance;

  • a)Relationship break ups.
  • b) An injury or infection.
  • c) Giving birth.
  • d) Death of someone you love.
  • e) Undergoing an operation.

Magnesium can help relax and sooth the nervous system.  It is important to eat well balanced meals and consider trying fibromyalgia supplements formulated to ease the symptoms.


MSG: Here is why you should stay far away from it.

Date: September 20, 2016 03:15 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: MSG: Here is why you should stay far away from it.

MSG is a neurotransmitter that stimulates nerves, which makes food that would normally be bland taste great. Because MSG is often used to compensate for low-sodium or low-fat contents, many food manufacturers try to downplay its toxicity in order to promote their products as healthy. As a result, people who believe they are buying healthy foods are actually putting their health at risk by consuming large amounts of MSG.

The following are the health risks of MSG:

  • It may lead to brain damage, Brain swelling, and allergies.
  • It can also lead to eye inflammations and Hypoglycemia.
  • It can cause type 2 diabetes to the users.
  • It may lead to nausea, Dizziness and Memory loss.
  • It may lead to brain tumors, Brain cell death, Speech problems, and Strokes.
  • It may lead to diarrhea, Cancer, Alzheimer's disease and continuous headaches

MSG is widely used in the food industry, which makes finding MSG-free foods a challenge. It is often hidden on ingredient lists under different names to mislead consumers.

If you are experiencing inflammation issues, take Curcumin to eliminate all forms of inflammation.

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Date: September 17, 2016 11:20 AM
Author: Darrell Miller

A toothache is such a dreadful thing that causes a lot of discomfort.Many people run to see a dentist the moment that nagging toothache strikes.But what if it is in the middle of the night and the dentist clinic is closed?or probably you cant make it to the dentist?. A relatively inexpensive remedy for tooth ache is the clove.

Cloves contain a very powerful anesthetic(Eugenol) that stops pain and even help to clear germs and bacteria in you teeth.It can be found in three forms;powdered cloves,clove oil or whole clove.In case your teeth becomes too sore,you should use the clove oil.

Apply a small amount of clove oil to a cotton swab and swish gently to the affected area until the pain recedes.Clove oil should be used with a lot of care since pouring the oil on the aching area can worsen the pain if you have sensitive gum tissues.

It essentially reduces the pain by numbing your nerves and prevents swelling of gums.Nevertheless it should not be considered a long term remedy since toothaches are majorly caused by decay.Clove oil simply masks the pain to help you regain your comfort.You should visit a dentist as soon as you can.



Chamomile: What You May Not Know!

Date: September 16, 2016 09:52 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Chamomile: What You May Not Know!

Chamomile is a plant resembling the daisy that has been used for centuries to calm and east stress. It is available in tea infusions, tinctures, capsules and in a variety of oils and creams. Drinking chamomile tea comes with these great benefits:

  1. Sleep aid:  it calms the nervous system and slides you into a deep slumber, making it a good treatment for insomnia.
  2. The anti-inflammatory compounds contained in chamomile can ease joint, muscle and head pain.
  3. It provides relief from menstrual cramps by reducing muscle spasms. Drinking chamomile tea raises the levels of glycine in the bloodstream, a compound used by the body to control muscle spasms.
  4.  Managing stress and anxiety:  It has a soothing effect on the nerves, providing a natural solution for mental discomfort, stress and anxiety.
  5. Immune boost:  chamomile has antioxidants properties, antioxidants can  boosts your immune system and helps the body recover from damage.

Chamomile is an excellent tea that everybody should have at their disposal when you need to relax and calm down from a busy stressful work day.  The Tea is great tasting and easy to make.






Does Quercetin Help Fight Allergies?

Date: August 22, 2015 07:57 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Does Quercetin Help Fight Allergies?

Every year, thousands of individuals suffer from seasonal allergies.  Although many people will head to the pharmacy to fill prescriptions to cover the symptoms of this condition, there are those who seek a more natural approach. Natural treatments are available that have been clinically proven to alleviate itchy eyes, runny nose and sneezing associated with allergies.  One such natural treatment comes in the form of a supplement called quercetin.

Quercetin is a flavonoid with antioxidant properties, and is naturally found in green tea, onions and apples. Aside from being high in antioxidants, quercetin has also been found to have the same effect as over-the counter antihistamines.  By controlling the release of histamines, quercetin can alleviate many, if not all, of the symptoms of seasonal allergies.

Green Tea

When an individual encounters an allergen, such as pollen, the body releases histamines in response. These histamines trigger an inflammatory response within the body, causing congested nasal passages, swollen eyelids, etc. An antihistamine keeps these compounds under control, therefore eliminating any uncomfortable symptoms.

Quercetin has been proven to reduce the symptoms and duration of viral illnesses, and to also prevent the release of histamines. Because it can be difficult for the body to assimilate, researchers have advised that allergy sufferers take a vitamin C supplement along with quercetin to ensure the maximum benefits are being received. Vitamin C also contains antihistamine qualities, and is most potent when taken alongside quercetin. The recommended dosage of vitamin C for allergy sufferers is 500 to 1000 milligrams, three times per day. The recommended dosage of quercetin is 500 milligrams per day, for a period of six to eight weeks. It would be most beneficial to begin taking this supplement one to two weeks before allergy season begins, and for six to seven weeks throughout allergy season.

Allergy season doesn't have to mean weeks of watering eyes and stuffy noses. By supplementing with quercetin and vitamin C, you can alleviate your symptoms naturally and enjoy the outdoors without worry.




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Date: October 31, 2014 06:05 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (

Do you want to get some information about Magnesium?

Magnesium has been found to be working in other ways to contribute in preserving the nervous system. Before the end of 20th Century, specialized doctors had established that injection of magnesium in our bodies exerts a depressant effect on the nerves. In fact, the main use of this mineral in early times was to induce sleep. Significantly, any hibernating animal have high levels of magnesium. The mineral has also shown effectiveness in control of convulsion in pregnant women, the shakes in alcoholic and epileptic seizure.


One of paradoxical effect is that, a magnesium deficient person who end up taking magnesium will feel energetic than never before yet the mineral is not a stimulant but rather a depressant. Actually, magnesium normally relieves the irritability of nervous system and the excessive energy, which will result to fatigue.

With this, it will not be surprising to say that when an individual magnesium levels is sub-normal then the nerves will not be in a position of controlling functions such as muscle movement, mental processes and respiration. Irregular heartbeat, twitching, irritability and largely nervous fatigue are the most frequent symptoms of magnesium depletion.

Often, deficiency of magnesium is because of failure on individual side to obtain to use dietary sources such as eggs, wheat germ, green vegetables, cocoa, almonds, soybeans, desiccated liver among many other. However, in some instances, coexisting illness can impair absorption of this mineral, for example the intestinal infections. In such an instant, ingested magnesium may be lost completely in the body and majorly in the nervous system.

PENN of Columbia University published the information of essential of magnesium to nervous system first in 1966. He studied the conduction of electricity by the nerves. The main finding was that calcium is the prime conductor mineral of the electrical current. It was concluded from the finding that Magnesium would in turn maintain the required level of calcium in the nervous system. Actually, Magnesium is Do you want to get some information about Magnesium? The nutrient that is likely to change your living standards by improving your nerve health.





Blueberry Have a lot of Healing Properties

Date: March 26, 2014 11:22 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Blueberry Have a lot of Healing Properties

blueberry fruitsWhat is a blueberry?

Most of us eat blueberry because it tastes great. However, very few of us know that this one of the best and the healthiest fruit that nature gave us and it has so many healing properties that makes it even greater. This small fruit contains high amounts of antioxidants that enhance several of your body function and give you a good health along with better healing.

Benefits of blueberry

If we talk about the properties of blueberries that makes it a great fruit for healing, it contains more than 16 different types of antioxidants and together these antioxidants can give great positive effect on your body. It can reduce the inflammation in every possible manner, it can shield your nerves from any kind of neural inflammation, and it can limit the CNS damage in case of stroke. Other than this it also improve the memory and for Alzheimer’s patients it can heal the problems as well.

Blueberry can relax the arteries and it can stimulate the better flow of blood. Due to this healing property of this fruit, it can help those people that has blood pressure problem or other heart diseases. In addition to blood pressure management it can manage the blood sugar level  and if you consume it on a regular basis, then it is possible that you might not need to use any medicine for blood sugar.

Other than this, blueberry can block a lot of viruses, including hepatitis C and it can heal the urinary tract infection. So, if we say that this small fruit has great healing property in it, then there is nothing wrong in it and you can use it for any kind of healing or just for better health.


4 Best Ear Oil That Will Help Improve Hearing And Reduce Ringing.

Date: March 12, 2014 08:03 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 4 Best Ear Oil That Will Help Improve Hearing And Reduce Ringing.

Ear ringing

earEar ringing is a clinical problem that affects 1 out of 5 people. It is also known as tinnitus and it can be a symptom of condition such as ear injury, hearing loss and circulatory disorder. There are many causes of this condition which can aggravate to completely hear loss.

Causes of ear ringing

There are many causes of hear ringing, causes varies from one person to another. Some of the causes includes.

Inner cell damage, this causes ear drum to echo sound even after the sound has been sent to the brain. This irritates ear and causes ear ringing.

Other ear problems including ear diseases are among the major causes ear ringing.

Treatment of ear ringing

There are many possible treatment of this condition including drugs and allopathic treatments such as removing ear wax, finding any possible vascular disorders and treating them. You can also change medication you are on which may be the cause of Tinnitus. Though drugs themselves cannot cure Tinnitus, they may help reduce the severity of the symptoms.

Changing lifestyle can also treat ear ringing and improve earing and ease ringing, for example, stress can exacerbate ear ringing. Reducing alcohol is another effective method to beat tinnitus, alcohol dilates blood vessels causing forceful blood flow to the inner ear.

While those methods though effective, they cannot cure ear ringing, one of the method that has been proved to be efficient is use of essential oil.

The aroma of essential oil enters the nose and stimulates the olfactory nerves. This then sends signals to the Limbic system (the control mechanism in the brain for memory and emotions). This sets in series of neuro-chemical impulses and response mechanisms that generate a natural healing response.

Many essential oils contain healing properties. They assist in natural, are anti- inflammatory, pain relief, anxiety, reduce stress and assist the endocrine system in improving hearing and reducing ringing.

The best oil to arrest ear ringing are;

  1. Cypress.
  2. Juniper.
  3. Lavender and Helichrysum.


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What Is Marjoram Oil?

Date: February 21, 2014 04:52 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What Is Marjoram Oil?

What is marjoram

marjoram plantMarjoram oil is extracted from the marjoram plant. The plants’ flowering leaves are distilled (using steam) to obtain the yellow marjoram essential oil. The plant is cultivated primarily for its leaves. Though the name marjoram is derived from French, the plant is indigenous to the Southern regions of present-day Turkey and Cyprus.

Historically, marjoram oil has been used by traditional healers thousands of years back. It is mentioned in old medical texts as an essential oil with healing properties for many illnesses. Up to date, the plant’s oil is renowned for its great medicinal value. The essential oil has a woody and spicy aroma when dilute and pungent-smelling when concentrated. Some of marjoram oil’s health benefits are discussed below.

Benefits of marjoram

Marjoram oil has therapeutic properties. Rich in antioxidants, it is used to calm nerves and relieve headaches when massaged on the temple. The essential oil is also used to soothe and relieve muscles of pain. A body massage with the oil helps ease stiff joints. Inhaling the marjoram oil’s aroma helps clear mucous from the breathing system as well as easing a congested nasal tract. It helps stem severe coughing.

Marjoram oil is best known for improving digestion and easing digestive tract disorders. It is a common essential oil used in aromatherapy as well. Adding a few drops of marjoram oil to bathing water or using it for massage helps relax the mind, bringing calmness. This can be used to pacify people who are stressed because it is a great sedative.

As an antiseptic, marjoram oil can be applied on wounds to help prevent these sores from becoming septic. For ladies who have to endure painful menstruation, this essential oil can be used to relieve menstrual cramps. Studies have also shown that this oil has the ability to lower blood pressure, slightly. Marjoram oil has quite a number of medicinal uses making it a versatile essential oil.


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What Is Camphor Oil Good For

Date: February 13, 2014 06:03 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What Is Camphor Oil Good For

What is camphor

camphor plantCamphor oil is a medicinal substance extracted from the wood, leaves and roots of the camphor tree. Typically, the camphor tree is usually found in some parts of Southern Asia, South America and in various parts of the United States. Although the oil from camphor tree is harmful when ingested in excess amounts, it has various benefits if used topically. Basically, I did a decent research and got a lot of good information indicating how needful the oil is.

Skin problems relief

Camphor has been widely used to alleviate definitive skin medical conditions. The FDA has approved the oil extracted from camphor for the relief of any form of skin irritation or any other general pain related to skin issues. To provide pain relief for bruised areas, camphor oil is applied as a liniment on the affected skin part.

Essential stimulant

The oil is known to boost the functioning of the circulatory system and some metabolic activities of the body like digestion and excretion. Information on reveals the importance of the oil in the treatment of ailments associated with improper circulation, sluggish or overactive metabolic rates and some other less common medical conditions.

Anti-inflammatory/sedative agent

Both the internal and external types of inflammation can be cured due to the cooling and penetrating effects of the oil. It can be mixed with bathing water to provide an extra sensation of coolness.

Respiratory relief - decongestant

Respiratory conditions such as cold and coughing should worry you the less. Clear guideline indicate how the oil can be ingested in the form of tea, thus reducing congestion within the respiratory tract.


Camphor is a reasonably effective anesthetic that is widely used in local anesthesia. It increases the numbness of the sensory nerves at the area of application. Consequently the severity to develop nervous disorders or convulsions is greatly reduced.

Pain reliever

Research studies shows that when camphor oil is applied, it numbs the nerve endings, then warms the painful area while stimulating the circulation to stiff muscles and limbs. Ultimately this makes camphor a favorite oil which can be effectively used to relieve muscular pain, back pain and arthritic pain.



Bergamot Oil: Uses and Health Benefits

Date: February 13, 2014 05:55 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Bergamot Oil: Uses and Health Benefits

What is bergamot

bergamot plantBergamot citrus or the bergamot orange is the fruit from which bergamot oil is derived. Taken from the peel of the fruit, the oil is pressed out of the rind through cold compression. The citrus originally came from tropical Asia but is now grown in Europe, mainly the southern part of Italy, but also in Morocco and the Ivory Coast. It takes name from an Italian city in Lombardy called Bergamot.

Bergamot uses

This oil has a long history of use as a food flavoring and perfume fragrance, but it also has several other less commonly known uses due to its therapeutic properties. The oil has been utilized as an analgesic, a stimulant, antidepressant, antiseptic, antibiotic, disinfectant, and as a circulatory and digestive aid.

Analgesic Uses

By stimulating the production of hormones, bergamot oil deadens the nerves to pain. It is very effective for headaches, muscle pain and other pain ailments. Use of the oil can lower the need for over-the-counter (OTC) medications, therefore reducing a person's chance of liver damage or gastric upset caused by many OTC pain relievers. The oil also known to lower the body temperature, making it an excellent anti-febrile agent.

Anti-depressant Effects and Stimulant Properties

Produce both soothing and stimulating effects in the body, bergamot oil has been used as an anti-depressant and a metabolic stimulant. Components of the oil calm the nerves by increasing blood flow thereby creating pleasant feelings. By inducing secretion of certain hormones, bergamot oil helps the body to maintain a proper metabolic rate. It is also used in aromatherapy, specifically to calm anxiety during radiation treatments.

Antiseptic, Antibiotic and Disinfectant Uses

A natural antibacterial and anti-fungal agent, bergamot oil has long been used in the treatment of infections, including certain skin conditions such as acne and mycosis fungoides, a fungal infection that causes tumors on the skin. It has also been used to treat unitary tract, colon, respiratory and kidney infections as well as vaginal yeast infections cause by Candida albicans. Its antibiotic and disinfectant properties make this oil a perfect antiseptic for treating wounds, rashes and other topical conditions which could result in a nasty infection.

Digestive Aid

Using the oil will assist in the secretion of digestive enzymes and acid, therefore aiding in digestion and reducing gastrointestinal problems such as constipation, gas and bloating

Heart Healthy Benefits

By inhibiting the enzyme, HMG-CoA reductase, bergamot oil helps reduce the amount of "bad" cholesterol, LDL in the body and also dilates the blood vessels which assists in lowering blood pressure.

Some words of caution: bergamot oil must be stored in a dark bottle away from sunlight due to its component, bergaptene, which will turn poisonous if exposed to light. Also,users should avoid from exposure to sunlight since use of the oil on skin will cause a person to become photosensitive.


What Is Atlas Cedar Oil And What Are The Health Benefits?

Date: February 09, 2014 09:18 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What Is Atlas Cedar Oil And What Are The Health Benefits?

What is atlas cedar oil

atlas cedar treeAtlas cedar oil is one of the oldest embalming oils. The oil was initially extracted in Egypt and used by spiritualists as an embalming component. In the contemporary world, this oil has been widely acknowledged and accepted as an aromatherapy product. This oil is processed through steam chemical distillation from pieces of cedar wood.

Health benefits of atlas cedar oil

Medically, the oil has an antiseptic capacity. It has been widely used as a form of antiseptic for wounds to prevent infection of the wounds and prevent them from becoming septic. It helps keep tetanus germs at bay.

Atlas cedar oil has been globally used in the treatment of arthritis particularly among the old. This oil has an anti inflammatory benefit and has been used largely on patients living with the arthritis condition.

It is also a antispasmodic. This oil is used in massaging the legs and the hands and has a known effect of reducing the profound effects of arthritis. Similarly, this oil has been widely applied to control dandruff and combat acne. It has proven very helpful in relieving spasms which occur in the body such as the intestines and the nerves.

Further, this oil is used as an astringent. It has been clinically adopted for dental use to firm the gums and prevents falling of teeth. It is also used as cure for toothaches.

Lastly, this oil can be used as an expectorant. Patients suffering from severe coughs can use this oil to combat irritate coughs. This cough gets rid of phlegm from the lungs and the air pipe and controls the cough.

In conclusion

This oil has been accepted as to have the effects of calming negative emotions and control anger. It comes in handy when one is faced with stressful situations and helps in calming the nerves especially during mediation time.Further, the atlas cedar oil is the attractive aroma it produces. With this effect it has been used in the preparation of perfumes and other scented beauty products. Due to this strong aroma this oil has been globally used as a aphrodisiac.



sunflower seeds

Date: February 04, 2014 06:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: sunflower seeds

Sunflower seed nutrients

sunflower plantSunflower seeds are a source of polyunsaturated oil. They are rich in nutrients. These nutrients comprise of vitamin E, B1, B6 & B3, copper, manganese, phosphorus, magnesium, folate and selenium. Due to their high content of nutrients the sunflower seeds have various health benefits to a human body which include:

Health benefits of sunflower

     Cardiovascular and anti-inflammatory benefits - since they are a source of vitamin E. vitamin E has various functions in the body. They are fat-soluble antioxidants. It neutralizes free radicals in the body thus ensuring that fat containing structures and molecules are not damaged. It also stops radicals from oxidizing cholesterol thus preventing blockages in the arteries. It thus have anti-inflammatory effects leading to reduced symptoms in the conditions that are inflammatory in nature such as gastric ulcers, asthma, joint pain, skin eruption and also prevention of cardiovascular diseases, risk of colon cancer and reduce the development of diabetic complications. Vitamin E also helps ease arthritic pain. Vitamin E also reduces hot flashes during menopause

      Lowering cholesterol - sunflower seeds have phytosterols which reduce the blood levels of cholesterol, enhance the body immune system and reduce the risk of certain cancers when taken in a diet.

      Calms the nerves, the blood vessels and the muscles - sunflower seeds have magnesium nutrients that reduce the severity of asthma, reduces the risk of stroke and heart attack, prevents migraine headaches and lower high blood pressure. Magnesium is also important for healthy bone formation and energy production. Magnesium and copper are needed for the body to stay strong.

      Improving detoxification and cancer prevention - sunflower seeds are a good source of selenium that is important for human health. Selenium induces DNA repair and synthesis in damaged cells. Thus they control cell damage hence playing a role in preventing cancer.

      The vitamin E present -  in the sunflower seeds help bring glow to the skin. The vitamin E prevents the skin from the ultra violet rays hence keeping the skin also strengthens the hair and protects it from damage.




Deer Antler Velvet

Date: February 02, 2014 07:56 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Deer Antler Velvet

Deer antler velvet

antler deerDeer antler is also referred to as insulin like growth factor or simply IGF 1. They are designed to help improve the performance of an athlete and also aid in building of muscles. Deer antler is the outer layer that is found on the antler of a male deer which is extracted just before they reach a fully calcified state. Then they are concentrated and sold as deer antler sprays.

What it does

IGF 1 plays a very important role in growth of cells and their replication, protein synthesis, helps stop overproduction of insulin, helps metabolize carbohydrates, regulates growth and development of the bones and also helps regulate circulation. Recent study shows that Deer antler velvet also supplements helps in improving cartilage damage joints due to cases of repetitive trauma. It affects how the process through which the body repairs itself. The hormone aids in building up a base that is essentially a building block of protein that is needed for the growth of cells. Then this substance helps increase the total number of new cells that accumulate on the base which in turn helps in healing the injury.

Health benefits of deer antler

Focusing on the health benefits of this supplement, the user can trust the fact that he or she will have to go through increase in the levels of their energy, endurance as well as stamina. If you happen to be training then this is the best supplement that you ought to be using. You will discover that you find yourself able to execute all kinds of physical efforts. In addition to this you will feel more relaxed and rested after the effort and will enjoy a good night sleep. Also, deer antler is known to improve your mood and helps you maintain a younger look for longer periods of time. Also it helps eliminate the pains that result from exercise and heightens your sense in order to help you think more clearly. Besides these benefits, this supplement it is used to improve the way in which the immune system works, it counters the effects of stress and also promotes the rapid recovery from illness. Other uses include treatment of high blood pressure, asthma, high cholesterol, indigestion, headache, weak bones, muscle aches and pains chronic skin ulcers and liver as well as kidney disorders.

Why it is popular

Ancient medicines have proclaimed that deer antler is the best regenerative supplements found in nature. This hormone has produced what is the best antler extract that is available on the market. With many similar products in the market Deer antler is the only supplement that gives an antler extract of 100mg per dose. Also what is exciting about this product is that it contains a stimulant for the nerve growth which is very essential for the body since nerves do not degenerate. These are the unique properties of this product and that’s what makes it stand out of the other products.


Deer antler supplements is referred as the best body booster is the market and will give you that body shape you always desired while keeping it healthy and young therefore be sure to spend your hard earned cash on the real deal in order to get the tremendous health benefits.


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How L-Glutamine Increases Memory And Cognitive Functions!

Date: January 20, 2014 09:26 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How L-Glutamine Increases Memory And Cognitive Functions!


brain memoryAssuming that you are one of the numerous people that experience the ill effects of cerebrum fogginess, weakness and even laziness, you can discover the easing you require since L-Glutamine enhances memory and cognitive capacities. This amino acid is extremely pervasive in a few parts of the mind, the spinal string, and even organs of assimilation and detoxification. These methodologies all work synergistically with one another to handle optimal health conditions that abandon you feeling extraordinary constantly. When you have ever battled to recall certain occasions, data, or basic portions, you have to adjust the way your cerebrum appreciates data, which might be adequately finished when you utilize L-Glutamine to upgrade memory capacity. This compelling cell reinforcement does everything, and revitalizes your cells so you profit from improved vigor levels for your health and against maturing necessities.

How the medicinal utilization of L-Glutamine enhances your memory

Presently you can encounter all the rushes of having the ability to recall again when you use this characteristic elective health supplement for sum figure quality and persistence. This animated amino acid works through protein combination and compound transformations in distinctive parts of the form which invigorate sound responses to happen. Engaging your psyche from the cell level up, L-Glutamine enhances memory and evacuates collections of smelling salts and nitrogen in the blood which at last influences the working of your cerebrum. Smelling salts is available when this fixing is changed over into glutamic acid which obliges certain measures of alkali. When you standardize these levels, the mind fogginess vanishes as your units accept fitting measures of oxygen and supplements for sound working.

Health points of interest of utilizing L-Glutamine to improve memory capacity

Furthermore, there are other sound motivating forces to utilize this part also. The point when this valuable substance is changed over into its hostile to oxidizing structure, it improves the benefit of the focal apprehensive framework, beginning at the cerebrum. It can likewise secure your nerves from harm because of hormones, chemicals, and extreme electrical indicators. When you utilize L-Glutamine to improve memory capacity, you are likewise diminishing the dangers of experiencing tension, melancholy, and a large portion of its identified indications in view of its stimulant qualities. This elective health supplement impacts the pituitary organ to discharge certain chemicals, indicators, and hormones all around the figure to equalize out physiological capacities.


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Various benefits of biotin

Date: January 06, 2014 02:17 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Various benefits of biotin

What is Biotin

biotin foodBiotin is a specific vitamin B that is also known as Vitamin B7 or Vitamin H. This is one of the 8 vitamins of Vitamin B-Complex and it helps you to improve the health of your skin, nerves, liver, hair, liver, eyes and mouth. Other than this, it also helps you to increase digestive system of your body in a great way.

Benefits of Biotin

The greatest benefit of biotin is that it helps you digest almost every food that you consumed including protein, carbohydrate, and fat. When its levels are at required level your body will be able to process the food very quickly and you will find not problem in your digestion. However, if you experience any metabolic issue then your doctor can suggest you biotin supplement for proper health. Other than this, its metabolic effect can also help you to control your weight in healthy manner.

Biotin is also very helpful in controlling of blood sugar and it helps you to maintain your body blood sugar at a healthy level. In order to do this it breakdown the carbohydrate in your body and transform that in glucose and if your doctor feel it your doctor may give your some biotin supplement for this.

Biotin also helps you to grow the hair and nail of your body and if you are suffering from biotin deficiency then you may experience brittle nails and hair loss and in this case biotin supplement can help you in it. Biotin supplement can also help you to grow new hair and nails and that’s why many doctors recommend you to consume it for growth of your hair or nails. In short we can say that biotin is one of the best dietary supplement that can help you to control a lot of health problems in best possible manner.


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The immense health benefits of taking evening primrose oil

Date: December 31, 2013 04:47 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The immense health benefits of taking evening primrose oil

primrose plantWhat is Primrose Oil

The oil is extracted from the seed of the evening primrose plant, which has yellow leaves that are known to unfold at night. The whole plant has consumed for many years by Native Indians. It is also available in capsule form. The following is a look at the health benefits of the oil.

Study about Primrose Oil

The concentration of gamma-lanoleic acid in the evening primrose plant is very high, and has been discovered to be one of the few plants that contain the essential substance. The acid has been proven to be vital for enhancing the skin’s elasticity and improving the functioning of nerves. Gama-lanoleic acid is also important in the body’s growth, development and immune response.

Studies have proven Gama-lanoleic acid to be effective in the destruction of breast cancer tumors without causing harm to adjacent healthy cells or leading to side effects. The use of the oil in combination with other breast cancer drugs has shown better results than when the drugs are taken in isolation. It is also effective in relieving breast pain, rheumatoid arthritis and severe headaches due to its anti inflammatory and hormone regulatory properties.

Benefits of Prirose Oil

Swelling, itching, redness, crusting and redness that, are common in eczema cases, can be relieved after using the oil. Gama-lanoleic acid in the oil is believed to be the active substance in such cases.

There is evidence to suggest that the oil is helpful in treating heart conditions, pediatric hyperactivity, menopause symptoms, post menstrual syndrome and ageing. Other conditions where the oil has been used to produce desirable results include schizophrenia, multiple sclerosis, osteoporosis, diabetes, obesity, alcohol withdrawal symptoms and weight control.

Evening primrose oil has become an important substance in herbal solutions because of its therapeutic and preventative qualities. There is tremendous research being conducted on the oil in bid to uncover additional benefits for the human body.


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What Are The Health Benefits Of The Herb Motherwort?

Date: November 29, 2013 10:40 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What Are The Health Benefits Of The Herb Motherwort?

What is Motherwort Herb

motherswortMotherwort is a herb known for its properties of calming the nerves and relaxing the heart by reducing the harmful effects of stress. It is mostly used by women, but also works for men who have heart and nervous system maladies that relate to stress. It’s scientific name is “Leonurus cardiaca” and its native location is Europe and Asia. The common name comes from the fact that is has been prescribed to pregnant stressed women throughout history as a cardio tonic and nervine tonic. It strengthens and gladdens the heart thus transforming user from dull and bitter moods to relaxed, comfortable and happy ones.

Benefits of Motherwort Herb

The herb includes tincture that elevates a persons mood and acts as a sedative. As a result, the user gets better sleep on using heavy doses and a good energy balance when using small doses spread out through the day. When combined with linden flower and ginger tinctures it also helps to tackle postpartum depression. By acting as a galactagogue, it promotes the flow of mother’s milk and it also helps soothe the uterine before and after giving birth. For those who are not pregnant, consumption of motherwort leads to better menstrual flow as a result of the regulation of the menstrual cycle. Women with cramps, nervousness and digestive disturbances during PMS benefit most from the consumption of this herb as tea or in other forms.

As a cardio tonic, it is injected so that it can halt the clotting of blood as results to a better blood flow. Improved blood flow in the body is good for prevention of other diseases and health risks such as heart attacks and stroke. People with thyroid disease and hypoglycemia or low blood sugar tend to develop heart palpitations, but this is greatly reduced by the use of motherwort. Lastly, other useful uses of motherwort herb include the relieving of lung problems such as asthma and bronchitis.


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Can Bilberry Extract Improve Eye Site?

Date: November 05, 2013 10:11 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Can Bilberry Extract Improve Eye Site?

 billberryCan Bilberry Extract Improve Eye Site?

Do you problems with your eyes? Maybe your night vision is poor and you have been wondering where you can get natural drugs to improve or rectify this condition. Worry no more as this article presents you with the ultimate solution. Research has shown that Bilberry extract works well to improve eye site.

What is Bilberry

Bilberry, an herbal supplement, also known as Vaccinium myrtillus or myrtille, is a shrub found in European countries similar to the huckleberry or the blueberry. This extract has a long history since it was used as early as 16 century. However, it was not until Second World War II when its use was modernized. The first people to use it were the US and British pilots who ate it as part of their diet. Surprisingly, they realized a tremendous improvement in their night vision when they were at work during the night.

This extract is known to be rich in flavorings, also known as polyphenols, a substance that improves eye’s circulatory system and improves the overall eye health. Thus, when supplemented with diet, night vision will be improved.

Uses of Bilberry

In addition, this extract has been known to treat a variety of retinopathy conditions. A condition that damages nerves and blood vessels of the retina. In some countries like France, this extract has been used since 1945 to treat diabetic retinopathy, a condition that causes blindness in diabetics.

Various studies have shown that this extract is a useful medical herb. One of them stated that Bilberry extract could be used with vitamin E to prevent the progression of cataracts. This studies was conducted among 50 patients suffering from cataracts, and only of them did not recover.

Benefits of Bilberry

In conclusion, this extract has many benefits; support for glaucoma, reduce eye fatigue, and improve poor night vision. Therefore, wait no more, get yourself this extract and your eye problems will be something of the past.




How chamomile works to relax you and help you sleep better

Date: October 24, 2013 09:33 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How chamomile works to relax you and help you sleep better

What is chamomile

chamomile plantChamomile is a short low growing herb with small fine-leaves and daisy like flowers. The herb's flowers have a small-yellow center which is surrounded by thin white-petals. The Chamomile leaves have a sweet-apple smell, The herb thrives in warm-humid conditions and it has a tendency to becoming invasive if its left to just grow freely.

Chamomile has various medicinal purposes. It's popularly known for its use as a sedative to both children and adults who suffer from insomnia, restlessness and nightmares. Chamomile herb contains glycine.Glycine is known to give a soothing effect on the body's nerves and this soothing effect is normally used to promote and aid in drowsiness during bedtime. It's normally taken as an herbal-tea that is steeped and covered for about 10 to 15 minutes to ensure the volatile-oils don't evaporate. These soporific-effects may decrease over-time if the herbal tea is taken regularly.

How chamomile works to relax you and help you sleep better.

Unlike most pharmaceutical-drugs, chamomile doesn't immediately put you to sleep. It is gentle. The main reason why chamomile is a great remedy for insomnia and restlessness is because it slowly and gently relaxes your body muscles. Whenever your body muscles are completely relaxed, without use of pharmaceuticals drugs, you will sleep soundly and rather peacefully and wake up feeling more refreshed and more energized. Chamomile will help your body develop natural sleeping habits without the need of sleeping aids.

Chamomile works on your body by relaxing all of the muscles until your body fully relaxed and ready to fall-asleep. The slow and gentle sedation of chamomile will put your body to peaceful sleep naturally. If you have or suffer from insomnia or restlessness, chamomile can be used in your tea or your bath. Both dried and fresh chamomile can be infused into your tea to give you these soothing effects.


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The working principle of Curamin

Date: March 22, 2013 11:49 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The working principle of Curamin

Curamin is a natural pain reliever that functions well. It has four very powerful ingredients with synergistic properties which make it very efficient in pain relieving.

These ingredients are:

Curcumin longa: a compound that is used to prevent several inflammation pathways in the human body and is a powerful antioxidant.

Boswellia serrata: a substance which slows down the performance of inflammatory enzyme.

Nattokinase is a type of enzyme which assists the cardiovascular system and also helps other inclusions to go to other regions of the human body.

DLPA stops the disintegrating of enkephalins which relieves the body muscles from pain and boost mood.

The above named components works on particular cells which are sending pathways which consist of nerves that relay unwanted signals which are eventually amplified by the interconnected and overlapping pathways. During this process, curamin ingredients come together and blocks the way going to these signaling pathways which in the long run gets rid of the messages being sent. It's very good to put into consideration that it's not the same system used with conventional synthetic medications which include; aspirin, paracetamol, ibuprofen and diclofenac which are used to aim at one particular pathway and leave other subsidiary pathways unchecked.

Curamin works in very distinct ways which makes it to be reliable and effective. These ways are:

Curcumin is a system modulator which immunes and safeguard the body from oxidative stress. EuroPharma Curamin is a way in which the body provides temporary relief of pain and eventually improving the natural defense mechanism of the body. Curcumina is a component of Curamin which supports the natural anti-inflammatory response of the body.

Enzyme Nattokinase is a significant component of Curamin which aids in circulation of nutrients to get where they are required and helps in getting rid of waste from the body. It also balances fibrinogen levels in the body which is crucial since too much of it leads too pain in the muscles.

It is therefore advisable to use curamin since it has no side effects.


Magnesium Malate Benefits

Date: January 30, 2013 12:54 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Magnesium Malate Benefits

The compound Magnesium Malate was discovered by combining malic acid with magnesium. Malic acid is a naturally occurring element that aids in the generation of energy during aerobic as well as anaerobic activities while, magnesium is the fifth most abundant mineral found in the human body, which is vital for the health of the kidneys, bones and heart.

Malic acid and magnesium together offers several health related benefits. It helps to control numerous essential biological functions in the body such as the formation of nerves and muscle. It is naturally found in bananas, yogurt, fish, artichokes, almonds, grains, black beans, cashews and other nuts.

Health Benefits Of Magnesium Malate:

The malic acid present in magnesium malate attaches itself to the aluminum content of the body and helps to eliminate it. This allows the growth and detoxification of healthy nerve cells. Magnesium malate also assists in loosening stools due to its laxative properties so; it is used to treat constipation effectively. Physicians or technicians also use it as a cleansing agent prior to a bowel surgery or colonoscopy. This vital compound is known to relax muscles therefore; it is often utilized to treat uterine cramping, headaches and several other general muscle discomforts.

As per medical research, people who do not receive adequate magnesium through their diet usually stand the risk of kidney stone formation however; they can prevent this condition by consuming magnesium malate. This important compound also aids to synthesize adenosine triphosphate or ATP - a nucleotide that aids to store energy in the tissues of muscles and converts it into cellular energy source. This energy generating properties are useful in treating chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia.

Magnesium malate also encourages the production of saliva, which in turn controls oral bacteria. Moreover, due to its antiseptic properties, it is also used in mouthwash and toothpaste.

Studies have found that 70% or more of the American population is deficient in magnesium, magnesium malate taken daily is a good way for anybody to get more dietary magnesium. Magnesium is involved in over 300 enzyme processes in the body, if you are deficient in magnesium, these enzyme processes that maintain the body will fail and your health can decline. Consider taking magnesium in the form of magnesium malate. Have you had your magnesium today?


Are There Herbs And Vitamins For Pain?

Date: December 29, 2012 10:17 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Are There Herbs And Vitamins For Pain?

Everyone at one point or the other suffers some pain which could be of different kinds. We usually go for prescription drugs or at times, over-the-counter pain relievers. These drugs, however, have many side effects and do cause numerous health damages if used for a long period of time. Thus, it is much better to turn to natural pain relievers, such as herbs and vitamins.

Most herbs and vitamins for pain are used as food; therefore, do not have any side effects. This is however not the case in painkillers which are made from synthetic hormones, chemicals, and so on.

Herbal pain relievers.

Turmeric: Turmeric is popularly used in Southeast India for cooking. Turmeric has curcumin, a very powerful ingredient which aid to fight against chronic inflammatory ailments. Thus, turmeric is usually employed with some other herbs to relieve pain.

Ginger Root: Ginger root is a commonly used herbal remedy since it contains warming properties and helps to enhance blood circulation. It is essential in treating arthritis associated pains, backache and menstrual cramps. It's also used to treat sore throat. It is both analgesic and anti-inflammatory.

Valerian Root: This is used for chronic pain relief and as a skeletal relaxant. It may be used also for the treatment of trauma, cramps, shingles, headaches, insomnia, neuralgia, and stress. It possesses antispasmodic properties and is also a sedative.

Arnica: This is a homeopathic pain reliever and is believed to be particularly essential in the treatment of bruising and soft tissue injuries. It helps to alleviate overall sprains and muscle pain. It may be applied externally as a preventive measure to avoid injury prior to racing or exercising. Thus, it is seen to be applied topically and care must be taken so as not to apply it on a broken or open skin.

Vitamins for Pain Relief

Vitamin D: This is a unique vitamin since its main source is being exposed to UV light. A deficiency in this nutrient is widespread and a popular cause of chronic pains. As a matter of fact, a vitamin D deficiency significantly raises the risk of common women's pains. In a study, vitamin D deficiency was shown to raise risk of chronic pain, particularly in women, by over 50%. Aside from sunlight, other sources of vitamin D are mushrooms, shellfish, fatty fish and fortified orange juice.

Vitamin E: This is a potent antioxidant which protects nerves and joints from damages which may cause pain. In a recent research, it was discovered that vitamin E supplements lower nerve pain. Vitamin E-rich diets are walnuts, peanuts, wheat germ, corn and kiwi.

B complex Vitamins: These include many water-soluble vitamins, such as riboflavin, thiamine and folic acid. In a chronic pain animal model, it was discovered that high amounts of B-complex vitamins reduced pain significantly. B-complex vitamin supplements can be found in a number of supplement stores. Dietary sources are vegetables, whole grains, fortified cereals and fruits.

Vitamin C: This is an antioxidant just like vitamin E and protects nerve cells from damage. A scientist known as Paul E. Zollinger discovered that vitamin C supplements helped in reducing pain in wrist fractured patients. Foods rich in Vitamin C are broccoli, bananas, mangoes and oranges.


What Are The Health Benefits Of Solaray Avena Sativa?

Date: December 28, 2012 12:52 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What Are The Health Benefits Of Solaray Avena Sativa?

Avena Sativa is a botanical that is used for food and as medicine. Commonly known as groats or oats, the plant is available as tea or as a liquid extract. Over the years, Avena Sativa has been used as medicine for improving the functions of certain body organs. This plant is beneficial in so many ways. Let us look at some of its benefits.

Calms the nerves

Avena serves as a remedy for anxiety, stress and depression. It helps to calm the nerves and may be taken by an individual who finds it difficult to concentrate. It can also be used to relieve insomnia associated with stress and nervous irritation.

Improves heart health

Medical experts have revealed that Avena Sativa can help to lower the “bad” low density lipoprotein and cholesterol level. It contains ingredients such as beta glucan, a soluble fiber which is very beneficial to the body. Further more, Avena sativa helps to treat palpitation and various heart problems. Such benefits help to strengthen the heart and make it healthy at all times.

Fights Inflammation

Avena Sativa helps to fight inflammation, thanks to a molecule called avenanthramides. This molecule helps to reduce the levels of inflammatory cytokines. When the levels of cytokines are high they raise the risk of chronic illnesses like heart diseases and diabetes.

Natural Sex Booster

Dr. Ray Sahelian, the author of “natural sex boosters, identified avena sativa as a mild sex enhancer. Hence, its impact on the libido cannot be pushed aside. As you can see, Avena Sativa has lots of benefits. It can boost hormone levels and stimulate cell growth. Since it is rich in minerals, it may help an individual who is suffering with the thyroid glands.

Meanwhile, you can opt for the Solaray avena sativa available at VitaNet (R), LLC



Date: December 27, 2012 11:52 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (

Vitamin B complex is food a supplement that is soluble in water and fundamental in growth, development and cell metabolism. B complex is a group of the B vitamin compounds including thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, B12 (cobalamins), biotin (B7) and folic acid (B9). The distinction of the B complex into numbers arose because initially it was thought to be a single nutrient existing in specific food types only but further research discovered the existence of different compounds in the nutrient. All compounds of the B complex have distinct structures and perform different roles in the body. They play an important role in enzyme activities more so in chemical reactions that lead to production of energy in the body. They are mostly found in plant and animal food sources and also as supplement tablets.

Vitamin B compounds have numerous health benefits each one with a different function.

  • Vitamins B1 and B2 aid in the proper functioning of the nerves, muscles and heart. B1 boosts the immune system giving the body strength during times of stress through energy production.
  • B3 is important in the regulation of the digestive and nervous systems.
  • Pantothenic acid and cobalamins aid in normal growth and while B7 and folic acid are important in hormone production and DNA maintenance respectively.

The different individual health benefits of the compounds are as follows:

  • · Prevention of kidney diseases especially in individuals with type 2 diabetes
  • · Prevention of migraines
  • · Lowering of body cholesterol levels
  • · Protection against heart diseases and alleviation of nausea especially during pregnancy
  • · B9 specifically helps in prevention of different types of cancer such as breast cancer, pancreatic cancer and colorectal cancer and reduction in the risk of occurrence of birth defects in unborn babies
  • · Research has also show that B12 lowers cervical cancer in women.

It is due to these benefits that medical practitioners encourage use of diets rich in vitamin b compounds or intake of the compounds in dietary supplement form as tablets


Diet To Lower Cholesterol

Date: December 26, 2012 12:07 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Diet To Lower Cholesterol

Cholesterol is found naturally within the human body, particularly, in skin, internal organs, nerves, brain, cell membranes and bloodstream. This wax like compound is very important for the body's normal functioning. However, when there is excessive cholesterol buildup within the body, your health is at risk, because it gets deposited within the blood vessels. This article will talk about how to lower cholesterol levels through diet.

Consequences of Excessive Cholesterol Levels

Excessive cholesterol levels can cause dangerous ailments. Food habits as well as lifestyle changes are a few of the main reasons behind its rising level. Presented below are a few of the medical problems associated with high cholesterol levels within the body. When excess cholesterol is deposited on the inside of the arteries, flow of blood is interrupted which leads to inadequate supply of blood to the body. One of the organs that are mostly affected by high cholesterol levels is the heart. Extreme cases might lead to cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks. Blocked arteries and reduced blood flow may lead to blood coagulation. Also, if blood supply to the brain is impaired, it can lead to confusion and stroke.

Research And Foods

Research has indicated that a diet which includes a daily consumption of oats, sterol based foods, nuts, soya based products and fish is extremely effective in decreasing the amount of cholesterol within the body. In fact, it is as effectual as taking cholesterol medication, and definitely a preferable as well as less costly option, with very little or no side effects. However, if you suffer from any special health condition, make sure you first speak with your healthcare professional before you go on a diet that is low in cholesterol. If you are currently taking some medication, you should check with your doctor to make sure the drugs are okay with the low cholesterol food.

Different Foods that Can Lower Cholesterol


Oats provides your body with soluble fiber that is beneficial in decreasing bad low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol. Foods that contain oat bran, whole oat flour and oatmeal are extremely healthy as well as filling. Oat bran cold cereal and hot oatmeal porridge have been traditionally been eaten for breakfast, however you can include ground oatmeal to casseroles, baked foods and soups as well.


Nuts contain lots of fiber, protein, vitamins, polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats, phytonutrients, antioxidants and plant sterols. They are not difficult to eat. All you need to do is remove the shell and put a handful in your mouth, lengthy preparations are not necessary.

Foods Rich in Soluble Fiber

You can keep your cholesterol levels low by regularly consuming foods that contain high amounts of soluble fiber. Soluble fiber adheres to cholesterol within the blood to flush it out. It also promotes healthy digestion.

Aside from oats, other examples of foods rich in soluble fiber:

  • peas
  • beans
  • barley pulp
  • apple
  • citrus fruits

Other foods that can lower cholesterol levels in the blood

  • fish
  • soy
  • avocado
  • sun flower seeds
  • black tea
  • foods with plant stanols and sterols

However, you must bear in mind that even though eating foods that contain low cholesterol is definitely beneficial, these foods will not cure existing problems. Eating the foods mentioned above regularly in moderation and doing sufficient exercise is the secret to enjoying good health.

Herbal Supplements

There are some supplements known to help lower cholesterol as well:

  • guggul
  • red yeast rice
  • Beta-sitosterol

These are safe and effective ways to help reduce unwanted cholesterol.



Date: November 24, 2012 11:37 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Magnesium

Magnesium is important in the body for good health.

Its approximated that about fifty percent (50%) of magnesium is present in bones and the other half is found in body cells.One percent is present in the blood and the body has to maintain this level to prevent an imbalance which could cause problems. Magnesium is needed to aid in biochemical reactions of the body.


It helps to maintain proper nerve and muscle functioning. It helps in keeping the heart rate steady by ensuring smooth flow of the body to prevent cardiovascular diseases, helps maintain a healthy immune system, and helps in making strong bones. Magnesium improves the mineral density in the bones making bones stronger. Magnesium functions together with calcium in regulating the nerves and muscles of the body.

Manage Blood Sugar

Magnesium helps to regulate the levels of sugar in the body to ensure that the body is functioning properly and prevent diabetes. It helps to regulate the body's blood pressure and aids in protein synthesis and energy metabolism. 

Reduce Insomnia, Stress, And Anxiety

Magnesium treats symptoms of depression and insomnia. Taking magnesium supplements reduces stress, panic attacks, anxiety and helps in treating migraines. If one has low magnesium in the body, symptoms may include weakening and softening of bones, diabetes, headaches, high blood pressure, irregular heart beat and muscle weakness. Some foods rich in magnesium include soybeans, spinach, cashew nuts, pumpkin seeds, almonds and black beans.

Prevent Disease With Magnesium

Magnesium is important and to prevent diseases that come as a result of lack of it in the body, one should consider including the above foods in their diet. Eating a balanced diet that includes foods rich in magnesium will help the body function properly and prevent diseases. Care should be taken while taking magnesium supplements to prevent overloading the body with too much magnesium which could cause problems. A sign that magnesium is too much is diarrhea.  When taken as directed, this mineral can do wonders to help one relax, improve bowel function, and improve sleep naturally.

Give It a Try and feel the difference!


What Are The Health Benefits Of Vitamin B-12?

Date: November 06, 2012 04:46 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What Are The Health Benefits Of Vitamin B-12?

This water-soluble vitamin has a lot of use for the heath of the body. First of all, it helps in the maintenance of healthy nerves and blood cells.

Some people require Vitamin B-12 supplements more than others do. Some of these include pregnant women, smokers, drinkers, elderly, and even those who have strict vegetarian diet and tendencies.

In other cases, our own bodies hinder the absorption of the vitamin. The most common reasons for this include when you have celiac disease, anemia, bacteria growth, crohn's disease, etc. Those that find themselves in this situation need not fret for there is way to handle the Vitamin B-12 deficiency.

B-12 vitamin deficiency

These include weight loss, memory reduction, fatigue, weakness, appetite loss, asthma, eyesight issues, sore mouth, etc. This lack of adequate Vitamin B-12 in your body is of course not a very common occurrence. Why? Well your liver acts as a store of the vitamin for your body. Health benefits of vitamin B 12:

Assists in the conversion of carbohydrates to glucose needed for energy

Aids in regeneration of nervous system

Has effects on the reduction of stress, fatigue, depression and even brain shrinkage

Used in maintaining healthy skin/hair and nails.

Protection against cancer cells (breast, colon, prostate, lung) The best foods for you to get the Vitamin B-12 from are in variety of fish, milk, cheese, liver. These foods should be incorporated into your diet to keep your vitamin levels up.


Herbs that Support Healthy Vision

Date: May 21, 2012 08:02 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Herbs that Support Healthy Vision

The overall health of the eyes is essential to help retain a healthy vision and vision is considered to be one of the greatest assets of the total body health. Healthy vision is important to lead a good life. As the whole body needs exercise, eyes also need exercise regularly. To maintain optimum vision health it is necessary to provide proper nutrients to the eyes. Natural herbs help prevent vision loss and antioxidants are good for aging eyes.

Here are a few herbs that support a healthy vision:

Eyebright (Euphrasia Officinalis)

Eyebright grows wild throughout Bulgaria, Hungary and the Balkans. This herb is grown in Europe for commercial purposes. Eyebright is rich in vitamins A, B, C, D and E, iridoid glycosides, flavonoids and tannins. This herb is used to fro relieving eye problems such as eye strain, pink eye and inflamed, sore and irritated eyes. The common name, "Eyebright," is derived from its use as a nutritional support to the eyes. Eyebright is used in making external poultices, teas, tinctures, fluid extracts and the whole herb is used for dietary use.


Bilberry is a close cousin to blueberry and has been widely used in Europe for eye health. Bilberry is the world's most famous herb that supports healthy vision. Bilberry helps blood to flow easily to the eye nerves. It has an antioxidant called anthocyanins, which protects the delicate eye tissues and protects the eye from the harmful UV rays from the sun. The other nutrients present in bilberry nourish the eye for a clear vision and light adjustment.

Goji Berries

Goji berries contain anthocyanins, the antioxidants which help prevent age related damage and improves blood flow in the eyes.


Wolfberry is a Chinese herb with potent medicinal properties to strengthen the eyesight. Wolfberry has been in use in China, for centuries, to protect the eye and to promote good vision.

Red Raspberry

Red Raspberry is a native European herb that is used to treat sore eyes. Their leaves are rich in vitamin C and are high in tannin content. This herb is used as eyewash for discharge.

Grape Seed

Grape seed is an important source of nature's most potent antioxidants - proanthocyanidins that are anti-inflammatory, antihistamine and antiallergenic, and they also act as free radical scavengers. Grape seeds helps vitamin C enter the body cells.

Chrysanthemum Flowers

Chrysanthemum flowers help reduce pressure build-up in the eye. Steep chrysanthemum flowers in hot water, drink the beverage or use it to wash eyes in eye-wash cups.


Peppermint is an antioxidant which can clear vision.

Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo Biloba improves blood flow in the eyes. People with diabetes will have blood circulation problems and increased blood clotting tendencies. The small clots in the retinal area of the eye leads to poor vision. Ginkgo Biloba reduces the blood clots, increases blood flow and makes the red blood cells more flexible. The flexible red blood cells squeeze through the tiny blood vessels and help to carry more oxygen to tissues and cells.

Herbal treatment for a healthy vision is the best natural way to improve eyesight.


Lecithin And Its Brain Boosting Properties

Date: March 02, 2012 07:10 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Lecithin And Its Brain Boosting Properties


Lecithin is a group of fatty substances, which occur in the tissues of plants and animals. It composed of fatty acids, choline, phosphoric acid, triglycerides, glycolipids, B vitamins, glycerol, and phospholipids. Liver produces this substance daily if you follow a complete nutritional diet. Lecithin is also inevitable for all cells in your body,protecting your cells from oxidation, and it is a major building block of cell membranes. It also supports the circulatory system of your body because it is a fat emulsifier too.

Its Discovery

The first isolation of lecithin was done by a French pharmacist and chemist, Theodore Gobley in 1846 and he named phosphatidylcholine Lechithine in 1850. He isolated it originally from egg yolk. Today, lecithin can very easily be extracted mechanically or chemically from soybean, grape seed, and sunflower. However, in plants, the most common source of lecithin is soybean. This substance is used for medicinal purposes and as a food supplement. Sometimes, it is used as an emulsifier in cooking for preventing sticking.

Your body gets adequate amount of lecithin from your diet because it is naturally found in foods such as soybeans, egg yolk, peanuts, yeast, legumes, fish, wheat germ, grains, etc. It is also available in the market in the form of capsules, granules, and powder. This is also used as a supplement for promoting weight loss. Besides, you can also take lecithin in the form of pill or mixed in health shakes.

Health benefits of lecithin

It is believed that lecithin is beneficial for solving a number of health problems. So it is effective for:

* Cell communication,
* Healthy skin and hair,
* Improvement in memory, reaction time and learning,
* Treatment for gallstones,
* Reproduction,
* Child development,
* Fat metabolism and transport,
* Liver and cell function,
* Cardiovascular health,
* Relief of arthritis,
* Physical performance,
* Neurological problems,
* Treatment for memory disorders,
* Muscle endurance, etc.

Brain Boosting Properties of Lecithin

The major brain chemical for improving memory is acetycholine and the deficiency of this chemical is the major cause of declining memory. This chemical can be derived from nutrient choline. Fish is a rich source of acetylcholine. It can also be obtained from eggs, nuts, peanuts, soy beans, liver, etc. Eating more egg is beneficial for enhancing your memory.

There are lots of studies has been conducted for finding the effectiveness of lecithin in improving the memory. As per the findings of experts, lecithin is highly effective for improving concentration, memory, and for preventing Alzheimer's disease and maniac depression (bipolar disorder). Lecithin helps to run your brain smoothly by improving insulation around the nerves. A major part of cell membranes consists of lecithin and it is essential for the proper functioning and growth of nerve. Organ meats and egg yolks are rich sources of lecithin but the usage of these products is very less due to the fear of cholesterol. Experts think that this is the major reason for the increase of concentration and memory problems.

If you use lecithin properly, you can improve your concentration, memory, mind and nerves.


Herbs For Depression: Alternative Solutions To Improve Your Mood

Date: February 17, 2012 07:29 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Herbs For Depression: Alternative Solutions To Improve Your Mood

What Herbs Can Help With Depression?

Depression - Introduction:

Depression is brain system disorders that can make many people weaken from functioning normally during episodic events. Some types of depression actually paralyze people and prevent them from leading a normal life.

In addition, it is important for individuals who suffer from depression to realize, that they do not have to hide this condition and think that they suffer alone. In fact, many people have some form of depressive disorder. Something must be done is to take action to reduce their depression treatment.

Depression - Herbs That Can Help Reduce:

Depression and anxiety are very common in the modern world, and there is no single drug offers an effective cure. However, there are many herbal remedies that can help you reduce depression:

1. St John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum).

St Johns Wortis a eternalcompoundwith littleyellow flowers that originally came from Europe, but also widely used intoAmerican. It is used extensively by European physicians to reducedepression. Two compounds, hypericin and hyperforin, give St. John's Wort potencyto keepmood and fight depression. St. John's Wort also contains flavonoids and proanthoclanidin substances that can affect the peace and balance to the nervous system.

2. Valerian.

Valerian is the most popular herbs to relieve nervous tension. Sedative effect was first recognized in the seventeenth century, and since then enjoyed a long history of safe use effectively. Research believe that valerian binds to GABA receptors, which produces lower levels of anxiety. This does not completely eliminate anxiety, just change the way that the brain and your body reacts physiologically and give peace to the nervous system.

3. Kava kava.

Kava kava is a plant found in the Pacific Islands. The roots and bark are usually used as a slurry and then combined with cold water to drink. Due to the active compounds in Kava kava, a chemical known as kavalactone, destroyed by high temperatures, use cold or warm water is very important in its preparation. And studies have suggested a correlation between active ingredients and enhanced mood. To be specific, Kava Kava is estimated to have a relaxing impactand reduce fatigue in the human brain.

4. Ginkgo Biloba.

Ginkgo Biloba is the oldest tree used by China to treat various diseases. In the 1700's it has been introduced in Europe. Ginkgo Biloba is mainly composed of active components such as terpene lactones and flavnonoids, which gives a positive effect on mental well-being. With capabilities that are known to increase blood circulation to the brain, this herb has also decreasethe amount of free radicals in the body and brain, so it appears relaxation that can reduce stress or depression.

5. Lavender Oils.

Lavender is a very popular herbal aroma is mainly due to growing importance as a beautiful and essential oils. The smell of lavender oil can stimulate the nerves that send signals to the brain limbic system, which spur the peace and comfort to the physiological function of human emotional. Lavender has been believed by experts to help relieve anxiety, tension, stress and fear that are part of depression.

6. Lemon Balm.

Lemon Balm serves to inhibit the production of thyroid hormones and can help treat primary or secondary brain diseases and to provide a stimulant for the antioxidant that gives relief to your brain space. Some modern studies have found that lemon balm is useful for promoting sleep quality and reduce the effects of depression tranquility.

7. Chamomile.

Chamomile is a very popular herb in Europe and has been widely used for centuries agoas a treatment for some diseases, such as sleep disorders, stress, anxiety, and depression. Other active compositions including flavonoids and matricinid which gives a feeling of relaxation and regulate the nervous system. Now it has proven to be one of the safest herbs on the market to relieve stress.


Although the use of herbs for depression is widely spread, overall there is definitely reaction for the benefits of herbs for reduce depression disorders. Apparent when compared with normally drugs for depression that usually can not serve as the first choice of treatment options. However, when other treatments have failed more established, might have to be used.


What Are The Health Benefits Of The Grain Quinoa?

Date: February 13, 2012 01:57 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What Are The Health Benefits Of The Grain Quinoa?

Quinoa is a gluten free seed rich in dietary fibers with creamy, fluffy and slightly crunchy texture. Its taste is somewhat nutty when cooked. It belongs to the family of spinach, beets, swiss chard and lamb's quarter.It is a complete protein grain with all the essential amino acids. There are nine essential amino acids known as the building blocks of protein. Amino acids help in building strong muscles and nourish the nerves.It is also rich in essential minerals such as manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, copper and iron.

Quinoa is technically a seed, not a grain of a goose foot plant. The name quinoa came from Greek words chen which means goose and pou which means foot. This is because the leaves of the plant of quinoa seeds resemble the webbed foot of a goose.

Quinoa has been cultivated as early as the 12th century by the Incans, the ancient people of South America. They referred to quinoa as the "mother seed",considered as a sacred grain and gold of the Incans.They believed that it is a gift from gods that possesses enhancing properties.The emperor ritually planted and sowed the first quinoa seed of the season using his golden taquiza, a shovel like planting stick. Quinoa gives energy and increases oxygen to the relay teams of bare footed running messengers who lived in the mountains with an altitude considered high enough where oxygen level is reduced.This is because they were holding ash from quinoa plant and cocoa leaves. This combination increases oxygen in their body to sustain the runners increasing need for oxygen. In can armies also used quinoa to energize their body from frequent marching for days. Quinoa is part of the native Indian diet to increase their resistance to prevail over harsh living condition in the high mountains.

Today quinoa is making its name popular in the industry of wonder foods.It is so high in protein that builds and nourishes muscle tissues. It is used to treat people with migraine, diabetes and atherosclerosis. It is a good source of magnesium that relaxes the blood vessels. Magnesium reduces attack of migraine by improving blood and oxygen distribution to the brain.

Magnesium combined with high dietary fiber found in quinoa helps in maintaining healthy blood pressure and prevents cardiovascular diseases. Fibers absorb and eliminate bad cholesterol.It prevents plaque that blocks the arteries and enhances blood circulation.This process prevents atherosclerosis, the hardening of the arteries due to fat deposits and plaque buildup that narrows the arteries.

Quinoa is rich in anti oxidants that shields each cells from getting damaged caused by free radicals, pollution, alcohol and medication. It boosts the immunity and increases resistance from stress. Anti oxidants and fibers prevent risks of cancer and diabetes.Obesity and overweight are the most common risk factor of diabetes. Fibers remove toxins and excess fats, improve digestion and maintain healthy body weight to prevent diabetes.While antioxidants enhances cell regeneration and repair. This process lowers risks of cancer.

Quinoa is highin insoluble fiber thatprevents gallstones and helps in cleansing the liver. Whole grains like quinoa reduce asthma, allergic cough and wheezing in children. The protein in quinoa strengthens the muscle tissues of the air passage, thus prevents inflammation that narrows the airways of asthma patients.


Why Is Capsicum Cayenne Good For The Heart?

Date: December 27, 2011 07:48 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Why Is Capsicum Cayenne Good For The Heart?

Cayenne and Heart Health

The heart is something that is vital to any one of us and that is a fact. Recent numbers have revealed that over a million Americans die each year of a heart attack. So all the more reason for us to be careful with our hearts, make sure we keep it in good health and make sure we do everything we can to keep it working like it should because I am pretty sure that you do not want to be part of that next million next year.

Heart Health

Our heart is one of those organs in the body that truly plays an integral role and the none functioning of it will cause your expiration in just a matter of minutes unlike other organs when damaged there is still a possibility for you to survive it, but no, not the heart, once you are done, you are done and that is why its health should be one of our main concerns. The heart’s main function is to supply blood to other parts of the body and it is literally our pumping station. It does not stop at any time in our entire life, I am sure no one will contend with that. So I feel that it is our obligation to find out how we can keep the heart healthy. Well, the usual will always be there like exercise and proper diet but if you want to look at other ways aside from that and aside from medication then the way to go is the natural way and what can be more natural than supplementing with something which is derived from an everyday vegetable like peppers.


This refers to the wide variety of tropical pepper plants and as such is also known by other names like cayenne pepper, chilli pepper, red pepper, paprika, Hungarian pepper and Mexican pepper. It is unclear as to what exactly is its geographical origin but it is commonly agreed upon that it is a native of tropical regions such as China, Philippines, Tonga, Samoa, Iraq, Haiti, Hawaii and Mexico. One of its benefits is its ability to regulate blood circulation and alter temperature regulation because of the substance found in it which is known as capsaicin. Its seed has been proven in various studies to have antibiotic properties and if applied topically can even desensitize nerves and can be used as an anesthetic. When used as a liniment it is able to help with the stimulation of circulation as well and aid in the removal of waste (detox) products therefore allowing an increase in nutrient flow to the different tissues in the body which is why it is effective in relieving muscle spasms, bursitis and shingles.

Good for the Heart

One of the reasons why it is good for the heart is because it has the ability to stimulate blood vessels dilation and help relieve chronic congestions which in turn will improve blood circulation. It also has the ability to lower blood cholesterol levels and increase metabolism which are both vital to maintaining heart health.


What does GABA Do in the Brain?

Date: November 02, 2011 07:41 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What does GABA Do in the Brain?


GABA or Gamma Amino Butyric Acid is a neurotransmitter of the brain. It is considered to be the main inhibitory brain chemical among mammals. In ordinary terms, it significantly regulates the firing of impulses by the neurons. This chemical is naturally produced by the brain and generally acts as a balancer together with other neurotransmitters. This neurotransmitter has a key role in the regulation of nerve excitability all throughout the nervous system. It effectively maintains the equilibrium of the body and the brain in excitation status. Chemically speaking, GABA is classified as an amino acid. However, GABA is not a building block of protein like the other amino acids. This is the reason why in the medical field, GABA is rarely considered as an amino acid.

Moreover, GABA is the prime brain chemical responsible for the regulation of muscle tone among humans. In a disorder called Spastic Diplegia, the absorption of GABA into the muscles is weakened because of damage nervous tissues and cells. This would significantly lead to hypertonic muscles in which the muscles will experience spasms and can not anymore recognize and process the neurotransmitter GABA. On the other hand, GABA in insects acts as both inhibitory and excitatory neurotransmitter.

The Brain

As mentioned above, GABA is an inhibitory neurochemical. It functions at the inhibitory synapses of the brain by attaching to receptor sites in the plasma membrane of both pre – and post – synaptic nerves. Once GABA has bind with the receptor sites, it will cause the ion channels to open and permit either the entry of chloride ion which has a negative charge or exit of potassium ion which has a positive charge. Potassium is the main electrolyte inside the cell. This opening of ion channels will then cause the cell to be either hyperpolarized or re – polarized.

During brain development, GABA also plays a significant role. It significantly controls the proliferation of brain progenitor cells and development of synapses as well as the differentiation and maturation of neurites. Furthermore, GABA is also responsible for the growth and development of embryonic and nerve stem cells. It also activates GABA receptors which lead to the halting of cell cycling in the S – phase. As a result, this will limit the growth of cell thus preventing abnormal growth and even malignancies.

If GABA is in inadequate level, muscle tone is disturbed making it always tensed and the mind will keep on working and working because there is no brain chemical to stop it. Therefore, GABA must be importantly maintained within normal limits.

GABA is naturally produced by nerve cells. However, GABA supplement is now available so that adequate amount of such brain chemical will be administered to the body as needed. GABA supplements can enhance the sleep onset and quality. It can also provide a relaxing feeling and reduce stress and muscle over – activity. Other theories also state that it can regulate mood and behavior thus promoting the total well – being of the person. Ongoing studies are being conducted to show more evidence on GABA’s effect with Human Growth Hormones.


What Are The Organic Compounds That Provide Our Brains With Their Basic Fuels?

Date: October 12, 2011 01:58 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What Are The Organic Compounds That Provide Our Brains With Their Basic Fuels?


Brain health and nutrition has shown vast growth in interest in terms of research the past years and correctly so because the brain is a very important part of the body. This is something in my point of view that could never be replaced. Other organs like the heart, liver or kidneys can be transplanted or who knows in the far and distant future that it may even be replaceable. Well, I guess that may be just the sci-fi geek in me talking but seriously though, with the complexity in which the brain is made I do not think there will be any possibility even in the wildest of imaginations that humanity will be able to figure out a way to replace the brain.

The irony in all of this though is with human beings pushing the boundaries of their minds and manifesting the results through technological advancements all the more are we needing to protect our brains because life has become more complex. Things that were supposed to make life easier for us now seems to do the exact opposite and each technological advancement causes more and more Americans to have less and less time to devote to making sure they get the right nutrition through the right food preparation so the brain will have all the nutrients it needs. So with this we should look at how we can help augment our efforts in trying to keep our brain functioning healthily in a natural way.

Brain Health and Organic Compounds

There is a wide variety of organic compounds out there and too many of them to mention in this article in fact. Basically, organic compounds are compounds that contain carbon however not all are considered organic but that is irrelevant to what we are trying to achieve right now. So for brain health, the first organic compound that has proven to be very important is the vitamin family of rich antioxidant properties like Vitamin C and E as a couple of examples. Increasing antioxidant levels in the body through these vitamins is a very good way to reduce the risk of diseases and allow better protection for our brain against oxidative stress.

Not only that, it will also allow better health for our nerves and neurons which plays a big role in brain functions. Another example of a potent antioxidant to promote brain health is DHA and ALA or Alpha Lipoic Acid because it is able to get into the brain much easier compared to other antioxidants and fight free radicals there. Carnitine and choline are also essential contributors in modulating brain health as they are precursors to the production of acetylcholine which is an important neurotransmitter to aid in efficient neurological functions. And lastly but certainly not the least, ATP or adenosine triphosphate is also very important to brain function as this compound supplies energy to virtually all the cells in the body and any bodily processes that require energy to function efficiently needs ATP and that includes our entire nervous system.

Keeping your brain healthy is important especially since Alzheimer’s is an ever growing problem in the United States. Keeping your brain healthy with DHA, ALA, and vitamins is the right step for anybody who wants to take preventive measures and protect the brain.


What Are Some Interesting Calcium Facts?

Date: October 01, 2011 11:13 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What Are Some Interesting Calcium Facts?

Do you know what contains your teeth and bones?

Have you ever wondered what makes your muscles move, your body respond to stimulus and your heart beat?

If yes, then you might need to explore some of these wonders of the body. As we know for a fact, the body is composed of thousand of cells that need substances such as nutrients for its biological processes and survival. One of these nutrients is the mineral called Calcium which is one of the main chemical substances that make those mentioned above possible.

Calcium is considered to be the most in terms of quantity among all the other minerals inside the body. It is needed for the contraction of muscles so that movement will be achievable. It also influences the constriction and dilation of blood vessels thus helping in the regulation of blood pressure. Aside from its effect on the muscles and blood vessels, calcium also affects the nerves and plays a significant role in the transmission of nerve impulses so that appropriate response to external stimulus will be possible.

Moreover, as an ion, calcium is also required in the process of intracellular signaling and is an important chemical for hormone secretion. Physiologically, the calcium level in the blood to support these functions is only less than 1 % of the total calcium inside the body. Almost 99 % of the body’s calcium is stored in the bones and teeth for structural and functional support, as well as calcium reservoir. If the blood level of calcium decreases, the bones will be demineralized and calcium will be released into the blood stream, thus, normalizing serum calcium level.

Even if the body has reached its maximum growth, the bones will continually undertake remodeling. This process involves regular resorption and deposition of calcium minerals into the new bone. Bone remodeling varies from person to person depending on the individual’s age. Bone mineralization or formation exceeds bone demineralization during the growing years of puberty and adolescence.

On the other hand, during early and middle adulthood bone deposition and resorption are usually balanced. Furthermore, women on their post menopausal age exceed bone mineralization or formation. Their bodies constantly extract calcium from bones to compensate blood levels of calcium. This is one of the reasons why post menopausal women have a higher risk of osteoporosis. Therefore, recommended dosage for calcium is higher for women at 50 years and older and men at 70 years and older.

Another interesting fact about Calcium is that it requires Vitamin D which is also a nutrient that can be naturally produced by the body and can also be supplied by the diet. On the other hand, foods which can lessen the absorption rate of calcium are the foods which are high in oxalic acid and phytic acid. Examples of foods rich in oxalic acid are spinach, sweet potatoes and beans, while those that contains high phytic acid are wheat bran (not wheat products), seeds, nuts and soy. Caffeine, alcoholic beverages, phosphorus, sodium and proteins can decrease the absorption of calcium, thus increasing elimination through the urine, feces and sweat.


Can Alpha GPC Really Help With Memory And Growth ?

Date: September 29, 2011 11:52 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Can Alpha GPC Really Help With Memory And Growth ?

What Are The Benefits Of Alpha GPC?

L-Alpha Glycerylphosphorylcholine, or abbreviated as Alpha GPC, is a natural compound which is choline in nature. It is considered to be an acetylcholine precursor which is now being studied as a treatment for the degenerative disease called Alzheimer’s disease. This chemical compound also has a parasympathomimetic property and is widely used as a nutritional supplement for enhancing memory and concentration. The other name of Alpha GPC is Choline Alfoscerate. Alpha GPC has the capacity to rapidly transport choline to the central nervous system by passing through the blood - brain barrier. Alpha GPC can be extracted from highly distilled soy phospholipids such as lecithin. Inside the body, this chemical compound can be found in high quantity in neuronal membranes. Some of its benefits are:

1. IMPROVES ACETYLCHOLINE LEVEL. As mentioned earlier, Alpha GPC can cross the blood – brain barrier. Once inside the brain, it positively influences brain activity by enhancing the production of acetylcholine. Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter which is responsible for improving the individual’s learning process. Acetylcholine acts on both the peripheral and central nervous system. In the former, this neurotransmitter functions as the main neurotransmitter in the autonomic nervous system. It is also involved in the contraction of body muscles. In the latter, acetylcholine acts as an anti – excitatory chemical in the cholinergic system.

2. MEMBRANE COMPONENT. Another health benefit of Alpha GPC is that it can effectively protect nerve cells thus improving the transmission of impulse. Aside from maintaining the integrity of the nerves and nerve cells, Alpha GPC also serves as a precursor of the phospholipids found on membranes.

3. INCREASE HUMAN GROWTH HORMONE. Studies on Alpha GPC have revealed that it can relatively influence the action of the body’s Growth Hormone – Releasing Hormone (GHrH), thus improving the release of growth hormones. In addition, it can also enhance the effects of human growth hormone especially among young individuals.

4. A MODALITY FOR DEMENTIA. Alpha GPC has been long studied for the treatment of senile dementia. Initial result of such studies revealed that patients supplemented with Alpha GPC showed improvement but on a smaller extent. Further studies are still being conducted so that efficacy and safety as well as the appropriate dosage will be determined.

5. INFLUENCES GABA. Studies reveal that Alpha GPC significantly increase the synthesis and release of Gamma Amino – Butyric Acid or GABA. Increased synthesis of GABA is also potentiated by atropine. GABA is considered as the principal inhibitory brain chemical among mammals. It has a significant role in controlling neuronal excitation all over the nervous system. Like acetylcholine, GABA is also one of the primary responsible chemicals for the control of muscle tone.

Alpha GPC is formulated as supplement. It is available in 300 to 1,200 milligram oral supplements. Though it is generally safe, it is important that you should consult your doctor first before using this supplement. This would significantly avoid the occurrence of adverse effects and drug interactions. Appropriate dosage will also be determined by your doctor. Remember, any medication or supplement varies from person to person on its therapeutic and adverse effects.


Can Tea Tree Oil Reduce Scarring?

Date: September 16, 2011 03:50 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Can Tea Tree Oil Reduce Scarring?


Scarring can be traumatic for any person and yet it may be a source of pride for others, in fact many native cultures in the world that is still left untouched by the modern world still has scarring as part of decorating their bodies. However we also need to look at it in a different view, it is a fact of life that we do not live in a native world, we need to adhere to common beliefs in terms of what beauty is and let’s face it, being full of scars is not something that many people look for and deem as beautiful.

How does it happen?

The formation of scars is a natural process. It simply is our body healing itself after injury. The main difference though is that when the skin is the part of the body that is injured it leaves a mark that we can see and I say that because like all healing processes in the body their always is a small mark left and the problem never really gets completely repaired unless the injury happens while you are very young or if you have amazing regenerative gifts. There are a lot of factors that could influence scars and of course depth and size of the injury are the ones that play a major role in shaping the scars characteristics.

Types of Scars

First and most common are Keloid scars. This is a result of a very aggressive healing process by the body and in some cases it even can affect mobility as it extends beyond the normal wound or injury. Second would be Hypertrophic scars. These types of scars are a little similar to keloid but the main difference is that it does not extend out of the injury zone but in terms of look and texture it is very similar to keloid. The third are contracture scars. This is commonly caused by the burning of the skin. It also has the ability to impair your mobility as this has a characteristic of going deeper into your muscles and nerves to impede its functionality. Lastly you have the scars that result from acne and which is appropriately named as acne scars.

Tea Tree Oil and Scars

This oil has been known to have wondrous effects to the health with even just one drop. Studies have shown that the use of Tea Tree Oil or also known as meleleuca alternifolia on scars is one of the most effective ways to aid in the treatment of scars. Its strong cell regenerative properties are what makes tea tree oil important and potent in healing scars. It also could help in preventing other skin problems and acne.

Another reason why it is so effective is it has a natural antiseptic effect for skin infections and problems and it is able to penetrate the epidermis to do its healing from within which adds to its potency. Plus, the best thing about it is that, it is mild on the skin, it does all this without any side effects that other skin treatments has like drying the skin or causing minor irritations.


What Are The Symptoms Of GABA Deficiency?

Date: September 05, 2011 11:19 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What Are The Symptoms Of GABA Deficiency?

Gaba Overview

In this modern age many of our illnesses comes from the lack of certain substances, chemicals or enzymes just to name a few possibilities but the list could go on. They are called so many different things but they all have one thing in common and that’s being essential to our day to day bodily functions. In this writing we will look into possible symptoms of GABA deficiency.

GABA or Gamma aminobutyric Acid

Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is an essential neurotransmitter in the body. Its main function is as an inhibitor which mainly focuses on regulating neuronal excitability throughout the nervous system and another function that this chemical has it to aid in the regulation of muscle tone in human beings. In terms of its chemical makeup it is essentially an amino acid however it is very seldom to be called that in the scientific community.

The reason mainly for this is because it is not an alpha amino acid and is never incorporated with a protein which what the term amino acid is commonly reserved for in the medical science world. GABA, to keep things simple is mainly essential to the nervous system and brain health. It is responsible for the maintenance of our nervous system functions and some parts of the brain by allowing the nerves to complete the processes needed to get all the necessary chemicals to keep nerve functions healthy.

GABA Deficiency and Symptoms

As a neurotransmitter it has the ability to influence relaxation and aid in preventing anxiety when GABA levels are too low in the body there are a variety of unwanted effects that can happen. The reasons for GABA being too low in the body can possibly be two things, it can either be genetic or acquired reasons. Just to name some specific possible factors in GABA levels being low are chronic stress and chronic pain. Furthermore, inadequate sleep, caffeine excess, excessive electromagnetic radiation and progesterone deficiency may also further initiate the lowering of GABA levels in the body. With GABA being an essential neurotransmitter the first symptom that may arise with a lack of this brain chemical in the body is expectedly anxiety and depression.

Many studies have shown individuals that suffer from some form of anxiety and depression commonly has low levels of GABA in their body and it has also confirmed that when subjects are supplemented with this brain chemical in an attempt to raise levels in the body they are alleviated of the incidence of depression and anxiety. Feeling panicky, nervous and having a low tolerance for stress are also possible symptoms and also have been shown in researches to be alleviated through GABA supplementation. The most common medication for people suffering from these symptoms is valium and as most of us know, even for those who haven’t used it, it has nasty side effects and one of them is addiction to it however more natural means of supplementing with GABA will be able to give the same desired improvements but with lesser side effects.


How Does Pancreatin Help With Digestion?

Date: August 23, 2011 12:33 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How Does Pancreatin Help With Digestion?

Pancreas and Pancreatin

The pancreas is an organ in the abdomen that lies just below the stomach and is a vital part of the endocrine system. Its main responsibility is to produce enzymes needed for the digestion and absorption of food. It is both an endocrine gland making several important hormones, including insulin, glucagon, somatostatin, as well as an exocrine gland. Most relative to our topic though is the function of secreting pancreatic juice containing digestive enzymes. These enzymes aid to further break down carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids. Enzymes(Pancreatin) secreted include amylases which digest starch molecules, for fat its lipases, and proteases for digesting proteins.

Digestion Tidbits

Having a nice healthy digestive tract is more than just being free of discomforts, heartburn, gas, or constipation. We have to look at it at different perspective, like from “what happens to the food?” kind of perspective. When foods are not digested properly, its nutrients cannot and will not get to our body’s cells. Nutrients are captured within the food processing stages in our digestive system. The body requires a constant flow of nutrients to essentially for what it is suppose to do which is to grow, generate energy, and to repair tissue. A lack of digestive enzymes like pancreatin in the stomach and intestines may cause heartburn, bloating, indigestion and constipation. Sometimes without giving much thought to digestion, we think it’s as simple as food is placed in the mouth, chew, swallow, and digest. However nutrients are vital to every cell in the body, and even digestion requires the right balance of nutrients to signal the nerves to start gathering nutrients again.

Pancreatic Enzymes

Digestion processes all occurs in the gastrointestinal tracts. Whatever you eat flows through this system, but until absorption through the intestinal tract, the nutrients from your food are still physically outside of your body. Because the gastrointestinal tract functions like an internal skin and provides a barrier between whatever you ingest from the outside (external) and your internal bloodstream. Part of this process of digesting food is the selective transport of nutrients through the cell wall linings in your intestinal tract.

Once transported across the intestinal barrier to the inside of your body, that’s when the nutrients becomes part of our bloodstream and is rationed to all of your tissues via blood circulation to maintain organ function, aid in the need for energy, and mobilize growth and repair of new cells and tissues. Now for any mobilization of the nutrients to take place, food must first be broken down and this is where Pancreatin comes in along with other enzymes. On the other hand if pancreatin is insufficient it can lead to symptoms of malabsorption(abnormality in absorption of food nutrients), malnutrition(a state of lack of nutrition, vitamin deficiencies, and weight loss (or an inability to gain weight in children) and is often associated with steatorrhea (loose, fatty, foul-smelling stools), and is some select cases the lack of these enzymes can lead to type one diabetes.


Can Vitamin B12 Boost Mental Alertness?

Date: July 18, 2011 12:01 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Can Vitamin B12 Boost Mental Alertness?

The body needs various nutrients in order to make vital biological reactions possible. These bodily reactions are necessary for energy production, immune system enhancement and health improvement. These nutrients are classified into two, macro and micronutrients. In addition, these micronutrients are further divided into vitamins and minerals. These vitamins are needed by individuals to help the body grow normally. Vitamins can be supplied by the food we eat. However, the body can make certain vitamins such as vitamin D and K. Individuals who are in strict vegetable diet usually need vitamin B12 supplement. In this article, we will be focusing on Vitamin B 12 or also known as cyanocobalamin.

Vitamin B 12 is also a water– soluble vitamin. It is considered as essential because it is not produced by the body. Excellent sources of this vitamin include fish, shellfish, meat, milk and milk products. Vitamin B 12 is also available in supplements in combination with other vitamin B complex. Like the other B vitamins, vitamin B 12 is also necessary in maintaining healthy brain cells and in the normal production of red blood cells. Riboflavin is also a component of DNA which is the cells’ genetic material. Vitamin B 12 in the stomach combines with a substance called intrinsic factor so that it can be absorbed into the blood stream.

Vitamin B 12 boosts mental alertness because it facilitates normal formation of body cells most especially the nerve cells. Vitamin B 12 is also an important component of the myelin sheath. Myelin sheath is necessary for the proper functioning of the nerves. Myelin sheath functions by increasing the speed of the movement of the impulse. With the presence of myelin sheath, the impulse hops from one sheath to another instead of just moving continuously along the nerve fiber. This is the reason why vitamin B 12 is commonly employed for boosting mental alertness and concentration. In fact, it is also commonly employed for treatment of memory loss and Alzheimer’s disease.

Vitamin B 12 can also help lower the risk of cardiovascular diseases by decreasing the concentration of homocysteine in the blood stream. Studies show that high levels of homocysteine can greatly lead to atherosclerosis which is the narrowing of arterial walls. It can also increase the tendency of abnormal blood clotting thus increasing the risk of clotting – related disorders. These factors can precipitate heart attacks and cerebrovascular accidents or commonly known as stroke.

Another function of vitamin B 12 is its involvement with energy metabolism in every cell of the body. Therefore, vitamin B 12 is not only good for enhancing mental alertness but also increasing energy levels. It is also required by the body so that other nutrients from the diet can be absorbed and readily utilized by the cells.

Vitamin B 12 is relatively safe. It usually comes in combination with other B vitamins in the form of tablets, capsules, or liquid which can be bought over –the – counter.


Did You Know without Magnesium, You Could not Survive?

Date: February 16, 2011 02:04 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Did You Know without Magnesium, You Could not Survive?

Magnesium and your Health

Magnesium is vital to life on all levels. All types of cells in all organisms must maintain a balance of magnesium to support life as we know it, and its presence in human beings is ubiquitous at a cellular level. Low levels of magnesium have been tied to a number of medical conditions such as asthma, diabetes, and osteoporosis whereas excesses are known to impair functions of tissues and organs, notably nerves cells and the kidneys.

Supplies the Human Body with Energy

Glucose is best known as the primary source of energy of most multicellular organisms, including of course human beings, while adenosine triphosphate, or ATP, is the form of energy yielded by the utilization of glucose within the cells. All forms of carbohydrates and fats from our diet must be broken down into simpler compounds to be able to be converted into ATP that powers cellular activities.

That being said, ATP requires magnesium in its participation in a number of physiological functions. What we refer to as ATP in fact contains ions of magnesium, for the former must be chemically bound to the latter to perform its role in interactions with protein kinases. In fact, it is a common observation that magnesium almost always acts as the functional regulator in the binding of proteins with ATP.

Participates in Enzymatic Reactions

More or less 300 hundred enzymes in the body are dependent on ATP, which we refer to as coenzyme, a kind of chemical compound that binds to protein. Magnesium acts as glue that keeps the enzymes and ATP together, aiding in the catalytic activities brought about by the enzymes and their utilization of ATP. Thus, the metabolic pathways that employ these enzymes rely on the presence of magnesium.

One example of the interaction of ATP with proteins that necessitate magnesium as a divalent cation, in other words functional regulator, is in enzymes that modify the molecular structure of other proteins. These enzymes are transcribed in more than 500 protein genes and affect up to 30 per cent of all proteins in the human body. Moreover, magnesium plays a role in ribosome, the cellular component responsible for creation of RNA copies and the manufacture of proteins.

Magnesium Facilitates Absorption of Calcium

Over 60 per cent of magnesium in the body is stored in the bones, and this fact has become the basis of the recent trend of dietary supplements that utilize magnesium to induce healthy bone density. Indeed low levels of magnesium has been reported to contribute to the degeneration of bones as we age, resulting in porous bone particles in a medical condition called osteoporosis.

Prevents Ailments of the Circulatory System

Since magnesium is essentially everywhere in the body, it significantly impacts the overall health of the circulatory system, notably in the prevention of heart diseases. Not surprisingly, insufficient levels of magnesium have been documented to cause cardiovascular problems, including hypertension and congestive heart failure, and supplementation of magnesium has been noted to cut complications of preexisting circulatory conditions.

Have you had your magnesium today?


Chronic fatigue syndrom and your life styles

Date: September 01, 2010 07:55 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Chronic fatigue syndrom and your life styles

Fight Chronic Fatigue Syndrom

Chronic fatigue syndrome strikes more than two million people in the United States, with eighty-five percent of these people being women between the ages of thirty and fifty. The symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome often resemble many other viral infections, making it very hard to pinpoint the real problem. This condition is possibly caused by stress as well as by mercury poisoning from amalgam fillings, hypoglycemia, anemia, hypothyroidism, sleep apnea, food and chemical allergies, weak adrenal function, parasitic infections, amino acid deficiencies, and Candida albicans infections. With all of this in mind, there are a couple of herbal combinations and healthful suggestions that can be followed to help prevent or deal with chronic fatigue syndrome.

Cordyceps sinensis is a natural Chinese supplement that contains high amounts of L-tryptophan. It provides nutrients that are necessary for relieving fatigue and improving endurance. It also helps to increase blood supply to the heart and brain. This herb increases the production of superoxide dismutase in the body. In China, this herb has been traditionally used to treat the nervous system. Additionally, it is used to help strengthen the kidneys and liver.

An herbal combination containing bee pollen, licorice, kelp, barley grass, schizandra, gotu kola, eleuthero, yellow dock, rose hips, and capsicum has been shown to help restore energy to the system. This combination is an excellent combination of herbs to feed and nourish the entire system. It provides nourishment for the adrenals, in the form of licorice, and also for the thyroid, in the form of kelp. The bee pollen in this combination helps to nourish and supply energy to the body. Barley grass nourishes and cleans the body, while schizandra, which is an adaptogen herb, increases the energy supply of cells in the brain, muscles, liver, kidneys, glands, nerves, and in the entire body. The combination of herbs will rebuild the blood, liver, and digestive system.

The following are a few suggestions that can be followed to help deal with and prevent chronic fatigue syndrome. Exercise is very helpful, with even mild exercise helping to increase stamina and oxygenate cells. Exercise also helps to improve sleep. Allergies can be involved in chronic fatigue syndrome, so it is important to look into food allergies, chemicals, and heavy metals, and eliminate them. Anytime there is inflammation in the body that is accompanied by pain, swelling, heat, and redness, allergies are likely the culprits. When the immune system is weak, candida is usually involved.

Candida and Chronic Fatigue Syndrom

A candida diet would help to restore natural flora to the system. Candida can prevent the body from using sugars properly, which blocks the body’s energy production and causes extreme fatigue. To restore the friendly bacteria, use acidophilus on an empty stomach and eat unsweetened yogurt. If candida is involved, it is important to eliminate sugar, alcohol, mushrooms and all fungi, molds, and yeast in any form. It is also important to eliminate fermented foods. Look into leaky gut syndrome, which typically allows germs, viruses, bacteria, worms, and parasites to flourish. When they flourish, the immune and nervous system become weak, causing diseases such as chronic fatigue syndrome to weaken the body.

Trying natural remedies like Fatigue to fantastic herbal supplements may help ease chronic fatigue.


Good Colon Health Is Essential To Feeling Good

Date: July 21, 2010 02:55 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Good Colon Health Is Essential To Feeling Good

There was once a case of a young man who had felt sick for years. Although it was nothing intense, it was just enough to make him feel listless, tired, and depressed. His medical doctors prescribed him a list of medications, but nothing seemed to help. Eventually, he went to a chiropractor who was also trained in nutrition. After a few urine tests and an examination of his diet, the chiropractor was able to diagnose the man’s problem as auto-intoxication. This meant that his body was actually being poisoned by his intestinal tract.

Auto-intoxication, also known as intestinal toxemia, is a condition that is brought on by eating the wrong types and amounts of food that certain bacteria can thrive upon and produce toxins from. These toxins permeate into the bloodstream and are carried into the rest of the body. Symptoms of auto-intoxication include fatigue, nervousness, gastrointestinal conditions, skin diseases, headaches, endocrine and circulatory disturbances, and others.

The chiropractor placed the young man on a regime of low-protein, high complex-carbohydrate, low-fat foods, with the main emphasis being on raw fruits and vegetables. The young man felt great within a month. His symptoms had gradually disappeared. He states that it was frustrating to suffer for so long when the answer to his problem was a change in diet. The diet changes were not hard for him. After so long being sick, he was willing to try almost anything. He claims that the relief he feels today has made the diet changes worthwhile. The toxins which are formed and sent into the bloodstream are sent to the liver first, where some, but not all, of them are filtered out. They are then sent back into the bloodstream where they poison various cells. Finally, they are excreted by the kidneys into urine, making their presence able to be detected through a urinalysis.

A lot of medical literature has been published that supports the link between illness and intestinal toxemia. The following are just a few examples of this literature. One doctor studied 472 cases of allergies, with allergies clearing up when intestinal toxemia was eliminated. After 23 years of observation, another doctor stated that toxemia is the underlying cause of asthma. About 50% of all cases of inflammatory arthritis can be greatly helped by removing the toxins that are formed in the intestine. Similarly, about 25% of all cases of irregular heartbeats seem to respond well to the elimination of toxemia. Several hundred cases of ear, nose, and throat diseases were from auto-intoxications. A high protein diet that is combined with intestinal stagnation has been shown to cause toxemia of pregnancy.

It was found that many cases of eye disease respond well when the intestinal toxins are eliminated from the picture. Both mental and physical nervous system diseases may result form auto-intoxication. One paper reported that 517 cases of mental symptoms that ranged from mental sluggishness to hallucinations were relieved by eliminating intestinal toxemia. Recent research has actually found that toxemia is related to schizophrenia.

The process of aging is even sped up by toxins in the body. Low back pain and sciatica can be caused by nerves that are irritated by intestinal toxins. One doctor reported that intestinal toxemia is an important causative factor in the production of a variety of skin diseases. Breast diseases have self-healed when auto-intoxication has been removed from the picture. It seems that the answer to many health problems is building up the immune system with a healthy diet that is high in complex-carbohydrates, low in fats, and contains an abundance of fruits and vegetables.

Increasing fiber in the diet can help colon function and eliminate the compounds that cause auto-intoxication. Acidophilus can help restore the intestinal balance once the colon has been cleansed boosting digestion and immune health. Look to your local or internet health food store for quality colon support supplements.

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Natural Remedies To Control Blood Sugar

Date: June 17, 2010 01:32 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Natural Remedies To Control Blood Sugar

Diabetes has now been found to be the seventh leading cause of death in the United States and Canada. It is a chronic disorder of carbohydrate, fat, and protein metabolism. The disease starts off as a variety of metabolic changes that are associated with hyperinsulinemenia and hyperglycemia. When this happens, Insulin Resistance Syndrome results, which is a precursor to actual, full-blown, diabetes. If left untreated, insulin resistance will develop into full-blown diabetes, which includes greatly magnified risks of heart disease, stroke, eye and kidney disease, and loss of nerve function. It should be noted that diabetes is the principal cause of adult blindness and limb amputation.

Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes. In this type of diabetes, the body either does not produce enough insulin or the cells ignore the insulin. Insulin is crucial for the body to be able to use glucose for energy. The body breaks down all of the sugars and starches that you consume into glucose, while insulin takes the glucose from the blood into the cells. When glucose builds up in the blood instead of going into the cells, the cells may be starved for energy immediately, and high blood sugar glucose levels over time can cause damage to your eyes, kidneys, nerves, and heart. Diabetes occurs in people of all ages and races, with some groups having a higher risk for developing it than others. Diabetes is more common in African Americans, Latinos, Native Americans, and Asian Americans, as well as the older aged population.

Non-insulin-dependent diabetes, also known as type 2 diabetes, is a disease that is strongly associated with a sedentary lifestyle and the modern western diet. Inadequate physical activity, along with a diet that is high in refined sugars, saturated fats, and proteins, and simultaneously low in dietary fiber has resulted in an obesity epidemic throughout the United States and Canada. With this epidemic has risen the prevalence of type 2 diabetes. In fact, obesity is a main factor in type 2 diabetes, with almost 90% of those diagnosed with type 2 diabetes being obese at the time of diagnosis. Although there is still a disagreement as to whether obesity actually causes type 2 diabetes or whether diabetes causes obesity, there is one thing that is clear: the disease involves a huge disturbance to the metabolic balance of the body and weight is a major factor in blood sugar management. This disturbance leads to dramatic consequences for the individual.

In order to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, it is crucial that one prevents the onset of insulin resistance. Unfortunately, millions of North Americans unknowingly suffer from this syndrome. This places them at an increased risk for cardiovascular and neurological dysfunctions. Research has shown that complications that are associated with the development of insulin resistance may be mitigated effectively by conscientious dietary and lifestyle changes along with weight loss.

Vitamins B3, B6, B12, C, E, biotin, coenzyme Q10, and the trace elements chromium, magnesium, manganese, and zinc are all crucial for proper blood sugar defense and metabolic support, as well as the regulation of glucose metabolism. Supplementation with these nutrients at levels that are determined to be suitable for optimal nutritional health by cited nutritional authorities is an important part of product-rating criteria. Nutritional experts ask themselves whether the product in question contains vitamin B3, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, vitamin C, vitamin E, biotin, coenzyme Q10, chromium, magnesium, manganese, and zinc at potencies that are up to 100% of the potencies for these nutrients in the Blended Standard.

Excess weight seems to be a key factor in type 2 diabetes so it seems to reason that reducing body fat can help one improve insulin sensitivity. Losing weight is no easy task but is possible with consistent work. Fortunately, heath food stores have vitamin formulas that may help improve insulin sensitivity, but this is no substitute for good clean eating and exercise. For additional information on these supplements, please contact your local health food retailer.

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Use Curamin For Painful inflammation and see how your life can change!

Date: June 15, 2010 05:10 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Use Curamin For Painful inflammation and see how your life can change!

Curamin (End Inflammation Pain) 120 caps from EuroPharma Everyone experiences occasional pain at some time in their lives. We use the word pain in our jargon to describe something unpleasant and to indicate the necessity of toughening up such as “no pain no gain”. As common as the word pain may be, there are many misconceptions about pain. Four out of five Americans believe that occasional pain is just natural and unavoidable due largely to getting older. More than one quarter of Americans believe there is absolutely nothing they can do to relieve their personal pain.

Pain is a warning signal that something has gone wrong in the body or that something is damaged. Pain is so unpleasant that it motivates you to remove yourself from the cause of this damage as quickly and completely as possible.

There are four ways to relieve occasional pain:

1. You can leave the pain alone, but flood the body with feel-good substances that push the pain signals out from your consciousness (drugs).

2. you can put the person asleep and do surgical procedures to cut nerves and stop the pain.

3. You can impact the nervous system the internal wiring that carry the pain signals to dull them so that the signal becomes less distinct and weaker.

4. You can target what is causing the pain in the first place (most recommended). Occasional pain can be perfectly normal for instance, starting a new exercise routine when you are a bit out of shape. When dealing with type of pain, helping the body to balance its inflammation response can have tremendous impact.

This is where curamin is the answer to pain problems. turmeric root sample for article Curamin contains four high potency ingredients that make it work so well. The first ingredient is curcumin from Turmeric. Curcumin is a super antioxidant with a ORAC value of 1592.27 each gram. That’s 24 times stronger than blueberries. Curamin also contains Boswellia, DLPA (DL-phenylalanine) which help fight inflammation and maximize the endorphins and enkiphalins in our own body. It finally contains nattokinase which is a systemic enzyme known to help improve circulation.

They all break down as follows:

DLPA: DL-phenylalanine is an amino acid consisting of equal parts D-phenylalanine and L-Phenylalanine. D- inhibits the breakdown or compounds called enkephalins. Enkephalins are associated with positive mood and have been shown to relieve occasional muscle pain due to exercise or overuse. L- is converted into tyrosine, which in turn is used to produce brain chemicals norepinephrine and dopamine.

Boswellia: Clinically tested boswellia helps reduce the activity of the inflammatory enzyme, 5-LOX (lipoxygenase). A compound (beta boswellic acid) found in boswellia which interferes with its benefitical activity has been removed, greatly increasing the effectiveness of this extract. boswellia sample for article Curcumin: Curcumin, a compound found in the spice of turmeric, inhibits multiple inflammation pathways in the body. It is also a potent antioxidant. Some of the benefits associated with curcumin include immune system modulation, protection from oxidative stress, and support the body’s natural anti-inflammatory response. The specialized extract in this formula has the highest absorption of any curcumin extract available for maximum health benefit. (Found in Curamin)

Nattokinase: the enzyme nattokinase helps promote blood flow, aiding the other ingredients in the formula to reach all areas of the body.

So if you are suffering from chronic pain, give curamin a try and see how well you can feel. If you are concerned about its effectiveness, have no fear, VitaNet ®, LLC offers a 100% Money back guarantee if the product does not work for you.


Peppermint oil

Date: October 30, 2009 12:45 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Peppermint oil

peppermint leafPeppermint was used by both the Romans and Greeks in some of their sacred rites. It was highly regarded for its medicinal purposes. The Romans used mint as a stomach aid and also to promote digestion. The Greeks also used this herb for a variety of different ailments. Mint can be found all throughout stories in Greek mythology. The leaf of peppermint was used by Native Americans in a tea form as a carminative, in order to prevent vomiting, nausea, and fevers. The peppermint plant is native to Europe. There are many different varieties of peppermint. The plant is actually believed to be a hybrid between spearmint and water mint.

Peppermint leaf is believed to be one of the great herbal remedies and is very useful to have around the house. It is very easy to grow, either in the garden or the home. The herb contains warming oil that is effective as a nerve stimulant. The oil is helpful in increasing oxygen in the blood and working to clean and strengthen the entire body. Peppermint is a great sedative for the stomach. It has been found to contain properties that stimulate the flow of bile and help to settle the stomach after vomiting. The herb is beneficial in dealing with nausea, chills, colic, fevers, gas, and diarrhea. It is able to cleanse, soothe, and relax the body. Peppermint has long been recommended by herbalists for digestive problems. Additionally, it is used for convulsions in infants, to increase respiration, for colds, and to strengthen the entire body.

The menthol that is found in peppermint is believed to be the major component responsible for the medicinal value that it provides. Peppermint plants contain somewhere between fifty and seventy-eight percent menthol. Studies have determined that there are numerous volatile oils in peppermint, which possess antibacterial activity in vitro. It is yet to be determined just how effective peppermint will be in clinical studies. It is also believed that the oil of peppermint is able to sooth gastrointestinal contractions and help to relieve gas. Peppermint’s volatile oils produce relaxation on the smooth muscles. This may be beneficial in conditions such as irritable bowel, abdominal pain, and other gastrointestinal complaints. Research done in 1979 found that peppermint oil capsules were very effective in treating irritable bowel syndrome. A study that was done using laboratory mice found that peppermint leaf extract produces a mild sedative effect. peppermint leafAdditionally, animal studies have found that the azulene in peppermint oil contains anti-inflammatory properties.

The leaves and oil of the peppermint plant are used to provide antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic, aromatic, carminative, diaphoretic, rubefacient, and stimulant properties. The primary nutrients found in this herb are copper, iodine, inositol, iron, magnesium, niacin, potassium, silicon, sulfur, and vitamins A and C. Primarily, peppermint is extremely beneficial in dealing with appetite loss, colds, colic, digestion, fever, gas, headaches, heartburn, nausea, nerves, shock, bowel spasms, and vomiting.

Additionally, the herb is very helpful in treating chills, cholera, constipation, convulsions, stomach cramps, uterine cramps, depression, dizziness, flu, heart problems, insomnia, menstrual problems, morning sickness, motion sickness, neuralgia, shingles, mouth sores, stomach spasms, and sore throat. In order to obtain the best results when supplementing with this make sure the peppermint supplement is enteric coated. For more information on the many beneficial effects provided by pennyroyal, please feel free to consult a representative from your local health food store with questions.


Ginkgo Biloba

Date: October 01, 2009 11:57 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Ginkgo Biloba

In the past decade, ginkgo has received much attention. It has been revered throughout China and other areas of Asia for thousands of years. However, its popularity increased in Western countries. An increase in sales can be attributed to interest in the benefits of ginkgo on conditions that are associated with aging like Alzheimer’s, memory loss, dementia, and circulatory disorders. Often, gingko is used to increase the blood flow to the brain, which improves memory problems like Alzheimer’s, to prevent strokes, and to increase blood circulation through vasodialation. The improved circulation is also thought to improve ear conditions, help blood flow to the retina, aid in preventing muscular degeneration, reduce frequency of asthma attacks, and help transplant recipients avoid rejection.

The ability of ginkgo to boost brain function has been studied extensively. Most importantly, ginkgo increases oxygen supply to brain cells, as the brain is the body’s most sensitive organ to oxygen deprivation. Additionally, ginkgo has been used to improve electrical transmission in nerves and supply more oxygen and nutrients to brain cells. The effect that ginkgo has on the brain and circulatory system disorders seems to be extremely promising for a variety of conditions. Ginkgo has also been found to be effective in treating migraine headaches. In one study that took place in 1975, ginkgo extract was given to individuals who were suffering from migraines. Results concluded that eighty percent of the patients showed improvement or were cured of the condition.

Ginkgo extract has also helped dementia that results from poor blood flow to the brain. Senile dementia is often recognized by depression, unusual fatigue, and memory problems. Ginkgo has the ability to help improve circulation to the brain tissue, which in turn improves brain function.

Blood platelet aggregation, or clotting, can cause serious problems in the body. Among these are strokes, heart attacks, and coronary thrombosis. It has been found that ginkgo can reduce the tendency for platelets to stick together and prevent them from forming clots in the arteries and veins.

The brain and nervous system are extremely sensitive to free-radical damage because of the high percentage of unsaturated fatty acids. It has been found that ginkgo’s antioxidant activity is particularly powerful in these areas, along with the eye and retina. This is extremely helpful in conditions like retinopathy, cataracts and macular degeneration. The central nervous system possesses fat lipids in the cell membranes that are typically attracted by free radicals. Ginkgo can help protect these cell membranes and prevent condition which can occur in the brain and nervous system that are often associated with aging, like memory loss.

The leaves of the ginkgo plant are used to provide adaptogen, alterative, antioxidant, antiseptic, and stimulant properties. Primarily, ginkgo is extremely helpful in treating ADHD, Alzheimer’s disease, lack of attention span, blood clots, cardiovascular disorders, poor circulation, dementia, dizziness, edema, impotence, inflammation, ischemia, memory loss, lack of mental clarity, multiple sclerosis, muscular degeneration, PMS, Raynaud’s disease, senility, stress, stroke, and tinnitus.

Additionally, this herb is very helpful in dealing with allergies, angina, anxiety, arthritis, asthma, cancer, carpal tunnel syndrome, coughs, depression, lack of equilibrium, eye problems, hearing problems, hemorrhoids, lung disorders, migraines, mood swings, toxic shock syndrome, transplant rejection, varicose veins, vascular problems, and vertigo.


Eyebright Herb

Date: September 25, 2009 10:56 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Eyebright Herb

The eyebright plant is elegant and small, growing between two and eight inches high. This plant is an annual, commonly growing on heaths and other dry pastures, especially on chalky soil. The plant flowers from July to September and has deeply cut leaves and small, white or purplish flowers. The stem is erect and wiry. It comes in either unbranched, small specimines, or with many opposite branches. The leaves are tiny, about 1/6 to ½ inches in length and opposite to one another on the lower portion of the stem. The flowers, which are white or lilac, have purple veins and terminal spikes. The structure of the flower places the plant in the Scrophulariaceae family. The seeds in this flower are produced in tiny, flattened capsules, and are numerous and ribbed.

When a bee visitor comes in search of the honey lying around the ovary at the bottom the petal tube, it knocks against the anther spurs, setting the pollen free so that it falls on the insect’s head. When visiting the next flower, the bee will then rub its head against the outstanding stigma, in which cross-fertilization takes place.

The eyebright plant has white petals that have a red or purple tinge, resembling bloodshot eyes. It is this appearance that is thought to be the reason for the use of eyebright in treating eye irritations as far back as the Middle Ages. Topical applications of this herb were prescribed by Dioscorides and Theophrastus for eye infections.

The eyebright plant will not grow readily in a garden if it is transplanted unless it is protected by grass. The reason for this is that it is a semi-parasite and relies on its nourishment on the roots of other plants. Above ground, the plant appears to be a perfectly normal plant, with flowers and bright green leaves. But below the surface, suckers from its roots spread around and lie on the rootlets of the grass plants surrounding it. The grass preyed upon does not suffer very much. The eyebright plant, being an annual, renews itself each year. For centuries, eyebright has been the herb of choice for treating eye irritations. It is extremely helpful in conditions that involve the mucous membranes. This herb can help to relieve eye irritations or eyestrain when used as eyewash. The herb’s antiseptic properties allow it to help fight eye infections. Traditional uses of eyebright include eye problems such as failing vision, eye inflammation, eye ulcers, conjunctivitis, and eyestrain. This herb is able to strengthen all parts of the eye and provide elasticity to the nerves and optic devices that are essential for sight. Additionally, eyebright is stimulating to the liver, as it helps cleanse the blood.

The entire eyebright plant is used to provide alterative, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, astringent, bitter, and stimulant properties. The primary nutrients found in this herb are copper, iodine, iron, silicon, vitamins A, B, B-complex, C, D, and E, and zinc. Primarily, eyebright is extremely beneficial in dealing with blood impurities, cataracts, colds, conjunctivitis, eye disorders and infections, eyestrain, and glaucoma.

Additionally, this herb is very helpful in treating black eyes, sinus congestion, coughs, hay fever, headaches, hoarseness, memory loss, and sties. For more information on the many beneficial effects provided by this herb, please feel free to contact a representative from your local health food store.


Hops And Good health

Date: September 20, 2009 08:47 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Hops And Good health

Hops are the female flower cones, which are also known as strobiles, of the hop plant. The hop plant is part of the Cannabaceae family, which also includes hemp. Primarily, hops are used as a flavoring and stability agent in beer. The first documented use in beer is from the eleventh century. Today, hops are used extensively in brewing because of their many benefits. Among these are balancing the sweetness of the hops with bitterness. However, hops are also used for various purposes in other beverages and herbal medicine.

Nicholas Culpeper, a seventeenth-century herbalist, suggested the use of hops to open obstructions of the liver and spleen, cleanse the blood, loosen the belly, cleanse the veins, and promote urination. Hops were used as food by the Romans. Gerard, a famous herbalist, recommended using the buds in salads. Native American tribes also found hops to be of value. The Mohicans used it as a sedative and also for toothaches, while the Menominee tribes used hops as a cure-all. The lupulin that is found in hops is described as both a sedative and hypnotic drug. It was recognized in the U.S. Pharmacopoeia from 1831 to 1916. Most often, hops are probably used in the production of beer.

Hops are best known for their sedative action. Also, they are used for their antibiotic properties. These properties are beneficial for sore throats, bronchitis, infections, high fevers, delirium, toothaches, earaches, and pain. Although hops are strong, they seem to be safe to use. Their main uses are to alleviate nervous tension and promote a restful sleep. They have been used to naturally relieve insomnia. For inflammation, boils, tumors, and swelling, a poultice of hops is recommended. Hops have been used as a stimulant to the glands and muscles of the stomach. They have also been used as a relaxant on the gastric nerves. Hops have a relaxing influence on the liver and gall duct and a laxative effect on the bowels. Many studies indicate that hops have sedative properties. This herb is known to be fast-acting, soothing, and calming to the nervous system. Hops are often nervine herbs that aid in promoting sleep. Certain elements of the plant have been shown to possess hypnotic effects. Hops are also used for their antispasmodic effects. Additionally, hops contain antibacterial properties, which validates some of their historical uses.

The flower of the hops plant is used to provide alterative, anodyne, antibacterial, antibiotic, antineoplastic, carminative, cholagogue, galactagogue, nervine, sedative, stomachic, and vulnerary properties. The primary nutrients found in this herb are chlorine, copper, fluorine, iodine, iron, lead, magnesium, manganese, sodium, vitamin B-complex, and zinc. Primarily, this herb is extremely beneficial in treating appetite loss, bronchitis, delirium, gastric disorders, headaches, hyperactivity, and indigestion, insomnia, absent lactation, nervousness, pain, and excessive sexual desire.

Additionally, this herb is very helpful in dealing with alcoholism, anxiety, blood impurities, coughs, intestinal cramps, dizziness, earaches, fevers, gas, jaundice, kidney stones, liver disorders, menstrual symptoms, menopausal symptoms, neuralgia, restlessness, rheumatism, skin disorders, sleeplessness, toothache, ulcers, venereal diseases, water retention, whooping cough, and worms. For more information on the many beneficial effects provided by hops, please feel free to contact a representative from your local health food store with questions.


Gotu Kola And Memory

Date: September 15, 2009 04:30 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Gotu Kola And Memory

For centuries, gotu kola has been used in India and the islands of the Indian Ocean as a tonic and medicinal remedy. The herb was thought to increase longevity and improve energy. It was used in ancient days to treat leprosy, calm nerves, increase mental and physical power, stimulate and rejuvenate the brain, prevent nervous disorders, and avoid mental fatigue and senility.

This herb is considered to be one of the best herbal tonics, which is a substance that works to put the body into balance. A tonic makes sure that everything is working properly, while an herbal tonic helps to promote an optimum state in the body systems. This herb is responsible for gradually building the nervous system as a nervous system tonic. Gotu kola has been used for many different maladies, which include nervous disorders, deficient mental function, memory problems, epilepsy, and schizophrenia. The herb works by cleansing and purifying the blood by neutralizing acids and helping the body defend itself against toxins.

Research has found that an ingredient in gotu kola, known as asiaticoside, is responsible for speeding the healing of wounds. This ingredient is considered a blood cleanser and is also effective for diseases of the lungs. The herb stimulates the capillaries and helps to improve brain function, varicose veins, and hypertension.

Gotu kola is often used to increase mental function and performance. A variety of studies have confirmed this herb’s ability to improve brain function. It is often prescribed in Europe and India for this purpose. Studies done in India have found the water extract of fresh leaves helps to improve memory and learning. Additionally, it was found to help overcome the negative effects that are associated with stress and fatigue.

Additional clinical trials in India have found that gotu kola is able to help increase the IQ and mental ability of mentally retarded children. The children that were involved in this study showed improved mental capacity and behavior. This herb was given to children in combination with capsicum and ginseng. This improved behavior and mental capacity can help individuals who have mental and learning disabilities to achieve a higher quality of life.

In ancient times, gotu kola was used to heal wounds and soothe cases of leprosy. One of the first studies done on this herb was with cases of leprosy. The asiaticoside content found in gotu kola has been used for years in Europe and the Far East to cure leprosy and tuberculosis. Recent studies on this herb center more on its healing ability. Gotu kola seems to be able to accelerate the healing of wounds and skin diseases. Additionally, it has been shown to be beneficial in helping repair tissue after surgery and trauma. The herb has the ability to strengthen veins and repair connective tissue, while nourishing the motor neurons.

The entire gotu kola plant is used to provide alterative, antiasthmatic, antispasmodic, blood purifier, diuretic, and nervine properties. The primary nutrients in this herb are catechol, epicatechol, magnesium, theobromine, and vitamin K. Primarily, gotu kola is extremely helpful in dealing with aging, arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure, poor circulation, fatigue, heart problems, hypoglycemia, leprosy, memory loss, mental problems, nervousness, and senility.

Additionally, this herb is beneficial in treating blood impurities, depression, dysentery, fevers, headaches, insomnia, liver ailments, menopausal symptoms, pituitary problems, psoriasis, rheumatism, schizophrenia, thyroid problems, tonsillitis, effects of toxins, tuberculosis, varicose veins, lack of vitality, and wounds. For more information on the many beneficial effects provided by gotu kola, please contact a representative from your local health food store.



Date: August 31, 2009 01:36 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Horsetail

Horsetail has been used for healing in both Chinese and Asian cultures. During times of famine, the Romans ate horsetail shoots, while Native Americans used horsetail as a diuretic for kidney problems, cancer, and dropsy to increase blood circulation. The Hopi tribe in New Mexico mixed horsetail and cornmeal as a mush and in their bread. One of the oldest plants on the earth, horsetail is approximately two hundred million years old. It used to be a giant fernlike plant. However, there are now around twenty species of the original plant living today. These species are small in comparison to the original plant and are usually considered to be a nuisance. The species Equisetum arvense is a small perennial fern plant that is most common in North America.

The horsetail plant is a descendent of huge tree-like plants that thrived 400 million years ago during the Paleozoic era. The plant is a non-flowering weed that can be found throughout parts of Europe, Asia, the Middle East, and North America. This plant returns each year with hollow stems and shoots that resemble asparagus. As the plant dries, silica crystals, which form in the stems and branches, give the plant the scratching effect that made it historically useful for polishing metal.

Horsetail is believed to aid the immune system and the nervous system because of its silica content. The nerves contain almost the same amount of silica as does the albumin in the blood. The pancreas is especially rich in silica. Silica is found combined with fluorine in the enamel of the teeth. Additionally, hair needs silica to grow, and it is needed as a protection for the skin and cell walls. This herb helps in treating urinary tract problems. It contains silicic acid, which is responsible for helping with circulation of the blood. This herb is also credited with helping coagulate the blood and decreasing blood flow. An externally-applied decoction has the ability to stop bleeding of wounds and help with healing. Horsetail can also be used as a mouthwash for mouth infections. Often found in calcium combinations, horsetail is helpful in building the skeletal system and improving bone structure. The silica that is found in horsetail also helps in healing bones, keeping the arteries clean, and facilitating the absorption of calcium in the body.

This herb is known for its antibiotic properties and its contribution to the overall healing process. Horsetail is also thought to help with bleeding, urinary and prostate disorders, bed-wetting, skin problems, and lung disease. Horsetail also possesses a weak diuretic effect, which is most notably due to the equisetonin and the flavone glycosides.

In short, the entire horsetail herb is used to provide alterative, antilithic, antineoplastic, astringent, diuretic, emmenagogue, galactogogue, lithotriptic, nephritic, nutritive, and vulnerary properties. The primary nutrients found in this herb are flavonoids, iodine, iron, manganese, PABA, pantothenic acid, silicon, sodium, and vitamin E. Primarily, this herb is extremely beneficial in treating arthritis, poor circulation, diabetes, glandular problems, weak hair, kidney stones, weak nails, nervousness, osteoporosis, parasites, rheumatism, and urinary problems.

Additionally, this herb is very helpful in dealing with edema, eyestrain, gas, gout, heart problems, hemorrhage, incontinence, liver disorders, membrane irritations, neuralgia, palsy, skin disorders, tumors, and water retention. For more information on the many beneficial effects provided by horsetail, please feel free to contact a representative from your local health food store.


Caralluma extract

Date: August 24, 2009 11:32 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Caralluma extract

Caralluma is a succulent plant that is part of the cactus family. It can be found growing wild in Africa, the Canary Islands, India, and southern Europe, Sri Lanka, and Afghanistan. The herb has been used in Indian for centuries in order to curb appetite. It is a portable food for hunting and also an endurance enhancer. This herb was also used during periods of famine in order to curb appetite.

The caralluma plant is part of the Apoxynaceae family. It has been eaten in rural Indian for centuries, raw, as a vegetable with spices, or preserved in chutneys and pickles. It is often found as a roadside shrub or boundary marker. Caralluma has been used as a portable food and thirst quencher for hunting. Caralluma is mainly used for its ability to suppress hunger and appetite, while enhancing stamina. Tribesmen on a daily hunt will often only pack some caralluma to sustain themselves, which is why it is commonly known as a famine food in India.

The working class in India used this plant not only as an appetite suppressant, but also to increase energy and endurance. Caralluma can be coked as a vegetable, pickled, used in chutneys, or eaten raw.

This herb seems to block the activity of many fat-promoting enzymes in the body. It forces fat reserves to be burned. One double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized clinical trial on caralluma extract, which involved fifty people, showed significant reductions in all key indicators of weight loss.

This plant is also believed to affect the appetite-control mechanism that is found in the brain. When we eat, nerves in our stomach send a signal to the brain’s hypothalamus. This is the appetite-controlling center. When the stomach is full, the hypothalamus informs the brain that it can stop eating. When a person feels hunger, it is the result of the hypothalamus sending a signal to the brain to eat. The interference with these signals, or even creating a sign of its own, is done by caralluma. Through this, the brain is tricked into thinking that the stomach is full, even if the person has not eaten.

Patients who use caralluma have reported having more energy. Additionally, they tend to gain lean muscle mass while they lose fat. This herb not only reduces fat synthesis, but it also boosts the burning of fat. This makes more energy available for the body as a whole.

The plant has no known toxicity or side effects. However, it is wise to consult a health care professional before supplementing with this, or any nutrient while on prescription medications.

The entire caralluma plant is used to provide anorectic and energy boosting properties. The primary nutrients found in this herb are bitters principles, flavones glycosides, megastigmane glycosides, pregnane glycosides, and seponins. Primarily, this herb is extremely beneficial in dealing with low energy and obesity. It also acts as an appetite suppressant. For more information on the many beneficial effects provided by caralluma, please feel free to contact a representative from your local health food store.


Mullein Leaves

Date: August 13, 2009 03:49 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Mullein Leaves

The mullein is a genus of about 250 species of flowering plants. They are all part of the figwort family. Mullein plants can be found growing natively in Europe and Asia. The highest species diversity can be found in the Mediterranean region. The mullein plant is a biennial or perennial plant that grows from 0.5 to three meters tall. They have leaves that are spirally arranged and often densely hairy. The flowers have five symmetrical petals and can be yellow, orange, red-brown, purple, blue, or white depending upon the species.

Mullein was suggested to be used in treating eye problems, tonsillitis, coughs, stings, and toothaches by Dioscorides. This herb was first introduced to America by the early European settlers. Native Americans used mullein to treat lung problems, with some tribes even smoking the leaves to treat asthma. Mullein was used during the Civil War for respiratory problems. It was made into syrup for coughs. Dr. Edward Shook referred to mullein as a great herb for treating tuberculosis and other lung problems.

Mullein is traditionally well known for its use in treating respiratory disorders such as asthma, bronchitis, coughs, tuberculosis, and congestion. The herb can help to loosen mucus from the respiratory and lymphatic systems. Mullein both nourishes and strengthens the lungs. This herb is also used to relieve pain, soothe hemorrhoids, treat burns and bruises, and to induce sleep. Mullein has a calming effect on tissues that are inflamed and irritated nerves. Mullein helps to control coughs, cramps, and spasms. In tea form, this herb is good for dropsy, sinusitis, swollen joints, and can be applied to mumps, tumors, a sore throat, and tonsillitis. Though this herb has been used traditionally for centuries, there is still very little information known of its healing components.

Recent research has determined that the saponins, mucilage, and tannins in this herb contribute to the soothing topical effect that it possesses. These properties are ideal for treating lung ailments, coughs, colds, asthma, whooping cough, and emphysema. Also, this herb is suggested for pain, as a sleep aid, a laxative, and to get rid of warts. One study concluded that mullein inhibits the growth of bacteria, which is a known cause of tuberculosis in vitro.

The leaves of the mullein plant are used to provide analgesic, anticatarrhal, antispasmodic, antitussive, astringent, demulcent, diuretic, expectorant, mucilant, and vulnerary properties. The primary nutrients found in this herb are calcium, iron, potassium, sulfur, and vitamins A, B-complex, and D. Primarily, this herb is extremely beneficial in treating allergies, hay fever, asthma, bleeding of the bowels, bleeding of the lungs, bronchitis, colds, sinus congestion, coughs, croup, diarrhea, dysentery, earaches, emphysema, glandular problems, hemorrhages, insomnia, swollen joints, lung disorders, lymphatic congestion, irritated membranes, nervousness, pain, pleurisy, pulmonary disease, and tuberculosis. Additionally, mullein is very helpful in dealing with bruises, constipation, diaper rash, edema, eye problems, intestinal problems, menstrual symptoms, mumps, skin disorders, sore throat, toothaches, tumors, venereal diseases, ulcers, warts, and wounds.

In order to obtain the best results when supplementing with this, or any herb, it is important to consult your health care provider before beginning any regimen while on medications. For more information on the many beneficial effects provided by mullein, please feel free to consult a representative from your local health food store with questions.



Date: August 10, 2009 12:52 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: skullcap

The Cherokee tribe used scullcap as an emmenagogue. It was also used historically as an anti-convulsant. An Asian scullcap has been used by Chinese physicians as a tranquilizer, sedative, and to treat convulsion. The herb was used in the eighteenth century as a treatment for rabies by some physicians. Later, it was recommended by eclectic physicians for insomnia, nervousness, malaria, and convulsions. The herb was officially listed in the U.S. Pharmacopoeia from 1863 to 1916. It was also found in the National Formulary from 1916 to 1947.

This herb is responsible for treating a variety of conditions. Among these include pain, anxiety, high blood pressure, and epilepsy. scullcap is well known for its ability to calm the nerves and also to help with all nervous system conditions. Additionally, it has been used to treat infertility, fatigue, inflamed tissues, digestion, coughs, and headaches. Some herbalists consider scullcap to be one of the best nervine herbs that is available. It has been used as a nerve tonic. It also can promote a feeling of well-being and promote relaxed sleep. Some people recommend scullcap for problems that are associated with drug and alcohol withdrawal, as it may lessen the severity of the symptoms. Traditional uses of this herb have included infertility, regulation of sexual desire, and as a remedy for cramps and pain.

Research one in both Europe and Russia has proven the benefits of scullcap as a tranquilizer as well as a mild sedative. The herb is recommended for use in nervous conditions in order to induce sleep and relaxation. Some evidence has shown that Asian scullcap contains component which inhibit the enzyme sialidase. This enzyme is known to increase in certain disease states like cancer, infections, and inflammations. Another study done in vitro found an antibacterial and antifungal activity in scullcap. Some early evidence has also been found of scullcap’s ability to treat high blood pressure. The herb is used and prescribed widely in Europe. Studies using animals in Japan showed that scullcap has the ability to increase the levels of good cholesterol and prevent serum cholesterol levels from rising. This study was done on rabbits, as they were fed a high-cholesterol diet. These findings suggest that scullcap may also act as a heart disease and stroke preventive.

The entire scullcap herb is used to provide alterative, analgesic, antibacterial, antifungal, antispasmodic, febrifuge, nervine, and sedative properties. The primary nutrients found in this herb are calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, vitamins C and E, and zinc. Primarily, scullcap is extremely beneficial in treating anxiety, high blood pressure, convulsions, epilepsy, infertility, insomnia, nerve problems, and restlessness.

Additionally, this herb is very helpful in dealing with alcoholism, poisonous bites, childhood diseases, chorea, poor circulation, coughing, delirium, drug withdrawal, fevers, hangover, headaches, hydrophobia, hypertension, hypoglycemia, insanity, neuralgia, pain, palsy, Parkinson’s disease, rabies, rheumatism, rickets, spasms, spinal meningitis, thyroid problems, tremors, and urinary problems. In order to obtain the best results when supplementing with this, or any herb, it is important to consult your health care provider before beginning any regimen. For more information on the many beneficial effects provided by scullcap, please feel free to consult a representative from your local health food store with questions.

Buy Skullcap at Vitanet ® LLC



Date: August 04, 2009 12:50 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Schizandra

The schizandra plant belongs to the family of the Magnoliaceae family. The herb is a creeping woody vine that is native to both China and Japan. The fruit of the schizandra plant has a sweet, salty, bitter, hot, and sour taste. This explains the Chinese name for it, wu wei zi, which means five taste fruit. The seeds of the schizandra plant are both bitter and pungent. Along with the phytochemicals, schizandra is also rich in minerals, vitamins, and essential oils. Schizandra fruit can be found growing wildly in northern China. There, it has been used as a natural medicine for thousands of years. It is often prescribed by physicians in that region. The herb was listed in a book on pharmacy written in the sixteen century by Li Schizheng. Schizandra is used to increase energy; replenish and nourish the viscera, which are the internal abdominal organs; improve vision; boost muscular activity; and soothe both coughs and digestive upsets. In short, schizandra is an adaptogenic, Asian herb that is gaining popularity throughout the world.

This herb helps the body to heal itself. It can help increase energy in the cells of the brain, muscles, liver, kidney, glands, nerves, and the entire body. Schizandra good for adrenals and stimulates the immune system and protects against free-radical damage, radiation, and the effects of sugar, as well as boosting stamina, normalizing blood sugar and blood pressure, and protecting against infections. This herb has a tonic action on the immune system, as well as other body system. For this reason, it can be taken regularly. Schizandra is able to help protect the body from both viral and bacterial infections.

Scientific research has determined that schizandra is antibacterial, stimulant, and protects the liver against toxins. Problems with the liver can lead to immune disorders because of the buildup of toxins. This herb has also been found to help allergies, depression, and fatigue in mice. The herb has been found to protect against the effects of alcohol in laboratory mice. Additional studies have determined that this herb has a mild regenerative effect on the liver. The herb has been used effectively in China to treat infectious hepatitis. Schizandra seems to have a liver-protective effect that is similar to that of milk thistle extracts.

In short, the berries of the schizandra plant are used to provide alterative, antibacterial, astringent, and sedative properties. The primary nutrients found in this herb are calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, silicon, sodium, and vitamin C. Primarily, schizandra is extremely beneficial in treating diabetes, lack of energy, fatigue, impotence, lack of mental alertness, nervous disorders, and stress. Additionally, this herb is very helpful in dealing with aging, anxiety, arteriosclerosis, asthma, high blood pressure, coughs, diarrhea, edema, gastritis, heart palpitations, hepatitis, indigestion, infections, insomnia, kidney disorders, lung disorders, motion sickness, effects of radiation, uterine problems, and poor vision.

In order to obtain the best results when supplementing with this, or any herb, it is important to consult your health care provider before beginning any regimen. For more information on the many beneficial effects provided by schizandra, please feel free to consult a representative from your local health food store with questions.

Schizandra is available at your local or internet health food store in capsule or tablet forms. Always look for name brands of schizandra to ensure that you purchase a product that is high quality and pure.


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