

Cannabis may help with curing dementia

old message Cannabis may help with curing dementia Darrell Miller 05/20/17


Date: May 20, 2017 08:44 AM
Subject: Cannabis may help with curing dementia

There are many problems which cannabis is supposed to help with. One of these is dementia. This is a condition the elderly often gt. It is hard to deal with because the person who gets it becomes confused and can't take care of themselves. They often need to be watched all the time. If cannabis can help that will be a good thing for many. The arguments surrounding cannabis are constantly raging back and forth because it's not known for certain if it helps as much as claims say.

Key Takeaways:

  • Human trials have not been conducted. However the results in mice give a lot of hope.
  • Studies show that THC in cannabis help older mice have more agile minds.
  • Studies are being done in the UK to see how cannabis impacts the brain on a molecular level.

"Research on cannabis use by adolescents has found compelling evidence that regular, heavy use can impair the memory."

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